The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Twitter Is Losing Nearly $40 Million a Month, and Still Banning Conservatives

Posted on | July 28, 2017 | 1 Comment


Here’s a number: $116.5 million.

That’s how much money Twitter lost during the second quarter this year, which is 9% more than what Twitter lost in the same quarter last year.

In other words, Twitter’s “burn rate” has increased in the past year, to the point that they’re now losing $38.8 million each month. Every day of the week, Twitter loses $1.3 million. The losing never stops and, at the current rate, Twitter will lose more than $470 million this year.

Did I mention that I was banned from Twitter in February 2016?

I’d been on Twitter since 2009 and my account had tens of thousands of followers, but the claim that I was “participating in targeted abuse” was offered to justify my banishment, even though Twitter never said what the alleged “abuse” was, who had been “targeted,” or how I had been “participating.” This act of censorship exposed how Twitter had decided, in an election year, to surrender control of its platform to a crew of feminist social justice warriors (SJWs) designated the “Trust and Safety Council.” This secretive group of Soviet-style commissars included the notorious anti-male hatemonger Anita Sarkeesian, and soon Twitter began purging conservative accounts.

Twitter stock, which was trading at $51 a share in April 2015, is now at $17, having lost fully two-thirds of its former value. Twitter’s response to declining value? BAN MORE CONSERVATIVES:

The Twitter account of Breitbart London editor in chief Raheem Kassam has been suspended by the platform, just days after he announced the forthcoming publication of his new book on Radical Islam. . . .
Kassam implied the sudden decision of Twitter to suspend his account just days after he revealed the controversial cover art of the forthcoming book which challenges radical Islam may have been more than just a coincidence when he took to rival social media Facebook to reveal the shutdown. Kassam also said that his account had never been shut down before.

Raheem’s account was restored after a 12-hour suspension — and pre-orders for his book made it No. 1 on the Amazon bestsellers list — but the point is that liberals are never targeted for such treatment. Can you name even one liberal journalist who has been suspended or banned from Twitter? Yet the known bans on conservatives — including me, Charles C. Johnson of and former Breitbart tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos — continue in force, which is to say nothing of the numerous lesser-known account suspensions. Last fall, just six weeks before the election, Twitter actually suspended Instapundit — Professor Glenn Reynolds, a USA Today columnist — for a three-word tweet about the violent riots in Charlotte, N.C. Meanwhile, by contrast, Twitter provides blue-check “verified” status to transgender pornographer Zachary Antolak/“Zinnia Jones”/“Satana Kennedy.”

There is an undeniable pattern of bias at Twitter, whose executives consider their political agenda more important than profit. Does anyone imagine that a company staffed by social justice warriors (SJWs) is a smart investment? Twitter management has effectively yielded control of the company to socialists, anarchists and other enemies of capitalism. Are you surprised that they’re losing nearly $40 million a month?




One Response to “Twitter Is Losing Nearly $40 Million a Month, and Still Banning Conservatives”

  1. Pirate's Cove
    July 30th, 2017 @ 9:05 am

    […] The Other McCain notes how much money Twitter is losing […]

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