The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 11.27.17

Posted on | November 27, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 11.27.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Iron Bowl 2017
Twitchy: Keith Olbermann Has Nothing Left To Say, Retires From Political Punditry
Louder With Crowder: Amazon’s Alexa Is A Crazy SJW Liberal!
Based Mom: A Panic Is Not an Answer (h/t Esteemed Associate Member of the Commentariat NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: COTW – What Are These “Judeo-Christian Values” Of Which You Speak?
American Power: Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters Crowned Miss Universe 2017, also, In Greenwich And Manhattan, Tax Hike Fears Spur Talk Of Exodus
American Thinker: Bill Clinton And The “Lolita Express”
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: Sh0eOnHead – Feminists Freaking Out Over Makeup-Stripping App
BLACKFIVE: Book Review & Q/A – Mindhunter
Bring The HEAT: RIP Colonel Wesley Fox, also, Women In The Infantry
CDR Salamander: Odds Are, The Unmanned Military You’re Thinking Of Isn’t The One You’ll Face
Da Tech Guy: Ephemera Vs. Evidence, also, There’s More Than One Way To Purge
Don Surber: Sorry CNN, But Trump is Absolutely Right About You Liars, also, Mining Up 28.6% – In A Single Quarter
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, Antisocial Strata
The Geller Report: Top Honors! American Blogger Pamela Geller Named World’s Top Islamophobe, also, French Postal Service Refuses To Deliver In Muslim Migrant No-Go Zones
Hogewash: Yours Truly, Johnny Atsign, also, Mainstream Media News, also also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Democrat Pollster Says GOP Is “Domestic Terror Group”
Joe For America: One-Third Of Arrested MS-13 Gangsters Were Part of Obama’s “Unaccompanied Alien Children” Policy
JustOneMinute: False Accusations & Horrible Behavior
Legal Insurrection: CFPB General Counsel Disagrees With Fauxcahontas On Agency Head Replacement, also, 2020 Democratic Primaries Will Be A Stampede – Bernie Sanders The Early Favorite
Power Line: The Millennial Job Interview, also, The Left Clings To Power At The CFPB
Shark Tank: Rubio Thinks Franken Should Resign From The Senate
Shot In The Dark: “But Why, Oh Why, Do People Say The Strib Is The DFL’s PR Firm?”
STUMP: Kentucky Pension Brou-Ha-Ha – Updating Current State Of Play
The Jawa Report: London Panic, also, Sandcrawler PSA – If At First You Don’t Succeed
The Political Hat: The Communist Beacon
This Ain’t Hell: $35 Million – The Cost of Integration, also, Surplus 1911s At The CMP?
Weasel Zippers: Nurse Loses Job Over Post Saying White Womens’ Sons Should Be “Sacrificed”, also, Denzel Washington On Young Men Ending Up In Jail
Megan McArdle: The CFPB Fight Is Completely Pointless
Mark Steyn: The End Justifies The Pants-Dropping, also, Murder On The Orient Express

Cyber Monday Deals
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Check Me Here, @RooshV: Is Your Sexuality ‘Ugly … Dangerous … Brutal’?

Posted on | November 27, 2017 | 3 Comments


Readers may or may not be familiar with Daryush Valizadeh, the notorious pickup artist (PUA) known as @RooshV. He became the World’s Most Famous Misogynist in the wake of the Isla Vista Massacre because The Creepy Little Weirdo who committed that atrocity had frequented some PUA forums. This was a dishonest guilt-by-association smear. Maybe you would call Roosh a lady killer, but he’s not that kind of lady killer. At any rate, I name-checked Roosh in the headline because I’d like to get his reaction to a New York Times column by Stephen Marche:

After weeks of continuously unfolding abuse scandals, men have become, quite literally, unbelievable. What any given man might say about gender politics and how he treats women are separate and unrelated phenomena. Liberal or conservative, feminist or chauvinist, woke or benighted, young or old, found on Fox News or in The New Republic, a man’s stated opinions have next to no relationship to behavior.
Through sheer bulk, the string of revelations about men from Bill Cosby to Roger Ailes to Harvey Weinstein to Louis C.K. to Al Franken and, this week, to Charlie Rose and John Lasseter, have forced men to confront what they hate to think about most: the nature of men in general. This time the accusations aren’t against some freak geography teacher, some frat running amok in a Southern college town. They’re against men of all different varieties, in different industries, with different sensibilities, bound together, solely, by the grotesquerie of their sexuality.
Men arrive at this moment of reckoning woefully unprepared. Most are shocked by the reality of women’s lived experience. Almost all are uninterested or unwilling to grapple with the problem at the heart of all this: the often ugly and dangerous nature of the male libido.
For most of history, we’ve taken for granted the implicit brutality of male sexuality. . . .


