The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 06.12.20

Posted on | June 13, 2020 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

357 Magnum: In The Least Surprising News Of The Week Roof Koreans – 1992 & Now
Twitchy: New Federal Charges Could Send Lawyers Who Torched NYPD Van To Prison For Life
Louder With Crowder: CHAZ Tries Farming And It Goes As Well As You’d Expect
Vox Popoli: Avoid Engagement, also, Magic, Converged
According To Hoyt: The Binary Mind Of The Left
Monster Hunter Nation: Fisking Buzzfeed, Because They Don’t Understand How Authors Get Paid

American Conservative: Trump Deserves Credit For Bringing The Troops Home
American Greatness: Democrats, Not Republicans, Protect Dirty Cops
American Power: Prof. William Jacobson On The Laura Ingraham Show
American Thinker: Devolution To Revolution
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Abolish The Police Friday
Babalu Blog: Cuban State Security Poisons Dissident Scientist’s Farm Animals
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For June 12
Cafe Hayek: The Economic Impact of The Lockdown Is Regressive
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Attention Allahpundit – Trump Is making Durkin & Inslee’s Production Of #CluelessInSeattle Go National
Don Surber: Ban The NFL From Playing The National Anthem
First Street Journal: Lysenkoism In America
The Geller Report: Seattle Mayor Compares Occupation Of Her City To “A Block Party”, also, Muslim Stabs Rabbi In London But Police Say It’s Not Terrorism
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Antifastan Requests Foreign Aid
Hollywood In Toto: Late Night Elites – “Defund The Police”, also, King Of Staten Island – A Pot-Obsessed Tribute To Missing Fathers
JustOneMinute: Trump Heads For J’Ville!
Legal Insurrection: No Calls To Abrams From Biden About VP Slot, also, Seattle Mayor Durkan Downplays CHAZ – “We Could Have The Summer of Love”
The PanAm Post: Millions Of formal Jobs Lost In Colombia Coronavirus Lockdown
Power Line: A Fantasy With A Predictable Ending, also, America Is Not Racist – Full Stop
Shark Tank: Wassermann Schultz Protests For “Communities Of Color” From A Very, Very White Neighborhood
Shot In The Dark: Rule Of Law, Rule Of Man
STUMP: STUMP Classics – The Financial State Of Connecticut Is Still Totally Screwed
The Political Hat: Now Is NOT The Time For Knee-Jerk Police Reform, also, Firing Line Friday – Why Are Our Intellectuals So Dumb?
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, also, Punisher Wants To Restrict Brand
Victory Girls: CHAZ Is Groovetastic For Mayor Jenny
Volokh Conspiracy: The Revolution Is Eating Its Own
Weasel Zippers: Seattle’s Mayor Jenny Covers For Anarchists, also, Miami Police Are Not F***ing Around
Megan McArdle: Why We’re Not Going Back To The Office Anytime Soon
Mark Steyn: A Society Without A Past Has No Future, also, March of The Morons

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Police Chief Says ‘Elected Official’ Allowed Destruction of Portsmouth Monument

Posted on | June 12, 2020 | 4 Comments


Question: What role did a Confederate monument in Portsmouth, Virginia, play in the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis?

Answer: None at all.

This certainly is not the first time Southerners have been demonized to distract from wrongdoing committed by Yankees. Any assertion that destroying Confederate monuments is a gesture necessary to end police brutality, or to achieve “racial justice” (whatever that means) is a proposition lacking evidence or logic. But I digress . . .

Wednesday evening, a member of the vandal horde was seriously injured — he is hospitalized, and I’m astonished he’s still alive — after a statue on the Portsmouth monument was toppled onto his head. His name is Chris Green, and his wife said he flatlined twice en route to the hospital, where doctors put him into a coma to save his life:


The mood in the crowd mostly was celebratory. A marching band joined in with an impromptu performance.
The celebration, however, came to an abrupt halt shortly after 9 p.m., when the statue came down on Green.
Police moved in to secure the area with crime scene tape, as medics took Green away on a stretcher. Officers asked that the remaining protesters leave.
Green’s wife, Tonieh Brisbane-Green, wasn’t with him at the demonstration. She said her husband of 13 years flatlined twice while he was on the way to the hospital. She told 13News Now that they have two children.
Tonieh said she supports people’s right to protest, “but do it in a peaceful manner. There was no need to do all of that especially while there were so many people around that statue knowing that somebody’s going to get hurt.”
Now Green’s wife said she was upset that protesters “didn’t think” when they pulled the statue down.
She said doctors told her “they were surprised he even made it because that thing [the statue] is so heavy.”

