The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

R.I.P., Queen Elizabeth II

Posted on | September 8, 2022 | Comments Off on R.I.P., Queen Elizabeth II

When she was just a 14-year-old girl, and England stood alone against Hitler’s terrifying Nazi war machine, Elizabeth inspired her nation by going on the BBC to broadcast a message full of hope and courage: “We are trying to do all we can to help our gallant sailors, soldiers, and airmen, and we are trying, too, to bear our own share of the danger and sadness of war. We know, every one of us, that in the end all will be well. For God will care for us, and bring us victory and peace.”

Unlike some of her children and grandchildren, Queen Elizabeth always strove to uphold the essential dignity of her royal status. She was loved by her subjects, and her death today at age 96 brings to an end a reign that is likely to be remembered fondly by future generations.


White House ‘Targeted Me by Name,’ Says Feminist Vaccine Skeptic Naomi Wolf

Posted on | September 8, 2022 | 2 Comments

When COVID-19 policy critic Alex Berenson got banned from Twitter last year, he sued them, and his account was reinstated after it was revealed that White House officials singled him out by name at an April 2021 White House meeting with representatives of social-media companies.

In June 2021, two months before Berenson was banned from Twitter, the platform banned Naomi Wolf, the famed feminist author of The Beauty Myth who had become outspoken in expressing concerns about COVID-19 vaccine risks, especially for women. In a post Wednesday on the alternative platform Gettr, Wolf said her lawyers had informed her that “documents from Missouri AG Eric Schmitt’s lawsuit” showed she had been “singled out” by “the White House itself.” You don’t have to agree with Wolf (about vaccines or anything else) to be outraged by the idea of government officials pressuring social media companies to censor controversial content by labeling it “misinformation.”

Wolf’s critics would say she has published false or, at least, unverified claims about COVID-19 vaccine risks, and my point is: It doesn’t matter.

People publish discredited nonsense every day — astrology, hello? — and have been doing so since the invention of writing. You can order books from Amazon about witchcraft and alien abductions and all sorts of crazy conspiracy theories (and if you order through my affiliate links, I’ll get a commission), but so what? If people are literate, and yet ignorant enough to believe blatant falsehoods, this points to a problem with our education system, which cannot be solved by banning the publication of things we don’t want them to read, because who will decide such questions?

Were it in my power to decide who should be banned from Twitter, my first decision would be to un-ban myself, but then there’s a long list of people I’d be happy to ban from the platform. Of course, my enemies can congratulate themselves on the unlikelihood of such a hypothetical scenario, but what about the enemies of Alex Berenson and Naomi Wolf?

Invoking the authority of “science,” political appointees at the White House used the emergency of the COVID-19 pandemic as a pretext to demand that Twitter censor what they deemed “misinformation” relevant to public policy. If you think that is acceptable, would you also be in favor of the White House pushing to censor critics of the administration’s policy on the economy, energy policy or military affairs?

Those who might defend deplatforming Naomi Wolf would probably argue that “misinformation” about vaccine risks in the middle of a pandemic is so potentially harmful as to justify extraordinary measures. To them, I would answer: Question the timing.

See, this has been my basic cause of skepticism for more than a year. Federal taxpayers footed the bill to make COVID-19 vaccines “free,” which in effect was a massive transfer of wealth from taxpayers to the pharmaceutical industry. The government ordered millions upon millions of doses of these vaccines and, within a few months, a majority of the population had been inoculated. A huge public-health success, right? Ah, but this was not enough. By spring of 2021, despite the success of the vaccine program, it became clear that a certain percentage of the population simply wasn’t interested in getting vaccinated, at which point Biden administration officials began talking about the need to make the vaccine mandatory. This is where the war against “misinformation” originated, and my cynical suspicion was this: Big Pharma wanted more customers for their product, and vaccine mandates were the proposed solution to their marketing problem. It was about profits, not health.

