The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 02.02.18

Posted on | February 2, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.02.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Groundhog Day
Twitchy: MSNBC’s Katy Tur Caught Straight-Up LYING About The Steele Dossier
Louder With Crowder: Parents Of Girl Slain By MS-13 Slam Democrats For SOTU Disrespect
According To Hoyt: The Weight Of History
Vox Popoli: SJWs Attempt Hit On DC Comics Artist
Business Insiders: Furious Formula 1 Grid Girls Lose Their Jobs Thanks To Feminists, Fight Back On Twitter (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: The Right Woman For The Job, also, Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – Grid Girls Edition
American Power: Watching Europe Fall, also, Memo Day
American Thinker: The Center Of The Web
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Horse Squeeze Friday
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For 2/2/18
CDR Salamander: The Bear Is Hungry, The Oceans Are Vast – Uncle Sam & The Mountie Are Far Away
Da Tech Guy: My Memo/Prediction -Watch Dems/Media Suddenly Go Frank Drebin, also, In Cuba, Fidel Jr. Kills Himself
Don Surber: Memo Confirms Obama’s Corruption
Dustbury: Effacing The Prince
Fred On Everything:
The Geller Report: Iranian Cops Bust 29 Women For Appearing In Public Without Hijabs, While Western Feminists Impose World Hijab Day, also, UK Government Rejects Petition For Free Speech Act
Hogewash: Time For An Intervention? also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Joe For America: FISA Memo Released – As Serious And Damaging As Advertised!
JustOneMinute: Watching The Sausage Factory
Legal Insurrection: Nunes Memo Alleges FBI Used Steele Dossier To Get FISA Warrant On Trump Campaign Member, also, Academics Suffers After Minnesota School District Adopts Social Justice Curriculum
Power Line: What The House Intelligence Committee Memo Says, also, The Wrong Side Of Z Street
Shark Tank: Obama Gets Trumped – Paychecks Rise Fastest In Eight Years
Shot In The Dark: Rumors Of Demise Greatly Exaggerated
STUMP: Friday Foolery – Dumb Taxes In General
The Jawa Report: Da Memo
The Political Hat: The Feminist Enwokening Of AI
This Ain’t Hell: Marketing & Myths Hurt Recruiting Efforts, also, NFL Should Be Freaking Out
Victory Girls: SJW Snowflake Wants UCF Student Expelled For Refusing Hijab
Weasel Zippers: Federal Judge Rules FL Lifetime Ban On Felon Voting Is Unconstitutional, also, Canada Changes Its Anthem To Be Gender Neutral
Megan McArdle: After 45 Birthdays, Here Are Twelve Rules For Life
Mark Steyn: Dreamers & Schemers, also, FISA Friday Fever!

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In The Mailbox: 02.01.18

Posted on | February 1, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.01.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Doubling up on the links today since yesterday’s linkagery was derailed by technical difficulties.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #152
EBL: Blondie SOTU – “Dreaming” & “Atomic”, also, FBI Memo Thursday
Twitchy: Jenna “Mad Dog” Jameson Owns Fauxcahontas For Heap Big Whining About SOTU
Louder With Crowder: Joy Reid Blasts Trump’s SOTU Message on “Church” And “Family”, also, Rose McGowan Blasts Alyssa Milano’s #MeToo Hypocrisy
Scientific American Blogs: Bill Nye Doesn’t Speak For Us And He Doesn’t Speak For Science

