The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Ivy League Is Decadent and Depraved

Posted on | August 13, 2020 | 1 Comment


“Diversity” is just elite code-speak for quotas:

A two-year long Justice Department investigation has found that Yale University illegally discriminated against Asian American and white applicants in violation of federal civil rights law.
In a letter to the college’s attorneys Thursday, the department said that Yale “rejects scores of Asian American and white applicants each year based on their race, whom it otherwise would admit.”
“Yale’s race discrimination imposes undue and unlawful penalties on racially-disfavored applicants, including in particular Asian American and White applicants,” Assistant Attorney General Eric Dreiband, the head of the department’s civil rights division, wrote.
The investigation found that Asian American and white students have “only one-tenth to one-fourth of the likelihood of admission as African American applicants with comparable academic credentials,” the Justice Department said.
Yale uses race as a factor in multiple steps of its admissions process and also “racially balances its classes,” the department said.

(Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.)

While I haven’t examined the actual data from Yale, when Asian students sued Harvard for discrimination, the material obtained in discovery showed that year after year, black students were 14% of Harvard’s freshman class. Never 11% or 17%, but always exactly 14%. The fact that this number never changed from year to year tells you that Harvard had established a target number — a racial quota, by any other name — and was ignoring every other possible factor in order to meet that target. And what made this so heinous was that (a) Harvard repeatedly denied that any such quota existed and (b) officials did everything in their power to conceal the admissions data which proved they were lying.

The word for this is corruption. It is manifestly dishonest for schools like Harvard and Yale to pretend that admission is based on merit while secretly imposing discriminatory racial quotas. The Ivy League was actually better when it was just a place for the wealthy New England elite to send their children, without any pretension to being an academic meritocracy, falsely claiming to be equally open to all, while in fact secretively engaging in discrimination. But just look at how smugly Yale rationalizes its quota system:

In 2018, in response to the announcement of the investigation, Yale’s president Peter Salovey denied that its admissions process was discriminatory, saying, “Yale College could fill its entire entering class several times over with applicants who reach the 99th percentile in standardized testing and who have perfect high school grade point averages, but we do not base admission on such numbers alone. Rather, we look at the whole person when selecting whom to admit among the many thousands of highly qualified applicants.”

Oh, they “look at the whole person,” by which they mean . . . quotas.

So if you’re 99th percentile and a white boy from West Virginia, Yale is going to “look at the whole person” and say, “Go away, cracker.”

By God, I would never want any of my children to apply to Yale, because I wouldn’t want my kids to be invovled in such a corrupt racket.

Fuck Yale. Fuck Harvard. Fuck the entire “elite” education establishment.


Feminist Marina Watanabe Rejected a Guy and Turned Him Into a Nazi

Posted on | August 13, 2020 | 2 Comments


Last month, a group of Internet sleuths identified Andrew Richard Casarez, 27, of Orangevale, California, as the man behind the online alias “Vic Mackey.” According to the Sacramento Bee, Casarez was the leader of a white supremacist group that called itself “The Bowl Patrol,” a name referencing the “bowl” haircut of a notorious killer:

“The ‘Bowl Patrol’ is an online group that endorses violence against minorities, they take their name from known domestic terrorist (Dylann) Roof who is known for killing 9 people at a prayer meeting in South Carolina,” according to a sheriff’s declaration filed in Sacramento Superior Court. “Roof is known in the white supremacists movement for having a ‘bowl cut haircut.’”

Well, it turns out that Casarez went to high school with Marina Watanabe (@marinashutup), a feminist who used to write for Everyday Feminism and who is now social media editor of Bitch Media. In a YouTube video, she says that Casarez tried to hit on her and she rejected him:


Of course, getting turned down by a girl can be hard on a young guy’s ego, but when a guy becomes so desperate he starts hitting on feminists? Probably gonna turn into a mass murderer someday.


New York: ‘I Don’t Want to Leave, But I Don’t Feel Like I Have a Choice Now’

Posted on | August 13, 2020 | 3 Comments


That’s a quote from a resident of the Upper West Side of Manhattan, explaining why she’s selling out and leaving New York City:

“How do I let my children cross the street when homeless people are shooting up?
“As a parent, this isn’t the place I once knew. I feel like NYC is disappearing so fast and no one’s doing anything. . . . I don’t want to feel afraid, and I don’t want my children to be scared to go outside.”

Thousands of families are now fleeing New York City, but the question must be asked: Who elected Bill De Blasio as mayor?