“The last casualty of the Civil War,” someone said.

Sarcasm aside, the question is why this happened. There had been a protest at the monument during Wednesday afternoon, and the city council convened an emergency session to discuss removing the monument. They scheduled a public hearing, which is required to approve any action of the council, but meanwhile the police were told to stand down as the protest turned to vandalism:

Portsmouth officials say there will be a state police investigation into the events Wednesday night that destroyed a 127-year-old Confederate monument on Court Street and left a man seriously injured. . . .
The probe will focus on why officers were possibly told to stand down — a detail the police chief denies — as well as if there was any outside influence on the decision to allow vandalism to occur. . . .
Councilman Bill Moody suggested state Sen. Louise Lucas was on scene Wednesday afternoon directing police to allow the destruction of the monument. Moody also suggested Vice Mayor Lisa Lucas-Burke and Councilman Shannon Glover were on scene and were complicit in the violence or vandalism.
Lucas-Burke said it was incorrect to suggest the senator directed the police to allow the vandalism. Both Lucas-Burke and Glover denied they were there to encourage vandalism, instead saying they were there to try to de-escalate the situation.
Wednesday night after the protest, Portsmouth Police Chief Angela Greene also said she never gave her officers an order to ignore the destruction of the monument. Instead, she said an elected official directed the officers to let protesters [vandalize] the structure. . . .
Moody said Thursday he specifically wanted state police to look into Lucas’ involvement with Portsmouth Police during the protest.

Oh, what? The state senator is the mother of the vice-mayor? And both of them were part of the vandal horde?

As for why police didn’t arrest spray-painters from the beginning, Portsmouth Police Chief Angela Greene says an elected official is to blame.
“There was misinformation given that it was down through other elected officials [not to arrest protesters] was actually the call that was made. So, I had to make some calls to find out exactly where that order was coming from. By that time, there were already engaging in the property damage.”
State Senator Louise Lucas shared a Facebook Live video of herself and Councilmember Lisa Lucas-Burke at the protest, but Greene refused to name the elected official she says was meddling.

Well, at least the injured man’s family knows who to sue.

Criminal anarchy is what you’re voting for when you elect Democrats.



In The Mailbox: 06.11.20

Posted on | June 11, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.11.20

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Red Pilled Jew: Wednesday Whittle
357 Magnum: Just Update Your Damn Systems
EBL: Scarlett O’Hara’s Best Lines
Twitchy: “If You Care About Black Lives, Stop Voting For F***ing Democrats”
Louder With Crowder: Her Brother Was A Cop Killed In The Riots, And She Wants To Know – Did His Black Life Matter?
Vox Popoli: Seriously, Don’t Apologize, also, All You Need To Do Is Fight Back

