The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Mrs. Other Smitty Got Some Email Newsletter Saying We Should Ween The World’s Youngest Blogger

by Smitty I heard her say that and I’m all like, ‘Really? Don’t you think they were a little far out there?’

The World’s Youngest Blogger Can’t Figure Out Why This TV Is Such A Bore

‘Gentleman’ Jim Moran: “Naaah, VA-8 Residents Don’t Need A Vote”

by Smitty Via Patrick Murray, we have this tidbit about ‘Gentleman’ Jim, always looking out for Virginianshimself: Jim Moran said Northern Virginia was more reflective of the D.C. metro area than the rest of the state. “We’d all be better off if they took the Virginia and Maryland suburbs and made them part of the […]

The World’s Youngest Blogger Paraphrases Congress

The World’s Youngest Blogger: Despite The Iraq Exit, I Insist Upon Clashing

World’s Youngest Blogger Gets The Message Early That You Really Don’t Want To Attend Hudson High

by Smitty Watching Navy ensure that Army’s timepiece has immaculate works with The World’s Youngest Blogger (i.e. Army’s clock was cleaned, 27-21, for the 10th straight year, ouch), a few things stuck out: #OccupyResoluteDesk was there, in close proximity to a Navy Jack held by a couple of Mids. That’s likely closer than BHO has been […]

Q: Can You Tell The Difference Between The World’s Youngest Blogger And The U.S. Attorney General?

by Smitty A: One of them lacks the maturity for public office; the other one is four months old. Consider the WYB’s overly precise exposition of both this administration’s Fast & Furious operation, and Eric Holder’s non-approach to explaining to the American people just what these shenanigans mean: Again, he’s four months old. We can […]

‘After The Baby, My Wife And I Have Been In Sweatpants Purgatory’

by Smitty Boy, did I get beat with the Life Imitates Art stick. Standing there next to the telly, holding the World’s Youngest Blogger, when Up All Night comes on. The two fellas are down at the playground, discussing how their sex lives are going. Will Forte, on the right, delivers the utterly devastating post […]

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