The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Can Roy Moore Still Win?

Posted on | November 10, 2017 | 1 Comment


By now, I’m sure every reader is familiar with the news. The Washington Post reported Thursday that in the late 1970s and early ’80s, when Roy Moore was a lawyer in his early 30s, he pursued relationships with three teenage girls, the youngest of whom was 14 at the time. This would seem to be fatal to Moore’s hopes as the Republican candidate for Senate in next month’s special election in Alabama. So far, Judge Moore has adamantly denied the accusations, but the Post article is more convincing than Judge Moore’s denials. Is there any hope at all?

Judge Moore has made the Ten Commandments, and the defense of Christian moral standards, the central theme of his career. This scandal, involving his alleged sins more than 30 years ago, must surely seem to Judge Moore as a divine chastisement to try his faith. Indeed, he is like David confronted by the prophet Nathan: “Thou art the man.”

The day of judgment is at hand, as it were, and surely Judge Moore and all who support him must be praying in great earnestness now.

If what the Post reported is true, Judge Moore must account for his behavior, no matter how painful the accounting might be. And it occurs to me that the people of Alabama are also on trial here. While they await further explanation from Judge Moore, they must consider what they will do — how they will vote — depending on what happens over the next month. Alabama is more or less the buckle of the Bible Belt, and this scandal puts to test their willingness to forgive sin (as Jesus commanded), even as it tests Judge Moore’s own character.

It would take a miracle for Judge Moore to be elected, but Alabama is full of people who believe in miracles. Last night, Steve Bannon addressed the scandal in a speech in New Hampshire that my friend Da Tech Guy covered (there’s video), and Bannon’s belief is simple: Keep fighting.

Indeed, there is nothing else we can do now but fight — and pray.


In The Mailbox: 11.09.17

Posted on | November 9, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 11.09.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Last Minute Scandal Attack
Twitchy: Bill Nye’s Reddit AMA Didn’t Go So Well For “The Science Guy”
Louder With Crowder: CMAs Parody Trump’s Twitter Habit, Hillary’s Book

Adam Piggott: Charlie Sheen, You’re Going To Burn In Hell
American Thinker: Down The Memory Hole – Obama Stole The 2008 Primary With The DNC’s Help
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Grandstanding Windbag News
BattleSwarm: Texas News Roundup For November 9
CDR Salamander: Trumpism Without Trump? No, Trumpism-Light Without Hillary
Da Tech Guy: Roy Moore, The WaPo, And The Problem With An Untrustworthy Press, also, I’ll Never Forget When My Life Ended
Don Surber: Draining Foggy Bottom, also, People Who Cannot Condemn Roy Moore
Dustbury: Top Election Coverage
Fred On Everything: Kidporn, And A Suggestion, For Which I Will Probably Be Lynched
The Geller Report: Citizens Outraged At San Diego City Council For Declaring “CAIR Day”, also, UK “Loses” 56,000 Muslim “Migrants” Slated For Deportation, Including 700+ Ex-Cons
Hogewash: Why Do You Think They Call It Dope? also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Woman Confused That She Can’t Buy Fries At Taco Bell, Blames Racism
Joe For America: Forty Journalists Reveal Their Election Night Meltdowns
JustOneMinute: Mowing The Lawn, Digging Up Dirt
Legal Insurrection: All Signs Point To Attack On Senator Rand Paul Being Politically Motivated, also, Man With The Supposed “Dirt” On Hillary Disappears
Power Line: Sabotage At USA Today? also, The Blabbermouth Angle (2)
Shark Tank: House Bill Filed To End Diversity Visa Program
Shot In The Dark: Stage IV Pauline Kael Syndrome
STUMP: Public Pension-Related Ballot Measuresand Results
The Jawa Report: Good News! Only 583 Years Left! also, The Key
The Political Hat: The Modern Academic – Unbound From The Constitution, Decentered From English, Pledged To Goodthink
This Ain’t Hell: Appeals Court Overturns Sniper-Urinator Verdict, also, Dems Fooling Themselves Over Election Results
Weasel Zippers: George Soros Continues To Quietly Pile Up Wins In District Attorney Races, also, Watch Liberals Scream At The Sky On Election Anniversary
Megan McArdle: What If Taxes Could Make Divorce Even More Painful?
Mark Steyn: Bagmen And Media Suckups, also, Bray New World

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REPORT: Charlie Sheen Raped 13-Year-Old Actor Corey Haim on Film Set in 1986

Posted on | November 9, 2017 | Comments Off on REPORT: Charlie Sheen Raped 13-Year-Old Actor Corey Haim on Film Set in 1986

A shocking allegation from The National Enquirer:

