The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Harvey Weinstein Is the ‘Patriarchy,’ and Other Feminist Non Sequiturs

Posted on | October 15, 2017 | 2 Comments

“Patriarchy is a system of structures and institutions created by men in order to sustain and recreate male power and female subordination.”
Sneja Gunew, Feminist Knowledge: Critique and Construct, 1990

Lauren Duca is not very good at logical inferences, and her belief that the exposure of Harvey Weinstein provides a road map to “take down the patriarchy” is delusional, primarily because “patriarchy” itself is a paranoid conspiracy theory, a persecution fantasy. What are the “structures and institutions” by which “male power and female subordination” are sustained and recreated, how does one “take down” that system by “storytelling” and, most importantly, what will be the result if feminism’s destructive agenda succeeds? What “structures” and “institutions” will replace those that feminists destroy?

Nearly half a century has passed since the radical Women’s Liberation Movement emerged in the late 1960s. Why is it that Harvey Weinstein — an avowed “progressive” and a major donor to Hillary Clinton and other Democrats — got away with preying on young women for decades?

“I would be happy to give [Bill Clinton] a blowjob just to thank him for keeping abortion legal. I think American women should be lining up with their Presidential kneepads on to show their gratitude for keeping the theocracy off our backs.”
Nina Burleigh, 1998

Feminists are trapped in an abusive relationship with the Democrat Party, and the Hollywood establishment is part of the same political machine. So long as Harvey Weinstein was useful to Democrats, his predatory behavior was ignored by the “operatives with bylines” in the media. Da Tech Guy is almost certainly correct that if Hillary had won in 2016, Weinstein would not have been exposed in 2017.

Isn’t the Democrat Party a structure and an institution? Hasn’t male power in the Democrat Party been sustained by feminists’ voluntary subordination to the party’s agenda? If Hillary Clinton was willing to tolerate Harvey Weinstein’s behavior, in the same way she tolerated her own husband’s behavior, what does this tell us about the corrupt bargain between feminists and Democrats? Is it true — or was it true 20 years ago — that women owe a debt of gratitude to Democrats for “keeping abortion legal” and “keeping the theocracy off our backs”?

While we’re asking questions, how about this one: Why did Bill Clinton take 26 flights on a private plane dubbed “The Lolita Express,” which “was reportedly outfitted with a bed where passengers had group sex with young girls”? The owner of that plane, Jeffrey Epstein, was convicted and sent to prison “for solicitation and procurement of minors for prostitution. He allegedly had a team of traffickers who procured girls as young as 12 to service his friends on ‘Orgy Island,’ an estate on Epstein’s 72-acre island, called Little St. James, in the U.S. Virgin Islands.”

If Lauren Duca wants to engage in “storytelling,” why isn’t she telling any stories about Bill Clinton’s travels aboard “The Lolita Express”?

Feminists like Lauren Duca aren’t very good at logical inferences, however. Their partisan loyalty to Democrats leads them to conflate the “patriarchy” — their delusional idée fixe — with the Republican Party. Believing that legal abortion is the summum bonum of public policy, and that the GOP represents the forces of “theocracy” which would criminalize abortion, feminists believe that women’s “progress” is synonymous with the success of the Democrat Party.

Like an anti-Semite muttering about “Zionists,” the feminist who sees herself (and all women) oppressed by “patriarchy” has abandoned facts and logic for the sake of a simplistic theory that offers her a demonized scapegoat as an all-purpose explanation for her problems. The essential message of American feminism can be expressed as a syllogism:

  1. Men are evil;
  2. Abortion is good;
    and therefore
  3. Vote Democrat!

Am I the only one who understands why this is a formula for madness? If feminists believe that electing Democrats is the solution to their problems, perhaps they should ask the families of the 53 women shot to death in Chicago this year what electing Democrats has done for them. Hillary Clinton got 75% of the vote in the Democrat fiefdom of Cook County, Illinois, and former Clinton/Obama staffer Rahm Emanuel is mayor of Chicago, one of the most dangerous places in America.

