The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Her EBT Card Got Declined

Posted on | July 12, 2022 | Comments Off on Her EBT Card Got Declined

See this woman here? Stay away from her. She’s trouble.

For days, the media has been going berserk about Jose Alba, 61, an immigrant from the Dominican Republic who was working July 1 in a bodega (which is what they call a mom-and-pop convenience store in New York City) when he was attacked and responded by fatally stabbing his attacker. Even though the self-defense case seems very strong, Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg (who, of course, was elected with money from George Soros) decided to charge Alba with second-degree murder, and had him jailed at Riker’s Island for six days on $250,000 bond before a judge reduced the bond to $50,000 and Alba was released last Thursday.

For more than a week, I’ve kind of half paid attention to this story, but it was not until today that I understood why this craziness happened — it’s that woman in the picture who caused the whole thing. She went into the bodega with her 10-year-old daughter and went to buy the girl a bag of chips when her Electronic Benefits Transfer card (EBT, which has replaced old-fashioned food stamps as a means of feeding the poor) got declined at the register. Alba, who was working the register, then took the bag of chips from the girl. This enraged the woman:

“You can’t touch my daughter. Don’t snatch that out of my daughter, you f–-king piece of sh–!”
Alba is not seen in the footage taking away the chips.
The woman goes on to say “I’m gonna bring my n– down here and he gonna f–k you up. My n— is gonna come down here right now and f–k you up!”
Alba says “That’s not my fault, it’s not working.” He continues to ring up sales, telling one customer of the girlfriend, “She don’t have money.”

It was the first of the month, which is when people get their food stamps (now EBT) in many places, but this woman “don’t have money,” as Alba said. And I don’t know what the situation was, but I know how I feel when, for whatever reason, I try to use my cash card and the transaction is declined. How I feel is embarrassed. Like,  “What? I just got paid. Are you sure? Hang on, let me go call my wife,” and then go outside and have that phone conversation, trying to figure out what happened.

Never once in my life have I gotten angry at the clerk because a transaction was declined. It’s obviously not the clerk’s fault. Maybe it’s my wife’s fault, but probably it’s my fault, but never — not once — has it occurred to me to blame the clerk. What was this woman’s problem?

“I’m gonna bring my n– down here and he gonna f–k you up.”

Her n-word was Austin Simon, a 32-year-old with a lengthy criminal history, with arrests for robbery, assault and domestic violence. He went to state prison after being convicted in 2016 for assaulting a police officer. And somewhere along the line, Simon made the ultimately fatal mistake of getting involved with this crazy woman who starts a fight with a bodega clerk because her EBT card got declined for a bag of potato chips.

Simon shows up at the bodega, starts shoving Alba around and — surprise! — Alba grabs a box cutter and stabs Simon to death.

All because this woman’s EBT card got declined. And despite the fact that she was directly responsible for her boyfriend’s death — “I’m gonna bring my n– down here and he gonna f–k you up.” — this woman still apparently didn’t comprehend that it was entirely her fault:

The video shows a bloody Simon laying on the bodega floor and his girlfriend crying out, “That was over $3. Three f–king dollars. He snatched something out of my daughter…please help him.”

Oh, wait, ma’am — just five minutes earlier, you were telling this clerk how your n-word was going to f–k him up, but now that your n-word is bleeding out on the floor, you decide that maybe dying over “three f–king dollars” wasn’t worth it? Would have been OK with you, I assume, if your felon boyfriend had beaten that clerk into a coma, but when it turns out the old guy was capable of defending himself, suddenly it’s not fair?

Actions, consequences, some assembly required.

You know this lady has to be a Biden voter, right? And as for why Bragg decided to charge the old guy with murder, in what was clearly a case of self-defense, Ace explains: “Because the criminal class is among the Democrats’ most important constituencies.” Yes, and women who go crazy when their EBT cards get declined are another key constituency.

Snake Plissken had the right idea about New York . . .


