The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Pamela Geller Vindicated, Again, While the LGF Auto-Beclownment Continues

Posted on | July 28, 2011 | 40 Comments

Donald Douglas at American Power has a post about how LGF’s Charles Johnson bullied a Forbes writer into removing a reference in her article to an incontrovertible fact: Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik cited Little Green Footballs in his “manifesto.”

Breivik linked LGF 20 times, mostly while quoting anti-jihad blogger “Fjordman,” a former LGF commenter. And so Charles Johnson was outraged by Forbes writer Abigail Easman’s article:

Obviously, it’s incorrect to call LGF “popular.” Period.

And let me just remind you that, three weeks before the Oslo massacre, Pamela Geller was being criticized for going public with her concerns about neo-Nazi elements in the English Defence League. My defense of her at that time was simple: If Pamela Geller says you’ve got an anti-Semitism problem, you probably have an anti-Semitism problem.

Fast-forward to the aftermath of Oslo, and Breivik’s claims of “connections” with members of the EDL

If this is true, don’t you kind of wonder if the EDL members who were buddies with the Norwegian terrorist were some of the same neo-Nazi types Geller was warning about?



40 Responses to “Pamela Geller Vindicated, Again, While the LGF Auto-Beclownment Continues”

  1. KingShamus
    July 28th, 2011 @ 1:51 pm

    Charles Johnson:  The gift that keeps on shitting…all over old friends.

    What a pathetic waste of time Lizardouche is.

  2. Norway Killer Also a Plagiarist
    July 28th, 2011 @ 9:56 am

    […] There’s only one word for Charles: petarded. […]

  3. Zilla of the Resistance
    July 28th, 2011 @ 2:05 pm

    For anyone who wants to show their support for Pamela and others who are being blood libeled, contact me to have your name added to the Roll Call list here:

    United Front – UPDATED – Roll Call!


    The list is toward the bottom of the post & frequently updates as more people join.

  4. Zilla of the Resistance
    July 28th, 2011 @ 2:08 pm

    PS the post is cock full of links to TOM!

  5. Anonymous
    July 28th, 2011 @ 2:15 pm

    RSM: this is an outstanding example of how a blogger can pack a lot of thought-provoking material into a short post.

    A couple of points:

    1. My knowledge of EDL is very limited, but it wouldn’t surprise me if EDL members were all over the place ideologically – the one constant being “xenophobia.” Inasmuch as they actually understand their roots, the neo-Nazi elements are national socialists; but I suspect that a lot of the English pub hooligans, who gravitate toward EDL brawls during the soccer off-season, are also mostly Welfare Statists.

    2. It’s not Pamela Geller’s fault that 21st century transnational “progressives” have become apologists for the (radical) Islamic death cults. In theory, the feminists, LGTB activists, atheists, pacifists, etc., within the “progressive” movement would be leading the criticisms of orthodox Islam, but instead they cower in their salons. One of the goals of radical (homicidal) Islam is to provoke extralegal violent responses from the infidel, and certain types of wannabe neo-brownshirts are happy to oblige (especially as they never liked the traditional liberal order, and rule-of-law, to begin with).  

    When the anti-globalization protests (e.g. Seattle 1999) attracted neo-Nazi and similar elements, the hard-left screamed when comparisons were made between them and the neo-Nazis, etc. But now they aim to tarnish Geller via the same method of guilt-by-association. Cowards.

  6. Anonymous
    July 28th, 2011 @ 2:15 pm

    Could someone please – STACY! – give a cogent accounting of why Charles Johnson switched from being a cool cat anti-Islamist in the early 2000s to being the ultimate anti-conservative/libertarian ass*%#^ of all-time on the blogosphere.  It’s really insider baseball that some of us are not privvy too?

  7. Charles Johnson
    July 28th, 2011 @ 2:32 pm

    Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik cited Little Green Footballs in his “manifesto.”

    That is a fucking lie.  Liar!  Liar! Liar!.  Fuck, Fuck, Fuckedy Fuck!  Agggghhhhhahhh!!!!!    Grrrreeerr!!!!!  AAAAgggggggghhhhh!!!!!

