The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Lynching of Derek Chauvin

Posted on | March 13, 2021 | Comments Off on The Lynching of Derek Chauvin

Paul Mirengoff at Powerline:

[Friday] the city of Minneapolis announced a $27 million settlement with the family of George Floyd. The family had sued the city for the alleged wrongful death of Floyd.
The announcement comes as the trial of Derek Chauvin proceeds through its early stages. The court is in the midst of selecting a jury.
Given its timing, the announcement looks to me like an attempt to prevent Chauvin from getting a fair trial, assuming there was ever any chance of him getting one in Minneapolis. But even if I’m wrong in saying that this is the city’s motive, it is almost certainly the effect of its announcement.

Indeed, how can Officer Chauvin expect to be acquitted, if the city has already admitted guilt to the tune of $27 million? But the facts are still the facts, and the fact is George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose.

This trial is about politics, period. Let’s quote Tucker Carlson here:

There are a lot of things going on in the world right now, but we thought this was significant. Jury selection has just begun in the murder trial of Derek Chauvin. Chauvin is one of the officers who has been accused of murdering George Floyd in Minneapolis last Memorial Day.
Now on one level, this trial is a local crime story, one of many unfolding right now. But of course, it’s also incalculably more than that.
The death of George Floyd changed the United States profoundly and forever. George Floyd, we were told wasn’t simply an individual, he was every African-American in the country. Derek Chauvin wasn’t just a cop, he was the physical embodiment of America’s institutions.
When Chauvin murdered George Floyd, he was doing to one man what our country has done to all African-Americans. Many people told us this, including Joe Biden. . . .
George Floyd murdered because he was black. That’s what they told us. They demanded that we believe that, and if you doubted it in any way, if you had any questions about the facts of the case, then you were effectively as guilty as the racist cop who killed George Floyd.

Watch the whole thing:


We will discuss this among the topics on The Other Podcast this week.


Democrats and the War on ‘Whiteness’

Posted on | March 13, 2021 | Comments Off on Democrats and the War on ‘Whiteness’

Berea College in Kentucky has scheduled an event about “Trumpism and white citizenship as forms of white terrorism enacted against the majority of people living within the borders of the U.S. and beyond.” When this event drew national attention, the college defended the event as a “dialogue . . . essential to understanding racism and moving toward an anti-racist society.” As I explained last fall (“Are Americans Tired of Being Called ‘Racist’ Yet?”), this crusade against whiteness is driven primarily by politics — it’s about electing Democrats, pure and simple.

All this rage about “white supremacy,” “white nationalism,” “white privilege,” “white terrorism.” etc., has erupted for the same reason feminism was all the rage circa 2014-2016. We haven’t heard very much about heteropatriarchy the past couple of years, and why? Because feminism was being promoted in an attempt to help elect Hillary Clinton. When that failed, the activist Left and the Democratic Party brain trust had to figure out what went wrong. After a couple of years of examining exit polls and focus groups — while the “Russian collusion” hoax filled the media space — Democrats returned with the idea that “energizing” black voters by accusing Republicans of racism was their ticket to power.

To debunk this, it is simply necessary to point that, however “racist” Republicans are in 2021, they are certainly no more racist than they were in 2011, 2001, 1991, 1981 or 1971. That is to say, Republicans are no more in league with the “far right” now than they ever were. What has changed in American politics is not the Republican Party’s position on racial issues (or any other issues), but rather the fact that Democrats have shifted the focus of their propaganda campaign.

The problem with promoting anti-white rhetoric as a means to political power is that some people will actually take this seriously. Consider, for example, the case of Georgetown University Law School adjunct professor Sandra Sellers, who got fired for saying this on a Zoom:

“And you know what, I hate to say this, I end up having this angst every semester that a lot of my lower ones are Blacks. Happens almost every semester. … And it’s like, ‘Oh, come on.’ You get some really good ones, but there are also usually some that are just plain at the bottom. It drives me crazy.”

Sellers is, I presume, a sincere liberal and the sentiments she expressed were not unsympathetic to her black students. She spoke of the “angst” she felt about the situation. John McWhorter examines this at great length and concludes that what Sellers was referencing was an effect of affirmative action “diversity” quotas at elite schools like Georgetown. In an effort to have a certain percentage of black representation in admissions, these schools are admitting black students whose abilities are disproportionately clustered toward the bottom of the range.

