The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Let’s Put It This Way: Maybe @DDLovato Isn’t a Lesbian (But Her Girlfriend Is)

Posted on | September 22, 2017 | 1 Comment


In case you don’t know who Demi Lovato is — because you’re an adult and have an actual life — she is an ex-Disney starlet who has struggled with mental illness ever since she got dumped by Joe Jonas in 2010.

Or maybe she was always crazy, not to mention those rumors of being a teenage cocaine addict, but that’s all ex-Disney starlets, right? Brittney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Miley Cyrus — being a child star on Disney is excellent preparation for a life of rehab, DUI arrests, etc. If you want your daughter to grow up to be a dope-addled sex maniac, just send her down to Orlando and let the Mouse People™ teach her how it’s done.

Demi Lovato has survived her post-Disney career better than most. She’s developed a sort of cult following as a pop singer — the hashtag is #Lovatics — and most of her fans seem to be girls with “issues” of one sort or another. They’re fat, or they’re depressed, or they don’t have boyfriends, or some combination of these factors. Basically, if you’re a skinny happy girl with a boyfriend, you’re not Demi’s target audience.

Also, for the past few years, Demi’s been pandering to the LGBT crowd. When I say “pandering,” I don’t mean she’s not sincerely gay, but rather that her gayness has been commercially beneficial to her in an era when the Compulsory Approval Doctrine requires everyone to celebrate homosexuality as if we were all Grand Marshals of the San Francisco Pride parade. Sympathy for gay people has been de rigueur in academia, journalism, politics and show business for decades now, and everybody’s anxious to avoid suspicion of “homophobia.” It’s a scandal nowadays to prefer normal sex, and even using a word like “normal” might be enough to put you on the SPLC hate map. But I digress . . .


How gay is Demi Lovato? She’s been hinting around for three or four years. She performed at the Los Angeles Gay Pride festival in 2014, but her publicists issued a press release that vaguely described her as “an active advocate of the LGBT community.” OK, how “active” is she, and does her advocacy include dining at the all-you-can-eat seafood buffet?

Ah, details, details — but never mind the colorful metaphors, because the paparazzi finally got pictures of Demi Lovato with her girlfriend.






Despite all this headline buzz (coincidentally or not, just as Demi’s releasing a new album, as the cynics among us must note) the ex-starlet proved herself to be a cunning linguist, by issuing a non-denial of her relationship that was also a non-confirmation of her gayness. Lovato’s shrewd ambiguity could be clever show-business publicity to keep up the gossip tabloid guessing-game, but the Serious Gay Journalist™ crowd wants to turn everything into an LGBT identity-politics statement.

Demi Lovato’s Reason For Refusing To Talk
About Her Sexuality Is Total Bulls**t

You can click that headline if you want to laugh at a silly gay man hyperventilating about why it’s wrong — wrong! wrong! wrong! — for Demi Lovato not to publicly confess that she’s as gay as the president of the Rosie O’Donnell Fan Club. Or whatever. The editor of HuffPoQueer is very serious about homosexuality, in a way strangely reminiscent of the late Rev. Fred Phelps. As a Christian conservative, probably I should be writing seriously about how Demi Lovato’s carnal perversion will doom her to destruction in the lake of fire (Revelation 20:15), but why preach a sermon when you can just torment celebrity sinners with sarcasm?

Besides which, first of all, Joe Jonas is as much doomed to Hell as Demi Lovato, and perhaps more deserving of eternal destruction than she is. How many girls did Joe pump and dump like he did Demi? Dozens, I’m sure, and whatever happened to all those women he used and discarded? How many of them turned out as bad as Demi Lovato or worse? There’s a reason why I’m glad my 24-year-old twin sons are both married, because otherwise they’d be out there casually breaking hearts with no regard for the consequences, temporal or eternal. But once again I digress . . .

The other reason why I’m not preaching a fire and brimstone sermon about Demi Lovato is because she is fully aware that she’s a sinner, and is therefore “without excuse” (Romans 1:20). We need not doubt that Demi can rationalize her sin in her “reprobate mind” (Romans 1:28) and is under “strong delusion” (II Thessalonians 2:11). Perhaps some of my devout friends will say a prayer for Demi Lovato’s repentance, but why waste prayers on an “active advocate” of evil? There are too many good people suffering in this world for me to spend much time worrying about the souls of celebrity millionaire perverts. Why pray for Demi Lovato when there are boys younger than her deployed to Kandahar, fighting Taliban terrorists and not knowing if they’ll ever make it back home?

