The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Joe Biden Has Not Condemned This Atlanta ‘Hate Crime,’ For Some Reason

Posted on | August 23, 2022 | Comments Off on Joe Biden Has Not Condemned This Atlanta ‘Hate Crime,’ For Some Reason

Atlanta police got 911 calls: Someone was spray-painting swastikas on the rainbow crosswalk in the predominantly gay Midtown district. The LGBTQ community, not only in Atlanta, but nationwide, was prepared to launch a 24/7 media circus over this atrocity, but then police released surveillance video of the suspect, and suddenly the activists got so quiet you could hear the crickets chirping. An arrest was made Friday:

Atlanta police have identified the man arrested last week after allegedly spray-painting swastikas on the city’s rainbow crosswalks that honor the gay community.
Police identified Jonah Sampson, 30, as the man who allegedly spray-painted swastikas on Atlanta’s Midtown rainbow crosswalks. Authorities believe he is also responsible for graffiti that was found on a monument at the Federal Reserve Building, Fox 5 reported.
Sampson was arrested in Atlanta on Friday outside his apartment after a roughly five-hour standoff with a SWAT team.
Jail records show Sampson is facing three charges of second degree criminal damage to property, one count of criminal trespass and a felony charge of interference with government property.
A spokesperson for the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office told Fox News Digital on Monday that Sampson’s bond was set to $77,500 for all charges. He remains in custody.
His arrest follows the discovery of one swastika that had been painted on the rainbow crosswalk last Wednesday, as well as a second swastika found on the crosswalk on Friday, which appeared next to an anti-gay slur. Police also discovered another swastika and other graffiti on the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta on Friday.

A five-hour standoff with a SWAT team because of graffiti? Gosh, if only we’d taken this approach with Antifa … but I digress. Why would Jonah Sampson commit these crimes? Could it be that he is, shall we say, a few fries short of a Happy Meal? Andy Ngo offers important clues:

Sampson’s feed consists almost entirely of screenshots of Apple’s note app, with the occasional image of a swastika.
Some of his posts reference a “master race” of black people, while other posts are religious in nature. He often targets Jehovah’s Witnesses for portraying biblical figures as white. In one post, he simply writes “EPHESIANS 6:12.”
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood,” the verse reads, “but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
These words mirror many of the comments Sampson makes in his posts, calling out political leaders and sometimes even threatening them with violence.

People have gotten banned from social media for a helluva lot less than what Jonah Sampson was posting on Instagram. But the larger point is to ask the question, why hasn’t Joe Biden or any other national Democratic Party leader commented on this case? If this crime had been committed by a white person, somehow the media would have found a way to blame it on the Republican Party — the “climate of hate” incited by Trump, no doubt — but they never make the opposite inference, do they?

Of course, it’s foolish to see the actions of a lunatic as having a political significance for which public officials are responsible. The voices in the heads of schizophrenics can be consider non-partisan. Yet if an atrocity is committed by a lunatic who can, in some way, be construed as “right wing,” the media treat this as if the kook were on the payroll of the RNC.

Oh, and just imagine if the Atlanta SWAT squad had shot and killed Jonah Sampson during that five-hour standoff: He would have instantly become a martyred saint of the Black Lives Matter movement.

The media now interprets everything through political lenses, and so some atrocities become national headlines while others are just local crime stories. We should be grateful that Jonah Sampson surrendered peacefully to police, or we’d be watching Atlanta burn live on CNN.


Louise Perry Gets It

Posted on | August 23, 2022 | Comments Off on Louise Perry Gets It

Louise Perry is a young British writer who has just published her first book, The Case Against the Sexual Revolution: A New Guide to Sex in the 21st Century. Although she considers herself a feminist, the core of her argument rather resembles something I wrote in May 2010:

Insofar as men and women are different, they are not equal.
Equality implies fungibility — that two things are perfectly interchangeable, so that one thing may be substituted for the other without any difference in value. Only a fool could believe that men and women are equal in that way, and yet this is what feminists would require us to believe. And any man who dares contradict this egalitarian dogma is a sexist, an oppressor, a reactionary representative of the patriarchy.
All the other errors of feminism flow from this one fundamental error, a counterfactual insistence on the equality of the sexes. Men and women are not the same, and therefore are not equal.

For decades, most conservatives have been so intimidated by feminism that they’re unwilling to speak this blunt truth, and therefore when I stated it in clear sentences, many people were shocked and angered. Belief in a fictitious “equality” between the sexes is, I would argue, far more damaging to women’s interests than accepting the reality of sexual difference. Truth is always a better basis for living than lies.