It does not matter, for purposes of this discussion, whether you believe what Naomi Wolf or any other critic has said about the potential risks of COVID-19 vaccines. What matters is that the White House pressured social media companies to deplatform vaccine critics at the same time they were pushing to make these vaccines mandatory and, if my cynical hunch is correct, this push for vaccine mandates was basically about lining the pockets of Big Pharma — a corrupt motive, because how much do Democrats stand to gain in campaign contributions from Big Pharma?

“Follow the money,” as Deep Throat famously advised Woodward and Bernstein, and I suspect some diligent reporter could collect a Pulitzer Prize for exposing what was going on behind the scenes at the Biden White House during the time when they decided that COVID-19 vaccines should be mandatory, and that critics of their policy should be banned from social media. The whole scene reeks of corruption.

And, just incidentally, I have never liked Naomi Wolf, for reasons both general and specific. But we are living in a time of Fear and Loathing, when the going gets weird and the weird turn pro, and we find ourselves on the same side as people we never expected to become our allies.

All the good people are banned from Twitter, you know.


Suspect In Memphis Woman’s Murder Began His Criminal Career at Age 11

Posted on | September 7, 2022 | 2 Comments

Well, his first arrest was at age 11, although he might have been perpetrating felonies ever since he learned to walk:

The Tennessee man charged in the abduction and murder of a woman who vanished Friday as she was jogging in Memphis has a lengthy juvenile criminal record that dates to 1995, when he was 11 years old, court documents reveal.
Cleotha Abston has been charged with various crimes every year from 1995 to 2000, when he was sentenced to 24 years in prison for kidnapping a Memphis lawyer, according to documents obtained by NBC News.
Just two years after he was released in 2020, Abston, 38, is now charged with the death of Eliza Fletcher.
Listed in the documents are multiple offenses, including convictions for a rape charge from 1998, when he was 14, and a kidnapping charge from 2000, when he was 16.
Felicia Hogan, a spokesperson for Shelby County Juvenile Court, said in a statement Wednesday that the court found that Abston “committed rape when he was 14 years old.” She did not provide further details.
“Because of the severity of the crime, the statute says this offense information is releasable even though at the time Abston was a juvenile,” Hogan said. “There is no information being released on when, to whom or where this rape happened. The rest of his juvenile record is sealed and there are no other records to be released.” . . .
Tennessee Lt. Gov. Randy McNally said Tuesday that had Abston remained in jail for the full 24 years [for the 2000 kidnapping], Fletcher would still be alive.
“It is simply disgraceful that this individual did not serve his full sentence for his previous crimes,” McNally tweeted.

In fairness, as the story explains, it isn’t as if Abston was the beneficiary of some kind of Soros-funded liberal policy. He had served more than 500 days in jail prior to being sentenced, and all Tennessee prison inmates are eligible to “earn” up to a 15% reduction in their sentences. So subtracting the previous “time served” prior to sentencing and then adding in his “earned time” as an inmate, there wasn’t anything unusual about the length of Abston’s sentence.

When I first mentioned this case Sunday, Eliza Fletcher still hadn’t been found, but Monday afternoon a body was found in an abandoned duplex, and Tuesday officials confirmed that it was Fletcher, the heiress to a billion-dollar fortune who chose to work as a kindergarten teacher.

By all accounts, Eliza Fletcher was a wonderful human being, whereas the guy who killed her . . . Well, I guess I forgot to mention that Cleotha Abston’s brother Mario is a convicted felon who was busted with drugs and a pistol, and his father, Cleo Henderson, “is currently in prison for second-degree murder and is scheduled for release in 2044.” So everybody in the entire family is a criminal, it would seem.

There’s no “moral to the story” here. It’s just one of the very best people getting killed by one of the very worst. Not much to add.


