The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Trump Is Right: No, It’s Not Crazy to Suspect Biden Is Being Medicated

Posted on | September 12, 2020 | 1 Comment


Allahpundit mocks this as a sort of new “birtherism,” but what President Trump is saying here is entirely realistic:

President Trump has once again implied that former Vice President Joe Biden used drugs to sharpen his performance during the Democratic primary debates.
“I think there’s probably — possibly — drugs involved,” Trump told Fox News host Jeanine Pirro in an interview airing Saturday night. “That’s what I hear. I mean, there’s possibly drugs. I don’t know how you can go from being so bad where you can’t even get out a sentence …” he trailed off.
The president offered no evidence to support his claims nor did he say what drug he thought Biden was taking, but stated that his theory was based on his own observations.
“I mean, you saw some of those debates with the large number of people on the stage,” Trump added. “He was — I mean, I used to say, ‘How is it possible that he can even go forward?'”
Trump went on to claim Biden only won the Democratic nomination “because Elizabeth Warren didn’t drop out. Had she dropped out, Bernie would have won Super Tuesday, every state and you would have had Bernie instead of Biden.”
Trump first made the allegation during an interview with the Washington Examiner’s Byron York last month, where he called for a mandatory drug testing of both nominees before the first presidential debate Sept. 29.

Now, which specific debate performance is Trump talking about? I think it was the Feb. 25 debate in South Carolina. I remember watching that and wondering, “Why is Biden shouting?” There was this weird intensity and aggressiveness to Biden’s performance, and he was shouting rather than talking. It seemed to me at the time that Biden had been told he had to be “Fighting Joe,” and he seemed very angry about something.

The thought also occurred to me, at the time, that Joe must have changed his pre-debate routine. Like, maybe a couple of double-shot mochas. And while Allah mocks Trump for suggesting that Biden has “gotten hold of some secret ‘Flowers for Algernon’ sauce that turns him from a stammering imbecile into Pericles overnight,” there is nothing secret about the most likely drug involved — Adderall.

Adderall abuse is rather widespread among college kids these days. The notorious “influencer” Caroline Calloway was an Adderall addict. So if the young staffers on Biden’s campaign were looking for a way to get him hyped up for the debates, it’s entirely reasonable to suspect they’d be giving the old man Adderall. Notice how they say Trump “offered no evidence to support” his speculation, but anyone who watched Biden in that South Carolina debate could see a remarkable difference in his performance, so that the “evidence” was right there in plain sight.

As I say, this difference could be explained innocently — a nice afternoon nap, followed by a couple of pre-debate double-shot mochas — but it’s not crazy to suspect Biden was popping Adderall.

Or could it be that Biden resorted to Ed Muskie’s favorite drug? After all, nobody ever proved Big Ed was not addicted to Ibogaine.


In The Mailbox: 09.11.20 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | September 11, 2020 | 1 Comment

a– compiled by Wombat-socho

357 Magnum: World War II Lessons, also, Jetpack Guy In LA
Red Pilled Jew: Mass-Tracking COVI-PASS Immunity Passports Slated To Roll Out On 15 Countries
Bacon Time: 12 Gauge Brass Shell
EBL: Alek Skarlatos For OR-4
Twitchy: Ted Cruz Uses Trevor Noah’s Outrage Over Gender Reveal Parties To Drop Liberal Men
Louder With Crowder: Netflix Doubles Down On Cuties
Vox Popoli: It Is Good To Hate The Packers, also, The Players Have Power…
According To Hoyt: The Insanity Of History
Stoic Observations: Clapper – The Organization Man
Jon Del Arroz: SFWA Keeps Doubling Down On Racism