Adam Piggott: Arseholes Just Grow Older
American Conservative: Don’t Stop With Afghanistan – Double Down & Get Out Of Iraq Too
American Greatness: Bongino Tells Congress – “Stop This Defund The Police Abomination Before Someone Gets Hurt”
American Thinker: Communism Is Reborn With A New Name In America, also, The Left Will Destroy America To Regain Power
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Chicago Shit-Show News
Babalu Blog: Pompeo Demands Explanation From PAHO For Its Role In Selling Cuban Slave Doctors To Brazil
BattleSwarm: Left Wing Madness – Defund The Police & Let slip The Dogs Of Amarchy
Cafe Hayek: Orwell Knew Of What He Wrote
CDR Salamander: What Rates A Nine-Month Deployment?
Da Tech Guy: Society Without Police – Insurance Jargon & The BLM Surcharge, also, Government Officials Are Picking & Choosing Who Gets To Exercise Which Rights
Don Surber: Biden Reminds Voters Trump Made America Great Again, also, Democrats Kneeled & They Can’t Get Up
First Street Journal: The Lexington Herald-Leader Is Way Out Of Touch With Its Readers
The Geller Report: Mayor DiBlasio’s Wife Says NYC Without Police “Would Be Like A Nirvana, A Utopia”, also, Photos From Seattle’s “Autonomous Zone”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Antifastan
Hollywood In Toto: Good Boy Finds The Humor In a Singleton’s Ruff Dating Life, also, The Surrogate Speaks Volumes About Pregnancy & Liberal Privilege
Legal Insurrection: Prof. Jacobson Targeted For Firing From Cornell For Criticising #BLM Movement, also, WA Governor Inslee Unaware That Anarchists Have Taken Over Part Of Seattle
The PanAm Post: Sandinistas Kill Protesters In Nicaragua, Now “Protest” In United States, also, Machado Proposes International Coalition Against Maduro
Power Line: Fake News & Fake Politics About Policing, also, Live From Seattle
Shark Tank: Club For Growth PAC Endorses Byron Donalds For FL-19
Shot In The Dark: If You’re Not A Cynic, You’re Not Paying Attention
STUMP: States Under Financial Pressure  – New York & New York City
This Ain’t Hell: On Retired Flag Officers, also, Now That All The Other Military Issues Are Solved
Victory Girls: Lamestream Media – Riots Are COVID Safe, But Trump Rallies Are Hot Zones
Volokh Conspiracy: Students Demand Cornell Fire Clinical Law Professor Jacobson For Criticizing #BLM Movement
Weasel Zippers: #BLM Activist Shouts “Kill All White Babies”, also, LA Times Executive Editor Says Term “Looting” Is Racist
Mark Steyn: The One-Sided Culture War

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Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes

Posted on | June 10, 2020 | 2 Comments

Barbarian mobs have been smashing statues all over the place — no fewer than three statues of Christopher Columbus have been smashed — but when they went to topple a Confederate monument in Portsmouth, Virginia . . . Well, it went badly for one of the barbarians:

That guy is reported to be “in critical condition,” by which I think they mean he’ll be a hopeless cripple if he survives. Deo vindice.



In The Mailbox: 06.10.20

Posted on | June 10, 2020 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1013
357 Magnum: Dismantle The Tax Base
EBL: Apocalypse Now Seattle – Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone
Twitchy: Chris Cuomo Gets Rekt For Bringing Talking Points To A Fact-Based Fight On Georgia’s Elections
Louder With Crowder: Task Force Says Expect A Spike In COVID Thanks To Protesters & Rioters
Vox Popoli: A Police-Free Minneapolis, also, It Always Begins With A Lie

American Conservative: Radical Chic – Still Cringey After All These Years
American Greatness: FBI Bends The Knee To The Mob, also, Democrat “Leaders” In Seattle Surrender To Antifa
American Thinker: An Honest Conversation On Race?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Brittany Brees Offers Groveling Apology For Being White (Apparently)
BattleSwarm: Project Veritas Goes Inside Antifa
Cafe Hayek: Lighthizer Is Benighted
CDR Salamander: Biden’s National Security Record Is Fair Game
Da Tech Guy: Postmodernism And Her Babies, also, The Return Of Riding Shotgun For Real
Don Surber: No Columbus, No Freedom, also, The Democrat Devolution In New York
First Street Journal: Real Racial Justice Requires Stricter Law Enforcement
The Geller Report: George Floyd’s Family Asks U.N. To Disarm U.S. Police, also, Iranian Parliamentarians Chant “Death To America”
Hogewash: Elections Have Consequences, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Hollywood Hates McCarthyism But Practices It Anyway, also, Are These Seven Movies On The Woke Mob’s Chopping Block?
Legal Insurrection: Seattle Surrenders A Police Station & Four City Blocks To Antifa, also, HBO Max Temporarily Removes Gone With The Wind
Michelle Malkin: The Monumental Campaign To #CancelAmerica
Power Line: Barr Speaks, also, Black Lives Sometimes Matter
Shot In The Dark: Items For The “Cancel” Agenda
The Political Hat: The Wokeness Of Spreading Coronavirus Via Riots
This Ain’t Hell: Much Ado About Nothing, also, RIP Ranger Patrick Tadena, 77
Victory Girls: Not All Black Lives Matter, Especially If They’re Blue
Volokh Conspiracy: UCLA Business School Lecturer Placed On Leave For Not Giving Exam “Leniency” To Black Students
Weasel Zippers: Homeless People Reportedly Stole All The Food In The CHAZ, Situation Dire, also, Occasional Cortex Stumped When Shown Studies Showing Defunding Police Leads To More Crime
Megan McArdle: If We Want Better Policing, We’re Going To Have To Spend More
Mark Steyn: Everything Must Go! also, Leaving Home To Save Lives

