The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Historic Thoughts on ‘Our Democracy’

Posted on | July 16, 2022 | Comments Off on Historic Thoughts on ‘Our Democracy’

The Constitutional Convention

“It has been frequently remarked, that it seems to have been reserved to the people of this country, by their conduct and example, to decide the important question, whether societies of men are really capable or not, of establishing good government from reflection and choice, or whether they are forever destined to depend, for their political constitutions, on accident and force.”
The Federalist No. 1

America’s form of government is unique among nations, in that we are a federal republic. Other nations may call themselves such, but they do not have our distinct history, in which 13 separate British colonies, having fought and won a war for independence from their homeland, then developed a new charter for their combined government as a federation of states. As a condition of ratifying that charter, the constitutional conventions of several states — most particularly Virginia — insisted that it must be amended to include guarantees of certain rights.

Most of the provisions of the Bill of Rights address what the Americans had inherited from the Whig tradition in England (e.g., religious freedom, trial by jury, etc.) or else seek to prevent the sort of abuses of power (e.g., unwarranted search and seizure) by which the colonists had felt oppressed under the British rule. But the most unique expressions of the rights our founders saw fit to prescribe were contained in the Second Amendment (the right to “keep and bear arms” which “shall not be infringed”) and the Tenth Amendment (reserving to the states all powers not delegated to the federal government). In both cases, these amendments express the concerns of the Anti-Federalists that the federal government might obtain too much power, becoming not the servant of the people, but rather their master. You cannot understand our Constitution and its Bill of Rights without studying the debates over ratification, a point made by M.E. Bradford in Original Intentions: On the Making and Ratification of the United States Constitution. Every student of American history is (or rather should be) familiar with The Federalist Papers, in which James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and John Jay made their arguments in favor of ratifying the new Constitution. But those arguments cannot be fully understood without reference to the arguments of the Anti-Federalists, who opposed ratification. The Constitution could not have been adopted as the supreme law of the land if its proponents had not succeeded in assuring delegates to the state ratification conventions that this new government would not become a centralized tyrannical power, as the Anti-Federalists claimed.

This is why the Second Amendment and the Tenth Amendment are so important to understanding what “our democracy” actually is. By ensuring that the population could never be disarmed, the founders meant to guarantee that “We the People” would forever be able to defend our liberty. The reference to “a well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State” is a direct expression of the Anti-Federalist concern about the federal government becoming a tyrannical power. Militias were subsidiary to the individual states, and a safeguard of their security and freedom. The phrase “well-regulated” would be better understood as meaning “well-trained,” i.e., proficient in the use of arms. A militia could be summoned quickly to deal with a crisis only if the population in general owned weapons and were capable of using them effectively. The inclusion of the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights was the states saying to the newly-created federal power: “Don’t even think about disarming our people. What part of ‘shall not be infringed’ do we have to explain to you?” And the Tenth Amendment added an exclamation point to this opposition to centralized power.

In the ensuing 233 years, many Americans have lost their fear of a tyrannical authority. Indeed, some of our “elite” seem to love such authority, which they hope to control for their own tyrannical purposes, and these elites have lately gotten into the habit of using the phrase “our democracy” as if there were a consensus agreement in favor of the nebulous concept this phrase is meant to express. Specifically, the elites who endlessly blather on about “our democracy” claim that it is threatened by Donald Trump and his supporters, so that “our democracy” can only be safe if 74 million voters are effectively disenfranchised. In other words, “our democracy” requires the suppression of dissent, which certainly is not what most Americans think of as democracy.

Is “our democracy” whatever CNN says it should be?