At Bari Weiss’s Common Sense blog, Louise Perry writes:

It’s precisely because I’m a feminist that I’ve changed my mind on sexual liberalism. It’s an ideology premised on the false belief that the physical and psychological differences between men and women are trivial, and that any restrictions placed on sexual behavior must therefore have been motivated by malice, stupidity or ignorance. 
The problem is the differences aren’t trivial. Sexual asymmetry is profoundly important: One half of the population is smaller and weaker than the other half, making it much more vulnerable to violence. This half of the population also carries all of the risks associated with pregnancy. It is also much less interested in enjoying all of the delights now on offer in the post-sexual revolution era. . . .
If we are to challenge the social costs of the sexual revolution effectively, then we can’t redesign society on the back of an envelope. We have to look at social structures that have already proven to be successful and compare them against one another, rather than against some imagined alternative that has never existed and is never likely to exist. The technology shock of the Pill led many liberals to the hubristic assumption that our society could be uniquely free from the oppression of sexual norms and function just fine.
The last 60 years have proved that assumption to be wrong. We need to re-erect the social guard rails that have been torn down. To do that, we have to start by stating the obvious: Sex must be taken seriously. Men and women are different. Some desires are bad. Consent is not enough. Violence is not love. Loveless sex is not empowering. People are not products. Marriage is good. . . .

You can read the whole thing. What Perry seems to be arguing for is what we may call neo-traditionalism, a revival of older social customs, updated to accommodate the inescapable requirements of modernity. In rejecting egalitarian utopianism — “some imagined alternative that has never existed and is never likely to exist” — Perry has taken a bold step, for a young woman who dares call herself a feminist, because modern feminism originated with just such a utopian ambition, as delineated by the schizophrenic radical Shulamith Firestone and others. Insofar as Perry rejects “ideology premised on . . . false belief,” she must question whether she is actually a feminist in any meaningful sense of that word.

(Hat-tip: Stephen Green at Instapundit.)


In The Mailbox: 08.22.22

Posted on | August 22, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.22.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

EBL: Nat Turner, Saint Pius X, and House of the Dragon
Twitchy: Matt Whitlock DROPS CNN for whining about ‘conservative dark money’ while literally QUOTING a leftist dark-money Soros operative, also, WH says Biden’s having the best month of his presidency as third week of vacation begins
Louder With Crowder: Source leaks names of who’s next out the door of CNN, also, An alleged ‘phenomenally bright’ girl claims she identifies as a cat
Vox Popoli: The Canary Died, Knowing When to Walk Away, and The Cost of Broken Neutrality
Stoic Observations: Dabbling In Demonology

