The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Killer Incest Dad’s Lawyer: ‘He Was Head Over Heels in Love With’ His Daughter

Posted on | April 27, 2018 | 1 Comment

Steven Pladl (left) and his daughter/wife Katie Fusco (right).

Earlier this month, shocking headlines announced an atrocious crime: Steven Pladl, 43, had killed his infant son, and then killed the child’s mother, Katie Fusco, 20 — who was also Pladl’s daughter — before committing suicide. Katie had been put up for adoption when she was 8 months old. When she turned 18, however, she contacted her biological parents, who were still married and had two children of their own. Katie, who had been raised in upstate New York, decided in August 2016 to move in with Steven and Alyssa Pladl in Henrico County, Virginia:

All was not well in the Pladl home. Steven and Alyssa had already decided to separate and were sleeping in separate rooms. Alyssa Pladl said she had suffered emotional and verbal abuse by her husband for years.
“I was always on eggshells, whatever his mood was, everybody knew, and that mood was often not happy, a lot of yelling, a lot of things smashed in the house, in front of our kids,” she said. . . .
Alyssa Pladl finally moved out in November 2016, and she shared custody of the two children with Steven Pladl.
In May 2017, she learned from her 11-year-old daughter’s journal of the incestuous relationship and Katie’s pregnancy. Her daughter wrote that she and her sister were told by Steven Pladl to refer to Katie as their stepmother.
“I started to become hysterical, and I called him,” she said. “I said, ‘Is Katie pregnant with your baby?’ He just said, ‘I thought you knew. We’re in love.’
“I started screaming,” she said. “I was just cursing him out: ‘How could you? You’re sick. She’s a child.'”
Then she called the police. . . .

Prosecuting incest between “consenting adults” is apparently difficult. It was not until January 2018 that police arrested the couple. Meanwhile . . .

On July 20, 2017, two months after his divorce from Alyssa was finalized and amid the police investigation, Steven Pladl married Katie in Parkton, Maryland. They lied on their application, saying they were unrelated, according to records.
Katie’s adoptive parents posed for a photo on the wedding day along with Steven, Katie and Steven’s mother. Katie wears a short black dress.
Tony and Kelly Fusco thought there was nothing they could do and had decided it was best to support Katie, [Kelly Fusco’s brother] said.
Katie gave birth to Bennett on Sept. 1. She and Steven moved to a house on a cul-de-sac in Knightdale, North Carolina . . . They were arrested on incest charges in January. A judge ordered them to not contact each other, and Steven Pladl’s mother has custody.
Steven Pladl’s lawyer, Rick Friedman II, said there was never an allegation that Steven Pladl pressured Katie into a relationship.
“This case is an 18-year-old girl who shows up at the doorstep of a 40-year-old man who’s going through difficult times with his wife,” Friedman said. “They have a bond because they’re biologically related, but they never knew each other before they had a sexual relationship. He was head over heels in love with her, so much so that that outweighed the issue of them being biologically related.” . . .

“Love is love!” How often have we heard this from the LGBT lobby? If the emotional impulse of “love” can justify overturning the marriage laws of dozens of states for the sake of “equality,” can we be confident it will remain illegal for a 20-year-old to marry her own father? Perhaps the 5-4 majority that decided the Obergefell case will someday rule that brothers and sisters can marry, too, because “love is love,” right?

Well, we wouldn’t want to offend our gay friends — or risk being accused of “hate” — by comparing homosexuality to incest, but the logic of moral relativism and the rhetoric of radical “equality,” if unopposed, must ultimately destroy all limits of sexual behavior. Even if we believe that adult incest could never gain legal sanction, it is certain that some people will not wait for the Supreme Court’s approval before they go sliding down that slippery slope of “progress.” With no clear standard of right and wrong to impede their hedonistic pursuits, people will do whatever they want, justifying their wickedness by whatever relativistic arguments occur to their depraved minds, and you’ll be condemned as a bigot if you express your disapproval. Warner Todd Huston was suspended from Twitter for saying that transgenderism is a mental illness.


