The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 06.25.20

Posted on | June 25, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.25.20

— compiled by Wombat-socho

357 Magnum: First History, Now Religion
Red Pilled Jew: Wednesday Whittle
Bacon Time: A New Stupid Trend Will Be Starting
EBL: Talking Heads – “Life During Wartime”
Twitchy: Dana Loesch Not Having Any Of Tater Stelter’s Pearl Clutching Over Trump Calling Monument Vandals “Terrorists In A Sense”
Louder With Crowder: Black Heavy Metal Singer Exposes #BlackLivesMatter Using Erasable Markers
Vox Popoli: Totally Not Suspicious, also, Welcome To The Third World

American Conservative: Statue Wars Come To The British Empire
American Greatness: Against The #FakeNoose Media, also, Obama & His Gang Of Untouchables
American Thinker: The #BlackLivesMatter Movement Is The Enemy Of Black Americans
Animal Magnetism: Vacation Totty IV
Babalu Blog: Real Life “Wasp Network” Cuban Spies Murdered Americans & Plotted Terrorist Attacks In The U.S.
BattleSwarm: Joe Rogan Interviews Colion Noir
Cafe Hayek: More Mistaken Motivated Justifications For Minimum Wages
CDR Salamander: Post-COVID-19 Red China Is The Old China
Da Tech Guy: The American Voters Can’t Pretend They Don’t Know Their Choice, also, Things Would Be So Much Better If The U.S. Media Was Worthy Of Our Trust & Respect
Don Surber: Defeating Satan Is Racist?
The Geller Report: “Tolerant” Liberals Target Sen. Tim Scott With Threats & Racist Voicemails, also, Google Censorship Kills “Voice Of Europe” Site
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, I’m Not Making This Up, You Know
Hollywood In Toto: Jon Stewart Apologizes For His Blindingly White Daily Show Staff, also, Why Cruise’s Days Of Thunder Tops His “Need For Speed”
JustOneMinute: Cases Surging, Deaths To Follow?
Legal Insurrection: Student Activists Demand Removal Of Lincoln Statue At UW-Madison, also, Minneapolis Neighborhood Promised To “Check Is Privilege”, Then A 300-Strong Homeless Camp Moved In
The PanAm Post: Progressivism Will Destroy History & Science, also, Nobody Likes Traitors
Power Line: Strzok Strikes Again, also, How Many COVID Deaths Are There, Really?
Shark Tank: Laura Loomer Surges In FL-21
Shot In The Dark: Reagan Spoke Too Soon
The Political Hat: UN-Serious, UN-Fair, & UN-American, also, All The Cops Are Criminals, And All The Fundamental Transformative Revolutionaries Saints
This Ain’t Hell: The Real Reason Mobs Are Tearing Down Monuments, also, Proposed Changes To Veteran Preference Points
Victory Girls: Scott Rips Democrats For Blocking Police Reform Bill
Volokh Conspiracy: In Re Michael Flynn As Bush v. Gore
Weasel Zippers: Another White Leftist Tries To Lecture Black Cop About Racism, also, Trump Says “Every City That Has Problems Is Run By Radical Left Democrats”
Mark Steyn: Revolt Of The Know-Nothings, also, The Wheels Of Justice Grind

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‘We Can See Through That’

Posted on | June 25, 2020 | 1 Comment

Glenn Reynolds calls attention to a feature article about black Democrats in Michigan that is an eye-opening glimpse into 2020:

“We look at Joe Biden and see more of the same. It’s about the era he came up. It’s about his identity—he’s a rich, old white man. What are his credentials to us, other than Obama picking him? It’s nice that he worked with Obama. But let’s keep it real: That was a political calculation. Obama thought he needed a white man to get elected, just like Biden thinks he needs a Black woman to get elected. We can see through that.”

Even though all of the people interviewed are partisan loyalists who will vote Democrat no matter what, at the same time they are all profoundly convinced that Donald Trump will be re-elected.

And this is good news. What it means is that the cynical calculations of white liberals, who have built their careers on a strategy of obtaining political power by pandering to black voters, have become transparent to the voters to whom they pander. That’s very bad news for Democrats.

More bad news for Democrats: 16-term New York Democrat Rep. Elliott Engel has apparently lost to primary challenger Jamaal Bowman:

Over the last few weeks, Engel received high-profile endorsements from Democratic establishment figures, including from Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA), and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. . . .
On the other hand, Bowman boasted endorsements from far-left politicians, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), whose 2018 primary upset occurred in the neighboring district, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).

