The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Elizabeth Warren Is Doomed, and Feminists Can’t Understand Why (And a BONUS Bidenfreude Update)

Posted on | February 12, 2020 | 2 Comments


Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren placed fourth in yesterday’s New Hampshire Democratic presidential primary with less than 10% of the vote, as she was eclipsed by Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, who more than doubled Warren’s vote total. Dana Pico at First Street Journal called attention to feminist Amanda Marcotte’s “hot take” on Warren. “If Warren was a man, this would be over already,” Marcotte wrote Tuesday:

Warren is a rock star. Crowds love her and she tends to get bigger cheers than anyone, even Sanders. She always takes her analysis to the next level, but manages to explain complex topics without dissembling. The ideas that sound radical in Bernie’s mouth (probably by design, to be fair) sound like common sense coming from Warren. She’s probably the single most popular candidate in the field, with people talking about her positively, even if they support someone else.
It’s clear, however, after months of cable news seeding the idea that the public is too sexist to elect a woman, that voters aren’t backing her. This created a weird dynamic in New Hampshire, where Warren drew big crowds, often due in large part to political tourists from other states who came to see the hottest act in town, not because she was actually rallying local voters here. So because of sexism, the most popular politician in the field will probably falter in the actual primary.

Not to put too fine a point on it, this is crazy.

Marcotte credits “cable news” with creating the (false) belief “that the public is too sexist to elect a woman,” which scarcely explains why Klobuchar (who, last time I checked, was also a woman) should have zoomed up from obscurity to finish third in New Hampshire.

Of course, to her devoted admirers, Warren is a “rock star,” but you know who’s an even bigger rock star? President Trump, who consistently draws overflow crowds to gigantic rallies in sports arenas. The fact that Marcotte can’t put this in a realistic perspective — she is incapable of viewing Warren objectively — is testimony to the solipsistic nature of the feminist worldview. Staunch conservative that I am, my profession as a journalist requires me to summon the mental focus necessary to step back from my personal prejudice, to think about what the political spectacle looks like to, say, a housewife in the Philly suburbs or a truck driver in Michigan. Like most other observers, I underestimated the strength of Trump’s populist appeal in 2016, but unlike feminists, my miscalculation wasn’t due to an ax-grinding personal bias.

Here is what Amanda Marcotte can’t understand: Elizabeth Warren is not losing because of cable news creating a sexist narrative. Elizabeth Warren is losing because she’s a transparent phony. When Trump calls her “Pocahontas,” this is not merely a personal insult, it’s a reminder that Warren falsified her own identity, claiming Native American ancestry in order to get affirmative action status in hiring at Harvard.

Moreover, Warren is losing because ordinary people (i.e., those who are not feminist fanatics) dislike her self-righteous persona. Politics is not merely about who advocates policies that are popular, it’s also about whose personality voters find most appealing. We may wish that this were not so, desiring politics to be an intellectual exercise, but that’s just the nature of the game, especially in terms of a national presidential campaign, where most people form their judgments of candidates based on television coverage. Many people (including some Republicans) dislike Donald Trump because he comes across on TV as an arrogant bully. People who know Trump personally might claim that Trump is really just a lovable teddy bear who wouldn’t hurt anybody, but his televised persona reminds many people of every blustering bully they ever knew.

If I, a conservative who voted for Trump and who plans to vote for him again in November, can acknowledge the perception problem that Trump faces in attempting to win over more moderate voters, why can’t Amanda Marcotte accept that Warren has a similar problem? Warren reminds me of certain middle-school teachers who couldn’t tolerate mischievous boys, sending me to the principal’s office whenever I made a wisecrack in class.

Amy Klobuchar, by contrast, seems like the nice kindergarten teacher who gave me punch and cookies. She is personally likable, even though she is a Democrat, and I would never vote for a Democrat. In that way, Klobuchar is quite Obama. A lot of white people who can’t stand the Jesse Jackson-style “civil rights” race-hustler politician found Obama much more likable, and so Obama won where Jesse never could have won.