What has Demi Lovato ever done that should merit admiration or sympathy from anyone? She was a 10-year-old “star” on Barney and Friends, the most wretched children’s show in TV history, starred in Camp Rock at age 13, then leveraged her forgettable Disney series into an record deal. She is basically just a manufactured commodity marketed by the entertainment industry. Her life has been a public performance since childhood, and trying to separate her image from her authentic self is impossible, because how can there be anything truly authentic left beneath the show-business façade she’s been paid to display all these years? If there is a “real” Demi behind the masquerade, is she someone we would actually like? Or is she just another soulless atheist who sees herself existing in a godless world without meaning or purpose?



Just because Demi Lovato refuses to label her “sexuality” doesn’t mean we can’t. Her sexuality is — wait for it — a marketing gimmick.

And isn’t that just pathetic? One might muster some sympathy for the secretly homosexual celebrity who is trapped in the closet, but I don’t want to deal with a libel suit from Tom Cruise, so never mind. On the other hand, sex sells, and what better way for Demi Lovato to keep her name in the headlines — and sell her new album — than to take her (alleged) lesbian girlfriend to Disneyland and let the paparazzi get some pictures, then invoke her privacy when reporters ask questions.

Clever little game, really, and we ought to call it what it is, rather than to pretend that Demi’s too dumb to know exactly what she’s doing. If you’re going to sell your soul, might as well make a profit, eh? Oh, and it looks like Joe Jonas is boning yet another starlet who will, no doubt, eventually end up as pathetic as Demi Lovato. Joe is so going to Hell . . .


In The Mailbox: 09.21.17

Posted on | September 21, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.21.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Valerie Plame Celebrates The Jewish High Holidays – Those Warmongering Jews!
Twitchy: Will Tough Guy Jimmy Kimmel Accept This Offer From Heritage Action?
Louder With Crowder: South Park Skewers Constant Liberal Social Media Outrage

Adam Piggott: The Mythical Boundaries Of Hate Speech
American Power: How To Exploit The Left’s National Nervous Breakdown
American Thinker: Explaining The Narcissistic Rage Of The Left
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Armored Column News
BattleSwarm: Blogroll Addition – Judicial Watch
Bring The HEAT: Huntsville Man To Receive Medal Of Honor For Vietnam Heroics
CDR Salamander: Secure Shipyard Jobs…In China
Da Tech Guy: The Notion That Graham-Cassidy Has To Pass To Save The GOP Is Ludicrous
Don Surber: Why CNN Told You Trump’s Campaign Was Wiretapped
Dustbury: Powermongery
The Geller Report: NH Muslim “Refugee” Rapes Several Little Girls As Young As Seven
Hogewash: Mean Words, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: New Democratic Party Leader Threatens Fox Host With Violence
Joe For America: Trump Expands US Military Presence In Israel
JustOneMinute: The Graham-Cassidy Health Care Bill
Legal Insurrection: IT Aide In House Network Scandal Allegedly Abused Three Women
Power Line: Why Trump is So Much Fun, also, Trump v. Obama On Foreign Policy
Shark Tank: Rand Paul Equates Graham-Cassidy To 2013 Senate Amnesty Bill
Shot In The Dark: The North Loop Is Burning! Part III – Never Never Land
The Jawa Report: Feelgood Video Of The Day – Kilroy Drones ISIS Execution, also, Dear Rasmea Odeh
The Political Hat: Mandatory Diversity – In The College, In The Market, In Pedagogy
This Ain’t Hell: Afghan President Outlines Strategy
Weasel Zippers: We’re All Going To Die!!! (Again), also, Absentee NOLA Mayor Landrieu Natters About Statues While His City Has No Water
Mark Steyn: The Decadence of Democrats, also, The Inability To Uni-Task

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When Feminism ‘Succeeds’

Posted on | September 21, 2017 | Comments Off on When Feminism ‘Succeeds’


“What is feminism?”

This was the question that I addressed in my presentation Sept. 9 in Leominster, Massachusetts, hosted by the Worcester Tea Party, Da Tech Guy Blog and Granite Grok. (Click here to see the 30-minute video.)