In The Mailbox: 09.06.22 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | September 7, 2022 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: The Racism Problem In The Rings Of Prime
EBL: Peter Zeihan : The Old World Order Is About To Collapse, Apex, and The Country that Democrats Have Built
Twitchy: Kathy Griffin’s “If You Don’t Want A Civil War Vote For Democrats” Pitch Goes Badly, also, TPM’s Josh Marshall Still Cranky About The 2000 Election
Louder With Crowder: Ron DeSantis drops best ad I’ve seen in years, also, Adult male dancer ‘Jenna Tailia’ performs for all ages back to school show (that means children)
Vox Popoli: Dude, Take the Damn L, The Hubris of Morgoth, The Inevitable End of Empire, and The Globalists Have Lost Control

Adam Piggott: This Vagabond Life
American Conservative: Washington Is Running on Empty
American Greatness: Federal Judge Grants Trump’s Request For a Special Master to Review Seized Documents, also, A Cry of Defiance Against the Deep State
American Power: Sea Power Makes Great Powers, Red China’s Economy Won’t Overtake the U.S., Some Now Predict, and How Many Books Actually Sell?
American Thinker: Biden’s New Title IX Proposals Will Codify the Gender Derangement of the Left
Animal Magnetism: Vacation Totty II
Babalu Blog: Due to lack of resources, only 23 Cuban mills will process sugarcane in the next harvest, ‘Karla Marx,’ Charlie Crist’s running mate for Florida governor, deletes tweet mourning death of Fidel Castro, and Wife of Cuban dissident José Daniel Ferrer gets 15-minute visit, finds him malnourished, covered in mosquito bites
BattleSwarm: Ukraine: Don’t Assume Russia Will Win, also, When Storage Wars Meets Gun Hoarders
Behind The Black: Today’s blacklisted American, Red China launches two satellites with its Kuaizhou-1A rocket, South Korea’s Danuri lunar orbiter successfully makes course correction, and The evidence continues to pile up: The government’s strongarm policies against COVID were utter failures
Cafe Hayek: Covid and Climate “Science”, A Review of Robert Kuttner’s ‘Debtor’s Prison’, “Politics As the Art of Confined Compromise”, and If Labor Markets are Red Hot, Collective Bargaining Cannot Even In Theory Help Some Workers Without Harming Others
CDR Salamander: Build More Carriers and Send Some to CENTCOM
Da Tech Guy: Democrats are the vote-buying party, Report from Louisiana: Teacher Shortage, and A Reason For Hope on Labor Day
Don Surber: Special Master spoils FBI party, DC panics because Politico may drop its bias, and Did Tom Cruise slay the Red Chinese dragon?
First Street Journal: A couple of very uncomfortable questions, also, Killadelphia
Gates Of Vienna: Giorgia Meloni Confronted by LGBTQ Activist, Islam, Schmislam, Jihad in Catalonia, and Turn up the Thermostat, Get Three Years in the Slammer
The Geller Report: DEMOCRAT CHILD ABUSE: Reading, Math Scores PLUNGE, Data Shows, also, VILLAINY: Federal Prosecutors Waiting Until After Midterms to Take Any Action Against Trump: Report