Adam Piggott: The Power Of Memes, also, Podcast #73 – The Invasion Day Episode
American Power: Guess Co-Founder Paul Marciano Denies Kate Upton Allegations, also, Laura Moriarty, American Heart
American Thinker: The Shabby, Sophomoric Behavior Of Democrats At SOTU, also, A Brief History of The Fake News Media
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day and Unintended Consequences News
BattleSwarm: Clinton Corruption Update – The Converging, also, Quick Impressions – TX-06
Bring The HEAT: Former Coastie Matt Udkow Still Saving Lives, also, About That “Lowest Of The Low” Rant – Psychology Today Looks At The Enlisted Force
CDR Salamander: Does Our Broader Middle East Strategy Need “Recalibration”? also, Your F-35A/B/C Cheat Sheet
Da Tech Guy: Notre Dame’s Next, also, CNN Already Crying About 2018 Election Russian Midterm Meddling, also also, Ed Morrissey On Why Trump Won SOTU Night
Don Surber: Trump Says “Americans Are Dreamers Too!” also, Democrats Blew Wave
Dustbury: Issue Skirted, also, I Want To Look Good For The Aliens
The Geller Report: Devout Muslim Shoots Cop 13 Times To Uphold Quranic Teachings, also, MUST SEE VIDEO – European Women Rise Up Against Migrants’ Rape Jihad With #120dB Movement
Hogewash: I’m Not Making This Up, You Know, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also also, Oh No! Not Again!
Jammie Wearing Fools: Journalist Claims Photo Of Obama & Farrakhan Was Suppressed, also, Two So-Called “DREAMers” Arrested On Human Smuggling Charges
Joe For America: Hamas Founder Dies After “Accidentally” Shooting Himself In The Head, also, Democrats Should Worry About SOTU Poll Results
JustOneMinute: The Next Big Collapse, also, We Need A Few Good Men (And Women!) To #ReleaseTheMemo
Legal Insurrection: DNC Going Broke As RNC Rakes In Cash, also, Trey Gowdy Won’t Run Again, also also, High School Play Cancelled After Activists Complain About Colorblind Casting
Michelle Malkin: “Dreamers” Versus Demons
Power Line: From The Sublime To The Ridiculous, also, Manchin Or Mousechin? also also, The FBI Has “Grave Concerns”? So Do I
Shark Tank: #ReleaseTheMemo – Speaker Ryan Calls For FBI’s “Cleansing”, also, Rick Scott’s PAC Crushes Bill Nelson’s Moving America Forward PAC
Shot In The Dark: Heard On Social Media – 1938, also, Land Of 10,000 Money Pits
STUMP: Illinois Idiocy – Let’s Issue Pension Obligation Bonds When Our Ratings Are Low!
The Jawa Report: Trump State Of The Union 2018
The Political Hat: A Drugged And Docile Populace – SciFi Dystopia Or Woke Utopia? also, Socialist Healthcare – Delayed Treatment, Dearth Of Nurses, Not So Free
This Ain’t Hell: Trump Says Gitmo Remains Open For Business, also, Goodell Says NFL Has Done Enough To Honor Veterans, also also, Will Colonel McDuffie Be Forced To Retire?
Victory Girls: #ReleaseTheMemo Panic Grips The Swamp, also, Tweets Gone Wild – Democrats’ Deranged Responses To Trump’s Sane SOTU Speech
Weasel Zippers: Trump Approves Release Of FBI Abuse Memo, also, 77 Illegals Found In Fake, Smelly, Lowriding UPS Truck, also also, Trump Compares Pelosi’s “Crumbs” Comment To Hillary’s “Deplorables” Gaffe
Megan McArdle: Can Amazon Transform Health Care? It’s Not A Crazy Idea
Mark Steyn: The State Of The State Of The Union, also, The Constitutional Right To A Long Goodbye

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75% Approval: President Trump Triumphs in His First State of the Union Speech

Posted on | January 31, 2018 | Comments Off on 75% Approval: President Trump Triumphs in His First State of the Union Speech


Even the Democrat-controlled media can’t deny it:

Three in four Americans who tuned in to President Trump’s State of the Union address tonight approved of the speech he gave. Just a quarter disapproved.
Eight in 10 Americans who watched tonight felt that the president was trying to unite the country, rather than divide it. Two-thirds said the speech made them feel proud, though just a third said it made them feel safer. Fewer said the speech made them feel angry or scared. . . .
Nine in 10 Republicans said the speech made them feel proud, while just over half of Democrats said it made them feel angry. Independents who watched the speech — nearly half of whom counted themselves the President’s supporters — tended to approve of the speech, and said it made them feel proud.

