The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Hazards of the Trade

Posted on | September 24, 2020 | 2 Comments

Earlier today, I mentioned that Shelby Talcott of the Daily Caller had apparently been arrested while covering the Louisville riot, now it turns out she wasn’t the only one who got the cuffs:

Two Daily Caller reporters were arrested as part of a mass detention during the Louisville riots.
Shelby Talcott and Jorge Ventura were covering the riots when police surrounded the group and made everyone get on the ground. A video showed police detaining several people and putting them in zip-tie handcuffs. Talcott and Ventura were arrested despite identifying themselves as press.
Daily Caller Editor-In-Chief Geoffrey Ingersoll notified the Louisville Metro Police Department that Talcott and Ventura were working as members of the press when they were arrested.
The Louisville Department of Corrections told Ingersoll that Talcott and Ventura would be processed and charged like the rest of the people who were arrested. They both will be charged with two misdemeanors related to breaking curfew and unlawful assembly, the Department of Corrections said, for their alleged failure to disperse and go to the press’ “observation area.”
The mass detention came after a chaotic night where two police officers were shot. An unlawful assembly was declared as rioters set multiple fires around the city and broke glass windows.

By the way, I completely endorse these arrests. Let me explain.

Hunter S. Thompson got tear-gassed while covering the riots at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. It’s a hazard of the trade. If you’re a combat correspondent in a war zone, you might get bombed. If you’re a reporter covering a riot, you might get arrested.

The city of Louisville declared a 9 p.m. curfew Wednesday, and anybody caught on the street after that time was subject to arrest. As it was, the Mostly Peaceful™ Protesters were allowed to stay on the streets well past the curfew hour. By the time Talcott and Ventura got arrested, there were only a few dozen people still protesting and, considering that two cops had already been shot, you can’t blame police if they decided, “OK, enough play time, kids — everybody is going to jail.”

“But Stacy,” you say, “they were reporters!”

So? There were probably a lot of Antifa scumbags in that crowd who could have claimed to be “journalists” of one sort or another. Basically anybody with a Twitter account could claim they were just “reporting” on the riots, and defy a police order to disperse the unlawful assembly.

The law is the law, in other words, and if the Daily Caller wants to object to cops enforcing the law, they can spend the money to hire a lawyer and fight these charges in court. But I hope not.

Just pay the fine. Consider it a tax-deductible business expense.

(P.S.: Shelby Talcott is way too cute to be Antifa, but the cops can’t make a Pretty Girl Exception to the laws, because then they would be accused of unconstitutional discrimination against ugly chicks.)


Mostly Peaceful™ Protesters Shoot Two Police Officers in Louisville Riot

Posted on | September 24, 2020 | 1 Comment


This is actually good news, relatively speaking. When I saw the mob unpacking riot supplies from a U-Haul truck (allegedly supplied by Soros-funded radical Holly Zoller), my thought was, “Uh-oh. This is gonna be bad.” Fortunately, Louisville is not Portland. There are about 120,000 black people in Louisville, but the protest mob — at least half of whom were white — was never more than a few hundred people.

Whatever the public opinion about the Breonna Taylor case in Louisville, the vast majority of residents there clearly do not support the radical cop-hating mob, and so the city didn’t burn down Wednesday night. The cops maintained a perimeter and, when the protesters did not disperse after the 9 p.m. curfew, they arrested everybody (apparently including Daily Caller reporter Shelby Talcott). All in all, the situation in Louisville was not nearly as bad as it could have been.

For me the most disturbing moment of the night — I mean, besides the two cops getting shot — was when I briefly watched CNN and had to listen to Ben Crump run his mouth for a couple of minutes.

If any sociologist is interested in researching the cause of racism in America, there it is — Ben Crump. I defy any white person to listen to Ben Crump for two minutes without having racist thoughts. The very idea that some college gave this fool a law degree? That’s got to be worth a few thousand recruits a year for the neo-Nazis. Meanwhile . . .

