The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: Home Again

Posted on | March 5, 2017 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Home Again

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Sunday: In Like A Lioness
The Pirate’s Cove
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Second Amendment and @LogCabinGOP: Because Survival Is the First Natural Right

#CPAC2017: @SaveTheStorks Offers Free Services to Help Pregnant Women

#CPAC 2017: Witches vs. Trump
The Political Hat

#CPAC2017: Draft Sheriff Clarke

FMJRA 2.0: And Now A Word From The Evolution Control Committee
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

‘Aggressive Heterosexuality’

In The Mailbox: 02.27.17
Proof Positive

Trigger Warning: @SkyJordan4 Says You Can’t Tell Her She Has ‘Daddy Issues’

In The Mailbox: 02.28.17
Proof Positive

Trump: ‘A New Chapter of American Greatness Is Now Beginning’

Pelosi Explained

Liberal Feminism, Radical Feminism and the Ultimate Failure of All Feminism

#BlackLivesMatter Activist Missed the Memo From Democrat Party HQ

Violence Against Women

Feminism: The Demonization of Males

Don’t Cry for Me Argentina

Police Say Illegal Alien Raped Girl, 3
Ninety Miles From Tyranny

Language Alert: “Conservative Opposition To #Obamacare Repeal”
A View From The Beach

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery! Remember, to qualify for the FMJRA, your links must be for the week preceding the FMJRA. So, next week I’ll be looking for links to posts from 3/4 through 3/10.

Today’s Digital Deals

Language Alert: “Conservative Opposition To #Obamacare Repeal”

Posted on | March 3, 2017 | Comments Off on Language Alert: “Conservative Opposition To #Obamacare Repeal”

by Smitty

Emphasis mine:

Privately, senior Republican lawmakers and staff are more blunt. They say they have no problem steamrolling conservatives by daring them to vote against an Obamacare repeal that their constituents have demanded for years.
Sen. Rand Paul walks to a room on Capitol Hill in Washington on March 2, where he charges House Republicans are keeping their Obamacare repeal and replace legislation under lock and key and not available for public view.
“Conservatives are going to be in a box,” said one senior Republican lawmaker. Trump, the source predicted, eventually will “go out front and … tell the conservatives … they’re either for this or for keeping Obamacare.”

Wait a godforsaken minute. If they’re actually repealing ObamaCare, then Speaker Ryan should be greeted with hurrahs. What sort of Orwellian suppository is this? Conservatives don’t want any part of this noise, and the Progressive tools in Congress have made no alternative case.

FreedomWorks suggests we Join [Them] in DC for Our Day of Action on March 15!

It’s starting to look like I might have to take the afternoon off and visit the compost heap at the East end of the Mall.

Police Say Illegal Alien Raped Girl, 3

Posted on | March 3, 2017 | Comments Off on Police Say Illegal Alien Raped Girl, 3


Stamford, Connecticut:

Police say the 19-year-old Cove man charged with sexually assaulting a 3-year-old girl was supposed to attend an immigration hearing only hours before he was arrested Thursday morning.
Douglas Hus-Flores, a Guatemalan native, appears to have been living in Stamford illegally, police said. An immigration detainer has been placed on him as well as a $250,000 court appearance bond, following his arraignment at the Stamford courthouse Thursday afternoon.
Hus-Flores was charged with first-degree sexual assault and risk of injury to a minor after the toddler was transported to Stamford Hospital for injuries and bleeding police say she sustained in the assault.
Lt. Tom Barcello said the girl’s mother called for an ambulance late Wednesday night after the child complained of pain.
Stamford Hospital doctors determined the child’s injuries were likely caused by a sexual assault, Barcello said. . . .
Hus-Flores told investigators he “felt lonely and wanted to be with a woman” and admitted sexually assaulting the girl, the police report said. . . .
Barcello confirmed Hus-Flores had an immigration hearing scheduled in Hartford on Thursday.

