The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

She Paid the Toll, So to Speak

Posted on | December 16, 2019 | 1 Comment


When we are angry, we are apt to say things we regret, and because I know why @ProfaneFeminist was angry, I’ll take it for granted that she did not mean to insult me personally, and I should hope that others would extend the same courtesy to me, in similar circumstances.

You see, I’m angry as hell all the time. Or rather, I would be permanently angry if not for my sarcastic sense of humor, which enables me to turn even the darkest tragedy into a joke. An ability to laugh in the face of disaster is necessary to survival when you find yourself in trying circumstances. I’ve always admired the “stiff upper lip” attitude of the old British aristocracy, as for example the Royal Air Force pilots who faced the Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain. There was a dramatic miniseries about those pilots, the title of which was Piece of Cake. And that title was derived from the way the pilots talked about their dangerous duty. Drawn from the upper classes of British society — an officer was always a gentleman, after all — the RAF boys understood the value of morale, and thus struck a pose of indifference toward danger. So a commander who took off with 12 planes in his squadron might return from a mission with only six or seven, with his own plane badly damaged from a nearly fatal encounter with the enemy, and when he went to the Officer’s Club for a drink, someone might ask, “How was it up there today, Jack?”

To which he would reply: “Piece of cake.”

That is the attitude we should strive to emulate in difficult circumstances, and humor has always been a coping mechanism for me. People are sometimes offended by my habitual sarcasm, which strikes them as inappropriate amid tragedy, but it’s just the way I am. Jocular good humor beats the alternative of hopeless despair, and if you’ve seen as much disaster and misery in life as I’ve witnessed, you must consider it a remarkable accomplishment to avoid despair — or hatred.

So much of what is tragic in our world can be blamed on stupidity, selfishness, dishonesty and cruelty. This makes me angry, and I become frustrated because I feel like everybody else should be as angry about it as I am, and I get angry because they’re not angry enough. Such feelings could easily turn to hatred, and when I express my frustrations, I suppose I might seem as hateful as @ProfaneFeminist. But I’m not.

When you hate people, you don’t bother to understand their problems, but I took time to research what made @ProfaneFeminist so angry.


You see that her cousin was a victim of domestic violence and therefore, according to @ProfaneFeminist, men deserve nothing but hate.

Collective blame — that’s how feminism promotes hatred. If one man does something wrong, all men are to blame for his wrongdoing. So the fact that you had nothing to do with this murder doesn’t mean that you aren’t guilty. You are a man, after all, and therefore you are always wrong, so that if you deny your complicity in this crime, that proves you are responsible. With her brain scambled enough to produce logic like that, you can understand why @ProfaneFeminist deserves sympathy.

Mental illness is tragic, and feminism is a mental illness.

Because of my sympathy, I exercised my Neutral Objective Journalism skills to research the death of @ProfaneFeminist’s cousin, Lauren. This job turned out to be a piece of cake, so to speak. Google “Lauren” and “murder suicide” and you find this local news story:

Lauren McDonald, 28, was the victim of a tragic murder on Dec. 6. She was killed by Kenneth L. Nelson, a 28-year-old from Joliet, who then shot himself.
Lauren’s children attend Forest Park schools, and she was an active member of the community. Friends, relatives and residents are working to set up formal avenues through which people can assist her family.
The shooting took place on Dec. 6 at 5:10 p.m. when police officers were called to the 1500 block of Harlem Avenue in Forest Park with reports of two people down in the street.
Officers found McDonald and Nelson in the street, one in the curb lane and one partially on the sidewalk. Paramedics pronounced them both dead at the scene. Each had suffered gunshot wounds to the head.
It is believed that McDonald exited the passenger side door of a vehicle that had been traveling southbound on Harlem Avenue. Nelson then exited the driver side door and shot her before turning the gun on himself. A gun was recovered at the scene.
Forest Park Police Chief Tom Aftanas said the case is being investigated as a murder-suicide and that McDonald and Nelson were in an on-and-off relationship, but few other details are available at this point.
The Major Crimes Taskforce is assisting with the investigation.

A more extensive report from Friday:

“Lauren was first and foremost a mother.”
Those are the words of Valda Vitton, a 21-year resident of Forest Park and close friend of Lauren O’Connor McDonald, who was killed on Friday, Dec. 6 in a murder-suicide on Harlem Avenue.
Lauren was 28 years old, the mother of three boys, Jeramiah, Tremaine and Xavior, who attend school in Forest Park. She grew up in town, a student at St. John’s. She attended high school in Plainfield, near Joliet where her mother still lives. Lauren’s father lives in Forest Park, and she herself moved back to raise her boys here.
“Family was so important to her,” said Vitton. “Every Saturday, she brought her sons over to her father’s house for lunch.”
Vitton smiled remembering the fun times they had, she with her grandkids and Lauren with her children.
“She took her kids everywhere,” said Vitton. “It was always about them. She had a Brookfield Zoo membership, and we’d go there all the time. She took her children to the park. The pool. Everything she did revolved around her boys.” . . .
Memories and condolences poured forth on Facebook, people describing how she could light up a room, how knowing her made them feel special. . . .
Lauren O’Connor McDonald is survived by her three sons, Jeramiah, Tremaine and Xavior; her father John O’Connor and mother Kathie (Darren) Malina; her sister Crystal Unger; cousins, nieces and many loving friends.