Organized hatred is a frightening thing to behold, and no one can blame Americans for being terrified by what happened Wednesday in Louisville. After it was announced that a grand jury had indicted only one of the police officers involved in the death of Breonna Taylor, an angry mob began shouting threats punctuated with obscenities. “We didn’t get it! Burn it down!” was one of the threats. Another voice in the protest mob was still more specific, shouting at police: “All y’all get ready to f***ing die!”
There followed the inevitable confrontations between police and the “mostly peaceful” protesters, who engaged in vandalism and arson. By 8:30 p.m., Louisville police reported that one officer had been shot in a confusing scene on East Broadway near the Interstate 65 overpass. Subsequently, it was reported that two officers had been shot, which perhaps the #BlackLivesMatter (BLM) movement will consider adequate to satisfy their slogan of “Justice for Breonna.” . . .

Read the rest of my latest column at The American Spectator.


In The Mailbox: 09.23.20

Posted on | September 24, 2020 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode 1118
Red Pilled Jew: Wednesday Whittle
357 Magnum: Another Failure Of The Victim-Selection Process
EBL: Brionna Taylor Grand Jury
Twitchy: Reuters Calls Louisville Riots “Mostly Peaceful” (Except For The Two Officers Shot), Harris & Biden Seem To Agree
Louder With Crowder: Murder Turtle Absolutely Disembowels Chuck U. Schumer On Senate Floor
Vox Popoli: Identifying The Pedo Elite, also, Impeccable Timing
Gun Free Zone: A Very Organic & Not At All Centrally Planned Demonstration In Kentucky (h/t Red Pilled Jew)

American Conservative: Inside Amy Coney Barrett’s Race To Lose
American Greatness: In MI & PA, The Democrats Plan To Cheat, also, Shock Senate Report Finds Hunter Biden Ties To Red China, Russia, & Human Trafficking
American Thinker: Will Biden Survive The First Debate? also, California – The Golden State In Utter Decay
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Trump Honors Bay Of Pigs Vets, Announces New Sanctions On Castro Regime
BattleSwarm: Why Does The Liberal Overclass Hate Joe Rogan?
Cafe Hayek: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review – One Way Out
CDR Salamander: USS Thresher‘s Board Of Inquiry Now Available
Da Tech Guy: Hey Leftists! How’s That “Politics Is My Religion” Thing Working Out?
Don Surber: GDP Grows 32% This Quarter, also, Democrats Lose Again On Ginsburg
First Street Journal: Maybe He Thought His White Privilege Would Protect Him
The Geller Report: FL AG Begins Investigation Into Bloomberg “For Potentially Engaging In Bribery & Vote Buying”, also, Notorious Antisemitic Terror Simp Linda Sarsour Leading Louisville Riots
Hogewash: A Note On Professionalism, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Revealed – The Secrets Behind Indie Comic Book Success Stories, also, Bill Clinton & Lin-Manuel Miranda Join West Wing Reunion Special
JustOneMinute: On To Crazytown!
The Lid: Woman Flips Bird To MAGA Rally, Immediately Gets Into Accident, Gets Ticketed By Cops Right Behind Her
Legal Insurrection: Obama Admin Knew Hunter Biden’s Burisma Position “Interfered With Execution” Of Ukraine Policy, also, Media Forced To Backtrack After Attempting The Handmaid’s Tale Smear On Judge Barrett
The PanAm Post: The New Great Divergence, also, Brazil & U.S. Working To Restore Democracy In Venezuela
Power Line: Democrats Allegedly Attack Home Of Trump Supporters In Minnesota, also, Are Liberals Responsible For The Consequences Of Their Death Threats?
Shark Tank: Former FL AG Pam Bondi Rips Bloomberg – “He’s Got Some Weird Obsession With Florida”
Shot In The Dark: Last Chance Power Drive
The Political Hat: Peaceful Protests?
This Ain’t Hell: Ft. Sill Trainees Who Stopped Suicide Get Promoted In Basic, also, AF Stops Mandatory “White Supremacy” Training
Victory Girls: Anti-Catholic Bigots In The Senate
Volokh Conspiracy: Calabresi Urges Supreme Court Term Limits, also, A Resignation In Time To Save Nine?
Weasel Zippers: Jerry Nadler Apparently Shit His Pants Live On TV, also, U-Haul Truck Loaded With Supplies For “Protesters” Arrives In Louisville
The Federalist: Senate Report Accuses Hunter Biden Of Paying For Hookers Who May Have Been Trafficked, also, Trump To Sign “Born Alive” Executive Order
Mark Steyn: Crazier Than Thou, also, Suicidal Utopianism & Leftist Messianism