Probably a lot of those Upper West Side moms voted for De Blasio, because it was the trendy “progressive” thing to do at the time. Didn’t it occur to any of them to wonder what the consequences might be?

Via Ace, who comments: “They’ve literally killed the cities. This is going to be the most transformative shift in 100 years.”

What is so sad about what’s happened to New York is that everybody knew it would happen. This was all predictable, if you remember what happened to New York back in the 1970s and ’80s. The long slide into squalor reached rock bottom during the term of Mayor David Dinkins. The backlash against the Dinkins disaster resulted in Rudy Giuliani’s election, and Giuliani enacted a get-tough approach to policing that cleaned up the city, producing an urban renaissance that lasted 20 years. Mayors and police departments in other cities emulated the Giuliani model, and everywhere such policies were pursued, success followed.

But it’s RAAAAACIST to have safe streets, and the voters listened to promises of “progressive” Democrats like De Blasio, and so they have no one to blame but themselves for the ruin of their cities.


In The Mailbox: 08.12.20

Posted on | August 13, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1076
Red Pilled Jew: A Very Personal Opposition To Gun Control
357 Magnum: Black Cops Don’t Matter
EBL: The Weather Underground
Twitchy: CNN Reporter Gushing Over Kamala Harris Speech Sums Up The Shameless State Of American Journalism
Louder With Crowder: Hodge Twins – Black People HATE Kamala Harris
Vox Popoli: This Time, It’s Different, also, Q 1, Republican Establishment 0

American Conservative: Bloody Kansas Primary Shows Why We Need Ranked Choice Voting, also, Why Kanye’s Presidential Platform Is Good News
American Greatness: Why Is Desperately Poor India Beating NY’s Coronavirus Response?
American Thinker: Mail-In Voting & The Future Of American Democracy
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Can Any Cuban Use “Latinx” Without Laughing Or Vomiting?
BattleSwarm: So. Harris. Or, Kamala Harris’ Greatest Hits
Cafe Hayek: Protectionists Are Deeply Confused
Camp of the Saints: In The End…Watch Out
CDR Salamander: Michele Flournoy’s Neo-Rumsfeldism
Da Tech Guy: Alison Young Has 50K Followers On YouTube; Music’s Harvey Weinsteins Hardest Hit, also, Hope Or Hezbollah?
Don Surber: Trump’s Second Term Goals, also, Beware Kamala’s Laugh
First Street Journal: Trump Campaign Advisor Speaks Truth, Philadelphia Inquirer Waxes Wroth
The Geller Report: Kamala Harris’ Wikipedia Page Scrubbed – Prosecutorial Record Wiped, also, Biden Staffers Donated To Bail Out Alleged Violent Criminals In Minnesota
Hogewash: In Re Kamala Harris, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Spencer Klavan Takes A Stand Against Woke Academia, also, Nick Cave Calls Cancel Culture “The Unhappiest Religion In The World”
The Lid: Democrat Turns On Pelosi As Her Decision To Recess Threatens COVID Relief
Legal Insurrection: Chicago Looters Attack Ronald McDonald House, also, The NYT Wasn’t Quite As Enthused By A Woman On The Ticket When It Was Sarah Palin
Michelle Malkin: Is Biden-Loving Comcast Meddling In Laura Loomer’s Campaign?
The PanAm Post: Will Colombia Descend Into Chavismo?
Power Line: Has The College Death Spiral Started? also, Atlanta DA Paul Howard Wipes Out In Primary
Shark Tank: Penelas Lies About Bovo’s Maduro Connection
Shot In The Dark: “Peaceful Protest”
The Political Hat: Next On The Woke Agenda – Overturning Loving v. Virginia? also, Praxis – Seattle’s Marxist Abolition Of Police
This Ain’t Hell: Fort Hood? Again? also, Military Helicopter Fired On From Ground In Virginia, One Crewman Injured
Victory Girls: Media All In On Gaslighting For Harris
Volokh Conspiracy: “Anything They Wanted To Take, They Can Take It, Because Those Businesses Have Insurance”
Weasel Zippers: Chicago Locals Fight Off Protesters, Shut Down #BLM Rally To Prevent Looting, also, Charges Against Hundreds Of Portland Rioters Dropped As DA Announces Plan To “Recognize Right To Speak”
The Federalist: Kamala Harris Adds Abortion Extremism To Democratic Ticket, also, Black Man Shoots White 5-Year-Old In The Head, But Race-Obsessed Media Doesn’t Care
Mark Steyn: Looting The Loop, also, The Land Where Everything Is Policed Except Crime

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‘She Ain’t Us’: How the #ADOS Attack Undermines ‘Phony’ Kamala

Posted on | August 12, 2020 | 1 Comment


Right out of the box, the Trump campaign was ready with a 30-second ad attacking Joe Biden’s VP choice Kamala Harris as “phony,” which shows that someone at Trump HQ has been paying attention to the nuances of African American culture. Because one of the things that caused Harris to lose support in the Democratic primaries was the realization by black voters that, as several have said, “She ain’t us.”