HIV-infected Charlie Sheen is finally being unmasked by The National ENQUIRER as a twisted child molester — the ruthless adult rapist who child star Corey Haim said sodomized him and pushed him down a drug-fueled path to an early grave!
What’s more, The ENQUIRER’s five-year probe into Haim’s tragic and untimely death at age 38 also unearthed other disturbing accounts of Sheen preying on more children connected to the 1986 film “Lucas” — when the predator, 19, sexually abused then 13-year-old Haim.
“Haim told me he had sex with Sheen when they filmed ‘Lucas,’” Dominick Brascia, a former actor and a close friend of the “Lost Boys” legend, exclusively told The ENQUIRER. “He told me they smoked pot and had sex. He said they had anal sex. Haim said after it happened Sheen became very cold and rejected him. When Corey wanted to fool around again, Charlie was not interested.”
But Brascia said Haim claimed he hooked up with the “Wall Street” star another time — when he was in his mid-to-late 20s. “Haim told me he had sex with Sheen again,” Brascia told The ENQUIRER. “He claimed he didn’t like it and was finally over Sheen. He said Charlie was a loser.”
Brascia is just one of more than 100 people, spread across ten states, contacted by The ENQUIRER as part of its exhaustive probe. His horrid account — after 30-plus years of self-imposed silence — matches those of dozens of other sources who also told The ENQUIRER that Haim named Sheen, now 52 and considered a pariah in Hollywood, as his abuser before he died of pneumonia in 2010.
Brascia’s testimony is specifically backed up by a longtime Sheen confidant, who told The ENQUIRER — on the condition of anonymity for fear of repercussion — the “Platoon” bad boy admitted to a liaison with Haim, but insisted it was consensual. A third individual — a convicted child sex offender — told The ENQUIRER Haim revealed sordid details about the Sheen incident when they worked together on “Lost Boys.”

For the record, Charlie Sheen has “categorically” denied it, but what else do we expect him to do? Since we’re on the subject of Charlie Sheen, however, did anyone even suspect Sheen was bisexual until he admitted he had HIV? No, of course we didn’t. But now that we do know, doesn’t it seem like Sheen’s outrageous “bad boy” behavior — dating porn stars and hookers, etc. — might have been overcompensation? A charade?

Remember that in her 2006 divorce filing, Sheen’s ex-wife Denise Richards said that, among other things, he was into “gay pornography also involving very young men who also did not look like adults.”

Also, remember when Sheen wanted the President to die?


Karma is a deeply ironic bitch.


In The Mailbox: 11.08.17

Posted on | November 8, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: What Is The Real Purpose Of Donna Brazile’s Book?
Twitchy: There’s No Topping USA Today‘s “Look” At Devin Kelley’s Rifle
Louder With Crowder: Norm MacDonald Blasts Late Night Hosts For Failing To Report News

Adam Piggott: Podcast #63 – The Strength Episode
American Power: Democrats Sweep Virginia, New Jersey, & The Left Coast
American Thinker: Does Donna Brazile Know Who Killed Seth Rich?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Russian Lawyer Met With Fusion GPS Before & After Trump Jr. Meeting
CDR Salamander: The Estonian View Of ZAPAD
Da Tech Guy: Where Are The GOP Riots, Tears, & Genital Hats?, also, The Cartels & Their False Gods
Don Surber: Happy Anniversary, America
Dustbury: Emptiness Ensues
The Geller Report: Chump Justice – Judge Spares Mother Of Five Who Encouraged ISIS Because – She Was A Mother
Hogewash: Twitter Still Lags Behind, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: “Hate Crime” Hoax At Air Force Academy Exposed
JustOneMinute: The Mourning After
Legal Insurrection: Election Day Morning 2016 – Awaiting Hillary’s Historic Victory, also, Reed College Freshmen Battle Campus SJWs
Power Line: What’s Going On In Saudi Arabia (3)?, also, The Blabbermouth Angle
Shark Tank: Tallahassee Capitol Infested With Sex Scandals, Special Interests, And Wasps
Shot In The Dark: Meet The New St. Paul Mayor, Same As The Old City Council President
STUMP: Never Forget – 100 Years Since The Russian Communist Revolution
The Jawa Report: Muslima Really Sucks At Sharia, also, Fake Hate Crime Of The Day
The Political Hat: Heterosexual Questionnaire Answered
This Ain’t Hell: Kenneth John Boyles Indicted, also, 8th Of November
Weasel Zippers: Charlie Sheen Reportedly Raped 13-Year-Old Corey Haim On The Set of Lucas, also, Today Show Brings On Dan Rather To Discuss Fake News Stories
Mark Steyn: Mexican Wall Shatters Glass Ceiling