This is an effect of bad policy, which Sellers was discussing with a colleague via Zoom, in what she believed to be a private conversation. No one has demonstrated that Sellers said this because of malicious prejudice. But she might as well have called them “f***ing n****rs” (to quote an Oklahoma basketball announcer) as far as the cancel-culture mob is concerned. She’s fired just the same, you see.

Georgetown refuses to release data on student performance — this is a closely guarded secret, because the facts do not conform to the radical egalitarian worldview that justifies “diversity” quotas. Because elite institutions are concealing the truth about these academic disparities, the beneficiaries of these quotas become disgruntled and even radicalized, lashing out in anger at the “racist” system they blame for their problems.

This brings us to the case of Trinity College professor Johnny Williams. Three years ago, after a deranged Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on Republican congressmen, Williams sparked a firestorm by saying “let them f***ing die” because they are white. Williams was not fire for saying that, and now he’s written an op-ed column attacking “whiteness”:

[C]ontrary to my critics’ beliefs that whiteness is merely an identity — race and whiteness materialize as systemic white racism terroristic actions and practices with very real, tangible, and lethal effects.
Whiteness often goes unnoticed by self-identified whites in ways that divert them from considering their complicity in the daily white terrorism — wars, police and military occupations, poor housing, health, and education — directed at racially oppressed groups. …
Whiteness by its very definition and operation as a key element of white supremacy kills; it is mental and physical terrorism. To end the white terrorism that is directed at racially oppressed people here and in other nations, it is essential that self-identified whites and their whiteness collaborators among the racially oppressed confront their white problem head-on, unencumbered by racial comfort.

The cost to attend Trinity College is $73,920, including room and board.

Why would any white parent pay that kind of money to have their child subjected to such hatred? Fools and their money are soon parted.

We may assume that the parents who send their kids to these elite schools are Democrats, and therefore think it’s worth the price to have their children indoctrinated in the party ideology.


In The Mailbox: 03.12.21

Posted on | March 13, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.12.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual weekend deadlines for the usual weekend linakgery posts.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Flak Cruiser Week ends with the Biggest Little Cheerleader, USS Reno!

357 Magnum: THE Biggest Failure – London Mayor Sadiq Khan
EBL: Blue Bloods‘ Vanessa Ray
Twitchy: Loudoun County VA Teacher Torches School Board, Dismantles Critical Race Theory – “YOU Are The Face Of Privilege! YOU Do Not Speak For US!”
Louder With Crowder: Dan Crenshaw Slams Stimulus Bill – “Bribing People With Their Own Money”
Vox Popoli: The NBA – Woker & Broker, also, Don’t Jump To Logical Conclusions
According To Hoyt: I Don’t Want To Write This Post, also, No More Silence Now
Monster Hunter Nation: March Update Post
Stoic Observations: Special Effect
Gab News: Addressing Governor Abbott’s Statement About Gab

Adam Piggott: There’s A Dutch Election, Dontcha Know
American Conservative: Here’s The Deal
American Greatness: One Year Later, Vindication For Lockdown Skeptics, also, Biden Says If Americans “Do Their Part”, Maybe They Can Have Cookouts On The 4th Of July
American Power: Gov. Cuomo Says He Won’t Bow To Cancel Culture
American Thinker: My Democrat Friends Are Getting Very Embarrassed, also, What If Alexander Tytler Was Right?
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Woke Herd Immunity Friday
Babalu Blog: “An Act Of Repudiation With Music” Is The Official Response To “Patria Y Vida”
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For March 12
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, How The Blobby Craters On Mars Help Map The Planet’s Existing Accessible Water
Cafe Hayek: Glorious Normalcy! Glorious Florida!
CDR Salamander: What Do You Want Your DepSecDef & Vice Chairman Of The JCS Doing? also, Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Under The Fedora, also, The Woke In One Paragraph By C.S. Lewis
Don Surber: Milo Says Conversion Therapy Works
First Street Journal: The Credentialed Media Want To Muzzle Glenn Greenwald, also, Killadelphia!
The Geller Report: UAE Announces $10 Billion Fund For Investment In Israel, also, Russia Throttles Twitter Speed In Banned Content Standoff, Threatens To Block Twitter Completely
Hogewash: Why #MeToo Instead Of Manslaughter? also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Holland’s Cherry Missing One Vital Ingredient
The Lid: Lauren Boebert Slams Pelosi Over Capitol Lockdown – “Madam Speaker, Tear Down This Wall”
Legal Insurrection: Berea College Event – “Trumpism & White Citizenship As Forms Of White Terrorism”, also, Lawsuit Alleges Anti-Asian Discrimination Behind Admissions Change At Top-Ranked Virginia High School
Nebraska Energy Observer: “Elite” Indoctrination & How It Will Destroy Us
Outkick: Clay Travis House Judiciary Committee Testimony On Big Tech & Cancel Culture, also, Patrick Mahomes Restructures Contract, Gives Chiefs An Extra $17 Million For The Offseason
Power Line: No Vaccination Against This, also, Minneapolis City Council Sticks It To Chauvin
Shark Tank: Fried’s COVID Comment About DeSantis “Patently Unfair”
Shot In The Dark: A Litmus Test, also, And Just Like Magic
The Political Hat: None More Woke Than Nazis?
This Ain’t Hell: Stolen Valor Charge In Leominster, MA, also, 1st MAW Triggers Twitterati With Photo
Transterrestrial Musings: Disk Disaster Update
Victory Girls: Biden And His Snark Of The Union
Volokh Conspiracy: “(Cleaned Up)” Parenthetical Arrives At SCOTUS
Weasel Zippers: Bad Orange Woman – “We Made A Policy Decision” Knowing It Would Cause Surge In Illegal Immigration, also, Pentagon Goes To War With Fox News
The Federalist: Biden’s Deputy Budget Director Nominee Says Taxpayer-Funded Abortions Necessary “For Racial Justice”, also, Mollie Hemingway Calls Out Corporate Media’s “Appalling” Spin On Biden’s Threats
Mark Steyn: Circling Back