ADOS (American Descendants of Slavery) is a category described by black podcasters Yvette Carnell and Antonio Moore. It refers to the distinction between someone like Barack Obama (whose mother was white and whose father was Kenyan) and someone whose ancestors were enslaved in America. While this distinction may not seem important to most white people, it means a lot to black Americans who have noticed the way in which elite institutions (e.g., Ivy League universities) engage in what might be called substitute tokenism to meet the necessary “diversity” quotas. From the perspective of “diversity” managers, one brown face is the same as the other, but from the perspective of struggling African-Americans, the white system is not doing them any favors by giving scholarships to the children of immigrants merely for the sake of having more brown faces on campus.

As I say, white people don’t generally understand why the ADOS distinction matters, but it expresses a sense among many black people that “diversity” is fraud being perpetrated at the expense of their community — and I don’t disagree with that analysis. Even though I dislike the whole zero-sum-game mentality of identity politics, where everything must be carved up and allotted by quotas of “representation,” if such a racial spoils system is to exist, at least it ought to be internally consistent, and counting the child of foreign immigrants as “African American” for the sake of a racial quota is a swindle.

Kamala Harris’s father is from Jamaica and her mother is from India. How many African Americans have a mother named Shyamala Gopalan? Harris was born while her parents were attending UC-Berkeley; they divorced when she was 7 and she was raised in Quebec, returning to the U.S. for college. So while it is perfectly acceptable to celebrate Harris as an immigrant success story, her status as a “woman of color” does not signify any actual benefit to the African-American community.

Go check out the #ADOS hashtag on Twitter and you’ll discover an extensive discourse on this topic. It’s not coming from Republicans or conservatives, but from black people who feel they are being defrauded by the game of substitute tokenism that Harris represents. So when the Trump campaign runs an ad calling Harris a “phony,” that message is going to resonate with a crucial demographic segment.



In The Mailbox: 08.11.20

Posted on | August 11, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

357 Magnum: Floridians Almost As Heavily Armed As Texans
EBL: The Wheels Of Kamala Harris’ Bus Go Thump Thump Thump Over Joe Biden
Twitchy: LA Times Notes That Hollywood Is Celebrating Joe Biden’s VP Pick, Which Is Always A Good Sign
Louder With Crowder: Tucker Carlson Blasts Brian Stelter – Not Even He Watches CNN
Vox Popoli: The End Of Pax Americana, also, Bloodbath At DC Comics