Do you think any feminists will mention this crime? Of course not. Try using Twitter to ask a feminist — Amanda Marcotte, Jessica Valenti, Melissa Fabello, Laurie Penny, Meghan Murphy, et al. — why they never seem to notice violence against women and girls committed by illegal immigrants. See how long it takes before you get banned from Twitter.

(Hat-tip: Stephanie on



Don’t Cry for Me Argentina

Posted on | March 3, 2017 | 2 Comments


Patrick Dollard calls this the “feel good story of the day”:

A 22-year-old who was detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials early Wednesday, moments after giving a speech at an immigration press conference, will be deported without a hearing, according to her lawyer.
Daniela Vargas spoke at a press conference in front of city hall in Jackson, Miss., and was driving away with a friend when ICE officials pulled them over and detained her, her lawyer said, according to The Associated Press.
Vargas’s attorney said ICE agents told her Thursday she would be immediately deported, rather than being offered a court hearing or bond, according to The Huffington Post.

Vargas “came to the U.S. from Argentina when she was 7 years old [and] previously had a work permit and deportation reprieve under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA,” the Huffington Post reports. However, her visa expired in November, and now . . . Hasta la vista, baby!


Feminism: The Demonization of Males

Posted on | March 2, 2017 | 1 Comment

She is a 28-year-old feminist witch with a Tumblr blog, and she also has another Tumblr blog in Swedish, from which I quote:

When women are exposed to sexual violence and exploitation [and] are encouraged to not call themselves “victims” or talk about their vulnerability, [it] becomes clear how a stigma around being just a victim . . . [is] cemented. But it is when misogynistic men say women who talk about men’s violence and patriarchal structures “just put on their victims cardigan” it becomes quite clear how this performance is a tool for the patriarchal forces to silence women, and to prevent us from [naming offenses] against us and who the perpetrators are.

The cardigan of victimhood is a term I’ve never encountered, but maybe the Google translation from Swedish was a bit sketchy. She says her witchcraft is “the opposition, a force to thwart the current system, the oppressing power,” yada yada yada. And oh, she’s got her theory:

To its nature, patriarchy is such that it normalizes, renders invisible like a chameleon the ways in which it is upheld, and the ways in which misogyny and male exploitation of women and male domination is reinforced. It renders invisible that certain things are expressions of male supremacy and misogyny, so that people won’t question it. It makes misogyny and male domination the default. That is its nature.
Prostitution (specifically, the act of buying sex) exists because male exploitation of women and men’s imagined entitlement to sex is normalized by patriarchy, to such an extent that many people can’t even see it for what it really is.
Porn exists because male objectification of women and male violence (both physical, mental and existential) is normalized by patriarchy, to such an extent that people can’t see that it isn’t a healthy and equal expression of sexuality and don’t care that women are exploited and hurt in the making of porn.
Femininity exists because female subordination and women’s submission to men is normalized by patriarchy to such an extent that people turn it into norms and ideals and believe this is what makes “a real woman” or makes a woman pleasing and gives her value.
Many norms and acts surrounding sex exist because male control over female bodies and the degradation of women is normalized by patriarchy, to such an extent that many people believe it to be nothing but their free choices, their own preferences unaffected by the surrounding environment — even when men themselves express how they see these norms and acts as ways of humiliating women.
The list of examples could go on. Maybe it should: because we need to put it into words, what the things we do and the norms we follow really stem from, how they have their roots in patriarchy, and how they reinforce female subordination and male domination. Questions need to be asked, questions such as “why?” and “who gains from this?”. Patriarchal forces want us to believe things must be as they are. We must show that they really mustn’t.

The point I wish to make here is not that this woman is crazy — although, obviously, she is — but rather that this kind of paranoid madness is a logical consequence of the core beliefs of feminism.

