The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Red Sox Win in 10

Posted on | July 10, 2022 | Comments Off on Red Sox Win in 10

The Boston Red Sox beat the New York Yankees in just about the most exciting way possible Saturday night, coming from behind with two outs in the bottom of the 10th inning at Fenway Park on a right-field single by Alex Verdugo that drove in Rob Refsnyder and a rookie named Jeter Downs. To understand why this was such a big deal for Sox fans, you have to realize (a) Boston hates the Yankees with the heat of 10,000 suns and (b) the Yankees currently have the best record in baseball.

Even after Saturday’s loss, the Yankees are still 61-24 (.718) and 15 games ahead of second-place Boston (46-39, .541) in the American League’s Eastern Division. If you’re wondering why I care, it’s because since the New England Patriots drafted Mac Jones, I’ve become a Patriots fan, and the sportswriters on that beat are all Red Sox fans, so in following them, I end up getting a lot of Red Sox news this time of year. Meanwhile, over in the National League East, my Atlanta Braves are 51-35, 2.5 games behind the New York Mets. Hypothetically, if the Braves win the NL pennant and the Red Sox could somehow overcome the Yankees . . .

Well, I hear Boston is beautiful in October.


Steve Bannon Gets SWATted

Posted on | July 9, 2022 | Comments Off on Steve Bannon Gets SWATted

A very dangerous form of terrorism:

Heavily armed law enforcement officers swarmed former White House adviser Steve Bannon’s Washington, DC, home after an apparent “swatting” incident on Friday, according to police.
A prankster sent police into a frenzy after calling 911 at about 10:45 a.m. and reporting that a gunman was inside a home in the 200 Block of A Street near 2nd Street, just steps away from the Capitol, and had shot someone, officials told The Washington Post.
The caller then threatened to take his own life if police came, CNN reported. The home was later revealed to be Bannon’s.
Members of the Metropolitan Police Department and US Capitol Police arrived on scene but saw no sign of a gunman or shots fired, police said.
Cops said that people were in the house at the time, but it’s unclear if Bannon was among them.
Police determined it was a “swatting” incident — when someone calls 911 with a false report to trick police into a SWAT operation on a person’s home. The call was not made from Bannon’s home, cops said.

SWATting is not a “prank.” People can get killed. The guy who targeted me for a SWATting in 2013 was sentenced to federal prison.


Former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe Assassinated With ‘Improvised Firearm’

Posted on | July 9, 2022 | Comments Off on Former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe Assassinated With ‘Improvised Firearm’

The suspect’s motive is not yet known:

Police on Friday raided the home of the man suspected of using an improvised firearm to assassinate former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and said they seized multiple weapons that also appeared to be homemade.
The discovery followed the arrest of the suspect — identified by officials as Tetsuya Yamagami, 41 — in the western Japanese city of Nara, where Abe had been delivering a campaign speech outdoors ahead of parliamentary elections this weekend.
Local media captured video and photos of the bulky weapon that police said was used to kill Abe. They confirmed that the firearm consists of two metal barrels attached to a wooden board and is more than a foot long.
“We are conducting forensics, but clearly it looks homemade,” a Nara police chief said at a news conference.
Police said several weapons were also found at Yamagami’s residence and were similar to the firearm believed to be used to shoot Abe. They added that it was unclear whether the suspect had the proper licenses for the weapons.
The shooting death of Abe, Japan’s longest-serving leader before resigning in 2020 because of health issues, has stunned a nation where gun violence is extremely rare.

The assassination of a leading politician in America would also be stunning, despite the prevalence of “gun violence,” for the simple reason that most “gun violence” is connected to drug gangs and other criminal activity involving what are politely called “inner city youth.” Americans are a well-armed people, but it is only a small fraction of the population that commits most of the violent crime, yet our media doesn’t want to provide the public an accurate understanding of crime, because that would not advance the desired political narrative. However, this NBC News story raises a question that it does not answer: If “gun violence” is so common in America, why aren’t our politicians getting gunned down on a regular basis? The main reason is that they aren’t hanging around drug dealers in downtown Baltimore or Detroit or other crime-plagued inner cities. Being safe from “gun violence” is mainly a matter of geography; if you avoid certain areas, you’re unlikely to get shot.