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Louisville Democrat Mob: ‘Burn It Down’ After #BreonnaTaylor Grand Jury Ruling

Posted on | September 23, 2020 | 1 Comment


The Mostly Peaceful™ Protesters didn’t wait for dark to start breaking windows in Louisville, and I expect it to get much worse after nightfall:

Protesters vowed Wednesday to continue their fight for racial justice after learning that just one of three Louisville Metro Police officers who shot into Breonna Taylor’s apartment will be criminally charged in her death.
In an afternoon announcement, Jefferson County Judge Annie O’Connell said a Jefferson County grand jury has indicted former detective Brett Hankison on three counts of first-degree wanton endangerment.
The grand jury declined to bring charges against Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly and detective Myles Cosgrove, who were also involved in the March 13 shooting at Taylor’s south Louisville apartment. . . .
Louisville police had set up a 25-block perimeter downtown, and protesters walked straight out of the area. . . .
A crowd of about 300 continued to march down Kentucky Street, stopping once to reorganize. Some people made phone calls asking others to join.
Chants included: “Keep going” and “If we don’t get (Justice), burn it down” before the group turned right onto Shelby Street. . . .
The march reached Bardstown Road at about 3:30 p.m. and began moving south down the usually busy street lined with local businesses. A few people came outside businesses to raise their fists in support of the protesters. Others were seen locking the doors to their storefronts. At least one window was smashed. . . .
LMPD officers, who had been following protesters at the front and back of the march, lined up on Bardstown Road to block the crowd from moving any further. . . .
Immediately following the confrontation with police on Bardstown Road, multiple protesters were arrested, though it’s not clear how many.
About 75 police officers in riot gear remained on the street and taped off part of the road, blocking off Bardstown entirely a few blocks from its intersection with Cherokee Parkway.

Looking at the map of Louisville, I don’t know why the protest march would be headed that direction. Was there some site they aimed to reach? Cherokee Parkway goes north to I-65, and maybe the police roadblock was intended to keep the mob off the Interstate. Here’s a quote:

“People are heartbroken, and they’re pissed the f*** off, and I am too,” protester Logan Cleaver said. “Of course I hope that people get home safe and they can get home to their families at night, but I know people are mad, and they want s**t f*****d up. And to be honest, this place should burn tonight, tomorrow night and the night after.”

That’s your Democratic Party 2020 platform.


‘The New Zeroeth Amendment’ and the Predictable Death of Dijon Kizzee

Posted on | September 23, 2020 | Comments Off on ‘The New Zeroeth Amendment’ and the Predictable Death of Dijon Kizzee


If your life’s ambition is to die in a hail of police gunfire and become a martyr for the #BlackLivesMatter movement, Dijon Kizzee is an admirable role model. The media’s role in the BLM movement is to create and sustain martyrdom myths by obscuring certain crucial facts involved in the deaths of the criminals they elevate to secular sainthood. Thus, in headlines, Dijon Kizzee becomes an “L.A. cyclist,” as if he was killed — murdered by police! — for the crime of riding a bicycle while black. Anyone disputing that false narrative is then condemned as a racist.

What you will not be told — what the CNN coverage will deliberately avoid telling you — is that Dijon Kizzee was a convicted felon who had been in and out of prison for years, that he was under a restraining order at the time of his death, and that he was carrying a stolen pistol when he encountered police who sought to question him.

Liberals are always telling us how we need “common sense” gun-control laws to “keep guns off the streets.” One such law is the prohibition of felons possessing firearms. Is there any Democrat who wishes to argue that it’s OK for convicted felons to carry loaded pistols? No, of course not. But whenever cops try to arrest felons for violating such laws, we are subjected to lectures about “systemic racism” when the criminal resists arrest and, predictably, dies in a hail of police gunfire.

Let’s start with the facts, which are buried deep in a Los Angeles Times feature profile of Saint Dijon of the Blessed Bicycle:

He was convicted for various crimes in L.A. and Kern counties over the last decade and served two terms in state prison totaling more than a year between 2016 and 2019, according to officials. The prison terms related to charges including evading or attempting to evade a peace officer while driving recklessly, as well as possession of a firearm by a felon or addict.

