The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Posted on | November 22, 2019 | Comments Off on Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

by Smitty

Sometimes they put you in a bad position, and blame you for being there.

The end of the day, the end of the week, the end of the month: somebody comes up to you and needs data access.

You kinda know who this is; you’ve seen him around the office, but this request is really weird.

Your car keys are on the desk, so he doesn’t worry when you declare the need to use the restroom before “We get on that”.

True enough; a great roadtrip begins on an empty bladder. Thank god for the spare key under the frame.

via Darleen

The Impeachment Carnival Is a Distraction From What Really Matters

Posted on | November 22, 2019 | 1 Comment


While the televised circus in the House Intelligence Committtee was consuming the attention of the national media, the real news was happening behind the scenes with the Horowitz report:

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz has found evidence that an FBI lawyer manipulated a key investigative document related to the FBI’s secretive surveillance of a former Trump campaign adviser — enough to change the substantive meaning of the document, according to multiple reports.
The show-stopping development comes as Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., told Fox News that Horowitz’s comprehensive report on allegations of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant abuse against former Trump campaign aide Carter Page will be released on Dec. 9. “That’s locked,” Graham said.
The new evidence concerning the altered document, which pertained to the FBI’s FISA court warrant application to surveil Page, is expected to be outlined in Horowitz’s upcoming report. CNN first reported the news, which was largely confirmed by The Washington Post.
The Post, hours after publishing its story, conspicuously removed the portion of its reporting that the FBI employee involved was underneath Peter Strzok, the FBI’s since-fired head of counterintelligence. The Post did not offer an explanation for the change, which occurred shortly after midnight. Earlier this week, the DOJ highlighted a slew of anti-Trump text messages sent by Strzok when he was leading the Hillary Clinton email investigation and the probe into the Trump campaign.
Horowitz reportedly found that the FBI employee who modified the FISA document falsely stated that he had “documentation to back up a claim he had made in discussions with the Justice Department about the factual basis” for the FISA warrant application, the Post reported. Then, the FBI employee allegedly “altered an email” to substantiate his inaccurate version of events. The employee has since been forced out of the bureau.
In its initial 2016 FISA warrant application, the FBI flatly called Page “an agent of a foreign power.”

Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) have endlessly condemned as a “conspiracy theory” — “unsubstantiated,” with “no evidence” — every suggestion that the origin of the investigation of the Trump campaign was tainted by partisanship and corruption.

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.)


In The Mailbox: 11.21.19

Posted on | November 21, 2019 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

357 Magnum: Cops Never Use Drop Guns To Justify a Shooting
EBL: Discovery Will Be Especially Hilarious – Jussie Smollett Sues!
Twitchy: This Totally Believable Overheard  Conversation Proves Trump’s Support Is Collapsing
Louder With Crowder: Fascist Left-Wing Protesters Form Human Chain To Block People From Entering Ann Counter Event

