The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Cuomo vs. Jews: ‘We Know Religious Institutions Have Been a Problem’

Posted on | October 6, 2020 | 1 Comment


Over the weekend, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio announced he would “close non-essential businesses and all schools, both public and private, in nine ZIP codes in South Brooklyn and Central Queens where coronavirus cases have surged for weeks.” All of these ZIP codes have large Orthodox Jewish communities, and the definition of “surged” seems rather arbitrary — an average of 3% positive COVID-19 test results. We are told that “experts” consider this to be a crucial metric, but the same “experts” tell us that New York City has been a model for “containment” even though the city has the highest coronavirus death rate in the world.

Now, Governor Granny-Killer has taken charge of the pogrom:

New York Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo displayed a 2006 image of Jews congregating to single out the religious community when warning that enhanced lockdown measures are likely to come if the gatherings persist.
“We know religious institutions have been a problem,” Cuomo said during a Monday press conference. “These are pictures from the past couple of weeks. And these are just emblematic. … What did you think was going to happen?”
The images Cuomo displayed, however, are more than a decade old, from the funeral of Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum, who died in 2006.
Cuomo’s comments came as the New York governor also declared the state was taking over coronavirus lockdown enforcement from New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who tried to selectively reimpose tight restrictions on several zip codes only to be overruled by Cuomo. Several schools in hot-spot areas, however, will be shut down starting Tuesday. Cuomo gave no date for reopening.

What Democrats are saying is that New York doesn’t have a COVID-19 problem, New York has a Jew problem. Why are Cuomo and de Blasio engaged in this kind of anti-Semitic scapegoating? Because it is politically convenient for them. Democrats have figured out that their electoral success is now dependent on appealing to black, Latino and immigrant voters who, to put it as charitably as possible, don’t like Jews very much.

Think about the anti-Semitic hate crimes that have plagued New York in recent months. Who is committing those crimes? Hint: Not Republicans.

Nobody in the media wants to talk about this, because it’s one of those facts that doesn’t fit the preferred narrative, where Trump-voting “white supremacists” are supposed to be the anti-Semitic bogeyman.

+ + + + + +

(P.S.: Today is my birthday. I’m now 61 years old, and if readers want to celebrate, perhaps $10.06 or $19.59 in the tip jar would be nice.)


In The Mailbox: 10.05.20

Posted on | October 6, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Bacon Time: Called It – Fake Hate Crime Exposed
357 Magnum: 2+2=5 Means More Bridges Will Collapse
Red Pilled Jew: The Jewish Voice – Amy Coney Barrett Must Be Our Next Supreme Court Justice
EBL: American Barbecue Showdown
Twitchy: President Trump Releases Video Message On Return To White House, And Andrea Mitchell “Has No Words”
Louder With Crowder: Portland Antifa Dragged A Girl For Waving An American Flag, But She Refused To Let Go
Vox Popoli: Coinbase Cleans House, also, Bringing The Agencies To Heel
Stoic Observations: Five [Hundred] Minutes Of Funk