The other reason our politicians don’t worry about “gun violence” is because the most prominent of them are guarded by armed security. You cannot enter any federal building without going through a checkpoint with a metal detector, and similar security precautions are in place at most statehouses, etc. Whether these precautions are necessary or effective is seldom questioned. It’s not as if would-be assassins are so numerous that we must be eternally vigilant, but as the shooting of Shinzo Abe illustrates, it is difficult to prevent a truly determined killer: Where there’s a will, there’s a way. You outlaw gun ownership, and some murderous kook will manufacture a homemade weapon.


In The Mailbox: 07.08.22

Posted on | July 9, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.08.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual weekend deadlines for the usual weekend posts.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

“Washington D.C. is Hollywood for ugly people.” – P.J. O’Rourke

357 Magnum: How’s That Criminal Reform Working Out?
EBL: Shinzo Abe, Larry Storch, & Tony Sirico, RIP
Twitchy: Elon Musk Terminates $44 Billion Offer To Buy Twitter, also, Steve Bannon Swatted At D.C. Townhouse
Louder With Crowder: Did Joe Biden Read Stage Directions Off the Teleprompter Like a Senile Old Buffoon Again?
Vox Popoli: Clown World Loses Another Clown, What a Fren We Have in Russia, and Everything is Racist
According To Hoyt: I Have Had Enough of Ugly, also, The Experts Are Falling
Monster Hunter Nation: WriterDojo S2 Ep0: the State of the Dojo Address 2022, also, Four days until the MHI tabletop miniatures game Kickstarter!
Stoic Observations: All Us So-Called Blacks, Part II

Adam Piggott: And after Boris?
American Conservative: Lessons for Brittney Griner
American Greatness: Biden’s Approval Rating Drops to 37 Percent in New Insider Advantage Poll, Voters Say Economy Most Important Issue
American Power: Shinzo Abe Assassinated: Former PM Was Leader For a New, Stronger Japan
American Thinker:  On This Important Metric, America Is a Failure, also, It’s Time to Lock Down Red State Elections
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Insurrection Friday
Babalu Blog: Cuban dictatorship opens its own TikTok account, hilarity ensues, also, Meme of the Day: The turn to the right by Hispanic Americans
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm for July 8
Behind The Black: X-37B sets new in-orbit record, Dish Network condemns Starlink and SpaceX study, and Blacklisted Americans fight back
Cafe Hayek: You Can’t Make This Stuff Up
Chicago Boyz: Brian Deese — The Musical Tribute Continues
Da Tech Guy: Black Rednecks & White Liberals by Thomas Sowell, also, The Same Old Song and Dance from the 80’s
Don Surber:  NYT celebrates the demise of the middle class, Don’t duck with Futch farmers, and AP smears Shinzo Abe
First Street Journal: Killadelphia, also, Never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself
Gates Of Vienna: It’s 1848 All Over Again, Vax Skeptics in Uruguay, and No Fear of Cyborgs!
The Geller Report: Death claims up $6 BILLION: Fifth-largest life insurance company paid out for 163% more working-age deaths in 2021 after COVID “vaccines” were unleashed
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, Stirring Up An Asteroid, The Futility of Gun Control, and The Usefulness of Ammunition Control
Hollywood In Toto: Gina Carano: Disney ‘Basically Put My Life in Danger’
The Lid: Biden Uses Abe Assassination To Push Gun Control
Legal Insurrection: NYU Gets $40,000 From HHS to Study Why Children ‘Favor Whiteness and Maleness’, Leftists Still Targeting Justice Kavanaugh Even After Assassination Attempt, and Republican Latinas Are Scaring Democrats
Nebraska Energy Observer: Scattershot Friday
Outkick: 5-star QB Recruit From Detroit, Chooses Oregon Over Michigan and Jim Harbaugh, Mets Pitcher Chris Bassitt Rips ‘Ridiculous’ MLB COVID Policy, and Nets Reportedly Asked Timberwolves For Ludicrous Return In Exchange For Kevin Durant
Power Line: How Low Can NPR Go?, Morton’s speaks up, and Biden Hops On the Rape Bandwagon
Shark Tank: DeSantis Skewers Progressive Newsom Over his “Terrible Governance”
Shot In The Dark: Post-Vibrant, Other Animals, and It Tolls For Thee
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday – Psychiatry and the Law
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, It can’t be any worse than the current mystery meats, and DHS to Whip Border Guards
Transterrestrial Musings: The Disappearing American, Home Schooling, and Medical Schools
Victory Girls: Black Men with Rifles and Black Rifle Coffee – Oh Yeah!, also, Biden Selling U.S. Oil To China And Russia
Volokh Conspiracy: The Food & Drug Administration Has a Vaping Problem
Watts Up With That: Which Deep Green Nonentity will Replace Boris Johnson?, also, An Eco-Terrorist Wing Would Help Peaceful Climate Activists Win
Weasel Zippers: Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mented) – “We Need To Put A Stop” To Crisis Pregnancy Centers “Right Now”, Rep. Cindy Axne (D-IA) – Gas Prices And Inflation Aren’t Even “Remotely” Biden’s Fault, and Watch As HHS Sec Becerra Almost Loses It As Biden Has A “Ron Burgundy” Moment
The Federalist: Pitt’s Infamous Experimentation On Aborted Babies Takes Center Stage In State Funding Battle, Biden Sold Oil From Emergency Reserves To Chinese Gas Giant Tied To His Scandal-Plagued Son, and NPR Smears Assassinated Shinzo Abe As ‘Divisive Arch-Conservative’ After Glowing Obit For Fidel Castro
Mark Steyn: The Interchangeability of Leaders, also, He Had a Dream

