The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Your ‘Private’ Messages Aren’t Private

Posted on | June 28, 2023 | Comments Off on Your ‘Private’ Messages Aren’t Private

Let’s start with the obvious: The reason that Pedro Gonzales’s “private” messages got leaked is because he supports Ron DeSantis for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, and we may presume the leaker supports Donald Trump. This is not to defend Gonzales or anything he said in the messages; it’s just acknowledging the reality that politics explains why this leak happened. How many people were participants in the “group chat” where Gonzales said various unpleasant things about Jews, etc.? We don’t know, but we must suppose that Gonzales believed that all of them were sympathetic to anti-Semitism and — here’s the real kicker — maybe they were, and still are. Which is to say, I do not rule out the possibility that Gonzales’s anti-Semitic messages were leaked by pro-Trump “friends” who are themselves anti-Semitic.

Jew-haters exposing a fellow Jew-hater because he supports one GOP candidate and they support another? This is just sad.

Why is this being published by Breitbart-dot-com? Oliver Darcy was too busy? The SPLC has lost interest in anti-Semitism? Or is DeSantis such an apostate to the True Faith that anything goes in terms of smearing him? Because I don’t think Matthew Boyle or his editors really care about Pedro Gonzales, per se. No, he is of interest to them because, as Boyle says, “Gonzalez has become perhaps most well-known as one of the most active and strident pro-Florida Gov. Ron Desantis influencers on Twitter.” And therefore he must be EXPOSED!

Well, it should go without saying, I don’t like this game, because this is probably not going to be the last inning of the game. If it’s going to be open season on DeSantis’s supporters, then Trump’s supporters can expect to get the same kind of treatment. And if the right wing is going to consume itself with a spree of reputational destruction, we can expect the sold-out GOP Establishment crowd to profit from this, to say nothing of the chortling glee we’ll hear from the Democrats. Andrew Breitbart never played the game this way, so far as I can remember.

Just incidentally, there are some amusing passages in Matthew Boyle’s article, like when he decides to “expose” Gonzales as an admirer of — gasp! — the late Sam Francis. Except, of course, Gonzales is an editor at Chronicles, where Francis was a beloved columnist for many years. If there’s anyone on the Chronicles payroll who doesn’t like Sam Francis, that would be shocking. Also, Boyle tries to make something out of Gonzales saying that Paul Gottfried, another regular Chronicles contributor, is a “good” Jew, i.e., the kind who hates Ben Shapiro.

It should go without saying that I know Professor Gottfried, having met him at the same kind of Thought Criminal conferences where I used to have beers with Sam Francis. While I can’t say I am personally acquainted with every Thought Criminal on the SPLC “hate map,” I’m familiar with most of them, one way or another. A few years ago, when former Breitbart editor Katie McHugh decided to dump all her email correspondence into the SPLC’s lap, I was saddened and amused because not only did I know Katie, but I also knew several of the DANGEROUS WHITE NATIONALISTS she decided to “expose.”

Kevin DeAnna? Check. Marcus Epstein? Check. Peter Brimelow? Check.

Speaking of which, the last time I talked to Peter, he extended me an invitation to visit the VDare “castle” in West Virginia, and I meant to take him up on that offer, but it slipped my mind. After I get back from Alaska, I’ll have to give him a call. But anyway . . .

Eventually, this election cycle will end and, one way or the other, it will also end the Trump-DeSantis war, a conflict that I lament as unnecessary and harmful. Vote for whoever you want to vote for, hate whoever you want to hate, I don’t care, but why should conservatives — all of us regarded as “deplorables” by the Powers That Be in the Biden Age — tear each other apart over this? People need to wake the hell up.

As for Gonzales and his “private” messages, young people need to learn a lesson I’ve repeatedly taught my kids: Never say anything in a text message, email or a DM that you wouldn’t want to see screencapped and printed on the front page of the New York Times. There are few beliefs more dangerous in the modern world than thinking that your “private” messages will stay private, if anyone ever has a motive to leak them. For all you know, the political associate you regard as your “friend” could be a federal informant, an agent provocateur, and you’ll DM yourself straight into federal prison. Learn the value of silence.