Can anyone argue that Zachary Antolak, a/k/a “Zinnia Jones,” a/k/a “Satana Kennedy,” a/k/a “Lauren McNamara” is not mentally ill? The insanity is self-evident, but you’re not allowed to describe it as such without risking the deletion of your social-media accounts, and why? Because “love is love” and “love trumps hate,” and any criticism of or disagreement with an LGBT activist is “hate.” How did we get here? You can trace the history of this Cultural Revolution back to Alfred Kinsey and then, having done that, ask yourself: What’s next?

What direction will the “emerging awareness” take in the future? Look where we are now: Katie Fusco’s adoptive parents felt obliged to participate in her incestuous “wedding” to her biological father because they “decided it was best to support Katie.” Right — “support Katie,” because she’s no crazier than the porn-addled transgender freaks who insist they have a “right” to silence criticism of their perversity.

Crazy People Are Dangerous, in case you haven’t noticed lately.



Former NBC News Anchor Tom Brokaw Accused of Sexual Harassment

Posted on | April 27, 2018 | Comments Off on Former NBC News Anchor Tom Brokaw Accused of Sexual Harassment


Linda Vester was a 28-year-old NBC News correspondent — the youngest at the network — when she said she was first targeted for sexual harassment by the man who was NBC’s prime-time anchor for decades:

In a series of interviews with Variety conducted over several months, Vester alleged that Brokaw physically tried to force her to kiss him on two separate occasions, groped her in a NBC conference room and showed up at her hotel room uninvited. Two friends who Vester told at the time corroborated her story with Variety, and she shared her journal entries from the time period. Brokaw, who has been married to Meredith Auld since 1962, has never before been publicly accused of sexual harassment.
In a statement from him supplied by a NBC News spokesman, Brokaw said of the allegations, “I met with Linda Vester on two occasions, both at her request, 23 years ago because she wanted advice with respect to her career at NBC. The meetings were brief, cordial and appropriate, and despite Linda’s allegations, I made no romantic overtures towards her at that time or any other.” . . .

You can read the whole thing. When the Sexual Harassment Apocalypse began in October 2017, I remarked:

A witch-hunt has no statute of limitations, nor any standard of due process and, as for evidence, who needs evidence? If a woman says her ex-boyfriend did awful things to her in 2007 or 1997, feminists will applaud her for her “courage” in “breaking the silence,” and nothing that the targeted scapegoat says in his own defense will save him.

In the case of Vester’s accusations against Brokaw, we are talking about alleged incidents that happened more than 20 years ago. Vester left NBC News in 1999. Tom Brokaw is now 78 years old and has been married to the same woman since 1962. While no one can condone the behavior that Vester alleges, what is accomplished by dragging Brokaw’s name through the mud now? After NBC’s Matt Lauer was destroyed by sexual harassment allegations, I remarked that “the reason this is happening is because Hillary lost and Trump won”:

The zero-tolerance no-mercy attitude toward male misconduct is a product of feminist rage over Trump’s victory; they cannot destroy him, so they’ll destroy any man within range. The only way to save yourself? Avoid feminists.

This is about revenge, and NBC’s effort to enact policies to prevent future harassment scandals are being met with skepticism because who can reason with an angry lynch-mob? Far be it from me to complain when liberal media types like Brokaw and Lauer are being hoisted by their own petards, but we cannot cast aside our concern for justice simply because a specific injustice may advance our political interests.

Here’s a question: Do you think maybe the #MeToo mob mentality had something to do with Kanye West’s outspoken support of Donald Trump? Do you think a celebrity hiphop mogul has nothing to fear from this vindictive feminist crusade? If respected public figures — including elderly white liberal journalists — can be destroyed over incidents that happened 20 years ago, do you think a young black man is safe?

