The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Diversity’ Requirement for College Faculty Enables Political Discrimination

Posted on | March 30, 2017 | Comments Off on ‘Diversity’ Requirement for College Faculty Enables Political Discrimination

It should be obvious to anyone who has paid attention to academia that conservatives are not welcome on our nation’s university campuses, either as students or as faculty. America’s higher education system is controlled by partisan Democrats, and Republicans are not eligible for employment. Nearly 100% of campaign contributions from liberal arts faculty go to Democrats. At Cornell University, for example, 97% of contributions from faculty went to Democrats. At Georgetown University, 96% of faculty donations went to Democrats. To maintain this ideological conformity, applicants for employment at many universities are now required to submit a “diversity statement,” George Leef explains:

The diversity statement has a purpose. That purpose, writes the paper’s author, Professor Bruce Gilley of Portland State University, is to weed out non-leftist scholars.
At many universities, he explains, there is an unspoken ideology that “emphasizes group identity, an assumption of group victimization, and a claim for group based entitlements.” On the other hand, “Classical liberal approaches that emphasize the pluralism of a free society, the universalism of human experience, and the importance of equality before the law have been regarded as invalid.”
Scholars who don’t demonstrate enough zeal for the former or any sympathy for the latter are put under a great disadvantage. The ideological purists who often dominate in hiring and promotion decisions don’t want dissidents in their schools if they can be kept out.

You can read the whole thing. It is worth recalling that the modern conservative movement in America more or less began in 1951 when a recent Yale University graduate named William F. Buckley Jr. published God and Man at Yale, an exposé of the liberal biases that were evident at what was then considered to be a conservative institution. Buckley’s book is still worth reading today, because the problem he identified — America’s intellectual elite had ceased to believe in the American value system — has proven to be so insoluble. There are now more Marxists on the Yale faculty than there are Christians. Indeed, there are probably more Marxists at Yale than in Pyongyang. And when was the last time Yale hired a Republican professor? The question therefore arises, why should Republican parents pay exorbitant tuition to send their children to universities that function as Democrat Party indoctrination centers?

(Hat-tip: George Piper at The College Fix.)



‘Equality,’ Florida-Style: Lesbian Arrested for Attacking Her Husband With Bleach

Posted on | March 29, 2017 | Comments Off on ‘Equality,’ Florida-Style: Lesbian Arrested for Attacking Her Husband With Bleach

Lakeisha Regina LeGrand was arrested earlier this month.

History offers many examples of intellectuals dreaming up innovative schemes for “progress” which, as inspiring as they may seem to their advocates in the academic elite, don’t work out so well when applied in real life with real people. Just invoke the magic word “equality” and rational discussion ceases, because how can anyone be against “equality”? We are expected to ignore the fact that never in human history has anything like “equality” actually existed, and attempts to impose “equality” through government force have resulted in disaster in the former Soviet Union, Communist China, Cambodia, and elsewhere.

What did Ivy League professors imagine “equality” would mean in terms of marriage and families? Or what did Justice Anthony Kennedy (Harvard Law, Class of 1961) think would be the consequences of Obergefell?

Let’s take a look at how “equality” is working out in Orlando:

A 31-year-old Orlando woman was arrested Sunday on suspicion of splashing bleach in her husband’s face after they got into an argument about a woman whom she recently began dating.
Lakeisha Regina LeGrand was arrested on a charge of aggravated battery/permanent disfigurement.
According to an Orange County Sheriff’s Office arrest affidavit, LeGrand and her husband have been married for eight years, have four children together and live together in the same home.
Deputies said the couple got into an argument Saturday because LeGrand’s husband does not like the woman whom LeGrand is dating and he does not want the woman around their children. He said LeGrand “recently discovered that she is gay,” and it has caused stress on their relationship. . . .

(She “discovered” she’s gay, like it’s a scientific breakthrough.)