Gosh, a terrible thing, that this 28-year-old mother of three was killed by the man with whom she had an “on-and-off relationship.”

You can read the obituary of Kenneth L. Nelson here.

And don’t say a word, you haters.

Collective blame is always wrong, you see. Viewing people only as members of groups, attributing to them certain traits based on prejudicial stereotypes, and blaming all members of the group (collectively) for wrongdoing by any member of the group — well, that’s the very definition of hate-mongering, isn’t it? Why is it that feminists are permitted to engage in hate propaganda against males, when our society would never tolerate any such propaganda against other groups?

Yet this is exactly where the “social justice” logic of identity politics leads us. Some groups claim collective victimhood, and other groups are collectively demonized as perpetrators of oppression. If you surrender to that kind of ideological cult mentality, it will drive you crazy. You might even be so crazy that you would ignore all common-sense advice and put your own life in jeopardy of criminal violence. However, we are no longer allowed to make such observations, because this is victim-blaming. So while it’s acceptable for feminists to blame all men for the domestic violence that ended Lauren McDonald’s life, we can’t cite her death as an example to warn other women to avoid her fate. Being denied the freedom to speak the truth is frustrating, and it makes me angry, and so I struggle to resist saying things I would regret.

Instead, I will resort to my habit of sarcastic humor, and make an allusion to climate change. Because I suppose Greta Thunberg will be happy at this reduction of carbon emissions. IYKWIMAITYD.

Just a colorful figure of speech . . .


Rule 5 Sunday: Bonnie Bedelia

Posted on | December 15, 2019 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

‘Tis the Christmas season, and it would not be the Christmas season without that quintessential Christmas movie, Die Hard. As you may not know, Die Hard was not originally a Christmas movie, but had its script changed in 336 by the Emperor Constantine to align it with the (formerly pagan) festival of Sol Invictus. In any case, co-starring with Bruce Willis as his estranged wife is the lovely Bonnie Bedelia, here shown in the literal clutches of the eeeevil Hans Gruber, played by the late Alan Rickman.

Meanwhile, in the Nakatomi Tower…

Ninety Miles From Tyranny serves up Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #832, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. At Animal Magnetism, it’s Rule Five Soft Targets Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL strikes up the band – AC/DC “Mistress For Christmas”, Judge Dawn Gentry, Sanna Marin, Brexit Actually, PMJ “Sunny Holiday”, Richard Jewell, Lzzy Hale & Halestorm, and Olivia Wilde.

A View From The Beach sends us Nikki ReedFish Vid FridayBuffy Slays PhoebeSnakeheads Influencing Fish Populations
Just Another Wet Shirt WednesdayTanlines for TuesdayAs Long as We’re Shaming Celebrities for Plastic Water BottlesRussiagate and The Peleton GirlPalm Sunday Puzzle, and A Worthy Choice.

Finally, Proof Positive’s Vintage Babe this week is Rita Hayworth!

Thanks to everyone for the luscious linkagery!

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NFL Star Makes New Year’s Resolution

Posted on | December 15, 2019 | Comments Off on NFL Star Makes New Year’s Resolution


This seems newsworthy:

NFL free agent Antonio Brown had a rocky 2019, getting sacked by the New England Patriots after accusations of sexual misconduct and later apologizing to fans for “inexcusable” behavior.
He’s planning to make changes in 2020, with not dating white women chief among them.
It’s a resolution he announced on Twitter during a week of posts that alternately expressed optimism about his career and frustration with his experiences so far.
Earlier this month, the All-Pro wide receiver asked teams for a chance to continue playing in the wake of multiple sexual assault allegations.
“If I’m ever given the opportunity to play the game that I love, I’m going to work extremely hard to show the world how much I appreciate another chance,” he said in a lengthy Instagram post, in which he also apologized to “anyone who I offended.”
The apology didn’t include any admission of wrongdoing in allegations from two women who have accused Brown of misconduct, triggering an NFL investigation that has yet to conclude. . . .
Brown, who once played for the Pittsburgh Steelers, demanded his release from the Oakland Raiders after the team fined him for missing practice. When the release was granted, he signed a one-year, $15 million contract with the Patriots, which included $9 million guaranteed.

See, this is unfair: If the women who have accused him of “misconduct” had filed police reports, Brown would have due process. But in the #MeToo era, being a millionaire celebrity means you can have your career wrecked by accusations that don’t involve an actual trial, so that you never have the opportunity to prove them bitches be lyin’ on you.

Excuse my, uh, cultural appropriation there. My fluency in Ebonics for some reason doesn’t count for much with the SPLC, but I digress . . .