Adam Piggott: Your Backyard Is An Endangered Ecosystem
American Greatness: Ukraine’s Top Prosecutor Expands Probe Against Burisma Founder – Who Has Gone Missing
American Thinker: Obama Tells Greta, “You And Me, We’re A Team”
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Luxury News
Babalu Blog: Castro Dictatorship Launches Desperate Smear Campaign Against Imprisoned Opposition Leader
BattleSwarm: Dispatches From The Ukraine Corruption Investigation
Cafe Hayek: Please, People, Learn Some Basic Economics
CDR Salamander: USA Becoming The Cheshire Cat Superpower?
Da Tech Guy: To Ensure Victory Next Year, The GOP Desperately Needs To Learn How To Fight
Don Surber: The Derp State Flunks Impeachment
First Street Journal: Tom Steyer & The Democrat Clown Cavalcade Are Going To Reorganize Your Neighborhood
The Geller Report: President Trump Tells Navy – No, You’re Not Taking Eddie Gallagher’s SEAL Trident Pin, also, Iran’s Senior Leader Vows To Hang Protest Leaders
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Double Plus Ungood
Hollywood In Toto: Richard Jewell Paints Press As “Reckless, Corrupt, & Immoral”
Joe For America: Tulsi Gabbard SMASHES Democrats At Debate – “Not The Party That Is Of, By, & For The People”
JustOneMinute: The Walls Are Closing In On Trump
Legal Insurrection: Clinton Foundation Struggling Financially With No More Influence To Sell, also, Iranian Regime Deploys Snipers Against Protesters, Death Toll Over 100
The PanAm Post: Chileans Protest Against System That Has Fueled Their Prosperity
Power Line: The Sound Of Sondland, also, Why No One Cares About Impachment
Shot In The Dark: Minneapolis – Let’s Get Scientific!
The Political Hat: Gender Heretics – Purged For Questioning The Number Of Genders, Retaliation Against Real Women, & The Gender-Medical Complex
This Ain’t Hell: Thursdays Are For Cooking, also, Trump Lays Down The Law On Pardoned SEAL
Victory Girls: In Praise Of Warren’s “Freeloading Billionaires”
Volokh Conspiracy: Cali Supremes Strike Down Law Requiring Presidential Candidates to Disclose Income Tax Returns
Weasel Zippers: Nunes – I Yield To Schiff For Story Time Hour, also, FBI Official Reportedly Under Investigation For Altering Russia Probe Documents
Mark Steyn: How The Science Got Settled

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Billionaire Dictator Tom Steyer Has a ‘Solution’ for the Housing ‘Crisis’

Posted on | November 21, 2019 | 2 Comments


Anyone who has read Thomas Sowell’s The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy understands the worldview of “progressive” billionaire Tom Steyer. There is no problem that cannot be solved, such people believe, if (a) we put “enlightened” people in charge, and (b) we give them unlimited power and taxpayer dollars to provide a “solution.” If you voice objections to these grandiose schemes — e.g., explaining that similar plans have failed in the past, or pointing out the fiscal problems involved — you will discover that it is impossible to dissuade the Anointed from their cherished Vision. Facts don’t matter, past precedents prove nothing, and even basic arithmetic must be ignored, because the status quo is “unacceptable,” the problem involved is a “crisis,” and only a coward or a fool could oppose a “solution.” The man who bought his way into the debate is all-in on the housing “crisis”:

Democrat presidential hopeful Tom Steyer claimed he would “force” American towns to accept new, affordable housing in certain areas while speaking at the Democrat presidential primary debate held in Atlanta, Georgia, at Tyler Perry Studios on Wednesday.
Steyer’s remarks came as he was asked about affordable housing, particularly in his home state of California, which includes Los Angeles and San Francisco.
“When you look at inequality in the United States of America, you have to start with housing,” Steyer claimed. “Where you put your head at night determines so many things about your life. It determines where your kids go to school, it determines the air you breathe, where you shop, how long it takes you to get to work.”
“What we’ve seen in California is as a result of policy,” Steyer continued. “We have millions too few housing units and that effects everybody in California. It starts with a homeless crisis that goes all through the state, but it also includes skyrocketing rents that effect every single working person in the state of California.”
Steyer then claimed he knows “exactly what needs to be done” to address the housing crisis, and discussed the impact on the climate regarding certain liveable locations.
“I understand exactly what needs to be done here, which is why we need to change policy and we need to apply the resources here to make sure that we build, literally. millions of units,” Steyer said. “Where people live has a dramatic impact on climate and sustainability.”
Steyer then claimed that his administration would “force” towns to accept new housing units that are affordable for its residents.
“So, we’re gonna have to direct dollars, we’re gonna have to change policy and make sure that the localities and municipalities who have worked very hard to ensure that there are no new housing units built in their towns that they change that and we’re gonna have to force it,” Steyer added. “Then we’re gonna have to direct federal dollars to make sure that those units are affordable.”

People will say, “There’s no way Steyer’s going to get the nomination,” and this is obviously true. However, the point of all these debates — with Democratic hopefuls vying to out-bid each other on what fantastic amounts of money they’ll spend to provide “solutions” to every imaginable “crisis” — is that it moves The Overton Window. When allegedly Serious People spend hours spewing radical nonsense on national TV, it makes this nonsense seem possible, or even practical.