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Hunter Biden: ‘Go F–k Yourself Jill’

Posted on | July 8, 2022 | Comments Off on Hunter Biden: ‘Go F–k Yourself Jill’

Our alleged president’s dopehead son:

Hunter Biden called his step-mom Jill Biden a “vindictive moron” and “entitled c–t” in text messages after she urged him to go to rehab to kick his drug habit, according to a new report.
President Biden’s 52-year-old druggie son made the remarks in a string of text messages that he sent in 2018 as he family were rallying to get him help, The Sun reported.
In one particular text sent to his brother Beau’s widow, Hallie Biden, who he was scandalously dating at the time, Hunter went off on the now first lady.
“F–k my stepmother for always being as much of a selfish silly entitled c–t as you,” he wrote to Hallie as their brief relationship deteriorated.
He also admitted to calling his stepmom a “f–king moron, a vindictive moron” in a separate text exchange with his uncle, James Biden, just days later.
In the texts to his uncle, who is President Biden’s brother, Hunter said he had raged to Jill that he was smarter than her.
“And you do know the drunkest I’ve ever been is still smarter than you could ever even comprehend and you’re a shut [sic] grammar teacher that wouldn’t survive one class in a ivy graduate program,” Hunter said in the text.
“So go f–k yourself Jill let’s all agree I don’t like you anymore than you like me.”

(Via Ace of Spades, but don’t click that link unless you want to behold a terrifying image that will haunt your dreams for all eternity.)


HOAX? Biden Repeats Unverified Story About 10-Year-Old Ohio Girl’s Abortion

Posted on | July 8, 2022 | 2 Comments

Monday, I called attention to this story (“A Story Too Good to Check?”) about an Indiana abortion doctor who claimed that, just three days after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, she had a 10-year-old girl referred for an abortion from Ohio, where a new law banned abortions after six weeks — and the girl was allegedly just past that gestational threshold. As a longtime editor, the problem was obvious to me:

Where’s the comment from police?
Even if you’re willing to take Dr. Caitlin Bernard’s word for the basic claim — while some 10-year-olds are physically capable of getting pregnant, such cases are very rare — you’ve left the reader knowing nothing about the most basic elements of the story: What Ohio city did this happen in? Do authorities have a suspect in custody? Or is the public still in danger from the child rapist responsible for this atrocity?

Obviously, I wasn’t the only one who found this story suspicious, and Megan Fox at PJ Media has been raising hell about it, too. The veracity of this story is not enhanced by the fact that Biden invoked it for political propaganda purposes today at the White House:

What we’re witnessing is a giant step backwards in much of our country. Already, the bans are in effect in 13 states. . . . They’re so extreme that many don’t allow for exceptions, even for rape or incest. Let me say that again: Some of the states don’t allow for exceptions for rape or incest.
This isn’t some imagined horror. It’s already happening. Just last week, it was reported that a 10-year-old girl was a rape victim in Ohio — 10 years old — and she was forced to have to travel out of the state, to Indiana, to seek to terminate the [pregnancy] and maybe save her life. That’s — the last part is my judgment. Ten years old. Ten years old Raped, six weeks pregnant. Already traumatized. Was forced to travel to another state. Imagine being that little girl. Just — I’m serious — just imagine being that little girl. Ten years old.
Does anyone believe that it’s the highest majority view that that should not be able to be dealt with, or in any other state in the nation? A 10-year-old girl should be forced to give birth to a rapist’s child? I can tell you what: I don’t. I can’t think of anything as much more extreme.

