The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 08.17.21

Posted on | August 18, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.17.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

It really is a sweet song.

357 Magnum: The Families of Dead People Don’t Like Self-Defense
Red Pilled Jew: Tyranny, COVID, Genocide, Endless War, And All That
EBL: Taliban Calls Out Facebook For Free Speech Hypocrisy
Twitchy: Guess Who? “You Will NOT Pin This S**t On Me!”, also, ABC News – Republicans Pounce!
Louder With Crowder: Tucker Carlson Nails Afghanistan Problem – “We’re Led By Buffoons!”
Vox Popoli: Taiwan Is Nervous, also, How Zimmerman Sold His Soul
Health Impact News: Occupational Therapist Says More Patients Dying From The Jab Than From Corona-chan
Gab News: How Big Tech Helped The Taliban Overrun Afghanistan

Adam Piggott: Daddy, Tell Me Again How You Didn’t Take The Jab
American Conservative: Crawling Out Of The Swamp
American Greatness: Terrorist Exchanged For Bowe Bergdahl By Obama Played Key Role In Return Of Taliban, also, 1/6 As A Distraction From Afghanistan & Other Crises
American Power: Afghanistan War Ends In Shame, Ignominy
American Thinker: The Dystopia Of Progressivism
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Afghanistan Shitshow News
Babalu Blog: Another General Dead – Eighth Or Ninth In The Past Month, also, Dozens Of Police Patrols Roam The Streets Of Havana – But No Buses
BattleSwarm: The Inevitable Disaster, Made More Disastrous Than Necessary, also, Blue Alert In Texas
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, Blue Origin Files Lawsuit Against SpaceX Lunar Lander Contract
Cafe Hayek: All Benefits Have Costs
CDR Salamander: This What A Whole-Government Epistemic Failure Looks Like
Da Tech Guy: Now Comes The Election Steal Body Count, Katla, and Report From Louisiana – Fete Dieu De Teche
Don Surber: Trump Would Have Left Nothing Behind, also, What About The Mexican Girls? What About The Afghan Boys?
First Street Journal: The Left Blames Republicans For Lower Vax Rates, But Black Americans Are The Least Jab-Compliant
The Geller Report: Leading Feminist Groups Typically Silent As Afghan Girls Face Brutality Of Sharia Law, also, Biden Must Answer for The Horrifying Disaster In Kabul
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, A Star Is Born
Hollywood In Toto: The Not-So-Hidden Meaning Behind Adam McKay’s Anti-GOP Rant, also, Conservatives May Never Have A Pop Culture Chance Like This Again
The Lid: Rashida Tlaib Gets Torched For Ridiculous Taliban Claim
Legal Insurrection: Colbert – Trump Supporters Are Just Like The Taliban, also, MN School Principals Sign “De-Centering Whiteness” Pledge
Michelle Malkin: Return Of The Fleebagger Democrats
Nebraska Energy Observer: Random Observations, also, Here. Here It Is.
Outkick: Stephen A. Smith Still Lying About White Privilege & Tim Tebow, also, Jaguars Release Tebow
Power Line: More Voodoo Epidemiology At The CDC, also, The Incoherent Biden Administration
Shark Tank: Possible Corruption At Florida GOP Could Threaten DeSantis In 2022
Shot In The Dark: This Is Today’s DFL, also, Lie First, Lie Always – Career Epilogue
The Political Hat: Scotland, Where Toddlers Are Transgender & Crayons Are Trans-Color
This Ain’t Hell: Another Echo Of Saigon Seen In Kabul, also, Is Taiwan Next?
Transterrestrial Musings: The 25th Amendment
Victory Girls: Afghan Reporter Pleads For Her People, But The Left Is Silent
Volokh Conspiracy: The Irrepressible Myth Of Jacobson Vs. Massachusetts
Weasel Zippers: Administration Flack – No Plans To Rescue Americans Trapped In Kabul, also, Pentagon Has No Answers On Any Plan To Destroy Materiel Abandoned In Biden’s Withdrawal 
The Federalist: NIH Director Admits Kid Masking Rules Are Based On Rare Anecdotes, Not Data, also, Biden’s Disappearing Act Isn’t New – It’s How He Became President
Mark Steyn: Nice While It Lasted – Two For The Seesaw, also, Dead Superpower Walking