‘The Wheels of Justice Turn Slowly, But Grind Exceedingly Fine’

Posted on | November 20, 2019 | Comments Off on ‘The Wheels of Justice Turn Slowly, But Grind Exceedingly Fine’


Travis Lee Stroud, a transgender novelist also known as “Meredith Russo,” was exposed in 2016 as the alleged perpetrator of abuse against his/“her” ex-wife, Jennifer Marie Russo. Yet this record of accusations against Travis/“Meredith” was ignored by the literary community, which is devoted to promoting the transgender agenda, especially to children.

Anna Slatz interviewed the author’s ex, Juniper Russo:

“Domestic violence is insidious and slow, like the proverbial boiling frog,” Stroud’s ex-wife, Juniper Russo, said. “It’s hard to say when it all started.”
Juniper Russo alleges she was subjected to a campaign of sexual and emotional abuse at the hands of her former partner, abuse she says was so severe that the marriage culminated in a divorce in early 2015.
“We met on OKCupid in 2011 and got married in 2013,” Russo said, claiming the physical abuse started shortly after the wedding. “We had a lot of shared interests at the time, and I was naive enough to think that shared interests are the foundation of a healthy relationship.”
Russo shared disturbing details of some of the alleged abuses she suffered during her marriage to Meredith Stroud.
“When my son was born in 2014, I had severe pre-eclampsia and injuries from giving birth. I had to have major reconstructive surgery. I was extremely weak and in severe pain,” Russo said.
“Meredith was extremely abusive to me during this time, calling me a ‘feeding station, not a parent’ because breastfeeding my son was one of the only things I could do, and because I was asking [Meredith] to help with things like diapers,” Russo also alleges.
During this same time, Juniper says Stroud would tell her to commit suicide. “[Meredith] kept mocking me when I was in pain, and told me I was so useless as a parent I should just kill myself.”
Russo says she was first forced to call the police in late 2014, “[Meredith] was having an outburst. I got scared and called 911. [Meredith] took the phone from me, and was heard trying to prevent me from calling for help.”
As a result, Stroud was booked on charges of interfering with an emergency call. . . .

Read the whole thing.


In The Mailbox: 11.20.19 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | November 20, 2019 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 11.20.19 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #810
.357 Magnum:  The Breakdown of Order In Baltimore Continues
EBL: Rush Limbaugh Has “A Very, Very Careful Opinion” About LTC Vindman
Twitchy: Rep. Mark Meadows Defuses Three Of Five CNN Takeaways From Ambassador Sondland’s “Bombshell” Testiimony
Louder With Crowder: Trans Student Celebrates, Young Girl Cries As School Allows Trannies Into Girls’ Locker Room

Adam Piggott: Podcast #125 – The OK Boomer Episode, also, Which Gay Slur Did Pattinson Use?
American Greatness: Vindman Is The Ranking Miles Gloriosus
American Thinker: President Trump Didn’t Impound So Much As One Dollar From Ukraine Aid
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Castro Dictatorship Enlists Children To Harass, Persecute Cuban Jewish Boy
BattleSwarm: Joe Rogan Interviews Matt Taibbi
Cafe Hayek: Homer Simpson Nods
CDR Salamander: Welcome To The Long Game, Folks
Da Tech Guy: Robert Spencer And Others Who Nail It, Under The Fedora
Don Surber: How Liberals Rank Minorities
First Street Journal: Patterico & The #NeverTrumpers
The Geller Report: Trump Was Right – Head Of Burisma Arrested In Ukraine, also, Kapo Wing Of Democrat Party Declares Trump Greatest Threat To American Jews
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Comet Crumbs
Hollywood In Toto: Journalist – Fred Rogers Worked Tirelessly On Being Kind
Joe For America: Bongino – 75% Of The Squad Being Investigated For Campaign Finance Violations
JustOneMinute: Buttigieg Coming Up Roses
Legal Insurrection: While You Were Watching Gordon Sondland, Trump Flipped The 11th Circuit, also, Leftist Mob At Binghamton U Shuts Down Speech By Economist Art Laffer
Michelle Malkin: Cancel Culture Hypocrites On The Left & Right
The PanAm Post: How Long Will The Coverup For Cuba Continue?
Power Line: So Long, Sacagawea, also, Today’s Liberal Media Fail
Shark Tank: Vilarino Slams Mucarsel-Powell Over Socialist Policies
Shot In The Dark: Mark This Down
STUMP: A New Plan To Deal With Multiemployer Pensions
The Political Hat: Same Coin, Different Sides – The Alt-Right & The Ctrl-Left
This Ain’t Hell: Sour Grapes, also, Moving On
Victory Girls: Sondland & The Quid Pro Quo That Wasn’t
Volokh Conspiracy: Yes, Nancy Pelosi Can Become President
Weasel Zippers: Illegal Arrested In Deadly Oregon Crash Flees To Mexico After Jail Doesn’t Honor ICE Detainer, also, ACLU Advises Us Men Can Have Periods, Get Pregnant
Megan McArdle:
Mark Steyn: The Cherry On Top, also, End Of The Peer Show

