The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rare STD Reported in England

Posted on | August 24, 2018 | 1 Comment

It’s getting scary out there:

A rare sexually transmitted disease that causes flesh-eating ulcers on patients’ genitalia has popped up in England, the Lancashire Post reported.
An unnamed female patient, who lives in Southport and is between the ages of 15 and 25, reportedly was diagnosed with donovanosis within the last 12 months.
Donovanosis, which is spread through sexual intercourse with an infected patient, or by coming into contact with a patient’s infected ulcer, is typically seen in India, New Guinea, parts of the Caribbean, central Australia and southern Africa.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the painless disease causes progressive ulcerative lesions on the genitals or perineum, which are prone to heavy bleeding.
Patients are at risk of extragenital infections that can occur in the pelvic regions, or in intra-abdominal organs, bones or mouth. The lesions may also develop secondary bacterial infections.

The case was made public as the result of an investigation that “also reported that in 2017, 420,000 STDs were diagnosed in England, with chlamydia accounting for 48 percent of cases.”

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.)


In The Mailbox: 08.23.18

Posted on | August 23, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: #MeToo – Famous Lefty Opera Couple Accused Of Rape
Twitchy: So, That Crazy Tinder Dating Story Actually Gets WORSE
Louder With Crowder: White House Releases “Permanently Separated” Video About Illegals Killing Americans

Adam Piggott: Of Course The Earth Is Flat
American Power: Commentator Paris Dennard Suspended After Leftist CNN Hacks Dredge Up Old Sexual Assault Allegations, also, Kate Morton, The Clockmaker’s Daughter
American Thinker: The Socialist Party Platform Is Pathetic & Ignorant
Animal Magnetism: Travel Totty Day 4
BattleSwarm: How To Lie With Polls, Texas Senate Race Edition
CDR Salamander: LCS – An Easy Post As Always
Da Tech Guy: Thoughts After Rome, also, The Great Green Energy Boondoggle
Don Surber: Antifa And The Midterms
Dustbury: Ancient Smut
The Geller Report: Flashback – Obama’s $150,000 Bribe To Reverend Wright, also, Hillary Clinton Illegally Laundered $84 Million
Hogewash: People Eating Tasty Animals, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day plus Bonus TKPOTD
JustOneMinute: The Day After
Legal Insurrection: Is Mitch McConnell The “Michael Jackson Of Owning The Libs”? also, Neil DeGrasse Tyson Calls For “Truth Force”
Michelle Malkin: Let’s All Join Together To Stop Out-Of-Control Prosecutors
The PanAm Post: Democracy – Between Anarchy & Tyranny
Power Line: Democrats, Be Careful What You Wish For, also, Trump Is Right About Stormy Daniels
Shark Tank: Putnam Chides DeSantis Over Trump Endorsement
Shot In The Dark: Berg’s Seventh Law Is Getting Worn Flat From Overuse
The Political Hat: Leviathan As Parent – Racializing Patriotism, Trans In Kindergarten, & Medical Ownership
This Ain’t Hell: USN Hospital Ship Sent To Aid Venezuelan Refugees, also, Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) Wants To Stifle Free Speech
Victory Girls: Confederate Statues To Stay At NC Capitol
Volokh Conspiracy: Netherlands Prosecuting Man For Insulting Turkish President Erdogan
Weasel Zippers: Attorney For Tibbetts Murderer Claims He’s An “All-American Boy” With No Past Record, also, House Committee Approves Defense Fund For Democrat Accused Of Child Molestation
Megan McArdle: The Spectacular Greed & Stupidity Of Team Trump
Mark Steyn: That Dress, Twenty Years On, also, Trump, Trudeau, & Trade

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Another Illegal Alien Kills a Woman

Posted on | August 22, 2018 | Comments Off on Another Illegal Alien Kills a Woman


This time in Minnesota:

The man charged with fatally stabbing his ex-girlfriend in the Shakopee apartment they once shared before slashing his own throat has a criminal history that led to his deportation to Mexico as an illegal immigrant several years ago, federal officials said Tuesday.
Enedelia Perez Garcia, 27, died in the apartment on Aug. 12 from “multiple stab wounds all over her body,” according to a second-degree murder charge filed Monday against Fraider Diaz-Carbajal, 35.
Garcia was killed late that afternoon during an argument at the residence in the 1200 block of Taylor Street, roughly 5 miles west of the Shakopee home where she moved to about a month ago, police said.
Diaz-Carbajal was treated at the scene for his wounds and hospitalized in critical condition. He was booked into jail Monday. . . .
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) spokesman Shawn Neudauer said Diaz-Carbajal has on his record three drunken-driving convictions and another for domestic assault against Garcia. A federal immigration judge in December 2012 ordered him deported to Mexico, and ICE officers carried out that order two days later, Neudauer said.
“Since then, he illegally re-entered the United States, which is a felony,” the ICE spokesman said.

But never mind. “Diversity is our strength.”


In The Mailbox: 08.22.18

Posted on | August 22, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.22.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #355
EBL: Mollie Tibbetts RIP
Twitchy: Tariq Nasheed Admonishes White Conservative For “Playing The Race Card” Over Viral Video
Louder With Crowder: Suspect In Mollie Tibbetts’ Murder Charged – He’s An Illegal Alien

American Power: Today’s LA Times Front Page, also, WaPo Bemoans “Day Like Any Other” At Conservative News Outlets
American Thinker: A Perfect Storm Threatens America’s Survival
Animal Magnetism: Travel Totty Day 3
BattleSwarm: Sid Miller Messes With Texas BBQ
CDR Salamander: Russia, Fortresses, & Spheres
Da Tech Guy: The Job Of A Reporter isn’t Truth, It’s Revenue, also, Movement
Don Surber: Democrats For Nazis, also, Still No Russian Collusion
Dustbury: The Acme Of Police Work
The Geller Report: Australian Islamic Leader Accused Of Illegal Land Clearing Claims His Group Is Exempt From Australian Law, also, Facebook Has A Secret “Trust” Rating For Every User
Hogewash: Meanwhile On Mars, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Legal Insurrection: Fauxcahontas Complains About Treatment Of Illegals When Asked About Mollie Tibbetts, also, Manafort & Cohen Convictions Don’t Change Much Politically
The PanAm Post: Cuban Dictatorship Arrests VP Of Cuban Libertarian Party
Power Line: A Bad Day In Court, also, The President In A Vise
Shark Tank: RINO Mailer Makes A Stink In Clay County
Shot In The Dark: No Mystery
The Jawa Report: It’s Not Often I Dream of Jeannie
This Ain’t Hell: Army Reinstates At Least 36 Discharged Immigrants, also, SFC Lilyea’s Funeral At Arlington
Victory Girls: Mollie Tibbetts’ Murder – Where’s The Outrage?
Volokh Conspiracy: Thinking The Unthinkable About Responding To Cyberattacks
Weasel Zippers: Previously Deported Illegal Arrested For Slashing Woman’s Throat In Massachusetts, also, Flashback – FEC Hit With Civil Lawsuit For Ignoring Civil Complaint Regarding DNC/ClintonMoney Laundering
Megan McArdle: To A Refrigerator Dying Young
Mark Steyn: C-Section Sob Sisters, also, The Priorities Of U.S. Justice

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Anti-Trump Witch-Hunt Update

Posted on | August 22, 2018 | Comments Off on Anti-Trump Witch-Hunt Update


The headline stack on top of Drudge this morning:

Dems worried Mueller getting fired... 
Cohen willing to tell of 'conspiracy to collude'... 
Would NOT accept pardon... 
Inside catch and kill...
PENN: Plea deal attempt to set up president... 
News fuels partisan furor over probe...
Audience Boos Lanny Davis Asking for Money... 