Ironic Journalism

Posted on | June 28, 2023 | 6 Comments

Reuters decided to go digging up the past, and perhaps didn’t calculate the possible consequences of what they would find:

In researching the genealogies of America’s political elite, a Reuters examination found that a fifth of the nation’s congressmen, living presidents, Supreme Court justices and governors are direct descendants of ancestors who enslaved Black people…
President Joe Biden and every living former U.S. president — except Donald Trump — are direct descendants of slaveholders: Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and — through his white mother’s side — Barack Obama. Trump’s ancestors came to America after slavery was abolished.

By the way, I hate this newfangled way of referring to slavery, using the verb “enslaved.” Did the person who owned slaves actively enslave them? The verb implies that, had it not been for this particular slave owner, the slave would otherwise have been free — but it wasn’t like that at all. The first African slaves in Virginia arrived aboard the White Lion. Originally from Angola, then a Portuguese colony, these slaves had been part of a cargo aboard the Spanish ship San Juan Bautista, bound for Santa Cruz, Mexico. Before the Spanish ship reached Mexico, however, it was attacked by English privateer ships, the White Lion and the Treasurer, who took about 60 slaves, most of whom subsequently ended up in Virginia. Had this raid not happened, these Angolan slaves would have ended up in Mexico instead, but either way, they would not have been free — because they were “enslaved” before they ever left Africa.

Why do most Americans know nothing about this? Why is it that we never hear any criticism of the Portuguese, Spanish, French and Dutch who were involved in slavery? Or why isn’t it pointed out that slavery in Africa had existed for centuries before any Europeans ever began purchasing slaves and sending them across the Atlantic? Why it is made to seem that the only guilty parties are white Americans?

If you start asking questions like that, and are willing to devote many hours to researching the subject — as I did, long before The 1619 Project provoked controversy — you may come to the realization that this grievance-mongering approach to the history of slavery is Marxist in its origins, traceable to the anti-American propaganda of the Soviet Union and Communist Party (e.g., Herb Aptheker). The reason Americans (but not Mexicans, Brazilians, etc.) are so incessantly guilt-tripped about slavery is because the guilt-trippers hate America.

It is strangely amusing (but not really surprising) to learn that Barack Obama is descended from slave owners, as is Joe Biden, and while my own genealogical research has not revealed whether my distant ancestors owned slaves, it’s quite likely at least some of them did, and so what? I did not inherit a Greek revival mansion surrounded by live oaks draped in Spanish moss. My grandparents were born on small farms in the red clay hills of Randolph County, Alabama. When discussing what life was like growing up in rural Alabama in the 1930s, my aunt said, “We didn’t even know we were poor — everybody was poor.”

The idea that we should feel shame about our ancestors, who never lived in our world of air-conditioned comfort, is absurd and insulting. The past in which slavery existed is, as has been noted, Gone With the Wind — destroyed by the bloodiest war in our nation’s history — and there is nothing to be gained by hindsight recriminations over that past.



In The Mailbox: 06.27.23

Posted on | June 28, 2023 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.27.23

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: Anyone Who Disagrees With Me Is A Fascist, Australian Edition
EBL: A cholesterol-lowering alternative to statins reduces deaths from heart disease?, also, Fun Fact: You’d have to run a pizza stove for 849 years to equal one year of John Kerry’s private jet emissions
Twitchy: Rosa DeLauro Gets Flogged For Proclaiming Her Catholicism Compels Her To Be Pro-Abortion, NBC News Spins “We’re Coming For Your Children” Pride Chant & Makes It WORSE, and Shovel-Ready Brian Krassenstein Defends Himself Against @LibsOfTikTok By Digging Deeper
Louder With Crowder: San Francisco Mayor attacks DeSantis for calling city a cesspool, claims the drugs and poop are only a “snapshot”, Tough-talking union boss challenges GOP Senator to a fight, doesn’t realize Senator is an undefeated MMA fighter, and Barstool’s Dave Portnoy goes berserk on “pink-haired, crazy liberals” looking to ban wood-fired pizza
Vox Popoli: Amazon in Decline, Alarm Bells, The Logistics of Tolkien, and Last Chance at Landmark