LeGrand’s husband asked her to keep the woman away from their children, and LeGrand took the children and left the home, deputies said. Her husband said he also left and returned home Sunday.
He said the children told him that they were left alone with LeGrand’s girlfriend, and he confronted her when she returned home, the affidavit said. She told him to “go back to where he came from” and he began to yell and throw boxes, deputies said.
LeGrand asked one of her children to get some bleach, but the child refused, so LeGrand grabbed a bottle from a closet, unscrewed the lid and splashed it on her husband’s face, according to the affidavit.

“Equality!” “Progress!” “Social justice!” These fine phrases are so inspiring to the intellectual elite, but what do they mean in real life for ordinary people who didn’t go to Harvard Law School?


In The Mailbox: 03.29.17

Posted on | March 29, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Breaking News! Donald Trump May Use Russian Dressing!
Michelle Malkin: Benjamin Crump – TV’s Rising Fake News Star
Twitchy: Did Former Obama Appointee Evelyn Farkas Just Admit Trump’s Staff Was Spied On?
Louder With Crowder: EVIL – Abortion Doctor Laughs While Describing Ripping Baby From The Womb

Adam Piggott: The Three Essential Red Pill Journeys
American Power: Ford Investing $1.2 Billion In U.S. Plants As Trump Touts Jobs – #MAGA!
American Thinker: Oh, How The Mighty Have Fallen
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Da Tech Guy: Baldilocks – BOHICA For Him, But Not For Them
Don Surber: Trump Realizes CO2 Is A Nutrient
Dustbury: You Came Here For An Argument
The Geller Report: Muslim Public HS Principal Keeps Catholic Students Off Admissions List
Hogewash: Location, Location, Location
Jammie Wearing Fools: California Criminally Charges Undercover Reporters Who Exposed Planned Parenthood’s Baby Body Parts Sales. Where’s The Outrage?
Joe For America: Texas Governor Abbott Ready To Hit Back Against Sanctuary Cities
JustOneMinute: Defensive Driving
Power Line: Leaked DHS Document Is Another Democratic Party Scandal, also, Why Is The DNC “Embattled”?
Shark Tank: Pro-Planned Parenthood Attorney General Exacts Revenge On Pro-Life Activists
Shot In The Dark: “There’s No Use In Self-Defense”
STUMP: CALPERS Myths v. Facts – The Page Is Gone, But The Internet Is Forever
The Jawa Report: Three Refugees Arrested, Lied On Visa Applications About Roy Hallum’s Kidnapper, also, Sandcrawler PSA – There Are No Good Or Bad Muslims, Just Muslims
The Political Hat: Rivers Are People Too, also, Shut Up, The EU Parliament Explained
This Ain’t Hell: Beware “War Store”, also, Alexander Vanderheide Admits Malfeasance
War Is Boring: South Sudan is Dying
Weasel Zippers: California’s Chief Justice Claims Enforcing Immigration Law Goes Against The Rule Of Law, also, Massachusetts Sheriff Calls For Arrest Of Sanctuary City Leaders
Megan McArdle: We Don’t Know Whether Obamacare Was A Net Gain
Mark Steyn: The Safe Harbour?, also, The Potemkin Treasury

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Feminist @HannahSmothers_ Confirms the Worst Stereotypes of Feminism

Posted on | March 29, 2017 | 2 Comments

Hannah Smothers writes for Cosmopolitan.

Never take advice from feminists. How many times do I have to explain this? If a young woman’s goal in life is to become a crazy cat lady, she doesn’t need anyone’s advice to accomplish that goal, and if she wants to be anything else . . . Well, feminism can’t help her.

In a tiny Brooklyn apartment, a 2015 University of Texas graduate named Hannah Smothers is well on her way to becoming a crazy cat lady, but meanwhile she’s “Sex & Relationships Editor at” To give you an idea of what an expert Ms. Smothers is about relationships, she got dumped by her boyfriend two weeks before Valentine’s Day, and turned this into a column about being her own Valentine.


“Romantic dinner for one” — whether or not she owns a cat, she’s otherwise making rapid progress toward her career goal, IYKWIMAITYD.