Like I keep saying, people need to wake the hell up.


In The Mailbox: 04.26.18

Posted on | April 26, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.26.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Cosby Jury Verdict
Twitchy: John Legend Lectures Kanye About his “Legacy”, And Kanye Dials It Up To Eleven
Louder With Crowder: Dear “Compassionate Leftists” – Your Complicit Silence On Alfie Evans Is Deafening

Adam Piggott: 100% Of Australians Believe That Immigration Is Too High
American Thinker: Sean Hannity Owns $90 Million In Real Estate. So What?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Addadicktame News
BattleSwarm: Alfie Must Die So The Glorious Dream Of Socialism Might Live
BLACKFIVE: Christina Dodd, Dead Girl Running
CDR Salamander: Could You Fight Like It’s 1990?
Da Tech Guy: Which One Of These UK Responses To The #AlfieEvans Case Is Real, And Which One Parody? also, Telling The Story
Don Surber: CNN Can Dish It Out But Can’t Take It
Dustbury: Getting The Shaft
The Geller Report: New Play In Czech Republic Depicts Jesus Raping A Muslima, And It’s Sold Out, also, Mike Pompeo Confirmed As SecState
Hogewash: I’m Not Making This Up, You Know, also, Bonus I’m Not Making This Up, You Know, also also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Joe For America: Why Do Christians Praying In Public Seem To Enrage People?
JustOneMinute: Defensive Gun Use, The CDC, And The Media Cone Of Silence
Legal Insurrection: Sen. Gillibrand Wants Your Post Office To Offer A Public Option For Banking, also, Dr. Ronny Jackson Withdraws As VA Secretary Nominee
Michelle Malkin: Meet Michelle Malkin At The Manhattan Film Festival
Power Line: Annals Of Government Arrogance, also, Chance The Rapper Weighs In
Shark Tank: Liberal Trump-Hater Gets Defensive Over Rubio’s Twitter Backhand
Shot In The Dark: The Eighteen Month Tantrum
STUMP: Illinois Roundup
The Political Hat: Decolonize Academic Rigor, Decolonize Laziness, Decolonize Physics
This Ain’t Hell: Thursday Morning Feelgood Stories, also, Ronny Jackson Withdraws From VA Director Nomination
Victory Girls: Trump, Kanye, Chance The Rapper, & Dragon Energy
Weasel Zippers: 18-Month Sentence For PI Who Tried To Get Trump’s Tax Data, also, New Study – Global Warming “Not As Bad As We Thought”
Megan McArdle: A Farewell To Free Journalism
Mark Steyn: Pictures From An Exhibitionist, also, The Bollardization Of The West

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No, ‘Incel’ Is Not an ‘Ideology’

Posted on | April 26, 2018 | 1 Comment


After it emerged that Toronto mass murderer Alek Minassian referred to himself as an “incel” (involuntary celibate), my natural instinct was to make a joke: If Canadian guys who can’t get laid are a terrorist threat, there could be millions of them! The guy was a pathetic loser, and I find it impossible to take such people seriously.

The internet is enabling a community
of men who want to kill women.
They need to be stopped

That’s the headline on a fear-mongering column by Laura Hudson, a former colleague of Anita Sarkeesian, the feminist who who made herself notorious by her attempts to destroy the videogame industry with dubious charges of sexism. Ms. Hudson tells a twisted counterfactual narrative in which the “most insulated and privileged opponents” of feminism have formed “an online network,” a dangerous “movement”:

Loosely termed the manosphere, the movement has transformed the unquestionable cultural dominance of men into an identity based on a delusion of oppression, and even as they whine inconsolably about the identity politics they claim are ruining their lives. . . .
Some of them kill us. Even more of them say they want to. Both in the most pedestrian of ways, through the casual and regular practice of domestic violence, or simply by assaulting or murdering any woman who does not immediately acquiesce to their sexual demands. More recently, the festering online wound of the incel community has begun to express itself in the form of mass murder. Online platforms have long been more concerned with free speech than the literal lives of women, and the vicious, lethal misogyny of incels has flourished in these spaces accordingly. Misogyny is water, and we are all swimming. . . .
We are complicit in these massacres insofar as we have facilitated them; enabling the mass murder of women under the flag of “free speech” is perhaps the most irresponsible and stupid thing that the men at the helm of the internet could do.