Adam Piggott: Let’s hear it for 50 year old White Guys
American Conservative: How Fake History Gets Made
American Greatness: Disney Suffers Box Office Losses Amid LGBTQ Promotion, ‘Woke’ Criticisms, also, DHS Covered Up Its Outsourcing of ‘Misinformation’ Policing
American Thinker: Obama Rings the Reparations Bell, also, Four Ways the Deep State Betrays Americans
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Electric Plane News
Babalu Blog: Mother of imprisoned Cuban social media influencer worried about her mental health, Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly votes unanimously to rescind EU pacts with Cuba, and Cuba suffering the environmental consequences of Castro dictatorship’s ‘solutions’ to the energy crisis
BattleSwarm: The Democratic Media Complex Really Hates Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., also, Portland Real Estate Nightmare
Behind The Black: Russians launch weather satellite and 42 smallsats, SpaceX completes six-engine static fire test of Starship prototype #25, Surprise! The cost for the Mars Sample Return mission is ballooning!, ROKs recover Norks’ failed spy satellite, and Today’s blacklisted American: Anyone who dares to criticize the left at Bakersfield College
Cafe Hayek: Reality Is Far More Complex Than Politicians Pretend
CDR Salamander: Hypersonics: Your Joint All-Domain Transformational Distributed Expeditionary Offset for your Directed Energy Railguns for Victory in the Gray Zone
Da Tech Guy: On the road again, also, Nipping These Trump vs DeSantis things in the Bud
Dana Loesch: News You Might Have Missed
Don Surber: Just End The War
First Street Journal: Fear-mongering from The Nation, as they fear that The South Shall Rise Again!
Gates Of Vienna: “We Are Witnessing a Huge Change of Culture, Customs and Population”, The Perils of Non-Compliance, Sturm und Drang, Indian Giver, and “A True Cauldron of Migration in Portugal”
The Geller Report: GOP has 6 witnesses Who Can Back up Claim AG Lied about DOJ Interference in Hunter Case
Glenn Reynolds: Memory Lane
Hogewash: Ultraviolet Mars, Side B, Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, Looking Into the Orion Nebula, and Don’t Know Much About History
Hollywood In Toto: Jim Caviezel: Disney Tried to Remove God from Count of Monte Cristo, Classic Disney Stories Get the Woke Treatment (SATIRE), Sound of Freedom Doubles as Heartbreaking Drama, Call to Action, and Great Pandemic Protest Songs, from Clapton to Five Times August
The Lid: California Dems Want To Give Health Authorities The Power to Take Kids Away from Parents Over LGBTQ Agenda
Legal Insurrection: BlackRock CEO Larry Fink Whines that Term “ESG” Has Become “Weaponized”, Is Higher Education in America Headed for Collapse?, First Locally Acquired U.S. Malaria Cases in 20 Years Reported in Texas and Florida, High School Debates Can Now Hinge on Personal Tweets and Microaggressions, and Court Says NY AG Attempt to Force Section 8 on Landlords Unconstitutional
Nebraska Energy Observer: Let’s talk
Outkick: Former NFL QB Ryan Mallett Dead At 35, Jim Harbaugh Adds New Practice Period At Michigan Focused Strictly On Beating Georgia Despite Not Playing Bulldogs Since 2021, Sage Steele’s Lawsuit Against ESPN, Disney Is Worth More Than Money, Can LSU Baseball Recover From National Championship?, and Dennis Rodman, Who Thinks Larry Bird Was Only Good For A White Boy, Says Bird Couldn’t Last In Today’s NBA
Power Line: “Everything about this case is wrong”, also, Sweden Goes Nuclear
Shark Tank: FL Dems Assail “Stand Your Ground” Laws In Wake Of AJ Owens Shooting
Shot In The Dark: Out – Greta Thunberg, In – Reddy Kilowatt, also, Borrowed Time
STUMP: Sunday at Sea: the Vasa, the Far Side of the World, and Alexander in a Bathysphere
This Ain’t Hell: Tuesday with the Libs of Tik Tok, also, Mikey Weinstein and the NDAA
Transterrestrial Musings: Tent, Meet Camel
Victory Girls: GOP Hopeful Francis Suarez Disqualifies Self
Volokh Conspiracy: CONAN the Librarian: A Constitutional Law Treatise from the Library of Congress
Watts Up With That: Wind Fails Texas Again, also, Aussie Government Admits the Green Energy Revolution will Require Lots of Coal
The Federalist: Biden Admin Grew Censorship Complex To Silence True But Inconvenient ‘Malinformation,’ House Committee Shows, Hey, Joy Reid, Let’s Talk About ‘Fascism’, Small-Town Librarians In Georgia Slip Drag Book Into Program For 6-Year-Olds, New SCOTUS Ruling Limits State Court Interference With Election Laws, and Americans Aren’t Buying Biden’s Border Crisis Bunk
Mark Steyn: Blueberry Hill, also, “An Excellent Read!”