Why did her boyfriend dump her? She doesn’t explain this, but I’ll bet $20 that if you asked her ex-boyfriend, his answer would include the word “crazy.” The symptoms of Ms. Smothers’ insanity are obvious. After all, no psychologically healthy person would leave the great state of Texas and move to a tiny apartment in Brooklyn. Beyond that, however, Ms. Smothers exhibits a morbid obsession with killing babies. She is a bloodthirsty pro-abortion fanatic, for whom maintaining federal funding for Planned Parenthood is a sacred crusade. Advocates of infanticide are not nice people, and the feminist movement’s pro-abortion agenda attracts heartless monsters who consider baby-killing a “right.”

Hannah Smothers last year met her feminist idol, Gloria Steinem.

Hannah Smothers has the three crucial traits of a feminist — the craziness, the cruelty and don’t forget, the dishonesty.

A feminist must always engage in semantic games intended to conceal reality, to hide away evidence that she is the source of her own problems. What’s the difference between (a) feminists claiming that women are oppressed by “patriarchy” and (b) neo-Nazis blaming their problems on Jews? Nothing really. Both are paranoid conspiracy theories that function as explanations of failure. You lost your job because the factory shut down? Blame the greedy Jews! You’re spending Valentine’s Day alone because your boyfriend dumped you? Blame the patriarchy!


Yes, that’s the headline on a Hannah Smothers column: “16 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Ever Gave a Blow Job,” and I’m sure the Pulitzer Prize committee will be impressed with this quality journalism.

Am I the only one who’s noticed the extent to which “feminism” has become merely a pretext for women to write about their sex lives? But you also notice that we never hear the other side of the story, do we?

16 Reasons Why You Should Never Let
Hannah Smothers Give You a Blowjob

by Hannah’s Ex-Boyfriend

The ex-boyfriends of feminists are conspicuously silent. No guy has ever written a tell-all essay, e.g., “I Banged Amanda Marcotte,” because such an admission would permanently damage his reputation.


Yes, that’s the headline on yet another Hannah Smothers column which, for some reason, the Pulitzer Prize committee overlooked last year.

Her journalism professors at the University of Texas must be proud of Ms. Smothers’ career achievement in writing about oral sex and queefing, but what brought her to my attention this week — thanks to Spacebunny on Gab — was this headline:

Why Guys Get Turned on When You Orgasm
— and Why That’s a Bad Thing

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner. Ms. Smothers has managed to find, somewhere in her feminist theory, a reason to be anti-orgasm.

Regardless of the specifics that led Ms. Smothers to her conclusion, this was an inevitable destination, inherent in feminist theory. As I said last year in reference to Anita Sarkeesian, a primary goal of feminism is to abolish male happiness. Feminists believe anything that makes men happy must be wrong. Therefore, they must find something that makes men happy, and ruin it — this is what Sarkeesian wants to do to the videogame industry, and it’s what Ms. Smothers wants to do to sex.


Feminism is an essentially negative ideology, destructive in its purposes. Unable to find happiness or success in their own lives, feminists blame men — the patriarchy — for their misery and failure, a rationalization that justifies their vindictive cruelty toward males. As might be expected, her hateful anti-male attitude does not make the feminist popular with men, and this is related to a phenomenon that Vox Day has observed: “SJWs always double down.” Feminism is a fool’s errand, the pursuit of “equality” through the destruction of everything wholesome and decent in society. As such, it does not attract the support of wise and virtuous women. When fools fail at whatever they attempt, their double-down reaction is predictable: The solution is more feminism!

This is why feminists interpret male hostility as evidence of success. The more men hate her, the more she knows she is on the path that leads to the promised utopia of equality. Feminism tells her that any man who disagrees with her is a misogynist — he hates women — and this implies, as its logical obverse, that the feminist can never be wrong about anything because (a) male opinions are always invalid, and (b) any woman who criticizes her is obviously deficient in feminist consciousness.