Notice that “free speech” (in scare-quotes) is her target. Disagreement with feminism should be silenced, is the sum of Ms. Hudson’s argument. She justifies this totalitarian policy by invoking the crimes committed by a handful of kooks like Alek Minassian. This style of argument is what I’ve called the “Atrocity Narrative” method of propaganda.

In a populous nation (there are 36 million people in Canada) it is always possible to find a few examples of almost any phenomenon. Police brutality, for example. From time to time, innocent people are killed by police and, if the media are willing to be manipulated by activists, you get protest movements like “Black Lives Matter” promoting the idea that such killings are so routine as to constitute a crisis. Heather Mac Donald has pointed out that a police officer is 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black man than the other way around, but during the height of the “Black Lives Matter” riots, a counterfactual narrative was promoted by CNN and other liberal media, inciting a paranoid anti-police rage.

Do you want stories about people arrested for having sex with dogs? You can find enough stories like that to make it seem like a “crisis,” but there’s no political angle to bestiality, so CNN doesn’t go into 24/7 coverage mode the way they do when a cop shoots a black suspect.

OK, so what about pathetic losers who can’t get laid? Does the murderous rampage by Alek Minassian represent a “crisis” that justifies banning the forums where these losers gather online?

After the Toronto attack don’t
explain Incel ideology, ban it

That’s the headline on another fear-mongering column by Wired contributor Nicole Kobie who, I suspect, would not argue for banning Muslim from the Internet in the wake of an Islamic terrorist attack. Oh, but she has found experts who argue that “incels” must be banned:

“Online forums are another way of expressing that violence,” says Kalwinder Sandhu, researcher in violence against women at Coventry University. “What social media does is enable the spread of that misogyny to be a lot faster. It’s not locker room talk.” . . .
If Minassian’s goal was to spread the incel ideology, he has succeeded. If it wasn’t, it’s happening all the same. . . .
María Rún Bjarnadóttir, doctoral researcher at the University of Sussex, warns against merely descriptive coverage. “They report it without challenging it and I think that is a mistake,” she says. “It must be challenged… the mainstream media should be aware of what they are implying by reporting this without any critique.” . . .
The only time most of us would share a link to the sites that helped radicalise such terrorists would be to demand that authorities take it down.
Instead, because violence against women inexplicably isn’t seen as terrorism, such sites and their messages are viewed as mere curiosities, as though we don’t know the danger of allowing hate speech. Indeed, in the UK misogyny is not considered a hate crime, a fact debated by MPs in parliament only last month. If it were, tackling such sites under existing hate crime legislation would be easier, notes Bjarnadóttir. “If this doesn’t spark the debate and take further, I seriously question what would,” she adds.
If these extremist websites are to be blamed for inciting Minassian or Rodgers, they should be banned just like Isis propaganda. “Isis is obviously a terrorist organisation, and women represent half the world,” says Sandhu. “Why wouldn’t we ban this too?”

Look: There are many tens of thousands of men who read or contribute to online “manosphere” forums, and exactly two — Minassian and his alleged “hero,” 2014 Santa Barbara killer Elliot Rodger — who have committed atrocities. However offensive the discussion on these forums may be, they don’t produce much real-world violence, and the arguments for banning “incel” discussion on the Internet are no more plausible than the arguments for banning violent movies and videogames.