Adam Piggott: Don’t Mention The Jihad
American Conservative: Beware Of George Soros’ Trojan Horse Prosecutors
American Greatness: Sen. Grassley Demands Answers From DOJ, FBI Regarding Mueller Team’s Deleted Phone Records, also, Trump Gets Second Nobel Peace Prize Nomination Following Serbia-Kosovo Peace Deal
American Power: Remembering 9/11
American Thinker: Fight, Or The Democrats Will Steal This Election
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Superfund News, also, Rule Five Communism In America Friday
Babalu Blog: Never Forgotten – Today We Honor Those Who Perished On 9/11
BattleSwarm: Scenes From The End Times, also, LinkSwarm For September 11
Cafe Hayek: Robert Reich Is Wrong Again
CDR Salamander: USN v. PLAN On Appearances, also, Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Remember The Tea Party Non-Riots? also, DaTechGuy Off Da Radio
Don Surber: Why Stealing An Election Ain’t Easy, also, CEOs Give De Blasio An Ultimatum
First Street Journal: Democrisy – The Rules Are For Thee, Not For Me!
The Geller Report: Leftist Who Firebombed Republican Womens’ Club Arrested, also, Hundreds Of Ethiopan Christians Killed In “Targeted Genocide” Since June
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, What’s An Antonym For Cutie?
Hollywood In Toto: Six Reasons Why The Oscar Diversity Rules Are A Total Disaster, also, Obamagate – The Movie Challenges Hollywood’s October Surprise Machine
JustOneMinute: Mother Nature vs. The West
The Lid: Trump Does It Again – Mediates Peace Between Bahrain & Israel
Legal Insurrection: Border Wall Critic Gretchen Whitmer Building 8′ Wall Around MI Governor’s Residence, also,  Media Hoaxes – No, Sturgis Was Not A “Superspreader Event”
The PanAm Post: Maduro’s Socialist Party Backs Biden
Power Line: How Green Energy Wrecked California, also, When They Ducklo
Shark Tank: DeSantis Wins Court Decision Over Felon Voting Rights
Shot In The Dark: The Democrat Party’s Stormtroopers
STUMP: States & Cities Under Fiscal Pressure – The Tales Of Woe Rev Up Again
The Political Hat: Nineteen Years Ago Today – NEVER FORGET
This Ain’t Hell: Bobby Henline Says Stop Using Me For Democrat Propaganda, also, Baylor U Posts Trigger Warning Signs At 9/11 Memorial Consisting Of American Flags
Victory Girls: SGM Thomas Payne Awarded Medal Of Honor
Volokh Conspiracy: The Second Amendment & People Who Were Involuntarily Committed 20 Years Ago
Weasel Zippers: Media Goes Into Damage Control Mode For Netflix, also, Never Forget Todd Beamer & Flight 93 – “Let’s Roll”
The Federalist: The Left Is Setting The Stage For A Coup If Trump Wins, also, Joe Rogan – Portland & Seattle Need Law & Order Like Texas
Mark Steyn: Fighting The Flu d’Etat, also, Nuking The Realm Of Manners

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#NeverTrump = Pro-Pedophilia?

Posted on | September 11, 2020 | 3 Comments


Tolerating pedophilia to own the Trumpsters? Really?

The symptoms of Trump Derangement Syndrome are astonishing, and this tweet by Sonny Bunch shows how reflexive it is — whatever Trump supporters are for, #NeverTrump must be against, and vice-versa. So if conservatives are angry about Netflix promoting a French film that blatantly sexualizes 11-year-olds, well, #NeverTrump must join liberals in defending this film or, at least, not automatically condemning it.

You see the nuance in Sonny’s “smart take” — he’s not exactly defending the film, but rather declaring the “conversation surrounding” it to be “remarkably dumb.” This is sort of like saying that you’re not pro-Hitler, just critical of the “conversation surrounding” the Holocaust.

My own take on Cuties (“New Joe Biden Campaign Ad Released”) was deliberately lacking in nuance, because the facts available about the film — the plot summary and preview trailer — were sufficient to recognize this movie for what it is, the French dog returning to its perverse vomit. There is a well-documented history of pro-pedophilia among French intellectuals, so when I see the camel attempting once against to insert its nose into the tent, I recognize the insidious evil for what it is.