American Conservative: Mar-a-Lago and the Abyss, also, The State Hates Families
American Greatness: Morning Greatness: Three-Quarters of Americans Say Country Is on the Wrong Track, also, Trump Files Motion To Stop DOJ Review of Items Seized in Mar-a-Lago Raid – Demands a Special Master
American Power: Gallup: Poor Life Ratings Reach Record High, also, American Taxpayers Are Funding Ukraine War to the Tune of $10.6 Billion
American Thinker: The GOP Is Doing Its Best To Lose The November Election, also, D.C. Lawyer of the Year: Natasha Taylor-Smith
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Another Cuban general mysteriously dies, Nicaraguan dictatorship imprisons Catholic bishop, Pope Francis silent, but Cuban bishops denounce arrest, Wide deployment of Cuban repressive forces fails to prevent another protest in Nuevitas, and Cuban protesters fight back against repression, repel Special Forces sent to quash protest
BattleSwarm: Crimea Booming Continues, also, New PayPal Walmart Phishing Scam Making The Rounds
Behind The Black: Ingenuity gearing up for 30th flight, Update on Starship/Superheavy prototypes at Boca Chica, and Today’s blacklisted American: Christian chaplain for Austin fire dept. fired for believing in Christianity
Cafe Hayek: Samuel Gregg on America’s Commercial Republic, Price Controls Do Not Work, and Jay Bhattacharya and Scott Atlas
CDR Salamander: A Rust-Busting Renaissance?
Chicago Boyz: Burnout
Da Tech Guy: The FBI Poll, Consequences, and Some Semantics, You don’t want vigilante justice, and Five Slow Under the Fedora Thoughts
Don Surber: Media aghast at fake vandalism; ignores real vandalism, Time magazine: Elections are undemocratic, and Canning Stelter was a dumb move
First Street Journal: You can’t inspire fear forever, You in a heap o’ trouble!, and The numbers just don’t add up
Gates Of Vienna: Horny For Violence, More Ructions at Ter Apel, and Blaspheming Against Gaia
The Geller Report: Murder Rate in America’s Major Democrat-Run Cities Outpaces Ukraine’s Recorded Civilian Death Rate, PFIZER DOCS: 44 Percent of Pregnant Women Miscarried After Receiving Pfizer Vaccine, and Boston Children’s Hospital’s own documents show that doctors are performing sex change surgeries on CHILDREN
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, To Eventually Go Where No Man Has Gone For 50 Years, and A Selfie in Orbit
Hollywood In Toto: Better Call Saul and the Five Best TV Shows of All Time, Does Hollywood’s Conservative Blacklist Extend to Music Industry?, and Fox Nation, Breitbart Join Daily Wire in Targeting Hollywood
The Lid: Garland Better Deliver The Goods Or He And FBI Are Forever Tarnished
Legal Insurrection: UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustrees Won’t Allow Student Govt to Cut Off Funds to Pro-Life Orgs, President of American Historical Association Issues Groveling Apology After Backlash Over Criticism of 1619 Project, CatholicVote Releases $1 Million Ad Targeting Biden, DOJ for Ignoring Anti-Catholic Violence, and Joe Biden: The MIA President
Nebraska Energy Observer: Change is good, also, Ain’t He Right?
Outkick: C.J. Stroud Wants Big Ten Players To Get A Piece Of The Conference’s Media Deal, Biological Male Golfer Hailey Davidson Makes Excuses After Rough Day At LPGA Q-School, Jaguars And Steelers Fans Throw Absolute Bombs During Massive Brawl, and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Model Natalie Mariduena Talks About Representing ‘Body Normalcy’
Power Line: Down With the Constitution!, New frontiers in mobocracy, and History Is Bunk After All
Shark Tank: Black GOP Candidate Banned From Twitter On Eve Of Primary
Shot In The Dark: Extremism Watch, also, The Emancipation Of No Expectations
STUMP: A Tale of Know Your Data: The Mystery of the Excess Connecticut Summer Deaths
This Ain’t Hell: Air Force grounds Ospreys for issue the Marines say they already handle OK, PTSD and TBI from your service? The Canadian VA says, “We’d like to help you kill yourself”, Nazi warships scuttled at WWII end exposed by drought, and Man who ran Ponzi scheme targeting vets gets 10 years
Transterrestrial Musings: Hurricanes, Joe Biden, The Sexual Revolution, and Trust The AI
Victory Girls: Roundup Time: The Crazy Years Are Now, Sexual Revolution: Lying to Women for 60 Years, and Liz Cheney’s Scorched Earth PAC Against MAGA Republicans
Volokh Conspiracy: Federal Court Rules Against Florida Law Banning “Woke” Workplace Training
Watts Up With That: Aussie Triumph? Solar Briefly Overtook Coal, then Failed at Sunset, also, Green Energy Nightmare: German Politician Labels Poor People “Enemies of the State”
Weasel Zippers: Minneapolis Teachers Union Officials “Extremely Proud” Of Deal To Lay Off White Teachers First, Biden Building $500,000 Wall To Protect His Beach Home And YOU Paid For It, Woke New York Governor Signs Bill To Ban “Gendered Language”, and Country Is Imploding, Misery Index Is Highest It’s Ever Been, Inflation Is Rampant – So Biden Goes On A Three Week Vacation
The Federalist: Two Remarkable Historians Help Us Understand The World Long After Their Passing, The ‘Election Denier’ Smear Is The Dumbest Rhetorical Device In Modern Politics, Not Just The FBI: Institutions Across The Board Have Forfeited America’s Trust, and Teachers Union Head Who Is Partnered With Left-Wing Disinformation Group Shares Fake News
Mark Steyn: Hot Fun in the Summertime: Marilyn Monroe, Billy Wilder and The Seven Year Itch, Uncorked, and The Year’s at Full, and Time’s at Flood

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Rule 5 Sunday: Yanet Garcia

Posted on | August 22, 2022 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: Yanet Garcia

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Weathergirl for Televisa Monterrey (and now the Internet), Yanet Garcia was born in Monterrey Mexico in 1990, and started out as a model before becoming probably the most famous weather reporter since Willard Scott. She’s also appeared in a few movies, such as Sharknado 5: Global Swarming.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Forecast: HOT.