Why isn’t Amanda Marcotte encouraged by Klobuchar’s success? One would think that the Minnesota senator’s popularity would give hope to feminists, but feminists like Marcotte aren’t pro-woman so much as they are anti-male. They want to send wisecracking mischievous boys to the principal’s office, long after we have finished middle school.

UPDATE: Jonathan Chait sticks the fork in Uncle Joe:

Biden has run for president three times. He has not yet managed to finish higher than fourth in any primary or caucus. Biden may, or may not, have been a good enough politician to win a presidential campaign in his prime. He is now well past his prime. . . .
If not for Biden, a mainstream liberal Democrat might well have begun to consolidate support of a party establishment that is not looking for a candidate who will embrace wildly unpopular policies and a wildly unpopular socialist label while emphasizing transformative economic change in the midst of the best economy in a generation. . . .
Biden’s campaigns in 1988 and 2008 ended in disaster for Biden. His 2020 campaign is going to end in a disaster for the whole party.

Hat-tip to Stephen Green at Instapundit, who calls this “a nice shot of schadenfreude in my coffee.” No, it’s Bidenfreude, and it’s delicious.



Posted on | February 11, 2020 | Comments Off on NEW HAMPSHIRE RESULTS


Well, I suppose I might as well do one of these, since it’s the first time Democrats will vote in a situation where the party hacks can’t steal votes from Bernie. The polls in New Hampshire will close at 8 p.m. ET and . . . Wow, it must suck to be Joe Biden tonight.


UPDATE 8:10 p.m. ET: As I noted this morning, the possibility of a fifth-place finish for Joe Biden in New Hampshire could not be ruled out, and that’s how it seems to be shaping up. How can he continue his campaign after getting less than 10% of the vote in New Hampshire? Of course, the doddering old fool keeps talking about South Carolina, but I can’t imagine him doing so well there as to recover his “frontrunner” status. Biden was supposed to be Mister Electability, remember?

UPDATE 8:30 p.m. ET: Beside the Biden zombie campaign, you know who else is finished tonight? Elizabeth Warren. She’s heading for fourth place in her own backyard, losing to Amy Freaking Klobuchar, a nothingburger of Minnesota niceness. Warren was trying to be Hillary 2.0, selling what was supposed to be a new and improved version of The First Female President™ narrative. She finished third in Iowa and is now fourth in New Hampshire and where, pray tell, does she expect to actually win anything? So it looks like the feminist sisterhood is screwed, unless they can rally behind Klobuchar, who doesn’t strike me as the kind of Angry Bitch that feminists could be expected to support.


UPDATE 9:25 p.m. ET: Watching MSNBC tonight, and the anti-Trump network is in need of an intervention. They simply don’t want to deal with the reality: Bernie is winning, Biden is hopelessly doomed, and Warren probably won’t make it to Super Tuesday. Klobuchar did surprisingly well in New Hampshire, but she has neither the money nor the staff to campaign effectively for the Super Tuesday delegate bonanza. More to the point, there is no end in sight for this divided party, because multi-billionaire Mike Bloomberg has made a big play for Super Tuesday. Suppose, then, that Bloomberg is able to buy something around 10% of the vote on Super Tuesday. Assuming the Biden or Warren haven’t struck the tent by then, that will mean five candidates (Bloomberg, Biden, Warren, Buttigieg and Klobuchar) vying for the “Anybody But Bernie” vote. Even if Warren and Biden quit before Super Tuesday, however, there would still be three candidates trying to stop Sanders, who is good for 30% of the vote in just about any Democratic primary or caucus.

Meanwhile, both Andrew Yang and Colorado Sen. Michael Bennett have ended their campaigns, having gotten exactly zero delegates — the same number as Biden and Warren so far, I hasten to add.


UPDATE 9:50 p.m. ET: Looking at the numbers now, you’re struck by how weak Warren and Biden performed. Neither of them broke 10% and this outcome just won’t do. You’re not a viable contender if you can’t make double digits in New Hampshire. Considering that Biden was the consensus front-runner, leading nearly every national poll and with near universal name recognition, how does he explain this debacle?

Fourth place in Iowa and fifth in New Hampshire? Zero delegates?