‘Not a Whisper Anywhere’: Abortion Story About 10-Year-Old Ohio Girl Looking More and More Like a Complete Hoax

Posted on | July 12, 2022 | 1 Comment

As any student of logic knows, it is very difficult to prove a negative, so I hesitate to say that the latest developments have definitively debunked the sensational story about a 10-year-old Ohio girl going to neighboring Indiana for an abortion. I first called attention to this story (“A Story Too Good to Check?”) on July 4, noting the lack of law enforcement comment as raising suspicions about the story told by abortionist Dr. Caitlin Bernard of Indianapolis. A day later, on July 5, Megan Fox of PJMedia detailed the many “red flags” in the story on her Twitter account:

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, and any experienced editor would have spotted the biggest problem with this story: It had only one source, Dr. Bernard, who has a history as a media-connected advocate for abortion. She provided no corroborating evidence for this claim, despite the obvious fact that (a) it is very rare for a girl as young as 10 to get pregnant in the United States and (b) such a case would certainly require law enforcement involvement, but no law enforcement officials were quoted in the story. As a boy in middle school, I was taught that journalism was about “5 W’s and an H” — Who, What, When, Where, Why and How — and immediately noticed the absence of where in this story. What city or county in Ohio was the victim from?

If a 10-year-old girl has been raped and impregnated, of course you’re not going to name the victim, so the absence of who in the story is understandable, but why was there no where? If the story had specified Cuyahoga County (i.e., Cleveland), maybe I wouldn’t have been suspicious, because Cleveland is a miserable eyesore of a city, full of criminal scum. If there are 10-year-olds being raped anywhere in Ohio, it’s probably in Cuyahoga County, where Joe Biden got 66% of the vote.

However, though Dr. Bernard may be dishonest, she is not entirely stupid, so she knew that if she specified what city or county this alleged child victim was from, this would allow the reporter to contact police or Department of Family Services (DFS) officials to confirm the story. Therefore, the missing where was a major red flag. Megan Fox later reported that Dr. Bernard was one of nine Indiana abortion providers accused in 2018 of failing to comply with state law requirements for mandatory reporting of abortions involving underage girls:

Some of the girls under 16 years old who had abortions that weren’t reported to [the Indiana Department of Child Services] were as young as 12 and 13. The alleged 48 instances of failure to report occurred since July 1, 2017. The 48 consumer complaints have been filed with Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill and the Indiana State Department of Health. The Marion, Lake, Tippecanoe and Monroe county prosecutors have also been notified. . . .
In Indiana, it’s a crime for a person 18 or over to engage in any sexual activity with a child under age 16. Indiana lawmakers clarified state reporting requirements in 2017, instructing abortion doctors to report all abortions on girls under 16 to ISDH and DCS within three days of the abortion. Prior to July 1, 2017, state law explicitly required the reporting of abortions on girls under 14.

Considering this accusation, how credible a source is Dr. Bernard?

Yet the White House staff put this tale on Our Alleged President’s teleprompter (“HOAX? Biden Repeats Unverified Story About 10-Year-Old Ohio Girl’s Abortion”) which put Ohio officials under pressure either to verify or deny it. And guess what? They’re not verifying it:

JESSE WATTERS: So how does Ohio investigating the claim that a 10-year-old girl was raped? Are we looking for the rapist on the loose? Let’s turn to Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost. So, Dave, have you had anybody come to you in your state to say we’re looking into this? A police report was filed?
DAVE YOST, OHIO ATTORNEY GENERAL (R): Not a whisper and we work closely with the centralized law enforcement system in Ohio. We have regular contact with prosecutors and local police and sheriffs. Not a whisper anywhere. Something even more telling, Jesse, is my office runs the state crime lab. Any case like this you are going to have a rape kit, you are going to have biological evidence, and you would be looking for DNA analysis, which we do most of the DNA analysis in Ohio. There is no case request for analysis that looks anything like this.

This is about as close to saying “it’s total made-up bullshit” as you’re going to get from a state attorney general, and the pressure should be on Dr. Bernard (and the journalists who repeated her tale) either to provide more details about this alleged case or else admit that the story is total made-up bullshit. Accountability in media? What a concept!