NINETY MILES FROM TYRANNY: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1813, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns.

ANIMAL MAGNETISM: Rule Five Barrington Declaration Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL: Dame Vera Lynn, Emperor, The Old Man, No Clue, Ipcress File, Westworld Finale – Disappointing, Liz Cheney 2024, A Spoonful Of Sugar, Victoria’s Secret Angels & Demons, Battle of Britain, Edge Of The Earth, Finns Know How To Party, National Potato Day, and MAGA McCain & Cheney

A VIEW FROM THE BEACHAshley Gabrielle DuranWanted Dead or Alive: Oyster ShellsFish Pic Friday – Alanah SilvaEdge of a Broken HeartMaryland, My MarylandSome Wednesday WetnessTuesday TanlinesGone Fishin’The Monday Morning StimulusA Hollywood Tragedy and Palm Sunday

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious links!

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Ex-NFL Player’s Brother Charged With Fatal Shooting of Youth Football Coach

Posted on | August 21, 2022 | Comments Off on Ex-NFL Player’s Brother Charged With Fatal Shooting of Youth Football Coach

Role models for America’s youth:

Former NFL defensive back Aqib Talib was in the middle of a fight at a youth football game in Texas on [Aug. 13] in which a coach was fatally shot, new video shows. And Tailb’s brother, Yaqub, turned himself in after a warrant was issued for his arrest.
On Tuesday, WFAA-TV in Dallas published a video that showed the moments before coach Mike Hickmon was killed. The station also reported that witnesses identified Aqib Talib in the footage as wearing a hat and white sneakers at a community park in Lancaster, a suburb south of Dallas, where the incident took place.
Multiple witnesses said Talib was the one who started the brawl, apparently due to being upset about referees, according to WFAA. The station reported Talib, 36, and his brother, Yaqub Salik Talib, 39, jointly coach a youth team for the North Dallas United Bobcats.
On Monday, Yaqub turned himself in after a murder warrant was issued for his arrest over the fatal shooting.
Heath Mays, a coach on the opposing football team, told WFAA that Aqib “ran across the field and ran over on our sideline and got in the ref’s face.”
“He threw the first punch,” Mays said, “and you see Mike [Hickmon] trying to defend himself.”
Police said in an arrest affidavit the incident began over an argument about the score of the game.
“The altercation became physical, leading to the suspect pulling out a firearm and shooting Mr. Hickmon multiple times,” the Lancaster Police Department said in a statement. “At this time no other injuries have been reported. After the shooting, the suspect fled the scene in an unidentified vehicle, taking the firearm with him.”

Click here to see video of the brawl and the shooting.

Jason Whitlock has some thoughts on media bias in this case:


Killadelphia Update: Nearly 100 Shots Fired in Rec Center Drive-By Shooting

Posted on | August 21, 2022 | Comments Off on Killadelphia Update: Nearly 100 Shots Fired in Rec Center Drive-By Shooting

Police in Philadelphia have charged Tahmir Pinckney, 24, Marlon Spurell, 22, and Azyear Sutton-Walker, 22, with “attempted murder, conspiracy, aggravated assault, firearm carried without a license, and other offenses” after a drive-by shooting at a recreation center that left five people wounded:

The three men were apprehended by police after crashing a 2018 White Dodge Durango at Haverford Avenue and Farson Street. Police on Wednesday said they are still looking for an additional three suspects that escaped.
The shooting happened on the 300 block of North 57th Street around 7 p.m. on Tuesday.
Police say two people — a 16-year-old boy and a 21-year-old man — were shot in the head and are in critical condition.
The other three males — a 17-year-old, a 25-year-old, and a 22-year-old — were shot and are in stable condition.