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The Moose Is Loose

Posted on | June 27, 2023 | 3 Comments

“There’s one!” Bob said, as we drove through the base on our way from the airport. I squinted, but didn’t see the moose until we were within about 30 yards. It was a young cow, not even full-grown yet, but certainly it stood more than six feet tall. A full-grown moose can be eight feet tall, and they’re all around here, so that while sighting a moose may be exciting for a tourist, the locals don’t think much about it.

Speaking of locals, did you know Anchorage has a homelessness problem? On our drive in from the airport, we came through downtown Anchorage and my son gestured to his left, telling me the homeless encampment was about 400 yards that way, and I was like, “What?” Alaska is still very much a frontier state, with a population of less than 750,000 in a vast territory. People are still coming here to homestead, staking out claims in the remote wilderness, so it’s difficult for me to see how the usual excuse — “lack of affordable housing” — can be applied to homelessness in Anchorage. This ain’t San Francisco, OK?

From local media:

The Anchorage Assembly spent a large part of their June 6 meeting discussing the issue of homelessness in Anchorage.
Mayor Dave Bronson talked about the benefits of a proposed navigation center to help those who are homeless in his Mayor’s report, calling it a place that can “transform lives.”
The mayor also called the current situation where many homeless individuals are camping in the municipality’s parks and green spaces “untenable, and not quite even humane.”
“But if we spend another summer expending our time, our resources, and the public’s willingness to hear us out, I’m afraid we will never reach a modicum of solution,” said Bronson.
“I do not want people to freeze to death this winter. The nav center can prevent that.”
Hellen Fleming, one of the owners of Showdown Alaska, appeared before the assembly to testify about abatement at Cuddy Park.
Showdown Alaska is in charge of the Sundown Solstice Festival, which took place in Cuddy Park June 16 -18. The festival was a source of political controversy, as it was cited as a reason for abating – or kicking out – homeless individuals camping at the park for safety reasons.
Fleming said that Showdown Alaska wanted to protect the safety of the patrons of the concert and homeless people.
“For the sake of public safety, we were told that abatement was the right choice,” said Fleming, “My only question to the city now is, why? Why was the Sullivan closed with no plan? Why weren’t sanctioned camps created from the start? Why was there no communication to campers about this festival from the very start in the area?”
Fleming urged the Assembly to create sanctioned camps before abatement at Cuddy Park ended.
After Fleming’s testimony, the Assembly passed a resolution brought forward by Felix Rivera, who represents District 4, supporting the creation of “allowed” homeless camps in Anchorage. Mayor Dave Bronson opposed the use of the word “sanctioned camps,” citing possible liability issues with the municipality.
The passed resolution is more limited in scope compared to recommendations originally made by the Sanctioned Camps Community Task Force.
The task force originally recommended that five sites be established as homeless camps. These sites were: Centennial Park Campground, 1805 Academy Drive, land adjacent to the Clitheroe Center, the midtown National Archives site, and vacant land between Viking Drive, Reeve Boulevard, and Commercial Drive. Three sites were recommended to house up to 75 people, while the remaining two were recommended to house up to 40. The recommendation also provided names of other possible camp locations.

There’s a word for this situation, and that word is crazy.

You’re talking about homelessness in a state where the effective cost of land is zero. I mean, I don’t know how much a half-acre lot costs in the immediate vicinity of Anchorage, but if you’re willing to go further out into the boonies, land is dirt-cheap compared to what you’d pay almost anywhere in the Lower 48. Of course, this doesn’t address the major expense of living in Alaska, namely heat. The first snowfall in Anchorage is usually in October, and it lasts into April. Basically, you’ve got maybe five months of tolerable weather — May through September — amid the otherwise eternal winter. Not a good place for sidewalk sleeping.

As the mayor says, the proposal to create “allowed” homeless camps is not humane. Whatever their problems may be — drug addiction, mental illness, etc. — these people need to get someplace warm, with an actual roof over their heads, before winter arrives, and tolerating homeless encampments in Anchorage during summer is self-evidently foolish.