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In The Mailbox: 03.11.21

Posted on | March 11, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.11.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

USS Juneau from Azur Lane.

357 Magnum: Except Chicago PD Has Been Known To Ignore Policy
EBL: Cat Fight – DiBlasio Calls On Cuomo To Resign
Twitchy: Actual Pentagon Press Release – “Press Secretary Smites Fox Host That Dissed Diversity In The U.S. Military” (Updated)
Louder With Crowder: Stacey Dash Apologizes Foe Ever Being A Trump Supporter
Vox Popoli: I Don’t Believe Her Either, also, The Costs Of Convergence

American Conservative: Why Liberalism Really Failed
American Greatness: Red China Demands To Be In Charge Of Global Vaccine Passport System
American Power: The Miseducation Of American Elites
American Thinker: The Roots Of Insurrection – Antifa Exposed
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Free Speech News
Babalu Blog: Cuba’s Communist Party Elite Set Up Militarized Secure Areas For Themselves In Havana
BattleSwarm: Government In Action – Idiot Street Signs
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, also, A Proposal To Rebuild Arecibo Better
Cafe Hayek: Some Non-COVID Links
CDR Salamander: …About Those Ports On The Taiwanese East Coast
Da Tech Guy: A Royal Mess, also, Happy One Year Anniversary Of “Two Weeks To Flatten The Curve”
Don Surber: Trump Blimp Mayor Admits Failure
First Street Journal: Good News – Rising Influx Of Illegal Immigrant Children Being Held In “Jail-Like Facilities”, But Not By Biden Administration
The Geller Report: Poll – Americans Worried About Biden’s Ability To Do His Job, also, Indo-Pac Commander – U.S. Losing Its Military Edge In Asia As Red China Plans For War
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, A Black Hole With A Long Jet
Hollywood In Toto: Andrew Klavan – Conservatives Are Fighting Back At Long Last, also, Sir Anthony Hopkins Brings His A+ Game To The Father
The Lid: Sen. Tim Scott Slams MSNBC ‘s Bigot Joy Reid & “Woke Supremacy”
Legal Insurrection: Ivy League Schools Partnering With Healthcare Companies Linked To Chicoms, also, California “Ethnic Studies Currculum” Gets Worse – Heavy On Critical Race Theory, Anti-Israel Activism
Nebraska Energy Observer: This Is The Second
Outkick: President Biden To Give Black Farmers Billions, White Farmers Be Damned, also, Trump Wants Herschel Walker To Run For Senate From Georgia
Power Line: The Geek In Pictures – A Royalty-Free Zone, also, Chauvin Trial Day 3
Shark Tank: Nikki Fried Hypocritically Plays Politics, Attacks DeSantis From Her Official AG Office
Shot In The Dark: Death Spiral
STUMP: Cuomo Killing The Disabled & Elderly – This Time It’s Personal
The Political Hat: The Academic Purging Of Whites – Purging Racist Colonials With Non-Racist Whales, Racist Emancipators Of Slaves, & Racist Conquerors Of Germans
This Ain’t Hell: Fake Navy SEAL Scams People Out Of Over $1 Million, also, SecDef Overruled NGB Chief On Keeping Guardsmen In DC
Transterrestrial Musings: New NSS Leadership, also, SN10
Victory Girls: Grace Church School Issues Newspeak Guide
Volokh Conspiracy: Federal District Court Rules Against CDC Eviction Moratorium
Weasel Zippers: Milo Yiannopoulos Says He’s An Ex-Gay, Wants To Help Others Convert From Homosexuality, also, Prince William Slaps Back At Meghan And Her Wife
The Federalist: Courts Repeatedly Refused To Consider Trump’s Election Claims On The Merits, also, TX Governor Abbott Attacks Gab
Mark Steyn: Tragedy Of The Lack Of Commons