  8. Al Gore
    July 28th, 2011 @ 2:35 pm

    Hey join the club.  I inspired the Unibomber! 

    I need a second chakra release. 

  9. BrianPower
    July 28th, 2011 @ 3:13 pm

    Eric, the answer is simple: Pam Geller told him to take a walk.  He did, and discovered Cheetos.  The rest is history.

  10. JeffS
    July 28th, 2011 @ 3:34 pm

    Thanks for the links, Zilla, but… did mean “cHock” full of links? 

  11. Anonymous
    July 28th, 2011 @ 4:04 pm

    Money and lack of same.  He was a big rightwinger when he thought there was venture capital in it.

  12. Stogie Chomper
    July 28th, 2011 @ 4:06 pm

    When you get it wrong, Stacy, you really get it wrong.  Pamela Geller has not been vindicated, though I am sure your misinformed post will get you want, namely, a link and some more hits.   “Hits before truth” appears to be the new watchword of “The Other McCain.”  Kissing ass for link favors is so unseemly, Stacy.  You denigrate your reputation in so doing, and so does Donald Douglas.  Both of you have lost credibility in my eyes.

    Some of us are not so easily taken in, and I proved that Geller’s buddy Roberta Moore slandered the EDL with the “neo-Nazi” smear as revenge for being kicked out of the EDL for her ties to a violent Jewish terrorist.  Geller simply took Moore’s word for it.  Do read it here:

    Geller then refused to provide any details of the alleged “neo-Nazi” ties of the EDL, because she couldn’t.  None exist.Further, Anders Breivik disdained the English Defence League because the EDL eschewed violence and terrorism and was dedicated to working through the democratic system.  I have a complete post on Breivik’s disdain for the EDL that was posted just last night and is based on my actual reading of Breivik’s manifesto.  Read it here and learn why you should actually research such an article before reaching dubious conclusions:

  13. Zilla of the Resistance
    July 28th, 2011 @ 4:06 pm

    Ooops! Thanks, all fixed! 

  14. Dave C
    July 28th, 2011 @ 4:14 pm

    I think it was the ‘Strange, New Respect’ he was craving..  He thought he could find it with MemoGate and found out he was counted as just one more right winger..

    So he swung back the other way, zealously.  Hoping to make more prime time appearances on news shows.  

    I think I remember reading someplace that LGF was very anti-religious before 9/11..  He swung to the right when he glimpsed a sliver of his own mortality..  the glimpse is gone so he’s back being a D-Bag.. 

  15. Pamela Geller, American Thinker: Mumbai vs Oslo « American Defense League (ADL)
    July 28th, 2011 @ 12:42 pm

    […] Pamela Geller Vindicated, Again, While the LGF Auto-Beclownment … By Robert Stacy McCain And let me just remind you that, three weeks before the Oslo massacre, […]

  16. Dianna Deeley
    July 28th, 2011 @ 4:43 pm

    Having suffered through the change, sitting in the comments section, bewildered, I don’t think there’s an explanation. My initial take was that Charles had principled reasons; but as time went on, it all felt petty, personal and ugly.

    A coherent explanation is beyond anyone, because none of it makes any sense.

  17. Anonymous
    July 28th, 2011 @ 4:44 pm

    Thanks for your input on the EDL, which you could have provided without the insults.

    I scanned a few articles on your site (linked above). You make some fair points that might potentially allay concerns about the EDL, but we need more context, etc.

    I admit (also above) that I don’t know much about the EDL; however, I’ve hung out in a few English pubs, where I encountered some blokes who’d fit the types described by Geller/Moore. If EDL is keeping them out, that’s good to hear, but pardon me if I still await more data.  

    When the BBC shows clips of EDL presence at Islamic rallies, I always see several guys (possibly linked to EDL?) who set off warning signals (you know the old, “I knows ’em when I sees ’em”). I could be wrong, though.

  18. LunaticFringe
    July 28th, 2011 @ 5:32 pm

    The “Jewish Task Force” is a terrorist organization?  Where’s the terrorism?