See? Now they’re going after the Jews. It was one thing, perhaps, when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took out the Irish Catholic Joe Crowley, but for Democrat primary voters to declare, in effect, that Jews are no longer eligible for Congress? Oh, that’s gonna hurt. It’s gonna hurt bad.


Why Does New York Hate Freedom?

Posted on | June 25, 2020 | 1 Comment


New Yorkers are not allowed to celebrate the Fourth of July:

More than a dozen people were arrested in separate fireworks busts across New York City as part of a new crackdown.
Two men in Staten Island were arrested on Tuesday as part of the crackdown.
The FDNY posted pictures of the $6,000 worth of fireworks fire marshals found in the suspects’ car.
Matthew King, 35, and Rayval Singh, 22, will face charges of reckless endangerment and the unlawful dealing of fireworks.
Fire marshals were conducting surveillance near the Goethals Bridge to try to intercept illegal fireworks being brought into the city.
Also, Deputy Sheriff Fireworks Task Force Officers arrest two people in Canarsie, Brooklyn, for unlawfully dealing with fireworks and dangerous fireworks valued at more than $2,000 that were trafficked from Pennsylvania.
In the Bronx, officials say two more people were arrested after being caught selling fireworks out of their vehicle last week.
A buyer was also summonsed. The fireworks were confiscated, and the vehicle was seized for forfeiture.
Another bust in the Bronx on Wednesday led to the arrests of 12 more people and the confiscation of two rifles and a handgun.
FDNY Fire Marshals also arrested Jeffrey Andrew Lee, 25, for possession of approximately $2,500 worth of illegal fireworks. Lee was arrested in Manhattan by Fire Marshals investigating and conducting surveillance regarding illegal fireworks in our city. He is charged with reckless endangerment and the unlawful dealing of fireworks.
And not far from the city in Yonkers, cops busted a 34-year-old man for selling illegal fireworks from the trunk of his car. Police found 28 cases of fireworks valuing about $10,000.

Every patriotic American enjoys shooting “extremely dangerous” illegal fireworks on the Fourth of July, but patriotism is illegal in New York. Meanwhile in West Virginia, where “extremely dangerous” fireworks are actually legal — because freedom! — our family has accumulated a supply that would probably send us to prison in New York. We are grateful to readers who support this patriotic celebration.



The New York Times Smears French Author Who Predicted Our Current Crisis

Posted on | June 25, 2020 | Comments Off on The New York Times Smears French Author Who Predicted Our Current Crisis

Twenty-five years ago, when a friend sent me a copy of Jean Raspail’s The Camp of the Saints, it was a book so taboo that you were considered racist merely for knowing of its existence. The 1973 novel, which imagines France invaded by a flotilla of refugees from the Indian subcontinent, pointed out how Western civilization had lost its will to survive, having become decadent, full of self-loathing and racial guilt.

Five years ago, however, when the Syrian civil war produced an influx of “refugees” into the European Union, suddenly Raspail’s novel was recognized as prophetic; even many liberals said the scenes in Europe were reminiscent of The Camp of the Saints. The election of Donald Trump and other politicial events indicative of a “nationalist” mood in the electorate seemed to validate much of Raspail’s critique.

Jean Raspail died at age 94 earlier this month, and his obituary in the New York Times was an act of deliberate character assassination.

Phyllis Chesler describes the crude smear:

A photo of Raspail’s book is accompanied by a caption: “Mr. Raspail dehumanized immigrants in his 1973 book.” The piece describes Raspail’s followers as “white supremacists, far-right political figures;” worse yet, as one “member of the Trump administration.” In addition, “many conservatives” attended his funeral; his readers were “far right,” his book spawned or influenced today’s “white supremacists” — and led to the shootings at two mosques, one in New Zealand, one in Texas. . . .
In case you still don’t know what Raspail represents, the obituary goes on to describe Raspail as one of the “last members of the old reactionary right” in France. One of President Trumps advisers had “written approvingly of the novel in an email (!) to an editor at the right wing website Breitbart.” Can’t be clearer than this.
But, in case you are still unsure of whose reputation must be shamed, cancelled, and toppled, his novel has been called a “racist novel.” Raspail insisted that he was not a “racist,” but he also said that he would not change a single line in The Camp of the Saints, and “described himself as ‘right wing, even right-right-wing.’” The Obituary continues along in this vein. The novel is a “racist diatribe.”

Never mind, of course, that Raspail’s novel accurately predicted the future in which we are now living. The fact that Raspail was correct in his assessment of the West’s cowardice doesn’t matter; what matters, to the New York Times, is that Raspail was against surrendering to foreign invasion. You’re not allowed to be against surrender. It’s “racist” to think French people have a right to defend France against foreigners.

