The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Male Feminist’ Kicks Catholic Woman

Posted on | October 5, 2018 | Comments Off on ‘Male Feminist’ Kicks Catholic Woman


A man has been fired from his job at a Toronto hair salon after he delivered a roundhouse kick to a woman at a pro-life protest event:

On September 30th at 2:31 PM during Campaign Life Coalition’s peaceful demonstration, pro-life leader Marie-Claire Bissonnette, was roundhouse-kicked in the shoulder by an abortion proponent.
The Human Defense Initiative has identified the assailant as Jordan Hunt, a hairdresser in Toronto, Canada.
During the event, Hunt vandalized multiple pro-life signs. He then sought support and recognition for his handiwork from an abortion activist standing nearby, at which point Bissonette began filming the encounter.
Bissonette made it clear she was filming the protester and informed him he had just destroyed private property, at which point he became belligerent and began questioning Bissonette on her opinions of pregnancy due to rape. When she began to answer, the protester wound up and roundhouse kicked her, causing the phone to drop. In the background, cries for someone to call the police could be heard along with the protesters insistence he was aiming for the phone.


Hunt has a previous history of attacking pro-life activists. Ms. Biossonnette, who has filed charges with police, shares her experience:

Life Chain is an annual event which consists of thousands of pro-life women, men and children standing on over 200 street corners across Canada holding signs that read, “Abortion Hurts Women”, “Abortion Kills Children,” “Adoption, the Loving Option”, “Life, We Stand On Guard For Thee”, and “Pregnant and need help? Call (local pregnancy help centre phone number)”. This is an explicitly peaceful and silent protest. Participants are not allowed to begin conversations with passersby, nor are they allowed to display any aggressive behaviour at any point. No abortion victim photography is permitted.
My task for this year’s Life Chain, which took place on Sunday, 30 September, was to manage the corner of Bloor and Keele, to hand out signs, and to take a headcount. Seventy-six sign-holders were present on that corner from 2:00-3:00 pm. One pro-abortion woman, probably in her late twenties, stood amongst us holding a sign that read, “My body, my choice, my right”. She was the only counter-protester present throughout, and she peacefully shared the corner with the rest of us. 
At around 2:30, I was assaulted.
A man in his late twenties to early thirties observed the demonstration and, taking out two markers, one red and one blue, he managed to deface two of our signs. After I warned people to shield their signs, he then proceeded to run up behind five of the participants (including a ten-year-old girl) and scribble with his markers on their backs, ruining their clothing.
After these acts of vandalism, he approached the pro-abortion demonstrator, evidently in order to seek her approval, which she appeared to deny him by discouraging his tactics. At this point I took out my cell phone and began to record him, telling him that what he did was destruction of private property and it was against the law. He asked me whether a sixteen-year-old girl who gets pregnant after being raped should keep her baby. I attempted to explain that her baby should be treated no differently than a three-year-old child who may have been conceived by rape.

You can read the whole thing.

Did you notice the satanic pentagram on his necklace? Yeah.


Democrats Desperate to Stop Kavanaugh Nomination Resort to … Witchcraft

Posted on | October 4, 2018 | 6 Comments


Friday at midnight, a group of witches will cast a “binding spell” against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, following a ritual devised for this occasion by a Baltimore-based wizard. Michael M. Hughes is author of Magic for the Resistance: Rituals and Spells for Change, and leads a Facebook group for “resistance witches and magicians.”

Wednesday, Hughes published instructions for an “Emergency Ritual” intended to prevent the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh, whom Hughes calls a “lying, entitled, arrogant, rapey piece of garbage.” Those participating in the ritual are directed to use two candles, a tarot card and other implements, while reciting various magical incantations, e.g.:

I light this candle to honor Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez, Julie Swetnick, and all women who have been harmed by Brett Michael Kavanaugh

. . . and:

I bind you, Brett Michael Kavanaugh
I bind your groping, grasping hands
I bind your leering eyes
I bind your lying mouth . . .
I bind your genitals, that they may fail to bring you pleasure at another’s expense
. . .
You are powerless over any woman you have abused
Your foul deeds have bound you
To their consequences
And as the elements expose
What lies hidden beneath the soil
So you wicked behavior
Shall be exposed to all

In terms of preventing Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation, we can expect this spell to be at least as effective as Michael Avenatti’s client.