  19. DaveO
    July 28th, 2011 @ 5:33 pm

    Look to love. Johnson may have gone through the Ed Schultz experience. There’s nothing like the Progressive Love Manifesto: “Romance without Obedience is a Nuisance.”

  20. Bob Belvedere
    July 28th, 2011 @ 5:39 pm

    Don’t get it all over this blog ? use a 100% recycled condo.

  21. Charles Johnson
    July 28th, 2011 @ 5:44 pm

    I am spitting and foaming at the mouth!!!!!   Aaaaggghhhh! Can lizards get rabies?  I know I have the halitosis and dental hygine of a Komodo dragon. 

  22. Al Gore
    July 28th, 2011 @ 6:07 pm

    I am as slipperly as a seal from all the massage oils and lubricants I have on me.  You could fract my folds for an alternative engery source. 

  23. Dianna Deeley
    July 28th, 2011 @ 6:49 pm

    I don’t know. There’s been a lot of heated accusations, but I can’t find much hard evidence.

    And, forgive me, but Pamela Geller has a tendency to begin yelling if her sympathies are engaged before thinking it through.

  24. Donald Douglas
    July 28th, 2011 @ 6:51 pm

    Eric: John Hawkins at RWN had an excellent piece (or two) on Charles Johnson. I posted just to get the facts out into the record, of CJ’s abject lies. 

  25. Datechguy's Blog » Blog Archive » Stacy McCain remembers somethign others didn’t notice
    July 28th, 2011 @ 3:01 pm

    […] his post today Stacy McCain remembers a dispute from just a few weeks ago: let me just remind you that, three weeks before the Oslo massacre, Pamela Geller was being […]

  26. Nick
    July 29th, 2011 @ 12:31 am

    Stogie is right on the money.  Read this.

    The EDL and Roberta Moore parted ways after she tried to link them up with Victor Vancier.

    This Victor Vancier:  Link 1. Link 2. Link 3. Link 4. Link 5. Link 6. Link 7.

    Pamela Geller wanted people in the UK to support Roberta Moore as she started a new group.  Roberta Moore and Victor Vancier – Pamela Geller’s dream team!

    I don’t think so.

  27. Nick
    July 29th, 2011 @ 12:48 am

    So let’s get this clear: Pamela Geller says she’s withdrawing her support for the EDL based on the word of Roberta Moore.

    Pamela Geller states that she wants Roberta Moore to be the head of an all-new CJ group in Britain.

    Roberta Moore wants to hold hands with Victor Vancier, a man who has already been convicted for “terrorist bombings” in the USA.

    Pamela Geller says that she has proof that a “powerful EDL administrator” has anti-Israeli leanings.  The person she refers to turns out to be neither powerful nor an EDL administrator.

    Pamela Geller changes her mind and withdraws her earlier withdrawal of support for the EDL.

    Pamela Geller now supports the EDL again.

    There is a spree killing in Scandanavia.

    Therefore Pamela Geller is ‘vindicated’.

    That’s quite a chain of reasoning, Stacy old boy!  It would be quite nice if, instead of “wondering” about things you don’t know anything about, you actually spent some time fact checking before you started clicking the keys on your keyboard. 

  28. Anonymous
    July 29th, 2011 @ 2:23 am

    I wonder if that “Nick” making the comments is the same one what filled up my spam folder the last time Pamela Gellar ran afoul of the NeoNazis? 

  29. Nick
    July 29th, 2011 @ 1:21 pm

    What Neo Nazis would that be?  Be specific.

    As for you crying about your spam folder -please stop lying.   Your blog has a comment facility, just like this.  I commented at your blog.  You chose to delete those comments, because you couldn’t handle the facts.

    So: Are you the same wuss who wouldn’t acknowledge that Pamela Geller wanted people in Britain to get in bed with Roberta Moore and Victor Vancier the convicted terrorist?

    In light of recent events, what do you think of the comments made here?