What most people don’t understand about feminism is that the movement is entirely destructive in its goals. This is a consequence of the Marxist influence on feminist ideology. Any careful student of Marxism, and its historical manifestation in the Soviet Union and other totalitarian regimes, recognizes that Marx (and Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, Mao, et al.) did not begin with a plan to replace the capitalist system. How would socialism work? This was not a question that Marxist revolutionaries spent much time pondering. What mattered was the radical dream of destroying a bourgeois society that they condemned in toto. Destruction was Marxism’s goal, and what came after the revolution — the “dictatorship of the proletariat” — would just work itself out somehow.

Well, we know that worked out. As we approach the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution, everyone with two eyes and a functional brain realizes that the Marxist-Leninist dream has produced nothing but fear, hunger and violence. To this day, from Pyongyang to Caracas, we see the nightmare of poverty and terror that descends upon any place where socialist revolutionaries “succeed.” And because the modern feminist movement owes its origins to the radical New Left of the 1960s, feminism incorporates the fundamentally destructive nature of Marxist ideology.


My presentation in Massachusetts featured some two dozen quotes from feminists, spanning more than 40 years, demonstrating the deranged nature of this destructive ideology. “Smash patriarchy” — and then what?

Exactly what did feminists have in mind to replace “patriarchy”? If your answer to that question is “equality,” then you must then tell me what this imaginary regime of equality will look like — how it will operate in practice, not theory — and demonstrate that your radical dream is both (a) possible and (b) preferable to the allegedly unjust society that you will destroy in order to bring about your heaven-on-earth feminist utopia.

It is evident that no feminist leader was ever required to provide such a plan back in those days of dope-addled radicalism in the 1960s and ’70s, and anyone interested in feminism’s history ought to consider the points I made, and the questions I raised, in my Sept. 9 presentation:

One of the key founders of the Women’s Liberation Movement was Shulamith Firestone, who in 1968 used a mailing list of SDS women to organize the first radical feminist groups in New York and Washington, D.C. . . . Firestone’s 1970 book The Dialectic of Sex reflected the Marxist influence on feminist ideology. She condemned the “biological family” as a source of “tyranny,” and advocated the “elimination . . . of the sex distinction itself.”
Whatever happened to Shulamith Firestone? She was eventually diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. For decades, she lived on public assistance. She died alone, at age 67, in a tiny apartment in August 2012. By the time they found her body, she had been dead for a week.
Another early radical Women’s Liberation group, led by Ti-Grace Atkinson, called themselves simply “The Feminists.” In their manifesto, they described men as “enemies” and “oppressors” of women, and vowed to destroy “sex roles,” which they claimed are the product of a political “class separation.” Again, this shows the extent to which Second-Wave feminists borrowed their ideology and rhetoric from Marxism.
It was in a 1969 interview with Life magazine that Ti-Grace Atkinson declared, “Marriage means rape and lifelong slavery.” One of her comrades, Sheila Cronan, elaborated on this claim by saying that the cruelty of marriage is demonstrated by “the fact that it appears to exist with the consent of the enslaved group.” Now, we see how feminist ideology is based in claims of “oppression.” Men are the “enemy,” marriage is “slavery” and the family is “tyranny.” Where does this kind of rhetoric logically lead? . . .

Well, you can watch the whole thing on YouTube. Nearly 50 years after Shulamith Firestone began organizing what was then called the Women’s Liberation Movement (what is now known as “Second Wave” feminism), the real-life consequences are everywhere around us:

Tennessee made headlines as the Deadbeat Dad Capital of the World a few years ago. The story started in May 2012 with Desmond Hatchett, 33, of Knoxville, who had reportedly sired 30 offspring by 11 different women. WREG-TV quoted Hatchett: “I had four kids in the same year. Twice.” When that story drew nationwide attention — “Tennessee Baby Machine Is A State Inmate” was the Smoking Gun headline — a Memphis TV station did some checking with local court records and discovered that Terry Tyrone Turnage had spawned 23 children with 17 different women, while Richard M. Colbert was the father of 25 children by 18 different women. Then in 2013, a Nashville TV station reported that Orlando Shaw, 33, was the father of 22 children by 14 different women. “I was young and ambitious, and I love women,” Shaw told WTVF. “You can’t knock no man for loving women.”
In case you lost count: 4 men, 60 women, 100 children.
None of these serial inseminators was a “father” beyond the mere facts of biology. They were not capable of paying child-support adequate to the needs of their offspring, nor did they support the “baby mamas” who incubated their seed. Various taxpayer-funded government programs — Medicaid, food stamps, WIC, public housing, AFDC, etc. — make possible such reckless sprees of irresponsible procreation. Any student of sociology would expect that when these children are old enough to reproduce, they will do so in similarly disordered ways. And this is what feminists call success. . . .