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In The Mailbox: 08.16.21

Posted on | August 17, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.16.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

The news today depressed me enough that I was seriously considering punting this until tomorrow – but it’s not going to be any better, and will probably be even worse. Nothing for it but to cowboy up and carry on.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: How’s That Affordable Bail Working Out?
Red Pilled Jew: A Hat Trick + One
EBL: The Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan
Twitchy: Former Advisor Embedded With Afghan Security Forces Goes Scorched Earth On Biden & His Media Apologists
Louder With Crowder: Pay Attention, America – Taliban Seizing Weapons From Civilians As “No Longer Needed”
Vox Popoli: The Game Of Corporate Chicken, also, The Scale Of Humiliation
Stoic Observations: Schmigadoon
Gab News: Happy Fifth Birthday,!

Adam Piggott: No More Modern Man
American Conservative: Reflections On The Looming Revolution In America
American Greatness: Is This Anything? also, Are We In a Revolution & Don’t Even Know It?
American Power: Abject Desperation As U.S. Runs From Afghanistan, also, Over Kabul, Tragedy In The Sky
American Thinker: We’re Fleeing Afghanistan. Now What? also, Biden’s Afghanistan Failure
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Cuban Doctors Denounce Regime’s Handling Of COVID, Collapse Of Healthcare System
BattleSwarm: Thomas Sowell On Uncomfortable Truths About The Slave Trade, also, I’m Too Pissed Off To Post About Afghanistan Today
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, also, A Martian River Of Ice
Cafe Hayek: Teaching Principles, also, A Low-Information Citizen
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday, also, Senior Military Leadership In Afghanistan – A 19-Act Play
Da Tech Guy: Biden’s Afghan Debacle, also, The Unexpectedly Chronicles
Don Surber: DC Knew Biden Would Botch Afghanistan, also, Fire Them All
First Street Journal: The Failure In Afghanistan Was A Failure Of Understanding, also, Yup, We Could See It Coming!
The Geller Report: The Rape Of Afghanistan, also, Fulton County Election Registration Chief Resigns
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Afghanistan’s Future
Hollywood In Toto: Ken Burns On The Woke Chopping Block, also, Tom McDonald Does It Again
The Lid: “Don’t Underestimate Joe’s Ability To F*ck Things Up”
Legal Insurrection: Gavin Newsom’s Fear Of Larry Elder Proves Elder Could Win, also, Alabama State Board Of Education Bans Critical Race Theory
Michelle Malkin: Feds’ Bill For No-Fly Secrets – $4,536
Nebraska Energy Observer: That 70s Show, also, Kabul & Chicago
Outkick: Taliban Spokesman Gives Updates On Twitter While Trump Remains Suspended, also, Rams Break In Their New Stadium With Huge Brawl
Power Line: Accountability For Afghanistan, also, Exit From Kabul
Shark Tank: FL Democrats Silent On Afghanistan As Taliban Takes Over
Shot In The Dark: Kiel Over, also, As Expected
STUMP: Meep’s Recommendations
The Political Hat: Administration Considers Interstate Travel Ban For The Unjabbed
This Ain’t Hell: Biden Returns – Walk Of Shame, also, Red China Mocks U.S. Regarding Vietnam, Afghanistan, & Taiwan
Transterrestrial Musings: The Vanishing Legacy Of Barack Obama, also, Seventeen Years Later
Victory Girls: Inshallah, Outright Lies, & Piss-Poor Planning
Volokh Conspiracy: Two Hawaii Gun Regulations Struck Down
Weasel Zippers: Trump Calls On Biden To Resign In Disgrace Over Afghanistan, also, Former SecState Pompeo Calls Out Biden For Trying To Blame Trump For Afghanistan Debacle
The Federalist: No, Biden Can’t Blame Trump For His Afghanistan Disaster, also, As Kabul Burns, Biden Is AWOL & Bad Orange Woman Is On Vacation
Mark Steyn: The Men That Got Away, also, The Scale of Humiliation

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Where Is Biden? UPDATED: The Big Lie of ‘Fighting Indefinitely’ in Afghanistan

Posted on | August 16, 2021 | Comments Off on Where Is Biden? UPDATED: The Big Lie of ‘Fighting Indefinitely’ in Afghanistan

Probably snorting coke off a Chinese hooker’s tits.

