The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Miss Knoxville and ‘White Privilege’

Posted on | November 9, 2021 | Comments Off on Miss Knoxville and ‘White Privilege’

One of the most toxic phrases of left-wing social-justice rhetoric is “white privilege,” which serves to demonize white people as beneficiaries of unfair advantages. This phrase originated in elite academia, where many white people do, in fact, come from privileged backgrounds. But the vast majority of white people in America are working class or lower-middle class, working hard just to pay their bills. To accuse such people of benefitting from “privilege” is an insult, but this rhetoric is necessary to the “social justice” calculus of the Left who, in search of a scapegoat to blame for hardships experienced by racial minorities, stigmatize white people — all white people — as malevolent perpetrators of oppression.

J.D. Vance’s Hillbilly Elegy was an effort to correct this record, to make clear that minorities do not have a monopoly on poverty, and to portray lower-class whites as deserving of sympathy.

Thinking of people as collective groups, and then presenting group averages (income, etc.) as evidence of injustice, is a dishonest endeavor, but whatever lies are necessary to help elect Democrats, their media allies will enthusiastically promote. Don’t expect anyone at CNN or the New York Times to point out how deceptive group averages can be, when discussing complex social phenomena. The fact that both Bill Gates and I are white males — members of the same group — illustrates what’s wrong with this group average way of talking about “social justice.” If you combined my annual income with Bill Gates’s annual income, then divided by 2, our “average” income is pretty high, but I don’t actually have any access to Gates’s wealth, so being part of the same identity-politics category doesn’t benefit me at all.

Glenn Reynolds calls attention to a local news story in Knoxville:

East Tennessee Children’s Hospital nurse Paige Clark is one of the hardest workers that WATE’s Lori Tucker says she has ever met. At one point during undergrad studies at the University of Tennessee, Clark was working 60 hours a week clogging at Pigeon Forge musical theaters just to help keep her grandmother from losing her home.
And she’s also Miss Knoxville.
Clark has been clogging for most of her young life. She turned her talent into a full-time job at the Comedy Barn and The Hatfield and McCoy show just a few years ago at the age of 19. It was a gift of love for her grandmother.
“She was no longer able to afford her mortgage,” Clark said. “No one else in my family could get a loan to help her out. My parents, they have their own bills. My aunts and uncles also do, too.
“So I took it upon myself, and I actually signed my name to a mortgage just after I turned 19 years old and I currently still own the house.”
Paige admitted she had no idea what she was getting into, but she took it upon herself to do whatever she could to help her grandmother.
“Some days, I would be doing one to two shows and some days I’d be doing four shows,” Paige said. “There were weeks where I’d put in sixty-plus hours into performing while also going to school and doing clinicals.
“So I lived out of my car. All my clothes were in my car, and I was just driving back and forth from Knoxville to Pigeon Forge; barely saw my parents, but I just knew that in the end, I had the strength to make it work.”

The key point I’ve highlighted here is that no one else in Miss Clark’s family — her parents, her aunts and uncles — had sufficient income, assets or credit to be able to help her grandmother. What does that tell you about the socioeconomic strata to which Miss Clark belongs?

As far as the national media or the Democratic Party are concerned, however, Paige Clark represents a non-existent category.

There is no such thing, according to the liberal elite, as a white person whose life is not defined by unearned “privilege.” There are no white people working 60-hour weeks just trying to get by as best they can. No, according to our media overlords, white people are oppressors — guilty beneficiaries of “systemic racism,” endowed from birth with unfair “white privilege” — and therefore deserve to be insulted.

And, of course, if any white person dares object to being routinely insulted this way, well, that just proves how racist they are.


In The Mailbox: 11.08.21

Posted on | November 9, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 11.08.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Off to Las Vegas tomorrow for medical stuff and Veterans Day pillaging. Posting may be intermittent.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

After four kids? This is de wae.