Ohio is so “extreme,” you see, and this story proves it — but when asked about the case, the White House was unable to provide any verification:

The White House has refused to offer proof to support President Biden’s claim that a 10-year-old rape victim was denied an abortion in Ohio and had to travel to Indiana for the procedure.
Mr. Biden said the story illustrated the “extreme” anti-abortion laws taking hold in states after the Supreme Court overturned a nationwide right to abortion.
When asked about the story, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to say if the administration had taken steps to verify the story or if it knew the girl’s identity. Instead, she referred questions to the Justice Department saying there was a “legal component.”
“I would refer you to the DOJ, I don’t have anything more to share on the identity of this young woman or the question you asked,” she said.
She said Mr. Biden highlighted the story to underscore how “extreme” anti-abortion laws are in states that have outlawed the decision.
When pressed again if the administration, including the Justice Department, will take steps to protect the girl, Ms. Jean-Pierre sidestepped the question.
“I think what the president is calling on and what he has laid out is to protect girls and women like her and beyond,” she said.

How rare is a pregnant 10-year-old? Rare enough that there is a listing of every 10-year-old known to have given birth, and it has happened just three times in the United States since 2000:

  • March 2009: A 10-year-old Haitian girl in Lantana, Florida, became pregnant after a 33-year-old man [Fede Datilus] raped her when she was 9. Her father learned of her pregnancy only when he took her to the clinic when she suffered labor contractions on March 18, 2009. The same day, she gave birth naturally to a full-term boy. . . . She confided that she had been afraid that she and her father would be deported to Haiti — a threat the rapist had used against her. Datilus was sentenced to life imprisonment for raping a minor under 12 years, to which 5 years for impregnating her was added.
  • April 2008: Isabel Chasearez’s 10-year-old daughter, from St. Anthony, Idaho, gave birth by cesarean section to a girl weighing approximately 6 lb (2.7 kg) at Madison Memorial Hospital in Rexburg after her mother’s boyfriend [Guadalupe Gutierrez-Juarez] raped her. The man, an undocumented immigrant from Mexico, was jailed on one felony count of rape with impregnation; Chasearez was jailed as well for failing to provide proper prenatal care. Juarez was sentenced to 5 years to life.
  • April 2006: A young girl in Abbeville, South Carolina, gave birth by cesarean section. Her 26-year-old stepfather, William Edward Ronca, raped her. The baby was placed up for adoption. Ronca admitted to having molested the girl over a two-year period and was sentenced to 25 years in prison and is currently incarcerated in the Allendale Correctional Institution.

Three times in more than 20 years. If you went all the way back to 1969 (i.e, more than 50 years), you’d only add five more cases to the list. While we cannot exclude the possibility that some cases might have escaped public notice, the point is, a pregnant 10-year-old is extremely rare, so that the claim that such a case occurred in Ohio just this month, immediately after a new Ohio law went into effect, seems peculiarly convenient. As always, of course, Democrats expect the media to let them get away with telling such stories without fact checking — indeed, the media is actively helping to promote this likely hoax. Because the story has now been made so notorious, however, more reporters now have an incentive to try to verify it and all I can say to them is, good luck.

Maybe ask Jayson Blair and Stephen Glass to investigate . . .


In The Mailbox: 07.07.22

Posted on | July 8, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.07.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1770
357 Magnum: Get Woke, Go Broke
EBL: Save Dutch Cows and Cheese, also, James Caan, RIP
Twitchy: Taylor Lorenz Calls Out Elon Musk For Procreating, also, “Well…Bye!”
Louder With Crowder: Women Destroy Restaurant, Send Employee To Hospital Over $1.75 Sauce, also, Elderly Bodega Employee Charged With Murder By NYC DA For Defending Himself From Career Criminal
Vox Popoli: Joe Rogan is a Narrative Puppet, Contemplating the Non-Problem of Evil, and The Dutch Farmer Rebellion
Gab News: Was Your Pastor Silent On Roe?