Biden flew to South Carolina and gave another rambling semi-coherent speech, emphasizing the idea that black voters haven’t had any real influence in the results in the two early states, but so what? Does he expect black voters to stampede to the polls to save the old white man? Like they owe him something, and it’s time to pay up?

No sensible person would expect such a thing, and look at the calendar: We’re now about 10 days from the Feb. 22 Nevada caucuses (which Biden will lose), and the South Carolina primary isn’t until Feb. 29. Does anyone think Biden will recover enough momentum in the next 18 days to make his appeal to black voters in South Carolina more credible? Or would you guess, as I do, that most black voters are becoming disgusted with the choices offered to them in this primary campaign? Neither of the most promising black candidates (Kamala Harris and Cory Booker) even made it as far as Iowa, so why should black Democrats — offered a choice between five or six white candidates, none of them likely to beat Trump in November — get excited about voting for any of them?


UPDATE WEDNESDAY: Elizabeth Warren Is Doomed, and Feminists Can’t Understand Why.


In The Mailbox: 02.11.20

Posted on | February 11, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.11.20

– compiled by Wombat-socho

Sticks, Stories, & Scotch: Iowa Shows Again The Necessity Of Good QA
357 Magnum: Reality – It’s True, Even If You Wish It Wasn’t
EBL: Racist & Evil Mini Mike Bloomberg
Twitchy: CNN’s Jeff Yang Claims Nobody “Celebrates” Abortion, Gets Rekt
Louder With Crowder: This Professor Wants To Fight Climate Change By Ending Humanity

Adam Piggott: My Jordan Peterson Greatest Hits Collection
American Conservative: Donald Trump – The Great Uniter
American Greatness: Antifa Goons Allowed To Rampage Violently In Portland Again, also, Mitt Romney Betrays Republicans & Utah
American Thinker: After Three Years Of Hate, The Democrats Have Lost It
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Uncle Joe Failing News
Babalu Blog: FL Democrats Panicking Over Possibility Of Bernie Sanders Winning Nomination
BattleSwarm: James Carville Is Right, But Not In The Way He Thinks
Cafe Hayek: An Open Letter To A Solon In Illinois
CDR Salamander: OSD’s Budget – Off Phase, Off Course, Off Freq, Off Mission
Da Tech Guy: Andrew Jackson’s Censure Was Expunged, What About Trump’s Impeachment? also, One Point Ed AND Stacy Missed In This Piece On Climate Change Movement Racism
Don Surber: Spygate Could Save The Media
First Street Journal: The #BernieBros Wax Wroth
The Geller Report: Jihadis Burn Motorists To Death In Nigeria, 30 Dead, Women & Children Kidnapped, also, Tlaib Ejects Beloved Jewish Leader For Confronting Her Over Blood Libel, Antisemitism
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Meanwhile In Dixville Notch
Hollywood In Toto: Why Weinstein-Inspired Assistant Is A #MeToo Misfire
Joe For America: Home-Schooled Teen Makes $8000/Month Selling Her Secret Hot Sauce
JustOneMinute: To Dixville Notch & Beyond
Legal Insurrection: Finally, Trump Cuts 70 Obama Holdovers From The NSC, also, NYPD Sergeants’ Union Declares War On DeBlasio
Megan McArdle: For Good Or Ill (Probably Ill) At Least Bernie Sanders Is Sincere
The PanAm Post: Uruguay’s Pepe Mujica Trivializes His Violent Past
Power Line: Fracking & The Electoral College, also, Western Civilization – Why It’s Real & Why It Matters
Shark Tank: GOP Legislators Stiffarm Anti-Trump Enviro Lobbyists In Tallahassee
Shot In The Dark: Rush Limbaugh
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday – The IL Governor Talks Taxes
This Ain’t Hell: More Than Three Dozen Military Hospitals To Stop Treating Retirees & Families, also, Public Service Announcement
Victory Girls: Tulsi & Pete – A Tale Of Two Veterans
Volokh Conspiracy: Justice Ginsburg Maintains Her Position That The ERA Deadline Has Passed
Weasel Zippers: Elizabeth Warren Stops By A Local NH Diner, Nobody Cares, also, Citizen Journalist Covering Coronavirus Outbreak Has Disappeared In Red China
Mark Steyn: He’s There, He’s Square, Get Used To It, also, When Shinners Are Winners

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Yes, Democrats Are Trying to Cheat Bernie Sanders Out of the Nomination Again

Posted on | February 11, 2020 | 2 Comments


Bernie Sanders got the most votes in the Iowa caucus, but somehow — it’s just so mysteriousPete Buttigieg got more delegates.