Oh, wait . . . You meant Joe Biden?

Well, our alleged President is preparing to deliver a nationally televised speech in which he will, predictably, blame everyone else but himself for the dreadful mess he’s made of Afghanistan. Meanwhile, the media are spinning so hard they’re liable to go whirling off into orbit any moment now. NBC White House correspondent Monica Alba, acting as propagandist for the Biden regime, complained that “Republicans have seized on” the visual comparison between the situation in Kabul in 2021 and Saigon in 1975. Yes, I missed the memo from GOP headquarters and was left wondering whether to “seize” or “pounce” on this comparison. Last week, we were all pouncing, but now we’re back to seizing again.

UPDATED: Biden’s speech was a masterpiece of mendacity. The heart of it was a deliberate misrepresentation of the situation:

In his remarks, Biden insisted the rapid collapse of the country only reinforced his belief that bringing troops home was the right thing to do.
‘American troops cannot and should not be fighting in a war and dying in a war that Afghan forces are not willing to fight for themselves,’ he said.
Biden also pointed a finger at former President Donald Trump’s agreement with the Taliban to pull out American troops by May 1, 2021.
‘So I’m left again to ask of those who argue that we should stay: How many more generations of America’s daughters and sons would you have me send to fight Afghanistan’s civil war, when Afghan troops will not?’ Biden said.
‘How many more lives, American lives is it worth? How many endless rows of head stones at Arlington National Cemetery?’
‘I’m clear in my answer: I will not repeat the mistakes we’ve made in the past. The mistake of staying and fighting indefinitely in a conflict that is not in the national interest of the United States,’ he continued.
‘Of doubling down on a civil war in a foreign country. Of attempting to remake a country through the endless military deployments of U.S. forces,’ the president added.

This was not the issue, because our troops were not — repeat, were not — “fighting in a war and dying in a war” when Biden took office. There was no prospect of “endless rows of head stones” from casualties in Afghanistan, and no matter how many times Biden repeats this idea, it is and always was a false dilemma. U.S. combat casualties in Afghanistan since 2017 had been minimal — you can look it up. Even in the worst year in Afghanistan, our total KIA (killed in action) was less than the number of people shot to death in Chicago so far this year. In the four years 2017-2020, the total number of U.S. fatalities in Afghanistan (including accidents, etc.) was 63 — an average of about 16 a year. So this insistence from Biden that the U.S. forces in Afghanistan were “fighting indefinitely” in a civil war that was producing “endless rows” of casualties is simply false — unless you consider the current situation in Chicago an “endless deployment” from which we must hastily evacuate our forces.


Rule 5 Sunday: Death Goddess On The Beach

Posted on | August 15, 2021 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: Death Goddess On The Beach

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Fresh out of inspiration and energy this week. Have a Sumerian death goddess in a swimsuit.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Ereshkigal is thinking maybe a one-piece would have been more appropriate.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1442, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns.

Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Mileage Tax Friday, and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL: Sturgis 2021, Beloe Zlato, Atlantic Crossing, Noor Inayat Khan, More Beloe Zlato, Lucy Boyton, Friday 13th Rule 5, and Wahid Murati

A View From The Beach: The Ratcatcher – Daniela MelchoirGood Lord!Fish Pic Friday – Alex VandegriftThursday TanlinesTo Fix the Bay, Fix the FarmsOregon, My OregonSome Wednesday WetnessOregon, My OregonA Tuesday Tune – The Chase,The Monday Morning StimulusRIP: Markie PostElection 2020 Never RestsPalm Sunday and It Seems Like There’s Plenty to Go Around

Proof Positive: Vintage Babe Of The Week Remembered

Brian Noggle: Jennifer Connelly in Labyrinth

Thanks to everyone for the luscious links!