Antonio Brown has baby mama drama:

Antonio Brown was greeted with at least three police squad cars [Saturday morning] — all because his baby mama didn’t think it’d be a good idea to pick up their kid’s clothes by herself.
The unemployed wide receiver posted a crazy video Saturday morning that showed him filming police officers surrounding his Hollywood, FL property — which eventually ended with him ordering his friend to drop off a bunch of kid’s clothes with one of the cops on the scene.
According to law enforcement sources, we’re told this was at the request of one of AB’s baby mamas — who put in a request with Hollywood PD to have them there for a “civil standby” as she picked up some clothes from him, which belonged to a child they share.
Our sources say they weren’t responding to anything wrong or illegal AB had done … cops were simply there to make sure the exchange went down peacefully and without incident. We’re told no crime was committed, and no arrests were made on either end.
Based on AB’s Instagram story from a few hours earlier … it appears this might have something to do with his baby mama, Chelsie Kyriss … with whom he has 3 kids. . . .
AB is dragging his baby mama’s father into his messy spat, tagging Todd Kyriss in a blistering message … which alleges Chelsie’s been staying in hotels.
Antonio writes, “Come get your daughter @geepak she bringing the police to my house 3 days in a row; when she is block on my gate trying to say she stay here when she been staying in hotels!”
He continues, “You came here thanksgiving stayed in hotel with her! You got her other two kids help her be her Dad !!”

OK, this piqued my curiosity. When all the drama with Antonio Brown going free-agent happened earlier this year, I didn’t pay attention, but this information about his baby mama and her family prompted me to do some Googling, and Chelsie Kyriss . . . well, she’s a case study.

Chelsie has two other children — son Kellen Green, 10, and daughter Brooklyn Green, 8 — from a previous relationship, and these children are apparently being raised by her parents, Todd and Lynn Kyriss. Chelsie’s father is a corporate executive who played football for the University of Nebraska, where he met Chelsie’s mother, back in the 1980s. Exactly what happened to Chelsie’s relationship with the father of her first two children is not known, but by 2013 (when she was 24 years old), Chelsie was involved with Antonio Brown and gave birth to their first child the next year. My research yielded no information about how Chelsie and Antonio met. She’s from an affluent (and 92% white) suburb of Dayton, Ohio, whereas Brown is a Florida native who played at Central Michigan University then spent nine seasons (2010-2018) with the Pittsburgh Steelers. Along the way, Brown sired two previous children of his own: His son Antonio Brown Jr., born to Shameika Brailsford in 2007, and daughter Antanyiah Brown, born to Wiltrice Jackson in 2008.


How did Chelsie and Antonio meet? Is there some kind of NFL All Pro dating app, where would-be baby mamas sign up to offer their services as potential brood mares to millionaire athletes? It’s mystifying to me, because out of all the women in the world who might have wanted to hook up for some no-condoms-needed sex with Antonio Brown, how did he choose Chelsie Kyriss? I don’t think it was entirely coincidental. Has the non-concidental nature of their relationship occurred to Antonio Brown? Because he seems to believe himself to be a victim of bad luck with women, whereas it seems to me his own bad judgment is to blame.

Brown is phenomenally talented. On his very first regular-season play in the NFL, he went 89 yards for a touchdown. He was first chosen for the Pro Bowl in 2012, he has since played in six more Pro Bowls, and twice led the league in receiving yardage. He’s a future Hall of Famer, definitely worth the $9 million a year the Patriots offered him, but his alleged misbehavior off the field led to him being cut loose.

Did I mention that just last year, Antonio Brown bought Chelsie Kyriss a Bentley Bentayga SUV, which retails for about $165,000? Trust me, if I had bought a woman a brand-new Bentley, I’d be kind of angry if she called the cops to my house. Like, that’s the kind of gift that should provide a guy a certain amount of amnesty going forward: “OK, so I cheated on you with a bunch of hoes. How’s that Bentley, baby?”

Perhaps you can understand why Antonio Brown has declared 2020 the Year of No White Women. Would any black woman ever call the cops on a man who bought her a Bentley? I don’t think so.

Snitches get stitches, like they say in the ’hood.

What? More cultural appropriation? Go tell Heidi Beirich at the SPLC I’ve committed another Thought Crime. I can’t help myself.