Cynthia Trevillion, a 64-year-old math teacher, was murdered Friday night in Chicago, the victim of a drive-by shooting. Early this morning, Chicago police found a 26-year-old woman dead on her front porch, shot through the head. Of course, the vast majority (81%) of those shot to death in Chicago are males, including one recent case in which a man made the fatal mistake of bringing a knife to a gunfight:

Police say the fatal shooting of 25-year-old Pleasure Cardell Singleton Jr. was a case of self-defense, and the woman who shot him will not be charged.
The woman shot Singleton after he stabbed her multiple times . . . in a domestic fight in his West Side Lawndale neighborhood home, Chicago Police said.
About 4:05 p.m. Oct. 5, Singleton, a father of three, was shot in the chest after he stabbed the 25-year-old woman multiple times in the 4000 block of West 21st Street, police said.
The woman was taken in serious condition to Mount Sinai Hospital, and Singleton was pronounced dead at the scene at 4:48 p.m., authorities said.

Perhaps “storytelling” can “take down the patriarchy,” as Lauren Duca says, but a bullet through the chest is also quite effective. However, it seems that feminists are not interested in telling stories about the daily death toll in Chicago, just as they weren’t interested in telling stories about Harvey Weinstein’s predatory behavior until after Hillary — a beneficiary of Weinstein’s support — lost the presidential election.

1998: Gwyneth Paltrow, Hillary Clinton and Harvey Weinstein.

2017: Huma Abedin, Harvey Weinstein and Hillary Clinton.

Harvey Weinstein’s behavior was an “open secret” in Hollywood for decades. Where was Lauren Duca’s feminist “storytelling” all those years? Why wasn’t it necessary to “take down the patriarchy” when Bill Clinton was assaulting Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, et al.?

“Rape culture is a complex set of beliefs that encourage male sexual aggression and supports violence against women. It is a society where violence is seen as sexy and sexuality as violent. In a rape culture, women perceive a continuum of threatened violence that ranges from sexual remarks to sexual touching to rape itself. A rape culture condones physical and emotional terrorism against women as the norm.”
Emilie Buchwald, Transforming a Rape Culture, 1994

“We need to defend Planned Parenthood and women’s rights.”
Harvey Weinstein, Feb. 26, 2017

Does Harvey Weinstein believe violence is sexy? Isn’t it true that Bill Clinton engaged in behavior within the “continuum” of sexual violence? Hasn’t the feminist strategy of “Vote Democrat” helped foster the climate of “physical and emotional terrorism against women”? And why have feminists like Lauren Duca been unwilling to engage in “storytelling” if it might undermine the political interests of the Democrat Party?

Mary Jo Kopechne could not be reached for comment.


In The Mailbox: Weekend Edition

Posted on | October 14, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: Weekend Edition

— compiled by Wombat-socho

This should have been published on the 11th, but apparently I was distracted by shiny internet objects and voted for Buchanan forgot to hit the publish button. Sorry.

Proof Positive: Senator DiFi Lets The Gun Control Cat Out Of The Bag
EBL: Imran Awan Prosecution – Dirty Deeds Done By Debbie Downer
Twitchy: ThinkProgress Toolbag Ian Millhiser Thinks “The Senate Should Be Destroyed”
Louder With Crowder: Before Jimmy Kimmel Lectured America On Ethics, He Asked Women To Grab His Crotch