That’s the 14th paragraph of a 29-paragraph story. You see that Kizzee was well aware that it was illegal for him to possess firearms. If the cops caught him with a gun, he was going back to prison. So when he came in contact with the police on Aug. 31, Kizzee resisted arrest and was shot, police say, when he reached for the pistol.

We may surmise that the reason he was riding a bicycle Aug. 31 wasn’t because he was seeking the cardiovascular benefits of exercise, but rather because his history of reckless driving meant that he didn’t have a driver’s license. The media wish us to believe “systemic racism” caused Kizzee’s death; therefore, his criminal record is buried in the 14th paragraph of the L.A. Times story, and not even mentioned on CNN, which will never have a panel discussion about how cops are supposed to keep guns off the streets — a goal that liberals say they support — if “activists” organize a riot every time cops try to arrest anyone who isn’t white.

Steve Sailer described this last month during the Kenosha riots:

Egged on by Joe Biden and Wisconsin governor Tony Evers, a mob of Black Lives Matter rioters has been burning down Kenosha, Wis. They are angry over the latest police shooting of yet another black criminal who assumed he is racially entitled to resist arrest.
The new Zeroth Amendment to the Constitution reads “No Black man must submit to being arrested if He’s really not in the mood to be arrested.” . . .
One of the matters the cops may have wished to speak to [Jacob] Blake about was his open warrant for felony sexual assault. But in 2020, if he’s not interested, a Black man doesn’t have to discuss his warrant with nobody.
So, Blake fell to brawling with the police. Eventually he was tased, but without apparent effect. When he got up, a policeman pointed his gun at the 29-year-old security guard to encourage him to desist. But instead of complying, he strode around to the driver’s side of his vehicle, as the police shouted to him to “Drop the knife!” He opened the door and reached in, at which point the cop grabbing his shirt shot him seven times.

Sailer then makes reference to Blake’s 2015 charge of resisting arrest after he brandished a pistol in a Racine bar. The charges were dropped in that case, apparently because witnesses were uncooperative, but you see Sailer’s point about “the new Zeroeth Amendment.”

If someone like Blake cannot be arrested — he was violating a restraining order and terrorizing the woman who accused him of sexually assaulting her — then who, exactly, are police allowed to arrest? Are only white people subject to arrest in 21st-century America? You can talk all you want about the need for “criminal justice reform,” but the real goal of the BLM movement is to make it practically impossible to arrest anyone who is black, no matter what crimes they may have committed.

This is what happens when you elect Democrats. No one who actually wants to reduce crime would ever vote for Democrats, who rely on the votes of criminals — that’s why Mike Bloomberg is paying the fines of convicted felons in Florida — in order to win elections.


In The Mailbox: 09.22.20 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | September 23, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.22.20 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

357 Magnum: Murder At “Historic Levels” In St. Louis
EBL: Fall Equinox
Twitchy: President Trump’s Order Abolishing Critical Race Theory Training Has The Potential “To Cripple Hundreds Of Academic Projects”. Good.
Louder With Crowder: Don Lemon Goes There, Wants To “Blow Up The Entire System”
Monster Hunter Nation: I’ll Be On The Publisher’s Weekly Podcast Tomorrow At 4 PM EST
Vox Popoli: Pity The Poor SF-SJW, also, No Government Contracts For SJWs