Remember: Democrats are the Party of Science™ . . .


FBI Ends Investigation; Kavanaugh Vote Scheduled; Democrats Are Still Lying

Posted on | October 4, 2018 | Comments Off on FBI Ends Investigation; Kavanaugh Vote Scheduled; Democrats Are Still Lying

“I actually believe that Dr. Ford fabricated her testimony. I think she’s delusional. . . . There could be no corroboration, because nothing ever happened.”
Joe DiGenova, on Hannity, Oct. 3, 2018

We are within sight of the end of this three-week nightmare, which began Sept. 13 when Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein went public with the false sexual assault accusation against Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Joe DiGenova was the only person on Fox News willing to say what we now know — it was all a lie, from start to finish. Judge Kavanaugh is not, and never was, a sexual predator, and Christine Blasey Ford’s story was never “credible,” no matter how many Democratic senators or media talking-heads repeated that word to describe her. The news roundup:

The prospects for Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation now rest on four swing senators who are carefully reviewing the FBI background report on sexual assault allegations against the Supreme Court nominee, as GOP leaders close ranks behind the embattled judge and one previously undecided Democrat comes out in opposition.
North Dakota Democratic Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, after staying on the fence for weeks, announced Thursday she will vote against Kavanaugh, citing in part his conduct at last week’s fiery Hill hearing. . . .
Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, who has stayed mum on her Kavanaugh stance, said Thursday that the bureau’s supplemental background probe “appears to be a very thorough investigation.” On Thursday afternoon, she remained in the Capitol building’s Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) reading the FBI’s report for more than an hour and a half. Senators are taking turns poring over the documents in the SCIF.
And Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., who originally requested the FBI re-open its investigation into the claims leveled against Kavanaugh by Christine Blasey Ford, agreed with Collins’ assessment.
“No new corroborative information came out of it,” Flake said. “Thus far, we’ve see no new credible corroboration — no new corroboration at all.” . . .
But senior GOP senators rallied around Kavanaugh at a press conference Thursday afternoon, vowing to press ahead with a series of votes starting Friday and blasting Democrats for their handling of the process.
“There are two things we know for sure. One thing is the FBI report did not corroborate any of the allegations against Judge Kavanaugh. Second … is there is no way anything we did would satisfy the Democrats. They’ve always got a reason why the goalpost needs to be moved further down the field,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said. . . .
Setting the stage, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, declared earlier Thursday that nothing in the FBI document changed his mind, and that it was time to vote to confirm Kavanaugh.
“I’ve now received a committee staff briefing on the FBI’s supplement to Judge Kavanaugh’s background investigation file,” Grassley said Thursday. “There’s nothing in it that we didn’t already know. These uncorroborated accusations have been unequivocally and repeatedly rejected by Judge Kavanaugh, and neither the Judiciary Committee nor the FBI could locate any third parties who can attest to any of the allegations.
“It’s time to vote,” Grassley added. “I’ll be voting to confirm Judge Kavanaugh.”

Chuck Schumer is still lying, but that’s not really news, is it?

During a press conference on Thursday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stated that fears that the FBI would be limited from getting all the facts in its investigation of Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh “have been realized.”
Schumer said, “[W]e had many fears that this was a very limited process that would constrain the FBI from getting all the facts. Having received a thorough briefing on the documents, those fears have been realized.” . . .
Schumer added that he believes the White House “greatly constrained the investigation from the get-go.”