American Conservative: Could The Polls Be Hiding A Trump Landslide
American Greatness: Sen. Cotton Tells Higher Ed – Loosen Up Or Lose Your Money
American Power: California’s Grim Coronavirus Milestone
American Thinker: The Mainstream Media Is At The Point Of No Return
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily First Fire News
Babalu Blog: Dem Rep. Mucarsel-Powell Shouts Her Contempt For Cuban-Americans Over Megaphone
BattleSwarm: Joe Rogan Leaving California For Austin, also, “Let’s Have A War!”
Cafe Hayek: Quotation Of The Day
CDR Salamander: Zugzwang Naval Advocacy
Da Tech Guy: Did Chicago Really Think This Would Stay In The Black Neighborhoods? also, Report From Louisiana – Phase 2, Hybrid School
Don Surber: Treat Kamala Like The Democrats Treated Palin, also, 37 States Even With Mail Fraud Voting
First Street Journal: Rights Delayed Are Rights Denied, also, Even The Washington Post Says Amy McGrath Henderson Is A Liar
The Geller Report: Seattle’s Black Police Chief Resigns After White Democrats On City Council Vote To Cut Police Budget, also, Mayor Groot Rejects National Guard For Chicago After Night Of Pillage & Rioting
Hogewash: Jezero Crater On Mars, also, Heard At The In Re Flynn Hearing
Hollywood In Toto: Ode To Minneapolis Bookstores Burned In Rioting, also, Comedians Against Comedy Skewers Woke Stand-Ups
JustOneMinute: Any Day Now!
The Lid: New York State’s COVID-19 Nursing Home Deaths Undercounted By Thousands
Legal Insurrection: Chicago #BLM Leader Declares Looting Gucci & Macy’s “Reparations”, also, Flashback – That Time Kamala Harris Said She Believed Joe Biden’s Accusers
The PanAm Post: Venezuela Running Out Of Iranian Gasoline
Power Line: What The Media Can & Can’t Say About Biden’s VP Pick, also, The Truth About Biden Is Getting Out
Shark Tank: Florida’s Congressional Democrats Plead For Mask Mandate
Shot In The Dark: Almost As If By Plan
The Political Hat: Anti-Cancellation Clause, also, The Real History Of Slavery
This Ain’t Hell: WW2 Hero Being Considered For Medal Of Honor, also, Dear Abby, What Should I Do About Dad?
Victory Girls: Will Minnesota Voters Fire Ilhan Omar?
Volokh Conspiracy: Judge Condemns Excessive Requests To Seal
Weasel Zippers: Biden Lies About Trump Defunding Social Security, Twitter Does Nothing, also, Wikileaks Releases Treasure Trove Of Documents On Kamala Harris
The Federalist: Governors Can’t Use Coronavirus To Declare Indefinite State Of Emergency, also, Dear Sarah Jeong – If America Were Anything Like Red China, You’d Be In Jail
Mark Steyn: Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini, also, Who Needs The Plague?

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Kamala the Cop Is Biden’s VP Pick

Posted on | August 11, 2020 | 1 Comment

She has accused him of sexual assault and racism, but nevertheless, the junior senator from California gets the nod from old Joe:

On Tuesday, presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden announced that he had tapped Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) as his running mate for the November election. Harris ran against Biden in the 2020 primary, and she did not do particularly well. She did, however, repeatedly attack the former vice president. . . .
Harris’s big stand-out moment came in the first Democratic debate. In an orchestrated moment, she attacked frontrunner Joe Biden for opposing forced busing for racial integration. Not only did Kamala exaggerate her history, but she seized on a rather unpopular issue. School choice is a far better and more popular solution to educational disparities. While Kamala enjoyed a short-lived bump in the polls, her standout moment faded quickly. . . .
Harris also said she believed Biden’s accusers when women came forward accusing him of making inappropriate sexual moves on them.
Kamala Harris fizzled out before the year 2020 began. She’s divisive and unappealing, and by choosing her, Biden has handed a great deal of ammunition to President Donald Trump.

My hunch had been that Biden would pick Susan Rice, but I guess he figured Kamala’s baggage was less burdensome than Rice’s.


Chicago: Crime City, U.S.A.

Posted on | August 11, 2020 | 3 Comments

Yesterday’s report of widespread looting in downtown Chicago was followed by an even more shocking report, that a mob of protesters showed up at the jail demanding release of the looters arrested:

Black Lives Matter Chicago said early Monday’s looting of stores was a form of ‘reparations’ as the group held a protest Monday night in support of the more than 100 people arrested after an evening of violence.
Downtown Chicago was otherwise quiet after authorities cut off access, with drawbridges leading into the city pulled up and freeway exits blocked after riots sparked by a false rumor of a child shot by police.
At least 13 police officers were injured as the violence claimed an estimated $65 million in property damage.
Ariel Atkins, a BLM organizer, called the looting ‘reparations’.
‘I don’t care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats,’ Atkins said. ‘That makes sure that person has clothes.
‘Anything they wanted to take, they can take it because these businesses have insurance.’

This is now the de facto platform of the Democratic Party. These riots — vandalism, arson, looting — are in fact Joe Biden rallies, where Democrat voters show up to take what they want and do as they please, and the politicians they elect will protect their “right” to steal and destroy.

The local prosecutor in Chicago, Kim Foxx, has dropped felony charges against 25,183 defendants in the past three years. These criminals are Demkocratic voters set free to terrorize the community, with impunity from prosecution. There is neither safety for human life nor security for property in Chicago, a city governed by Democrats on behalf of the criminals who rule the city’s streets. So when merchants close their businesses, when real-estate values plummmet, thus depriving the city government of tax revenues, Democrats will be left in charge of a bankrupt ghost town, and expect a bailout from federal taxpayers.


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