John Sexton at Hot Air writes:

The line of the night came at the end of Trump’s defense of an America First approach. After introducing two families whose teen daughters were killed by MS-13 gang members, Trump said he was proud America was a leader in helping people in need around the world but added, “As President of the United States my highest loyalty, my greatest compassion, my constant concern is for America’s children, America’s struggling workers, and America’s forgotten communities.” He continued, “I want our youth to grow up to achieve great things. I want our poor to have their chance to rise. So tonight I am extending an open hand to work with members of both parties, Democrats and Republicans, to protect our citizens of every background, color, religion, and creed.
“My duty and the sacred duty of every elected official in this chamber is to defend Americans, to protect their safety, their families, their communities, and their right to the American dream because Americans are dreamers too.”

Americans are dreamers, but Democrats were having their worst nightmare. Nancy Pelosi spent the night glum-faced, evidently fidgeting with her dentures, and one Democrat, Rep. Luis Gutierrez, walked out of the speech when Republicans began chanting, “USA! USA! USA!”

The official Democrat response to Trump’s speech was given by Joe Kennedy III, whose personal wealth is estimated at more than $15 million, complaining about economic inequality and “privilege.” Also, he threw in a #MeToo reference — without any sense of irony.

Democrats are off-balance and out of touch. The voters they lost in 2016 — the ones who got nothing from eight years of Obama, and would have gotten nothing from Hillary — aren’t going to be persuaded by class warfare and identity politics arguments to vote Democrat again. If the Republican Party establishment will wake up, and stop trying to “distance” itself from President Trump, his popular policy agenda offers the GOP a chance to build a governing majority.

UPDATE: Da Tech Guy describes the contrast: “90 minutes of optimism from Donald Trump” followed by “pessimism pessimism pessimism from Joe Kennedy.” He also noticed that CNN wasted no time in returning to its “Russian collusion” conspiracy theories.


Illegal Future Democrats

Posted on | January 30, 2018 | 1 Comment

A few headlines from

Democrats Bringing More Than Two Dozen
Illegal Aliens to Trump’s SOTU

Rep. Paul Gosar: I’ve Asked Capitol Police,
Jeff Sessions to Arrest ‘Any Illegal Aliens’
Attending Trump’s SOTU

New York Times: Immigrants Are
Superior to Americans and Their Kids

‘Dreamers’ Arrested for Human Smuggling —
Twice in Two Days

11 Democrats to Boycott Trump’s
State of the Union Address — 49 Fewer
than Snubbed Inauguration

Maybe you have opinions about some of this stuff . . .