Appearing on CNN’s New Day Thursday morning, Don Lemon once again urged the media to hold Republicans to a different standard than Democrats in their media coverage.
The primetime host tied the GOP to the threat of “growing extremism” on the right. He warned journalists to not give a “false equivalence” to both sides, and instead acknowledge Republicans were endangering America.
“We sit around and we talk about these things and we want to give this false equivalence to Democrats and Republicans. That is not where we are right now. Republicans are doing something that is very dangerous to our society and we have to acknowledge that. We have to acknowledge that as Americans, we must acknowledge that as journalists because if we don’t, we are not doing our jobs,” Lemon declared. . . .
Lemon was referring to Republicans who continue to support former President Trump after the January 6, 2021 riot at the Capitol, as well as the recent Supreme Court ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade.
“They have to answer for those questions if they come here on CNN, they must answer for that. If they go on MSNBC, they must answer for that. If they go on ABC, they must answer for that. And they cannot expect to be coddled when they go on to a news organization or if they step in front of a crowd of supporters or voters or Americans.” . . .
Lemon referred to an interview he did with a former spokesperson for the Oath Keepers saying Republicans had become associated with “extremists.” He rejected any Republican opposition to that belief.
“You have the inmates running the asylum basically. You have the extremists because I know there are Republicans sitting out there going, ‘Don Lemon that’s not what we are.’ Maybe it’s not what you are but it’s what [the Republican] party has become and what you have allowed to happen,” he lectured.

Several critics noted that Lemon’s argument — “January 6 now! January 6 tomorrow! January 6 forever!” — was aimed at CNN’s new ownership, who want to get the network out of the ratings basement by ditching their Trump-obsessed left-wing slant.

There are so many issues where “Democratic operatives with bylines” have decided that only one side deserves a respectful hearing, so that the media’s thumb is always on the scale in our national debate, and these journalists believe “freedom of the press” requires the active suppression of dissenting voices. Fortunately, the proof is in the pudding, and we judge the wisdom of this one-sided approach by the results it produces. It’s not just that CNN has lower ratings than reruns of Spongebob Squarepants, but that the orchestrated anti-Trump hysteria of the so-called “mainstream” media — part of a “cabal” that foisted Joe Biden upon us — are apparently happy to see a nation groaning under record-high gas prices, out-of-control crime and a looming financial crisis, just as long as there is not a Republican in the White House!

Don Lemon and his ilk are advocates of centralized authority, one-party rule dictated by an unelected “elite” class, the exact sort of tyranny that our founders sought to prevent. This is what “our democracy” really means to them, and guess what? Don’t expect Don Lemon to invite me (or anyone else who shares my views) onto CNN to debate the meaning of “our democracy.” There can be no debate in “our democracy.”

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


In The Mailbox: 07.15.22

Posted on | July 16, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.15.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual weekend deadlines for the usual weekend posts.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.
357 Magnum: Texas Dad “Happened” To Be Armed
EBL: Bidenof Arabia
Twitchy: WH Spin Doesn’t Match Saudi Statement After Biden Begs For Oil
Louder With Crowder: JoeManchin Defecates All Over Progressive Hopes and Dreams, Tells Dems He’s Killing Biden’s Agenda Again
Vox Popoli: TheMatter is Settled, also, TheAmerican Century Debacle
According To Hoyt: How I Became A White Mormon Male (With A Great Rack), also, TheGolden Summer
Monster Hunter Nation: TheMHI miniatures game Kickstarter is live!, also, WriterDojo S3 Ep1: Writing Action (Round 1)
Stoic Observations: The Kensington Dilemma