Adam Piggott: The Greatest Danger
American Power: Why “Indigenous Peoples Day” Is Far Worse Than Columbus Day
American Thinker: Now, We Know My Mother Has Flaws, But…
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Was The Las Vegas Shooter Just A Lunatic?
BLACKFIVE: Last Christmas In Paris
Bring The HEAT: Protesters At TSU Prevent State Rep’s Speech
CDR Salamander: Stack ‘Em Like Cylon Raiders And You Have Something
Da Tech Guy: There’s Still Hope For Humanity, also, Hey Outraged Leftists – How Many New Weinstein Victims Would You Have Paid For A Hillary Victory?
Don Surber: What Happened May End Clintons’ Marriage
Dustbury: Number Three Goes For Zero
Fred On Everything: From Tex Mex To Mex Tech – A Study In Northern Inattention
The Geller Report: State Department Picks Hijab-Wearing Muslima To Represent American Youth At UN, also, Jihadi Jailed For Helping Subway Bombers Gets Top Council Job
Hogewash: New Discoveries From New Horizons
Jammie Wearing Fools: Rapper Who Drove Ex-Wife To Attempt Suicide Now A Liberal Darling After “Destroying” Trump
Joe For America: Huge Veterans Day NFL Boycott Planned
JustOneMinute: The Russians Are Coming…Again!
Legal Insurrection: Starting Next Year, The Boy Scouts Will Accept Girls, also, Stanley Cup Winning Pittsburgh Penguins Visit White House, Face Leftist Rage
Michelle Malkin: Obama Lied – My FOURTH Health Plan Died
Power Line: Hitler Learns About Harvey Weinstein, also, Goodbye Blue Slips!?
Shark Tank: Jeff Flake Is Toxic, So Why Is Marco Rubio Supporting Him?
Shot In The Dark: A Gratifying Outburst Of Common Sense
STUMP: Soda Tax Sunset – Toasting The End Of An Era
The Jawa Report: El-Bahnasawy Wanted To Kill Thousands Of Infidels, also, Islamic State Of Losers Surrenders Hawijah
The Political Hat: Big Mouth Big Derp
This Ain’t Hell: Dan Bilzerian – The Records, also, Tarawa Marines Coming Home
Weasel Zippers: SCOTUS Throws Out One Of Two Travel Ban Challenges, also, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Threaten Attack On America If Trump Designates Them As Terrorist Organization
Mark Steyn: Crisis Of The Elites, also, Do As The Romans Do

Today’s Digital Deals
The Halloween Store
Amazon Renewed Refurbs

FMJRA 2.0: Casanova

Posted on | October 14, 2017 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Sunday: Autumn Girls
Animal Magnetism
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach
Ninety Miles From Tyranny

Harvey Weinstein, Ashley Judd and the Democrat Party’s Doubtful Future
Nebraska Energy Observer
Blackmailers Don’t Shoot

FMJRA 2.0: Birthday Weekend
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 10.09.17
Proof Positive

Karolina Giers Wants You to Give Her $12,000 to Get Her Breasts Amputated
Welcome To My Playpen

Freedom of Speech Is Genocide and Other Lessons From the 21st-Century University
A View From The Beach

The Harvey Weinstein Democrat Bonfire

In The Mailbox: 10.10.17
Proof Positive

Why Do Socialists Hate Women? How @Caycilia Became a ‘Thought Criminal’
Welcome To My Playpen

The Anti-Male Feminism of @abzdafab: Negating the Opinions of Fathers
Welcome To My Playpen

Ode to Harvey

In The Mailbox: 10.12.17
Battleswarm Blog
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

Hollywood Burning: Rose McGowan Goes Nuclear on Amazon/Weinstein Link
Adam Piggott
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 10.13.17
A View From The Beach

Top linkers this week:

  1. EBL (12)
  2. A View From The Beach (6)
  3. Proof Positive (5)

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

Today’s Digital Deals
Amazon Warehouse Deals

In The Mailbox: 10.13.17

Posted on | October 13, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: The Weinstein Saga Contnues
Twitchy: Larry Sabato Busts Liberals’ 25th Amendment Fantasy With One Tweet
Louder With Crowder: Pediatrician Smacks Down Leftists Pushing Transgenderism On Kids
According To Hoyt: Glass Slippers
Monster Hunter Nation: Update Post
Vox Popoli: Retreat In Catalonia

