The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Podcasting the Long, Hot Summer

Posted on | August 29, 2020 | Comments Off on Podcasting the Long, Hot Summer

At our usual time — 7 p.m. ET — John Hoge and I will be bringing you our weekly rundown of the headlines at The Other Podcast. As you might expect, this week we’ll be talking a lot about the Kenosha riots and other Democrat voter mayhem.


If you miss the live show, the Podbeam archive is here.


Another Biden Voter Arrested

Posted on | August 29, 2020 | 2 Comments


A young social-justice activist in Georgia has endorsed the Democratic Party agenda of stabbing white people:

The suspect in the Aug. 25 AutoZone stabbing on 32nd Street made his first appearance in court.
Jayvon Hatchett, 19, is charged with aggravated assault and possession of a weapon during the commission of a crime.
Hatchett faces these charges for a stabbing he allegedly committed on Aug. 25 around 8:36 a.m. at the AutoZone. Police said he stabbed a store employee in an unprovoked attack.
Columbus Police Sgt. R.S. Mills gave testimony in court about the case.
Mills told the court that when he Hatchett why he stabbed the AutoZone employee, Hatchett said he “felt the need to find a white male to kill” after watching videos of police brutality happening across the country.


Let’s get a few more details of this activist’s career:

It was a premeditated, brutal assault according to police investigators. . . . Police testified the worker was transported to the hospital in critical condition and lucky to be alive after the assault. . . .
SGT Ray Mills told Judge Julius Hunter that Hatchett greeted him with a smile at his home a short distance away from the Auto Zone and readily confessed to stabbing an employee there.
The Sergeant said Hatchett was enraged after watching police incidents on social media and singled out the Auto Zone worker because he was white. “Mr. Hatchett told me that he had been watching Facebook videos of police shootings in other parts of the country and that he felt compelled to go stab a white male,” SGT Mills testified.
According to court records, Hatchett was free on bond after being charged just three days before the stabbing with criminal damage to property. Six months ago he was arrested for two felonies including aggravated assault. Judge Hunter ordered a mental health evaluation and declined to issue bond.

A “mental health evaluation”? Are they trying to suggest that this young Democrat is crazy? #CrazyLivesMatter! No justice, no peace!


Biden Voter Arrested in Colorado

Posted on | August 29, 2020 | 2 Comments


Well, he certainly doesn’t look like a Trump voter to me:

Aurora Police arrested a man suspected of stabbing another man after yelling “Black lives matter” Tuesday evening near East Alameda Avenue and South Sable Boulevard.
Steve Sinclair, 30, now faces potential first-degree murder and hate crime charges, documents show.
An arrest affidavit says Sinclair used a knife to stab 29-year-old Michael Conner who was transported to the hospital for his injuries and a collapsed lung. Conner, a white male, told police while at the hospital that Sinclair, a Black male, shouted “Black lives matter!” prior to stabbing him, according to the report.
It’s unclear from the report what may have led up to the incident, but police say witnesses saw Sinclair walk up to Conner and said, “I’m going to kill you and your dog.” One witness said Conner tried to run away and defended himself with a stick.
Sinclair continued saying, “Black lives matter” to police when they arrived according to the first officer on scene. That officer wrote that Sinclair had his hands up and said “I stabbed him, I’m a psychopath,” refused to sit down and “insisted” that officers should shoot him. He was arrested without incident according to the report.
Sinclair is being held at the Arapahoe County Jail on suspicion of attempted first-degree murder and a bias-motivated crime causing bodily injury.

Look, I’m not saying all Biden voters are violent psychopaths . . .

On the other hand, how crazy do you have to be to vote Democrat?


Some Further Thoughts on Kenosha: Predators and Their Preferred Prey

Posted on | August 28, 2020 | 4 Comments

If you want to know what happened Tuesday night in Kenosha, Wisconsin, read Shelby Talcott’s eyewitness account at the Daily Caller. Any competent attorney could make the case that Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self-defense, but that doesn’t mean Rittenhouse isn’t a damned fool.