    “Benign terrorism”?  As the judge at Mr. Vancier’s trial told him, “You don’t go bombing innocent people to make a point.”  (See link.)

    Take all that in the context of Pamela stating that she hoped people in Britain would leave the EDL and work with Roberta (who Pamela says she trusts more than Tommy Robinson btw) on starting a new group.

    What do you think the press would do if they found out that Pamela had encouraged people in the EDL to join Roberta Moore and Victor Vancier in forming a new group?  Once they uncovered Vancier’s past?  Because it’s not too late for them to find out, you know.

    Watch this.  And tell me what you think.

  30. Nick
    July 29th, 2011 @ 1:41 pm

    I put it to you that Pamela did not show good judgement when she recommended that British people joined Roberta Moore in creating a new group in the UK.

    Given what we know about Ms. Moore and Victor Vancier.  Given what we know about Mr. Vancier’s past.  And given what has just happened in Scandanavia.

    Do you agree?

  31. Anonymous
    July 29th, 2011 @ 2:52 pm

    Nick, I don’t understand all the bluster coming from you and Stogie Chomper. Are either of you members of the EDL, or something? Have you long had a bone to pick with Geller?

    What do we really know about the EDL? I know very little, but I do know that EDL leaders were worried enough, in the past, about potential infiltration from neo-Nazis, and/or leftist agents provocateur posing as such, which would descredit their organization. Yet you and Stogie Chomper state flatly, contrary to the EDL’s own leadership, that there are ZERO Neo-Nazis within or attached to the continually growing EDL?

    Forget Geller/Moore/Vancier for a minute (I doubt that you and/or Stogie Chomper are trying to use those three as a red herring, but if you keep hammering that line, what other impression are we to have?). What do you personally know about the inner workings of the EDL?

    With all due respect to Pamela Geller and close friends, it’s a lot more important what is the real deal with the EDL than withVancier’s rinky dink group. 

    It’s like a cat fight broke out and, when that happens, I get more suspicious of the EDL, not less so.

  32. Nick
    July 29th, 2011 @ 10:36 pm

    What exactly don’t you understand?  The facts speak for themselves.

    “Yet you and Stogie Chomper state flatly, contrary to the EDL’s own leadership, that there are ZERO Neo-Nazis within or attached to the continually growing EDL?” – PGlenn.

    Straw man.

    “Forget Geller/Moore/Vancier for a minute (I doubt that you and/or Stogie
    Chomper are trying to use those three as a red herring, but if you keep
    hammering that line, what other impression are we to have?). ”

    No let’s not forget Roberta Moore and Victor Vancier.

    You can have the impression that Pamela Geller wanted people in the UK to hold hands with Roberta Moore as she started up a new group in Britain.  Because that is the truth.

    You can have the impression that Roberta Moore wanted to jump into bed with Victor Vancier. You can have the impression that Victor Vancier is a convicted terrorist bomber. 

    You can … well you can read the previous comments, click on the links provided, and then you can try to address the actual issues involved here.

    I put it to you that Pamela did not show good judgement when she
    recommended that British people joined Roberta Moore in creating a new
    group in the UK.

    Given what we know about Ms. Moore and Victor
    Vancier.  Given what we know about Mr. Vancier’s past.  And given what
    has just happened in Scandanavia.

    Do you agree?

  33. Anonymous
    July 30th, 2011 @ 1:18 am

    First, it wasn’t a strawman. Stogie Chomper wrote IN THIS THREAD that, “Geller then refused to provide any details of the alleged ‘neo-Nazi’ ties of the EDL, because she couldn’t.  None exist.” Obviously, Stogie Chomper made a false statement because the EDL publicly stated that they’ve had to deal with infiltration issues. Heck, I realize that a certain amount of infiltration was probably inevitable and you might even argue that the EDL has been vigilant and effective in removing such elements. I frankly don’t know. But when EDL defenders claim “none exist,” that seems suspicious, right?

    And, again, I can understand that you and Stogie Chomper might try to set the record straight for sake of intellectual clarity, but it seems like both of you were overly touchy on the subject of Geller’s disassociation from the group. Do either of you have any connection to the EDL?