Read the whole thing at The Patriarch Tree.

A friend on Twitter commented that my columns sometimes “make me so angry I want to punch a feminazi.” Let me state for the record that I am against punching feminazis. The smart thing to do is to shun feminists — avoid them completely — and to advise others to do the same.



In The Mailbox: 09.20.17

Posted on | September 20, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #19
EBL: Why Obama Illegally Spied On Trump
Twitchy: Good Luck Topping This SCATHING Review Of Hillary’s Book
Louder With Crowder: Veteran Brings PTSD Service Dog Into Restaurant, Woman Goes Full Crazy

American Power: Paintsville, KY – When The Government Tried To Fix A Coal Town
American Thinker: Trump Vindicated On Wiretaps, Hillary Ukraine Collusion
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Hollywood To Unveil New Awards Show Dedicated To Ridiculing Trump, Supporters
BLACKFIVE: Nelson DeMille, The Cuban Affair
Bring The HEAT: Oops
CDR Salamander: Mid-September Melee On Midrats Podcast
Da Tech Guy: Cottoned, also, Five Points On POTUS’ UN Speech
Don Surber: Let States Run Health Insurance Again
Dustbury: The Unsoaked Rich
The Geller Report: Clinton Moved $800,000 From Her Campaign To Help Fund Antifa
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, President Trump At The UN
Jammie Wearing Fools: Trump Fires Back At “Crooked Hillary” Over North Korea Criticism
Joe For America: Watch Nancy Pelosi Lose It When Liberal Protesters Shut Down Her Press Conference
JustOneMinute: Strong Words From The WSJ Editors
Legal Insurrection: Anti-Semitic 9/11 Article By K-12 Education Giant Spurs Outrage
Michelle Malkin: Show Biz Meltdown – Bombs Away!
Power Line: Is The Earth’s Climate History Largely A Fraud?
Shot In The Dark: The State Full of Sun-Baked Progressive Bobbleheads That Doesn’t Learn From History
STUMP: Soda Tax Soda Tax, Oh Soda Soda Tax – Ba Dumb Dumb Dumb
The Jawa Report: CNN Documentary On Sharia4Belgium Losers, also, Meanwhile In Mexico City (104 Killed)
The Political Hat: De-Transing The Child
This Ain’t Hell: Michele Bocci Sentenced, also, VA Fires Brian Hawkins – Again
Weasel Zippers: The Genius Of Ben Rhodes, also, St. Louis Young Democrats Busted For Actively Promoting Anti-Police Rallies In Which Cops Were Injured
Megan McArdle: How The Health Care Debate Would Change If Graham-Cassidy Passes
Mark Steyn: Waterloo Sunset, also, Statue Of Limitations

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University of North Carolina Continues Promoting Anti-Male Hate Propaganda

Posted on | September 19, 2017 | 1 Comment


Male students are a dwindling minority (42%) at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, a Democrat-controlled institution which selected former Dartmouth professor Carol Folt as its chancellor in 2013. That was the same year lesbian feminists Andrea Pino and Annie Clark joined three other UNC students in filing a federal Office for Civil Rights and Clery Act complaint against the university. Pino co-founded a non-profit, End Rape on Campus, but investigators have found no evidence to support her claim that she was raped twice by two different men at UNC.

Pino and Clark’s rape claims helped foster a climate of anti-male hysteria on the Chapel Hill campus, which has instituted a program to stigmatize men with accusations of “toxic masculinity” and “male privilege”:

The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill is hosting a discussion group to help men “shift the culture of masculinity toward more non-violent norms.”
The UNC Men’s Project, which launched in 2013, will host a 10-week discussion group this semester to “increase men’s involvement in gender equity and violence prevention,” and examine how masculinity has “contributed to the perpetration of violence in our society.”