In The Mailbox: 01.30.18

Posted on | January 30, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.30.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Jamiel Shaw – Murdered By A DREAMer
Twitchy: “He Does Not Speak For Us Or For Science” – 500 Actual Women Scientists Rake Bill Nye For Attending SOTU
Louder With Crowder: Rep. Gosar Calls For Illegals To Be Arrested At SOTU
City Journal: Minnesota, Plundered By Vikings (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: The Physical Manifestation Of The Hot/Crazy Matrix
American Power: Laura Dunn
American Thinker: Rosenstein – Agent Of The Deep State Coup
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily There They Go Again News
BattleSwarm: Abandoning The Palestinian Delusion
BLACKFIVE: Book Review & Author Q/A – Nick Petrie, Light It Up
Bring The HEAT: Because Hillary Was Supposed To Win
CDR Salamander: Sealift, Logistics, & MSC On Midrats
Da Tech Guy: Report From Louisiana – Oscar Movie Marathon, also, Tebow To MLB This Year, Or The XFL In 2020?
Don Surber: Our Constitutional Crisis
Dustbury: Fark Blurb Of The Week
The Geller Report: Sweden Murder Spree – Migrants Shoot Man, Stab Trial Witness & Wife To Death, also, Minnesota Gubernatorial Candidate Under Fire For Calling Islam “Antithesis Of The Constution”
Hogewash: Yours Truly Johnny Atsign, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Weird Irony – Obese Woman Reads Passage From Fiction Book About Trump Eating McDonald’s
Joe For America: Yoga Is Now Racist – Contributes To White Supremacy And Endangers The Environment
JustOneMinute: Get Woke, Go Broke
Legal Insurrection: California May Declare Coffee A “Cancer Risk”, also, Sen. Menendez’ Ongoing Corruption Trial Has Dems Scrambling For A Plan B
Michelle Malkin: SOTU Live On CRTV
Power Line: Full of Schiff On Dem Memo, also, Explosive House Memo To Be Released As McCabe Leaves FBI
Shark Tank: “Sanctuary City” Ban Up For Vote In Florida Legislature
Shot In The Dark: I Suppose It’s Better Than “Beaten Down Passive-Aggressive Lemmings”
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday – Let A Hundred Excellence Funds Bloom
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler Predictions!
This Ain’t Hell: Loudmouth Teacher Greg Salcido On Admin Leave, also, Park Service Asks That You Not Leave Cremains At The Wall
Victory Girls: It’s Official – The Grammy Awards Ratings Went Into The Toilet
Megan McArdle: Sorry, Blue States – You Can’t Fix The Tax Bill
Mark Steyn: Desperately Seeking Completion, also, The Long Goodbye

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Laura Dunn Is an Evil Liar

Posted on | January 29, 2018 | Comments Off on Laura Dunn Is an Evil Liar


When she was a freshman at the University of Wisconsin in 2004, Laura Dunn got drunk and had a ménage à trois with two guys. More than a year later, she decided she was a rape victim and filed a complaint with the university, and also reported the alleged rape to the campus police:

The investigation did not go well for Dunn. Because she reported the assault nearly a year-and-a-half after the event, one of the men had already graduated. The other insisted the encounter had been consensual, and since there were no witnesses or evidence, both the police and the university dropped the case. . . .
[Dunn] filed a Title IX sexual discrimination complaint with the [federal Education Department’s] Office for Civil Rights. Dunn accused the University of Wisconsin of multiple violations, including subjecting her to a hostile environment and failing to provide a “prompt and equitable resolution” of her case.
But in 2008, four years after the original incident, she received an 18-page letter from the Department of Education with the verdict: “Based on its investigation, OCR determined that there is insufficient evidence to substantiate the allegations made in the complaint.”

If you haven’t yet read Christina Hoff Sommers’ account of this case, read the whole thing now, because it is central to understanding why and how the Obama administration effectively abolished due-process protections for university students accused of sexual misconduct. Dunn’s story was featured in a 2010 National Public Radio report that portrayed her as a trustworthy and sympathetic victim. The NPR story inspired the infamous 2011 “Dear Colleague” letter to U.S. universities that was interpreted as a mandate to impose extreme policies that in effect denied due-process to accused students, so that any accusation of sexual misconduct was treated as tantamount to proof of guilt.

All because Laura Dunn was a drunk teenage slut. Excuse me if I seem a bit judgmental, but didn’t I just tell you to read the whole story?

Dunn agreed to make her records public as a condition of being a part of the NPR/CPI investigation. The 18-page letter (PDF) she received from the OCR is publicly available. It gives a detailed summary of notes taken by University of Wisconsin deans as well as the local police detective. As freelance reporter Derek Rose has pointed out, it tells a very different story from the one we heard from [Joseph] Shapiro on NPR’s Morning Edition or from the [Center for Public Integrity] report.
To wit: When Dunn first spoke to the dean (15 months after the alleged rape), she said that “a portion of the sexual encounter was consensual.” (p.5) A few days later when she spoke to a campus police detective, Dunn said twice that she did not remember being raped by one of the men (the one still on campus). She found out about it only when the men told her what happened the next day (p.6). She also told the detective that in the months after the alleged rape that she went — twice — to one of the men’s residence, where they engaged in consensual “physical contact.”
On one of these occasions both of the alleged assailants were at the apartment and they all watched television together. (p.6) None of these details were mentioned in the NPR/CPI report.