    As for your question: I don’t know anything about Moore and Vancier, and don’t really care to look into them, until someone gives me a good reason why I should. Again, with all due respect to Geller, I’ve never heard of this alleged Jewish “terrorist” group and Moore & Vancier are nobodies. Sorry, I rarely read Geller, but I do consider (radical) Islam a very serious threat, etc.

    The EDL, on the other hand, sort of matters in the grand scheme of things. Now that Geller, Moore, Vancier have nothing to do with the EDL, the question of what direction that organization will take is still important – more important than whether Geller flew off the handle, again (which, apparently, she is wont to do).

    What’s the deal with the EDL? We’ll still be asking that question six months from now when Moore and Vancier have used up their 4.3 seconds of obscure “fame.”

  34. xoxo | Conservatives for America
    July 30th, 2011 @ 4:46 pm

    […] Robert Stacy McCain vindicates me. […]

  35. Nick
    July 30th, 2011 @ 8:50 pm

    First it was a straw man so far as I’m concerned.  (See here.)  If you want to take up anything Stogie said, I suggest you take it up with Stogie himself.  He’s more than capable of explaining himself.  I will point out to you however that Ms. Geller was unable to provide any proof of these ‘neo-facists’ she said were inside the leadership of the EDL.  She provided one screenshot of someone ‘liking’ something on Facebook and said it was proof that a “powerful EDL administrator” was a neo-facist.  Turned out the person concerned was neither powerful nor an EDL administrator.  No proof at all then.  So in the context of Pamela Geller’s actual statement, which was the neo-fascists had infiltrated the leadership of the EDL, she failed to provide any proof of that – hence the conclusion “None exist”.  (i.e. none were shown to exist in the leadership of the EDL (which is what Geller actually said.)) That is not to say there aren’t such unpleasant people who have latched on to the EDL within in the rank and file, which is not what Geller said (and which I address in that article I linked to).

    “As for your question: I don’t know anything about Moore and Vancier, and don’t really care to look into them, until someone gives me a good reason why I should.”

    The original article asserts that Pamela Geller has been ‘vindicated’ by the spree killing in Norway.  An outrageous claim!  Using such a tragedy to try to make Pamela Geller look good!  Because Pamela Geller stated quite clearly that the EDL were a spent force, and that people in the UK should get behind Roberta Moore as she started up a new group in Britain.  Moore had of course tried to get into bed with Vancier, and given the comments made here there’s no reason to think she wouldn’t do so again.  So what Geller said – and who she wanted to see running a CJ group in the United Kingdom – matters in the context of this particular article.  I should have thought that was obvious.

  36. Nick
    July 30th, 2011 @ 8:52 pm

    I put it to you that Pamela did not show good judgement when she
    recommended that British people joined Roberta Moore in creating a new
    group in the UK.

    Given what we know about Ms. Moore and Victor
    Vancier.  Given what we know about Mr. Vancier’s past.  And given what
    has just happened in Scandanavia.

    Do you agree?

  37. Nick
    July 30th, 2011 @ 9:02 pm

    And clearly, PGlenn, saying that Geller is ‘vindicated’ by a spree killing in Norway which has led to people in the media pointing the finger at the English Defence League is implying that there is in fact a causal link between the English Defence League and the actions of the spree killer Breivik.  Talk about throwing someone under the bus.  See Stogie’s blog to set you right on what Breivik said about the EDL and what he said about Pamela Geller, though.  Or read this.  Or this.  Or just watch this.  (A classic TV scene.)

  38. Nick
    July 30th, 2011 @ 9:04 pm

    Here’s the link to that TV scene, the previous link was to another article about Dexter.  Ah well, been up for 16 hrs now …

  39. The Hypocrisy of Islamophobia Continues | Islamophobia TV
    July 31st, 2011 @ 2:41 am

    […] Pamela Geller Vindicated, Again, While the LGF Auto-Beclownment … By Robert Stacy McCain And let me just remind you that, three weeks before the Oslo massacre, […]
