The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

A Letter of Introduction

Posted on | October 16, 2021 | Comments Off on A Letter of Introduction

Nearly 200 years ago, a resident of Fairfax County, Virginia, wrote a letter to introduce a teenage boy — his niece’s grandson, who wanted to attend West Point — to the Secretary of War: 

Ravensworth Feb 7th 1824.

My dear Sir,
I cannot permit the young gentleman, who will hand you this letter, to make his intended application, without carrying with him, such testimony in his behalf, as a long & an intimate acquaintance both with himself and his family, justify me in giving. He is the son of Gen. Henry Lee, with whose history, you are, of course, acquainted; and who (whatever may have been the misfortune of his latter years) had certainly established, by his revolutionary services, a strong claim to the gratitude of his country. He is the son also of one of the finest women, the State of Virginia has ever produced. Possessed, in a very eminent degree, of all those qualities, which peculiarly belong to the female character of the South, she is rendered doubly interesting by her meritorious & successful exertions to support, in comfort, a large family, and to give to all her children excellent educations.
The young gentleman, who I have now the pleasure of introducing to you, as a candidate for West-point, is her youngest son. An intimate acquaintance, & a constant intercourse with him, almost from his infancy, authorize me to speak in the most unqualified terms of his amiable disposition, & his correct and gentlemanly habits. He is disposed to devote himself to the profession of arms. But his final determination on this subject, must, of course, depend on the result of his present application, and you will find him prepared to acquiesce in whatever decision, circumstances may require you to make in his case. Next, however, to promising him the commission, which he asks, the greatest favor you can do him will be to tell him promptly if you think the obstacles to his success are insurmountable. His own age (eighteen I believe) and the situation of his mother require that he should lose no time in selecting the employment to which his future life is to be devoted.
Accept my dear Sir the assurance of the very great respect with which
I am
Yo’ &c
W.H. Fitzhugh

Readers will excuse the excess commas typical of formal writing in that era, and note the address — Ravensworth, near Braddock Road in Springfield, Virginia, was the Fitzhugh family plantation. The estate was later inherited by the son of the boy for whom Fitzhugh wrote that letter of introduction — of course, it was Robert E. Lee.

Living as we do in an age of disrespect and ingratitude, when Americans permit the memory of our ancestors to be defamed and erased, I wonder how long it will be before the name “Ravensworth” will be obliterated, denounced as a painful reminder of slavery, etc.?

Thanks to @AngloSouthern and @ReformedTrain on Twitter for providing me with the text of that letter, which is from Page 39 of Vol. I of Douglas Southall Freeman’s monumental R.E. Lee, A Biography. When I first saw it, I did a quick Google search and was surprised that an online transcription was nowhere to be found, so I promised to post this.

These little detours in history always fascinate me. The Secretary of War to whom Fitzhugh’s letter was directed was young John C. Calhoun, who in the administration of President James Monroe “proposed an elaborate program of national reforms to the infrastructure that he believed would speed economic modernization. His priority was an effective navy, including steam frigates.” We are not today disposed to think of Calhoun as a proponent of “modernization,” nor are Americans taught to respect Calhoun for his services to the nation as Secretary of War.

John C. Calhoun as Secretary of War, 1822

Our nation’s history has been obscured and distorted by academics whose purpose is not to educate young people, but rather to indoctrinate them with a radical ideology that serves narrow partisan interests. Under the influence of this ideology, Americans are taught to remember their past only to despise it, to look upon our ancestors with hateful contempt, so that practically every American of the 19th century is a villain.

There is today little appreciation of the tremendous challenges that faced the United States in its infancy, at a time when Britain, Spain and France still possessed extensive colonies in the Americas. The capacity to build the strength of the nation, so that it might maintain its independence in a dangerous world, was by no means certain. “Manifest Destiny” may appear, in retrospect, to have been inevitable, but the great westward expansion of the United States across the continent required extraordinary efforts by extraordinary men. Indeed, the addition of the Southwest — including California — to the United States was work in which young Robert E. Lee was destined to play a notable part, as an officer on the staff of Gen. Winfield Scott during the Mexican War.