Seventeen years old, showing up at a scene where riots are expected, carrying an AR-15 — well, I’ve done some foolish things in my life, but that’s one obvious error I’ve managed to avoid. My general game-plan in life is to stay out of prison or the graveyard, two destinations where most would-be tough guys go, usually sooner rather than later.

Richie McGinniss of the Daily Caller actually interviewed Rittenhouse before the “mostly peaceful protest” erupted in chaotic violence:

What do you notice about Rittenhouse there? What stands out to me is his endomophic baby-fat physique. He has the narrow-shouldered, pudgy body of a boy who spent most of his youth on the sofa, and probably never played organized team sports. (My childhood coaches would have had that fat boy running laps and wind sprints until he collapsed.) To put it bluntly, the boy looked weak, and weakness invites aggression.

Excuse me for being judgmental like this. Certainly, I am nobody’s idea of a macho badass, but you’re never going to find me in the middle of a riot, or hanging out in a biker bar, or some other similarly dangerous situation where my presence might tend to invite aggression. A skinny guy like me doesn’t survive to become a grandfather if he doesn’t develop the kind of situational awareness that keeps him away from violence.

If you’re headed into the danger zone and a pudgy kid named Kyle wants to roll with your crew? Sorry, boy — this ain’t the place for you.

What’s weird is, the other guys in Kyle’s crew seemed to recognize that he was the weak link in the chain. If you’ll watch this video posted by Julio Rojas, you’ll see the crew being confronted by the increasingly hostile mob. There’s a good look at sex offender Joseph Rosenbaum, in a burgundy T-shirt, at the 0:16 mark of the video:

Watch carefully, and at the 0:44 mark, you see Kyle (light green shirt) get grabbed from behind by a member of his crew, who seems angry about Kyle’s behavior and shoves him toward the rear. What was that about? I don’t know, but it seems clear that the guy who grabbed Kyle felt that he was endangering their mission. I suspect that Kyle’s weak, pudgy appearance had attracted the hostile attention of Rosenbaum, who had spent more than a decade in prison, where inmates tend to develop a keen perception for such things. Just three years earlier, Rosenbaum had been an inmate in Arizona, and had shown up for this riot looking for trouble. We should not be surprised that he picked out Kyle as a target.

Being “street smart” involves situational awareness and an ability to spot trouble. Anyone watching that video could see Rosenbaum was looking for an opportunity to get in a fight with someone, and of course, a bully would naturally seek the weakest possible opponent.

Everybody’s analyzing video in an attempt to exonerate Kyle, and a strong case can be made for self-defense, but everybody knows that really he never should have gone to Kenosha. It was a mistake for him even to leave home that night. On the other hand, he did kill two rioters and seriously wound another, so his marksmanship can’t be faulted, but we don’t need to turn our streets into shooting galleries for teenage boys who want to engage in militia cosplay games. Some people are ready to see Civil War II break out in America, but I’m not one of them. Civil War I was a bad enough idea, and I’ve got the hunch that a 21st-century sequel would be even worse. So if you’re the parent of a pudgy teenager, tell him to stay home the next time there’s a riot.


Sex Offender Joseph Rosenbaum Taunted Armed Civilians: ‘Shoot Me, N–r!’

Posted on | August 28, 2020 | 6 Comments


When 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse opened fire during Tuesday night’s riot in Kenosha, Wisconsin, the first person he shot was Joseph Rosenbaum. The head shot was fatal, and it was quickly learned that Rosenbaum, 36, was a convicted sex offender who earlier in the night had been taunting the armed civilians guarding property against the rioters.

“Shoot me, n–r!” Rosenbaum repeatedly shouted, in a bizarre scene captured on video by Townhall reporter Julio Rosas.

Think about what kind of white man would be shouting the n-word during a protest allegedly in support of Black Lives Matter. And then you discover that Rosenbaum served more than 10 years in an Arizona prison after being convicted in 2002 of “sexual conduct with a minor.”