Most people in this world are just doing whatever it takes to survive. Get up in the morning, go to work, come home at the end of the day, eat supper, watch TV a while and go to sleep, then get up the next morning and do it again. Our lives are basically about paying the bills. Do men exploit, dominate, objectify and degrade women? Perhaps some do, but most guys are just working and paying bills. They don’t have spare time to do all that patriarchal oppression stuff. So what is she complaining about?

Consider, for example, the feminist witch’s denunciation of “norms and ideals” about what “makes a woman pleasing and gives her value.” While she is not specific as to what she means by this, we may assume that she is referring to “norms and ideals” of female appearance and behavior, especially as they are esteemed by men. In other words, what kind of women do men generally like best? It is ordinary male preferences which are being denounced in this diatribe about objectification, etc.

This demonization of males — the claim that women are victims of “mental and existential” violence, simply as a consequence of living in the same world with men — is inherent to feminist theory. This isn’t just what some random Tumblrina is spewing on the Internet, it’s what is being taught in university Women’s Studies courses. If any man objects to this insulting rhetoric, he is accused of being a misogynist. The only enlightened men, according to feminists, are men who hate themselves, who enthusiastically agree with this anti-male ideology. If men say that feminists are engaged in exaggeration when they “talk about men’s violence and patriarchal structures,” this criticism is rejected as a “tool for the patriarchal forces to silence women.” Far from seeking to “silence” feminists, of course, my purpose is to quote them at length, so that everybody can see how crazy they are. The craziness is self-evident.

Furthermore, as I say, this craziness isn’t just the province of a few fringe kooks, but is the essential core of feminist belief. Here, let me quote an eminent academic feminist:

Lesbian feminist politics is a political critique of the institution and ideology of heterosexuality as a cornerstone of male supremacy. . . .
Therefore, women interested in destroying male supremacy, patriarchy, and capitalism must, equally with lesbians, fight heterosexual domination — or we will never end female oppression. . . .
We need to discover what lesbian consciousness means for any woman, just as we struggle to understand what class or race consciousness means for women of any race or class. And we must develop strategies that will destroy the political institutions that oppress us.
It is particularly important for those at this conference to understand that heterosexuality — as an ideology and an institution — upholds all those aspects of female oppression discussed here.

So said Charlotte Bunch in a 1975 speech at the Socialist Feminist Conference at Antioch College in Ohio. Professor Bunch is not a marginal “fringe” figure in the history of feminism. That speech was included in a 1981 anthology Building Feminist Theory, a collection of essays from Quest, a feminist journal founded by Professor Bunch, and the foreword to that book was written by none other than Gloria Steinem. Notice that the goal of Professor Bunch’s movement is “destroying male supremacy” by the destruction of heterosexuality “as an ideology and an institution.”

Charlotte Bunch speaks at Antioch College, July 1975.

The first paragraph of Charlotte Bunch’s 1972 manifesto, ‘Lesbians in Revolt.’

Notice again Professor Bunch’s destructive goal — “destroying our sexist, racist, capitalist, imperialist system.” Was the “system” of American society in 1971 so atrocious that it deserved destruction? Whether you think so or not, the point is that the entire feminist movement agreed with this assessment. This was why Gloria Steinem wrote the foreword of that 1981 anthology, as an endorsement of these beliefs.


Charlotte Bunch became one of the most influential feminists in America. She is the founding director and senior scholar at the Center for Women’s Global Leadership at Rutgers University, where she is a distinguished professor in Women’s and Gender Studies. Professor Bunch has many powerful admirers. In 2013, at a sold-out New York gala for the Global Women’s Fund, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton introduced Professor Bunch, who was the guest of honor at the event.


In her introductory speech, Secretary Clinton praised Professor Bunch as an “activist and organizer” and an “extraordinary leader” whose “tireless work and her brilliant vision” placed this radical lesbian on “the front lines of the struggle” to promote feminism internationally.