(Via Memeorandum.) Is this masochistic self-flagellation necessary? Is it really true that, because of what we’ve learned about Weinstein, et al., men are now “forced” to admit that their sexuality is “ugly and dangerous”? Are all men perpetrators of “implicit brutality”?

Certainly, I disagree, and I think Roosh’s opinion is relevant here. As a conservative Christian, I cannot be accused of condoning PUA activity, but if you’re willing to set aside your moral disapproval of promiscuity, PUA discourse offers valuable insight for understanding sexual behavior in the age of casual hookups, “friends with benefits,” etc.

If a young man is an amoral hedonist, how can he maximize his opportunities for sexual pleasure? This is what PUA discourse is about. As a researcher, it is interesting to take a break from my deep exploration of radical feminism and see what “Red Pill” guys are saying. Radical feminists are man-haters whose doctrine is anti-heterosexual, per se. Thus PUA discourse — the point of which is, “How can guys get laid?” — is 180-degrees opposite of feminism, the point of which is that it wrong for men to get laid. (“PIV is always rape, OK?”)

What is impossible for me to understand is how someone like Stephen Marche — married, a father of two, and presumably heterosexual — can describe his own sexuality as one of “implicit brutality,” except that he has internalized the anti-male worldview of radical feminism. It is true that some men are bad all the time (Harvey Weinstein) and perhaps every man has his bad moments. However, it is not true that all men are bad all the time, which is what feminists believe. One notices that feminists usually insert qualifiers or disclaimers into their anti-male rhetoric, so as to give themselves plausible deniability when someone accuses them of being the man-hating monsters they actually are. Yet anyone with two eyes and a brain can see that Jessica Valenti (to use one prominent example) is profoundly convinced that all men are inferior to her. Valenti takes delight in scornfully mocking men. The whole point of Valenti’s book Sex Object was to humiliate her Beta male husband by publicly boasting about her premarital sex life with various Alphas.


If all women were as wicked as Jessica Valenti, it would be difficult to disagree with the misogynistic attitudes typically expressed by PUAs. Feminists take a perverse pride in treating men badly. They deride men as “clueless” and brag about their ability to reduce men to tears, and take especial pleasure in describing the “unwanted advances” of men they don’t find attractive. Of course, it is very difficult for a man to know whether his sexual interest in a woman is reciprocated until he expresses this interest in some overt way. Yet feminists enjoy calling men “creeps” for daring to indicate interest in them, and even claim to be “victimized” by the most innocent gestures of flirtation. In an earlier era, a college boy had to be able to cope with rejection if a girl turned him down, but that emotional pain was a minor consideration compared to what boys face now that feminists have taken over universities. Nowadays, many boys are afraid even to speak to a girl on campus, lest they be accused of “harassment” and subjected to punishment in a Title IX kangaroo court.

Feminism presents men with two options:

  1. Damned if you do;
  2. Damned if you don’t.

Everything men say or do is wrong, according to feminists, who never met a man they couldn’t find a reason to hate. This is why my advice to young men is, “Never talk to a feminist.” But I digress . . .

Daryush Valizadeh would never denounce himself for being a heterosexual male the way Stephen Marche did. Say what you will about PUAs, but from Roosh’s perspective, there is no shame in his game, i.e., figuring out what it takes to “score,” and then doing it successfully.

One of my favorite moments of last year was when “genderqueer” feminist Laurie Penny went to an event at the RNC and found herself in the same room with the notorious PUA. Penny was forced to admit that “Roosh is tall and well-built and actually rather good-looking.”

This ought to tell us something about why Stephen Marche is wrong to denounce the “implicit brutality” of male sexuality. Why do women invariably prefer tall, muscular guys? That even a Third-Wave genderqueer like Penny was unable to deny Valizadeh’s attractiveness (you know he could have had her, if he had really wanted her) is evidence that there is something in women’s nature that likes such “brutality.”

Oh, sure, feminists say they want “sensitive” guys, but you don’t see them chasing after 5-foot-4 nerds, do you? Of course not. They want the tall, swarthy guy with broad shoulders and thick biceps — physically overpowering — and maybe some “brutality” isn’t necessarily bad.

