The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The World’s Youngest Blogger Waves To Obi’s Sister

by The World’s Youngest Blogger Thanks, Obi’s Sister! This blanket is peachy, and I hope to thank you in person sometime, perhaps CPAC12.

World’s Youngest Blogger At 3 Months

by The World’s Youngest Blogger UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


by Smitty I hoisted the three-month-old World’s Youngest Blogger on my shoulders for a pose the other night. What an awesome thing is fatherhood. Niklas is already precocious, though I am committed not to being one of those Dead Poet Society dads with the kid’s whole life scripted for him. This business of taking care […]

World’s Youngest Blogger On Obama Presser: ‘Hahmlaaa?’

by The World’s Youngest Blogger The Worlds Youngest Blogger’s emotions ran the gamut from amused, to shocked, to prayerful, to concerned as the POTUS droned on.

World’s Youngest Blogger Responds To ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Piffle

by The World’s Youngest Blogger With the firm support of his proud grandfather, The World’s Youngest Blogger offers a succinct editorial response to people behaving in an infantile fashion. And the WYB does know infantile.

Like Peaches & Herb

Smitty and I were re-united today at Baltimore-Washington International Airport when our hero returned from Afghanistan to buy me a beer. Well, he returned for other reasons, but buying me a beer was at the top of the to-do list. Of course, there were others there to greet the Conquerer of the Afghan Seas. Itty-Bitty […]

The World’s Youngest Blogger Salutes Silas Paul Lester

by The World’s Youngest Blogger You haven’t exactly posted yet, Silas. So maybe I keep my title. Though my natal adventures may not be toppled by anyone younger soon. There is sort of a lower limit, no? I hope you’re planning on making CPAC12. It promises to be exciting. Lots of women there, whom we […]

Could Anthony Weiner Offer Jim Moran Some Life Coaching?

by The World’s Youngest Blogger Review dad’s posts below. I’m not even two months old yet, and it’s as obvious as an empty milk bottle that the government has run the country dry with spending too much.

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