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St. George of the Blessed Fentanyl: The Blasphemous Beatification of a Criminal

Posted on | June 10, 2020 | 1 Comment

“God took an ordinary brother from the Third Ward, from the housing projects, that nobody thought much about but those that knew him and loved him. He took the rejected stone, the stone that the builder rejected. They rejected him for jobs. They rejected him for positions. They rejected him to play for certain teams. God took the rejected stone and made him the cornerstone of a movement that’s going to change the whole wide world.”
Al Sharpton, June 9, 2020

When George Floyd tried to pass a counterfeit $20 bill in a Minneapolis grocery store, did he imagine that his crime would set in motion a chain of events leading to his own death, riots that caused the destruction of millions of dollars of property, and a three-hour funeral service with a sermon by Al Sharpton broadcast live on national TV?

The grocery store has become “Mecca” for the Cult of Social Justice that worship at the Shrine of the Blessed Martyr. This reminds me of how some extremists were drawn to the Branch Davidian compound near Waco as the symbol of an “anti-government” movement that led to the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City.

We don’t yet know what further evils will be spawned in the wake of two weeks of riots but it is now beyond dispute that “social justice” has become a blasphemous cult, the “doctrines of devils.” It was shocking to hear Sharpton describe George Floyd using the text of I Peter 2 (and Psalm 118 and Isaiah 28). How do these verses, which describe Jesus as the “cornerstone” of salvation, apply to George Floyd, who in 2007 was part of a gang that held a pregnant woman (Aracely Henriquez) at gunpoint during a home-invasion robbery in Houston? According to the coroner’s report, Floyd had been using fentanyl and methamphetamine before his death. Does drug abuse now qualify people for sainthood? And what about this simple question: Why was George Floyd, a native of North Carolina who grew up in Houstion, living in Minneapolis?

We have been told that after leaving prison, Floyd moved to Minneapolis seeking work, to begin a new life away from the criminal environment in Houston, which would certainly be a praiseworthy decision. However, in leaving Houston, Floyd also abandoned a year-old infant daughter, Gianna, and the baby’s mother, Roxie Washington. There are varying accounts of just how many children George Floyd sired — some say as many as five, by various women he never married — but two of these children are adults who hadn’t seen their father in many years:

Quincy Mason Floyd and Connie Mason, George Floyd’s son and daughter, attended a protest in Bryan, Texas on Sunday.
“I’m really excited about all this. Everyone is coming out and showing him love,” Quincy Mason Floyd told KBTX-TV. “I love this. My heart is really touched by all this.”
Quincy Mason Floyd had long been estranged from his father. He said he last saw George Floyd when he was 4 or 5 years old.
“I didn’t recognize who it was until mom called and told me. She said, ‘Do you know who that guy was?’ I said no,” he said. “She said, ‘That’s your father.'”
Both of his children who attended the Texas protest praised the peaceful demonstrations and denounced violence that has unfolded in some cities.
“The violence is not the right way to do it,” Connie Mason said. “Now this is beautiful. But the violence, it won’t solve nothing.”

True, violence “won’t solve nothing,” but what about the “movement” of which Al Sharpton has declared George Floyd the “cornerstone”?


Aren’t these riots the kind of lawless savagery Al Sharpton has always advocated? You could investigate Sharpton’s role in inciting the deadly arson attack on Freddie’s Fashion Mart, and ask yourself, “Where is the evidence of Sharpton’s repentance? Why is this hate-filled monster being treated as a respectable person? Why isn’t he serving time in prison?”