Roosh knows there is a huge difference between what women actually want and what feminists say women want. This was what was revealed, after all, in reading between the lines of Jessica Valenti’s Sex Object. There was Jack, the 20-year-old bodybuilder she slept with when she was 16: “the most beautiful guy I had seen up close . . . all muscles and smiles . . . six foot three and chiseled.” And there was well-hung Kyle, her abusive boyfriend at Tulane. Tall guys with big muscles and big penises — even a feminist enjoys that kind of “brutality.”

None of those guys wanted to marry her, of course, and so she eventually married a Harvard nerd five years younger than her, and hates him:

Every time I see a dirty cup on the kitchen counter, my face gets red. The level of disrespect feels . . . as if Andrew has hopped on the counter, pulled down his pants, and taken a sh– there for me to clean up. My husband is lovely. He is a feminist. . . .
He tells me to leave the cups on the counter and the socks on the floor. He’ll get to them eventually. But I can’t. I don’t believe him. And I can’t write in a house where something is wrong.?. . .
Andrew and I have been going to couple’s therapy, both for my anxiety and because Andrew is so mad at the space the anxiety takes up in our relationship. Our default mood is low-level annoyance toward each other with a propensity to turn into full-blown rage at the smallest thing. . . .
I feel like I might hate him and I suspect he feels the same.

You see? There’s no winning this game. Valenti praises her husband as “lovely . . . a feminist,” even while admitting she hates him. No man’s behavior is ever acceptable by feminist standards. Whatever the feminist is unhappy about, it is never her fault. Always, men are to blame, either generally (“the patriarchy”) or specifically (Jessica Valenti’s husband).

What does Roosh think of this? It would be interesting to see his take on Stephen Marche’s column, and I hope to see his reaction soon.


Rule 5 Sunday: The Treasury Secretary’s Wife

Posted on | November 26, 2017 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

A few weeks ago, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and his wife, ex-actress Louise Linton, had a photo taken with a freshly printed sheet of dollar bills. Autistic screeching from the press ensued, as it does whenever someone from the Administration so much as farts, but I thought the fuss over the hashtags was (as usual) blown out of proportion.

I thought she looked pretty hot, myself.

Anyhow, Mrs. Mnuchin had a short career as an actress and model before meeting Secretary Mnuchin, and did a photoshoot for Maxim. Not bad for 36, I daresay. As usual, many of the following links are to pics generally considered NSFW, and the management is not responsible for any unpleasantness arising from your failure to click with discretion, including (but not limited to) Congressional investigations into misuse of government aircraft, penalties for early withdrawal, fines for insufficient estimated tax payment, and bad Muzak in the waiting room.


Actually a lawyer.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny serves up Hot Pick Of The Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #83, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns; Animal Magnetism adds Rule Five Clinton Cash Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL’s herd of heifers this week includes Aurora Perrineau, Sharon Tate, Rashida Jones, Eiza Gonzalez, Lily James, Thanksgiving Rule 5, Scent Of A Woman – Tango, Black Friday Babes, Christina Hendricks, Katie Cassidy, Motorboating Branson, and Iron Bowl 2017.

A View From The Beach brings us What a Sucker, Nina DobrevI’ll Have Fries With ThatFriday From the PhilippinesHappy Thanksgiving!The Self-Destruction of Hollywood ContinuesHollywood Victim du Jour,  Politicians Make Passes at Girls Without GlassesLena Dunham Stands by Her ManRIP: Malcom Young and  I May Just Live Forever.

Proof Positive’s Ladies With Leftovers include Friday Night Babes Maria Bello and Leeann Tweeden,Vintage Babes Priscilla Lane and various Pilgrim chicks, and Leeann Tweeden doing Sex in Advertising in nothing but beercaps; also, Victoria’s Secret. At Dustbury, it’s Della Reese and Deepika Padukone.

Thanks to everyone for the delicious linkagery!