357 Magnum: But The Navy Is WOKE!
EBL: Our GOPe Elites Betray Us Again, also, Dexter: New Blood
Twitchy: “Knew This Was Going To be A Bad Day For The Prosecution But Holy F***”, also, Amy Siskind Rages Against “Racist” Non-College White Women, Gets Rekt
Louder With Crowder: Elon Musk Destroys Sen. Wyden (D-OR) With Single HIlarious Tweet About His Face
Vox Popoli: Independence Is Not Imperialism, Fake President, Alleged Abuse, and When Nemesis Strikes

American Conservative: Kamala Harris  – Weakest VP Since Dan Quayle
American Greatness: Conspiracy Theory Or Conspiracy In Fact? also, The Biden Regime Will Turn The Military On The People Unless We Push Back
American Power: Nicaragua Becomes A Police State
American Thinker: The Pick Of The Left’s Litter, also, Pro-Transgender Censorship Is Tearing Univerities Apart
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: “This Is A Preview Of What Can Happen If You Go Out On 11/15”, also, Uncovering The KGB Roots Of Pope Francis’ Love For The Cuban Dictatorship
BattleSwarm: Astrowhatthehell? also, Did Austin Justice Coalition Break Federal Law?
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, Ingenuity Completes 15th Flight, and Chicoms Begin Test Of “Space Debris Mitigation” Satellite
Cafe Hayek: Hooray For The Fifth Circuit, also, When Benefits Are Reckoned Absent Their Costs, Policy Becomes Deranged
CDR Salamander: Hopes & Lessons From The NATO Training Mission In Afghanistan On Midrats, also, We Know What Red China Wants To Do
Da Tech Guy: The Hale-Bopp Comet Democrats, Fr. Leonard In Fitchburg, and Report From Louisiana – Road Trip To Fredericksburg Texas
Don Surber: So You Think You Know More About Aaron Rodgers’ Body Than He Does?, Toppling Rappers Like Confederate Statues, and Impeach Buttigieg
First Street Journal: Court-Ordered Idiocy, also, Killadelphia!
Gates Of Vienna: German Citizens Are Safer Than Ever, The Pureblood Signage Project, and Salah Abdeslam On Trial
The Geller Report: THE BIGGEST LOSER – CNN October Primetime Plunges To 661,000 Viewers, also, DeSantis Moves To Stop Biden’s Midnight Importations Of Illegals Into Florida
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, Early Images From Landsat 9, and Are The President & VP’s Poll Numbers Collapsing?
Hollywood In Toto: Last Night In Soho Stuns In More Ways Than One, also, Variety Claims Film Critics Have “hidden Agenda” Against Eternals
The Lid: Occasional Cortex Tries To Redefine “Woke” To Slander Conservatives
Legal Insurrection: U. Minn. Looking to Hire “Design Justice” Architecture Prof, Brown U. Profs Think Biden’s Doing A Great Job, and Native American Lawsuit Challenges Colorado Ban On Native American “Mascots” As Discriminatory
Nebraska Energy Observer: Random Observations, also, Troy
Outkick: LSU “Truly Better” Than Alabama Despite 20-14 Loss, Orgeron Claims, Tenn. Outruns Ky. As Vols Win Shootout In Lexington, and The ManningCast Is The New Madden Cover Curse
Power Line: Vax You, The “Racial Reckoning’s” Reckoning, and Biden Yanks Our Supply Chain
Shark Tank: Lauren Book Whines That Special Session “Threatens Freedom”
Shot In The Dark: Privilege In Action, News You Can Use, and Compare & Contrast
STUMP: On COVID, Excess Mortality By Race/Ethnicity, & Geographic Patterns
The Political Hat: Ma Bell Goes Woke, also, The Latest Funny Joke Among The Nomenklatura? People Suffering From High Gas Prices!
This Ain’t Hell: Stupid People Of the Week, Another Is Known, and Navy Launches USNS Harvey Milk
Victory Girls: In Space, No One Can Hear You Cackle, also, Ortega Rigs Nicaragua Election, Biden Weakly Protests
Volokh Conspiracy: Federal Court Temporarily Stays OSHA Employer Vaccination Mandate
Weasel Zippers: Afghan Baby Handed Over The Wall To U.S. Troops Still Missing, Ron Klain Is Frustrated That His Puppet Can’t Get The Economy Moving, and As Gas Prices Surge (And Heating Season Looms), Biden Considers Shutting Down Another Pipeline
The Federalist: Federal Appeals Court Freezes Biden’s Jab Mandate, Why Does Michigan Still Have 25,000 Dead People On Its Voter Rolls?, and Energy Secretary Granholm Laughs At Your High Gas Prices
Mark Steyn: Duel In The Sun – Ben Kingsley & Sexy Beast, Unforgettable, and House of Windsor Meets House Of Wind

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AOC Goes to War With James Carville