FMJRA 2.0: [This Space Intentionally Left Blank]

Posted on | December 14, 2019 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Sunday: Monica Ruiz
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 12.09.19
357 Magnum
Dark Brightness
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

The Impeachment Circus Continues, But Does Any Sane Person Actually Care?
A View From The Beach

FBI Probes Belgian Terrorist Threat
A View From The Beach

Pat Buchanan Nails It

FMJRA 2.0: Snowing
A View From The Beach

Gunmen in Florida Hijacking/Shootout Were Cousins and Career Criminals

The Democrats and Their Narrative
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

Dear Tyler O’Neil…

Who Killed All the Feminist Blogs?
Bacon Time
357 Magnum
Locomotive Breath

In The Mailbox: 12.10.19
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Jersey City Shooting ‘Targeted’ Jews, ‘Being Investigated as a Hate Crime’

Impeachment Circus Update
Pushing Rubber Downhill
Dark Brightness

Report: ‘Black Hebrew Israelite’ Cult Connection to Jersey City Attack

In The Mailbox: 12.11.19
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

‘A Familiar If Odd Accent to City Life’

In The Mailbox: 12.12.19
Proof Positive

Yes, Operation Crossfire Hurricane Was Wrong and Corrupt From the Start
A View From The Beach

‘A High Value Woman’
Pushing Rubber Downhill

In The Mailbox: 12.13.19
A View From The Beach

Top linkers for the week ending December 13:

    1.  EBL (20)
  1.  A View From The Beach (9)
  2.  Proof Positive (5)

Thanks to everybody for all the linkagery!

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University of Tennessee Football Program Has Finally Reached Rock Bottom

Posted on | December 14, 2019 | 1 Comment


Morgan Hood is a worthless backstabbing whore who, perhaps not coincidentally, attends the University of Tennessee. While it would probably be unfair, even by the trash-talking standards of SEC football rivalry, for me to say that all Tennessee girls are worthless backstabbing whores, I think every Alabama fan will agree that Ms. Hood is typical of the caliber of coeds at Knoxville. It’s like the old joke:

Q. Why didn’t the University of Tennessee have a Christmas play?
A. They couldn’t find three wise men and virgin.

If you’re not from the South, you perhaps don’t understand how college football is imbued with moral values down home. When your team wins, you  feel personally vindicated by this proof of your collective superiority, whereas when you lose . ,. . Well, go ask Tennessee fans how that feels.

When was the last time Tennessee beat a ranked team? I don’t know, but this year the Vols lost their home opener to Georgia State, a Sun Belt conference team, which is pretty humiliating for any SEC school. In the past three seasons, Tennessee has lost three times to Georgia, by a cumulative total of 122-26. Florida has won 14 of its last 15 games against Tennessee and as for Alabama, well, this year’s freshmen at UT were only 4 years old the last time the Crimson Tide lost to the Volunteers.

Yet the shameful state of Tennessee’s football program had not reached its absolute nadir until this week, thanks to a worthless whore:


Hundreds of thousands of social media users have watched University of Tennessee quarterback Brian Maurer’s ex-girlfriend celebrate dumping him on TikTok.
Morgan Hood, a sophomore at the school, recently took to the social media platform to share a humorous but scathing video about the end of the couple’s relationship, in which she indicates that she’s much better off without him.
The TikTok quickly went viral — but has led to the young Nashville native being brutally trolled on Twitter. . . .;

Wait a minute — you post an online video humiliating your ex-boyfriend, and then you’re surprised at “being brutally trolled”? But Morgan Hood is phenomenally stupid, even by Tennessee standards:

Morgan participated in a hot TikTok trend in which newly single women lip-sync to a portion of the song ‘All You Wanna Do’ from the West End musical Six.
In Morgan’s video, a montage of photos of her with 18-year-old Brian appear on the screen before she pops up in the foreground.
There’s a snap of them at a football game, a FaceTime call, and pictures of Brian in uniform — including one falling on his face during a game against Mississippi State on October 12.
‘Yeah, that didn’t work out,’ she lip-syncs. ‘So I decided to have a break from boys. And you’ll never guess who I met.’
While other TikTok users often uses the point to introduce new romances, Morgan takes the opportunity to list on screen all of the ways her life is better now that she’s single.
These include ‘better grades,’ ‘hydrated [because] less crying,’ ‘no more girls in my dms telling me he’s cheating, ‘my real friends,’ ‘sleep,’ and ‘less people asking how he is ???’
She then answers the question of ‘who she met’: Me, Myself, and I.
Brian, who Morgan dated for at least a year, responded with a dismissive reply: ‘Girls do anything for they 15 seconds of fame.’
But other commenters have been even harsher in condemning Morgan. . . .
Morgan has since deleted the video on TikTok and responded with a message on Instagram.
‘I did not intend for any of this to happen,’ she said. . . .
‘I simply made a TikTok that hundreds of other girls have made. I didn’t make it as a crazy ex seeking revenge, and anyone that has ever seen a TikTok should know this.
‘All of it has been blown extremely out of proportion. . . .
‘Trust me when I tell you that having people troll you and say mean things is not fun. It is hard to realize there is another human being on the receiving end of your words.’

Oh, the worthless whore who deliberately humiliated her ex-boyfriend — who just happens to be the quarterback of her university’s football team — wants to remind everyone she’s a “human being.”