Adam Piggott: A Good Grooming Guide For Men, Part 1
American Conservative: We Must Choose Sides Between Chaos & The Police
American Greatness: Massive Trump Caravans Pick Up Where Boat Parades Left Off, also, The Full Crowley
American Power: Jumbo’s Clown Room
American Thinker: Time To End COVID Lockdowns & Mask Mandates, also, The Democrats’ Long Temper Tantrum Will Re-Elect Trump
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Spain’s Ruling Socialists Accused Of Corruption, Money Laundering, & Electoral Fraud
BattleSwarm: Shooting An S&W .500 Magnum, also, BidenWatch For October 5
Cafe Hayek: Failed Fed, also, A Curveball Isn’t An Existential Threat
CDR Salamander: Missile Barges & The Modern Auxiliary Cruiser
Da Tech Guy: Baked-In Birth Control, also, I’m Old Enough To Remember When Democrats Would Have Been Worried About Having Devil Worshipers Openly On Their Side
Don Surber: Democrats Panic, also, Trump Makes Corona-chan Irrelevant
First Street Journal: Big Brother Is Watching You, also, A Catholics For Trump Rally In Philadelphia
The Geller Report: NBA Ratings Crash 68%, Least Watched Finals In History, also, Cleveland Officials Traced COVID-19 Cases Back To Debate Site – Before Trump Arrived
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Funny, He Doesn’t Sound Like A White Supremacist To Me
Hollywood In Toto: PEN America Won’t Defend Artists Against Cancel Culture Surge, also, The Ultimate Empire Strikes Back Review
JustOneMinute: Something Is Happening
The Lid: Biden Does It Again – Disparages Blacks in Speech
Legal Insurrection: Democrats Stand By Cal Cunningham Despite Sexting Scandal, also, Following Michigan Supremes’ Decision, State AG Won’t Enforce Gov. Whitmer’s Shutdown
The PanAm Post: Militantes de Partido Comunista No Podran Emigrar De EEUU, also, Telesur Miente – Carabineros De Chile No Arrojo Un Joven Por Un Puente
Power Line: Is The CIA Still Covering Up? also, Devin Nunes – Time To Shut Down The Agencies
Shark Tank: Lois Frankel Accused Of Violating House Ethics Rules & FEC Laws
Shot In The Dark: Pride
STUMP: Pension & Finance Roundup – 80% Funding Myth Sighting, Junky Illinois, & More
The Political Hat: Orwelllian Wokeness Comes To Math
This Ain’t Hell: Long Live The Non-Binaryhood, also, VA To Be Investigated For “Staggering Amounts Of Racism & Discrimination”
Victory Girls: Trump Does Drive-By To Thank Supporters, Troll Media, also, CBS Journalist Claims He Feels Safer In The DPRK Than The White House
Volokh Conspiracy: Is The Right To Armed Self-Defense Obsolete? also, How Social Media Have Changed Campus Climate
Weasel Zippers: Liberal Woman Flips Out When She Sees Trump Supporters Outside Hospital, also, Here’s Why Three Astronauts Have Endorsed Martha McSally Over Mark Kelly
The Federalist: Intel Sources – CIA Director Hoping For Biden Win To Keep Russiagate Documents Hidden, also, How Strong Women Like Amy coney Barrett Submit To Their Husbands With Joy
Mark Steyn: The Thin Blue Line, also, Tal Bachman – Forty Years Later, A Musical Memoriam

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‘The Third Time It’s Enemy Action’

Posted on | October 5, 2020 | Comments Off on ‘The Third Time It’s Enemy Action’


“Mr. Bond, they have a saying in Chicago:
‘Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence.
The third time it’s enemy action.’”

California Republican Omar Navarro invoked Goldfinger’s famous quote in questioning the timing of the COVID-19 outbreak that not only infected President Trump and the First Lady, but also Trump’s campaign manager and two Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Phrases like “targeted strike” and “biological warfare” are being tossed around on social media. You’re not paranoid if they actually are out to get you, and Deborah Franklin reminds us:

On Friday, the city of Cleveland reported that 11 cases of COVID had been linked to the planning and set-up of the September 29th presidential debate. Some commenters on social media speculated that the Republican debate area had been saturated with the virus in a biological attack, coordinated with China.
The sudden illness of so many prominent Republicans brought to mind a mostly forgotten incident in January 2018. A chartered train carrying Republican lawmakers and their families to a retreat collided with a garbage truck that inexplicably was stranded on the track. The front car derailed, killing one person. The media displayed no interest in the story and offered no follow-up articles explaining the unlikely scenario.
Seven months before the train crash, a gunman opened fire on members of the Republican congressional baseball team, severely wounding Steve Scalise, who was then serving as House Majority Whip. NBC reported: “Witnesses told investigators that when the gunman arrived at the ballfield, he asked people, “Are these the Republicans or the Democrats?”
In the almost four years since Trump has become president, Republicans have suffered three potentially mass fatality events.

As sources go, “some commenters on social media speculated” is not optimal and, considering what we know, the Sept. 26 Rose Garden announcement of Barrett’s nomination seems a much better candidate as a coronavirus “super-spreader” event. That being said, it is not paranoid to ask the question how the virus penetrated the presidential inner circle, at a time when the pandemic has been declining for months. Logically, the risk would have been far greater in April, when Americans were dying at a rate of 2,500 a day from the Chinese disease, or July when daily new cases peaked at more than 75,000. Instead, Trump and other GOP leaders contracted COVID-19 when the peak of the pandemic is long past.