UPDATE: Illegal Alien Charged With Raping and Impregnating 10-Year-Old in Ohio


In The Mailbox: 07.11.22

Posted on | July 12, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.11.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

A reminder that Bob Zimmermann at Behind The Black and Sarah Hoyt are still doing their fundraising drives. Jeff Goldstein could use some help as well. Chip in if you can; even a couple of bucks helps. 
Silicon Valley delenda est.

It is known.

357 Magnum: Civilization Was Nice While It Lasted
EBL: Did 4 Chan Just Break Hunter Biden’s iCloud Password?, also, Save Jose Alba
Twitchy: Ohio’s AG Hasn’t Heard “A Whisper” About Alleged Pregnant 10-Year-Old From Ohio, also, NYT Hears Democrats Whispering That Biden Shouldn’t Run In 2024
Louder With Crowder: Unruly Customer Gets Served A Beatdown At Waffle House, also, Analyst Explains How Elon Musk’s Latest Move Could Destroy Twitter
Vox Popoli: The Real Challenge, What Insurrection Looks Like, and On the Inversion of Science
Gab News: The Old Testament Belongs To Christ & His People Alone

Adam Piggott: Dutch Farmers Vs. Globalism
American Conservative: The Second Great Inflation , also, They Don’t Trust Us – We Don’t Trust Them
American Greatness: Trumped Up J6 Hearings Pump Trump Up, also, Buttigieg Announces Investigation into Airlines as Customer Dissatisfaction Rises
American Power: Twitter Says It’s Going to Sue Elon Musk for Trying to Back Out of Takeover Deal, also, The Democrat Party Pox
American Thinker: Anatomy of a Really Vile Bit of Propaganda, also, The Age of Trump
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Over the past year, 15 generals from Cuba’s Revolutionary Armed Forces have suddenly died, Brutal crackdown on protesters in communist Cuba hurts poorest Cubans the most, and Lourdes and Mayra driving the left crazy
BattleSwarm: Jose Alba The Latest Victim In The Democratic Party’s War On Self Defense, also, Democrats Behaving Badly
Behind The Black: SpaceX launches another 46 Starlink satellites, Today’s blacklisted American, and Collapse pits on Mars
Cafe Hayek: Defending My Drivel, Risks Are Inescapable – The Only Question Is Whether to Assess Them Accurately or Inaccurately, and Desperate to Keep Humanity Alarmed
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday, also, What to do With America’s Maritime Disinterest
Da Tech Guy: Don’t Believe a Word of The Left’s Critique of Biden, Building solid products, and Merrick Garland is America’s worst attorney general since Harding’s Harry M. Daugherty
Don Surber: We didn’t go to hell, David French -you did, 42% avoid the news, and Abortion backfires on Democrats
First Street Journal: Killadelphia, The Washington Post tells us that we are not fearful enough, and I love a green lawn!
Gates Of Vienna: On To Rome!, Disarming the AfD, and Dutch Intelligence is Investigating Filip Dewinter for Talking About the Great Replacement
The Geller Report: New Christian School Gets Thousands of Applications as Families Flee Public Schools in Droves, also, Trump Thunders Into Alaska For Record-Breaking Rally
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, A Carbon Star, and Massive Resistance Redux
Hollywood In Toto: Jeff Dunham’s Fireside Shat with Biden: ‘Nobody Likes Me’, From Joke to Cosplay to Comic Book – The Birth of Sporkman, and FLASHBACK – When Hollywood Celebrated Free Speech
The Lid: Arizona Passes Landmark Legislation For School Choice, DHS Employees Indicted for Aiding Red China’s Repression of US Residents, and Thomas Jefferson Slimed By Woke Caretakers Of His Monticello Home
Legal Insurrection: Leftist SCOTUS Stalker Group ‘ShutDownDC’ Offers Bounties For Conservative Justice Sightings, Glenn Youngkin Wins Battle to be Involved in Search for New Head of State’s Community Colleges, and Florida Being Invaded by African Giant Snails 
Nebraska Energy Observer: Random Observations, also, Dutch Farmers Resisting One World Government
Outkick: Baker Mayfield’s Wife is Happy He’s Finally Out of Cleveland, Tennessee Sophomore Zakai Zeigler’s Family Moves Into House Bought By Vol Fans, and NYT Reporter Served By Novak Djokovic’s Wife After Calling Wimbledon Champ ‘Anti-Vax Posterboy’
Power Line: Guest Post: Gratitude and America, Protests, Theirs and Ours, and Inside the Biden family business (again)
Shark Tank: Lauren Book Launches Explosive Reelection Ad
Shot In The Dark: A League Of Their Own, Over & Over, and Don’t Even Bother Today
This Ain’t Hell: Columnist calls for Atheist backlash in response to SCOTUS rulings, Marine scout sniper has promotion ceremony in the mud, and Pearl Harbor Vet Passes
Transterrestrial Musings: The “Party Of Freedom”, Good Luck With That, and “Move Over, SpaceX”
Victory Girls: Biden’s Age Is Now A Political Problem, Army Medic Rants About Roe On TikTok, and Jill Biden: Hispanics Are As ‘Unique As Breakfast Tacos’
Volokh Conspiracy: Right to Videorecord Police Clearly Established, Violated by Blocking Camera and Shining Light Into It
Watts Up With That: NPR Spreads Misinformation About Climate Change and Models (Again!), also, “Climate Change is not a financial risk”: HSBC Responsible Banking Head Resigns
Weasel Zippers: Bounty Placed On Conservative Justices, Kamala Harris Is A Scholar, and Biden Heckled On Yet Another Vacation To Delaware
The Federalist: With Shinzo Abe’s Death, Japan And Taiwan Have Lost A Strong Advocate, Godfather Actor James Caan Was Tough On And Off-Screen, and Studies Show The Electric Vehicles Democrats Insist You Buy Are Worse For The Environment And Lower Quality
Mark Steyn: This Butcher’s Yard – Michael Caine & Zulu, Centre Court Short, and The Peasants Are Revolting