Professor Bunch “was one of a small group of women” chosen by Secretary Clinton to direct the State Department’s feminist agenda, she told the audience at the April 2013 gala. While Secretary Clinton did not mention Professor Bunch’s decades-long commitment “to destroying our sexist, racist, capitalist, imperialist system,” certainly her praise for the world-famous lesbian feminist leader could be considered an endorsement of Professor Bunch’s anti-heterosexual ideology.

When we encounter a self-described feminist witch on Tumblr ranting about “men’s violence and patriarchal structures,” you see, we cannot dismiss such a woman as a lone kook, because the feminist movement’s most eminent intellectuals share the same basic beliefs as the kook.

Now consider the fact that Hillary Clinton, who offered such effusive praise for Charlotte Bunch, came within about 70,000 votes of becoming President of the United State. Doesn’t this suggest that our society is teetering on the brink of utter madness? And shouldn’t we do all we can to alert Americans to this threat? March is Women’s History Month, and maybe it’s time to wake people up to the real history of feminism.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


Violence Against Women

Posted on | March 2, 2017 | Comments Off on Violence Against Women

Don’t expect feminists to notice this crime story from Cleveland:

Three teens are facing a total of 133 charges. Prosecutors say they were involved in dozens of aggravated robberies and carjackings.
“In one case they robbed a mother in front of her three young children,” said Assistant County Prosecutor Brian Kraft. “They wanted to steal her car, they held her there at gun point, they pulled her from the vehicle, they pistol whipped her in front of her children. A 7-year-old child then got out of the vehicle and told the young offender don’t kill my mother. The young offender pulled the weapon on the 7-year-old and held him there at gun point.”
The crimes were committed in just about a month. Prosecutors say the crime spree started January 18th and ended February 20th, when arrests were made. . . .
“It’s shocking but it also demonstrates that we have a serous problem with the juvenile justice system that needs to be fixed,” Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Mike O’Malley said.

Worse than an Ivy League frat party . . .

UPDATE: More violence against women:

Two known MS-13 gang members, formerly of El Salvador, appeared in Houston court Wednesday to hear charges against them in the kidnapping and torture of one victim and the “satanic” killing of a second.
Diego Hernandez-Rivera, 18, and leader of the group Miguel Alvarez-Flores, 22, also known as “Diabolico,” were arrested Monday on charges of aggravated kidnapping in one case and murder in a second in the shooting death of an unidentified woman’s body earlier this month on a Houston road. . . .
Both are immigrants in the country illegally, according to court records. . . .
In the kidnapping case, the female victim allegedly ran away from school around Feb. 2, to an apartment on Glenmont. There she tried to leave and was held against her will for four days and sexually assaulted by one of the gang members.
The victim was then held for around 14 days at a different location on Gessner. . . .
On Feb. 16, the body of another young woman was found in west Houston, lying along the curb at the 9900 block of Sharpcrest Street. The victim in the aggravated kidnapping was able to identify her only as “Genesis,” another girl also at the apartment on Gessner.
According to the court hearing, Genesis allegedly made an outburst against the gang members’ satanic rituals and shrine, which wound up leading Flores to declare the “Beast” required a soul sacrifice.
When the kidnapping victim woke up the day after the incident, Genesis was gone. . . .
When police found her, she had been shot once in the head and chest. Investigators believe she was shot by Hernandez-Rivera and Alvarez-Flores at another location and dumped on Sharpcrest.

Just illegal immigrants with a satanic shrine, kidnapping, raping and murdering women. Nothing for feminists to worry about . . .


#BlackLivesMatter Activist Missed the Memo From Democrat Party HQ

Posted on | March 2, 2017 | 1 Comment


Trevor Ferguson doesn’t seem to realize that the election is over, and that the Soros-funded “movement” #BlackLivesMatter has passed its expiration date. Since the Ferguson riots of 2014, it has been obvious that these made-for-CNN protests were about mobilizing black voters for the Democrat Party, in the same way the “rape culture” discourse on university campuses was about mobilizing college girls for Democrats.