J.J. Sefton further stokes the furnace of paranoia:

Trump’s term so far has severely checked China’s totalitarian ambitions, strategically and economically. Many leading politicians, especially Democrats and in particular that party’s leaders (Biden and Feinstein in particular) have been in bed with them for decades. Given the recent revelations by a whistleblower claiming the Peking Pox did indeed originate in a Chinese bio lab, and given the fact that a Chinese agent pretending to be a journalist (no pun intended) who was infected and symptomatic was removed from a West Wing press conference a few months back… do the math.
Taking all of the above into account, it is not tinfoil hat nuttery to speculate that the President, his staff and other Republican leaders were, for all intents and purposes, subjected to a biological attack in an attempt to actually kill him/them, or severely cripple him in the hopes of once again sabotaging the election.

I know there have been Chinese agents in White House press briefings, but I have been unable to find a source for the claim that one of these infiltrator “journalists” tested positive for COVID-19.

However, there was at least one enemy agent at last week’s debate.


I don’t have proof that Chris Wallace is on the payroll of the Chinese Communist Party, but evidence that he is anti-American — an active agent of the #Resistance — has become rather abundant lately.


How to Get Shot by Police

Posted on | October 5, 2020 | 3 Comments

Teenagers seem to be doing a seminar lately on this topic. For example, carjacking people at gunpoint? What do you think the odds are that a teenage boy is going to get away with this crime? He’s not an experienced driver, whereas the cops have logged many hours of training in pursuit tactics, with radio communications to assist them. And when the cops catch you, knowing that you have just used a firearm to commit a felony, do you think they they’ll leave their pistols in their holsters?

No, boy, you’re going to be confronted by cops with guns drawn screaming: “Let me see your hands! Let me see your hands!”

In Phoenix, Arizona, two boys ages 15 and 16 learned the hard way:

Police shot and wounded two teens suspected of stealing a car at gunpoint [Sept. 13] in Phoenix, sending them to the hospital in critical condition, according to authorities.
Phoenix police responded to an armed robbery call at about 8:45 p.m. at an apartment complex near Northern and 31st avenues, police spokesperson Sgt. Maggie Cox said in a statement on Monday.
The victim reported to police that two unknown males approached him in his apartment complex parking lot with a handgun and demanded his vehicle. After he surrendered his vehicle, the two males drove away.
Two officers traveling north on 29th Avenue found the stolen vehicle stopped in traffic near Dunlap Avenue, Cox said.
The officers exited their patrol car and approached the suspects, motioning for the driver of the car to remain stopped. Cox said the driver initially complied, but then he allegedly accelerated toward the officer at the front of the car.
Both officers fired their guns, according to Cox, hitting the driver, a 15-year-old boy, and the passenger, a 16-year-old boy.
The driver of the car continued south, and police officers followed toward the area of 29th and Northern avenues, where the passenger got out of the front seat. Police gave verbal commands to the driver, and when he did not comply, a K9 handler fired pepper balls into the vehicle “to ensure the vehicle was safe to approach,” Cox said. Finally, the driver got out of the car.
The two boys were treated by Phoenix Fire Department personnel and taken to a hospital in critical condition.
The 16-year-old was released from the hospital on [Sept. 14] and booked into a juvenile correction center in connection with the armed robbery, while the 15-year-old driver was still in critical condition as of [Sept. 14], according to Phoenix police spokesperson Sgt. Maggie Cox. . . .
Police said a handgun was found in the stolen vehicle.

Plot twist: It was two white kids!


It’s nice to have an opportunity to highlight white teenagers getting shot by the cops. No protest marches. No NBA players kneeling. No mention of these victims of “excessive force” on CNN. Cops can shoot as many white perps as they want, and nobody cares. Just a local crime story.