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FMJRA 2.0: White Punks On Dope

Posted on | November 25, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Sunday: Thanksgiving Edition
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

FMJRA 2.0: Teen Angst
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

The Latest @LenaDunham Debacle: Feminist Becomes ‘Rape Truther’
The Political Hat

Transgender Activists Target GOP

The Man Who Killed the Sixties
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 11.20.17
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 11.21.2017
Proof Positive

MS-13 Gang Members Decapitated Man, ‘Ripped His Heart From His Chest’
The DaleyGator
A View From The Beach

Sex, Power, Weakness and Evil
Welcome To My Playpen

Violence Against Women Update: Pimp Kidnapped, Raped Girls as Young as 12

Two Charged in Transgender Attack

In The Mailbox: 11.22.17
Proof Positive

Where Did Hillary Go Wrong?


In The Mailbox: 11.24.17
Proof Positive

The Harm Deborah Frisch Has Inflicted, and Why She Must Be Incarcerated

Top linkers this week:
  1. EBL (16)
  2. (tied) A View From The Beach and Proof Positive (5)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

Cyber Monday Deals – Amazon Launchpad
Holiday Toy List

Is @NickCarter a Rapist?

Posted on | November 25, 2017 | 1 Comment


When my oldest daughter was 12 or 13, she was all about the Backstreet Boys, especially Nick Carter. So it was weird to see this headline:

Nick Carter Accused of Rape
by Dream’s Melissa Schuman;
Backstreet Boy ‘Shocked and
Saddened’ by Allegations

Does this story make sense? You’re the most popular member of the biggest teen group of the era, the idol of millions, and you rape a girl?

Well, maybe. Let’s not pretend it can’t be true. Until a few weeks ago, who knew that Al Franken was a serial groper, allegedly, or that Alabama’s Roy Moore was banned from the Gadsden Mall, allegedly?

After the Sexual Harassment Apocalypse began with the downfall of Harvey Weinstein, I predicted it was a long way from ending. What I didn’t predict was that it would include this kind of story:

[Schuman] then a part of the all-girl teen group Dream, wrote Carter had invited her over to his house during a day off from a movie they were both starring in.
Schuman wrote she had brought her roommate with her and claimed the boyband singer took her into the bathroom and they had started kissing.
It was then, she wrote, that Carter allegedly began to unbutton her pants and ignored her objections before allegedly performing oral sex on her. Schuman claimed he then demanded she perform oral sex on him.
Despite allegedly telling Carter that she was a virgin and was waiting until marriage to have sex, Carter allegedly led her to his bedroom where she claims that he raped her.
“He threw me on the bed and climbed on top of me. Again, I told him that I was a virgin and I didn’t want to have sex. I told him that I was saving myself for my future husband. I said it over and over again. He whispered in my ear as to entice me, ‘I could be your husband,’” Schuman alleges.
“He was relentless, refusing to take my no’s for an answer. He was heavy, too heavy to get out from under him. Then I felt it, he put something inside of me. I asked him what it was and he whispered in my ear once more, ‘It’s all me baby.’”

This sounds like a scene from a Danielle Steel romance novel, but just because the dialogue is cheesy, and the plot seems contrived, that doesn’t mean it didn’t actually happen that way. We have to ask, what would a 22-year-old teen idol say while he’s raping an 18-year-old virgin?

Answer: It doesn’t matter. Nobody’s going to believe that crazy bitch.

Or that’s what Backstreet Boys’ manager Lou Pearlman might have said.


You may have forgotten about Pearlman, the man who created the Backstreet Boys and who died in prison last year, having been convicted of swindling investors of $300 million in a Ponzi scheme. It was also reported that Pearlman was a homosexual pedophile:

“Some guys joked about it; I remember [one singer] asking me, ‘Have you let Lou blow you yet?’” says Steve Mooney, an aspiring singer who served as Pearlman’s assistant and lived in his home for two years. “I would absolutely say the guy was a sexual predator. All the talent knew what Lou’s game was. If they say no, they’re lying to you.”

If the Backstreet Boys were playing “Lou’s game,” we must ask, was what Nick Carter allegedly did to Melissa Schuman worse? That is to say, are there any recognized moral standards in show business? Your manager’s a pedophile swindler, so what’s wrong with a little date rape, eh?

Pull up a chair. Let’s talk. Read more

The Harm Deborah Frisch Has Inflicted, and Why She Must Be Incarcerated

Posted on | November 24, 2017 | 2 Comments

Deborah Frisch, arrested Thursday in Oregon.

For more than decade, Deborah Frisch has been harassing blogger Jeff Goldstein and his family. The story made national headlines in 2006, when Frisch — then an adjunct professor of psychology at the University of Arizona — was fired for her vile threats against Goldstein. Yet this was not the end of her deranged harassment, merely the beginning.