What shall we say about all this? In 2016, Donald Trump was the target of blackmail by two women, ex-Playboy model Karen McDougal and ex-porn performer Stephanie Clifford (a/k/a, “Stormy Daniels”), who threatened to go public with tales of their prior affairs with Trump unless they were paid money. Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen made the necessary arrangements, and then got swept up in Robert Mueller’s anti-Trump witch-hunt. Unlike Paul Manafort, who acted honorably by refusing to cooperate with Mueller, Cohen has proved himself untrustworthy. Whether or not Cohen’s conduct was ethical or legal, he was at all times free to resign his role as Trump’s personal attorney, rather than to do anything he considered wrong. How to pay hush money to bimbo blackmailers isn’t the sort of business taught in law school, and if Cohen didn’t want to do it, he could have walked away. He chose otherwise, however, and was responsible for the consequences of his choice. But his practice of law, however unethical, would likely never have come to public attention had Cohen’s client not been Donald Trump, and if Trump were not the target of Mueller’s witch-hunt.

“Shut up and lawyer up” — that’s the advice I would give to anyone who got on the wrong side of the law. It is a common error to believe that you can talk your way out of trouble, once the cops have decided you’re a bad guy. If you’re accused of being part of a criminal conspiracy, the smart thing to do is to exercise your right to remain silent, and to invoke your right to have your attorney present during questioning. Even if you’re actually guilty of something, there is a chance that the prosecutor will not be able to prove your guilt “beyond a reasonable doubt,” or that some legal technicality may result in your being set free. However, once you start running your mouth, trying to talk your way out of it, you’ll probably say something that will help the cops send you to prison.

Do you want to “roll over”? Do you suppose that you can ameliorate your guilt by ratting out your accomplices? OK, be a punk, but it’s like they say, “If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.”

Paul Manafort was willing to go to trial and suffer whatever punishment the court inflicted on him, rather than to be a punk. It seems to have been a different story for Michael Cohen, who cleverly arranged the “catch-and-kill” of tales from Trump’s bimbo blackmailers:

[T]he chairman of a tabloid media company offered the campaign some assistance, the documents said.
The company agreed to flag for Cohen and the campaign unflattering, unpublished stories about Trump’s relationships with women “so they could be purchased and their publication avoided,” prosecutors said.
The company eventually did exactly that, allowing for Cohen throughout the campaign to arrange for stories to be bought and suppressed with the express purpose of “influencing the election.” The strategy is known in tabloid circles as “catch and kill.”
The company is not named in the court filings and neither are the women, but the description matches that of American Media Inc., the parent company of the National Enquirer, and its chairman, David Pecker, a longtime Trump friend and ally.
The timing and amount of the payments line up with those paid to porn star Stormy Daniels and Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal to buy their silence in the weeks and months leading up to the election.

The key question: Is “catch-and-kill” actually illegal?

A couple of bimbos want to cash in on Trump’s success by telling tales of their past affairs with the candidate, so Cohen strikes a deal with the publisher of the National Enquirer, and we’re told that this was a violation of federal campaign finance laws. If Cohen believed this was illegal, did he tell Trump it was illegal? If a lawyers is willing to do something shady on his client’s behalf, is this the client’s fault?

All this looks very bad for Trump, of course, but it looked very bad for him in October 2016 when the Access Hollywood tapes leaked. Anyone who wants to bet against Trump defeating his enemies should keep in mind that Trump has a habit of defying the odds against him.


Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Insanity

Posted on | August 22, 2018 | 1 Comment

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau celebrates with typical Canadians.