This is why no decent football player wants to go to Tennessee. All the girls there are worthless backstabbing whores like Morgan Hood. And as for those “girls in my dms telling me he’s cheating” — who are these girls, Morgan? Please post their names to your social media, so that everybody on the campus in Knoxville knows who they are. Social media makes it easy to spread this kind of gossip, and the people who are targeted by such character assassins usually have no idea who is doing it to them. Whether or not Brian Maurer was cheating, to publicize this kind of gossip is as bad or worse than doing a victory dance at the expense of your ex-boyfriend. What you have done by your beastly behavior, Ms. Hood, is to prove that you are not a human being. You’re a wicked monster, and no decent person would ever associate with you.

The only joy I take in this is the knowledge that (a) this embarrassment has so humiliated and demoralized Brian Maurer that his football career is effectively over, and (b) seeing what trashy whores attend the University of Tennessee will likely encourage more of the state’s top athletes to attend the University of Alabama instead. Roll Tide!


In The Mailbox: 12.13.19

Posted on | December 13, 2019 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Locomotive Breath: High School Blocks Student From Forming Club Deemed “Too Christian”
EBL: Happy Birthday, Frank Sinatra!
Twitchy: #Impeached Is Trending And Resistance Buzzkill Looms Because Of What Didn’t Happen Today
Louder With Crowder: UK Independent Writes “How To Leave UK” Guide For Sore Socialist Losers
According To Hoyt: Imagine There’s No Nations
Monster Hunter Nation: MHI Role Playing Game Is Out & Book Signing In Utah Saturday
Vox Popoli: Boris Takes Two Scalps, also, The Ride Never Ends

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – The You Know You Want To Edition
American Conservative: Red China’s Dangerous Chokehold On Our Medicines
American Greatness: Teen Hospitalized After Being Savagely Attacked On FL School Bus For Wearing Trump Hat, also, Boris Johnson’s Conservatives Win In A Landslide, Labour & Liberal Democrats Crushed
American Thinker: It’s Not A Coup. It’s Civil War.
Animal Magnetism: Rule 5 Soft Targets Friday
Babalu Blog: Cubans Aren’t The Only Ones In Latin America Buried In A Socialist Dungheap
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For December 13
Cafe Hayek: Two Can Play This Game – Externalities Edition
CDR Salamander: How Did Our Navy Reward Service In Afghanistan? also, Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Massachusetts’ Draconian Transportation Funding Proposals, also, British Election Thoughts Under The Fedora
Don Surber: Why Did Putin Want To Make America Great Again?
First Street Journal: House Judiciary Committee Approves Two Articles Of Impeachment
The Geller Report: Jersey City Terrorists Inspired By Nation Of Islam’s Farrakhan, also, Corbyn’s Loss Is A Gain For Jews, Israel, & Humanity
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Pulsar Geography
Hollywood In Toto: Bombshell Shreds Ailes, Trump, & Storytelling 101
JustOneMinute: We’re Doing Everything!
Legal Insurrection: UK Conservatives Crush Labour In Massive Landslide, also, Oakland CA Considers Moving Homeless Onto Cruise Ship
The PanAm Post: Why Macri Can’t Complain About Betrayal, also, Argentina’s New President Lifts Sanctions Against Maduro
Power Line: No One Actually Believes The Global Warming Hype, also, The Fake News Media Strikes Again
Shark Tank: Florida Loses Latest Water War With Georgia
Shot In The Dark: Is She Perchance Samoan?
STUMP: Mortality With Meep – Student Deaths At A Large University
The Political Hat: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, also, Twelve Posts Of Christmas 2019
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, also, Navy SEAL Running For Congress Kicks Off Campaign In Wrong District
Victory Girls: Fusion GPS Blames Russia For UK Election Results
Volokh Conspiracy: Short Circuit – A Roundup Of Recent Federal Court Decisions
Weasel Zippers: Dem Rep Admits Judiciary Committee Delayed Vote Until Morning For Better TV Ratings, also, Dem Rep Blames Voters For Impeachment Opposition – “Don’t Want To Listen To Rationale Arguments”
Megan McArdle: It’s Time For Remainers To Admit They Lost
Mark Steyn: Boffo Boris, also, Hulu Uprising

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‘A High Value Woman’

Posted on | December 13, 2019 | 1 Comment


Niki Marinis is a Southern California woman who calls herself a “comedian.” She recently got dumped by her boyfriend, who calls himself a “musician.” Neither of them is really successful in these endeavors, but in Southern California, aspirational self-definition is everything. If your dream is to make it in show business, what you do to pay the rent is not who you are. Your day job may be pulling orders in a warehouse, but if you do a weekend stand-up gig once or twice a month, you call yourself a “comedian,” in the same way that I was “rock star” when I was bouncing from one garage band to another back in the day. Eventually, of course, you either make it or you don’t, and accepting failure is a lot easier if you can get yourself a nice day job, a home, marriage, children, etc. — the American Dream of bourgeois suburban respectability.

That’s basically my story. Some kids may grow up dreaming of a career as a journalist, but I wasn’t one of those kids. No, my career plan involved gold records, world tours, marrying Brooke Shields and retiring by age 30 to live off my lucrative royalties. Didn’t happen, but I’m OK with that, because I somehow lucked into a day job writing for a newspaper and did pretty good for myself. But I digress . . .