Let me tell you something: Chuck Schumer knows it was all a lie. He is one of the most dishonest people on the planet, and it is only the Senate custom of “collegiality” that prevents his Republican colleagues from denouncing him as the habitual liar he actually is. Thanks to Schumer and Feinstein, we have spent three weeks on a snipe hunt, seeking corroboration of a story that could not possibly be corroborated, because it never happened. Judge Kavanaugh’s good name has been trashed by Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) simply because Chuck Schumer hoped to turn this nomination into a weapon to help Democrats win the Senate in November. What was learned from the investigation Democrats demanded? Well, we learned that “Devil’s Triangle” is indeed a drinking game and “boof” is indeed a slang term for flatulence.

Extra police have been deployed at the Capitol to protect Republican Senators from the Soros-funded anti-Kavanaugh protest mobs. What else? The official Twitter account of the Senate Judiciary Committee had some blunt truth for Sen. Feinstein:

Nothing that the FBI did, and no concession Republicans might have offered, would have been sufficient to please the Democrats. This was all about stalling and smearing and propaganda — a disgrace to the Senate, but let’s not talk about disgraces to the Senate, eh? That calls to mind Ted Kennedy, and Mary Jo Kopechne could not be reached for comment.


In The Mailbox: 10.04.18

Posted on | October 4, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.04.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

There will probably not be linkagery tomorrow because I’ll be moving out of my apartment and cleaning up.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #397
EBL: National Taco Day!
Twitchy: CNN Covers Doxxing Of GOP Senators, Conveniently Leaves Out Key Info On Staffer
Louder With Crowder: Watch Male Feminist Roundhouse Kick Female Pro-Life Activist

American Power: Will The Democrats Wake Up?
American Thinker: Obama’s America On Display At Kavanaugh Hearings
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Crushing Debt News
BattleSwarm: Iran Tugs On Superman’s Cape
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: A Quiet Victory At SCOTUS, also, A Reminder To The Left About Kavanaugh – You Did This To Yourselves
Don Surber: Obama’s ISIS Is Disappearing
Dustbury: The Nutty Professors
First Street Journal: Trump, Kavanaugh, & Demon Rum
The Geller Report: Retired FBI Agent/DOJ Lawyer Monica McLean Attended Kavanaugh Hearings With Her Friend Professor Ford, also, 100 Violent Migrants Take Australian Train Hostage
Hogewash: Bipartisanship, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
JustOneMinute: Yankees Baseball!
Legal Insurrection: Lindsey Graham Asks Kavanugh Protester “Why Don’t We Dunk Him In Water & See If He Floats?” also, Collins & Flake Satisfied With “Thorough” Report On Kavanaugh
The PanAm Post: In Ecuador, Truth Revealed About Correa’s Pervasive Political Persecution
Power Line: The Last Angry Man, also, Let Us Now Praise Democratic Party Incompetence
Shark Tank: Gun-Grabber Bloomberg Comes To Florida, Flirting With White House Run In 2020
Shot In The Dark: Michael Bloomberg’s Open Racism
Sister Toldjah: Still “Just A Blogger” – Happy 15th Blogiversary To Me
The Political Hat: Mentally Ill Education – Psychological Disorders, Genital Self-Esteem, & The New Red Guard
This Ain’t Hell: Update – Former Sailor Suspected Of Mailing Ricin Packages, also, President Trump Donates Salary For Veteran Entrepreneurship
Victory Girls: Kelley Paul Letter To Cory Booker Regarding The Violence Of The Left Is A Must-Read
Volokh Conspiracy: Does Trump’s EPA Know How To Deregulate?
Weasel Zippers: ICE Officers Demand Portland Mayor Relinquish Control Of City Police After Occupy ICE Protests, also, Senate Judiciary Committee Statement Suggests Ford’s Legal Team May Be In Trouble
Megan McArdle: No Matter What Happens, Kavanaugh Is Being Punished
Mark Steyn: Immigration & Birthright