Posted on | November 8, 2021 | Comments Off on AOC Goes to War With James Carville

You wanted more Democratic infighting? You got it:

The open and proud socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) declared on Sunday that Republicans have been using wokeness as a means to distract Democrats from pursuing racial justice.
In a series of tweets, the congresswoman said that Democrats believing in a “woke problem” will hurt their chances for reelection because they “rely on the racial justice issue of voting rights.”
“One dangerous aspect of thinking there’s a ‘woke problem’ is that Dem chances for re-election or majorities in House, Senate, & WH rely on the racial justice issue of voting rights,” she tweeted. “Dems distancing from racial justice makes protection of voting rights less likely, ensuring losses.”
According to AOC, the term “woke” has been appropriated by Republicans as a “derogatory euphemism for civil rights & justice,” charging that Fox News not only serves to indoctrinate right-wingers but also to trick Democrats into believing that racial justice is “controversial.” . . .
AOC waded into woke apologetics over the weekend when she publicly bashed Democratic strategist James Carville for arguing that “stupid wokeness” cost the Democrats in multiple elections last Tuesday, from Virginia to New Jersey to Seattle.
“[W]hat went wrong is just stupid wokeness,” said Carville. “Don’t just look at Virginia and New Jersey. Look at Long Island, look at Buffalo, look at Minneapolis, even look at Seattle, Wash. I mean, this ‘defund the police’ lunacy, this take Abraham Lincoln’s name off of schools. I mean that — people see that.” . . .
AOC then charged Carville was merely repeating talking points straight from the echo chamber of Fox News.
“Like the average audience for people seriously using the word ‘woke’ in a 2021 political discussion are James Carville and Fox News pundits so that should tell you all you need to know,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted on Friday.
“And before people disingenuously complain ‘woke’ is denigrating to older people, it’s actually pundits like Carville using terms like ‘woke’ to insult voters under 45 that’s denigrating,” she later added. “Don’t wonder why youth turnout falls when Dems talk about them like this. We need everyone.”

“We need everyone,” says Sandy Cortez, even while shouting at the top of her lungs how much she hates white people with jobs — which is, basically, who Republican voters are. If you’ve got a “career,” you might vote Democrats, but if you’ve got a job, you vote a Republican.

MSNBC devoted a weekend panel to denouncing Carville because they’re “sick of these white men whining and complaining.”

This “War on White People” theme is their 2022 campaign platform.


Guess Who’s in the NFL Playoff Hunt?

Posted on | November 8, 2021 | Comments Off on Guess Who’s in the NFL Playoff Hunt?

On Oct. 17, after the New England Patriots lost a home game to the Dallas Cowboys, NBC Sports ran a story with this headline:

Could Patriots make the playoffs despite
2-4 record? Here’s what history says

Three weeks later — and three wins later — the AFC East standings:

Buffalo Bills ………………. 5-3
New England Patriots … 5-4
New York Jets …………… 2-6
Miami Dolphins ………… 2-7

The AFC playoff competition is wild this year. The Patriots and the Bills are among seven teams (along with the Chiefs, Raiders, Chargers, Bengals and Browns) with five wins after Week Nine.

It helps New England that Buffalo got upset Sunday by the lowly Jacksonville Jaguars, but the Patriots now control their own playoff destiny, thanks to a crucial road victory against the Carolina Panthers:

Bill Belichick has the blueprint for beating Sam Darnold, and it starts with disguising coverages.
His players just seem to do the rest.
New England’s defense intercepted Darnold on three consecutive possessions in the second half — including one that J.C. Jackson returned 88 yards for a touchdown — and the New England Patriots cruised past the Carolina Panthers 24-6 on Sunday for their fourth win in the past five games. . . .
Mac Jones overcame two early turnovers and threw for 139 yards and a touchdown, rookie running back Rhamondre Stevenson had 106 yards from scrimmage before leaving the game with a head injury and Damien Harris and Hunter Henry scored touchdowns as the Patriots (5-4) improved to 4-0 on the road.
“Getting a win on the road is a hard thing to do and we’ve done a good job of that this year,” Jones said. “The defense was lights-out.”

Like I said about Alabama: Defense wins football games.