(Who says “gender equity” and “violence prevention” are related? And why are North Carolina taxpayers expected to foot the bill for “discussion groups” based upon this dubious social-justice dogma?)

“Men commit the vast majority of violence, yet the vast majority of men neither commit nor condone violence,” the project argues. “And many men and boys are subjected to some form of violence at the hands of other men. How do we confront this issue?”

(With a pistol, perhaps?)

Participants will be tasked with holding workshops and events about masculinity on campus, such as the Campus Coffee Conversations program, which has previously hosted talks on issues such as masculinity, privilege, microaggressions, and trigger warnings.
At the end of the 10-week program, students are asked to create an individual “follow on” project by becoming a Peer Educator on masculinity, creating a short documentary film, joining a “gender equity” group on campus, or “developing a plan to increase bystander intervention practices.”

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.) All of this, you see, was prompted by two things:

  1. An unproven complaint by Andrea Pino and her comrades;
  2. The appointment of the university’s first female chancellor.

So here we have UNC engaged in an extraordinary effort to eradicate masculinity from the Chapel Hill campus, despite the fact that (a) male students are already a despised minority at UNC, and (b) the whole thing was inspired by a lesbian feminist whose claim of being a rape victim has been compared to Jackie Coakley’s notorious hoax at UVA.

This ongoing witch-hunt against male students at UNC is being conducted at taxpayer expense, in the name of “gender equity,” as if males at the school weren’t already outnumbered and disadvantaged. There are about 3,000 more female students than males enrolled at Chapel Hill, and yet the administration continues to insult UNC’s male students by accusing them of perpetrating “toxic masculinity” merely by being on campus. One wonders what UNC alumni think of Chancellor Folt turning their alma mater into a feminist indoctrination camp.

The main lesson UNC seems to be interested in teaching its students is how to hate each other, and of course, how to vote Democrat.



In The Mailbox: 09.19.17

Posted on | September 19, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.19.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Can Graham-Cassidy’s Obamacare Repeal & Replace Pass The Senate?
Twitchy: STOP IT. No, Dolly Parton Didn’t Take Part In Lily Tomlin’s Trump Trashing At The Emmys
Louder With Crowder: Trump Says “Venezuela Has FAITHFULLY Implementd Socialism”, UNGA Goes Silent
Mary Katherine Ham: After My Husband’s Death, I’m Learning To Steward The Light He Left Behind

Adam Piggott: Nice Guys Never Win
American Power: Punch A Nazi In Seattle
American Thinker: London Update – The West is To Blame For Islamic Terrorism
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Patrick Henry News
BattleSwarm: Lazy Blogging – Random Tweet Edition
BLACKFIVE: Reed Coleman, Robert Parker’s The Hangman’s Sonnet
Bring The HEAT: Commanders Of CTF-70, DesRon 15 Relieved
CDR Salamander: Senator Kaine Puts CDR Salamander In The Senate Record
Da Tech Guy: And The Winner Is – An Anti-Christian, American-Bashing, Feminist Diatribe, also, Politics Not The Only Reason For Big Drop In Emmys Viewership
Don Surber: The Media’s Wiretap Dancing
Dustbury: In Search Of Fairness
The Geller Report: Both Suspects In London Attack Are “Refugee” Kids Nurtured By Do-Gooders
Hogewash: Vintage Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Here’s More Evidence Team Hillary Tried To Destroy
Joe For America: Ben Carson – Nations That Obliterate Their History Don’t Do Well
JustOneMinute: Lawfare On The Manafort Taps And More
Legal Insurrection: Kentucky Governor Suggests Cutting Degree Programs Like Interpretive Dance
Power Line: So Trump Was Right About His Campaign Being Bugged?
Shark Tank: How Hurricane Irma’s Winds Affected Florida Politics
Shot In The Dark: The North Loop Is Burning! Part II – Kotkin Was Right!, also, St. Paul Will Suck A Little More In October
STUMP: A New Category For The Public Pension Hall Of Shame – Never Fully-Funders
The Jawa Report: And Now A Message Of Religious Extortion From The Religion Of Peace
The Political Hat: Dutch Euthanasia – 2 For 1 Deal
This Ain’t Hell: Manning Claims He’s Not A Traitor, also, Is Google Trying To Cover Up An Inconvenient Hurricane Truth?
Weasel Zippers: Segregated Dining At Brown U Part Of “Racial Reconciliation”, also, Piers Morgan Points Out J.K. Rowling Tweet That Didn’t Age Well
Mark Steyn: When Opposite World Moves In Next Door

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In The Mailbox: 09.18.17

Posted on | September 18, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.18.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Added Commander Salamander and Legal Insurrection to the list since Fred’s on hiatus and Michelle’s become more infrequent in her posting. Enjoy.