Did I mention that Joe Biden won Anchorage in 2020? Not by a Chicago-sized margin, but still . . . Maybe you don’t expect liberal foolishness in a GOP stronghold like Alaska, but this nonsense about creating “allowed” homeless camps shows how liberalism can be a problem anywhere. Given the harsh realities of life near the Arctic, I’d suggest a zero-tolerance policy toward homelessness. You simply can’t allow people to be sleeping outdoors in a place where the weather is so brutal most of the year. Better they should be occupying a jail cell than to let them freeze to death on the sidewalks. Or get eaten by a bear.

Did I mention there are bears all over Alaska? They’re not as numerous as moose, I don’t think, but there’s still a lot of them. If the bears ever decide to visit Anchorage’s homeless camps . . .

Well, that would be one way to solve the problem, I guess.



In The Mailbox: 06.26.23

Posted on | June 27, 2023 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.26.23

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: Marvel & The No Accountability Superhero Movie, also, “Trust The Science” They Say
EBL: Asteroid City, The Gallant Hours, and Whose Side is Belarus’ President Lukashenko on?
Twitchy: London Breed Has Dumb Response To DeSantis’ Criticism Of San Fran, Publisher Says ALA Is Offering Guidance On Disrupting Conservative Events, and Kinzinger Enters Desperation Mode After Tweeting About Neo-Nazis At Proud Boys Event Being Feds
Louder With Crowder: Here’s some of what you missed from Pride parades happening in your city this weekend, Topless activists chant “we’re coming for your children” at a drag march because it’s not obvious enough, and Bud Light’s a glutton for punishment, sponsors parade that exposes kids to naked adults, puppy fetishists
Vox Popoli: The Wagner “Coup”, Debacle in Rostov, Mandatory Pride, Of Course They Knew, and Further Evidence
Stoic Observations: Robert Baer & Geopolitical Agency
Gab News: Forget Politics – Focus On This Instead