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Republican Voters Are Angry

Posted on | October 4, 2018 | Comments Off on Republican Voters Are Angry


A poll by, of all people, National Public Radio shows that the Democrat smear campaign against Judge Brett Kavanaugh has motivated Republican voters ahead of next month’s midterm elections. In July, according to NPR’s polling, Democrats enjoyed a 10-point advantage — 78% to 68% — on the question, of whether the elections are “very important.” In a poll conducted this week, however, 80% of Republicans say the elections are “very important,” compared to 82% of Democrats. In other words, the GOP’s voter intensity has increased by 12 percentage points in less than three months, and only the Kavanaugh confirmation circus can explain this. “The result of hearings, at least in the short run, is the Republican base was awakened,” pollster Lee Miringoff told NPR.

The latest news:

The White House has found no corroboration of the allegations of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh after examining interview reports from the FBI’s latest probe into the judge’s background, according to people familiar with the matter.

Democrats may have unleashed a Republican firestorm:

When many conservative women around the country watched Christine Blasey Ford appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, they didn’t find her testimony compelling or convincing, as many liberals did.
They saw a political farce.
“Honestly, I don’t think I have ever been so angry in all of my adult life,” says Ginger Howard, a Republican national committeewoman from Georgia. “It brings me to the point of tears, it makes me so angry.”
In interviews with roughly a dozen female conservative leaders from as many states, this was the overwhelming sentiment: These women are infuriated with the way the sexual-assault allegations against the Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh have been handled. They are not convinced by Ford or any other woman who has come forward. They resent the implication that all women should support the accusers. And they believe that this scandal will ultimately hurt the cause of women who have been sexually assaulted.
Above all, these women, and the women they know, are ready to lash out against Democrats in the upcoming midterm elections.

The FBI investigation is complete. Mitch McConnell has scheduled the vote. Guess what? Mitch knows how to count votes. He wouldn’t have pushed this forward if he didn’t think he could win it. He has vowed he will not be intimidated by left-wing protesters.

To quote Admiral Farragut: “Damn the torpedoes. Full speed ahead.”


Democrat Aide Arrested for Doxxing GOP Senators During Kavanaugh Hearings

Posted on | October 3, 2018 | 1 Comment


Breaking news:

A Democratic congressional intern was arrested Wednesday and accused of posting the personal information of at least one Republican senator during last week’s hearing about sexual assault claims against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, authorities said.
U.S. Capitol Police said 27-year-old Jackson Cosko was charged with making public restricted personal information, witness tampering, threats in interstate communication, unauthorized access of a government computer, identity theft, second-degree burglary and unlawful entry. Police added that the investigation was continuing and more charges could be filed.
Senior congressional sources tell Fox News that Cosko most recently worked as an unpaid intern for Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas. He previously worked with Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H., and former Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer of California. A LinkedIn page with Cosko’s name on it describes him as a “Democratic Political Professional & Cybersecurity Graduate Student.”
Jackson Lee’s office told Fox News that Cosko had only worked there for a couple of months, but has now been terminated.

Cosko is apparently from California.


In The Mailbox: 10.03.18

Posted on | October 3, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.03.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Believe The Women? Not Always…
Twitchy: Jennifer Rubin Actually Ran With This Garbage Take On Lindsey Graham
Louder With Crowder: Rape Culture Is A Myth – Change My Mind