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Orange Jumpsuit for Hunter Biden?

Posted on | July 11, 2022 | Comments Off on Orange Jumpsuit for Hunter Biden?


Prosecutors may have a case for federal prostitution offenses against Hunter Biden, according to documents, texts and videos that show he spent a staggering $30,000 on escorts in a five-month period.
The president’s son wrote checks to a Ukrainian woman whose transactions were red-flagged by banks for suspicious activity, documents reveal.

(Never pay a hooker with a check, you idiot!)

A Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) filed by JPMorgan Chase named Florida and New York-based Ekaterina Moreva after she received tens of thousands of dollars from Hunter’s company and women who the First Son paid for sex.
Texts from Hunter’s iPhone also show him handwriting checks disguised as medical services to escorts supplied by Moreva, whose website offers a ‘girlfriend experience’ with prostitutes as young as 20.
Some of Hunter’s hooker payments came just hours after he received thousands of dollars from his father.
Videos and pictures show Hunter helping transport those prostitutes over state lines for a debauched night with him – a potential federal offense.

(Chuck Berry went to prison for that.)

The material has been in the FBI’s hands since December 2019, raising the prospect that its investigation into Hunter could lead to charges over his dealings with prostitutes – though experts say prosecutions over prostitution charges alone are rare.
The president’s son is currently the subject of a federal investigation which is reportedly examining potential tax crimes, money laundering and alleged illegal foreign lobbying linked to his overseas business dealings.

(Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.) Let’s try not to get too excited about this because, of course, the FBI is completely corrupt and would never prosecute a Democrat, which is why Hillary isn’t in prison.