Ace did a sidebar on Bunch’s not-an-endorsement (nudge, nudge, wink, wink), and I hope he’ll find time to do a mainbar post on the subject, but in the meantime, we have Rod Dreher, who “watched Cuties so you don’t have to,” and reminds us of the ghosts of French pedophiles past:

Back in 1978, Louis Malle made a film called Pretty Baby, starring 12-year-old Brooke Shields as a child prostitute in New Orleans. It was hugely controversial over the subject matter, and the fact that Shields did nude scenes. Cuties does not feature nudity (just a very quick glance at an adolescent girl’s breast), but it centers on the grotesque sexualization of minor girls — the title characters are a pack of 11-year-olds in Paris. Cuties is a deeply dishonest film that exploits its young cast nauseatingly, yet tries at the end to justify it with a too-pat moral.

Being old enough to remember the decadence of the 1970s, of which Pretty Baby was a lurid example, I am horrified by the apparent willingness of Netflix to sponsor a recrudence of that evil era.


In The Mailbox: 09.11.20 (Morning Edition)

Posted on | September 11, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1104
Red Pilled Jew: Wednesday Whittle
357 Magnum: Of Course You Can Defend Your Family
EBL: Peaceful Portland Protester Dancing To “Staying Alive”
Twitchy: Making Peace Great Again – Trump Nominated For Second Nobel Prize
Louder With Crowder: Listen To These Liberal College Students Argue Looting And Riots Are “Justified”
Vox Popoli: The Sun Is Setting, also, Officially Out

American Conservative: Woke Capitalism With Chinese Characteristics
American Greatness: Environmentalists Destroyed California’s Forests, also, U. Rhode Island Removes Historic WW2 Mural For Lacking Diversity
American Power: Sierra Nevada Creek Fire
American Thinker: The Democrats’ Upcoming Theft Of The 2020 Election, also, Are Democrats Hiding The Truth About Corona-chan?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Coast Guard Rescues Five Cuban Refugees Clinging To Sinking Boat Off Florida Keys
BattleSwarm: Minneapolis Getting Cold Feet On Defunding Police?
Cafe Hayek: A Powerful COVID Video
CDR Salamander: Talking Red China With The Brits & Aussies, also, Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: 20 Reasons Why They All Hate Trump So Much, also, Absence Of Malice?
Don Surber: A Nobel For Trump, also, Stealing The Election
First Street Journal: Let’s Make It Mandatory!
The Geller Report: Support For #BLM Has Plummeted In Swing States, also, Democrat Women Facing Hate Crime Charges After Attacking Trump Supporters & Their Children
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, A Cosmic Bullseye
Hollywood In Toto: “Wonder Women Of History” Honors “The Squad”, Ignores Conservative Women
JustOneMinute: AstraZeneca Vaccine Trial Paused
The Lid: CNN’s Cuomo & Lemon Mock Whites, Trump Supporters, Then Rip Into Christians
Legal Insurrection: ACLU Official Attacks Transylvania University For Admitting Nick Sandmann, also, DeVos Makes Federal Grant Money Contingent On First Amendment Compliance
The PanAm Post: Capriles’ Socialist Government Gives Maduro Spanish Lifeline
Power Line: Crash At The Four-Way Intersectionality, also, What Killed George Floyd?
Shark Tank: Rick Scott Endorses Leo Valentin For Congress
Shot In The Dark: Junk Food For Thought
STUMP: Public Pensions Analysis – High-Level Changes In Unfunded Liabilities As A Percentage Of State GDP
The Political Hat: Leeches, Not Masks, also, Quick Takes
This Ain’t Hell: More Than A Million Troops To Get Pay Hike With Payroll Tax Deferral – But There’s A Catch, also, U.S. Withdrawing Thousands Of Troops From Iraq & Afghanistan
Victory Girls: #BLM Cancels Black Police Chiefs
Volokh Conspiracy: The Persistent Myth Of Widespread Voter Fraud
Weasel Zippers: NC Democrat Encourages Supporters To Kill Republicans, also, Trump Supporters Outnumber Biden Supporters At Biden Event In Michigan
The Federalist: How Voting For Socialism Caused Czechoslovakia 40 Years Of Misery, also, How Democrats’ Attacks On The 2020 Election’s Legitimacy Set The Stage For Revolution
Mark Steyn: The Last Leg Begins, also, Liberal Privilege & A Corrupt Media