Simple question: How can Laura Dunn know she was raped if, the morning after, she couldn’t even remember what happened? This is where it is necessary to explain the difference between “passed-out” drunk and “blackout” drunk. If you get so drunk you pass out, and someone sexually molests you while your are unconscious, obviously that’s a crime. But that’s different from “blackout” drunk, a term describes how alcohols impairs your memory of what you did when you were extremely drunk. Anyone who has ever gotten extremely drunk is familiar with this phenomenon. Thursday night, a college boy goes to a frat party, gets totally hammered and wakes up Friday morning in some random girl’s bed, not knowing where he is or how he got there. His memory of Thursday night is a blur, and he may not even remember the name of the girl he’s with. As to whatever sexual activity they engaged in, this is likewise lost in the alcoholic blur, and this kind of “blackout” drunk sex happens routinely on college campuses.

Or at least, that’s how it used to happen, back when feminism meant that women were believed to be responsible for their own sexual behavior, rather than being helpless victims of “heteropatriarchy.” Nowadays, when a college boy and a college girl get drunk and hook up, this is automatically considered sexual assault, because being drunk negates consent. The drunk girl is a victim, and the drunk boy is a rapist — even if both of them were so drunk they barely remember anything.

This is a problem inherent to so many “he-said/she-said” incidents on campus that result in sexual assault complaints. It is hardly controversial to say drunk teenagers behave irresponsibly, but the effect of policies implemented pursuant to the “Dear Colleague” letter is to say that drunk teenage girls have no responsibility for their behavior, while drunk teenage boys bear 100% responsibility. All it takes is for the girl to experience morning-after regret — even if it’s more than a year later — and the male student finds himself caught in the machinery of campus disciplinary proceedings where he is deprived of the due-process protections that any common criminal would have in a court of law.

Under the Trump administration, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has repudiated the “Dear Colleague” letter and acted to restore some semblance of fairness in the treatment of sexual misconduct claims, and guess what? Laura Dunn has filed a federal lawsuit objecting to this:

Laura Dunn, a victim of sexual assault while at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is taking a strong stand to protect students who come forward to report their own experiences of sexual misconduct on campus.
Dunn went on to earn a law degree and create SurvJustice, a nonprofit that has helped scores of college women report sexual assaults. She also worked with Vice President Joe Biden to craft laws and guidance for universities that protected victims and improved campus sexual assault investigations. . . .
On Thursday, Dunn’s SurvJustice and two other women’s rights organizations filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California against Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, the Department of Education and Candice Jackson, acting assistant secretary for civil rights.
The suit, according to the plaintiffs, is an attempt to strike down the Trump administration’s unconstitutional Title IX policy harming student survivors of sexual violence and harassment. . . .

You can read the whole thing, if you can stomach the shameless bias. First of all, contrary to what this article says, every investigation of Dunn’s complaint has failed to find evidence that she was ever “a victim of sexual assault.” Second, there is nothing “unconstitutional” about the Trump administration’s policy, nor is there any reason to believe that this policy is “harming student survivors.” Most importantly, notice that this lawsuit is being filed in the Northern District of California, where nearly all the judges are liberals appointed during the Clinton or Obama administrations, and where any appeal of their ruling will go to the ultra-liberal 9th Circuit. What the plaintiffs are clearly seeking is for the district court to issue an injunction to block DeVos’s authority, with no hope to reverse this without taking the case all the way to the Supreme Court, a process that could take years. Why? Because drunk sluts now believe they have a “right” to punish any guy they hook up with when they’re drunk. This punitive regime is necessary for women like Laura Dunn, enabling their belief that they’re victims of “heteropatriarchy,” instead of having to accept the ugly truth about their own immoral behavior.