Besides the actual vote-stealing, of course, Democrats are also deploying their powerful media allies to hype Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar, as potential fallback establishment candidates, now that Joe Biden’s campaign is clearly approaching its Hindenburg-at-Lakehurst finale. Of course, the “Anybody But Bernie” narrative is being driven by Team Clinton, working behind the scenes to torpedo Sanders. Hillary cannot forgive Bernie for challenging her in 2016, so her allies and operatives are doing everything they can to make sure Bernie doesn’t win in 2020.

“In New Hampshire, Democratic Voters Are Paralyzed by Fear of Making the Wrong Choice” — well, here’s a hint: They’re all wrong. And speaking of wrong, let’s talk about Bill Kristol:

GOP-leaning independent voters in New Hampshire are receiving phone calls and texts from anti-Trump Republicans urging them to cross the aisle and vote in the Democratic primary on Tuesday, NHJournal has learned. The message is for these unaffiliated voters, who can vote in either party’s primary, to vote for a “responsible and electable” Democratic alternative to Donald Trump.
National #NeverTrump leader Bill Kristol, founder of the conservative Weekly Standard magazine, confirmed to NHJournal that he is part of the effort, which involves tens of thousands of New Hampshire voter contacts and a six-figure budget.
“Yup. I’m happy to have joined with some others to help remind New Hampshire independents, who might be accustomed to voting in the Republican primary, that this year, they may be able to make more of a difference by voting for a responsible and electable candidate in the Democratic primary,” Kristol said.
The calls don’t mention any candidates by name or endorse any specific Democrats, instead making a case for supporting centrists in the all-important First in the Nation primary, as opposed to self-described democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Yeah, with Team Clinton and the #NeverTrump crowd working together against him, Bernie Sanders is probably a shoo-in for the nomination. Kristol and the Clintons are a bunch of losers who deserve each other.


Has Joe Biden Finished Losing Yet?

Posted on | February 11, 2020 | Comments Off on Has Joe Biden Finished Losing Yet?


Michael Bloomberg hired enough write-in votes to win Dixville Notch, N.H., but the total of reported early votes from New Hampshire actually favor Amy Klobuchar, for whatever that’s worth. The one thing everybody knew before any votes were cast was who the big loser will be:

Joe Biden could finish as low as fifth place in tonight’s New Hampshire primary results. Certainly, if we can trust the most recent poll, the former vice president will do no better than third, behind Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg. Even a third-place finish in New Hampshire for Biden would be an improvement over his dismal showing in the Iowa caucus, in which he placed fourth behind Sanders, Buttigieg, and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren. But as badly as Warren’s campaign has floundered, it’s unlikely Biden could beat her in her own backyard. What most troubles the dreams of establishment Democrats is the worst-case scenario for Biden in New Hampshire, namely that Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, who finished fifth in Iowa, can gain enough momentum to claim fourth place tonight.
Such an outcome would probably be a fatal blow to Biden’s campaign, and the sense that the end is near for Biden has inspired panic in the ranks of Democrats and their media allies over the possibility that either (a) the socialist Sanders could win the party’s nomination, or (b) their coalition might come completely unraveled should the establishment Democrats cheat Sanders out of the nomination, as the Vermont senator’s left-wing loyalists believe happened in 2016. Either way, the odds of any Democrat beating Donald Trump in November have become increasingly bleak, and the Great Liberal Freakout of 2020 has now begun in earnest. . . .

Read the rest of my latest column at The American Spectator.


Oscars 2020: #GetWokeGoBroke

Posted on | February 10, 2020 | Comments Off on Oscars 2020: #GetWokeGoBroke


What? Americans won’t watch an anti-Trump “social justice” ceremony?