Hogewash: The Usual Suspects, Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, Hubble and JWST Look at M74, and Rebekah Jones Criminal Trial Date Set
Hollywood In Toto: How House of Darkness Fumbles MeToo Scares, Al Franken’s Pathetic Attempt to Defang Rob Schneider’s ‘SNL’ Critique, and Critic Confessions: Are Stars Fed Up with Press Junkets?
The Lid: Homeowners Learn The Hard Way That ‘Smart’ Thermostats Come With Ugly Strings Attached
Legal Insurrection: Pushback Mounts Against American Bar Association Plan To Ditch Required Standardized Admissions Testing, Victor Davis Hanson Calls DEI Loyalty Oaths in Higher Education ‘McCarthyesque’, 50 Years On, Remembering The Munich Olympics Massacre, and Court Forces Fauci And Jean-Pierre To Answer Questions Under Oath And Produce Documents In Biden-Big Tech Collusion Case
Nebraska Energy Observer: Who We Are and How We Got here, also, Home school
Outkick: Jalen Hurts Is Improving – And The NFL Should Stop Underestimating Him, LeBron, Drake Facing Lawsuit Over Hockey Movie ‘Black Ice’, LIV Golf Now Lets Players Wear Shorts During Competition, and Tennis Player Margaret Court Says Her Serena Williams Appreciation Isn’t Reciprocated
Power Line: Walz failed, crime edition, The “Green Revolution” Is Impossible, and The Liberal Arts—RIP
Shark Tank: Michelle Kwan Considers Congressional Run, also, Brian Mast Goes Scorched Earth On Biden Over “Rainbow” Fentanyl
Shot In The Dark: Causation, also, Compare & Contrast
STUMP: Advice on the CDC 2021 Life Expectancy Report
The Political Hat: Sacramento Public Schools: Polyamorous BSDM Drag Queen Kids Are Great (Just Don’t Tell Their Parents)
This Ain’t Hell: Navy can’t seem to do separations right, Window to close for the National Defense Service Medal, Gallimaufry, and Ambassador Nancy Pelosi?
Victory Girls: Unhinged Joe Biden In Milwaukee For Labor Day, also, Hands Off My Thermostat!
Volokh Conspiracy: Malicious Prosecution Claim Against DHS Agents Can Go Forward
Watts Up With That: Coal Miners Rescue a Dead EV, Push it to the Mine for a Recharge, also, 21 Million German Households, Industry Suffer Body Blow as Green Energy Scheme Disintegrates
Weasel Zippers: F*ck Joe Biden Chants Break Out Again At College Football Games, California Declares Power Grid Emergency – Says Usage Is At 5-Year High And Grid May Collapse, Woman Who Betrayed MAGA And GOP Wants To Be “Voice Of Trump Voters” On The View, and Biden Energy Sec. On Climate Change: “California Is In The Lead” And Can Show Nation How It Is Done
The Federalist: Planned Parenthood Isn’t On The Way Out, It’s Transitioning To Gender-Bending, How Discriminatory Hiring Is Leading To Full-Blown Leftist Indoctrination At Public Schools, Unreliable Voter Rolls Poison Election Integrity, But One Group Might Have The Antidote, and Special Master Order Reveals Biden’s Direct Involvement In Trump Raid And Six Other Bombshells
Mark Steyn: I’ll Be Around, The Day After Labor, and Going with the Flow