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Complete Disaster in Afghanistan Doesn’t Interrupt Senile Joe Biden’s Vacation

Posted on | August 15, 2021 | Comments Off on Complete Disaster in Afghanistan Doesn’t Interrupt Senile Joe Biden’s Vacation

There is no way to alleviate the political damage Joe Biden has suffered as the Taliban captured Kabul today except, perhaps, by keeping Biden hidden away at Camp David, while the administration’s various spin doctors are deployed to major media outlets to make excuses:

President Joe Biden remained hidden at the presidential retreat at Camp David on Sunday as the Taliban swiftly seized control of Afghanistan.
But a senior administration official indicated to reporters Sunday evening that Biden might address the country “in the next few days,” according to reports.
It remains unclear whether Biden will speak from Camp David or return to the White House to deliver his speech, the reports noted.
The president was previously scheduled to return to the White House on Wednesday.
Biden has not spoken publicly on Afghanistan since Tuesday after expressing optimism that the leaders of the Afghan government would rally to defend their country. . . .
Biden told reporters Tuesday he did not regret his decisions on Afghanistan, leaving the following day for the rest of his August vacation in Delaware before he shifted his vacation to Camp David on Friday. . . .
On Saturday, the White House released a 600-word statement from Biden defending his decision to leave Afghanistan and blaming former President Donald Trump for empowering the Taliban.
On Sunday, the White House sent Secretary of State Tony Blinken to speak about the crisis on the Sunday cable and network news shows.
But Biden has remained off-camera as images and footage of the Taliban entering Kabul flooded onto various forms of media.

Gosh, if they can’t blame Trump for this debacle, who will they blame?

Great job you’re doing there, Kamala.

Even liberal journalists like Mike Allen can’t hide the truth:

Rarely has an American president’s predictions been so wrong, so fast, so convincingly as President Biden on Afghanistan. . . .
Just five weeks ago, President Biden assured Americans: “[T]he likelihood there’s going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely.”
In April, Biden said: “We will not conduct a hasty rush to the exit. We’ll do it responsibly, deliberately, and safely.”
This morning, the Taliban is entering the Afghanistan capital, Kabul, “from all sides,” a senior Afghan official told Reuters. Jalalabad, the last major city besides the capital not held by the Taliban, fell earlier today.
Afghan forces today surrendered Bagram Air Base, the Grand Central of America’s longest war, to the Taliban.
CNN showed video of choppers over Kabul — believed to be ferrying U.S. diplomats to the airport. . . .
Ryan Crocker, a U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan under President Obama, said last weekend on ABC’s “This Week”: “I think it is already an indelible stain on his presidency.”

A few quick headlines:

Final Failure in Afghanistan Is Biden’s to Own
David E. Singer, New York Times

Biden Ordered Afghanistan Withdrawal Against Warnings From Top Generals: Report
Mike Miller, Red State

Biden’s Betrayal of Afghans Will Live in Infamy
George Packer, The Atlantic

All Biden Had to Do Was … Nothing
John Podhoretz, Commentary

All of those stories are worth reading in their entirety, but the last one from Podhoretz captures how unnecessary this disaster was:

Had Joe Biden done nothing, Afghanistan would not have fallen to the Taliban today. Had he just let the status quo continue, the status quo would have continued. Afghanistan would have plodded along and we would have kept the Taliban from power with a small force of American military personnel among whose ranks there had not been a single fatality since March 2020—17 months without a death. Keep that in mind as you listen to and watch people try to analyze away the horror that has befallen the Afghan people. The idea being retailed by the increasingly defeatist left and the increasingly isolationist right is that what has happened was inevitable. It was the opposite of inevitable. It wouldn’t have happened if Biden hadn’t acted.

Look, a U.S. Army infantry company is about 150 men. At no time in the three or four years prior to Biden becoming president had the Taliban been willing to fight even a company-size action against U.S. troops. Earlier today (“Afghanistan and Chicago”), I explained that in the worst year in Afghanistan, U.S. forces suffered a total of 440 troops killed in action, which is less than the number shot and killed so far this year in Chicago. But the Biden administration is not abandoning Chicago, are they? And I’m willing to shrug off Podhoretz’s jab at the “increasingly isolationist right” because the point he’s making is absolutely correct — our forces in Afghanistan weren’t actually fighting a war, because the Taliban were afraid to fight them. Instead, our troops in Afghanistan were just keeping the peace, and with as much or more success as the police in Chicago. While keeping our troops deployed over there may have been expensive, what the hell do we have a military for, anyway? I mean, if we’re not occasionally gonna bust some heads, why even have a military? Whatever else you might say about Afghanistan, it was an excellent training ground, a chance for our forces to engage in firefights with actual enemies every once in a while. Maybe that wasn’t a “vital U.S. national interest,” but it was not entirely without value, either.