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Professor Explores How K-12 Education ‘Can Help Kids Turn Out Queer’

Posted on | November 8, 2017 | 4 Comments


This news is unsurprising to anyone who pays attention to academia:

A professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) recently argued in favor of using art education to help “kids turn out queer.”
Adam Greteman, who teaches aspiring K-12 art teachers, published an article in the current edition of the peer-reviewed Journal of Studies in Art Education titled “Helping Kids Turn Out Queer: Queer Theory in Art Education.”
“This article explores the possibilities of queer theory in art education, and I playfully, perhaps provocatively, ask how art education can help kids turn out queer,” he writes, adding that there is a “need” for art educators to “challenge fears around queer topics.”
In his efforts to fight against the “heteronormative realities” of most K-12 schools, Greteman argues that art teachers could impart a “queerer agenda” on students that might “actually help kids turn out queer” [emphasis in original].
Greteman, who identifies as a “queer scholar,” lists a few ways teachers could achieve this, such as implementing “queer art lessons,” embracing a “queerer agenda” in class, and using “queer affirmation” strategies to help gay students feel more included.
He also adds that “the inclusion of LGBTQ artists and the need to include LGBTQ students is at this point a rather straightforward approach” to help queer the curriculum as well. . . .
In 2013, Greteman published an article on how bareback sex should be taught in sex education programs . . .
“My work is influenced by an eclectic array of modes of inquiry, including queer, feminist, and trans theories, pragmatism, Marxism, and post-structural ethics,” Greteman writes in his faculty biography page for the SAIC.

You can read the whole thing.

Let me take the opportunity here to praise the reporter, Toni Airaksinen, as one of the best young conservative journalists I’ve seen in a long time. If you know anything about her background, Toni has a unique perspective. She grew up in grim poverty in Cleveland, her parents are recovering drug addicts, and she was quite nearly the only white student at her inner-city high school. Yet she was an excellent student — indeed, a prodigy — and as a teenager attended classes at Cleveland State, where she got a full-immersion experience in Third Wave feminism, taking Women’s Studies classes. However, when she arrived at elite Barnard College (sister school of Columbia University) amid the “campus rape epidemic” hysteria, Airaksinen underwent a sort road-to-Damascus conversion. She has emerged as one of the fiercest student critics of what I’ve called The Cult of Social Justice in academia, and her reporting on the campus Culture War is as voluminous in quantity as it is excellent in quality. You should definitely follow her on Twitter.


Gillespie Defeated in Virginia as Huge Democrat Turnout Devastates GOP

Posted on | November 8, 2017 | 1 Comment

Ed Gillespie got more votes (1.18 million) yesterday than any Republican gubernatorial candidate in Virginia history, but Democrats produced a “tsunami” turnout that elected Ralph Northam and wiped out GOP candidates in down-ticket races. The trend was nationwide:

Democrats roared back on Tuesday a year after suffering perhaps the most demoralizing defeat in modern political history, claiming big victories in races up and down the ballot and across the country.
The breadth of the Democratic wins surprised even the most optimistic party stalwarts, who fretted over their own chances in key races Tuesday. But as the results rolled in, those Democrats said they had energized their core voters and capitalized on President Trump’s unpopularity to reach swing voters.
“This is not a wave. This is a tsunami,” Virginia Del. David Toscano, leader of the Democratic caucus, told The Hill in an interview Tuesday night. “This is a huge, huge sea change here in Virginia.”
Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam (D) won the Virginia governorship by a wider-than-expected margin, even with Democrats fretting about his late campaign strategy. Democrat Justin Fairfax won the lieutenant governor’s office, becoming only the second African American to win a statewide post in Virginia since Reconstruction, while Attorney General Mark Herring (D) won re-election.
In New Jersey, former Goldman Sachs executive Phil Murphy (D) easily won the right to replace deeply unpopular Gov. Chris Christie (R), cementing Democratic control in the Garden State.
In Washington, Democrat Manka Dhingra (D) appeared headed for victory in a special election to fill an open state Senate seat. Dhingra’s win, in a formerly Republican district, would give Democrats control of all levers of government in the Evergreen State.
Democrats won at least 14 seats in Virginia’s House of Delegates, with another three likely headed to a recount. They picked up at least two seats in New Jersey’s state Senate, with several Senate and Assembly districts yet to count ballots, and a seat in New Hampshire’s state House.
Georgia Democrats celebrated winning two deep red districts in special state House elections. Two Democrats appear likely to face off in a runoff in a suburban Atlanta state Senate district formerly held by a Republican after finishing first and second in the all-party primary — a result that would break the GOP’s supermajority.