We live, as I say, in an age of disrespect and ingratitude, where Americans disregard the obligations we owe to our forebears. Anyone who carefully reads that letter that Fitzhugh wrote will note how, in introducing young Robert E. Lee to the Secretary of War, he made mention of how Lee’s father (Henry “Light Horse Harry” Lee) “had certainly established, by his revolutionary services, a strong claim to the gratitude of his country.” If the United States owed anyone a military education, Fitzhugh was saying, young Lee was at the head of the line.

Our history is now viewed as a source of grievance — e.g., an excuse for accusing Walmart workers of “white supremacy” — rather than as a s0urce of gratitude and national pride. The main cause of this is, of course, that academia is now controlled by partisan Democrats, who believe that teaching young people to hate their ancestors will help elect more Democrats. But there is no reason why intelligent Americans should let ourselves be bullied into cooperating with the academic elite’s pet political project. I’m long past the age where I have to worry that I might be expelled from school for talking back to teachers, and I don’t think such a consideration would have restrained me from speaking my mind even when I was a schoolboy. One of the benefits of a true knowledge of history is that we may be inspired by the example of our courageous ancestors. Stand tall and speak the truth. Deo Vindice.


Walmart Workers = ‘White Privilege’?

Posted on | October 16, 2021 | Comments Off on Walmart Workers = ‘White Privilege’?

You might think that hourly wage employees stocking shelves at Walmart would be the antithesis of “privilege,” racial or otherwise, but that just shows what an unenlightened racist you are:

Walmart Inc. has launched a critical race theory training program that denounces the United States as a “white supremacy system” and teaches white, hourly wage employees that they are guilty of “white supremacy thinking” and “internalized racial superiority.”
According to a cache of internal documents I have obtained from a whistleblower, Walmart launched the program in 2018 in partnership with the Racial Equity Institute, a Greensboro, North Carolina, consulting firm that has worked extensively with universities, government agencies, and private corporations. The program is based on the core principles of critical race theory, including “intersectionality,” “internalized racial oppression,” “internalized racial inferiority,” and “white anti-racist development.” Since the program’s launch, Walmart has trained more than 1,000 employees and made the program mandatory for executives and recommended for hourly wage workers in Walmart stores. When reached for comment, Walmart confirmed that the company has “engaged REI for a number of training sessions since 2018” and has “found these sessions to be thought provoking and constructive.”
The program begins with the claim that the United States is a “white supremacy system,” designed by white Europeans “for the purpose of assigning and maintaining white skin access to power and privilege.” American history is presented as a long sequence of oppressions, from the “construction of a ‘white race’” by colonists in 1680 to President Obama’s stimulus legislation in 2009, “another race neutral act that has disproportionately benefited white people.” . . .
As the company denounces “white supremacy culture”—with components including “objectivity,” “individualism,” and “hoarding”—its entire nine-member top executive leadership, except technology chief Suresh Kumar, is white, and its top six leaders made a combined $112 million in salary in 2019. Chief executive officer Doug McMillon, whom the whistleblower described as a “true believer” in critical race theory, hopes to export woke ideology to every Fortune 100 company through his role as chairman of the Business Roundtable.
The formula is clear: American executives, among the most successful people on the planet, can collect accolades and social status by promoting fashionable left-wing ideologies. Meantime, their hourly workers, making between $25,000 and $30,000 yearly, are asked to undergo dishonest and humiliating rituals to confront their “white privilege” and “white supremacy thinking.”

You can read the whole thing. To think that a company like Walmart, which began as a five-and-ten-cent store in Arkansas, should be promoting radical nonsense like this, just boggles my mind.


In The Mailbox: 10.15.21

Posted on | October 15, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.15.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual weekend deadlines for the usual weekend posts.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Coming soon to a military base near you?

