The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Blue-Check SJWs Freak Out After NY Mayor Announces Protection for Jews

Posted on | December 28, 2019 | 2 Comments


Finally, Bill de Blasio has done the right thing:

New York City is increasing its police presence in some Brooklyn neighborhoods with large Jewish populations after an uptick in possible anti-Semitic incidents, Mayor Bill de Blasio said on Friday.
As many as 8 anti-Semitic incidents were being investigated.
“Since December 13 we’ve noticed eight hate crimes that are alarming to us. We are investigating them thoroughly with our hate crimes task force,” Chief of Detectives Rodney Harrison said. “We treat them very seriously and we make sure that our investigators do their best to do what we can to bring the individuals to justice.”
In the most recent incidents, a man wearing a hoodie apparently walked into Lubavitch World Headquarters on Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights at 7 a.m. Friday and stated he was going to shoot up the place. The man then walked away, in the direction of the Utica Avenue subway station. . . .
Besides making officers more visible in Borough Park, Crown Heights and Williamsburg, police will boost visits to houses of worship and some other places, the mayor tweeted.
“Anti-Semitism is an attack on the values of our city – and we will confront it head-on,” he wrote.
Mayor de Blasio met with leadership at Chabad Lubavitch World Headquarters on Friday afternoon.
“Anyone who commits a hate crime, we will find them and we will prosecute them – no exceptions,” de Blasio said after the meeting.
Anti-Semitic crimes have been on the increase since mid-December, officials said.

Remember the deadly Dec. 10 attack just across the river in Jersey City, which was connected to the Black Hebrew Israelites cult. This followed months of reports of anti-Semitic harassment in New York perpetrated by black teenagers. Because the suspects were “people of color” (POC), these hate crimes were an embarrassment to the Left, which wants to blame Trump for increasing anti-Semitism. This is why the national news media, which goes into 24/7 coverage mode over any “hate crime” that can be blamed on right-wingers, politely ignored the increasing reports of black hoodlums harassing Jews in New York City. The progressive SJW backlash against De Blasio’s announcement was predictable.


David Klion is worried that “tens of thousands of people” are going to suffer “real costs” as a result of an increased law-enforcement presence to prevent hate crimes in New York’s Jewish neighborhoods. Klion seems to imply that arresting perpetrators of hate crimes is a bad thing, if the perpetrators are “POC.” Who thinks this way? Commies, that’s who — no joke. Klion is news editor of Jewish Currents, which began in 1946 as a propaganda organ of the Communist Party USA. Oh, sure, they “officially” ended their Communist affiliation after Khrushchev admitted the brutal reality of Stalin’s dictatorship, but Jewish Currents has never abandoned its Marxist/anti-American worldview. This explains Klion’s implacable hatred of cops, even when the cops are protecting Jews!


NYPD are going to “terrorize Black and Brown people,” according to Sophie Ellman-Golan, who was deputy director of communications for the anti-Trump Women’s March (led by Jew-hater Linda Sarsour). Ellman-Golan describes herself as a “social justice activist with a background in racial and gender justice, queer liberation, and anti-police violence organizing.” Apparently “social justice” means hating cops and defending the perpetrators of anti-Semitic hate crimes.



2 Responses to “Blue-Check SJWs Freak Out After NY Mayor Announces Protection for Jews”

  1. Never let a crisis go to waste! – The First Street Journal.
    December 30th, 2019 @ 9:31 am

    […] known assailants have not been from groups which would normally be considered white supremacists. Robert Stacey Stacy McCain noted that when Mayor Bill de Blasio (D-NYC) announced additional police patrols in neighborhoods with […]

  2. Bill de Blasio Finally Does Something Right. Left Freaks Out. | 357 Magnum
    December 30th, 2019 @ 9:59 am

    […] Because the groups hated by the Left shouldn’t be offered protection from violence. Blue-Check SJWs Freak Out After NY Mayor Announces Protection for Jews. […]

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