What brought Niki Marinis to my attention was not her aspirational career as a “comedian” (because like 99.99% of Americans, I never heard of her before) but rather something she wrote in her capacity as a “relationship” columnist at a blog called P.S. I Love You.

You may be wondering, who would take relationship advice from an unsuccessful comedian who can’t even make a relationship work with an unsuccessful musician? And the answer to that question is, I don’t know, but there are a lot of people on the Internet who pretend to be experts about “relationships” despite their own sad history of failure, so why shouldn’t Niki Marinis join the online herd of advice peddlers?

“Why You’re Not Attracted to Nice Guys” was the headline on the column that caught my attention, and actually it’s not all bad. Marinis offers some insight on the basic failures of the “Nice Guy” type:

A Nice Guy won’t come out and tell you exactly what he wants. He’s afraid of rejection so he frames things in a way where he won’t feel the sting, should it come. . . .
Nice Guys don’t clarify their intent. They tap dance around the subject hoping to get lucky. They’re flirting with you unless you’re not OK with that and then they totally weren’t.
They’re desperate to avoid accountability for their choices. They have no confidence that you’ll say yes so they feel they have a better shot if they trick you, or drop bread crumbs.
They want to be vague so if you don’t like what they’re offering then they never meant it that way so it’s not their fault that you read them wrong.

This kind of passive-aggressive approach is rooted in a lack of confidence that manifests itself as risk avoidance. One of the great truths about love is, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” A guy has got to be willing to take a chance — make your move, even if you know the odds are you’ll be rejected — or he will be doomed to solitude. So a certain reckless attitude is necessary, but such an attitude is very hard for the typical middle-class white guy to develop, because he has been taught all his life to avoid risk.

Here’s my advice to guys: Stop playing games. Don’t imagine that you’re deceiving her about your intent. When a guy starts chatting up a girl, she knows what he’s after, so why pretend otherwise?

Social custom requires men and women engaged in the courtship ritual to dissimulate to a certain extent in regard to the desired outcome. Ultimately the question is, to borrow a Shakespearean phrase, whether the object of your pursuit is willing to make “the beast with two backs” (Othello, Act I, Scene 1). From the moment a guy introduces himself to a girl he considers a potential partner, this is the implied subtext of their conversation, no matter how much they politely pretend otherwise. And the important thing for guys to understand is that a woman makes her decision about your suitability within a few seconds of your first meeting. So if she’s not immediately sending you “green light” signals, move on. Don’t imagine you’re going to persuade her to like you by continuing the conversation, if her initial reaction isn’t encouraging.

In order to get any clear signal from her, however, a guy has to muster the courage to let his intentions be known, to stop pretending that he would be satisfied with mere friendship. This is what gives rise to the “Beta orbiter” syndrome, where the pretty girl finds herself surrounded by friendly “Nice Guys” who just hang around hoping that friendship will somehow magically be converted into romance. Good luck with that, pal. I’m not saying it never happens, but it’s time-consuming and generally counter-productive, since what your “friendship” does is give her the validation of male attention at no cost, as simply the fee you must pay for being allowed in her presence. The “Nice Guy” is like one of those hopeful beaus who flocked around Scarlett O’Hara at the Twelve Oaks barbecue. If a guy wants to be the romantic hero, however, he must study and emulate (to the best of his feeble ability) Rhett Butler.


Scarlett: “Sir, you … you should have made your presence known.”
Rhett: “In the middle of that beautiful love scene? That wouldn’t have been very tactful, would it? But don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.”
Scarlett: “Sir, you are no gentleman.”
Rhett: “And you, miss, are no lady. Don’t think that I hold that against you. Ladies have never held any charm for me.”
Scarlett: “First you take a low, common advantage of me, then you insult me!”
Rhett: “I meant it as a compliment. And I hope to see more of you when you’re free of the spell of the elegant Mr. Wilkes. He doesn’t strike me as half good enough for a girl of your — what was it, your passion for living?”
Scarlett: “How dare you! You aren’t fit to wipe his boots!”
Rhett: “And you were going to hate him for the rest of your life.”

What is so brilliant about Rhett’s repartee with Scarlett in the famous library scene is that he obviously knows she will be offended by his insinuating manner, but this doesn’t bother him. He reacts to Scarlett’s indignation with laughter, and why? Because he doesn’t care. Rhett is a man who is not suffering from a shortage of female companionship. He doesn’t hide the fact that he is attracted to Scarlett, but he knows he’s not going to win her heart by playing the game by the customary rules.

Rhett is a shrewd calculator of the odds, as any gambler must be, but he is also decisive, willing to shove “all in” if his hunch tells him he’s got the winning hand in the game. But I digress . . .

Niki Marinis accurately identifies some basic problems of the “Nice Guy” approach, but seems to lack self-awareness about her own problems. Consider, for example, this telling remark:

I saw a game show clip where the question asked was something like, “100 single men were polled and asked how many sexual partners should a woman have before she marries?”
The top answer was 5. Oh, sweet Jesus. Sadly, in some fantasy world most nice guys would agree with this answer.