Edge Of The Frontier: This Is Rumor Control
EBL: Joe Rogan Takes On Sanjay Gupta & CNN, also, Where In The World Is Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg?
Twitchy: Bernie Sanders Calls out Joe Manchin Over The $3.5 Trillion Spending Bill, Gets Rekt, also, “Not A Militiaman, A Longtime FBI Informant”
Louder With Crowder: Anti-Comedian Hannah Gadsby Lashes Out At Dave Chappelle
Vox Popoli: The Eminence Grise, James Bond Is Gay, and Tory MP Stabbed To Death
According To Hoyt: I’m Alive, Sort Of, also, Hello Galt
Monster Hunter Nation: WriterDojo S1E9 – POV
Stoic Observations: Dancing On The Third Rail

American Greatness: Police Union Boss urges Chicago Cops To Defy Mayor’s Jab Mandate, also, Navy Prepares To Discharge Unvaxxed Sailors
American Power: On Joe Rogan Vs. Sanjay Gupta, also, We Got Here Because Of Cowardice
American Thinker: Bill Ayers, A Familiar Face In The Birth Of Critical Race Theory, also, Punk Rock Republicanism Will Win
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Lying Liars That Lie Friday
Babalu Blog: The Rope Tightens As 11/15 Approaches, also, Ten Years Ago Today – The Regime Murders Laura Pollan, Founder Of The Ladies In White
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For October 15
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, Dry Martian Chaos, and FAA Announces Details For SpaceX Boca Chica Environmental Impact Hearings
Cafe Hayek: Quotation Of The Day
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: I Was Just Thinking
Don Surber: Teacher Of The Year Doesn’t Understand Her Subject, also, Buttigieg Is Literally Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
First Street Journal: The Increase In “Breakthrough” Infections, also, Are Journalists Today Trying Less To Inform Public Minds Than Steer Public Opinion?
Gates Of Vienna: Why Don’t We See News Stories Like This? also, A Mujahidette On German Public TV
The Geller Report: Maine Hospital Fired So Many Unvaxxed Employees They Had To Close The ICU, also, South Philly Judge Of Elections Indicted In Voter Fraud Scheme
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Water Vapor On Europa
Hollywood In Toto: Halloween Kills A Reborn Franchise, also, Why Neal Fox Won’t Stay Silent On Marxism Gone Wild
The Lid: Homeland Security Tells Judge Remain In Mexico Policy Will Be Back In November
Legal Insurrection: Huge Win For Parents As Loudoun County School Board Member Beth Barts Resigns, Pa. School Boards Assn. Votes To Withdraw From NSBA, and Horrified Loudoun County Parents Demand Superintendent’s Firing
Nebraska Energy Observer: Scattershot Friday – Brandon’s Affirmative Action Administration
Outkick: Emails Expose NFL Lawyer’s Relationship With Redskins & Racial Jokes, Terry Bradshaw Complimented Erin Andrews And Twitter Loses Its S***, and The NFL Thinks You’re Stupid
Power Line: Thoughts From The Ammo Line, In Search of Billionaires (Like You), and How Serious Are Democrats About Packing The Court?
Shark Tank: Laura Loomer Outraises Incumbent Webster Ahead Of FL-11 Primary
Shot In The Dark: Just So We’re Clear, Just So We’re Clear (2), and #Unexpectedly
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday – The Carter Years, Power & Principle
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, LTC Scheller Sentenced, and Loudoun County Superintendent Denied Allegations That Female Students Were Raped
Transterrestrial Musings: No More Needles
Victory Girls: Chicago Showdown – Cops Vs. Mayor Groot On The Jab
Volokh Conspiracy: The Right To Bear Arms In Historical Context
Weasel Zippers: Teen Vogue Starts Calling Women “Non Prostate Owners”, Bill Clinton Hospitalized With Sepsis, and Teachers Union Boss Randi Weingarten Agrees Concerned Parents Are Domestic Terrorists
The Federalist: William Shatner’s A Normal Person, But There’s Something Wrong With Jeff Bezos, also, Biden Administration Rewards Disgraced Liar & Russia Collusion Andrew McCabe With $200,000 Pension
Mark Steyn: We Have Met The Enemy Part XXIV

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Who Killed Sir David, and Why? UPDATE: ‘Somali Heritage,’ Motive Unknown

Posted on | October 15, 2021 | Comments Off on Who Killed Sir David, and Why? UPDATE: ‘Somali Heritage,’ Motive Unknown

It’s almost midnight in England now, and many hours have passed since the news broke that Sir David Amess, a Tory member of Parliament, was stabbed to death during a meeting with constituents:

Police said a 25-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of murder after the attack at a church in Leigh-on-Sea.
They recovered a knife and are not looking for anyone else in connection with the incident. A counter terrorism team will lead the investigation.