Insofar as the Toronto massacre calls attention to a legitimate social problem, it is a problem that the “manosphere” is actually trying to solve, a problem that feminists like Ms. Hudson and Ms. Kobie want us to pretend doesn’t exist. There are a lot of self-conscious, insecure, awkward young men who lack the social skills necessary to attract romantic partners. Some of these young men may be afflicted with serious mental problems — e.g., autism spectrum disorder — but whether or not they fit any diagnostic category, their problems are very real. Because misery loves company, these losers tend to aggregate online. If you ban “incel” forums, they’ll just find someplace else on the Internet to gather. You cannot solve a social problem by forbidding discussion of it, but this is what feminists advocate in seeking to silence the “manosphere.”

What was Alek Minassian’s problem?

Mr. Minassian attended Seneca College where he was known as an expert in computer chips before completing his course in the past month. He focused on graphics processing units, which have re-emerged in prominence in recent years as a cornerstone of artificial-intelligence technology. . . .
Friends, classmates and a former teacher said he had a form of autism along with social anxiety and mental-health issues.
His own mother described her son as having Asperger syndrome — but that terminology is no longer used in medicine. Rather, people who were said to have Asperger are now diagnosed with autism-spectrum disorder and deemed high-functioning.
“He was afraid of girls and very shy in general,” said Nikki Feinstein, a former high school classmate who is now a teacher. “He didn’t say much, but when he did he was difficult to understand because of his cognitive disabilities.”

That article quotes a psychologist, Dr. Robin Holloway, who specializes in treating autistic youth and says there are “rare cases” like Minassian who  “over the years have built up a list of grievances based on being scorned, rejected, bullied, including sexually”:

“They have built up a tremendous volume of internal anger … and want others to experience their suffering and mental agony in the way they experienced it. . . . Vengeful fantasies can turn into horrible reality.”

Part of the “incel” problem, of course, is that awkward nerds are spending so much time online as a way to avoid real life and, in doing so, they also avoid the kind of personal encounters that could enable them to develop the social skills they actually need. Unless a guy is naturally extroverted and unusually attractive, he’s going to need a lot of practice to learn how to communicate effectively with women. The loser is going to get rejected 9 times out of 10, at least, and he has to develop the mental fortitude necessary to withstand this painful humiliation and keep smiling.

No feminist has ever offered men helpful advice for such a problem, because feminists hate men and never do anything to help men.

This is why feminists like Laura Hudson and Nicole Kobie want to ban online forums where men gather to discuss their problems. Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It.


In The Mailbox: 04.25.18

Posted on | April 25, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.25.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #236
EBL: Republican Debbie Lesko Wins In AZ-8 Special Election
Twitchy: We Can’t Wait For Joy Ann Reid To Explain THESE
Louder With Crowder: UK Police Warn People Not To Speak Out Against Alfie Evans’ Terrible Treatment