Really? What Ms. Marinis is suggesting here is that she has already had many more than five sexual partners — she’s in double digits, no doubt — but doesn’t think this reflects negatively on her. Yet the game-show question was related to marriage, and what Ms. Marinis doesn’t want to admit is that premarital promiscuity (by men or women) increases the likelihood that any eventual marriage will end in divorce. A young person who develops a habit of going from one partner to another with some regularity will find that this behavioral pattern is not easily broken. The woman who has had a dozen affairs before marriage is likely to become bored with the routine of monogamous domesticity, and such boredom — resulting from the frustration of her appetite for new sexual adventures — will predictably manifest itself in harmful ways.

This problem does not seem to have occurred to Ms. Marinis, who may not be familiar with the relevant social-science data and who probably has bought into the mythology of “sex-positive” feminism, which tells young women that it is “empowering” to screw around. The question of whether sexual empowerment leads to happiness is never asked, because feminism is a totalitarian ideology that considers power the only important value. Totalitarians don’t care about happiness. Was Stalin “happy”? Was Pol Pot “happy”? If liquidating your enemies is your idea of “happiness,” then being a totalitarian is the way to go, but feminists seldom consider the downside of their ideology of “empowerment.”

Feminists regard men as their enemies, and thus Niki Marinis views criticism of her promiscuity as evidence of male inferiority:

Questions nice guys ask that should send your radar on high alert:

When was the last time you had sex?
How many men have you slept with?
Have you ever had sex with someone outside your race?
How sexually experienced are you?

Get ready! You’re about to be judged. It’s a no win question.
I’ve had guys ask me all these questions on a first date. That immediately tells me two things: they’re only interested in sex and they’re incredibly insecure about their own experience and abilities.
Maybe it’s his Nice Guy syndrome that’s caused him to have fewer sex partners than you and he feels lame. When you tell them the truth and they think that number is high, they can’t get past it.
Nice Guys expect you to uphold their expectations. They feel safer knowing you have less to compare them to.

You see? Leave aside the social ineptitude exhibited by “Nice Guys” in asking such questions on a first date. Instead, focus on how Ms. Marinis turns this into an occasion to (a) insult men as “incredibly insecure” for even being interested in her prior relationships, and (b) declare that her sexual history is off-limits to any judgment whatsoever. What she apparently can’t see is how her feminist thinking leads to a double standard: Men are to be judged very harshly by women — he must be “insecure,” and probably “feels lame” about his relative lack of sexual experience — but women are never to be judged at all.

In what Rollo Tomassi calls a “feminine-primary social order,” women are never confronted about the moral contradictions of their behaviors because (a) all women are expected to show solidarity to the sisterhood — never expressing doubt that women are inherently entitled to have whatever their fickle hearts might desire — and (b) any man who criticizes a woman’s behavior is condemned as a misogynist. Feminism’s hegemonic influence in our culture produces a sort of echo chamber within which skeptical voices are never heard. Inside this echo chamber, criticism of sexual “empowerment” is impermissible as heresy. A feminist never doubts the value of “empowerment” in the same way no one in the Heaven’s Gate cult ever doubted that they would soon be aboard that spaceship arriving with the Hale–Bopp Comet. A cult mentality prioritizes belief in the “cause” over any factual evidence that can be gained from observation or experience, so that no matter how often her own relationships with men end in misery and failure, the feminist never questions the basic premises of her ideological faith. Men are always to blame, she is always innocent of wrongdoing, and most of all, her failures are never to be interpreted in a way that might reflect negatively on her.

Keep in mind that it is not my purpose to defend “Nice Guys.” Life has a way of sorting people into two large categories — winners and losers — and if the “Nice Guy” ends up as a loser, far be it from me to dispute the verdict. He has been “weighed in the balance and found wanting,” and who is to blame for his failure? Not me, because if he had asked my advice, he might have stood a chance to win, but instead he followed a path of his own choosing, and that’s not my fault. Selah.

What leads the tragic hero to his doom, as any student of Aristotle knows, is hubris — the pride that proverbially goeth before a fall — and his arrogance causes the foolish protagonist to ignore the counsel of wisdom. Are we to suppose that no one has ever advised the “Nice Guy” what’s wrong with his attitude? But if so, isn’t this because the “Nice Guy” is so foolishly confident in himself that he never bothers asking for advice?

The criticism Niki Marinis makes against the “Nice Guy” would be more helpful if she were willing to question her own judgment, and to ask whether her approach to relationships is fundamentally flawed. However, notice the hubristic language she repeats in her column:

High value women are well aware of the low value behaviors of Nice Guys. . . ..
If he judges you on your past or your sexual history you shouldn’t feel bad, you should feel turned off. A high value woman won’t feel the need to justify herself by answering these questions [i.e., about her past sexual experiences]. . . .
A good man gives without expectations and a high value woman shows her appreciation without having to be asked, because she feels safe to do so. . . .
You aren’t crazy to not be attracted to these so called Nice Guys. It’s normal. It’s your gut screaming at you. High value women learn to listen to and trust their intuition. . . .
A high value woman recognizes the difference between a Nice Guy and a Good Man and won’t feel the need to justify her lack of attraction.