ABC’s Oscar telecast reached all-time lows in the ratings, falling sharply from last year.
The three-hour-plus kudocast averaged about 23.6 million viewers and a 5.3 rating among adults 18-49, well below the 29.56 million and 7.7 for 2019’s awards ceremony — which aired two weeks later in the year. The Oscars were down 20 percent year-over-year in viewers and 31 percent in the key ad-sales demo of adults 18-49.
Last year’s Oscars stopped a four-year ratings slide, growing the audience for the first time since 2014.
Sunday’s awards show also falls well short of previous ratings lows for the Oscars, set in 2018. That year the telecast averaged 26.54 million viewers and a 6.8 rating in the demo; Sunday was down 11 percent in viewers and 22 percent in adults 18-49 from prior lows.
The Oscars join the Emmy Awards in suffering steep ratings declines. The September 2019 Emmy broadcast on Fox fell by 32 percent in viewers and 29 percent in adults 18-49 from the previous year.

Well, after Trump gets re-elected, maybe they’ll figure it out.


In The Mailbox: 02.10.20

Posted on | February 10, 2020 | 1 Comment

– compiled by Wombat-socho

357 Magnum: “Free Men Have Guns, Slaves Don’t” The Italian Years Of Lead
EBL: Sabo Strikes Again, also, What About Angry Amy Klobuchar?
Twitchy: Occasional Cortex Lashes Out At Rural Areas For Using The Electoral College To Pick On Big Cities
Louder With Crowder: First-Person Footage Shows Antifa Beating Down A Journalist

Adam Piggott: All Hail Duterte, also, Podcast #134 – The Crazy Jordan Episode
American Conservative: There Is No Political Solution To Income Inequality, also, For The First Time, No Big Texas Welcome For Refugees
American Greatness: The Once And Future Scandal, also, NYPD Urges Officers Not To Wear Uniforms In Public
American Thinker: Democrats Hate What Trump Is Highlighting About Them, also, Rush Limbaugh’s True Contribution
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Despite Media Whitewashing, Bernie Sanders Was, Is, & Always Will Be A Communist, also, The Pope Remains Silent While Nicaragua’s Church Battles Socialist Tyranny
BattleSwarm: Rush Limbaugh On Receiving The Presidential Medal Of Freedom, also, Democratic Presidential Clown Car Update
Cafe Hayek: Politics & “Involvement”, also, Free Trade Straw Men
Camp Of The Saints: Red China Has Us By The Lungs, also, Coronavirus Update
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday, also, A Midrats Pre-Valentine Melee
Da Tech Guy: What Does A 355-Ship Navy Mean? also, California Assembly Set To Outlaw Choice
Don Surber: WaPo Notices The Obvious, also, Just Being Against Trump Won’t Work
First Street Journal: How The Major Dailies Are Covering For Democratic Candidates, also, Midget Mike’s Quixotic Campaign
The Geller Report: AG Barr Indicts Eight For Illegally Funneling Foreign Money To Schiff, Democrat Senators, also, Jihadi Who Plotted To Destroy Brooklyn Bridge Stripped Of Citizenship
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, NGC 3447
Hollywood In Toto: Seven Reasons Birds Of Prey Flopped At The Box Office, also, Hollywood’s 1% Cheer Income Inequality Drama Parasite 
Joe For America: Chris Matthews On Socialism – “It Doesn’t Frickin’ Work!”
JustOneMinute: Share The Pain, or, Why Should NYC Suffer Alone?
Legal Insurrection: Joe Biden Calls Female Student “Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier”, also, Sen. Collins Getting Death Threats After Voting To Acquit Trump
Michelle Malkin: Dirty Little Secret About Democrats’ “New Way Forward Act” – Open Borders Utah Republicans Already Passed It!
The PanAm Post: Former Caracas Police Chief – Venezuela Has Two Soleimanis
Power Line: Ilhan Omar Hates America, also, Whence A Lyin’, Dog-Faced Pony Soldier?
Shark Tank: DeSantis Praises Fifth Third Bank’s Decision To Support Choice Scholarship Fund
Shot In The Dark: Believing Their Own Press
The Political Hat: Venezuela – Is Reality Setting In?
This Ain’t Hell: Revisiting The “Trump Mocked Disabled Reporter” Claim, also, Foley’s Forgery Folly – The Official DD214
Victory Girls: Workers Of The World Unite, Obama Gives Two Thumbs Up
Volokh Conspiracy: “Now That Democrats Have Failed To Remove The President From Power…”
Weasel Zippers: Buttigieg Would Decriminalize Heroin, Meth, also, Bigger Than Vindman – Trump Scrubs 70 Obama Holdovers From NSC
Mark Steyn: Bean There, Done That, also, Telstar