Nothing whatsoever can be learned about the identity of the stabber, or the motive for his deadly attack. Surely by now, police must know who this man is, and why he did what he did, yet it is remarkable — and rather suspicious, really — that the press has reported nothing about it.

One immediately suspects that this must be Islamic radicalism, but that is mere suspicion. The one thing we can almost certainly rule out is any sort of “right-wing extremist” motive, because the press would have been shouting that from the rooftops already, were it so. Probably by Saturday afternoon, or Sunday at the latest, we’ll have most of the details, and then we’re likely to get some huffy sermons against “Islamophobia.”

All we have now is suspicion and speculation, so until we get more, it’s best to reserve judgment. Stay tuned . . .

UPDATE: Well, this didn’t take long:

A 25-year-old man arrested on suspicion of murdering Amess on Friday is believed to be a British national with Somali heritage, official sources have told the PA news agency. . . .
The UK’s Counter Terrorism Command will lead the investigation into the murder, police said later Friday. “It will be for investigators to determine whether or not this is a terrorist incident. But as always, they will keep an open mind,” Ben-Julian Harrington, Chief Constable of Essex Police, told reporters.

“Diversity is our strength!”


In The Mailbox: 10.14.21 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | October 15, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.14.21 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.
357 Magnum: Power Corrupts, Australian Edition
Red Pilled Jew: Converging Downturns
EBL: Judge Tanya Chutkan Persecuting J6 Protesters
Twitchy: Glenn Greenwald – “CNN Is Utter S***”, also, “WTF Is Internalized Racial Superiority?”
Louder With Crowder: Unhinged Liberal Harpy Records Herself Screaming At Neighbors Until They Call The Cops On Her 
Vox Popoli: D+P = W Confirmed, Why The U.S. Won’t Defend Taiwan, and Shortages Due To California Law
Gab News: Trump – If You’ve Had COVID, You Don’t Need The Jab