Niki Marinis might believe that her “intuition” as a “high value woman” is somehow vindicated by the fact that her boyfriend dumped her, but the rest of us are permitted to be skeptical of her claims to expertise. Dare I suggest that she is not as “high value” as she imagines?

See, this gets back to her objection to guys asking about her sexual history. Because of my skill as an interviewer, I sometimes find that people will tell me all sorts of things about themselves without me even bothering to ask directly. There are a few tricks to this, but you see that what really offends Ms. Marinis is the idea that a man would judge her based on her (presumably) above-average number of sexual partners.

Yet doesn’t a person’s sexual past tell us something about their character? This is true whether you are male or female. Like, maybe Denise Richards believed she could break Charlie Sheen of his bad habits, but experience has shown that belief to have been sadly mistaken. Even if you are not a moralistic prude, wouldn’t you agree that a promiscuous past shows an inability (or unwillingness) to sustain a long-term relationship? Probably most folks would be understanding of a young woman who, for example, had broken up with her high-school sweetheart — things just didn’t work out, for whatever reason — and then “played the field” for a few months before getting into her next serious relationship. Suppose that, during her time between these first two serious relationships, she hooked up with three or four different guys, so that now her cumulative total of sexual partners is five or six. That’s rather a commonplace scenario in 21st-century America, but what happens if that second serious relationship also ends in failure? If she repeats this cycle of “playing the field,” she’ll soon be in double-digit territory and doesn’t such a sexual history suggest that she might not be a good prospect as “wife material”?

If Niki Marinis were truly a “high value woman,” wouldn’t one of her previous boyfriends have done whatever it took to keep her? That’s just one reason why a person’s cumulative number of previous sexual partners is relevant in evaluating them as a romantic prospect. Anyone might have bad luck once or twice, but when they’ve acquired a substantial history of failed relationships (usually interspersed with a series of casual hook-ups), there’s probably more than just bad luck to it.

Human nature involves predictable patterns of behavior, and one of these patterns is the way we deploy mental defense mechanisms to rationalize our own flaws, failures and disappointments. People don’t want to admit responsibility for the problems in their own lives, and so we construct explanations that exculpate us. This is natural and, to some extent, necessary to protect our egos from negative feedback, but when someone steadfastly refuses to accept objective evidence of their own wrongdoing, the reliance on defensive rationalization can develop into a pattern that is self-destructive and dangerous — a sociopathic attitude.

How many failed relationships do you have to go through before you finally admit that the common denominator in these failures is you?

That’s the kind of admission that Niki Marinis seems unwilling to make, and her repeated assertions that she is a “high value woman” might be interpreted differently by a competent psychotherapist.

Get help, ma’am. Crazy People Are Dangerous, you know.


Yes, Operation Crossfire Hurricane Was Wrong and Corrupt From the Start

Posted on | December 13, 2019 | 1 Comment

The pretext the FBI used to spied on the Trump campaign was fraudulent — that’s the bottom line of the report Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz delivered this week. Among other things, the IG’s report vindicated Republican Rep. Devin Nunes, who in February 2018 issued a memo detailing the many abuses involved in the FBI’s investigation of “Russian collusion.” After the Mueller report and now the IG report, we can say with certainty that (a) “collusion” was a paranoid fantasy manufactured by Trump’s enemies, and (b) the FBI’s reliance on Fusion GPS and the so-called “Steele dossier” was, at the very least, a mistake. At worst, it was a deliberate deceit, and I’m not in a mood to give the FBI the benefit of the doubt. Ed Morrissey at Hot Air finds the Washington Post‘s Aaron Blake attempting to spin the IG’s findings as favorably as possible to the FBI, and failing:

The point, however, is that the FBI misrepresented [information about Steele’s leaking to the media] to the court in order to protect its surveillance warrant on Page. These are a series of corrupt acts that go to the heart of whether Operation Crossfire Hurricane was a corrupt investigation. That is precisely the issue about which Nunes warned in his memo, and the Horowitz report corroborates each of the factual claims Nunes made in that warning.
It certainly looks as though Nunes can claim a very large amount of vindication. The media, on the other hand, should be asking itself why it found Schiff so credible in his defense of secret surveillance of a US citizen by counterintelligence operations on the basis of a discredited oppo research file. Is it that they just preferred Schiff’s anti-Trump narrative above all other considerations?

Yes, that’s exactly what it was — the anti-Trump media has always been willing to believe the worst about Trump, and thus were culpable in helping to manufacture the “Russian collusion” myth, which they then sought to defend against all critics. Aaron Blake still doesn’t want to admit this, because it proves the Washington Post is “fake news.”


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