Proof Positive: Unabomber Chic And The Low-Rent Domestic Terrorist
EBL: Eat Me – National Cheeseburger Day Rule 5
Twitchy: Who Does Alyssa Milano Think She’s Fooling With This Claim?
Louder With Crowder: Antifa Professor Suspended After “Dead Cops” Joke

Adam Piggott: COTW – How Will The Immigrants Vote On Gay Marriage?
American Power: Dana Loesch Reports Protesters Bused Into St. Louis After Stockley Verdict, also, Tim O’Brien, The Things They Carried
American Thinker: K-16, Land Of Lies
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: Demolishing The “Southern Strategy” Myth
BLACKFIVE: Michael Brandman, Missing Persons
Bring The HEAT: The Sunken Road At Antietam, 17 September 1862
Commander Salamander: Midrats Podcast – Reporting On A Navy In Crisis
Da Tech Guy: Crook County Is What Happens When You Elect A Leftist To Run It, also, Report From Louisiana – More Monument Frenzy & Tim Imholt Is Right, also also, Ten Things I’ll be Doing Instead Of Watching The Emmys
Don Surber: End Nears For Hillary’s Russia Excuse, also, Patrick Henry May Be Right About The Constitution
Dustbury: Strange Search-Engine Queries, also, Fa-la-la-la-la, Such Folderol
Fred On Everything:
The Geller Report: Michigan Muslim Mom Murdered For “Americanizing” Her Kids, also, Canadian PM Trudeau Claims Opposition To Islamophobia Bill Is Sexist
Hogewash: Yours Truly, Johnny Atsign, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Hillary Fan Arrested For Weapons Possession Outside Ben Shapiro Speech, also, “Dreamers” Angrily Shout Down Pelosi Over Negotiations With Trump
Joe For America: University Professor Apologizes For Offensive Floral Arrangement, also, Emmys In Ratings Freefall – Will Last Night’s Anti-Trump Ragefest Destroy Them Altogether?
JustOneMinute: Mr. Sanders’ Wild Pony Ride, also, I Deplore This Insensitivity!
Legal Insurrection: What Single-Payer Looks Like – Obese & Smokers Banned From Surgery At UK Gov’t Hospital, also, DOJ Reportedly Opens Insider Trading Investigation Of Equifax Stock Sales
Power Line: What Happened In Clinton E-Mails, also, The Wages Of Borking
Shark Tank: Graham Politicizes Hurricane Tragedy, Blames Everyone But Her Father
Shot In The Dark: The North Loop Is Burning! Part I – “Solve The Problem We Helped Create!”
The Political Hat: In Condemnation Of A Farcical Aquatic Ceremony, also, The Reverse Inquisition
This Ain’t Hell: Robert Guidi Sentenced For Stolen Valor Thievery, also, Debunking Yet Another False Claim
Weasel Zippers: WaPo’s Dana Milbank Complains That Trump Is Literally Killing Him, also, Hungary Builds A Wall, Illegal Immigration Falls Over 99%
Megan McArdle: We Didn’t Normalize Trump. We Normalized The Left’s Violence.
Mark Steyn: (I’ve Got A Gal In) Kalamazoo, also, Terror And Twaddle

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Anti-White Radicals Terrorize Republican Students at the University of Minnesota

Posted on | September 18, 2017 | 2 Comments

‘Antifa’ radicals terrorized Madison Faupel at the University of Minnesota.