Amazon Warehouse Deals

Democrats Begin 2020 Panic; Biden May Finish Fifth in New Hampshire

Posted on | February 10, 2020 | 1 Comment


After a week of disasters, with the New Hampshire primaries looming on Tuesday, Democrats have begun to read the writing on the wall:

This was the worst week for Democrats since Donald Trump’s election-night shocker of 2016. . . .
In less than 200 hours, Democrats botched Iowa, watched Trump hit an all-time popularity high, debated ousting the DNC chair, and watched a socialist soar and an ideological civil war intensify. . . .
[T]here’s an underlying unease about unifying the party enough to get the kind of turnout needed to win in November. . . .
There’s a new fatalism in my conversations with Democrats, with many telling me that what once seemed unthinkable — Trump’s re-election in November — is now starting to look more likely than ever.
In a CNN segment [Sunday] morning that included Friday’s rosy economic statistics, a graphic asked: “IS TRUMP’S RE-ELECTION PATH WIDENING?” . . .
Whoever is ultimately nominated [by Democrats] will start in a tremendous hole against a Trump campaign has been relentlessly organized and optimized over the past three years.

The latest New Hampshire poll shows Sen. Bernie Sanders leading at 24% followed by Mayor Pete Buttigieg (22%), Sen. Elizabeth Warren (13%) and former Vice President Joe Biden at 10%. However, Sen. Amy Klobuchar got a boost from her Friday debate performance; she’s now at 9% in the New Hampshire poll, which means that if her momentum continues, Biden could finish fifth on Tuesday. That would be an unmitigated disaster for his campaign, essentially ending his status as “establishment consensus” candidate. The prospect of Sanders as the nominee sent MSNBC’s Chris Matthews over the edge of the cliff:

Just this week, former Clinton adviser James Carville had a meltdown over the “AOC crazy” direction he says the Democratic party has taken, and former Obama adviser Van Jones hit the panic button for Democrats over Trump’s serious play for black voters.
Not to be outdone, after Friday night’s Democratic presidential candidate debate in New Hampshire, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews went on a tear against Sanders, bluntly stating that socialism “doesn’t frickin’ work” and wondering what Sanders thought about socialist dictators like Fidel Castro:

“[T]hose of us like me who grew up — who grew up in the Cold War and saw some aspects of it after visiting places like Vietnam like I have, seeing countries like Cuba, being there, I’ve seen what socialism is like. I don’t like it. Okay? It’s not only not free. It doesn’t freaking work. It just doesn’t work.” . . .
“When they go back to the early 1950s, I have attitude about them. I remember the Cold War. I have an attitude towards Castro. I believe if Castro and the — and the Reds had won the Cold War, there would have been executions in Central Park and I might have one of the ones getting executed and certain other people would be there cheering, okay? So, I have a problem with people who took the other side. I don’t know who Bernie supports over these years. I don’t know what he means by socialism.”

Where has Chris Matthews been the past 20 years? Did he think Obama was a moderate centrist? Did he not notice the rising tide of radicalism in the Democratic Party? Hillary Clinton had to cheat to deprive Sanders of the nomination in 2016, and the Antifa goon squads have been terrorizing Trump supporters for more than three years.

For years, Democrats were able to have their cake and eat it, too, promising the sun, the moon and the stars to their left-wing base, while soaking up millions in contributions from the corporate donor class. In the Trump Age, however, that formula isn’t working anymore, and the Democratic establishment is collapsing under the weight of its own corrupt hypocrisy. Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen . . .


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