Frisch was a fugitive when she was arrested Thursday in Oregon, after having failed to appear at a court hearing in Colorado to face two felony charges. Frisch had sentenced to 10 years probation in April, after pleading guilty to felony stalking and harassment. Why was she not imprisoned at that time? It’s a mystery to me, and when I spoke to Goldstein by phone Friday, I asked him if he had been given a chance to provide a victim’s impact statement at Frisch’s sentencing. He agreed to send me a copy of his statement:

Firstly, let me note that we’re not here today, thankfully, to decide on the guilt or innocence of Ms Frisch. She has pled guilty to a felony — and she’s done so for the sole purpose of gaining release from incarceration. This is evident, I submit, in both the tenor and substance of her own statements to the Court and to PSI. She continues to refer to my family — and by extension, the families of all those she’s harassed and sought to libel and intimidate over the last 11 years — as “so-called victims,” while simultaneously casting herself as the REAL victim of some grand conspiracy in which law-enforcement, the judiciary, court personnel (including her own representatives), and an expansive collection of private citizens, are all responsible for her decade-plus-long social and legal travails. Such fantasies of persecution, coupled with the kind of malignant narcissism that, in her mind, justifies her behavior towards her victims, to me seems indicative of an unrepentant mind. More so, her latest incarnation as a self-proclaimed “justice advocate” — whose role it is to unmask what she believes to be some endemic iniquity in the legal system, using herself as the crowning example of such serial inequities — reinforces my belief that she’ll use her own warped sense of persecution to justify continued assaults on those she believes have aggrieved her.
Secondly, I understand — and even agree — with the Court’s position that any infringement upon a citizen’s first amendment rights is to be taken very seriously. As Your Honor has noted in prior hearings, Ms Frisch’s relentless desire to avail herself of her right to petition the court and its staff for grievances, is — and should be — sacrosanct. That being said, what I DON’T believe to be among her rights is the right she believes herself to have to libel private citizens in writings that she hopes to be permanently archived by internet search engines; I DON’T believe it is within her rights to try to extort money from her victims in exchange for relief from her harassment and intimidation; I DON’T believe it is within her rights to track down personal information on the family members of her primary targets and to use that information to contact them, and, for instance, pose as a journalist in order to elicit a statement from members of her victims’ families, in which she first informs them that the victim has been arrested for child molestation.
And yet this is what Ms Frisch has done, in the latter example, tracking down my late Mother’s phone number and calling her up to ask her to comment on my non-existent arrest for having molested my son. This information, incidentally, she gathered from my Father’s obituary. She then threatened to travel to the cemetery to desecrate his grave with her bodily fluids.
I DON’T believe that using voter records to uncover our home address and my wife’s personal information — then using that information to contact my wife’s place of employment with stories of her own victimhood at our hands — falls within her rights. Further, I DON’T believe that posting pornographic stories about our children, who have never had any contact or dealings with Ms Frisch, are among her unalienable rights.
On numerous occasions, Ms Frisch has offered false reports to authorities in order to cause both my family, and the families of her other victims, emotional distress, with the further goal of causing us legal difficulties. Ms Frisch has on several occasions reported me to law enforcement for alleged crimes that never took place — nearly every time using my supposed molestation of my two young boys as the focal point. She has contacted Federal law enforcement agencies alleging that I have Ricin and am a dire threat to my community. She has posted on town websites and the websites of local businesses that my family poses a danger to my neighbors — with one example occurring just before her arrest, when Ms Frisch advised the people of our home town to avoid our house during Halloween Trick-or-Treating, because we may have laced the candy we were handing out with poison. And she has on multiple occasions threatened to contact the Department of Child Services to have them look into our supposed mistreatment of our children.
Given the nature of bureaucracies and their commitment to protecting children first and asking questions later, Ms Frisch was clearly banking on their caution and their zeal to protect children from harm. This particular tack of hers has caused us severe distress, particularly in a climate where stories of children being removed from homes — and the struggle of innocent parents to retrieve them from the state — are all too common and all too frightening.
This particular stratagem of Ms Frisch’s is generally accompanied by some demand, either for access to information she is seeking about someone — or for some monetary compensation for her troubles as the “real victim” of her own behavior — in exchange for her NOT contacting various local, state, or federal authorities. This is, it seems to me, a clear and deliberate act of extortion. And it is something Ms Frisch has attempted not only with me, my family members, and my original lawyer in the 2006 case, but also her OWN counsel.