“Human rights” in Canada:

Should the radical Left ever get its way in terms of what society classifies as a human “right” one day, then taxpayer dollars will go beyond funding abortions and into funding a transgender’s breast implants. Just take a peek up north in Canada.
According to LifeSiteNews, a man presenting himself as a woman “launched a human rights complaint against Nova Scotia’s health department for refusing to pay for his breast implants.” Canada currently does not pay for breast augmentation of any kind (male or female) that is for cosmetic surgery.
“Implants are not covered for any individuals who would prefer larger breasts,” health ministry spokeswoman Tracy Barron told Canadian Press. “Breast implants are covered in Nova Scotia for severe congenital or developmental asymmetries and also in breast cancer reconstruction.”
Barron added that men who wish to look more like women through enlarged breasts can do so via hormonal therapy, which taxpayers already fund. However, women who wish to look more like men can have their breasts removed with taxpayer dollars because that is the only way they can fully achieve their preferred gender identity.
The man, “Serina” Slaunwhite, says the policy violates his human rights and constitutes “gender discrimination.”

So, a woman having her breasts amputated is a “human right” that can be billed to Canadian taxpayers, but breast implants for trannies, not so much. The United Nations could pass a resolution condemning this “human rights” violation. Before we consider your “human rights” claim, however. we must first determine if you are actually human. Canadians are sub-human, so they have a right to nothing — zip, zilch, zero, nada.

Does that offend you? I don’t care. I’m offended by the entire concept of so-called “Canada.” If hating Canada is wrong, I don’t want to be right. They’re not even a real country, anyway.


Nutty as Squirrel Farts: The Escalating Madness of Ex-Professor Deborah Frisch

Posted on | August 22, 2018 | Comments Off on Nutty as Squirrel Farts: The Escalating Madness of Ex-Professor Deborah Frisch

Deborah Ellen Frisch, Ph.D., after her Jan. 5 arrest in Bend, Oregon.

One of the unfortunate consequences of reporting about lunatics is that craziness is often adhesive, so that you can’t engage with these nutjobs without some of their insanity getting stuck on you. Since last we reported on the deranged ex-professor Deborah Frisch, a Colorado judge has ordered her arrested, but she’s still at large somewhere in San Diego County, California, and keeping busy in her habitual way.

Date: Wednesday, 22 Aug 2018 2:36 am
From: Robert McCain
To: [28 Addresses Redacted]
To whom it may concern:
By my count, Deborah Ellen Frisch has CC’d me on 34 separate emails during the past 72 hours. These incoherent emails are full of obscene insults aimed at the prosecutor in Weld County, Colorado, and others. As several of you are aware, Dr. Frisch faces sentencing in October on felony charges related to her harassment of blogger Jeff Goldstein and, I am informed, a warrant for her arrest has been issued, apparently because of violation of terms of her pre-sentencing release.
Exactly why Dr. Frisch has CC’d me on all these emails, I can’t explain, as her behavior is self-evidently irrational. Although I am not a psychiatrist, these emails would seem to me sufficient proof that Dr. Frisch’s mental health has deteriorated to such an extent that she may be incapable of rational behavior. Friends with professional experience in the field of psychology who have observed Dr. Frisch’s increasingly erratic behavior suggest that she exhibits symptoms of organic brain damage, a chronic condition that is likely irreversible. Whatever the diagnosis or prognosis may be, any layman can look at Dr. Frisch’s email output and reach the common-sense conclusion that she is daft, demented, cracked, wacky, batty, bonkers, berserk, off her rocker, non compos mentis, nutty as squirrel farts and cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. In short, she is crazy, and seems to be getting crazier every day.
While it is easy for me to ignore Dr. Frisch’s deranged email bombardments, the possibility that Dr. Frisch is now a danger to herself and others cannot be so easily ignored. Certainly, we must hope that authorities in Weld County are taking all measures necessary to prevent this danger.
Robert Stacy McCain

Readers may recall Dr. Frisch’s arrest in January:

Deborah Frisch was “uncooperative” and shouted racial slurs when she was arrested in Oregon . . . according to a police report. Frisch, a former university professor who was wanted on a fugitive warrant from Colorado, became “extremely hostile and belligerent” when police confronted her at Bend City Hall.
“I had prior knowledge that Frisch had an outstanding warrant (full extradition) out of Colorado and that she had been uncooperative with police officers in the past,” Officer Cynthia Ksenzulak wrote in her Jan. 5 report. Frisch, 56, is a former psychology professor charged with two felonies in Colorado related to her harassment of conservative blogger Jeff Goldstein. . . .
According to Officer Ksenzulak’s report, Frisch “referred to me as ‘Kung Pao Cunt’ and kept saying that she was going to resist and that we were going to have to use force on her”:

Frisch used a lot of racial epithets towards the Asian culture and called assisting officers, “Pork chops and pigs.” She screamed at the top of her lungs and then tried to fall to her back. I held her upright so that she did not lay directly onto her handcuffed hands.
Frisch continued to scream and yell. Due to her assaultive and threatening behavior, we placed her in a [restraining harness] without incident. I assisted in escorting her to a patrol vehicle by holding onto and lifting her left side upper body. During this entire time, Frisch did not stop yelling racial epithets toward me.

Let’s hope that when officers track down Dr. Frisch for her next arrest, they’ll be warned about her history of “assaultive and threatening behavior.” Crazy people are dangerous, you know.


Darren Beattie: Guilty of Intellectualism

Posted on | August 22, 2018 | 3 Comments

Sunday, I wrote about Darren Beattie, the former Trump speech-writer who got hounded out of his job by CNN because he spoke at a 2016 conference attended by “white nationalists.” Beattie has now published the text of his speech, “The Intelligentsia and the Right,” and as anyone can now see for themselves, he said nothing — absolutely nothing — about race in this speech. Beattie’s argument is that “movement conservatism” (i.e., the ideology made famous by Buckley and made policy by Reagan) lost whatever intellectual coherence it had with the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. Now, this assertion might itself provoke controversy. Contra Beattie, I would argue that conservatives have simply failed to adapt to the post-Cold War era, and that the primary obstacle to such an adaptation is the Republican establishment, particularly the senior leadership of the Senate, and the GOP consultant class. Furthermore, I would argue, conservatism does not require intellectual coherence, by which I mean that conservatism is not an ideology in the sense that Marxism is an ideology; rather, conservatism is an opposition to all such ideologies. In America, conservatism emerged as a force in the 20th century in the wake of the New Deal, and the post-World War II confrontation with Communism. The uniting force of this movement was perhaps best expressed by Friedrich Hayek in The Road to Serfdom, which argued that the West was headed in the wrong direction, moving steadily toward totalitarianism, by the expansion of the liberal Welfare State.

What has led “movement conservatism” into the wilderness since the 1990s is a lack of visionary and charismatic leadership. It was our singular misfortune that, when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the White House was occupied by George H.W. Bush, a decent and honorable fellow who was not, alas, visionary or charismatic. Thus, liberalism was able to rebound, putting Bill Clinton in the White House for eight years, and we’ve been trying to recover from that ever since.

Success in politics requires a good bit of cynicism and, as a rule, intellectuals don’t much care for the kind of practical considerations necessary to turn ideas into electoral victories, thus to enable the winners to implement policies that will accomplish . . . whatever.

Democrats are generally more cynical in this regard, and Republicans often suffer from a childish naïvete, imagining they can win by being nicer than Democrats. This kind of Nice Guy conservatism is what I call Bushism, and Trump has won by discarding it. He plays hardball with the Democrats, and if he keeps winning, maybe some other Republicans will finally figure out how to play hardball, too. But I digress . . .

However much I might disagree with Darren Beattie (and it’s hard to tell, because his speech is so highbrow, I’m not sure I understand it completely), there is not a word in it that can be called “white nationalism,” and CNN’s witch-hunt against Beattie is evidence of how desperate these Democrats with bylines have become.

Now they’re going after Larry Kudlow for having Peter Brimelow as a guest at his 71st birthday party. Republicans can’t even have a birthday party without the Left’s permission now, I guess.


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