Adam Piggott: Podcast #81 – The Faggot Episode
American Power: The Nation’s Broken Probation System, also, Jonah Goldberg, Suicide Of The West
American Thinker: Was The Starbucks Incident A Setup?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Scott Adams On Kanye West & The Coming Golden Age, also, Great Moments In Mail Fraud
CDR Salamander: No Balkan Holiday
Da Tech Guy: For The NHS Reputation, Alfie Evans Must Die, also, Donors Keep The SPLC Out Of Poverty
Don Surber: Trump’s Incompetence, also, Republican Wins In AZ-8, Press Says Trump Is Doomed
Dustbury: Not On Your Diet
The Geller Report: Iran Threatens To Sink American Ships If US Reneges On Nuke Deal, also, Google Search Manipulation Reportedly Can Swing 80% Of Undecided Voters
Hogewash: Gilmore v. Jones LOLSuit News, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also also, Popehat Lawsplains Defamation For Gilmore
Joe For America: Maxine Waters Tells Trump To Resign Or Be Impeached
JustOneMinute: Now What?
Legal Insurrection: Trump Travel Order Argued At Supreme Court, also, Internet Archives Contradict Joy Reid’s Claim That Homophobic Blog Posts Were “Manipulated”
Michelle Malkin: Alfie And Haleigh And Charlie And Jahi
Power Line: Science, Consensus, And Polar Bears, also, Chai Update – Sen. Lee Steadfast In Opposition
Shark Tank: U.S. Chamber Hits Bill Nelson In Ad
Shot In The Dark: This Is What “90% Of Minnesotans” Looks Like
STUMP: Around The Pension-O-Sphere
The Jawa Report: I’ve Been Waiting For You, Julio Wan
The Political Hat: UC San Diego To Stand Against Thought Criminals In New Faculty Hiring
This Ain’t Hell: Attacking Liberal Bias An Assault On Free Press? also, Kent State Prof Julio Pino Arrested For Lying To Feds
Victory Girls: Activist Judge Issues Ruling That DACA Must Continue
Weasel Zippers: Fresno State Prof Who Bashed Barbara Bush Won’t Be Punished, also, Parkland History Teacher Says Cops Were Right To Detain & Question Kyle Kashuv For Rifle Range Pix
Megan McArdle: Bernie Sanders Wants You To Have A Good Job, But There’s A Catch
Mark Steyn: Mark Levin And His “Great Patriot”, also, A Good Hair Day

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Queer Feminism: Doing It Wrong

Posted on | April 25, 2018 | 2 Comments

‘Lara Americo’ (left) and Joanne Spataro (right) at DragCon in New York.

“I have found some lesbians to be the worst, most binary, most intolerant of them all. Some of them have no concept of another identity. They have this lesbian code of never having sex with another man and they have no idea of what pansexuality is or anything like that.”
Joanne Spataro, August 2015

There is a right way to do things, and then there is the Queer Feminist way of doing things, and Joanne Spataro is a queer feminist. She claims to be a “cisgender lesbian,” but she is engaged to marry a man, albeit a man who thinks he’s a woman and calls himself “Lara Americo.”

“Don’t be a weirdo,” I tell my kids. “And don’t hang around weirdos.”

Until I started studying radical feminism, I never thought of “normal” as an achievement, but amid the proliferation of 21st-century weirdness, it takes a tremendous effort to be ordinary and boring.


Feminism Is Queer, to quote the title of a textbook by Professor Mimi Marinucci, who teaches Women’s and Gender Studies at Eastern Washington University. To be a feminist in the 21st century means you cannot be normal. Perversion is now obligatory for feminists, and relationships like Joanne Spataro’s engagement to “Lara Americo” are what we can can expect as typical consequences of this ideology.


It is no surprise that Ms. Spataro’s attempts to become pregnant — “trying to have a baby the old-fashioned way” — are “complicated.” To begin with, both she and her, uh, partner had to stop taking synthetic hormones. Yes, in case you didn’t realize it, birth-control pills are synthetic hormones which prevent pregnancy by obstructing a woman’s normal hormone production. It is a well-known scientific fact that hormones influence mood and behavior, and it is therefore perhaps no coincidence that Queer Feminism flourishes among a generation of young women raised on “safe sex” ideology, many of whom began taking contraceptive pills as teenagers. What are the possible long-term consequences of deliberately causing an abnormal hormone-induced state of sterility in adolescent girls and young women?


Ms. Spataro evidently wasn’t contemplating questions like that when she was rallying in support of taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood, nor did she wonder why Planned Parenthood should be such an important cause for a homosexual man like Tad Mack. “Intersectionality” is the buzzword by which Queer Feminism rationalizes every puzzling contradiction and non sequitur of the movement. And her efforts to become pregnant are quite puzzling indeed:

Over the last several months, I’ve spent evenings watching my fiancée, Lara, inject herself with smaller and smaller doses of estrogen. I’ve watched her stand in front of a mirror, singeing each hair out of her face with a secondhand electrolysis machine.
The return of her testosterone hasn’t resulted in just the resurgence of facial hair; her pants now fit differently, too. My own skin has been plagued by acne since I got off the pill six months ago, and my default states are angry, hungry or sleeping. Such are the perils of trying to have a child the way Lara and I are trying, without in vitro fertilization, or cryogenically frozen sperm. The way fertile cisgender people do: They simply couple up, and boom — a child is born. . . .