American Thinker: New Rules For Men
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Trump, Cruz, Pentagon Attacked By Chemical Weapons
CDR Salamander: Royal Navy Media Own Goal
Da Tech Guy: Remember, None Of The Kavanaugh Accusers Were Expecting To Be Scrutinized, also, The Leftism Or The Lunacy?
Don Surber: Confirm Him Then Prosecute Her, also, Being President Already Cost Trump $1.4 Billion
Dustbury: The Lowest Form Of Cuisine
First Street Journal: Hold Them Accountable!
The Geller Report: New Witness Comes Forward Against Catherine Ford, also, MN Lawyer Who Cleared Keith Ellison Is Partner At Firm That Donated $500,000 To Democrats
Hogewash: Common Sense Legislation, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Legal Insurrection: Grassley Says Judiciary Committee Has Evidence Of Ford’s Lies, also, Disregard Law Profs’ Letter On Kavanaugh’s Temperament – It’s Political, Not Legal
Michelle Malkin: Investigate The Senate Democrat Wrecking Machine
The PanAm Post: Mexico Passes New Anti-Meme Law That Restricts Criticism Of Politicians
Power Line: The Left Declares Total War, also. Visualize This
Shark Tank: Americans For Prosperity Action – “We Can’t Afford Andrew Gillum”
Shot In The Dark: Cold For Now
STUMP:  Get A Flu Shot – Last Year’s Seasonal Flu Was The Worst In 40 Years
The Political Hat: Academia Down The Memory Hole
This Ain’t Hell: When They Came For Kavanaugh’s Kid, also, Is It Time To Expand The Definition Of “Veteran”?
Victory Girls: Christine Blasey Ford May Have Lied About Polygraph & Second Door – What Else Might She Have Lied About?
Volokh Conspiracy: WSJ Editorial On Property Rights Case Before SCOTUS
Weasel Zippers: Rep. Senator Kennedy Seeks To Prohibit Federal Contracts With Banks That Cut Off Gunmakers, also, Best Thing Ever – Sen. Grassley’s Chief Counsel Replies To Creepy Porn Lawyer
Mark Steyn: Post-Democracy & The Prophets, also, The Majority As Identity Group

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At the Edge of the Abyss

Posted on | October 3, 2018 | 1 Comment


When you are a professional trafficker in politically incorrect thoughts — which is about the best description of my trade I can come up with — a certain amount of caution is necessary to the craft. It’s a tightrope act, and you’re walking a wire suspended high above a dark abyss. Having seen a few friends go over the edge into that vast chasm of despair and paranoia, I sometimes have to step back and engage in self-evaluation, to take an inventory of my mind and moods, to reassure myself that I haven’t turned into some caricature of a “hater.”

The future Ambassador to Vanuatu can’t surrender to madness. It would be beneath my diplomatic dignity to become a raving tinfoil-hat kook.

There is also the problem of avoiding guilt-by-association smears. How weird is it that I’ve quoted dozens of radical feminists at this blog, but no one ever accuses me of feminism, whereas if I were to quote Jared Taylor, this would instantly be seized on as evidence of my racism? The shadow of suspicion that inevitably hovers over any conservative — we are perpetually suspected of Wrongthink — has the unfortunate effect of causing many conservative journalists to tiptoe carefully through the ideological minefields, citing only “respectable” sources, lest they give ammunition to their enemies. Nevertheless . . .

Vox Day links the ZMan who links an American Renaissance article:

Professor George Hawley of the University of Alabama is one of the more objective political analysts working today, and one of the few who correctly predicted Donald Trump would win in 2016. His book Right Wing Critics of American Conservatism is a serious examination of conservative thought outside the boundaries of Conservatism Inc., and his more recent Making Sense of the Alt-Right is much closer to the mark than junk rushed into print, such as Angela Nagle’s Kill All Normies. White advocates should therefore listen to Professor Hawley even if some of his message seems like bad news.
Professor Hawley recently published “The Demography of the Alt-Right” for the Institute for Family Studies, and his research is both a “black pill” and a “white pill.” He estimates only about 6 percent of white Americans agree with all three attitudes that he says indicate support for “white identity politics.” Furthermore, these 6 percent tend to be relatively less educated and badly paid. However, even just 6 percent amounts to millions of white Americans.

Now, the phrase “white advocates” here raises eyebrows, and the term “Alt-Right” has become nearly synonymous with Jew-hating, so this is dangerous terrain indeed. One of the things that I despise about the hall-monitor mentality of the PC crowd is their apparent fear that vast numbers of literate Americans might succumb to neo-Nazism overnight if they were to read a single article by someone on the “Alt-Right.” This is the mentality that empowers the SPLC to issue lists of allegedly dangerous Wrongthinkers, who must be banned from all social-media platforms in order to stop the spread of Wrongthink. 