You’d better buy the book now, before they ban it.


In The Mailbox: 06.24.20

Posted on | June 24, 2020 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles mystery Box, Episode #1027
357 Magnum: Every Bullet Comes With A Lawyer Attached
EBL: Flynn Free, Judge Sullivan Chastised By Appeals Court
Twitchy: NYT Editor Gets Schooled After Ridiculing Lindsey Graham’s French Revolution Analogy
Louder With Crowder: Democrats Prove Black Lives Don’t Matter To Them, And Tim Scott Is Pissed
Vox Popoli: The Only Way To Win, also, White Liberals Learn Slowly

Adam Piggott: You’re Too Short For This Ride
American Conservative: Here Come The Bourgeois Bolsheviks
American Greatness: Another Day, Another Race Hoax, also, Indictments Likely In Durham, Antifa Financing Probes
American Thinker: Resisting The Mob & Restoring Order
Animal Magnetism: Vacation Totty III
Babalu Blog: Nicole Malliotakis Wins GOP Primary In New York
BattleSwarm: Apple Dumps Intel
Cafe Hayek: Cases Are Not Deaths
CDR Salamander: Shipyard Defense In Depth
Da Tech Guy: COVID-19 – What The Media & Democrats Don’t Want You To Recognize, also, Wednesday Thoughts Under The Fedora
Don Surber: Court Stops The Railroading Of General Flynn
First Street Journal: True Confession – I’ve Made Hangman’s Nooses!
Fred On Everything: A Country Not Salvageable
The Geller Report: Newly Released Strzok Notes Directly Implicate Obama & Biden In Flynn’s Persecution, also, Soros Says Now Is A “Revolutionary Moment” Where The “Inconceivable Is Necessary”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, I Guess We Were Statistical Outliers
Hollywood In Toto: Jon Stewart’s Irresistible Flirts With Fair & Balanced Satire, also, Chelsea Handler Curses Out Her Critics, Then Grovels For Forgiveness
Legal Insurrection: Videos Emerge Of White Leftist Protesters Trying To Lecture Black Cops On Racism, also, Mob Vows To Tear Down DC’s Emancipation Memorial
Michelle Malkin: Hoaxed By #FakeNoose Again
The PanAm Post: Russians Want To Sell Lenin To Cover Deficit, also, A Churchill Statue For Each Town Square
Power Line: The Hollowness Of Virtue Signaling, also, Judge Sullivan Ordered To Dismiss Flynn Case
Shark Tank: FL Realtors Announce 2020 Election Cycle Picks
Shot In The Dark: Transit Memorial Day
STUMP: Thoughts On The Passing Scene
This Ain’t Hell: Iranian Missile Program Moves Forward, also, Keeping History & Statues In Their Proper Places
Victory Girls: Bubba Wallace Wants His Victim Status
Volokh Conspiracy: The Law Protects Religious Liberty Far More Than Most People Think
Weasel Zippers: “If Someone’s Wearing A MAGA Hat, I’m Going To Delete Them For Terrorism”, also, National Guard Deployed To DC (Again) To Protect Monuments
Mark Steyn: Happy Grow-A-Spineteenth! also, Better Dead Than Ted

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Fake Noose, Fake News

Posted on | June 24, 2020 | 2 Comments


Not a hate crime:

The FBI has determined that a noose found in NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace’s garage at Talladega Superspeedway on Sunday had been there since at least last year, according to the bureau.
A statement issued by U.S. Attorney Jay E. Town said that an investigation has concluded that no federal crime was committed.
“The FBI learned that garage number 4, where the noose was found, was assigned to Bubba Wallace last week. The investigation also revealed evidence, including authentic video confirmed by NASCAR, that the noose found in garage number 4 was in that garage as early as October 2019,” the bureau said. “Although the noose is now known to have been in garage number 4 in 2019, nobody could have known Mr. Wallace would be assigned to garage number 4 last week.”
Further details were not immediately released. The FBI said no charges would be pursued in relation to the incident.

The supposed “noose” was just the rope pull-down handle for the garage door, where somebody had tied a loop in it for a handle. No one who had spent any time around that track could have thought this was a racial threat, but for some reason, NASCAR officials did, and triggered days of hysterical self-denunciation by NASCAR officials and drivers.

Bubba Wallace went on The View and said only “simpleminded” people would doubt this was a hate crime:

“People are entitled to their own opinion to make them feel good or help them sleep at night,” he said, adding, “Simpleminded people like that, the ones who are afraid of change, they use everything in their power to defend what they stand for.”

Got that? You’re just stupid and “afraid of change.”