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In The Mailbox: 11.20.19 (Morning Edition)

Posted on | November 20, 2019 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

.357 Magnum: Boston Is Getting Rid Of Christmas
EBL: #FartGate – Rep. Swalwell Finally Does Something Worth Noticing
Twitchy: How Fake Is The AP’s Fake News About Ambassador Sondland?
Louder With Crowder: Sex Ed School’s “Gender Theory” Video Now Has A Transman To Confuse Kids

Adam Piggott: The Woke Club, also, Clear Your Land, Go To Jail
American Greatness: Pelosi Says It’s “Dangerous” To Let Voters Decide On Trump, also, Ilhan Omar Funnels Another $150,000 To alleged Lover’s Consulting Business
American Thinker: Trump Is 100% On His Game
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Futuristic News
Babalu Blog: Bolivian Authorities Suspect Cubans & Venezuelans Behind Plot To Assassinate Interim President
BattleSwarm: Democratic Presidential Clown Car Update
Cafe Hayek: Kota & Mahoney’s Very, Very Bad Idea
CDR Salamander: No Antiseptic War Via Technology – War Will Only Get Deadlier
Da Tech Guy: Gang Warfare, also, Bribery & The Constitution
Don Surber: Impeachment Is Must Miss TV
First Street Journal: The Good White Liberals Of NYC Love Them Some Segregated Neighborhoods & Schools
Fred On Everything: IQ, Do UQ? A Sojourn Among The True Believers
The Geller Report: Student Walkout triggered By Sight Of Chick-Fil-A Truck, also, Democrat Frontrunners Denounce Pro-Israel Policy, Support Islamic Jew-Hatred
Hogewash: “First The Sentence, Then The Evidence!”, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Dennis Miller On Charlie’s Angels Flop – We Don’t Want To Be Scolded
Joe For America: Feds Arrest Epstein’s Guards For Falsifying Logs
Legal Insurrection: Nunes’ Opening Statement – “Media Are Puppets For The Democratic Party”, also, Did Vindman Leak To The Whistleblower?
Michelle Malkin: America First – The Torch Is Being Passed
The PanAm Post: Lula’s Release From Prison Weakens Brazilian Institutions, also, Only Military Intervention Will End Maduro’s Dictatorship
Power Line: Chick-Fil-A Caves To The Left, also, Barr’s Preview
Shot In The Dark: Full Gaslight
STUMP: Why Does Elizabeth Warren Hate Public Pension Funds?
The Political Hat: The King Louie Club
This Ain’t Hell: Venkman Still Speaks, also, Mr. Rogers & The Sniper Story
Victory Girls: Chick-Fil-a Submits To Woke Mob (UPDATED)
Volokh Conspiracy: Impeachable Offenses Need Not Be Criminal Offenses
Weasel Zippers: Turkish President Erdogan – “Our God Commands Us To Be Violent Towards The Kuffar”, also, Schiff Steps In To Help Vindman Protect Whistleblower, Accidentally Exposes Another Lie
Mark Steyn: Iowa Hero, Carolina Zero, also, When The Flying Circus Has Flown