American Conservative: Don’t Commit To Defend Taiwan, also, The Right’s New Godfather
American Greatness: How To End The Deep State, also, Defund The FBI, Re-Fund The Local Police
American Power: Black Children Jailed For Crime That Doesn’t Exist; Almost Nothing Happened To The Adults Responsible
American Thinker: No, The U.S. Is Not On Its Knees, also, The Time Has Come To Nobly Save Or Meanly Lose
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Economic Wars News
Babalu Blog: Cuban State Security Issues Death Threats To Activists Promoting Peaceful 11/15 March, also, Cuban Spending On Military-Owned Tourist Industry 50x What’s Spent On Healthcare
BattleSwarm: Freedom Flu Spreads To American & United
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, Shatner Vs. Today’s America, and Astronaut Blood Samples Suggest Long-Term Weightlessness Leads To Brain Damage
Cafe Hayek: Supporting Phil Magness’ Defense Of Jim Buchanan
CDR Salamander: Economic Power Is Global Power, also, Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: Five Sports Thoughts Under The Fedora, also, I Admit It – I Was Wrong
Don Surber: It’s The Mandate, Not The Vaccine, 54% Hike In Heating Bills Expected, and  Trump’s 2024 Plan
First Street Journal: You Can’t Fix The Problem If You Won’t Admit What The Problem Is
Gates Of Vienna: Do You Love To Hate?, Nuclear Power Goes Green, and Thursday’s Vax & Corona Roundup
The Geller Report: Norwegian Bow & Arrow Attacker Who Killed Five Was Muslim Known To Police, also, Judge Holds DC Jail Officials In Contempt Over Treatment Of J6 Prisoners
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, Weren’t We Supposed To Be Turning Things Over To The Experts?, and Consequences Of Overreach
Hollywood In Toto: Grave Intentions Serves Up Sloppy Anthology Scares, also, Vamp Gave Grace Jones A Perfectly Unexpected Closeup
The Lid: New Emails Show Joe Biden Was Lying – He Knew About Hunter’s Business
Legal Insurrection: Critical Race Group Targets Diverse List Of Anti-CRT “Frontline Spokespeople”, also, Loudoun County Family Of Girl Allegedly Raped By Trans Classmate Plans To Sue LCPS
Nebraska Energy Observer: Seeking Whom He May Devour
Outkick: Kyrie Irving Losing Millions For Jab Stance While Media Only Support Those Who Profit, “Yes, The Vaccine Ended My Season”, and Washington Cheerleaders Livid Over Topless Photo Leak In Gruden Email Scandal
Power Line: Getting Minds Right At Yale, Civil War 2.0?, and Why People Hate The Media, Part 12,186
Protein Wisdom: Is A COVID Political Alignment Coming?, On Psyops & Mass Event “Hypnotism“, and Oh.
Shark Tank: Nikki Fried Fries “Republican” Charlie Crist Over New Position On Weed Legalization
Shot In The Dark: The Long & Winding Road, Taking Stock, and Not Exactly Omaha Beach
The Political Hat: Cops & Criminals – Gunfight In Portland, Defunding The Police In Austin, & Abolishing The Police In Minneapolis
This Ain’t Hell: LTC Scheller Pleads Guilty To All Charges, Aww, Not This S*** Again, and Katie Couric Muzzles Leftist Icon RBG & Gets Outed By LTC For Pushing Fake News
Transterrestrial Musings: Shatner’s Experience, also, Ron Klain
Victory Girls: Janet Yellen Says $600 IRS Plan Isn’t Spying, also, Administration Wants Ocean Wind Farms On All Coasts
Volokh Conspiracy: Amnesty International Brief Against RKBA, also, Katie Couric Took A Knee For RBG
Weasel Zippers: Reuters Now Calling Biden’s Economic Collapse “The Great Reboot”, Bad Orange Woman Claims Gas Prices Aren’t Rising
The Federalist: Zuckerbucks 101 – How A Media Mogul Took Over The 2020 Election, also, The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen, It Was Vandalized By Democrats, Big Tech, & The Media
Mark Steyn: It’s Only Rock & Roll, But…, also, Coach Class

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Lesbian Love Triangle: NYPD Cop Murders Ex-Girlfriend’s New Lover

Posted on | October 14, 2021 | Comments Off on Lesbian Love Triangle: NYPD Cop Murders Ex-Girlfriend’s New Lover

Allegedly, I hasten to add:

The off-duty NYPD officer who allegedly shot her ex-girlfriend and killed the woman’s new lover may have snapped because she was clinging to hope that they’d get back together, a high-ranking police source told The Post Thursday.
Officer Yvonne Wu, 31, had recently split with her ex, Jenny Li, 23, but was still spending the night on occasion at Li’s home in Brooklyn — and may have lost it when she saw her there with another woman, the source said.
“She was still staying there on and off. She was still staying there some nights. It’s not that strange, maybe she thought it could still work out,” the source said.
Wu, who works at the 72nd Precinct and lives on Staten Island, allegedly opened fire on Li and her 24-year-old new lover, Jamie Liang, at the home on 19th Avenue near 79th Street in Bensonhurst Wednesday night, according to police.
“When the cops get there, she says, ‘I shot them both. The gun’s inside,’ calm as can be,” the source said.
Liang was found with a bullet wound to the chest and was taken to Maimonides Medical Center, where she died. Li was in serious but stable condition on Thursday, police said.

Notice something about this story? Neither the word “lesbian” nor the word “gay” appears anywhere in it. This is standard practice when referring to homosexuals who commit crimes, whereas if a homosexual is the victim of a crime (e.g., Matthew Shepard), “gay” is in the headline. In this case, where one homosexual (allegedly) shoots two other homosexuals, they went with the former rule, I guess.