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Hey, Hashtag!

Kevin Pudlik, Victim of Injustice?

Posted on | March 11, 2021 | Comments Off on Kevin Pudlik, Victim of Injustice?

On May 31, 2019, there was a shooting in Michigan. Three days later, police spotted an SUV reported to be connected to that shooting. Inside the vehicle were driver Christopher Lee Cavin, 29, and passenger Kevin Pudlik, 41. Police gave chase and eventually — after three separate PIT (pursuit intervention technique) maneuvers — the SUV was cornered by cop cars on the southwest side of Detroit near I-75. Despite being surrounded by armed police, Cavin still refused to surrender, and instead tried to run over one of the police. All the cops opened fire, wounding Cavin twice, and killing his passenger Pudlik.


Police found two loaded handguns in the SUV, one of which was traced to the May 31 shooting. There was also cocaine and MDMA in the vehicle.

It turns out that Pudlik was a paraplegic, having become paralyzed some years earlier. Although the news article doesn’t say how Pudlik became paralyzed, this doesn’t mean he was incapable of being the triggerman in the shooting that led to the fatal police chase. Cavin was charged with second-degree murder because his actions led to the death of his criminal accomplice and, yes, Pudlik was a convicted felon, having served prison time for illegally purchasing a gun in 2012. We don’t have a complete record of Pudlik’s criminal career, but if it was illegal for him to purchase a firearm, it seems an obvious inference that he had previous convictions that made him prohibited to possess weapons.

Now, the reader may ask, why am I telling you about this incident that happened more than two years ago? Because of my habitual curiosity, when led me to do a Google search on Pudlik’s name in an effort to learn more about the incident. See, “Pudlik” is a sufficiently rare surname that I figured that searching for that would turn up every news article related to this chase. Guess where I found it? On a page entitled “In Memoriam” on the website DefundThePolice-dot-org.

That’s right: In their effort to smear police as perpetrators of “injustice,” this tax-exempt anti-police organization apparently decided that they would list the names of every person killed by police, regardless of the circumstances involved. The obvious intent of including the names of as many “victims” as they could find was to create the appearance that police are routinely killing innocent people. We have encountered this phenomenon before. As I explained in January (“Manufacturing an Atrocity Narrative: How BLM Distorts the Reality of Crime”), another such list of “state-sanctioned killing of Black people” included Najee Rechelle McGilbray, who died when she rammed her car into a tree while attempting to elude police on snow-covered roads in December 2017.

McGilbray was a victim of nothing but her own poor judgment and bad driving, and I am similarly averse to conferring the status of “victim” on Kevin Pudlik. When an encounter between police and criminals ends in the death of a criminal, this may not be the ideal outcome, but it is certainly not what most people would consider an “injustice.”

George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose.

Tucker Carlson had some thoughts about “justice” in that case:



In The Mailbox: 03.10.21

Posted on | March 11, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.10.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Pretty pale for a shipgirl from Puerto Rico (USS San Juan from the mobile game Azur Lane)

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1287
357 Magnum: LA Continues Its Decline
EBL: Milo Yiannopoulos Abandons Gayness, Does Daily Concentration To St. Joseph To Stay Straight
Twitchy: Black Single Mom Whose Son Passes For White Sues School Over “Hostile” Sociology Of Change Class Rooted In “Anti-Racism”
Louder With Crowder: White House Can’t Chase Media Away Fast Enough When Biden Asked About Border Crisis
Vox Popoli: The End Of The Republican Establishment, also, Living The Faith
Stoic Observations: Vocal Fry & The Voice Of Authority