Adam Piggott: Greasy Pole #29 – The First Black Woman on the Moon episode
American Conservative: Arms Must Cede
American Greatness: Speaker Kevin McCarthy Hints at Impeaching AG Merrick Garland, What the Left Has Left for America, and Kamala Harris Has the Worst Net Negative Rating of Any Vice President in NBC Poll’s History
American Thinker: Transgender Lawsuits Reveal Horrors of Procedures, also, Chattanooga Goes Brave New World
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Pope Francis once again displays his true colors at audience with artists, Cuban YouTuber who just arrived in America makes his first visit to Walmart, and Reports from Cuba: ‘Soon, polyclinics in Cuba will have to be closed due to lack of personnel’
BattleSwarm: Russian Coup Update for June 24, 2023 UPDATE: Coup Already Over?, also, Spam Denial of Service Attack Against James O’Keefe?
Behind The Black: Webb makes first detection of one particular carbon molecule, Japan’s military tests using Starlink for communications, A northern lowland ice sheet on Mars?, and The insidious presence of porn in K-12 public schools
Cafe Hayek: On Evidence of the Economic Consequences of a Policy of Unilateral Free Trade, Worrying About the ‘Balance of Trade’ Is Like Worrying About Witches, Economic Reasoning Shifts the Burden of Persuasion Onto Opponents of a Policy of Unilateral Free Trade, Let’s Dethrone the “Balance of Payments”, and Is This a Spoof?
CDR Salamander: Keeping The US Undersea Advantage, also, War Over Taiwan? Let’s Discuss This First
Da Tech Guy: Three Worst Case Russia Scenarios, Is the post office suffering from high crime?, and Under the Fedora
Don Surber: Another Reason To Vote Trump
First Street Journal: Killadelphia: 12-year-old killed on his birthday, Today’s left see landlords as Snidely Whiplash, tying Sweet Nell to the railroad tracks, and The main page of The Philadelphia Inquirer’s website had, at 7:07 PM EDT on Sunday, June 25th, an interesting juxtaposition
Gates Of Vienna: The Defender of Europe, Culture-Enricher Attacks Grandma and Granddaughter in Bordeaux, Sweden: “This is a War Zone”, and When the Suckling Babe is a Sign of Right-Wing Extremism
The Geller Report: New FBI Whistleblower Says Agents Who Questioned Overblown Response to Jan 6 Were THREATENED By Director, also, European Union Now Warning Pregnant Women NOT to Get COVID-19 Vaccine Due to Possibility of Infertility and Miscarriage
Hogewash: Flying By Mercury, The Security of Russian Nuclear Weapons, Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, and Ultraviolet Mars
Hollywood In Toto: Shape of Things Is Neil LaBute at His Most Confrontational, Gal Gadot Blasts Gender-Swapped Action Heroines, Meet Pop Culture’s Free Speech Heroes, and ‘Office’ Alum Rainn Wilson: God ‘Freaks People Out’ in Hollywood
The Lid: STUDY: Attractive Women More Likely to Be Conservatives, also, Ohio School Board Reports Moms as Terrorists to FBI for Concern Over School’s Woke Curriculum
Legal Insurrection: Audio Of Trump Conversation About Secret Iran Attack Plan Contradicts His Denial, Dept. of Transportation Giving $1.7 Billion to States to Buy Electric, Low-Emission Buses, Harvard Expert on Dishonesty is Accused of Dishonesty, Questioning the Narrative of a Certain, Disturbing News Story in Canada is Now Called Denialism, and U. Wyoming Sorority Fights Back Against Members Who Sued Over Trans Member
Nebraska Energy Observer: Saturday – just for you, Third Sunday after Trinity, and The Not Very Funny Woke Joke
Outkick: Pete Rose Says He Can Finally Wear A Cincinnati Reds Hat In Public ‘Without Fans Throwing Rocks’ At Him, Professional Basketball Player Dies Of Heart Attack, Previously Blamed COVID Vaccine For Myocarditis, Deion Sanders Shares Powerful Prayer Amid Health Issues: ‘Thank You’, Peyton Manning Always Wanted Sean Payton To Be The Denver Broncos Head Coach, Omaha Drama Again! LSU Wins Championship Series Opener With Another 11th Inning Homer, and Antonio Brown Bashes Tom Brady While Finally Giving Full Story On Bizarre Meltdown, Mid-Game Exit With Buccaneers
Power Line: Impeach Merrick Garland, Hunter Biden’s “fair” tax share, and Disney’s Downhill Slide
Shark Tank: Gimenez Says Biden “Asleep At The Wheel” Against Red China
Shot In The Dark: Seven Year Plan, The DFL Owns This, and Tolerance!
STUMP: Podcast: Lying about Lying – and faking data in Excel
This Ain’t Hell: Prigozhin’s Moscow march, the aftermath, Marines Need a Few Drone Pilots, Wild Night of Drinking and a Fake Toothache Turned Into the US Marine Corps Deadliest Sniper, and Russians using WMDs?
Transterrestrial Musings: Computer Weirdness, After College, How Pride Lost The Public, The New Russian Revolution, and A Catastrophic Implosion
Victory Girls: Riley Gaines, Standing Alone And Shunned By Feminists, Iowa’s Quad City Times Apologizes For Bigoted Vivek Ramaswamy Cartoon, and What Stopped Prigozhin From Going To Moscow?
Volokh Conspiracy: Uneducating Americans on Vaping, also, What Does U.S. v. Texas Tell Us About The DACA Litigation?
Watts Up With That: Coal To the Rescue in Britain as Solar Panels Also Work Too Poorly in The Summertime, Sweden Deals Body Blow to EU Climate Change Agenda, and NYC Pizzerias versus Climate Change Busybodies
The Federalist: Google Attacks Christians In The Workplace With Blasphemous Drag Event, Church Attendance Is Down As America’s Mental Health Crisis Continues To Run Amuck, The Corporate Media Can’t Come Back After Playing A Key Role In Running Cover-Up For Biden Family Corruption, Naked Men Freely Expose Themselves To Kids At Pride Because The Right Bought The Left’s ‘Tolerance’ Lie, and NLRB Adopts A Dirty Union Trick To Infiltrate The Government With Marxists
Mark Steyn: Things Fall Apart: Kenneth Clark’s Civilisation and the TV Documentary, Putin on the Fritz?, and Tal Bachman: Two Centuries of Rugby, Part VI

Amazon Warehouse Deals

Science Fiction, Gatekeeping, And Why Awards Are Useless

Posted on | June 26, 2023 | 1 Comment

— by Wombat-socho

First, let me give a shoutout to Son of Silvercon‘s Guest of Honor, Maggie Hogarth, who has a new book dropping at the end of July, An Exile Aboard Ship. It’s the start of a new series set in her Peltedverse, which has a lot of cool aliens in it, and if you want some background to this new adventure, you should start with Earthrise, which is available (along with its two sequels) through Kindle Unlimited. Also, one of our other guests, Jon Del Arroz, has the sixth book in his Baron von Monocle steampunk series, The Crystal Conspiracy, out today. It’s been a while since I read For Steam & Country, the first in this series, but it’s good stuff, and I regret not having the time/money to pick up the other four books when they came out. 