Cartel Suspect in Richmond Arrest

Posted on | July 11, 2022 | Comments Off on Cartel Suspect in Richmond Arrest

Victoria Taft reports at PJM:

Two men arrested for planning an attack on a July 4 celebration in Virginia were not just in the country illegally, but one of them is also a suspected Mexican drug cartel member and the other is his roommate. So it seems that this whole open borders thing is working out “great” for law-abiding Americans.
A tipster told police that the two men planned a mass casualty event at the Richmond, Va., Dogwood Dell Amphitheater during the annual fireworks show.
“It was a very serious threat. Any threat against life and certainly that of a mass shooting is gravely serious,” police spokesperson Tracy Walker told WSET. “The suspect clearly announced a plan to carry this out and clearly had the means to do so based on the weapons and several hundred rounds of ammunition that was seized,” Walker told the station.
The “concerned citizen” tipster told Richmond Police that Rolman “Chapin” Balcarcel Ac, 38, had ties to the Los Zetas drug cartel in Mexico. The Zetas are notorious for being among the most violent of the drug cartels, using beheadings, torture, and wanton violence to freeze law enforcement from moving against them.
Police saw two Glock pistols “in plain view in the living room” when they went to Ac’s home. Other guns and “several hundred rounds of ammunition” were found after authorities thoroughly searched the home. Ac’s roommate, Julio Alvarado-Dubon, 52, was also arrested. According to police, Alvarado-Dubon has been in the U.S. illegally for three years. His visa expired four years ago, so the feds are doing a bang-up job of keeping an eye on would-be terrorists.
In addition to the guns and ammo, authorities say they found multiple IDs for Ac, including two driver’s licenses from Colorado, and IDs from Guatemala and Mexico. The duo so far face charges of possession of a firearm by a non-U.S. citizen.

Because Democrats and their media allies consider these people Future Democratic Voters, this story didn’t get much national coverage.


Late Night With Rule 5 Sunday: Hailey Outland

Posted on | July 11, 2022 | Comments Off on Late Night With Rule 5 Sunday: Hailey Outland

— compiled by Wombat-socho

A former zoologist from Florida, Ms. Outland is a model and certified Photoshop expert; you can see some of her work at her Instagram page.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

NINETY MILES FROM TYRANNY: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1771, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns.

ANIMAL MAGNETISM: Rule Five Insurrection Friday, and the Saturday Gingermageddon

EBL: MAGA Vs. Biden Family Values, Save Dutch Cows & Cheese, Last Night In Soho, Savannah Daisley, Julie London, Bikini Day, Happy 4th Of July!, Martina McBride, and Mamie Van Doren.

A VIEW FROM THE BEACHValerie Loureda is Spoiling for a FightFish Pic Friday – Victoria ValentiMDDNR Makes Snakeheads PayHappy World Chocolate Day!Gritty ThursdaySome Wednesday WetnessFishermen Leery of Offshore Wind PowerGood Men MUST Be Hard to FindTuesday TanlinesHow About Some July Fourth Politics?May the Fourth Be With You!MD to Regulate Taking of Jimmies and Palm Sunday

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious links!

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FMJRA 2.0: Shamanic Tales

Posted on | July 10, 2022 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Shamanic Tales

— compiled by Wombat-socho

This week was better than last week for my Senators, who are still bedeviled by injuries and just plan bad luck. We ground out two wins against the A’s, both in extra innings, and then got blown away by the Red Sox in two games at Fenway. It could have been worse.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

And do we ever have a lot of problems this year…

Rule Five Sunday: Ava Gardner
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

The Fourth of July and the Partriotic Return of the Big Yellow Button

FMJRA 2.0: The Glorious Burden
A View From The Beach

Annual Bruce Catton Appreciation Post
357 Magnum

A Story Too Good to Check?
The Daley Gator
357 Magnum

Eulogy for a Great Southern Lady

In The Mailbox: 07.05.22
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 07.06.22
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Our Patriotic Duty
357 Magnum

She’s Ready for Her Close-Up, Mr. DeMille
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 07.07.22
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

HOAX? Biden Repeats Unverified Story About 10-Year-Old Ohio Girl’s Abortion
The Daley Gator
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach

Hunter Biden: ‘Go F–k Yourself Jill’
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 07.08.22
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending July 8:

  1.  EBL (13)
  2.  357 Magnum (9)
  3.  A View From The Beach (8)
  4.  Proof Positive (5)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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The Role of Controlled Opposition in Manufacturing Phony ‘Consensus’

Posted on | July 10, 2022 | Comments Off on The Role of Controlled Opposition in Manufacturing Phony ‘Consensus’

Alex Christy at Newsbusters calls attention to an appearance by David Brooks on PBS NewsHour discussing mass shootings:

I have never understood why an Australian-style gun buyback is an affront to anybody. It’s an open choice. You can sell your gun or not. But if we’re going to reduce 400 million guns, it would take something like that, not even just banning future purchases. I mean, we have got 400 million here.