Rule 5 Sunday: Dina Meyer

Posted on | November 7, 2021 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: Dina Meyer

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Lot of discussion in the comments to yesterday’s post of the wretched Starship Troopers movie,* which as we all know had little to do with the famous book by Uncle Bob. Passing over the numerous flaws of Verhoeven’s crappy adaptation, though, one of the enjoyable bits of the movie was Dizzy Flores, played by veteran actress Dina Meyer. Meyer got her start on Beverly Hills 90210 and since then has had numerous guest appearances on quite a few TV series as well as continuing roles on Birds Of Prey, Miss Match, and Point Pleasant. Here she is in the movie Lethal Seduction
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Not the shower scene from Starship Troopers, but that’s NSFW.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1526, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns

Animal Magnetism: The Saturday Gingermageddon, but since he was out all last week hunting, he posted totty every single day last week

EBL: Lauren Boebert, Brigitte Bardot, The 5th Of November, LGB Song, Winsome Sears, Suzanne Youngkin, Sarah Blasko, Braves Win!, Army Of Thieves, The House Next Door: Meet The Blacks, The Unholy, Kate Beckinsale, Chapelwaite, and the New York Dolls

A View From The Beach: Virginia MadsenFish Pic Friday – Tina WeaverGone Fishin’Something to Do With Your HandsA Long, Long Time Ago (with cavegirls), The Wednesday WetnessBig Fish Have Little Bugs Upon Their Back to Bite ThemTattoo TuesdayTrick or Treat!Some Music to Greet Trick-or-Treaters ByHappy Pumpkin Day! and Palm Sunday.

Brian J. Noggle: Helen Slater from The Secret of My Success.

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious links!

*It turns out there’s five of them. The original, two direct-to-video sequels, and two more animated sequels.

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Defense Wins Football Games

Posted on | November 7, 2021 | Comments Off on Defense Wins Football Games

The University of Alabama survived a scare Saturday against LSU, coming away with a hard-fought 20-14 victory to keep alive the Crimson Tide’s hopes of another trip to the college football playoffs.

LSU stopped Alabama’s running game — something that is cause for concern going forward — and forced the Tide to rely on quarterback Bryce Young’s passing arm. The sophomore did well enough, throwing for 302 yards with two touchdowns and no interceptions, but it was close.

During the fourth quarter, my brother Kirby needed an extra dose of his heart medicine. Fortunately, the ’Bama defense stepped up.

Sophomore linebacker Will Anderson Jr. put on a tackling seminar, with 12 tackles, including 8 solo tackles, one solo sack and another shared with fellow linebacker Christian Harris. In the fourth quarter, when LSU drove more than 70 yards to threaten Alabama’s lead, senior tackle Phidarian Mathis came up with a sack which caused what looked like a fumble, but was ruled an interception. In another key play late in the first half, Harris broke up an LSU pass, tipping the ball into the air where it was intercepted by junior safety Jalyn Armour-Davis:

That pickoff gave the Tide possession at the LSU 39, and Young then hit three of his next five passes, connecting twice to Jameson Williams before hitting John Metchie III for the touchdown.

Just by the way, as my brother commented during last night’s game, Jameson Williams — a junior transfer from Ohio State — has been a “godsend” for Alabama. If he can avoid injury, Williams bids fair to follow DeVonta Smith’s path to the Heisman Trophy and first-round NFL pick. Here he catches a 58-yard touchdown bomb from Bryce Young:

Now I should perhaps mention that Kirby is not a Bryce Young fan. Although Young is listed as six feet tall, that’s three inches shorter than Mac Jones, and Kirby thinks Young, whom he calls our “midget quarterback,” is in reality no taller than 5-10. Regardless of that, even a three-inch difference in height is very significant, in terms of a quarterback’s ability to see over the onrushing defensive linemen, who tend to be very tall, and Young’s limitations are obvious enough to anyone who seriously studies the videos. Young hits most of his passes toward the outside, perhaps because of his difficulty in seeing receivers in crossing routes over the middle. While this factor may not prevent Alabama from making another run at the national championship, I think it could reduce Young’s future value in the NFL.

But of course, this is getting way ahead of where Alabama is right now. Their one loss to Texas A&M won’t hurt the Tide in terms of making the playoffs, because A&M is 7-2 (their two losses to Arkansas and Mississippi State) and will move up in the rankings this week. However, a second loss would be fatal to ’Bama’s playoff hopes. The Crimson Tide have two remaining regular season games, against Arkansas (6-3) and archrival Auburn (6-3), and if Alabama struggled against a 4-4 LSU team, how will they do against two arguably superior opponents? This is headache enough for Tide fans, but even if ’Bama manages to win those two games, then they would have to face No. 1 Georgia in the SEC title game. And my God, have you seen Georgia this year?