You see this in what we might call The Strong Woman Fallacy. Nothing is more predictable than that women who embrace an anti-male ideology will have difficulty forming successful romantic relationships with men, and yet their ideology gives feminists a self-justifying explanation: “My boyfriend broke up with me because men are intimidated by a strong woman.” No, ma’am, he broke up with you because you’re a deranged bitch, but you don’t want to deal with the truth, do you?

There is no failure that can’t be blamed on patriarchy. If her columns on queefing and oral sex don’t win her a Pulitzer? Yeah — patriarchy!


L.A. Mayor Vows Nullification to Defend City’s Sanctuary Policy for Illegal Aliens

Posted on | March 28, 2017 | 1 Comment

What would John C. Calhoun say?

Responding to the latest warnings by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions that Department of Justice funds will be withheld from sanctuary cities, Mayor Eric Garcetti said Monday he will fight efforts by the Trump administration to take away federal funding needed for law enforcement in Los Angeles.
Garcetti said that such actions would be unconstitutional, adding that the city’s policies are “designed to keep our residents safe.”
“Slashing funds for first-responders, for our port and airport, for counterterrorism, crime-fighting and community-building serves no one — not this city, not the federal government, not the American people,” he said. “We will fight to protect the safety and dignity of all Angelenos, and we will work closely with our representatives in Congress to make sure that Los Angeles does not go without federal resources that help protect millions of people every day.”
Among the Justice Department grants received by the city of Los Angeles in recent years include $1.8?million from the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program, which goes to the city’s initiative for reducing criminal gang activity.
The city also was awarded $1 million last year from the Justice Department to be put toward a $69 million program to equip all police officers in the field with body cameras. . . .

Question: If the “safety and dignity” of Los Angeles residents would be so imperiled by “slashing funds” from Washington, isn’t this helpless condition of federal dependency the underlying source of their problem?

Jazz Shaw at Hot Air notes how the money connects to the panic:

The fastest and most frantic response [to Sessions’ warning] came from California. That’s not surprising since they have a large cluster of sanctuary cities and get a massive amount of that grant money. . . .
I’m just working off the back of the napkin here, but I seem to recall seeing some figures indicating that California receives more than $135M in law enforcement grants annually. New York City gets about half that much all by itself. In fact, when you add up all the sanctuary cities and all the law enforcement grant money they take in, the total comes up to just about $10.4B.

Roughly $10 billion of federal taxpayer money a year goes to subsidize law enforcement in cities that refuse to enforce U.S. immigration law. There’s a word for this policy, and that word is, insane.


In The Mailbox: 03.28.17

Posted on | March 28, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.28.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

First Street Journal: Hold Them Accountable – Another Early-Release Criminal Kills Someone
EBL: Is CNN’s Brian Stelter Covering For An Illegal Alien Child Rapist?
Twitchy: Journos Lose It When Sean Spicer Asks Female Reporter To Stop Shaking Her Head
Louder With Crowder: School’s Budget Slashed For Having Too Many White Children

Adam Piggott: Whatever You Do, Don’t Be Desperate
American Power: Natasha Zaretsky, No Direction Home
American Thinker: Why Trump Is Failing
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Massive Footprint News
BLACKFIVE: Cynthia Eden, After The Dark
Bring The HEAT: TIL – The Unrotated Projectile
Da Tech Guy: Christopher Harper – It’s The Supreme Court, Stupid!
Don Surber: Republicans Rolling Back The Regs
Dustbury: The Knowledge, And How Not To Get It
The Geller Report: Silicon Valley Fund Gives $330 Million To CAIR, Islamic Relief Foundation
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, also, Yours Truly, Johnny Atsign
Jammie Wearing Fools: Resistance Leader Chuck Schumer Berates Female Trump Voter At NYC Restaurant
Joe For America: North Dakota Passes Constitutional Carry
JustOneMinute: When He’s Right He’s Right
Power Line: More Fake News From The New York Times
Shark Tank: Rubio Says Senate Dems Opposing Gorsuch To Appease Liberal Base
Shot In The Dark: The Mission For Today – And The Next Ten Months
STUMP: Mortality Monday – The Many Deaths Of Sean Bean
The Jawa Report: Good Gun Control – Lethal Force Edition
The Political Hat: Impurity Of Essence
This Ain’t Hell: How To Escape
War Is Boring: Congressman Suspects Major Airplane Parts Maker Is Screwing The Pentagon
Weasel Zippers: NYC Mayor Claims Sanctuary City Status = Less Terrorism, also, Illegal Alien Father Of Maryland Rape Suspect Arrested
Megan McArdle: How Utah Keeps The American Dream Alive
Mark Steyn: On-Air Microaggressions