(This is so strange to Queer Feminists. Normal people doing normal things the normal way — where’s the “intersectionality” in that?)

Not long after we met, Lara, who transitioned at the wise old age of 30, told me that with each year she takes estrogen injections, her fertility declines. Like many trans people, Lara wasn’t interested in having children when she transitioned. We got together in May 2015; last fall, she told me it was, essentially, now or never, as she wanted her transition to continue moving forward. By then, the thought of not being able to have my own biological child could make me tear up in front of my happily childless friends, who encouraged me to try if it was something I really wanted.
Here we are, over seven months later: she’s off her hormones; I’m off the pill; we’re engaged and enraged from our respective hormonal shifts. The early stages of this process make me wish for more time; we didn’t realize we wanted children together until we fell in love. . . .

You can read the rest of that, if you’re not concerned weirdness might be contagious, transmitted by New York Times op-ed columns.

Ms. Spataro’s lack of curiosity and caution about long-term consequences (e.g., the loss of normal emotional range as a result of ingesting synthetic hormones) is typical of feminists and other “progressive” ideologues. Discontinuing her contraceptive regimen leaves her dysfunctional, so that her “default states are angry, hungry or sleeping,” and yet this doesn’t arouse Ms. Spataro’s curiosity about what other abnormalities she might have experienced as side-effects of these drugs. In the same way that socialists don’t concern themselves with the consequences of market distortions produced by their policies — the continuing disaster in Venezuela, for example — feminists don’t worry about how their idolatrous devotion to “choice” might ultimately hurt women.

A concern for long-term consequences is necessary for those of us normal people who “simply couple up, and boom — a child is born.” In becoming parents, we are not only responsible for the short-term safety of our children, but also acquire a sense of responsibility for the society in which our children are raised. Our babies will one day become adults, and what kind of world will they inherit? My oldest three children are now married with children of their own, and it is to be hoped that my grandchildren will grow up, get married and have their own children. Certainly, I would not want my descendants to associate with the misbegotten offspring of weirdos like Joanne Spataro and “Lara Americo.” Perhaps the madness of Queer Feminism is not so contagious that it can be transmitted through New York Times columns, but we cannot disregard the possibility that Queer Feminism is a hereditary disease. Recall the case of Tobias “Tobi” Hill-Meyer, the “turkey-baster” offspring of lesbian feminists Jennifer Meyer and Kate Hill, who grew up to be a “Queer Trans Multiracial Sex-Positive Activist” and also, a producer of pornography. Of course, as a statistical proposition, Queer Feminist motherhood is rather rare. Being a fanatic for “choice” isn’t very compatible with high birth rates, after all.


Even if a feminist is not adamantly opposed to heterosexual intercourse (“PIV is always rape, OK?”), she still faces the problem of attracting a male partner in order to reproduce “the old-fashioned way.” How many men are so desperate (or utterly lacking in self-respect) that they would voluntarily have sex with a feminist? Well, there’s Jessica Valenti’s Harvard-educated husband, and also Bill Clinton, but most normal men avoid feminists for the same reason that Jews avoid Nazis.

It is no coincidence that Joanne Spataro’s only prospect for becoming a mother “the old-fashioned way” involves a relationship with a self-described “activist . . . for social justice and LGBTQ rights.” She could not have randomly ended up with someone like “Lara Americo.”


You see that it is partisan politics — the prevailing “social justice” ideology of the Democrat Party — which explains this weird relationship. To be a Democrat in the 21st century is to be alienated from and hostile to everything that is decent, honest and wholesome in life. The only people invited to the 2016 United States of Women Summit were Democrats like “Lara Americo.” Transgender “women” with penises were welcome at this White House event, but Republican women were not. According to Democrats, “woman” is no longer defined by biology, but by politics.