As if the headline “Killer Cop in Lesbian Love Triangle” wouldn’t sell more newspapers? See, that’s my real beef with this kind of political correctness — insofar as journalism is a business, the profit motive would suggest the word “lesbian” in the headline of a story like this, much the same way that the word “rape” should always be in the headline of a story about rape. A legalistic term like “sexual assault” doesn’t sell papers the way “rape” sells papers. One reason the news business is in such dire condition is that political correctness is the enemy of the kind of lurid scandal-sheet mentality portrayed in L.A. Confidential.

What America needs is journalists who think more like old-school reporters — wearing fedoras and wide lapels, smoking Chesterfields and driving a 1949 Packard — and less like college professors.

If you ever get a chance to use “Lesbian Love Triangle” in a headline, why would you pass up such an opportunity? Like you’re afraid of being sued or something? Let’s stipulate the possibility that one or more of the women involved here — including the deceased Jamie Liang — may have been bisexual, but the nature of this particular love triangle would justify the word “lesbian” as an adjective, if not as a noun.

Or that would be my defense, anyway, if it turned into a libel suit.

Speaking of libel suits, Ace thinks Joe Rogan may have a case against CNN for smearing him by claiming he took “horse dewormer” as treatment for COVID-19. And whether or not that were defamation, per se, I certainly hope Rogan will sue CNN over this, because discovery is a bitch. If Rogan can get clear the “motion-to-dismiss” hurdle, he might obtain some internal CNN memos about how they’ve been covering COVID-19. Anything bad that happens to CNN is good for journalism.

Anyway, the alleged lesbian cop — notice how I used the word “alleged” there? — has worse problems than being called names by a blogger. New York City has gone kind of soft on crime with De Blasio as mayor, but I’m pretty sure that murder is still a felony there. Maybe she’ll plead insanity, and her defense team can call me as an expert witness.

ATTORNEY: “Would you say my client is crazy?”
McCAIN: “Definitely. She’s deranged, demented, berserk, bonkers, daft, wacky, zany, nutty as squirrel farts, a few fries short of a Happy Meal, and cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.”
ATTORNEY: “And how does that apply to her shooting rampage?”
McCAIN: “Like I always say, Crazy People Are Dangerous.”

Case closed. Court is adjourned.


In The Mailbox: 10.14.21 (Morning Edition)

Posted on | October 14, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.14.21 (Morning Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1504 Righteousness & Force In America
357 Magnum: So How Is That Bail Reform Working Out?
EBL: Midnight Mass
Twitchy: Desperate Much, A**holes?, also, Judd Legum Thinks The Concerned Parents Challenging School Boards Are Astroturf
Louder With Crowder: “Democrats Caused Every F***ing Scar That Exists On This Country”
Vox Popoli: It’s Not Your Imagination, also, The Good Boomer