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Late Night With Rule 5 Monday

Posted on | March 28, 2017 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Nothing like having your schedule screwed with on short notice to throw everything off. No appetizer this week; we’ll just get right into the hotness. As usual, many of the following links are to pics generally considered NSFW, and the management is not responsible for any consequences, dire or otherwise, arising from your failure to exercise discretion while clicking.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny leads off with Hot Pick of the Late Night, Morning Mistress, and Girls with Guns, followed by Goodstuff with Weird, Wild and Wacky stuff along with Mickey ???, and then there’s Animal Magnetism with Rule 5 Polygamy Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL’s thundering herd this week includes The Supremes, Janet Leigh, Just What The Doctor Ordered, More Secrets For Men Living Longer, Pam Grier, Sofia Vergara, and Joanna Krupa.

At A View From The Beach, it’s A Goddess – Daniella WangFish Pic Friday – Three Tails are Better Than One – Tripletail“Kentucky Borderline”I’m Sold!Ain’t That the Pits?Monday Morning on the Lumber RiverThe Devil You Say! and It May Be a Little Over Sold . . .

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Elle Liberachi, his Vintage Babe is Beryl Wallace, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Calvin Klein. Dustbury graces us this week with Bai Ling and Leeza Gibbons.

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

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In The Mailbox: 03.27.17

Posted on | March 27, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.27.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

First Street Journal: A Quandary For The Left
EBL: Johnny Rotten Defends Donald Trump
Twitchy: AG Sessions’ Announcement About Sanctuary Cities Outrages Left
Louder With Crowder: Tommy Robinson Asks Anti-Brexit Protesters About The EU, Embarrassment Ensues

Adam Piggott: No Alt-Right For Old Men
American Power: Democrats Hate White People
American Thinker: Magic Bullet – Just Pass The Health Care Act Obama Vetoed
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BLACKFIVE: The Devil’s Triangle By Catherine Coulter And J.T. Ellison
Bring The HEAT: The Fire On The Enterprise
Da Tech Guy: J.D. Rucker – Defund Planned Parenthood Immediately. No Need To Attach It To Other Bills.
Don Surber: Will We Say Howdy To Speaker Gowdy?
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, Trust The Sailor Man
The Geller Report: Swedish Minister Says Returning ISIS Fighters Should Be Integrated Back Into Sweden
Hogewash: Hoge v. Kimberlin, et al., News, also, Charity Without A Welfare State
Jammie Wearing Fools: Parliament Terrorist’s Daughter Refused To Wear Burka
Joe For America: Trump Backs Ryan When Speaker’s Seat Threatened
JustOneMinute: Silver Lining Playbook
Power Line: Democrats’ Celebration Is Premature
Shot In The Dark: The Club
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – You’re Racist!
The Lonely Conservative: Saturday Funnies
The Political Hat: Human/Animal Chimera Hybrids Mean One Thing – Catgirls!, also, A Word Of Warning For Pineapple Hating Presidents Everywhere
This Ain’t Hell: Kelly Lynn Knotts Convicted
War Is Boring: Stop Trying To Make A New Soviet Aircraft Carrier Happen
Weasel Zippers: Chelsea Clinton Gets Triggered By MAGA Hat On Lincoln, also, Illegal Alien Ties Up & Kidnaps Texas Woman After She Helps Him Near Border
Megan McArdle: The Republican Health Plan’s Quick Death Spiral
Mark Steyn: Steyn In For Rush, also, Mad Max En Francais

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