And speaking of buying books from authors that don’t hate you, The Big Based Book Sale continues on through tomorrow. 

Pic unrelated.

I saw on the Twitter last night that the execrable John Scalzi has won the LOCUS readers award*, apparently for his recent work of lameness Kaiju Preservation Society, which judging from his earlier work is probably a “transgressive” riff on Pacific Rim, and no, I’m not reading it to find out. Someone posted a couple of embarrassing extracts from the book, which inspired a lot of mockery at Scalzi’s expense.** Anyhow, I grumped about how this was a good example of why nobody should be using awards like that to pick reading material, and this got me into an argument about gatekeeping.

Which, as I noted in this tweet, is silly because unlike gaming, where you can refuse to play with idiots, you can’t do that with SF. Anyone can go down to the library or the B&N, or log onto Amazon, and get them some skiffy. Or they can stream some Star Trek, or The Expanse, or Black Mirror, or Neon Genesis Evangelion…you see where I’m going with this. SF fandom is equally wide open thanks to social media. It’s a lot harder to blackball somebody from the Internet than it was to keep people out of your conventions – and as the old school literary fans found out in the 60s after Star Trek, they’ll just go off and start their own conventions with Fizzbin and Orion slave girls. As a result of this mass influx of fans into the SF ghetto, which I sometimes refer to as the geek victory in the culture war, and the subsequent capture of SF fandom’s organizations by the woketards and other leftists, the awards given by those organizations became warning signs rather than recommendations as to what was good. The fact that (relative to the huge numbers of people who read or otherwise consume SF) most of these awards (except for the Dragon Awards) are handed out by a tiny community of fans makes them even more worthless, because most of these people suffer from a bad case of groupthink and don’t dare express Wrongthink for fear of not being part of the In Crowd any more.  So instead of gatekeeping either science fiction in general or even fandom, I see my role as more of a native guide who’s been wandering around this part of town for 50+ years who advises the new folks not to read that stuff because it’ll make you barf, or at least make you regret spending $15 or three hours on Fuzzy Nation.

Now, on the other hand, there’s Ralts Bloodthorne. The Wordborg is up to ten books in the Behold, Humanity! series, of which I have just finished the tenth, Victory or Death. These are conversions from his long-running series of posts on r/HFY, and in some places duplicate material found in the Tales of the Terran Confederacy series because the shorter series focuses on individuals and their stories while Behold, Humanity! covers the wider war between the Terran Confederacy and its neosapient allies (Telkans, Hamaroosans, Tuknarn, etc.) against the Lanaktallan Unified Council Worlds and the Precursor Autonomous War Machines. Unlike a lot of the current Pink Goo authors, who like to pretend that nothing happened in SF before they were born (and if it did it was all written by Racist Male Wypipo so it doesn’t count), Ralts has clearly read a lot of the classics of SF, thought through the implications of the technologies, and had a lot of fun mixing it all together into a tasty stew of not just combat SF but a look at how humanity itself will adapt and change to technologies developed across 8,000 years of war with occasional brief periods of peace. Highly recommended.

*This says a lot about the kind of people who read LOCUS, who are mostly the kind of people that ante up the money to join Worldcons.
**Tor is paying him an insane amount of money to poop out crappy books, so what does he care?

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Checked and Ready for Boarding

Posted on | June 26, 2023 | 1 Comment

Remember the “Shoe Bomber”? In December 2001, would-be terrorist Richard Reid was aboard an American Airlines flight from Paris to Miami when he failed in an attempt to detonate plastic explosives hidden in his shoes. Because of this botched terrorist attack, all commercial airline passengers to this day are required to remove their shoes and send them through the X-ray scanners before boarding their flights.

More than 20 years have gone by, and if this safety protocol has apprehended or deterred a single copycat “shoe bomber,” I’m unaware of it, but it keeps TSA busy, on the taxpayer’s dime, inspecting us all just to make sure we aren’t some kind of Al-Qaeda sympathizer.