Not every one of her victims has taken the time, nor expended the effort, to prevent her from continuing her criminal behaviors. Many in fact have thought — incorrectly, as it turns out — that if they ignore her she will simply grow bored and leave them alone. Her multiple arrests, however, speak to the reality of who she is, and to the futility of such an approach: Ms Frisch will not and has never ceased her pattern of stalking, harassment, and intimidation, save for those times when she has been physically prevented from doing so through incarceration or strict supervision.
Even in this latest case, the Court was able to witness for itself just how Ms Frisch operates: Having been released on bail, it took her less than a day to violate the conditions of her release, leading the Court to revoke bail and order her re-incarcerated.
It is important to note to this Court that its own experience with Ms Frisch is not novel. She has, in fact, followed the same pattern in other states and with other Courts and with other victims. She is, she’s shown repeatedly, unwilling to cease her behaviors; instead, she merely redoubles her efforts and seeks to find creative ways to avoid Court orders and violate the terms of her parole.
In our case, it was only through the efforts of Frederick law enforcement and the Weld County DA’s office, that Ms Frisch has been temporarily curtailed. In 2006, when we originally filed for relief from Ms Frisch’s campaign of libel, extortion, and harassment, cyberlaw was in its infancy, and Ms Frisch used that fact to put herself beyond the reach of the edicts of the Colorado Courts. It was only when, in this latest round of harassment, we went to the Frederick Police, that we found that laws now exist to cross state boundaries in order to provide relief to victims. Clearly, Ms Frisch was unaware of these changes to the law. Fortunately, newer statutes had been enacted between the original case in 2006 and this latest iteration of her harassment campaign, rendering her habitual violations of the Colorado protection order we were granted against her actionable despite her taking refuge in other states.
As a family of law abiding citizens with no criminal history, we have taken the time and expended the resources to put a stop to Ms Frisch’s congenital need to harass, libel, and intimidate her victims. This process has been long and slow. And yet we stuck with it in the hope that we are able to prevent some future potential victims from having to go through what we have.
Going through the courts and through law enforcement has been our only means to combat Ms Frisch, whose goal always and foremost seems to be to game the system and find ways to continue terrorizing her victims without repercussion. If we can’t count on the Court to protect us, we have no real recourse to stop the harassment or to curb the libels Ms Frisch is intent on turning into “truths” by archiving various allegations in internet search engines or through email blasts. . . .
My wife and I are already deeply concerned that Ms Frisch’s past behaviors will harm our oldest son — who is now 13 but who was just 2 when Ms Frisch began her campaign against us — as he grows older and creeps toward adulthood. Whether it be by way of a risk-averse potential employer or a college admissions committee, the prospect that our sons — who are entirely innocent and who have never had any dealings with Ms Frisch directly — will be penalized thanks to the efforts of a serial stalker, is both worrisome and repugnant to us.
If we can’t find relief from the Court, we wonder just where and how we WILL be able to find relief. And perhaps more crucially, we worry that our own children will lose faith in a system that either can’t or won’t protect them.
In closing, please allow me to say this: My wife and I do not believe for a moment that Ms Frisch will EVER stop what to her has become both a way of life and now, apparently, a supposedly righteous cause, in which we play the perpetual nemeses to her crusading heroine of “justice advocacy.” Ms Frisch’s unwarranted sense of her own superiority and rectitude, which she’s displayed more times than one to the Court in this case, practically compels her to harass, to terrorize, the threaten, to intimidate, to libel, and to extort. She believes herself the most clever person in any room.
In 11 years, the only time we’ve experienced any relief is when Ms Frisch has been either incarcerated or subjected to harsh and enforceable sanctions that prevent her, always temporarily, from targeting us. We also note that the support system Ms Frisch claims to have at her disposal — her parents and siblings — have never once been able to prevent Ms Frisch from continuing her vulgar and, now, criminal behavior.
In fact, we believe that through material efforts, Ms Frisch’s family has consistently and knowingly enabled her behavior, providing her with free housing, internet access, and legal support — even knowing as they do that she has repeatedly been an aggressor and a menace to any number of victims.
We have no confidence that Ms Frisch’s return to living with her parents will do anything save provide her the means and opportunity to once again find a way to game the system and harass her victims. She has shown she will use aliases, or misrepresent herself, to continue doing the things she does, things that have come to define her and, in a twisted way, provide her with her sense of worth in the wake of a career devastated by her own actions.
We ask the Court to please consider the lack of other recourse her victims have when it imposes her sentence.