Off-year elections typically go against the party of a newly-elected president, and Republicans tempted to over-interpret these results as an omen of  impending doom should calm down and be quiet. What happened Tuesday was not unprecedented; indeed, it was probably predictable. I’m certain that many Republicans will want to blame all these losses on Trump, and Trump supporters will deny this. But blame is not a strategy. If Republicans want to avoid a wipeout in next year’s mid-term elections, they will have to find a way to use the presidency as an electoral asset, no matter how much they may disdain Trump personally.


In The Mailbox: 11.07.17

Posted on | November 7, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 11.07.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

The White House proclaimed today National Day For The Victims Of Communism. Remembering all my brothers and sisters who stood the Long Watch and fought in the hot wars against the last century’s most deadly ideology.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #68
Proof Positive: A Common Sense Solution To Illegal Guns
EBL: The Curious Case of Trump, The Media, And The Japanese Koi
Twitchy: Who Has A Problem With The National Day For The Victims Of communism? This Guy.
Louder With Crowder: EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW – Texas Hero Steven Willeford Describes Shooting Church Killer

Adam Piggott: The Malady Of Blue Balls And The Key To Girls
American Power: Scott Adams, Win Bigly, also, Yuri Slezkine, The House Of Government
American Thinker: The Revolution Has Been Postponed
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Row Crop News
BattleSwarm: What The Hell is Going On In Saudi Arabia?
BLACKFIVE: Blaine Harden, King of Spies
CDR Salamander: What The Anti-ISIS Annihilation Campaign Looks Like
Da Tech Guy: Fill The Space of Your Soul Or Something Else Will, also, Donna Brazile Makes You Go Hmmmm
Don Surber: Media Pays For Its Fake News
Dustbury: How Now, Proud Daou?
The Geller Report: Tariq Ramadan Not A Rapist – It’s The Womens’ Fault! And the Jews!, also, French & Swiss Police Arrest Ten In Counter-Terror Raids
Hogewash: I’m Not Making This Up, You Know, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Top Hillary Fundraiser Used Army of Spies To Harass, Intimidate Weinstein Accusers
Joe For America: What Happens When You Call For “Revolution” And Nobody Shows Up?
JustOneMinute: Carter Page Is Becoming A Big Deal
Legal Insurrection: Should We Carry Guns In Church?, also, Media Meme – Fauxcahontas An Undocumented Indian
Power Line: Self Help Texas Style, also, Thoughts About Mass Murder
Shot In The Dark: Election Day
STUMP: Nope, Not #MeToo – But Also Not Surprised By Sexual Harassment In State Legislatures
The Political Hat: Public Schools And The Hajj
This Ain’t Hell: A Fobbit’s Opinion On Guns, also, Vandalized Car Hate Crime Report Was False
Weasel Zippers: Ted Cruz – Democrats Filibustered Legislation That Would Have Stopped Texas Shooter, also, Muslima Who Lied About Trump Supporters Attacking Her On Subway Pleads Guilty
Megan McArdle: How The Republicans’ Tax Plan Threatens Higher Ed
Mark Steyn: Donna E Mobile

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Crazy People Are Dangerous

Posted on | November 7, 2017 | Comments Off on Crazy People Are Dangerous


How many times do I have to repeat this?

The gunman who opened fire in a church outside San Antonio, killing at least 26 people, escaped from a mental health facility in 2012 after he was caught sneaking guns onto an Air Force base and “attempting to carry out death threats” made against military superiors, according to a police report.
The report said that officers with the El Paso, Tex., police were dispatched to a bus terminal after Devin P. Kelley‘s escape from a behavioral facility about seven miles away in New Mexico.
The officers wrote that they were told Kelley “was a danger to himself and others” at the time and noted that he “was also facing military criminal charges.” The report was first obtained Tuesday by KPRC, a Houston television station.
This revelation came as authorities continued to seek a fuller portrait of Kelley and also probed a breakdown in military protocols that failed to flag a domestic violence conviction meant to keep him from buying firearms.

Once upon a time in America, crazy people were locked up in lunatic asylums, but then liberals decided we needed “reform.” So they turned loose the lunatics and enacted laws to prevent us from “discriminating” against crazy people. (This was just about the time, coincidentally or not, that Democrat George McGovern picked that kook Thomas Eagleton as his running mate.) Deranged and demented people weren’t the problem, according to liberals. “Society” was the problem. All we had to do is to remove the “stigma” from mental illness, they told us, and these wackos and weirdos could live among us in peace and harmony.

Except, no. Turns out there was a reason for the “stigma.” Can we finally admit liberals are just wrong about this? The same way liberals are wrong about economics, foreign policy and everything else? Or do we just sit around and wait for these dangerous kooks to kill us all?


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