Adam Piggott: Love as opposed to Power
American Conservative: Conservatives Must Prioritize the Second Amendment, also, Free Jose Alba!
American Greatness: Gov. Abbott Empowers Texas National Guard and State Troopers to Return Illegal Aliens Back to the Border, also, Tucker Carlson – Biden Selling U.S. Emergency Oil Reserves to China is Impeachable–Possibly Indictable Offense
American Power: Why the Left Truly Is Evil (and Not Stupid), also, The Price of an Unpopular Argument
American Thinker: The Mass Psychosis of Liberals, also, Follow the COVID Money
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Trust in Media News
Babalu Blog: Miami radio star Lourdes Ubieta quits Radio Mambi, refuses to work for Soros-funded leftist group, Police killing of young black Cuban exposes Castro dictatorship’s police brutality and racism, and Dengue fever alert – Cuban dictatorship unable to prevent massive epidemic
BattleSwarm: Tank News Roundup: America Gets A New Light Tank, also, Boris Johnson To Resign
Behind The Black: SpaceX launches another 53 Starlink satellites, U.S. missile test explodes 11 seconds after launch, and Today’s blacklisted Americans
Cafe Hayek: Paris Will Need a New Moniker
CDR Salamander: Pluperfect’s Programmatic Imperfection on the Future Perfect’s Presentism
Chicago Boyz: Advanced Incompetence
Da Tech Guy: A good ride, The 3% Solution in Pro-Life States, and Shades of Steve Martin and a Startling Surprise in this story about the NYT & July 4th
Don Surber: Twitter hypocritically sues India, African reporter asks question the rest won’t, and How to become a media hero
First Street Journal:  Another begging letter from The Philadelphia Inquirer, also, Gun Control Laws and Our First and Second Amendment Rights
Gates Of Vienna: The Four Great Lies of the Globalists, On Holiday With the Reaper, and Energy Poverty in Germany
The Geller Report: You Know What Would Deter More Shootings Than Red Flag Laws?, also, “Justice Gone Mad!”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, also, A Galaxy with Extra Arms
Hollywood In Toto: Andrew Schultz Defies Censors, Plots Solo Infamous Special Release, also, Macy Gray, Bette Midler Battle to Survive Latest Woke Wave
The Lid: Climate Crazies Glue Themselves To 500 Year-Old Copy Of ‘The Last Supper’
Legal Insurrection: NY Times – Be Afraid Of ‘Far-Right Latinas’ Like Mayra Flores, Recall Gascón Submits Over 700,000 Signatures to LA County Registrar, and European Union Votes to Classify Natural Gas and Nuclear as ‘Green Energy’
Nebraska Energy Observer: And then, there’s Canada
Outkick: Brittney Griner Pleads Guilty To Drug Charges In Russian Court, Raiders Hire First Black Female President In NFL History, Sandra Douglass Morgan, and Hockey Goalie Mikayla Demaiter Is Back Between The Pipes, Derek Jeter On Dad Duty & Kyle Schwarber Is On A Heater
Power Line: Montana for me — but not for thee, 4th of July Shootout Averted, and Worst Sports Story of the Year
Shark Tank: Wassermann-Schultz Asserts Republicans Want Mass Shootings
Shot In The Dark: Breaking News Wind From Seven Years Ago, Paris, and Highland Park
STUMP: Top Causes of Death in U.S. for 2021, by Age, Ranking Table, Fairly Finalized
This Ain’t Hell: Five More Are Accounted For, Last of the “Band of Brothers” Passes, and Space Force Launch’s Intelligence Center
Transterrestrial Musings: The University, Packing The Supreme Court, and BoJo
Victory Girls: Kansas Life Amendment and Pro-Abortion Lies
Volokh Conspiracy: Elected Official vs. [Chocolate] Dick At Your Door, also, $370K Verdict in Bee Libel Lawsuit
Watts Up With That: Dutch Police Shoot Live Ammo At Anti-Climate Rule Protestors, also, Hot Sand
Weasel Zippers: Biden To Make Deported Illegal Aliens Eligible For Citizenship, Former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe Shot, and Dem Rep. Cori Bush: “We Must” Start To Perform Late-Term Abortions In National Parks
The Federalist: Truth Social Doesn’t Just Want To Distinguish Itself From Tech Giants, It Wants To Rival Them, Fauci Just Canceled $1.8 Million In Grisly Beagle Experiments After Fake Fact-Checkers Lied To Save His Behind, and The Military’s Recruiting Crisis Will Continue Until Its Woke Messages Stop
Mark Steyn: What Was It All For?, The Long Goodbye, and As Goes Morality, So Goes Civilization