American Conservative: How The Ford Foundation Became An Instrument Of Red Chinese Foreign Policy
American Greatness: Mike Bloomberg Raises Over $16 Million To Help Felons Vote In Florida
American Power: Philip K. Dick, The Man In The High Castle
American Thinker: NeverTrumpers (Increasingly) Unhinged Over Their Growing Irrelevance
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Ducking Debate News
Babalu Blog: How A Daughter Of Cuban Exiles From Hialeah Is Now On The Shortlist For SCOTUS
BattleSwarm: Democrats Really Haven’t Thought Through This “Total War” Thing, also, Red China Perfidy Roundup For September 22
Cafe Hayek: Coase & COVID – The Spectrum
CDR Salamander: Checking Your Supply Line Over a Decade Late
Da Tech Guy: Shot/Chaser/Hangover – Pournelle & Niven, McConnell & Trump, also, Stupidity & The Economy
Don Surber: Why Should My Liberty Depend On Ginsburg’s Replacement? also, Democrats Forfeited Their Hearing With Their Kavanaugh Circus
First Street Journal: Governor Wolf Expects Cashiers To Be Cops
The Geller Report: Romney Says He’ll Vote For Trump’s SCOTUS Nominee, also, Kim Klacik Drops A Sequel Video – “Baltimore Doesn’t Have To Vote Democratic”
Hogewash: Speaking Truth To Power, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Woke Robert Downey Jr. Gets Pummeled On Instagram, also, Pray Recalls Unlikely Bond Between Faith & Hollywood
JustOneMinute: RBG Delivers An RPG To The Election
The Lid: King Of Political Hypocrisy Chuck U. Schumer In No Position To Bloviate About Hypocrisy
Legal Insurrection: Woman Crashes Car While Flipping Bird To Trump Supporters, also, Democrat Mobs Gather At Homes Of Graham & McConnell Over Ginsburg Replacement
Power Line: Defund Your Police, Not Theirs, also, DOJ Joins Challenge To NM Restrictions On Private School Openings
Shark Tank: Kat Cammack Calls “Defund Police” Movement In The House “A Sham”
Shot In The Dark: Nothing New Under The Sun
The Political Hat: Whither The Latino Vote? also, When The CDC Considers No Disease Worse Than Racism
This Ain’t Hell: Army Infantry Basic Training Gets More Cuddly, also, More Secret Squirrel Stuff From Red China
Victory Girls: Democrats Say Any SCOTUS Nominee Will Be “Fundamentally Illegitimate”
Volokh Conspiracy: RBG’s Daughter Claims She Didn’t Expect Republicans Would Block Garland
Weasel Zippers: Lindsey Graham – We Have The Votes, also, RNC Runs Brutal Ad Of Democrats Demanding SCOTUS Seat Be Filled
The Federalist: There’s No Downside To Trump Nominating Amy Coney Barrett, also, #BLM & “1619 Project” Scrub Radical Beliefs From Their Websites
Mark Steyn: Autumn Leaves, also, Last Orders At The Hive

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Crazy People Are Dangerous: Meet Canada’s Version of Deborah Frisch

Posted on | September 22, 2020 | 1 Comment


A lunatic foreigner who got herself deported:

Pascale Ferrier is a 53-year-old Canadian woman who was arrested in connection with a letter containing ricin that was sent to President Donald Trump last week, CBC reported. She was a computer programmer and had previously been arrested in Mission, Texas, while living in the United States. Authorities said additional, connected letters might have been sent to law enforcement in Texas.
Ferrier was arrested when she tried to cross into the United States from Canada near Buffalo, New York, according to the CBC. She is being held in custody in New York, and court records show charges have not been filed against her yet. . . .
An unnamed source familiar with the investigation told CNN that the letter had a substance with physical characteristics similar to ground castor beans, and the letter was mailed from Saint-Hubert, Quebec. On Monday, CBC reported that Royal Canadian Mounted Police were searching a condo on Montreal’s South Shore in Saint-Hubert. The Journal de Montreal reported that she had only lived at the residence for a few months.
Ferrier was carrying a gun when she was arrested, CNN reported. She was trying to cross the border from Fort Erie, Ontario, into Buffalo, New York, via the Peace Bridge when Customs and Border Protection agents took her into custody, NBC News reported. . . .
Ferrier had been living in Texas when she was deported to Canada last year. She was arrested in Mission, Texas, in March 2019 for carrying an unlicensed weapon and a fake driver’s license and resisting arrest, The New York Times reported.
Her arrest record from 2019 shows that she was arrested by the Mission Police Department on March 12, 2019, and released on May 18, 2019. KRGV confirmed the arrest, noting that the Hidalgo County District Attorney’s Office had filed a motion to dismiss the charges because it was her first offense and she had spent 20 days in jail. She was jailed for more than two months before she was released.
Officials learned that she had overstayed a 6-month visa and her arrest had violated the terms of her passport. She was deported back to Canada, The New York Times reported.

Ace shares this astute observation:

These people rank very low in the category of “Conforms to Gender Expectations.”
As I said earlier, leftism is a cult created to provide scapegoats and hate-objects for the mentally ill, the failures, the ugly and the unemployable and the unmarriagiable.