Adam Piggott: Podcast #59 – The SJW Incursion Episode, also, Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – The Wallbanger Edition
American Power: Kennedy Says Gwyneth Paltrow Is “Complicit Fraud” In Weinstein Allegations, also, Erica Dunbar, Never Caught
American Thinker: No Documents In Obama Library? No Mystery There
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five John Browning Friday
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For October 13
Bring The HEAT: Further From The Superintendent Of West Point
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: You’re Nice – Therefore It’s All Your Fault, also, What Weinstein Means To The Democrats, Hollywood, And The Culture Wars
Don Surber: Fake News On Obamacare, also, NYT Reins In Staff Tweets
Dustbury: Hi-Res Hieroglyphics
The Geller Report: Facebook’s Fatwa – Outsourcing Content Moderation To Muslim Countries
Hogewash: Blogsmoke, also, NGC 1964
Joe For America: FBI Bombshell On Clinton/Lynch Tarmac Meeting
JustOneMinute: Trump Being Trumpy
Legal Insurrection: Trump To Scrap Obamacare Insurer Subsidies? also, Trump To Decertify Iran Nuke Deal, Kick It Back To Congress
Power Line: Thoughts From The Ammo Line, also, Is There Anyone Who Didn’t Know?
Shark Tank: Rep. DeSantis Accuses GOP Leadership Of Blocking House Democratic IT Scandal Investigation
Shot In The Dark: Tim Walz – Today The ELCA Hair, Tomorrow The Buzz Cut
The Jawa Report: Taliban Release Caitlin Coleman & Josh Boyle, also, She Will Not Eat Them Here Nor There
The Political Hat: The Greatest Confidence And Enthusiasm In Your End Of Life
This Ain’t Hell: Airmen Charged With Graffiti Crime, also, Happy 242nd Birthday, U.S. Navy
Weasel Zippers: Cuomo To Keep Over $60K In Donations From Weinstein, also, Treasury Declares Iranian Revolutionary Guard A Terrorist Organization
Megan McArdle: Obamacare Was Built With The Flaws Trump Now Exploits
Mark Steyn: What Happens In Vegas Doesn’t Stay In Reno, also, Opportunities And Duties

Today’s Digital Deals
Amazon Warehouse Deals

Hollywood Burning: Rose McGowan Goes Nuclear on Amazon/Weinstein Link

Posted on | October 12, 2017 | 1 Comment



We’re at DefCon One now:

Rose McGowan is claiming that Amazon optioned a television series from her only to kill it while still in development after she voiced her concern about a possible move the company was making to bailout ‘Weinstein.’
‘I told the head of your studio that HW raped me. Over & over I said it. He said it hadn’t been proven. I said I was the proof,’ said McGowan on Thursday in a tweet directed at company founder Jeff Bezos.
‘I had already sold a script I wrote to your studio, it was in development. When I heard a Weinstein bailout was in the works.’
She then added: ‘I forcefully begged studio head to do the right thing. I was ignored. Deal was done. Amazon won a dirty Oscar.’
‘HW’ is apparently a reference to Harvey Weinstein, whose representative Sallie Hofmeister has said that he client ‘unequivocally denies … any allegations of non-consensual contact.’
An hour after she posted her tweets, Amazon got hit with sexual harassment allegations of their own after an employee said in an interview that Roy Price made unwanted sexual advances towards her at a work event.
‘You will like my dick,’ Price allegedly told his lesbian co-worker just hours after meeting her for the first time.
Amazon did not respond to repeated requests for comment, but Price was put on leave by the company on Thursday.

You can read the Price story at The Hollywood Reporter. The reference to a “dirty Oscar” was in regard to Casey Affleck’s Best Actor award for Manchester by the Sea. Two women have accused Affleck of sexual harassment. Is every man in Hollywood a harasser?

This seems strange, really. Think of being a powerful, big-money guy in a business that is a magnet for good-looking women. There should be no shortage of consensual opportunities for a guy like that, so what’s up with the crude approaches and outright assault? Are these guys just egomaniacs with an insatiable need for gratification? What is the key word in the phrase “unwanted sexual advances”? Unwanted.

OK, so how can a guy know if his “sexual advance” is unwanted, prior to the moment he actually makes the advance? This is an obvious problem, and the only way to avoid it is either (a) never to make any “sexual advances” at all, or (b) to make your opening move in an innocuous manner. That is to say, you don’t begin by making a crudely sexual remark — as Roy Price is accused of doing — nor do you corner a woman in a hotel room, grab her and demand sexual favors, which is the alleged modus operandi of Harvey Weinstein. It makes no sense.