Old And Busted: Auto-da-fé
New Hotness: Tina da Fey

Posted on | June 24, 2020 | Comments Off on Old And Busted: Auto-da-fé
New Hotness: Tina da Fey

by Smitty

An auto-da-fé (from Portuguese auto da fé, meaning ‘act of faith’) was the ritual of public penance carried out between the 15th and 19th centuries of condemned heretics and apostates imposed by the Spanish, Portuguese, or Mexican Inquisition as punishment and enforced by civil authorities. Its most extreme form was death by burning.

via Lifezette,

NBC Universal announced this week that it would be removing four episodes of the hit show “30 Rock” that featured characters in blackface. In the wake of this announcement, the show’s creator and star Tina Fey has issued a groveling apology for her role in the episodes. “As we strive to do the work and do better in regards to race in America, we believe that these episodes featuring actors in race-changing makeup are best taken out of circulation,” said Fey, who frequently bashes President Donald Trump.

There is little for me to add to the current reaction to our Lefty Inquisition, whose number one weapon is fear and surprise. Two! Two main weapons are fear, surprise, and a fanatical devotion to Marx.
Yesterday was a low-turnout primary election for the GOP challenger for Senator Bucky Warner here in Virginia this November.
I had thought Trump was on a glide slope to re-election, until the ‘rona. Now I’m past predicting anything other than a wild ride. Keep your powder dry, patriots!

In The Mailbox: 06.23.20

Posted on | June 23, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.23.20

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Pagan Vigil: Courage & Continuity
357 Magnum: The Statement That Will Get Brown Fired From The Chicago PD
EBL: How About Some Dodo?
Twitchy: Watch As Mostly Peaceful Protester From Black House Autonomous Zone Attempts Running Tackle On Andrea Mitchell
Louder With Crowder: Teen Who Makes Teddy Bears For Children Of Slain Officers Now Receiving Death Threats From Liberals
Vox Popoli: How To Fight The Woke & Win, also, Dismantling Western Civilization

Adam Piggott: The United States Was Doomed From The Start
American Conservative: Why Conservative Fusionism Was Destined To Disintegrate
American Greatness: The Con Of The Surrender Cons, also, FBI Investigation Confirms Bubba Wallace Not A Victim of Hate Crime
American Thinker: The Political Genius Of Donald Trump
Animal Magnetism: Vacation Totty II
Babalu Blog: Black Lives Matter’s Disturbing Ties To The Murderous Maduro Regime
BattleSwarm: Making Hay While The Sun Shines, also, #BlackLivesMatter Is A Radical Marxist Organization
Cafe Hayek: Just Wondering
CDR Salamander: When Treaties Die
Da Tech Guy: Eight Post-Trump Rally Thoughts, also, Report From Louisiana – More Protests
Don Surber: Trump Hits High Tech In The Wallet
First Street Journal: The End Of #Antifastan?
Fred On Everything:
The Geller Report: “If Someone Is Wearing A MAGA Hat I’ll Delete Them For Terrorism”, also, Trophy Husband John F. Kerry* Threatens Revolution In November If Trump Wins
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Sunsets
Hollywood In Toto: Jon Stewart Can’t Resist Cheap Shot Against “Racist” Gun Owners, also, Schumacher Made Batman Campy Again
JustOneMinute: No Noose Is Good Noose
Legal Insurrection: Andrew Cuomo Calls Criticism Of Fatal Nursing Home Bungling “Political Charade”, also, After Violent Fathers Day, Chicago Alderman Wants “More Outrage”
The PanAm Post: The Links Between #BlackLivesMatter & Maduro Revealed, also, Feminists Don’t Want Conservative Women Working In Politics
Power Line: A Heroine For Our Time, also, I Was Wrong About Bolton
Shark Tank: Diaz-Balart Slams Biden Over Venezuela
Shot In The Dark: While We’re Destroyign Things With Objectionable Cultural Connotations
The Political Hat: Corona-Chan Gets Kinky In New York
This Ain’t Hell: The Inconvenient Truth About The Democratic Party, also, Soldier Leaks Classified Info To Neo-Nazis, Al-Qaeda
Victory Girls: Liberals Claim Rejecting Vote-By-Mail Is Voter Suppression
Volokh Conspiracy: The Fifteenth Anniversary Of Kelo v. New London
Weasel Zippers: D.C. Reporter Says Democrats Quietly Admit Biden Lacks “Mental Acuity”, also, “When You Tear Down Statues of Washington & Grant, It’s Not About The Civil War – It’s Because You Hate America”
Megan McArdle: Where Do We Draw The Line In Tearing Down Statues?
Mark Steyn: Melting Down, also, The Costs Of Mann Delay

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