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In The Mailbox: 09.06.22

Posted on | September 6, 2022 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

We call them NPCs for a reason.

Director Blue: “American Unity” – A Speech By Joe Biden
EBL: White Elephant, Dual, and Kari Lake Rocked This Question
Twitchy: What’s Another Word For Triggered? also, Alex Berenson Has A Hot Tip For Taylor Lorenz About Twitter Bans
Louder With Crowder: New Team DeSantis video explains who the real divisive extremists are slow enough for POTUS to understand,  also, Dave Portnoy: Stop defending Biden, he looked like Hitler up there
Vox Popoli: March Into Darkness, Play Stupid Energy Games, He Should Have Listened, and Walk it Back, Walk it Back!
Stoic Observations: American Class & The Jungle

Adam Piggott: Covid, the cult of youth, and the Boomers
American Conservative: In Prague, It Begins
American Greatness: Biden Puts the ‘Total’ in Totalitarianism, also, Everybody Hates Joe Manchin
American Power: Moscow’s Struggle to Sustain Its War in Ukraine
American Thinker: Translating Biden’s ‘Soul of a Nation’ Speech, also, ESG and Corporate Totalitarianism
Animal Magnetism: Vacation Totty I
Babalu Blog: Rosa Maria Paya: The root of all of Cuba’s problems is the communist military dictatorship, Two Cuban doctors die from dengue, and Chile’s proposed socialist constitution overwhelmingly rejected by voters
BattleSwarm: The Ukraine War Map Problem, also, Movie Review: The Beast
Behind The Black: Red China’s Long March 4C rocket launches military satellite, NASA to roll SLS back to assembly building, delaying launch by weeks at minimum, and SpaceX launches another 51 Starlink satellites and orbital tug
Cafe Hayek: Regulation: “Phone Bill Too High? Blame the FCC”, A Lesson from Today’s NASA, and An Open Letter to the Directors of the American Economic Association
Chicago Boyz: If We’d Known Back Then What We Know Now
Da Tech Guy: No Innuendo Needed, Libs of TikTok Shows How to Fight Back, Under the Fedora: Reality and Free Will, and An eloquent response to Brandon
Don Surber: Fetterman hires murderers, Trash talk won’t save Democrats, and A raid to get 1,693 newspapers?
First Street Journal: Well, imagine that!, Killadelphia, and Is justice a matter of color in Lexington?
Gates Of Vienna: The Nuremberg Sermon, Let’s Play WW3, Fellow Puppets!, and The Winter War
The Geller Report: WATCH! MASSIVE CROWDS: PACKED HOUSE in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania Breaks Out into “USA” To Welcome President Trump, , Ivermectin Reduces COVID Death Risk by 92%, Peer-Reviewed Study Finds, and New Study Shows Wearing Disposable Mask Did More Harm Than Good
Hogewash: Artemis I Launch Attempt Scrubbed, Sonification: The Cosmic Cliffs in the Carina Nebula, Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, and The Surfboard Galaxy
Hollywood In Toto: President Biden Proved Gina Carano’s Point, Sam Morril’s Same Time Tomorrow Might Just Unite the Country, and Here’s How James Caan Stole Honeymoon in Vegas
The Lid: The Munich Olympics Massacre – 50 Years Later
Legal Insurrection: VIDEO of Democrats Denying Election Results In 2000, 2004, and 2016, Drake University’s Diversity Training Session ‘Traumatized’ Some Students, Oberlin College, NPR Shocked Catholic Health Systems Follow Catholic Teachings on Artificial Birth Control, and MSNBC Guest On Trump Supporters: “We are at war with these people”
Nebraska Energy Observer: WTF Too Much Change, also, Labor Day Weekend
Outkick: UCLA Draws Embarrassing Week One Crowd, Sets All-Time Low Rose Bowl Attendance Record, Emmitt Smith’s Son Pulls Off Incredible 87-Yard TD In First Carry of the Season, ESPN’s Jack Harlow Guest Picker Selection Was Disaster We Thought It Would Be, ESPN’s Problematic Commentator Mark Jones Continues To Do And Say Weird Things On TV, and HEART BLOCKAGE! LSU Loses 24-23 On Blocked Extra Point With :00 Left In ‘Ugly’ Debut Of Brian Kelly
Power Line: Biden Keeps a Promise—To Screw American Motorists, “Nice Try, Mr. President”, and It Isn’t Hard to Cheat
Shark Tank: Val Demings Claims Inflation Isn’t One Of Her Top Issues
Shot In The Dark: Fake News
STUMP: Labor Day 2022 Gift: Public Plans Projection Tool Update!
This Ain’t Hell: Hate to run into it: but a clever idea, PETA would rather YOU get the ‘bends’, and VA to begin offering abortions in cases of rape/health risks to veteran
Transterrestrial Musings: What Was Old Is New Again, also, In Biden’s America
Victory Girls: Ruth Marcus: Don’t Call Her Strega Nona, MSNBC: Tiffany Cross Says Republicans Are A Threat To Democracy, and J6 Chair Jamie Raskin Claimed Bush Vs Gore 2003 Election Was Stolen
Volokh Conspiracy: Biden’s Student Loan Debt Cancellation is a Trumpian Abuse of Emergency Powers, also, My Skepticism About Fears of a Constitutional Convention
Watts Up With That: WSJ: Why the Renewable Energy Transition will Fail, From Sri Lanka to Salinas, and The Quantity of Metals Required to Manufacture Just One Generation of Renewable Technology to Phase Out Fossil Fuels
Weasel Zippers: BLM Leader Accused of Stealing $10 Million From The Org, Watch: African Immigrant Goes Viral For Video Defending ‘MAGA’, Trump: “Raging Lunatic” John Fetterman Is “Hell-Bent On Springing Hardened Criminals Out Of Jail”, and Biden Refuses To Take Questions As He Leaves On Yet Another Weekend Vacation
The Federalist: In Protecting The KGB, Gorbachev Laid The Foundation For Putin’s Gangster-State, RNC, Other Conservative Groups File Lawsuit Against Pennsylvania For Illegally Altering Ballots, and The Transgender Movement Isn’t Just Targeting Kids, It’s Targeting Families
Mark Steyn: Rajah You Than Me, God Has Entered the Conversation: Dore Schary and The Next Voice You Hear, and Moon Shot