There may be an “increasingly isolationist right” that fails to appreciate that assessment, but I’m not trying to win any popularity contests, and nobody at the Pentagon has ever sought my advice, so anyone who wants to criticize me is wasting their time. Certainly, it’s not as if I have any influence over the Biden administration, and do not let anyone deceive you — Biden 100% owns this catastrophe:

Was it inevitable that it had to end up this way? Having this happen in this disastrously humiliating way was not inevitable. That’s completely all on Joe Biden, the guy who has been wrong about everything for the past forty years.
Early in July, when Joe Biden still had the opportunity to do things but was sitting on his hands acting as though he had all the time in the world, he claimed it wasn’t inevitable that the Taliban would take over again, despite the fact the U.S. intelligence was predicting it would happen.
“There’s going to be no circumstance where you’ll see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy of the United States from Afghanistan,” Biden said when asked about the possibility of an airlift off as happened in 1975 during the fall of Saigon at the end of the Vietnam War.

Joe Biden is already The Worst President Ever. As has been said, comparing Biden to Jimmy Carter is an insult — to Jimmy Carter.

Remember: 81 million people allegedly voted for this senile fool. If you don’t want to blame Biden, blame the idiots who elected him.


‘Mostly Peaceful’ Stabbing: Antifa Attacks Demonstration Against Vaccine Mandate

Posted on | August 15, 2021 | Comments Off on ‘Mostly Peaceful’ Stabbing: Antifa Attacks Demonstration Against Vaccine Mandate

The news media playing their “both sides” game:

One man was stabbed Saturday during dueling demonstrations in downtown Los Angeles over the contentious issue of mandatory vaccinations against the coronavirus, according to Los Angeles police.
At least 500 demonstrators protesting against mandatory vaccinations and counterprotesters had gathered at the south lawn of Los Angeles City Hall at 2 p.m., said LAPD Lt. Raul Jovel, spokesman for the department.
Around 2:30 p.m., a fight broke out among 20 to 30 protesters and counter-protesters in front of the LAPD headquarters, across the street from City Hall, leading to the stabbing, Jovel said. The victim, a man in his 20s, was stabbed at least once in the chest.
The man was taken to a nearby hospital, where he was in serious condition, LAPD Officer Mike Lopez said.
Witnesses told police the assailant was a man dressed in all black, police said.
The department said no arrests had been made but officers were in the process of taking a large number of reports from those involved in the melee or were witnesses, Jovel said. A number of people were battered in the fight, including one news reporter, he said. . . .
Police were still sorting out what led to the fight and the role the assailant and victim played in the opposing demonstrations.
Most of the crowds had cleared from the area by 5 p.m.
The organizers of the “choose freedom march” called out against “medical tyranny, mandatory vaccinations and vaccine passports.”
One hour earlier, an opposing group staged a counter-protest at the same location that organizers are calling “no safe space for fascists.”
The opposing rallies came as vaccine mandates continue to proliferate across California.
The Los Angeles City Council voted earlier this week to have the city attorney draw up an ordinance requiring proof of at least partial vaccination to enter many public indoor spaces in the city, including restaurants, bars, gyms, concert venues, movie theaters and even retail establishments.

You would not know, from reading that article, what really happened: The peaceful protesters — the ones who are against the mandates — were attacked by the violent Antifa mob, including one guy who jumped into the melee and stabbed one of the anti-vax protesters. But this is portrayed neutrally — “a fight broke out” — as if it were impossible to determine who the aggressors were in this violence.

The media and Antifa are on the same side, and thus it behooves the media to obscure the fact that their allies caused the violence.


Afghanistan and Chicago

Posted on | August 15, 2021 | Comments Off on Afghanistan and Chicago

“I don’t know what everybody thought would happen. It’s literally history repeating itself. . . . No foresight in what enemy was being fought. Conventional war doesn’t beat an insurgency, period.”