Rule 5 Sunday: Damn It, Janet

Posted on | October 4, 2020 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I don’t want to hear ONE WORD about her politics, okay?* Today is Susan Sarandon’s birthday, and for young men of a certain age she’s always going to bring to mind her role as Janet Weiss** in The Rocky Horror Picture Show, during which we were treated to plenty of shots of her rather nice bosom. Like this one, shortly before she seduces The Creature (Peter Hinwood).

The heroine. (sic)

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick of the Late Night, Morning Mistress, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1126, and Girls With Guns.

Animal Magnetism: Rule Five GMO Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL: Agnes Obel, Le Nozze del Figaro, Utopia, Cosi Fan Tutte, The Bangles, La Clemenza di Tito, Take On Me, RIP Helen Reddy, No Oktoberfest, Die Zauberflote, Amy Winehouse, Don Giovanni, Julie London, Kayleigh McEnany, Renee Fleming, Democrat Cal Cunningham’s Sexting Partner, Amy Coney Barrett, and Nadine Sierra.

A View From The Beach: Maggie Grace, Lost, Taken and CalifornicatedFish Pic Friday – Representing Argentina – Diana AlcarázInternational Coffee Day?Tattoo ThursdayWednesday WetnessTanking Up for TuesdayMaryland Bans Foam Food ContainersYour Monday Morning StimulantMaryland Fisherman Headed for the Hoosegow and Palm Sunday.

Proof Positive’s Vintage Babe of the Week is Carol Lynley, and Red Pilled Jew this week is all about those slit skirts.

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious linkagery!

* You have about two dozen other posts every week on which to gripe about politics. All politics and no play makes Jack a dull boy.All politics and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All politics and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All politics and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All – er, where was I?
** THE CHORUS: (hissed) Vice!

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It’s Stabbing Season!

Posted on | October 4, 2020 | 2 Comments

Just in time for Halloween, we’ve got a spree of knife-wielding madmen terrorizing the streets of America in real life!



Portland Police arrested a man early Saturday after they said he slashed two people with a knife in Downtown Portland.
Central Precinct officers were called to the area of SW 13th Avenue and SW Columbia Street around 2:00 a.m. on reports someone trying to stab people passing by. Upon their arrival, officers found two victims with serious cuts; one person had a cut on the arm, the other person’s cut was on the ear.
Witnesses say they saw a confrontation between the man with a knife and the victim at the corner of SW 13th and Columbia. At one point, the victim ran behind some shrubs in an effort to put a small tree in between themselves and the suspect. Witnesses said the victim was bleeding at that point.
Suspect: 29-year-old Hillsboro resident Travis Sadler. (MCSO)
Witnesses believe that the person with the arm injury was the initial victim, and the other person cut on the ear had tried to stop the suspect by grabbing or tackling him. The victim with the arm injury was taken to a hospital for treatment. Both injuries are considered non-life-threatening.
One neighbor also said they believed others tried to step in to stop the attack and were nicked in the process, but didn’t stick around to talk to police officers.
Officers arrested the suspect without further incident. The suspect was identified as 29-year-old Hillsboro resident Travis Sadler, according to police. He faces charges of assault and the unlawful use of a weapon.



The Atlanta Police Department announced it arrested a suspect wanted for stabbing five individuals in four separate incidents.
According to a news release, Sept. 28 at about 11:10 a.m., officers responded to a 911 call about a person being stabbed in the area of 2456 Martin L King Jr. Drive in southwest Atlanta. Once they arrived, they found two adult males who were stabbed in the neck.
Just minutes after that, officers were dispatched following another 911 call about a person being stabbed nearby at 2680 Martin L King Jr. Drive. There they discovered a third adult male with a stab wound. “Officers searched the area but were unable to locate a suspect,” the release stated. “The description from both locations was very similar and investigators believed the same person stabbed all three of these victims.”
Sept. 29 at about 9 a.m. officers were called to 424 Decatur St. in southeast Atlanta, near the King Memorial MARTA station, following a 911 call about another individual being stabbed. There they found the victim, a 60-year-old male, with a serious stab wound.
“The officers on scene also learned that MARTA (Police) was investigating an incident that occurred nearby in which another victim was stabbed. Officers were searching the area when a witness pointed out the suspect. The suspect fled when police approached, and after a short foot pursuit officers from (Atlanta) and MARTA (police) apprehended 32-year-old Ahmad Jameel Rasheed.”
According to the police, the suspect description in the Sept. 29 crimes closely matched the description of the suspect from the previous day’s attacks.
“Because of the seriousness of the repeated attacks the APD homicide unit has taken over the investigation and is actively working to confirm whether the same person committed these crimes,” the release stated. “Once detectives can evaluate the evidence an updated statement will released.”
All five stabbing victims are expected to survive.
According to Fulton County jail records, Rasheed was arrested July 25 and charged with felony theft by taking but released Aug. 15.