By my calculations, Rosenbaum would have been 19 at the time of his sentencing, and his offense must have been quite severe in order for a judge to impose a 10-year sentence and lifetime registry as a sex offender. According to Arizona records, Rosenbaum was repeatedly cited for disciplinary infractions while he was incarcerated; he was twice returned to prison after violating terms of release, and did not finally leave prison until 2017. He was a very bad man, in other words, and it is difficult to find any reason to mourn his death. So then you read this:

According to social media posts from friends and family, Rosenbaum is a Texas native. He moved to Kenosha within the last year.
Rosenbaum was shot in the head, a friend said.
He leaves behind a fiancée and a young daughter.
“May you forever be with the angels and rest easy bro. I love you!” his sister wrote on Facebook.

A “Texas native”? That may be true, but Rosenbaum was in Tucson, Arizona (where it appears his father is an attorney) when he was convicted and sentenced to prison as a sex offender in 2002. Probably his fiancée and friends in Wisconsin had no idea about the Arizona criminal record of the man they knew as “JoJo,” and Rosenbaum may have told them he was from Texas in order to conceal his criminal past.

It was, of course, Andy Ngo who first reported Rosenbaum’s sex offender status, and Ngo further reported that both of the other two rioters shot by Kyle Rittenhouse also had criminal records. Anthony Huber, 26, who attacked Rittenhouse with a skateboard and was fatally shot, “has a criminal history that includes charges of battery & repeat domestic abuse,” Ngo reported. Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, who was seen on video pointing a pistol at Rittenhouse before being wounded in the arm, is “a member of the People’s Revolution Movement,” Ngo reported, and “has a criminal record that includes being intoxicated & armed w/a gun.”

Now, let’s ask what should be an obvious question: What are the odds that a guy opens fire at a mass gathering and all three of the people he shoots turn out to have criminal records? Doesn’t this tell you something about who is engaging in these “mostly peaceful” protests?


In The Mailbox: 08.27.20

Posted on | August 28, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

357 Magnum: Hypocrisy From Democrats On Protests
EBL: Day Three Of The GOP Convention
Twitchy: The Nation Finally Gets To Know David Dorn, Shot & Killed By Looters In St. Louis Rioting
Louder With Crowder: Nancy Pelosi Says The Quiet Part Out Loud About The Presidential Debates
Vox Popoli: Antifa Are Hired Convicts, also, Devil Mouse Seeks Corporate Chemo