In case you don’t know who Deborah Frisch is, she is a former University of Oregon psychology professor who turned into an Internet stalker, and last time I checked was in a Colorado penitentiary. Dr. Frisch ranked rather low in “Conforms to Gender Expectations,” although not as low as this crazed gun-toting Canadian ricin-mailer.


In The Mailbox: 09.22.20 (Afternoon Edition)

Posted on | September 22, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

    The Queen of Sheba from Fate/Grand Order.

Bacon Time: Systemic Racism At Disney
357 Magnum: More F*c*book Spying The Spanish Civil War & Today’s America
EBL: Barbara Lagoa
Twitchy: FL Sheriff Breaks Out Photos To Educate The Press One Peaceful Protests vs. Riots & Looting
Louder With Crowder: Ted Cruz BTFO’s CBS Over Supreme Court Hypocrisy
Vox Popoli: Challenge Accepted, also, Flat-Out Judases
Stoic Observations: You Are A Peasant

Adam Piggott: The Evil of Democracy
American Conservative: How “Diversity” Became Its Own Pagan Religion
American Greatness: DOJ Identifies NYC, Portland & Seattle As Violent Anarchist Jurisdictions In Bid To Revoke Federal Funding
American Power: Down The 1619 Project’s Memory Hole
American Thinker: Cut The Chaff, also, Do Democrats Really Believe Biden Is Winning?
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Scariest Quote Of The Day – Occasional Cortex Echoes Castro, Che, & Other Communists
BattleSwarm: Your Obligatory RBG Post, also, BidenWatch For September 21
Cafe Hayek: Subsidies, Like Tariffs, Impoverish
CDR Salamander: Our Greatest National Security Threat Is Our National Security Establishment, also, Saving The U.S. Merchant Industry
Da Tech Guy: Questions The Mainstream Media Should Be Asking Biden, also, Who Is My Neighbor On Social Media?
Don Surber: How Harry Reid Stopped Obama From Succeeding Ginsburg, also, Media Yawns At Ricin Attempt On Trump
First Street Journal: The Brilliance Of The Murder Turtle, also, Winter Is Coming
Fred On Everything: Red China & The Washington Oscars
The Geller Report: FBI Agent Who Found Hillary Emails On Weiner’s Laptop Says Bosses Told Him To Erase Findings, also, Enormous “F*ck DeBlasio & Cuomo” Mural Painted On NYC Streets By Furious New Yorkers
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, If You Give Up The Right To Remain Silent…
Hollywood In Toto: Class Of 1999 – A Perfectly Disreputable B-Movie Experience, also, Sanditon Fans Launch Massive Artwork Display In Effort To Save Show
The Lid: Senator “Stolen Valor” Blumenthal Threatens America About Replacing Ginsburg
Legal Insurrection: Pelosi Leaves Open Impeaching Trump Over SCOTUS Pick, also, Biden Lies About Trump Asking Him To Release SCOTUS Nominee List After RBG Died
Michelle Malkin: Sunrise Movement – The Riotous Left’s Pot-Banging Brats
The PanAm Post: Pro-Red China Group Funds #BLM Co-Founder
Power Line: Time For The Democrats To Pull The Plug On Joe Biden? also, The McSally Conundrum
Shark Tank: Mucarsel-Powell Defends “Very Partisan” Democrat Voting Record
Shot In The Dark: If He Didn’t Exist…
STUMP: Reading The News With Meep
The Political Hat: Woke Indoctrinated School Kids Show They Know Their Woke Propaganda Good
This Ain’t Hell: Inventor Of Gore-Tex Dies, also, Bergdahl, The Painful Rash That Just Won’t Go Away
Victory Girls: Tammy Bruce Filets Sen. Blumenthal On Twitter
Volokh Conspiracy: Regardless Of Trump & McConnell, The Democrats Will Abolish The Filibuster, Make DC & Maybe PR States, Pack The Lower Courts, & Pack SCOTUS
Weasel Zippers: Pelosi Brags About Dems Denying Aid To Americans With Virus Relief Bill, also, Did H.R. McMaster Just Out The Deep State?
The Federalist: Joe Biden Botches Pledge Of Allegiance In Wisconsin, also, Census Report Shows How Jaw-Dropping Trump’s Economy Was Before Shutdowns
Mark Steyn: Tightly Argued On The Bench, Not So Much Off, also, A Woman’s Face

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