There’s lots of time to ponder things like that, here at the Firkin and Flyer Pub in Concourse C, as my wife and I await the call for boarding. What I hate most about flying nowadays is the security protocols. I’m old enough to remember when you just went straight to the terminal gate — no waiting line for security — and your family could meet you at the gate when you returned. But now any airline trip requires you calculate not only the drive time to the airport (leaving a margin for possible traffic delays), but also leave yourself a little extra time in case there’s a backup at security. You don’t want to be sprinting to the gate at the last minute for fear of missing your flight, and so the total time required for any trip must be extended to account for such contingencies.

Thank you, Islamic jihadists!

Just popped into this pub to update the blog before our departure, and also to consume my traditional pre-flight beverage, which cost $10.89 and I tipped $2.11 to round it up to $13, but that’s OK, because it’s a tax-deductible business expense. As a journalist, anything you write about counts as “business,” so by telling my readers that the Firkin and Flyer serves a tasty Bloody Mary, I’ve covered myself with the IRS, and I’ve got the receipt to prove it. Meanwhile, I must express my gratitude to Mr. White, a resident of Cook County, Illinois, who was the first reader this morning to contribute via PayPal in support of this expedition to Alaska.

Are you feeling thirsty all of a sudden? You could order Bloody Mary mix from Amazon, but as to the vodka, you’re on your own. Now, it’s about 15 minutes until boarding, so I’ve got to head to my gate. Remember the Five Most Important Words in the English Language:




North! To Alaska!

Posted on | June 26, 2023 | Comments Off on North! To Alaska!

This afternoon, my wife and I will be flying the friendly skies, first to Dallas for a three-hour layover before heading to Anchorage. I’d told y’all about this trip earlier, when I thought we’d be leaving last week, but I was mistaken about the anticipated travel date.

Our Army son is stationed there with the newly formed 11th Airborne Division, developing America’s arctic warfare capacity. More importantly — at least for me — is that his wife recently gave birth to our newest granddaughter, little Juniper. So we’ll be spending a couple of weeks with little Juniper (and her big sister Eliza, of course).

While looking forward to seeing the kids, I’m dreading the long flights, and then there’s the matter of the time shift. We arrive in Anchorage at 11 p.m. local time, which is 3 a.m. Eastern, and I’m sure I’ll be disoriented by this experience: Working in the wee hours (locally) to get my dayjob work done by morning times on the East Coast, and did I mention it’s “Midnight Sun” season in Alaska? Oh, and there’s also the weather: High temperature tomorrow in Anchorage will be 59°F, with rain, but later in the week, it will get up to a sunny 62°F. Joy, joy . . .

John Wayne would never complain about the weather, of course. So I’ll endure my arctic excursion with stoic resolve, and perhaps I won’t even notice the conditions while I’m out stalking moose and bears with a Bowie knife . . . No, wait, that’s not on the agenda. Grandpa’s too old to be doing the Wilderness Survival thing. However, I did text my son to ask him to find me some kind of tavern or restaurant where I could blog with that “authentic Alaska” vibe — exposed wooden beams, moose head mounted on the wall, etc. He replied, “Every brew pub here, basically.”

We’re talking tax-deductible business expenses, see? Snap a few photos with my phone, post it under an Anchorage dateline, and it’s travel journalism. Save the receipts for the IRS, and no questions asked.

My wife just asked me, “Are you ready?”

“Honey, we don’t leave for another three hours.”

One of the secrets to a successful marriage is balance — I’m carefree and spontaneous; my wife is responsible and conscientious. So when it comes to a trip like this, I leave all the worrying to her. Why should both of us be stressed out? As they say in Alaska, “Hakuna matata.”

OK, that’s not authentic Alaskan culture, but the IRS isn’t going to notice the difference when I show them the receipts for all those meals and, uh, beverages at brew pubs in Anchorage — legitimate business expenses!

“Besides which, your honor” — here I’m imagining my testimony in a federal trial — “my son was serving his country in Alaska, and maintaining the morale of our troops is crucial to America’s combat readiness. So it was in our national interest that Bob and I had the grilled trout dinner and a few beverages. Don’t you love America?”

Just doing my patriotic duty, you see. So as I get ready to roll, I remind you of the Five Most Important Words in the English Language:




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