Nearly 100 shots were fired in the incident and, while the Philadelphia Inquirer didn’t include mug shots of the suspects — it’s their “woke” policy — they did include this:

[Police Capt. John] Walker said investigators believe the shooting was related to an ongoing feud between groups of young men — with the shooters in the car on one side of the dispute, and the victims on the other. One of the victims shot Tuesday had also been shot several weeks ago, Walker said, and police were investigating any potential links between the two cases.
Walker said police found four guns at the scene of the shooting, and six in the crashed Durango — including two assault-style rifles, both of which were fired outside the rec center.
Walker said at least one of the guns recovered at 57th Street was legally owned by one of the shooting victims. Detectives were still investigating who might have possessed the other firearms found on the street.
At the time of the shooting, court records show, Spurell was free on bail in a drug case from April, when he was arrested at Philadelphia International Airport with a quantity of marijuana that prosecutors said indicated an intention to sell. A trial is scheduled for later this month.
Pinckney pleaded no contest to a drug charge in 2019 and was sentenced to a year of probation, court records show. . . .
As is the case in most shootings in Philadelphia, the accused gunmen and the victims in this week’s attack are young Black males, a fact that [shooting victim Collin] Lanham said causes him added grief.
Since 2015, more than 10,000 people have been shot in Philadelphia. Three out of four were Black males, and the median age for victims was 26, according to city crime data analyzed by The Inquirer.
More than 80% of homicide victims in Philadelphia are Black men, according to the data.
“It’s becoming normal, and it’s not something I think people should be normalizing,” said Lanham. “When you read about it you can brush it off. But when you actually see it go down, you can see there’s no unity in the Black community at all. We already have so many barriers to overcome, why tear each other down?”
To the shooters, he said: “Y’all had so much more life. You could have done so much more positive things with your life and your energy. You wasted it and it’s gone now. You don’t have a second chance to correct your wrongs.”

Like so much else in the “progressive” agenda, the soft-on-crime policies of Soros-backed District Attorney Larry Krasner are hurting the people whom Democrats imagine to be the beneficiaries. All this talk about “civil rights” and “social justice” won’t help you if you’re dead, and 346 people have already been murdered this year in Philadelphia, which is on pace to break the homicide record the city set last year.


Professors of Politics

Posted on | August 21, 2022 | Comments Off on Professors of Politics

Say hello to David Austin Walsh, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Virginia whose specialty is “the far right and conservative politics in the United States in the 20th and 21st centuries and the relationship between those forms of politics in America with broader global movements.” This academic totalitarian makes an appearance in a controversy involving the American Historical Association:

A bizarre string of events is unfolding at the American Historical Association (AHA). Last week, AHA president James H. Sweet published a column in the organization’s magazine on the problem of “presentism” in academic historical writing. According to Sweet, an unsettling number of academic historians have allowed their political views in the present to shape and distort their interpretations of the past.
Sweet offered a gentle criticism of the New York Times’s 1619 Project as evidence of this pattern. Many historians embraced the 1619 Project for its political messages despite substantive flaws of fact and interpretation in its content. Sweet thus asked: “As journalism, the project is powerful and effective, but is it history?”
Within moments of his column appearing online, all hell broke loose on Twitter.
Incensed at even the mildest suggestion that politicization is undermining the integrity of historical scholarship, the activist wing of the history profession showed up on the AHA’s thread and began demanding Sweet’s cancellation. Cate Denial, a professor of history at Knox College, led the charge with a widely-retweeted thread calling on colleagues to bombard the AHA’s Executive Board with emails protesting Sweet’s column. “We cannot let this fizzle,” she declared before posting a list of about 20 email addresses. . . .
The frenzy further exposed the very same problems in the profession that Sweet’s essay cautioned against. David Austin Walsh, a historian at the University of Virginia, took issue with historians offering any public criticism of the 1619 Project’s flaws – no matter their validity – because those criticisms are “going to be weaponized by the right.” In Walsh’s hyperpoliticized worldview, historical accuracy is wholly subordinate to the political objectives of the project. Sweet’s sin in telling the truth about the 1619 Project’s defects was being “willfully blind to the predictable political consequences of [his] public interventions.” Any argument that does not advance a narrow band of far-left political activism is not only unfit for sharing – it must be suppressed.

In other words, politics is all that matters, according to Walsh, implying that no one should be employed as a historian who does not share his beliefs. Not only are Republicans to be declared persona non grata in academia, but anyone in academia who might accidentally “lend aid and comfort” to the Republican enemy by publicly saying things that could be “weaponized by the right” is to be purged. And the truly shocking thing is, Walsh doesn’t see what’s wrong with his totalitarian mentality.


FMJRA 2.0: Igneous

Posted on | August 20, 2022 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Igneous

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Going on the road was just what the Senators needed to change things up. They split a two-game series at Baltimore on Monday, and then Friday went to Anaheim where they split two with the Angels. Here’s hoping it’s a sign of things to come.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

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Top linkers for the week ending August 19:

  1.  EBL  (19)
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  3.  A View From The Beach (11)
  4.  Proof Positive (5)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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