Meanwhile, Tippi Hedren — who starred in Alfred Hitchcock’s 1963 classic The Birds — says she turned down Hitchcock’s advances and he made good on his threat to “ruin” her career in Hollywood.

It’s difficult to imagine Alfred Hitchcock as a sexual predator, but who knows? True or not, what’s the point of making such an accusation against a guy after he’s been dead for 37 years? This is just sad.

Yet the bonfire begun by the Weinstein scandal won’t end in Hollywood — there are now email lists circulating of alleged sexual predators in the news media. This won’t end until they burn it all down.


In The Mailbox: 10.12.17

Posted on | October 12, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Jimmy Kimmel – Guess What’s In My Pants
Twitchy: Robert Reich Has Proof That Trump’s Days Are Numbered – Or Does He?
Louder With Crowder: Top Five Liberal Reactions To Eminem’s Anti-Trump Rap
Kurt Schlichter: Behold Our Betters

Adam Piggott: A Girl Strikes Back At Systemic Misogyny – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next
American Power: Democrats Dogged By Harvey Weinstein Cash
American Thinker: On The “Vulgar Manliness” Of Donald Trump
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Birth Control News
BattleSwarm: Texas Southern President Shuts Down State Rep’s Speech
Bring The HEAT: Open Letter To West Point Graduates From Retired LTC Heffington, also, West Point Commandant Responds
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: DC Needs A Reset, also, Why Silence? Ask Yourself – What Secrets Does Harvey Weinstein Know?
Don Surber: Bret Baier – “It’s Left, Right, And Trump”
Dustbury: We’re An American Brand
The Geller Report: Canada To Provide Arabic Language Training In All Schools, Starting With Alberta
Hogewash: Fingerprinting Exoplanets
Jammie Wearing Fools: Scumbag Weinstein Didn’t Go To Europe For “Sex Rehab”
Joe For America: ESPN Cut Cameras On This Singer’s Tribute To Vegas Victims – So She Went Rogue
JustOneMinute: Freeing The Markets, Or Something
Legal Insurrection: Student Protesters Disrupt Charles Murray Speech At U. Mich., also, Legal Insurrection Is Nine Years Old And Filled With Dread
Power Line: Campus Chaos – A Shoutdown A Day, also, Trump Takes An Important First Step On Healthcare
Shot In The Dark: Progress
STUMP: NY State Proposal 2 – Criminal Official Pension Forfeiture
The Jawa Report: TraMp Joins TriCk In Jahannam, also, Muslim Murders Coptic Priest
The Political Hat: Social Justice’s Own Dr. Mengele? also, American Rivers Are People Too
This Ain’t Hell: In The Wake of Lt. Rapone, also, Caitlin Coleman & Family Rescued By Pakistani Forces
Weasel Zippers: D.C. Pharmacy Says It’s Delivered Alzheimer’s Medication To Members Of Congress, also, FBI Looking Into Allegations Local Puerto Rico Officials Withholding Relief
Megan McArdle: The FDA Needs This Nudge To Speed Along New Drugs
Mark Steyn: Open Secrets And Collateral Damage

Today’s Digital Deals
Amazon Warehouse Deals

Ode to Harvey

Posted on | October 12, 2017 | Comments Off on Ode to Harvey

by Smitty

Harvey “Albert” Weinstein
A “Moral Relativity” Theory held:
Our universe could stay so fine,
As long as he rosy smelled.

Yet gravity his hubris sucked.
Cash could no longer “unsee” it.
From his lofty height it plucked.
To Europe he was forced to flee it.

He’s a Unified Frackhead Theory
Of hypocrisy, power, and evil;
Corrupt, false, and leery:
A blight upon honest people.

Such ugliness, it’s true and sad,
Is Manhattan’s Project Finest.
New York values their time have had,
And Harvey’s the Weinsteinest.

Now begone, Harvey the Wrong,
Pimple on America’s cheek.
To Democrats, an atomic bomb.
May another drop next week.

The Anti-Male Feminism of @abzdafab: Negating the Opinions of Fathers

Posted on | October 12, 2017 | 2 Comments


Men who believe in the inferiority of women are called “sexists.”

Women who believe in the inferiority of men are called “feminists.”