Police in Arlington have arrested an 18-year-old for aggravated robbery and believe he may be involved in other violent crimes in the area.
Surveillance video was released from the incident on Monday at a 7-Eleven in southeast Arlington involving the suspect, Osagie Ayanru. Police said he allegedly stabbed a store clerk during a robbery even though she complied.
The video also shows the suspect appearing to stomp on her and kick her while she was on the ground before he ran away.
Police believe Ayanru may be connected to an attack on Wednesday, where a couple was stabbed and robbed while walking in the 6400 block of South Collins Street.
The two victims were taken to the hospital, but one of them, later identified as 47-year-old Islam Sahmi Duly, died from his injuries.
Police said they also believe the suspect stole a vehicle from the same 7-Eleven store on Wednesday before the couple was attacked.
According to police, they believe the suspect was driving away from scene of the attack on Wednesday when the car he was in hit a woman who was walking her dog in the 900 block of Southeast Parkway.
A suspect jumped out of the car and tried to rob the woman, police said. Her dog was killed in the crash.
According to police, the woman told investigators she could hear someone yelling, “grab her wallet, grab her wallet,” as she lied on the ground.
Police said they are still investigating if there are other suspects involved.
Ayanru was arrested after police said the store clerk who was attacked was shown a picture and was able to recognize him.
He is charged with aggravated robbery and theft of a vehicle.

Be careful out there. Murderous psychopaths with knives are everywhere.


FMJRA 2.0: Night Suit

Posted on | October 3, 2020 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Night Suit

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Sunday: Elizabeth Taylor
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

The Truth About Breonna Taylor, Part 1: Separating BLM’s Myth From Reality
Bacon Time
The Political Hat
357 Magnum

I’ll Take ‘Things Not to Say to a Jersey Cop While You’re Holding a Knife’ for $400
The Political Hat

FMJRA 2.0: Mexican Radio
A View From The Beach

Federal Charges for BLM Scammer

My Chicago Earworm Problem
Nebraska Energy Observer

@RealDonaldTrump: Still #Winning

George Floyd Mug Shot

Ilhan Omar Implicated in Election Fraud
Dark Brightness
Bacon Time
357 Magnum

Chicago Democrat Arrested Again
357 Magnum

LOL: Trashy Ex-Gawker Link-Bait Peddler Libels Black Professor, Gets Sued
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 09.28.20
357 Magnum
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

Biden: Incompetent AND Incontinent?
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 09.29.20
357 Magnum
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

Biden and the ‘White Supremacy’ Smear
Dark Brightness

Good-Bye, Zimbabwe, U.S.A.: Ben Shapiro Explains Why He’s Leaving California
357 Magnum

An Extensive Criminal History’: Suspect Arrested in Ambush of LA Deputies
First Street Journal
357 Magnum

Crazy People Are Dangerous
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 09.30.20
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Trump Tests Positive for COVID-19
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 10.02.20 (Afternoon Edition)
357 Magnum
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

‘Knockout Game’ Attack on Rick Moranis Raises Awareness of Racial Violence
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 10.02.20 (Midnight Special Edition)
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending October 2:

  1.  EBL (23)
  2.  357 Magnum (12)
  3.  (tied) A View From The Beach & Proof Positive (6)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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The Other Podcast: Crisis Edition

Posted on | October 3, 2020 | Comments Off on The Other Podcast: Crisis Edition

My podcast partner John Hoge and I will, discuss President Trump’s COVID-19 problem and other news of the week tonight at 7 p.m. ET on the latest weekly edition of The Other Podcast.

If you miss the live show, the Podbean archive is here.


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