Therefore, Joanne Spataro is a “lesbian” in a relationship with a “woman” with a penis, which is feminism, because they’re Democrats.

And they still can’t understand why Hillary lost . . .


Colorado Couple Arrested for Dog Sex

Posted on | April 25, 2018 | Comments Off on Colorado Couple Arrested for Dog Sex

Dog sex suspects Frederick Manzanares (left) and Janette Solano (right).

The victim’s name was Bubba:

A Colorado couple are facing animal cruelty charges after they allegedly had sex with their dog in a backyard motorhome that they converted into a sex chamber.
Frederick Blue Manzanares, 50, and his ex-girlfriend Janette Eileen Solano, 48, were arrested in March and have been charged with four counts of cruelty to animals.
Police began investigating in March 2017 after Solano reported a domestic violence incident involving Manzanares.
She later told an officer that they only had an argument, but that she was leaving Manzanares because he pressured her into having sex with their dog.
Solano claimed that she first discovered pictures of bestiality on the couple’s shared laptop and confronted Manzanares about them, according to the Denver Post.
She said he told her to have an open mind and then began introducing her to bestiality videos, forums, and literature, according to the affidavit.
Solano said the couple then began having sex with their Siberian husky mix, named Bubba.
She alleged these sexual acts occurred inside a motorhome that Manzanares had outfitted with a customized padded bench to make it easier to copulate with Bubba.
Manzanares allegedly used dog hormone spray to arouse Bubba and would take pictures and videos while they had sex with him.
Videos of the couple having sex with Bubba were later found by police.
Solano said she started to become ‘somewhat jealous’ of her boyfriend’s relationship with their dog and that it would often lead to arguments.

You probably think bestiality is rare, but dog sex was one of the charges filed last month against an Indiana couple, Keylin and Sheila Johnson, who were arrested for child abuse. Meanwhile, in Washington State, a child pornography investigation led police to the discovery of photos and videos they say show Hunter Scott Christian having sex with dogs. And in Pittsburgh, police say prominent environmental lawyer Ivan DeVoren sexually abused his puppy named Snoopy. So that’s at least four dog-sex cases that have made headlines so far this year, and it’s only April. In 2016, I counted 11 Americans who had been arrested for dog sex, and the cases that make headlines may be just the tip of an iceberg.

(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)


The Kids Are Not All Right

Posted on | April 25, 2018 | Comments Off on The Kids Are Not All Right

Slidell, Louisiana:

Two students at an elementary school in Louisiana were arrested on Wednesday for distributing child pornography. According to the Slidell Police Department, the female student sent nude photos of herself to the male student, who then sent the photos of her to “numerous other students at the school” through Snapchat.
According to police, the students were caught when administrators at the school, Bonne Ecole Elementary, learned the boy had nude photos of the girl and contacted authorities. Investigators reportedly said that the girl had sent nude photos of herself to the boy on Snapchat. The boy then allegedly screenshotted the photos of her and sent them to other students. The students were released to their parents after their arrest.
“Most kids are not aware, but sending a nude photo of themselves is a crime,” Slidell Police Chief Randy Fandal said in a statement. “Parents need to have a candid conversation with their kids about the seriousness, and the long term effects, of taking and sending nude photographs.” . . .
The student’s ages have not been released, but Bonne Ecole Elementary serves children from pre-kindergarten through sixth grade.
“We’re asking the parents, please, stay aware of what your kids are doing with social media,” Fandal told local Fox affiliate WVUE-TV. “Look at their smartphones, see what applications they have on their smartphones and be aware of what your child is doing. Please.”

This is insane. If sixth-graders are sending nude photos of themselves, what will they be doing by the time they get to high school?

(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)


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