Abigail Shirley (@abzdafab on Twitter) is a feminist who is editor of the website Fem 2.0, and her expression of anti-male prejudice is an excellent example of why Americans generally loathe feminism.

“Dear Men, Please remove the phrase ‘as a husband
and/or a father of daughters’ from your vocabulary.
Women exist outside your bubble.”

That probably offends you, but why does it offend you?

Because it negates male experience, per se, seeking to impose silence on half the human race with regard to the experiences of the other half.

Feminists do not hesitate to criticize male behavior, yet they insist that no man should be allowed to criticize female behavior. Nor do feminists permit men to invoke their experience as fathers or husbands when addressing the problems of women. (Ms. Shirley’s tweet was obviously directed at men commenting on the Harvey Weinstein scandal.)

Feminism is an ideology that privileges female experience as a basis of authority, while negating the value of men’s experiences. Male opinions have no value, according to feminist theory, because men do not have the experience necessary to speak of women’s interests. Feminism is a totalitarian movement based on the belief that women’s interests are the only interests that matter — “social justice” as a zero-sum-game mentality that condemns males as oppressors and enemies of women.

“Women are an oppressed class. Our oppression is total, affecting every facet of our lives. . . .
“We identify the agents of our oppression as men. . . . All men receive economic, sexual, and psychological benefits from male supremacy. All men have oppressed women.”

Redstockings, “Manifesto,” 1969

“Men . . . are the enemies and the oppressors of women. . . . Both the male role and the female role must be annihilated. . . .
“The pathology of oppression can only be fully comprehended in its primary development: the male-female division. . . . The sex roles themselves must be destroyed.”

“The Feminists: A Political Organization to Annihilate Sex Roles,” 1969, in Radical Feminism, edited by Anne Koedt, et al. (1973)

“Men are the enemy. Heterosexual women are collaborators with the enemy. . . .
“We see heterosexuality as an institution of male domination, not a free expression of personal preference.”

Leeds Revolutionary Feminists, 1981

“Sexuality, then, is a form of power. Gender, as socially constructed, embodies it, not the reverse. Women and men are divided by gender, made into the sexes as we know them, by the social requirements of heterosexuality, which institutionalizes male sexual dominance and female sexual submission.”
Catharine MacKinnon, Toward a Feminist Theory of the State (1989)

“We regard our personal experience, and our feelings about that experience, as the basis for an analysis of our common situation,” the Redstockings collective declared in their famous 1969 manifesto. “We cannot rely on existing ideologies as they are all products of male supremacist culture.” Feminism rejects every other system of belief — in science, politics, religion or law — as invalid, because such beliefs are contaminated by “male supremacist culture.” Only women’s experience and feelings can serve as a basis for analysis, and male experience is irrelevant to that analysis because men are the enemy. This is why it is false to say that feminism is a movement about “equality,” because feminist theory is based on a total contempt for males.

Abigail Shirley’s derogation of men’s experience — the insulting assertion that fathers have no right to speak in defense of their own daughters — is a perfect example of feminism’s anti-male ideology. There can be no commonality of interests between men and women, according to the zero-sum-game calculus of feminist theory in which everything that men say or do is always wrong, simply because they are male.

And now, speaking as a father of daughters . . .







Would any father want his daughter to join a collection of perverted lunatics masquerading as a political movement? That’s what feminism is, as everyone with two eyes and a brain can see for themselves.

What I want for my daughters is the same thing I want for my sons: To be happy and successful, to be respectable and admirable people, to live according to the Christian ethic of the Golden Rule — and feminism is utterly incompatible with those goals. The feminist movement attracts selfish and immoral women, who seek to avoid personal responsibility by blaming their failures and unhappiness on “patriarchy.”


Feminists are proponents of the Culture of Death, advocates of promiscuity and abortion. Feminism is not merely anti-male, but also anti-motherhood, anti-Christian and ultimately, anti-American.

These are not opinions, but facts. The truth about feminism can be documented by quotations from feminists themselves. For some reason, feminists get angry when I quote them. Quotation is “harassment,” because they don’t want to be held accountable for their words.



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