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In The Mailbox: 11.18.19

Posted on | November 18, 2019 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

357 Magnum: A Restraining Order Is Just A Piece Of Paper
EBL: So How Was Kaepernick’s Workout? also, I Stand With Michelle Malkin
Twitchy: Chick-Fil-A Caves To LGBT Outrage Mob, Will Stop Donating To Salvation Army, Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Louder With Crowder: Jury Sides With Planned Parenthood In Civil Suit Against Undercover Pro-Life Activists, also, Congress Demands Answers From ABC On Spiked Epstein Story

Adam Piggott: My First Step To Being Deplatformed, also, Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – The Cowboy Music Edition
American Greatness: The Wages Of Trump Fixation, also, How To Shut Down The Democrats’ Alternative Universe
American Power: Jonah Goldberg Attacks Michelle Malkin, also, Progressive Anti-Semitism
American Thinker: The Department Of Defense Joins The Coup Cabal, also, The Bidens And Burisma
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Chile Expels 50 Foreigners For Rioting, Including 30 Cubans & Nine Venezuelans, also, Venezuela’s Socialist Dictatorship Signs Agreement With Iran
BattleSwarm: South Park Takes on Tranny Madness, also, There Is No Clown Car, Only Zuul
Cafe Hayek: Free The Market For Implantable Human Organs, also, Industrial Policy 2.0 Just As Bad As Industrial Policy 1.0
Camp of the Saints:  Ideological Libertarians – The Terrible Simplifiers
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday, also, No More Presidents, Please
Da Tech Guy: Democrat Women Think Nagging Will Win Them Votes, also, Profiles In Cowardice
Don Surber: Democrats Are Losing The Impeachment, also, Republicans Feeling Trumpy
First Street Journal: If You’ve Been Wondering Where I’ve Been, also, How Bad Is The Democrat Cavalcade Of Clowns?
Fred On Everything: Let’s Invade Mexico!
The Geller Report: Russian Media Predicts 2020 U.S. Election Will Lead To Civil War, also, CAIR Wants To Put 30 Jihadis Into Congress
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, A Cathedral Of Stellar Nativity
Hollywood In Toto: Feast Of The Seven Fishes Is Small-Town USA’s Overdue Closeup, also, Woke Broke Movies In 2019 – Does Hollywood Even Care?
Joe For America: Tax Filings Show Al Sharpton’s Charty Paid Him $1 Million, also, Pope Francis Suggests Adding “Ecological Sin” To Catechism
JustOneMinute: Taylor Testimony Damaging? also, Hmm…
Legal Insurrection:  Anti-Regime Iranian Protests Set Major Cities Afire After Fuel Price Hike, also, Iowa Poll – Warren Drops After Medicare4All, Pete Buttigieg Jumps To Big Lead
Michelle Malkin: Meet The Treacherous American Students Last Lobby
The PanAm Post: There Was No Military Coup In Bolivia, also, Pinera Surrenders, Will Accept New Chilean Constitution
Power Line: FedEx Vs. The New York Times, also, Trump Reverses Decision On Vaping Ban
Shot In The Dark: Your Best Interests, Peasant
STUMP: Remember, Remember, The 9th Of November, also, Movember
The Political Hat: The Presumption of Illegality & The Dictatorship Of The Bureaucracy
This Ain’t Hell: Mayor Pete Hits Trump On Soldiers’ Pardons, also, Update On US Troops & Kurds In Syria
Victory Girls: Yovanovich Testified Obama Administration Was Worried About Hunter Biden & Burisma, also, ACLU Gives Christine Blasey Ford An Award For Lying
Volokh Conspiracy: Monroe County (NY) Proposes Ban On Intentionally Annoying Police, also, “Bad Writing Does Not Normally Warrant Sanctions, But We Draw The Line At Gibberish”
Weasel Zippers: House Now Investigating If Trump Lied To Mueller, also, Democrats Don’t Want Public To Kn
Megan McArdle: Here’s The Weird Thing About A Post-Christian Christendom
Mark Steyn: Ukraine Girl Doesn’t Knock Me Out, also, Cult Is As Cult Does

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