Adam Piggott: Just Call Them Marxists
American Conservative: Conservatives Must Return To Metaphysics
American Greatness: Sandmann Lawyer L. Lin Wood Offers To Represent Kyle Rittenhouse Pro Bono, also, Kamala Harris (Not Joe Biden) Will Give Reply To Trump’s Acceptance Speech
American Thinker: Waking The Sleeping Giant, also, The Conservative Hero Who Can Pick Up A Senate Seat In NH
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Vaccine News
Babalu Blog: Chinese Dissident & Survivor Of Communism Rejects Democrat Appeasement Policy, Endorses Trump
BattleSwarm: Kenosha Burning
Cafe Hayek: Unmasking The Full Effects Of Mask Mandates
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday, also, Space Force – There Is No “Colonel” Of A Ship
Da Tech Guy: Porn Vs. Reality – A Public Service Message, also, Six Thoughts On Kenosha Now That The Shooting Back Has Begun
Don Surber: Fifth Columnists Officially Leave Republican Party, also, Corona-chan Creates An NPC World
First Street Journal: You Can’t Solve The Problem If You’re Not Willing To Identify It
The Geller Report: Nervous Nancy Pelosi – “I Don’t Think There Ought To Be Any Presidential Debates”, also, Videos Show Kenosha Shooter Kyle Rittenhouse Acted In Self Defense
Hogewash: The Democrats Vs. Reality, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Robin’s Wish Reveals The Roots Of An Iconic Clown’s Tears, also, You Better Shut The Door On The Owners
JustOneMinute: Joe The Plumber Has Arrived!
The Lid: Justice Department Requesting Data On COVID Nursing Home Deaths From Cuomo, Three Other Governors
Legal Insurrection: CNN Describes Kenosha Riots As “Fiery But Peaceful”, also, Minneapolis – Riot First, Ask Questions Later
The PanAm Post: Evo Morales Chose His “Harem” Of Minors Through His Party
Power Line: The NYT Hits The Panic Button, also, The Path Is Open To A GOP Sweep
Shark Tank: Levine Cava’s Police Reform Plan Will Handcuff Miami-Dade Officers
Shot In The Dark: Open Letter To Governor Walz – Therapy
STUMP: Mortality With Meep – U.S. Excess Deaths Related To COVID-19 Through August 27
The Political Hat: The Bayoneting Of America
This Ain’t Hell: Finally! Captain Kirk Weighs In On Space Force Rank Conversation, also, You’re A Nazi If You Don’t Want To Be A Slave
Victory Girls: Kyle Rittenhouse, American Hero
Volokh Conspiracy: Rights & Wrongs Of Sports Boycotts
Weasel Zippers: VA State Senate Reduces Assault On Police, EMS, Firefighters & Judges To Misdemeanor, also, NBA Went Woke, Got Broke, Cancels One-Day Strike
The Federalist: Police Recover Weapon From Jacob Blake’s Car, also, Homeland Security Boss Chad Wolf Says Antifa “Definitely” Meets Domestic Terrorist Definition
Mark Steyn: Nationalizing The Debate

Amazon Warehouse Deals

Tonopah And/Or Bust

Posted on | August 27, 2020 | 1 Comment

— by Wombat-socho

I was originally going to just remark that there might not be any posting from Yr. Ob’t Servant this weekend and let it go at that, but you loyal readers and members of the Commentariat deserve more, so here it is.

After months of banging the paperwork together (it’s mostly electronic, but still) I have been approved to move into a subsidized apartment up in Tonopah, which is almost exactly halfway between Reno and Las Vegas on US-95. It’s a small rural town (pop. ~2600) so that’ll be a new experience for me as I’ve only lived in cities or their suburbs before this. I intend to enjoy the experience, as well as the cooler weather, and may wind up buying a house there with my unused VA loan. Or I might move back to Las Vegas. We’ll see how things go. Anyhow, despite the fact that I originally applied for the apartment in April, I didn’t get approved until a couple of weeks ago, which means I’ve spent the last couple of weeks trying to arrange for internet service, setting up electric billing, etc. so that when I move up there tomorrow everything will be good to go. I already know it won’t be, because I had to reschedule the installation of my Frontier internet to Monday since the movers aren’t going to show up at my storage locker until 1 PM, which is when the Frontier guy was originally going to show up.

In other Nevada news, a lot of people here are PO’d at Governor Sisolak, who has been dutifully following the Democrat party line on dealing with Corona-chan. The net result is that a lot of the people laid off because the governor closed the casinos, bars, restaurants, etc. had to wait literally months to get unemployment because the state wasn’t ready to deal with a quarter-million unemployed people at once. There are still people out there waiting to hear back on applications they filed in April, and others in bad shape now that the additional $600 Federal assistance has ended. Despite the lockdown not having improved matters, and quite possibly made them worse, Sisolak is sticking to his guns and refusing to open up the most populous counties in the state. Whether people remember this next year when the Assembly and Senate are up for election remains to be seen.