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Biden Spokesman Melts Down After Being Asked Simple Yes-or-No Question

Posted on | September 11, 2020 | 2 Comments


This whole interview with Brett Baier of Fox News is a disaster for T.J. Ducklo, who is exactly the type of testosterone-deficient soyboy you’d expect to be National Press Secretary for Joe Biden. When Baier raised the issue of Biden’s declining mental acuity — which is highly relevant to his fitness for office — Ducklo went into a complete meltdown:

BAIER: Has Joe Biden ever used a teleprompter during local interviews or to answer Q&A with supporters?
DUCKLO: Bret, we are not going to engage. This is — this is straight from the Trump campaign talking points.
BAIER: And yet, they’re using it.
DUCKLO: And what it does — and what it does, Bret, is it’s trying to distract the American people from —
BAIER: I’m just —
DUCKLO: — from — from —
BAIER: — they’re using it.
DUCKLO: — from the pandemic.
BAIER: They talk about it every day.
DUCKLO: Well —
BAIER: Can you say yes or no?
DUCKLO: That’s bec — they talk about it every day, Bret, because they don’t have a coherent stra — strategy.
BAIER: You haven’t answered.
DUCKLO: They don’t —
BAIER: Yes or no?
DUCKLO: Bret, they talk about it every day because they don’t have a coherent argument for why Donald Trump deserves re-election, deserves four more years. We know that he lied to the American people. We know that he has not showed leadership during this crisis and they are desperate to throw anything they can against the wall to try to distract from that fact.
BAIER: I understand. But you can’t answer the question?
DUCKLO: Bret, I am not going to allow —
BAIER: Okay.
DUCKLO: — the Trump campaign to funnel their questions through Fox News and get me to respond to that.

We’ll take that to mean “yes.” If a simple denial was possible, Ducklo would have said, “No, of course not,” and moved on. Instead, what he did — and this is a classic of political spin — was to accuse Baier of being a “funnel” for the Trump campaign, which he accused of using the question to “distract” from the issues Biden wants to talk about. Watch the video:


Does anyone need any further explanation for why Biden’s campaign is trying to keep their candidate inside a bubble of limited media interactions, including “safe” remote interviews staged from his Delaware basement where they can feed him answers on a teleprompter?


Why Did Harvard Hire Jabba the Hut?

Posted on | September 10, 2020 | Comments Off on Why Did Harvard Hire Jabba the Hut?


Doesn’t Harvard University have a medical school? Their department of endocrinology could study Joan Donovan as a case of hypothyroidism or some other metabolic disorder. Instead of being a research subject, however, this circus freak is on the faculty of a journalism center:

Conservative journalists who post videos of riots are the problem, not the riots. That’s the word from a professor at Harvard Kennedy’s prominent Shorenstein Center.
Joan Donovan, director of the Technology and Social Change Research Project at the center,  blamed conservatives for being the real source of America’s modern violence. Her September 3 op-ed ran in the MIT Technology Review specifically targeted “right-wing adversarial media-makers like Elijah Schaffer and Andy Ngo.”
Her piece, “How an overload of riot porn is driving conflict in the streets,” condemned conservatives for using social media as a “machine to spread a narrative of lawless rioting.” Donovan smeared the uptick in use of video to condemn the violence of rioters as “the rise of riot porn.” . . .
She called for social media companies to “work actively to prevent militias and vigilante groups from staging these armed standoffs” against rioters and specified that this “includes shutting down event pages” and “removing the accounts of those who are calling for physical violence.” . . .
Donovan complained that “right-wing media makers have recorded and circulated videos of violent altercations at protests in cities,” which in turn has “mobilized white militia and vigilante groups to take up arms against Black Lives Matter and ‘antifa’ protesters.” Donovan added that this has established a “self-fulfilling and physically attacking g cycle where white vigilantes feel justified in menacing and physically attacking racial justice protesters — and inspire others to do the same.”
“Because right-wing reactionaries do not have the same kind of experience in organizing street protests as the left, they instead rely heavily on social media — particularly Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter — to mobilize crowds,” Donovan theorized.