Adam Piggott: Domestic Terrorist Is The New Nazi
American Greatness: Judge Rules Against Jab Mandate At United Airlines, also, Federal Judge Finds DC Jail officials In Contempt Over J6 Prisoner Treatment, Demands Civil Rights Inquiry
American Power: Xi Emphasizes “Peaceful Reunification” With Taiwan Days After Record Show Of Force
American Thinker: The Prospect of A National Divorce, also, The Jon Gruden Dinosaur Hunt
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Back When Cuba Had Sugar & Coca-Cola, also, 11/15 Peaceful Protest March In Cuba To Go On Despite Regime’s Prohibition
BattleSwarm: The Amish Refuse Flu Manchu Foolishness, also, Southwest CEO Talking Out Of Both Sides Of His Face
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, Australia To Build Unmanned Lunar Rover For NASA
Cafe Hayek: John Stassel On COVID & The COVIDOcracy, also, Protesting More Panic Porn
Da Tech Guy: CNN Channels Yes, Prime Minister
Don Surber: Biden Goes Grinch, and Apoorva Mandavilli Still Has A Job?
First Street Journal: A Stunning Lack of Perspective, also, The Whole Truth Doesn’t Interest Newspapers These Days
Gates Of Vienna: We Are All Rwanda Now
The Geller Report: Please Stand By, also, Dumb & Dumber DeBlasio Ends NYC’s Gifted Students Program Over Equity Concerns
Hogewash: Cosmic Leftovers, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Brain Freeze Satirizes The Usual Targets – With A Twist, also, WaPo Tries To Cancel Country Music…Really
The Lid: Will Biden’s Economy Be The Grinch Who Stole Christmas?
Legal Insurrection: Student Wants Reagan’s Name Removed From UCLA Medical Center, AAUP To Investigate UNC-Chapel Hill For Racism, and Student Slams Colorado State U Over COVID Policies
Michelle Malkin: GooTube – The Democrats’ Kiddie Propaganda Arm
Nebraska Energy Observer: Lupus Tenebrosus Chapter 10
Outkick: The View Thinks The NFL Should Hire Colin Kaepernick To Make Up For Jon Gruden’s E-Mails, also, Bucs Removal Of Gruden From Ring Of Honor Raises Questions About Warren Sapp, Others
Power Line: This Just In – Inflation Rising, The Case Of Hunter Biden, and  The End Of Green Dreams?
Protein Wisdom: ICU Doctor – “My Experience Treating Patients Does Not Comport With Federal Claims Regarding COVID Vaccine Safety”, also, The Horror. The Horror.
Shark Tank: Demings Outraises Rubio
Shot In The Dark:  Ack Shu Ally, also, How Times Change
The Political Hat: Bioengineering & Robots Converge – Confluence To Cyborg Catgirl
This Ain’t Hell: Happy Birthday, Navy!, William Shatner Sets Record As Oldest Man In Space, also, Sergeant Major Denzel Washingon
Victory Girls: Pete Buttigieg – The Invisible, Incompetent Transportation Secretary
Volokh Conspiracy: Court Blocks NY Rule Prohibiting Religious Exemptions From Jab Mandate
Weasel Zippers: Big Tech Censors GOP Congressmen 54x More Than Democrats, also, DHS Leak – Administration Released 70,000+ Illegals Into U.S.
The Federalist: Cleveland Clinic Bars Severely Ill Man’s Kidney Transplant Because Donor Didn’t Get The Jab, also, The Jon Gruden Story Isn’t About The NFL
Mark Steyn: Living Large, also, Live Around The Planet

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Biden Begging for Lower Fuel Prices?

Posted on | October 14, 2021 | Comments Off on Biden Begging for Lower Fuel Prices?

The man who, on his very first day in office, signed an executive order revoking the permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline, is now desperate for help to do something about rising fuel prices?

The White House has been speaking with U.S. oil and gas producers in recent days about helping to bring down rising fuel costs, according to two sources familiar with the matter.
Energy costs are rising worldwide, in some cases leading to shortages in major economies like China and India. In the United States, the average retail cost of a gallon of gas is at a seven-year high, and winter fuel costs are expected to surge, according to the U.S. Energy Department. Oil-and-gas production remains below the nation’s peak reached in 2019.
The talks with energy companies touched on several issues, including prices, according to a third person familiar with the discussions. The administration has been in discussions with the oil industry over limiting methane emissions in recent months.
“We are closely monitoring the cost of oil and the cost of gas Americans are paying at the pump. And we are using every tool at our disposal to address anti-competitive practices in U.S. and global energy markets to ensure reliable and stable energy markets,” a White House official said.
U.S. crude oil recently hit $80 a barrel for the first time in seven years, as the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and their allies known as OPEC+ restrict output. The White House has discussed rising prices with top OPEC producer Saudi Arabia in recent weeks.

Under the previous administration, the United States had not only achieved energy independence, but had become a net exporter of oil and gas. Oh, but those mean tweets! So now we’ve got feeble-minded Joe Biden in the White House, begging the Saudis for more oil?

(Hat-tip: Twitchy via Instapundit.)


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