This is a false characterization of Australia’s law, as Christy points out, it was definitely not “an open choice.” Australia enacted “sweeping new restrictions on firearms. Authorities collected and destroyed over 640,000 weapons, as many as one-third of all guns in the country — whether their owners wanted to part with them or not.”

What PBS was doing in this segment was presenting a simulacrum of “debate” about gun policy. David Brooks does not actually disagree with either the program’s liberal host, Judy Woodruff, or the other guest, Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post. If you watch the segment, you see that Woodruff gave Capehart a platform to lecture for more than a minute about how “more serious action needs to be taken” on gun control. Woodruff then turns to Brooks, “asking” (actually prompting, since she knew the answer to her “question”) about the likelihood of more gun-control legislation being passed. Brooks answered that in two words: “Seems remote” and then, without further prompting, offered up his endorsement of Australian-style gun confiscation.

This is not actually a debate, you see, because there was no one on the program to articulate the argument against further gun-control measures, an argument that I should think would begin with asking, “What about enforcing the gun laws we already have?” Possession of a firearm by a convicted felon is a felony — and liberal district attorneys in cities like Philadelphia are not aggressively prosecuting such cases (because “social justice”). New York City has ended its “stop and frisk” policy, aimed at disarming street criminals (again, because “social justice”), and there are many other examples of leniency toward armed criminals that have proliferated since the Ferguson riots of 2014, a tendency intensified after the BLM/Antifa riots of 2020, yet now liberals (who are against law enforcement enforcement quite generally) are demanding new laws? Why? What’s the point of having any laws at all, if we’re not going to put people in prison for violating the law?

Everybody wants to talk about “mass shootings,” because these incidents get all the media attention, but is the PBS audience aware that, the same Fourth of July weekend when Bobby Crimo killed 7 people in the Chicago suburb of Highland Park, 11 people were shot to death and another 64 were wounded in Chicago? That is to say, “mass shootings” are an unrepresentative fraction of armed violence in America, most of which more closely resembles the gang-banging mayhem in Chicago. But there was no one on PBS to point this out to Judy Woodruff’s audience, because the putative “conservative” guest is controlled opposition, engaged in a pretense of offering a different perspective from the avowed liberal guest, even while doing nothing whatsoever to refute the liberal’s argument. And this is damaging to public discourse. If you want to comprehend what’s undermining “Our Democracy” — about which liberals spend so much time wringing their hands — you must confront the role of the media in confusing policy debates this way, manufacturing a phony “consensus” by suppressing the conservative viewpoint.

It’s not just gun control, it’s energy policy, abortion, education, race relations — everything, basically — where the liberal media do their best to prevent their audience from being exposed to arguments on behalf of the conservative position, and one of the ways they do this is by giving airtime to token “conservatives” like David Brooks who do not actually advocate or defend conservative policies, but instead offer endorsement of the liberal agenda. This creates the appearance of a consensus in favor of liberalism, so that unless you actively seek out dissenting voices, you don’t even understand why anyone opposes liberal policies.

Most conservatives, I believe, are familiar with liberal arguments because how could you possibly avoid them? They’re everywhere in the media. But because the media suppresses conservative dissent — in part through the manufactured consensus in which phony “conservatives” like David Brooks play a crucial role — most liberals are never exposed to articulate or coherent presentation of the conservative point of view. Therefore, liberals imagine that anyone who votes Republican must be ignorant or motivated by bad faith — “racism,” greed or whatever. The media constantly bemoan the “polarization” of our politics, yet they are the ones causing this polarization, by obscuring the actual nature of policy disagreements, and dishonest scoundrels like David Brooks — “conservative,” my ass! — are their willing accomplices in this project.


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