Well, Hillary lost, and now the liberal propaganda message is Trump scandals 24/7 — “Russians! Russians! Russians!” — but some idiotic activist types haven’t figured this out yet:

A judge has granted a restraining order against a Black Lives Matter activist who took his racially charged rhetoric to the law office and home of Los Angeles Police Commission President Matt Johnson.
The intrusion of the activist, Trevor Ferguson, into the commissioner’s private life marked an escalation of a conflict that had previously been confined to public meetings.
Ferguson is part of a group that regularly disrupts the Police Commission’s weekly meetings by chanting and speaking out of turn to express outrage at Los Angeles Police Department shootings of black and Latino people.
Johnson, one of two African American police commissioners, is sometimes singled out by Ferguson and others, who call him a “houseboy” — a derogatory term for a black person who is subservient to whites — amid demands that LAPD Chief Charlie Beck resign and the entire department be disbanded. . . .
After hearing more than an hour of testimony Wednesday, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Carol Boas Goodson concluded that Ferguson’s intent was not only to protest but to “incite fear.” The restraining order requires Ferguson to stay away from Johnson and his family. Ferguson can continue to speak at Police Commission meetings but must keep a five-yard distance from Johnson.
In granting the restraining order, Goodson said that “any parent would be concerned,” because Ferguson mentioned Johnson’s son at a Police Commission meeting and subsequently visited Johnson’s home.

Blame CNN for this. In 2014, the network promoted false claims about the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson. CNN spent months hyping the #BlackLivesMatter movement and its hateful lies, which have been exposed by Heather Mac Donald in her book The War on Cops.

#BlackLivesMatt represents the kind of “activist” mentality in which identity-group politics is the entire meaning of existence.

This toxic ideology, a political poison that destroys civil society, is a lingering after-effect of the Obama era. American culture is unraveling after eight years of a “community organizer” in the White House.


Liberal Feminism, Radical Feminism and the Ultimate Failure of All Feminism

Posted on | March 2, 2017 | 1 Comment

“We want to end gender inequality — and to do that we need everyone to be involved. This is the first campaign of its kind at the UN: we want to try and galvanize as many men and boys as possible to be advocates for gender equality. . . . I was appointed six months ago and the more I have spoken about feminism the more I have realized that fighting for women’s rights has too often become synonymous with man-hating. If there is one thing I know for certain, it is that this has to stop.”
Emma Watson, Sept. 20, 2014

In the fall of 2014, actress Emma Watson went to the United Nations to announce the “He for She” campaign, aimed at encouraging men to support feminism. The timing of this event was not coincidental, nor was it a coincidence that Ms. Watson was chosen to lead this initiative.

From age 10 to 21, Ms. Watson portrayed the heroic Hermione Granger in the film adaptations of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter children’s fantasy novels. Tens of millions of young people grew up cheering for Ms. Watson in movie theaters, and if anyone could mobilize youth in favor of feminism, she was the one who could do it. However, almost no one at the time asked the obvious question: Why? Or rather, why now?

Why had the United Nations decided to launch this project? Why was it considered necessary, in 2014, to “rebrand” feminism as a movement that men should support, with Ms. Watson as the spokeswoman? Why was the U.N. leadership concerned that feminism was considered “man-hating”? Why did six months elapse between Ms. Watson’s appointment as “ambassador” for this U.N. project and her September 2014 speech? Ms. Watson asserted that this was her own idea, because “my recent research has shown me that feminism has become an unpopular word,” because feminists “are seen as too strong, too aggressive, isolating, anti-men and, unattractive,” leading her to ask, “Why is the word such an uncomfortable one?” Had anyone ever said any such thing about Ms. Watson? Or did she have in mind someone else who might be affected by this negative perception of feminism? And if so, who? Read more

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