Minnesota is one of the least “diverse” states in America — 85% white, with single-digit percentages of minorities: 6% black, 5% Hispanic, 4% Asian. You probably wouldn’t expect too much from Minnesota in the way of militant racial activism, except that it’s a bastion of liberalism. Both of the state’s U.S. Senators are Democrats, as are six of its eight U.S. Representatives. Bernie Sanders won the Democrat caucuses in Minnesota last year, and Hillary Clinton won the state in November. In the Trump Age, therefore, racial strife is to be expected in Minnesota and especially in the identity-politics bastions of academia:

[Madison Faupel is] the president of the University of Minnesota’s College Republican chapter. Her group sparked controversy last fall when it reserved space and painted a mural on the Washington Avenue Bridge to promote their student group.
Her group settled on three slogans: “College Republicans, The Best Party on Campus,” “Trump Pence 2016,” and “Build the Wall.”
Within an hour, the panels had been vandalized, and protesters had surrounded the panels. Some of the vandalism included the following statements: “STOP WHITE SUPREMACY NOW” and “Hate Speech is not Free Speech.” . . .
As the protests grew, so did violent threats against the College Republicans and Madison, in particular. The group’s members were scared for their safety on campus. Madison and the rest of the executive board didn’t go out at night and tried to never be alone on campus. Many used campus security to walk home. . . .
The University of Minnesota did call for a “Campus Climate” conversation about the recent controversial events, but this, too, devolved into chaos. About 15 minutes into the event, more than 200 protesters came into the room chanting, “Hey hey, ho ho, racism has got to go,” surrounding those students who had come to the event to engage in a civil conversation.
The protesters took over the stage as the student body president stood at the front of the room with her fist in the air, leading the chants. Students took turns lamenting how their feelings were hurt, how writing “Build the Wall” amounts to hate speech, and how they want to be included in conversations on campus. At the end of the event, one of the protesters stood on stage and asked the crowd if any College Republicans had attended. Madison stood up and raised her hand.
When the “event” ended, she was swarmed by the mob. “They were completely surrounding me; I was unable to leave the event. They were screaming in my face calling me racist, xenophobic, and other unmentionable names. They were aggressive, and I just wanted to get out safely,” said Madison. “One girl was holding another girl back saying, ‘She’s not worth it. Don’t hit her.’” . . .
Members of the loosely organized far-left militant group Antifa targeted [Faupel] for promoting capitalism on campus, posting online her address, phone number, parent’s address, parent’s phone number, a photo of her, and a reference to her as an alt-right Nazi.
“I endured a lot of violent threats throughout the year, but Antifa’s attack was the scariest,” said Madison. “When I was out in public I received messages that they were watching me, that they would continue to come after me until I stopped my ‘leadership of bigotry and hate,’ and that they were ‘on my ass.’ I was very scared to be home because they knew where I lived, but I was also scared to be in public because they claimed they were watching me.”

The university’s student body president, Abeer Syedah, is a self-described “brown queer angry feminist” who hates capitalism, Christianity, heterosexuals and white people, not necessarily in that order.

Abeer Syedah promotes hatred at University of Minnesota.

When an ISIS jihadi attacked a gay nightclub in Orlando, Syedah took to Facebook and falsely blamed her enemies for the atrocity:

“[The LGBT] community is the target of horrific hate crime, a massacre, in a space that’s supposed to be safe for the queer community during a month that’s supposed to be about the queer community, in a society that remains violently cisnormative and heteronormative . . .
“[The Muslim] community exhausted spending this month practicing patience and gratitude, is prepared to defend their peaceful lifestyle and beliefs in justice, love, and equality, from the scapegoating and fearmongering of a largely Christian-normative and white supremacist base that pretends it’s not hateful while picking the xenophobic, bigoted, racist, misogynistic, ableist, queerphobic, Islamophobic, whiny bully of the decade as their desired nominee for President.

Did anyone at the University of Minnesota discipline Abeer Syedah for these hateful, libelous accusations? Of course not. The university’s administrators are all Democrats who support her radical agenda.

Abeer Syedah describes herself as a ‘brown queer angry feminist.’

The totalitarians in charge of our nation’s universities promote “diversity,” as long as it doesn’t include Republicans. As Matt Lewis’s article makes clear, the Democrat faculty and administration at the University of Minnesota encouraged the radical hate-mongers who terrorized Madison Faupel and other Republican students.

Maybe the taxpayers in Minnesota are OK with funding universities that have become indoctrination centers for extremism. Or maybe Minnesota taxpayers have never been asked to contemplate the consequences of paying professors to teach hatred in the name of “social justice.”



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