Pretty sure she’s got Princess Leia in chains somewhere.


Democrat Terrorism: Arrest Made in Firebombing of GOP HQ in California

Posted on | September 10, 2020 | 1 Comment


Another Joe Biden voter in federal custody:

A Palm Desert man was named today in a federal criminal complaint that charges him with attempted arson in the May 31 firebombing of the East Valley Republican Women Federated (EVRWF) office in La Quinta.
Carlos Espriu, 23, who is currently in state custody, is expected to be taken into federal custody later today and make an initial appearance Friday afternoon in United States District Court.
The criminal complaint alleges that, just after 1:15 a.m. on May 31, a masked Espriu used a metal baseball bat to break windows at the EVRWF headquarters, and then he lighted an improvised incendiary device constructed of three bottles that he tossed through the windows before fleeing. Several minutes later, surveillance video shows Espriu returning to the EVRWF office, smashing more windows with the bat and reaching into building to retrieve the Molotov cocktails before walking away with the device. According to the complaint, Espriu returned to the EVRWF office about 30 seconds later, this time without a mask, and threw the set of bottles into the facility, which immediately caused a fire to start.
EVRWF offered a reward for information about the firebombing, which prompted several members of the public to come forward with information that allowed law enforcement officials to identify Espriu as the man seen in surveillance video taken by EVRWF and a nearby business, according to the complaint.
The affidavit in support of the complaint outlines steps taken by investigators to link Espriu to the firebombing. Law enforcement identified social media accounts believed to belong to Espriu, including a Twitter account that, three days before the EVRWF arson, tweeted: “I wanna go burn shit n get hit with tear gas.” They also observed Espriu repeatedly using a vehicle closely resembling one seen on the surveillance footage.
The complaint also outlines the results of search warrants executed at Espriu’s residence in July that led to the recovery of a green lighter very similar to the one used to light the Molotov cocktails, as well as audio recordings from a dashboard camera in which Espriu tells a woman in late June that he shaved his facial hair after seeing some of the surveillance video broadcast on local news. In the audio recordings, Espriu tells the woman how he manufactured the Molotov cocktails by filling three bottles with gasoline and inserting a towel into one bottle, and then he recounts the details of the firebombing as seen on the surveillance video, according to the complaint.

Arrest all Democrats. They’re planning more of this.


Democrats Actively Support Riots

Posted on | September 10, 2020 | Comments Off on Democrats Actively Support Riots


Ace’s summary is perfect:

She participated in a riot where firebombs were thrown at people — cops.
And she’s a tip-top ranking Democrat political staffer.
But the Democrats oppose the riots, right?

And now the news:

Police arrested a top Democratic staffer in Oregon’s state legislature this weekend for interfering with a police officer during the Portland riots.
The police arrested Kristina Narayan, who is legislative director for the top Democrat in Oregon’s House of Representatives, along with 58 others during a riot that began Saturday night and continued into Sunday morning, according to a Portland Police Bureau report. Narayan has worked for House Speaker Tina Kotek since 2016.
On Saturday, officers blocked a crowd marching toward the East Portland Community Policing Center. Police declared a riot after somebody in the crowd threw a firebomb toward officers, which set fire to a member of the community. The rioters continued to throw rocks, fireworks, and mortars toward the officers.
Nearly 150 calls to Portland police were left on hold Saturday night as the riot forced local police officers to abandon their patrol and help control the violence.

But CNN won’t notice this.


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