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One Suspect Dead, His Brother Still at Large in Saskatchewan Stabbings

Posted on | September 6, 2022 | 1 Comment

Damien and Myles Sanderson

When I first heard about this atrocity, my reaction was, “Well, they haven’t said anything about a motive, so I guess it’s not right-wing violence.” And it was just a couple of drug-crazed criminals:

Canadian police on Monday found one of the suspects in a mass stabbing spree dead while the other suspect, his brother, was still on the run and may be injured, officials said.
The brothers Damien and Myles Sanderson are suspected of murdering 10 people and wounding 18 in a stabbing rampage that devastated an indigenous community in Saskatchewan on Sunday, in a country unaccustomed to outbreaks of mass violence.
The attacks were among the deadliest in Canada’s modern history. Police said some of the victims appeared to have been targeted, while others were apparently random.
The victims included a mother of two, a 77-year-old widower and a first responder.
In a manhunt involving hundreds of police officers, Damien Sanderson, 31, was found dead in a grassy area on the James Smith Cree Nation, possibly killed by his brother, who had been previously wanted for violent crimes.
The brother still at large, Myles Sanderson, 30, “may have sustained injuries” and could be seeking medical attention, said Rhonda Blackmore, commanding officer of the Saskatchewan Royal Canadian Mounted Police, at a news conference. . . .
She also warned that police still considered Myles Sanderson a danger to the public, even if he were injured.
“Myles has a lengthy criminal record involving both persons and property crimes. … We consider him armed and dangerous. Do not approach him,” Blackmore said.
Police in the Saskatchewan city of Saskatoon had been searching for Myles Sanderson since May, when he stopped meeting his parole officer after serving a sentence for assault, robbery, mischief and uttering threats, CBC News reported.
Ivor Wayne Burns of James Smith Cree Nation said three of the victims — his sister Gloria Lydia Burns, a woman and a 14-year-old boy — died at a single location. . . .
“This tragedy that happened here on our land, it’s all because of drugs and alcohol,” said Burns, adding that the involvement of drugs in the killings was discussed at a community meeting on Monday.
“The drug problem we have here is rampant. It’s gone out of control,” Burns said.
His comments echoed those on Sunday of Chief Bobby Cameron of the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations, who connected the killings with drugs.

Obviously, Canada needs common-sense knife-control laws.


Late Night With Rule 5 Sunday: Sydney Sweeney

Posted on | September 5, 2022 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

You may remember Miss Sweeney from Stacy’s post last week in which he noted her great talents en route to reporting on the kerfluffle regarding her mom’s sixtieth birthday. On looking into her career, it looks like Miss Sweeney is a hard-working actress with quite a few movie & TV credits, and has recently branched out into movie production.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

NINETY MILES FROM TYRANNY: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1827, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns

ANIMAL MAGNETISM: Rule Five Chump Effect Friday, plus the fabulous 400th installment of the Saturday Gingermageddon (With Extra Ginger!)

EBL: MAGA Final Solution, Elvis, Johnny & Roseanne Cash, Me Time, The Rings Of Power, Trainwreck: Woodstock 99, “Candle In The Wind/English Rose”, Nikole Flax, Tamar Aphek, Blondie, and The Rehearsal

A VIEW FROM THE BEACH: The Orville’s Anne WinterFish Pic Friday – Erika FishesTattoo ThursdaySome Wednesday WetnessForget It Jake, It’s BaltimoreMar-a-Lago Panty RaidHold On to ThatThe Monday Morning Stimulus and Sunday Sunrise

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious links!