“I want to make it clear to the radio audience and to you here that we will not stand by and allow them to move this brother so that some white interloper can expand his business on 125th Street. . . . It is clear that their intentions are trying to retake anything they can and to eradicate and eliminate any semblance of black power or black stronghold in the city. And if we sit by and allow it to happen, we can blame no one but us.”
Al Sharpton, Sept. 9, 1995


If you don’t know the story, let me summarize it briefly: Freddie’s Fashion Mart was a small shop in Harlem, whose Syrian-Jewish proprietor, Fred Harari, leased premises in a building owned by a black church, the United Pentacostal House of Prayer. Harari sublet part of his space to a record store, owned by Sikhulu Shange. The church was planning a multimillion-dollar renovation of the building, and had raised rents and begun evicting a number of tenants. Because his rent had gone up, Harari raised the rent he was charging Shange. This led to a dispute in which Shange sought assistance from Sharpton’s National Alliance Network, which organized the protests where Sharpton denounced Harari as a “white interloper,” and Sharpton’s lieutenant, Morris Powell, engaged in explicitly anti-white and anti-Semitic rhetoric:

In court papers filed the day before the fire, Fred A. Harari, the owner of Freddy’s, and two employees described weeks of protests outside the clothing store in which demonstrators threatened employees, hurled obscenities at “bloodsucking Jews” and talked of burning down the store. . . .
“We are going to see that this cracker suffers,” Mr. Powell is heard telling a crowd on one tape . . . “Reverend Sharpton is on it. We have made contact with these crackers. We don’t expect a lot out of them. They haven’t seen how we feel about anything yet. We are going to show them.”

After three months of such hateful protests, one of Sharpton’s followers decided that he would indeed “show them.” Roland Smith, a 51-year-old black nationalist who called himself “Abubunde Mulocko” showed up at Freddie’s Fashion Mart with a pistol and a can of paint thinner:

When he entered the store, Abubunde . . . shouted, “It’s on now!” Armed with a .38, he shot three whites and a Pakistani in cold blood — he had mistaken the light-skinned Pakistani for a Jew — and then set a fire that killed five Hispanics, a Guyanese, and a black, the security guard whom the protesters had taunted as a “cracker lover.”

That is the kind of “movement” Al Sharpton has been leading for more than 25 years, and in which he sees George Floyd as a “cornerstone.”

You know, I have tried for two weeks to avoid saying anything negative about George Floyd, because I understood that his death was merely a pretext for these riots, which really had nothing to do with him. But if cable TV news producers are going to devote endless hours to celebrating Floyd as a secular saint, with Al Freaking Sharpton preaching a blasphemous eulogy, this brings attention to the matter of the dead man’s character. Do most Americans believe that a convicted felon who abandoned his offspring (and their mothers) is someone who deserves such praise? Is George Floyd a heroic figure? A role model? Can anyone imagine white people staging nationwide protests over the death of any of the dozens of white criminals who have died in police custody?

Oh, you didn’t know that cops kill more white suspects than black suspects? Because nobody on CNN is going to tell you that, nor will you ever hear the names of any white victims of police brutality, like Tony Timpa, a schizophrenic man in Texas who died in circumstances very similar to what happened to George Floyd. Some cops got fired, there was a lawsuit — the story made headlines locally, but you never saw it on CNN, because they only go into 24/7 coverage mode to incite nationwide riots when black people get killed. CNN does this because they believe that race riots help “energize” black people to vote Democrat, and that’s all that CNN cares about. It’s not a news network, it’s a partisan propaganda operation, and if these Democrat media operatives are going to insist that everybody must talk about George Floyd day after day, all day long, I’m going say some things they don’t want to talk about.



In The Mailbox: 06.09.20

Posted on | June 9, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.09.20

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Bacon Time: Vacation Day Six
357 Magnum: Rebuilding After A Disaster
EBL: Nestride Yumga Calls Out #BlackLivesMatter
Twitchy:  Carol Roth Reminds Occasional Cortex What “Defund” Means – “It’s A Financial Term, Which We Know Often Confuses You”
Louder With Crowder: African Woman Destroys Pelosi’s Pathetic Pandering
Monster Hunter Nation: Give Me Libertycon Available Now!
Vox Popoli: Patreon Plays Dirty, also, Not The National Guard