In The Mailbox: 01.29.18

Posted on | January 29, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.29.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Sabo Strikes Again At The Grammys, also, 12 Strong – A Movie Review
Twitchy: Actor Don Cheadle Slammed For Sexist Swipe At Nikki Haley
Louder With Crowder: Political Stunts At Grammys Backfire Bigly, Ratings Tank Hard
Architectural Digest: Amazon’s Alexa Now A Feminist

Adam Piggott: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
American Power: The Hateful Ideology And Rhetoric Of Homosexual Rights, also, Indian Slavery
American Thinker: Obama, Leader Of The Deep State Coup
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: Enough Freaking Out Over Trump’s DACA Proposal, also, Jordan Peterson Interview Take Two
BLACKFIVE: Ward Larsen, Cutting Edge
Bring The HEAT: Aerial Delivery Of Naval Mines
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Leaving Behind Our Shore Line In Space, also, The Black And The White SOTU Rebuttals
Don Surber: Trump’s Plan To Scuttle DACA, also, Millionaires Plan People’s State Of The Union Speech
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, Man’s Inhumanity To Dog
The Geller Report: Shocking! One In Eight Swedish Women Will Be Raped, also, The Urgent Case For Antitrust Legislation Against Facebook & Google
Hogewash: Another One Bites The Dust, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Major Campaign Donor Secretly Pleads Guilty To Bribing Mayor DiBlasio, also, Crumbs! Dimwit Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Says “I’m Not Sure $1000 Goes Very Far For Anyone”
Joe For America: California HS Teacher Disparages Military – “The Lowest of The Low”
JustOneMinute: Breakthrough Health Advice
Legal Insurrection: Nikki Haley Is All Of Us – Says Artists Reading Fire & Fury Killed The Grammys, also, FBI Deputy Director McCabe On Leave Until Retirement In March
Power Line: Are The Democrats Fighting A Civil War? also, Disinformation Democrat Style
Shark Tank: Democrats Fail Immigrants With Their “Rent-A-Rican” and “Papaya Politics”
Shot In The Dark: Culture Police Blotter
STUMP: Memory Monday – Last Week of January 1918
The Jawa Report: Attention Twitter Luser @khadim3322102
The Political Hat: Euthanasia Is Built On A Lie
This Ain’t Hell: Peter Maass Says It’s Time To Wage War Against War Movies That Glorify Outdated Models Of Masculinity, also, Manning For Senate – #WeGotThis
Victory Girls: You Can Have My Meat When You Pry It From My Cold Dead Hands, also, Are Fitness Apps Highlighting US Bases?
Megan McArdle: Ode To A Washing Machine
Mark Steyn: Lurid Grooviness, also, The Grammy Hall of Lame

Rule 5 Monday: Winter Pinups

Posted on | January 29, 2018 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

It’s been a pretty rough winter for most of the country; why, even here in Las Vegas the temperatures have gotten close to freezing a couple of times this past month. Seems appropriate then, to indulge in a little artistic liberty with Gil Elvgren, who brings us a girl and her penguins.
Insert the standard disclaimer here; I’m in a bit of a rush this morning.

A girl and her penguins out enjoying the cold.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny leads off with Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #146, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. Animal Magnetism presents Rule Five Video Game Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL’s thundering herd this week includes Squirrel (Girl) Appreciation Day, Abby “Grace” Nierman, Long Red Hair, Friday Rule 5, Happy Australia Day, National Chocolate Cake Day, Hillary Hypocrisy, Nicole Eggert, and Sabo Strikes Again At The Grammys.

A View From The Beach brings us Kerry-Lee CousinsIs Sea Level Rise Turning Sewage into Beer?, It Takes All Kinds …#FightFor$15: WSU SJW Scabs Charge Below Scale for Whinging About Halloween CostumesShe’ll Never Work in Hollywood Again“Talking Body”Tramps On a Train   and #NotHerToo: Brigit Bardot Skeptical

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Patricia De León, his Vintage Babe is Goldie Hawn, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Valisere. At Dustbury, it’s Garfunkel and Oates, otherwise known as Riki Lindhome and Kate Micucci.

Thanks to everyone for the luscious linkagery!

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