By contrast, I assume my readers to be intelligent, sane and mature, capable of evaluating facts for themselves, and unlikely to suddenly go join the Klan because of some article they read on the Internet. Joining the tiki-torch brownshirt parade is a bad idea, and I should hope my readers don’t need to be cautioned against this, but the issues raised by Professor Hawley’s research inspired the ZMan to declare:

It’s why the math of democracy makes white survival an impossibility. That 25% of whites who lock arms with the 40% who are non-white gets the anti-whites close enough to a permanent majority that they are the default option in an election. It’s why they put all their energy into making sure blacks,Jews, migrants and lesbians are super-angry. The left just needs the turnout and they win. They know the math of democracy too. That means the future is the Kavanaugh hearings over and over until you’re dead. . . .
Is there an argument that is going to cause Debra Katz or Michael Bromwich to reconsider their war on white people? Will Maxine Waters or Kamala Harris ever agree with you? You sat and watched Judge Kavanaugh give a stirring speech in defense of decency and civic justice that Cicero would have found moving. Think about all that has been said and written in favor of civil nationalism, yet, here we are anyway. . . .

You can read the whole thing, because you’re a mature and intelligent person who isn’t going to be marching in any tiki-torch parades, right?

And let me say this: I don’t like gloomy fear-mongering about “white survival.” That kind of attitude leads to senseless violence — Eric Rudolph, Timothy McVeigh and other such apocalyptic terrorists. However, it is fair to speak of the Left’s ideology as broadly “anti-white.” The relentless ratcheting-up of rhetoric on the Left (e.g., “Georgetown Professor Says White Men Should Be Castrated, Fed to Swine Over Kavanaugh Support”) makes their bias self-evident. Yet this should actually inspire conservatives to be optimistic. The Left wouldn’t be ranting madly like this if they were winning, would they? They wouldn’t be trotting out Julie Swetnick unless they were desperate, would they?

It is remarkable that, at this point in our history, both sides of the political divide see themselves as being at the last ditch, fighting against enormous odds for the survival of all they cherish, in a confrontation with powerful and unspeakably evil enemies. And perhaps even more remarkable is this: Both sides may be equally deluded, in the sense that our current political obsessions may not make a dime’s worth of difference in the grand scheme of things. It’s entirely possible that, 30 or 40 years from now, our grandchildren will look back on this period and wonder, “What the heck was that all about?”

Recall that, in the 1960 presidential debates between Kennedy and Nixon, much of their time was spent talking about the islands of Kemoy and Matsu off the coast of China. In the ensuing decade, did any crisis over these islands ever arise? No. Instead we descended into a frightening period of turmoil, foreign and domestic, that had nothing whatsoever to do with Kemoy and Matsu. “What the heck was that all about?”

While it is certainly the duty of the citizen to inform himself about troubling trends in society and government, we should strive to avoid generating the kind of emotional frenzy that leads to violence and madness, e.g., Soros-funded moonbats screeching at senators.

The prospect of a “permanent majority” alliance on the Left that disturbs ZMan is, indeed, a cause for concern. But despair is not a strategy. If we wish to summon to our banner all men of goodwill, we must be able to persuade them that we have hope of a better future.

How about this: Discredit the institutions of the decadent elite.

Shouldn’t the presence of Christine Fair at Georgetown University, for example, suffice to identify this as a school that propagates hatred? Georgetown is anti-white and anti-male, and white male students should assume that they are not welcome at Georgetown. Let these pricey “elite” private schools be made to suffer the consequences — e.g., let the white male alumni of Georgetown refuse to send their sons (or their money) to this perverse and depraved institution, which has been hijacked by its anti-Christian faculty — and see what effect that has.

Americans have no real cause to fear the future, if we will make the most of the opportunities we actually have, including our ability to limit and counteract the influence of the decadent elite.


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