Such is the sober assessment of what’s happening in Afghanistan from one military source who has seen that particular s***hole country. There seems to be a general feeling in the military that after achieving the original objective of the mission in Afghanistan — chasing al-Qaeda out of the country — the objective was then changed to something that was never going to happen, i.e., creating a modern “democracy” there.

Longtime national security adviser K.T. McFarland says:

The truth is the Afghan war was lost 19 years ago when we switched from our original mission of destroying Al Qaeda to a new mission – nation building a modern Afghanistan.
Our leaders wanted to turn one of the most backward, corrupt, illiterate, desolate, tribal countries in the world into a democracy that would rebuff Al Qaeda.
Our military efforts were doomed from the start when we tried to create a sophisticated Afghan military that relied on American forces, air support and intelligence.
Our original goal in Afghanistan was straightforward – kill those who killed our people. We sent a small contingent of American special forces in right after the Sept. 11 attacks and they succeeded brilliantly.
Within three months our troops, working alongside Afghan tribal leaders, destroyed most of Al Qaeda. They had the few hundred remaining fighters surrounded, including Usama Bin Laden, huddled in the caves of the Hindu Kush mountains separating Afghanistan from Pakistan.
Instead of finishing them off then and there or pursuing them through the mountains and into the tribal regions of Pakistan to destroy them, we inexplicably let them slip away.
We paid Pakistan handsomely, year after year, to finish off Al Qaeda for us. While they happily pocketed our aid, they never went after Bin Laden, and let his organization survive and even grow.
Instead, we stuck around Afghanistan consumed by Mission Impossible. We lost over 2,000 Americans, tens of thousands of Americans were injured, and over a trillion dollars wasted.

Remember the elections in Afghanistan? All those women voters with purple ink on their fingers? That was a very bad omen. Given all the misery caused by “women’s rights” in America, why did anyone think it was a good idea to impose “women’s rights” on Afghanistan?

K.T. McFarland mentions the casualties. In the worst year in Afghanistan, 2010, the U.S. suffered 440 troops killed in action.

So far this year in Chicago, 480 people have been shot to death.

When will the U.S. begin its withdrawal from Chicago?

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!

And perhaps I should point out that Chicago is known to harbor anti-American terrorists. But why bring up Bill Ayers at this late date?


Biden’s Afghanistan Disaster

Posted on | August 15, 2021 | Comments Off on Biden’s Afghanistan Disaster

Of course, anyone could have predicted his excuse: “Orange Man Bad!”

President Joe Biden issued a statement Saturday blaming former President Donald Trump after the Taliban rapidly took control of the majority of Afghanistan’s major cities.
“When I came to office, I inherited a deal cut by my predecessor,” Biden wrote, complaining that Trump negotiated a deal “that left the Taliban in the strongest position militarily since 2001.”
Biden also noted that Trump had set the troop withdrawal date of May 1 and reduced troop levels to 2,500.
The president said he had the choice of either following through with Trump’s withdrawal plan or sending more troops back into Afghanistan to secure the country.
But Biden set a later date for withdrawal, choosing a new deadline of September 11th before walking it back to August 31.
“I was the fourth President to preside over an American troop presence in Afghanistan—two Republicans, two Democrats,” he said. “I would not, and will not, pass this war onto a fifth.”
On Saturday, Biden announced his decision to surge 5,000 American troops into Afghanistan to help ensure the safe evacuation of American personal.
Despite the president blaming his predecessor, Biden signaled he was disillusioned by the Afghanistan conflict:

One more year, or five more years, of U.S. military presence, would not have made a difference if the Afghan military cannot or will not hold its own country. An endless American presence in the middle of another country’s civil conflict was not acceptable to me.

Biden’s remarks were sharply different from his tone just a month ago when he indicated the Taliban takeover of the country was not inevitable.
“So the question now is, where do they go from here?” Biden said in July about the Taliban’s failure to negotiate a deal with the Afghan government. “The jury is still out. But the likelihood there’s going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely.”

Why did he think it was “highly unlikely”? Probably because he was listening to the Deep State “experts” of the intelligence community.

All these State Department and CIA geniuses with their degrees in international relations from Georgetown, Harvard, Yale — if you want to blame someone, put the blame where it really belongs.


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