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The Symbolism of Philadelphia

Posted on | September 4, 2022 | 6 Comments

Joe Biden gave a speech last week in which he gave lip service to things that Democrats don’t actually believe in, e.g., the Constitution and the rule of law, as a pretext to accuse Republicans — all 74 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump — of being a “threat to our democracy.”

Biden spoke in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, a gesture by which he attempted to identify himself as defending the founding principles of America when, in fact, he and his party are against those principles and are doing everything in their power to destroy America.

Biden does not deceive us. It is Democrats, not Republicans, who spent the summer of 2020 tearing down statues of our nation’s Founding Fathers. It is Democrats, not Republicans, who have denounced the Electoral College as undemocratic, just as it is Democrats, not Republicans, who endanger Supreme Court justices whose rulings they don’t like. Everything good about America, Democrats seek to destroy, and everything bad in America (e.g., drug dealers, cop killers, perverts in public libraries and junkies defecating on city streets) Democrats defend.

The symbolism of choosing Philadelphia as the site of last week’s speech was perhaps more fitting than Biden realized, because Philadelphia is a city that Democrats have absolutely ruined. The per-capita murder rate in Philadelphia is higher than Chicago’s. Now notorious as “Killadelphia,” the city’s population has declined by about 400,000 people since 1960. In 1980, Philadelphia was still the fourth-largest city in the United States, behind only New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles; now it’s sixth, having fallen behind Houston and Phoenix. It’s no secret who is leaving: Whereas the population of Philadelphia was 57% white in 1980, the city is now just 34% white. Quality of life has plummeted.

Perhaps nothing is more demonstrative of Philadelphia’s decline, and the role Democrats have played in that decline, than the tenure of Larry Krasner as the city’s district attorney. In 2017, left-wing billionaire George Soros wrote a $1.45 million check to Krasner’s campaign. That helped Krasner beat six other candidates in the Democratic primary and, in a city where Hillary Clinton got 83% of the vote in 2016, winning the Democratic primary is tantamount to election. Krasner got 75% of the vote in November 2017, and he was reelected in 2021 with 69% of the vote. So you can’t say that the people of Philadelphia are innocent in what Krasner has done; they voted to destroy their city by turning criminals loose:

Krasner ran as the anti-police candidate, and has made it his official policy to turn dangerous criminals loose on the streets of Philadelphia. One of the beneficiaries of Krasner’s policies, Maurice Hill, had an extensive criminal record — drug charges, aggravated assault, perjury, fleeing and eluding, escape and weapons offenses — before he engaged in a shootout [in August 2019] in North Philadelphia that wounded six cops


Maurice Hill was certainly not the only dangerous criminal who benefited from Krasner’s turn-’em-loose policy. In one of the most infamous cases, Krasner turned loose a career criminal, Hassan Elliott, who then committed a murder and, when a SWAT team came to arrest him, shot to death a veteran policeman in March 2019. Joe Biden says Republican voters are a threat to democracy, but what about Hassan Elliott?

During his speech last week, Joe Biden didn’t say a word about the perpetrators of criminal violence in “Killadelphia,” nor did he mention how Democrats like Larry Krasner have enabled this bloodshed.

According to the Philadelphia Police Department, there have been 364 homicides in the city so far this year, as of Saturday, which is on pace to break the record 562 homicides the city recorded in 2021.

You didn’t hear a word about this in Joe Biden’s speech last week at Independence Hall for the simple reason that Joe Biden doesn’t care. All he cares about is electing more Democrats, and if the result of electing more Democrats is that hundreds of people get murdered because Democrats are turning loose dangerous criminals, so what?

Labor Day weekend shootings:
12 shot, 5 killed as gun violence
continues across Philadelphia

It’s been less than three days since Joe’s speech, and in that short span, five more corpses have been added to the pile in “Killadelphia.” This is a direct consequence of the policies of the Democratic Party, but according to Joe Biden, it is Republicans who are a “clear and present danger.”

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


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