Adam Piggott: Podcast #145 – The 19 Months Episode, also, England Is The People, Not The Land
American Conservative: The Left’s New War On Police
American Greatness: Night Of The Generals, also, How Mayor Lightfoot’s Conference Call With Chicago Aldermen During The Riots Went Off The Rails
American Power: The Defund The Police Lies, With Laura Ingraham
American Thinker: Democrat Cities – Fourth-World Scourges, also, We’ve Entered A Looking Glass World
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Small Business News
Babalu Blog: Mexico Paying Castro Regime $10,700 For Each Slave Doctor
Baldilocks: Leaders & Soldiers Of The Escalating War
BattleSwarm: Ben Shapiro Debunks The Myth Of Systemic Police Racism, also, Hotep Jesus Interviews Scott Adams
Cafe Hayek: Insurance – Health Vs. Real
CDR Salamander: The Danes Hear The Distant Cyber Drums
Da Tech Guy: Report From Louisiana – Six Feet, also, The Creation Of Media Bias
Don Surber: BLM Turns On White Liberal Mayors, also, No Indictments & No Excitement
First Street Journal: Hold Them Accountable!
The Geller Report: Muslim Convert Convicted Of Conspiracy To Behead Pamela Geller Asks For “Compassionate Release”, also, Violent Crime In NYC Skyrockets – Murders Up 100% Over Last Year, Shootings Up 75%
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Civic Responsibility – A Suggestion
Hollywood In Toto: Pink Vs. Pink – Hypocrisy On Steroids, also, How Strange Days Predicted Our Turbulent Times
Legal Insurrection: Hispanic Gangs Protect Their Chicago Neighborhoods From Looters, also, Trump’s Plan To Pull Troops Out Of Germany Irks Merkel Government & The Media
The PanAm Post: Maduro Sends Gasoline To Cuba While Venezuelans Face Shortages, also, Maduro & Guaido’s Coexistence Pact
Power Line: Does America Want Submissive Leaders? also, The Last Stand Of Law & Order Republicans?
Shark Tank: Rep. Val Demings Calls Disbanding Police Departments “Very Thoughtful”
Shot In The Dark: The Road To Serfdom
The Political Hat: Going Bald For #BlackLivesMatter?
This Ain’t Hell: Fair Winds & Following Seas To The P-3C, also, Iran’s Fake Aircraft Carrier
Victory Girls: KY Governor Andy Beshear Panders To Black Voters
Volokh Conspiracy: Public Health Experts Are Embarrassing Themselves
Weasel Zippers: Now Leaving The USA, also, S&P Erases 2020 Losses As Stocks Soar
Mark Steyn: Pass The Lozenge

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Bonfire of the Wokeness: Feminist Editor ‘Steps Down’ Amid Racism Accusations

Posted on | June 9, 2020 | 2 Comments


Ed Driscoll actually has a stack of headlines about this:

Bon Appetit Editor Resigns
After ‘Brownface’ Photos Surface

Daily Wire

Refinery29 Editor Resigns After Former
Employees Describe ‘Toxic Culture’

New York Times

Cancel culture was propped up by the media.
Now, they’re suffering the consequences

Washington Examiner

The situation at Refinery29 has many layers of rich, sweet irony. The site was started in 2005, and hoovered up more than $100 million in investment capital before being sold to Vice Media last year for a reported $400 million. Refinery29 was originally a fashion/lifestyle sort of site, but in 2015 decided to dive into politics and news — of course from an ultra-“woke” left-wing intersectional feminist angle.

The person presiding over this was editor-in-chief Christene Barberich, who decided that hiring a lot of “women of color” (WOCs) would convey sufficient wokeness, but amid the #BlackLivesMatter furor, a former black staffer at Refinery29 decided to “spill the tea,” as the kids say, about her experiences working at the publication. Using the hashtag #BlackAtR29, several other ex-staffers joined in, and within a couple of days, Barberich announced she would “step down” as editor. In other words, she got fired from a company that she started — yes, Barberich was a cofounder of Refinery29, and had put 15 years of her life into the site, from start-up to corporate acquisition, but none of that matters, because racism! Oh, how beautiful! Barberich was all about the “sisterhood,” supporting the Women’s March and every trendy progressive cause that came along, but it wasn’t enough, because it’s never enough. Hire as many WOCs as you want, and you’re still just another cracker honky when push comes to shove.



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