Frisch’s harassment is no laughing matter. It’s fun for bystanders to point and laugh at her deranged behavior, but it’s an entirely different matter for those who are targets of Frisch’s harassment. As Goldstein pointed out in his April statement, Frisch’s obscene libels — including her repeated false accusations that Goldstein and his wife were abusing their children — inflict genuine harm in multiple ways. Frisch has occasionally engaged in similar behavior against others, but Goldstein has been an object of her fixated obsession since 2006, and yet she has the effrontery to claim that she is somehow the victim!

As Goldstein says, Frisch shows no evidence of remorse. She seems to consider herself justified in her malevolent conduct, and will no doubt continue to be a public menace if she is ever again released from custody. Frisch ought to be locked away for a long, long time, and the judge in her case ought to be made aware of his duty to protect the public.

(Booking photo via Teh Daily Squeak.)


In The Mailbox: 11.24.17

Posted on | November 24, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 11.24.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Franken, Conyers, And Moore
Twitchy: Major “Dumbass Political Hacks” – FL Donor Pulls The Plug On Democrat Party
Louder With Crowder: Sarah Silverman Meets Trump Voters, Makes Shocking Discovery
According To Hoyt: The Last Alchemist And The Appeal Of Conspiracies
Monster Hunter Nation: Kickstarter Update – For The People Who Don’t Play RPGs
Vox Popoli: Book Review – MAGA 2020 And Beyond

Adam Piggott: Podcast #65 – The Health Episode, also, Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – The Not Topless Edition
American Power: Hundreds Dead In Egypt Mosque Massacre, also, Laura Ingraham, Shut Up And Sing
American Thinker: A Time For War, also, Lock Up Lois Lerner
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Clinton Cash Friday
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For 11/24
Bring The HEAT: I Hadn’t Heard About This
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: The Homeless Vet Story We Needed For Thanksgiving, also, Thankfulness
Don Surber: Trump Will Add Twice As Many Judges Next Year As Obama Did In Eight
Dustbury: This Is The Day Of The Contracting Man
Fred On Everything: Fun With IQ – Deep Thought
The Geller Report: Michigan – Muslim Doctor Accused Of FGM Freed From Jail, also, Newly Revealed Vision Of Pope John Paul II – Islam Will Invade Europe
Hogewash: Let’s Make A Deal, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Dopey Models Fight “Manspreading” By Spreading Their Legs For The Camera
Joe For America: Unsealed Fusion GPS Records Show $523,000 Payment From Russian Money Launderer
JustOneMinute: Happy Holidays
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MS-13 Gang Members Decapitated Man, ‘Ripped His Heart From His Chest’

Posted on | November 24, 2017 | 1 Comment

Miguel Angel Lopez-Abrego.

The glorious benefits of “diversity”:

As many as 10 members of the gang MS-13 stabbed a man more than 100 times in a Maryland park, ripped out his heart and buried him, officials say.
Court documents released Wednesday reveal gruesome details about the killing of a man officials in Montgomery County still have not been able to identify.
Miguel Angel Lopez-Abrego, 19, was arrested and charged with first-degree murder.
A ranking gang member told police Lopez-Abrego was the first person to stab the victim, court documents say.
The informant said that he, Lopez-Abrego and eight other MS-13 gang members lured the victim to Wheaton Regional Park this spring. For about two weeks, they planned how to get the man to go from the Annapolis area to Wheaton because they planned to kill him and dispose of his body, the informant told police.
Lopez-Abrego helped dig a grave for the victim and used a walkie-talkie to tell the other gang members when the victim had arrived, the informant told police.
Then, the gang members choked him, stabbed him more than 100 times, decapitated him and dismembered him, the informant said. They ripped his heart from his chest and threw it into the grave they dug for him.
On Sept. 5, the informant led detectives to the body. The man’s remains were where the informant said they would be, and he had injuries consistent with the torture the informant described.
Lopez-Abrego was found in North Carolina on Nov. 11 and arrested on a first-degree murder warrant. He has been extradited to Montgomery County.
Police are still working to identify the victim.

If you think this crime indicates problems with U.S. immigration policy, liberals will call you a racist. But would you rather be called a racist, or would you rather be stabbed 100 times and decapitated?


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