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She’s Ready for Her Close-Up, Mr. DeMille

Posted on | July 7, 2022 | Comments Off on She’s Ready for Her Close-Up, Mr. DeMille

You may not recognize that teenager from New Mexico who, in 1981, posed for Oui magazine, and she hadn’t crossed my mind in many years until I saw this headline today:

Demi Moore, 59, poses in swimsuits
as she hopes to change ‘this idea that
we become less desirable as we get older’

Well, you’ve posed in a lot less than that, Demi, but I suppose most would still prefer the 1981 version, given the choice. Of course, there has been some change in fashion in the past 40 years and — how shall I say this? — the topiary might require substantial trimming to suit 21st-century tastes, but I’m sure a plebiscite would still return a landslide majority in favor of 18-year-old Demi, despite the excessive shrubbery.

Her career and love life have been equally disappointing, a failure to make the most of her many opportunities. Demi Guynes took as her show business surname that of her first husband, a recently divorced rock musician 12 years her senior whom she married not long after arriving in Hollywood as a teenager. She filed for divorce from Freddy Moore in 1984, after she had landed two seasons on the soap opera General Hospital and her earliest film roles. One of those film parts was in the unspeakably wretched Blame It On Rio, the plot of which would be enough to end the career of anyone who dared produce such a film nowadays. A few years ago I happened to see it while surfing cable and, well, if the adjective “cringeworthy” had not previously been coined, Blame It On Rio would be sufficient inspiration.

Michelle Johnson, just 18 when Blame It On Rio was filmed, was quite lovely, but as the love interest of Michael Caine, then age 50? Even by the depraved standards of Hollywood, this was unusually perverse. Frankly, I’d forgotten that Demi Moore was part of the cast until that headline about her posing in a swimsuit at age 59 sparked my research. Someone should ask how her opinion about “this idea that we become less desirable as we get older” might be contextualized by reference to the creepy plot of Blame It On Rio. But I digress . . .

Demi next starred in St. Elmo’s Fire, arguably the most ambitious of the so-called “brat pack” movies of the 1980s. While I’ve forgotten the plot of St. Elmo’s Fire, I recall the wonderful cinematography, where the scenes always seemed to be filmed in “the golden hour” with Washington, D.C., as the backdrop. She followed that with the popular romantic comedy About Last Night and, at age 24, was well on her way to success as a leading lady. A year later, she married Bruce Willis, and the couple had three daughters together, during a period when both of their careers were peaking, he with Die Hard and its sequels, she with Ghost and A Few Good Men. But while Bruce’s career continued to yield hits (Armageddon in 1998, The Sixth Sense in 1999), things weren’t so good for Demi. G.I. Jane was awful and a total bomb at the box office, from which she never really recovered. She has kept working steadily, but she ceased to be a marquee name. And what’s with the swimsuit photos as an argument against being “less desirable” at 59? Desirable to whom?

Oh, yeah — she divorced Bruce Willis (or he divorced her) and then “Moore had a three-year relationship with martial arts instructor Oliver Whitcomb” and subsequently “began dating actor Ashton Kutcher, who is 15 years her junior.” Did that relationship ever make any sense at all? It lasted about eight years, the divorce being finalized in 2013, when Demi was 51 and Kutcher was 36. Now he’s married to Mila Kunis with two kids, while his elderly ex-wife Demi is posing in swimsuits to prove she’s still “desirable.” Never made sense to me why she split with Bruce Willis, but I suppose when people burn bridges like that, they have fond hopes of a better road ahead. Demi was in her mid-30s when she divorced Bruce, and her trajectory to that point had been entirely upward, so the possibility of a “less desirable” future was beyond her imagination.

A 21st-century Norma Desmond. So sad . . .


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