Adam Piggott: How To Find Your Church
American Conservative: Route Around Deplatforming With Decentralized Tech
American Greatness: New Emails Show Green Bay Officials Gave Democrat Operative Keys To 2020 Election, also, Research Shows Soros Funded DAs Who Would Release Illegal Aliens
American Thinker: Masks Are Just Part Of The Socialists’ Uniform, also, Why Election Integrity Matters
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: The Castro Regime’s Long History Of Sponsoring & Supporting Terrorism, also, Colombian Communist Narcoterrorists Still Pursuing Former President Uribe
BattleSwarm: Texas Energy Outage Postmortem
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, also, NASA Completes Assembly Of SLS’ First Two Solid Rocket Boosters
Cafe Hayek: Less-Than-Minimum Good Sense
CDR Salamander: Do Not Act Shocked – Do Not Avert Your Eyes – Look Harder
Da Tech Guy: Very Quick Thoughts Under The Fedora, also, Words I Didn’t Expect To Read When I Got Home
Don Surber: Biden Reopens Kids-In-Cages Facility
First Street Journal: Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw Is Just The Fall Guy (Gal?) – The Real Problem Is Mayor Jim Kenney
The Geller Report: Twitter Sues Texas, also, Trump Says “No More Money For RINOs”
Hogewash: Martian Dust, also, An Anniversary
Hollywood In Toto: Disney Dodges Blame On Carano Firing, And For Good Reason, also, Chaos Walking Deserves Your Respect
The Lid: “Migrant President” Biden’s Open Borders Policies Are Angering The Mexican Government
Legal Insurrection: Welcome To The New Website, also, Columbia U. Digital Journalism Prof Calls For Censorship Of Conservative Media
Michelle Malkin: The Nuking Of The American Nuclear Family
Nebraska Energy Observer: Rowan’s Way – 14 Invictus
Outkick: XFL & CFL To Be Future Partners? also, Former NASCAR Star Carl Edwards May Be Running For Office
Power Line: Who Is Keith Ellison? also, Vanita Gupta Grossly Misleads Senate About Dylan Roof
Shark Tank: Roach’s HB 233 Seeks To Cancel College Cancel Culture
Shot In The Dark: Berg’s 20th Law Is Omniscient & Omnipotent
STUMP: Florence Nightingale, Data Visualization Pioneer, & Her Famous Graph
The Political Hat: Math Equity
This Ain’t Hell: Fake Bible Scholar, Fake SEAL, Fake Love, Fake Trust – All Fake, also, SecDef Austin Extends DC Deployment Through May 23 For National Guardsmen
Transterrestrial Musings: VirtualBox Issues, also, Typical Space Reporting
Victory Girls: Piers Morgan Under Investigation, Leaves Good Morning Britain
Volokh Conspiracy: Stopping The Rain Of Error
Weasel Zippers: Bad Orange Woman On Border Crisis – “I Don’t Think We Need…Labels”, also, Rep. Clyburn Laughably Claims Biden Too Busy For Press Conferences
The Federalist: The Real COVID Nursing Home Scandal Is Why Cuomo & Other Democrats Did It, also, Joe Biden, Commander In Hiding
Mark Steyn: Monarchy Won’t Get Taken Out By Celebrity, also, Medical Wrongthink & Me-Tooing Cuomo

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What the Princess Said

Posted on | March 10, 2021 | Comments Off on What the Princess Said

“We are trying to do all we can to help our gallant sailors, soldiers, and airmen, and we are trying, too, to bear our own share of the danger and sadness of war. We know, every one of us, that in the end all will be well. For God will care for us, and bring us victory and peace.”
Princess Elizabeth, October 1940

What sort of suffering has Meghan Markle ever endured that could be compared to what the English people endured during World War II?

In October 1940, when 14-year-old Princess Elizabeth went on the BBC to assure her nation’s children that “God will care for us,” England had been under attack by Hitler’s Luftwaffe for three months. More than 14,000 British civilians died during the Nazi bombing campaign, to say nothing of the hundreds of brave RAF pilots who died in aerial combat against the Germans. England was entirely alone against Hitler for more than a year between the collapse of France in June 1940 and the U.S. entry into the war in December 1941. What enormous sacrifices the British people made, and what terrible hardships they endured, during that lonely fight against Hitler’s war machine, ought to inspire eternal admiration. Alas, most of us have forgotten what the British did in “their finest hour,” just as we have forgotten our own courageous history:

One of the great insights of Edmund Burke’s monumental treatise Reflections on the Revolution in France is his defense of the principle of inheritance in government. Burke argued against certain radical theorists who claimed that Britain’s limited monarchy meant that the King of England’s title was dependent upon the “right” of the people to “choose” their ruler. No such right existed under the British constitution, Burke made clear, citing the pedigree by which the king held his crown as an inheritance, just as the king’s subjects held their liberties as an inheritance.
This principle of heredity as the basis of government might strike most Americans as archaic. If they would take time to read our Constitution, however, they would find that it was the solemn intent of the Founding Fathers to “secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.” Thus, our rights as Americans have been bequeathed to us as an inheritance — a gift from our remote ancestors — and we can see in Burke’s argument how the rights of Englishmen were likewise inherited, through the same historical processes by which the king inherited his crown. . . .

Read the rest of my latest column at The American Spectator.


In The Mailbox: 03.09.21

Posted on | March 10, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.09.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: How Is That “Affordable Bail” Working Out?
EBL: See The World the Way David French Does
Twitchy: The “Cruel, Psychotic, & Ridiculous” Way BuzzFeed Let HuffPo Staffers Know If They Were Laid Off
Louder With Crowder: Biden Appears To Forget Name Of His Defense Secretary – Also, Name Of The Department Of Defense
Vox Popoli: The End Of The Legal Option, also, Extrication Time
Stoic Observations: A Devil’s Dictionary Of Disagreeables

Adam Piggott: So Apparently Milo Isn’t Gay Now
American Conservative: The Urban Poor Are Paying A Stiff Murder Tax
American Greatness: The Current Balance Sheet Of American Democracy
American Power: Liz Posner Was A “Well-Meaning WHITE Teacher”, Except She Wasn’t A “Teacher” At All
American Thinker: Biden’s Border Brouhaha Is Just The Start
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Return Of Jim Crow News
Babalu Blog: The Cuban Dictatorship Fears “Subversive Artists”
BattleSwarm: Mike Rowe On “The Science Is Settled” And Cancel Culture, also, Chicoms Carry Out Giant Microsoft Hack
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, Mars, Planet of Many Glaciers
Cafe Hayek: A Report From Down Under By David Hart
CDR Salamander: The Western Way Of War – Two Problems & Six Solutions
Da Tech Guy: Judging Our Neighborhood Overseers, also, And Now A Sports Interlude
Don Surber: Joe Manchin, D-Manchin, also, Tim Scott – “Woke Supremacy Is As Bad As White Supremacy”
First Street Journal: NYT Blames Heat & Humidity On You And Your Burger, also, The HuffPo Is Biting The Dust
The Geller Report: GA Fails To Produce Chain Of Custody For 404,000 Absentee Ballots Months After Contested Election, also, AZ Hospital Worker Says Almost All New COVID Patients Are Illegal Aliens
Hogewash: Slow Blogging, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Classic Tales Deserve Our Respect, Not Politically Correct Updates, also, How Legend Of The Lone Ranger Crushed A Beloved Icon
The Lid: LA Teachers Union Reminds Members Not To Post Vacation Pics Online
Legal Insurrection: Biden Brain Freeze, also, SCOTUS Rules Former College Student Can Sue For Free Speech Violations; Roberts Dissents
Nebraska Energy Observer: There Are Two
Outkick: NBA All-Star Game Sets New Ratings Low, also, Major Sports Leagues Lost Massive Amounts Of Money In 2020
Power Line: Coke Demands Its Law Firms Engage In Unlawful Discrimination, also, The Deep Rig
Shark Tank: Sabatini Fights Big Tech In Florida With HB-33
Shot In The Dark: Money Pedals The World
STUMP: MoneyPalooza Monstrosity – It Passed!
The Political Hat: Iowa Vs. Critical Race Theory
This Ain’t Hell: Troops Might Never Leave DC, also, Biden’s Dog Kicked Out Of The White House
Victory Girls: Joy Reid Attempts To Drag Sen. Tim Scott; He Quotes The Bible
Volokh Conspiracy: When The Chief Stands Alone
Weasel Zippers: Michigan’s Sociopath Governor Could Face Charges Over Nursing Home Deaths, also, Entire Nevada Democratic Party Staff Quits After Democratic Socialists Take Over Party Leadership
The Federalist: For National Security Reasons, Let’s Keep Biden In The Basement And Off TV, also, Biden’s Pick For Civil Rights Head Peddled The Jussie Smollett Hoax
Mark Steyn: Waiting For Durham

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