As usual, we are enjoying triple digit temperatures here, which is probably one of the factors keeping rioters and other scum off the streets. The other factor is that the Metro police here in Clark County have been present in overwhelming force during the handful of protests, so the violence has been minimal and I expect it’ll stay that way, since our Democrats are somewhat saner than those in New York and understand quite well that if they allow Antifa and #BLM to burn down the Strip or Fremont Street, that’s going to be the end of the city, because Las Vegas is still heavily reliant on tourism and the economy here is bad enough already with the lockdown just beginning to loosen up to the point where most of the major Strip casinos are open. All of the major conferences and national meetings that usually fill the Convention Center, the Sands Expo Center, and every hotel room in town have been cancelled, and there’s talk that even the National Finals Rodeo is going to cancel. Millions, maybe billions of dollars not coming to Las Vegas. It’s not pretty.

And that’s the news from Las Vegas.

Amazon Warehouse Deals

What’s Better Than CNN?

Posted on | August 27, 2020 | 1 Comment


Almost anything, actually. It is better to be uninformed than to be misinformed, and CNN is so hopelessly wrong about everything that the more you watch it, the less you know about current events, and most of what CNN viewers think they “know” is generally wrong. Today, I’ve had my office TV tuned to CNN all day (I watch, so you don’t have to) and I find myself stunned by how relentlessly narrow their coverage is. That is to say, the network executives have decided on which four or five stories CNN will cover, and what this coverage will include, and the same simple themes are reiterated hour after hour after hour. Once you’ve watched a couple of hours of this, anyone with an IQ above room temperature must be weary of the repetition of these themes, which omit any fact that might contradict the pro-Democrat/anti-Trump message.

CNN’s coverage of “Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protests” is misleading because the network refuses to ask the most obvious questions: How does a child’s birthday party turn into a domestic violence incident?

There were still scant details about exactly what happened Sunday in the minutes before Blake was shot.
Police have said only that they were responding to a domestic incident. Neighbors said that there had been an altercation between two women at a birthday party for one of Blake’s sons and that Blake had been trying to break it up when officers arrived. [Attorney Ben] Crump said Blake was “simply trying to do the right thing by intervening in a domestic incident.”

See, that right there is the key to the whole thing, and yet CNN, with its legion of highly skilled journalists, seems utterly uninterested in discovering what this “altercation” was about. How many readers have ever heard of a child’s birthday party turning into a 911 call? Whose fault was that and — oh, just by the way — what was Jacob Blake planning to do when he decided he needed to grab a knife from his vehicle? But not only do CNN viewers not get answers to these highly relevant questions, the questions themselves are never mentioned, because asking questions might distract from the important message: VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN!

That’s the only thing any CNN viewer is supposed to care about, and so the network’s coverage of Kenosha, like their coverage of just about everything else, turns into an exercise in blaming Trump. Even if you were interested in that message, the most hard-core Democratic voter must get weary of having the same message — BLAME TRUMP! — inserted into every story and, as I say, the way CNN’s programming works, there are only four or five stories they really cover at all on a typical day, so that it becomes a tormenting drumbeat of repetition.

Whatever else might cause anyone to watch CNN, they certainly can’t be tuning in for the excitement. If it’s excitement you want, my suggestion is that you try watching real-crime video on YouTube:

The police officer keyed his microphone and spoke the two most important words of his career: “Shots fired.” He had just fatally shot a man, in the kind of split-second life-or-death decision that every law enforcement officer trains for, but none of them ever wants to experience. He repeated the communication several times — “Shots fired!” — and then added, “Send all units.”
When fellow officers arrived, Officer Bryan Pray was emotionally distraught by what had happened. “I can’t even talk right now, man. I didn’t want that to happen to him, man.” The policeman in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, had just killed Kevan Ruffin, after a nightmarish encounter in the early-morning hours of July 2.
Officer Pray had been dispatched by a 911 call shortly before 6 a.m. reporting a disturbance involving a knife-wielding man. Arriving at the scene of the incident, the officer found a woman crying hysterically. She said she had been attacked by a black man with two knives or swords, who looked at her with “pure hatred” on his face and called her “the devil in the flesh.” She had escaped without serious injury, and her attacker had gone eastbound up an alley toward South 15th Street. . . .

Read the rest of my latest column at The American Spectator.


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