The Bulldogs average 38.4 points and 180 rushing yards per game. Alabama averages more points per game (43.0), but fewer rushing yards (152.7). Beyond that, Georgia’s defense has been phenomenal, allowing just 59 points in nine games — 6.55 points per game — while Alabama has given up 179 points in nine games, 19.88 average points per game.

Of course, Jesus warned his disciples against borrowing tomorrow’s troubles, and it is therefore un-Christian of Alabama fans to be looking ahead to Georgia, when we know that the Tide will have their hands full against Arkansas next Saturday and Auburn in the Iron Bowl. We must be faithful to Christian teaching, and take them one game at a time, without fretting about a possible apocalypse against Georgia.

It all comes down to the defense, I believe. Alabama returned nine defensive starters from last year’s national champions, but so far this year, they haven’t produced the kind of signature performance that many fans expected. Maybe this win over LSU is a good omen for the future.

But there I go again, borrowing tomorrow’s troubles. Forgive me.


FMJRA 2.0: Mental Door

Posted on | November 7, 2021 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Mental Door

— compiled by Wombat-socho

The Birds returned the favor from the beginning of the season and took 2 of 3 on Sunday. Supposed to play a two-game set against Montreal this weekend but we keep missing connections.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

The Accusatory Finger of Blame
357 Magnum

Crazy People Are Dangerous
357 Magnum

The Stars Above
Brian J. Noggle
357 Magnum

The NFL’s (Other) Race Problem
Proof Positive

FMJRA 2.0: Totem
A View From The Beach

Rule 5 Sunday: Danielle Rose Russell
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Controlled Opposition: Has AllahPundit Always Been a Democrat Trojan Horse?
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 11.01.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

It’s On You, Virginia
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

Mayor Frogface Update
357 Magnum

Virginia: ‘Too Close to Call’? BREAKING UPDATE: Youngkin Wins!
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 11.02.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

‘These Republicans Are Dangerous’ and Other Stupid Media Election Reactions 
Little Grandma’s Kitchen
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 11.03.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

When Democrats Say ‘Our Children’
The Universal Spectator
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 11.04.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

The Weird Logic of Wajahat Ali
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 11.05.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending November 5:

  1.  EBL (18)
  2.  357 Magnum (13)
  3.  A View From the Beach (12)
  4.  Proof Positive (7)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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13 ‘Republicans’ Hand Joe Biden a Win

Posted on | November 7, 2021 | Comments Off on 13 ‘Republicans’ Hand Joe Biden a Win

Raise you hand if your reaction to this was, “What the actual fuck?”

Nancy Pelosi couldn’t pass the “infrastructure” bill because the left-wing fringe of her party wouldn’t vote for it. And so, despite the beating that Republicans put on Democrats last Tuesday — which should have been seen as a referendum against Biden’s agenda — 13 Republican members of the House voted for this $1.2 trillion “bipartisan” monstrosity:

Thirteen House Republicans voted for the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. The bill passed 228-206, meaning that the bill did not receive support from 218 Democrats, and Republicans gave Democrats the necessary votes for it to pass Congress’s lower chamber.
This is similar to how 19 Senate Republicans gave Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) the votes to reach the 60 plus-vote majority needed for the bill to pass through the Senate.
Reps. John Katko (R-NY), Don Bacon (R-NE), Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ), Fred Upton (R-MI), Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), Don Young (R-AK), Tom Reed (R-NY), Chris Smith (R-NJ), Andrew Garbarino (R-NY), Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY), Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH), and Rep. David McKinley (R-WV) voted yes on the bill.
Six progressive Democrats voted against the bill Friday, and their votes could have given House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) the needed 218-plus votes for the bipartisan bill to pass through the House.
Reps. Cori Bush (D-MO), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) voted against the bill. . . .
In a statement Friday, Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) said “that 13 House Republicans provided the votes needed to pass this is absurd.”
“Republicans who voted for the Democrats’ socialist spending bill are the very reason why Americans don’t trust Congress,” Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) wrote.

Why bother voting, if government is going to operate this way?

Philip Klein, who certainly is not a right-wing extremist, calls this GOP sellout “disgraceful,” which is putting it rather mildly.


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