American Conservative: Church:Where Are The Men?, also, TheAbolition of Boris Johnson
American Greatness: BidenAccused of Making ‘Extraordinary Diplomatic Blunder’ During Gaffe-Ridden Trip to the Middle East, also, Mother of 10-Year-Old Ohio Rape Victim Offers Incoherent Defense of Accused Rapist
American Thinker: AProud Boy Challenges the Jan. 6 Committee
Animal Magnetism: RuleFive Regulatory Friday
Babalu Blog: Cubans take to the streets to protest hunger and chronic blackouts, also, Lopez-Obradortalking partisan politics on U.S. soil
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarmfor July 15
Behind The Black: Rogozin removed as Roscosmos head, Pushback:Blacklisted small businessman sues Biden administration for its racist contracting policies, and Layeredmesa on Mars
Cafe Hayek: FiveNegative Consequences of Price Ceilings
CDR Salamander: Kanton,Now More Than Ever, also, FullboreFriday
Da Tech Guy: DaTechGuyon Ed Morrissey Podcast today
First Street Journal: Bidenflationagain, also, Aneconomics lesson in The Philadelphia Inquirer
Gates Of Vienna: APride of Cops, Justicefor Leonie?, and TheWinter of Our Discontent
The Geller Report:TheMedia Don’t Want You To Know About The Massive Protests Going On Around The Globe
Hogewash: TeamKimberlin Post of the Day, also, M107
Hollywood In Toto: ShouldConservatives Harass Samantha Bee in Restaurants?, Nick Di Paolo Says Louis C.K. Can Make a Hollywood Comeback (If He Wants It), and Where the Crawdads SingGoes from Beguiling to Snooze-Worthy
The Lid: TheTax “Gimmick” That Could Wipe Out Middle Class America: HR 5376
Legal Insurrection: CNN’sDon Lemon Wants Media To Treat Republicans As a Danger to Society, CitingSafety Issues, Woke Starbucks Closing 16 Stores in Dem-Run Cities, Says There Will ‘Be Many More’, and Raceand Gender Quotas In 2021 Infrastructure Law Challenged By Immigrant Who Fled Communist Romania
Nebraska Energy Observer: I have very little to add to this video but I do have a question for you all
Outkick: GavinNewsom Threatens Action Against UCLA Due to Big 10 Move, LiaThomas Nominated for NCAA’s ‘Woman of the Year’ Award, and LawyerFor Brittney Griner Tells Russian Court Medical Cannabis Was Prescribed
Power Line: WalterRussell Mead: The Arc of a Covenant, also, Thoughtsfrom the ammo line
Shark Tank: Gaetz Holds The High Ground, Votes For NDAA
Shot In The Dark: Mask Theater – Literally! also, Just A Touch Of Backlash
STUMP: InterestRates and Sumo, Nagoya 2022 Edition
The Political Hat: FiringLine Friday: The Polish Challenge
This Ain’t Hell: ValorFriday, WhatThe Actual – Wait!! Is That Pancakes I Hear?, and Endorsementfrom Missouri voters matter, not Trump’s
Transterrestrial Musings: HowThe Woke Came To Power
Victory Girls: ManchinRefuses To Let Democrats Burn Money
Volokh Conspiracy: Conservative Legal Luminaries Release Report Entitled “Lost, Not Stolen: The Conservative Case that Trump Lost and Biden Won the 2020 Presidential Election”
Watts Up With That: ChildrenDie When ‘Eco-Lies’ Disrupt the War Against Mosquitoes
Weasel Zippers: BidenAdvisor Laughably Claims Biden Acted “Fast” On Inflation, Supply Chain Crises, CourtBlocks Biden From Punishing Unvaccinated Airmen, and Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) Says Women Aren’t The Only People Who Can Become Pregnant
The Federalist: DidGen. Milley Seize Presidential Power? Banks And Grassley Demand Answers, DearConservatives, Can We Please Stop Caring What Partisan Hack Bill Maher Thinks?, and TeachersUnion And Media Lapdogs Distort Education Poll To Hide Republicans’ Huge Culture War Comebacks
Mark Steyn: LiveAround the Planet: Friday July 15th, also, Home Thoughts From Abroad

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The Future Democratic Voters Project and the 10-Year-Old Ohio Rape Victim

Posted on | July 15, 2022 | Comments Off on The Future Democratic Voters Project and the 10-Year-Old Ohio Rape Victim

One of the things about political tribalism is that it encourages participants to think of politics as a fight for survival — Us and Them — in which there are no rules. The Democratic Party has made identity politics part of their core belief system, which interwoven with the strategic idea that demographic trends (particularly the growth of non-white minority populations) is the key to their obtaining uncontested political hegemony. This explains, among other things, why Donald Trump’s desire to enforce U.S. immigration law was regarded by Democrats as a species of “hate,” because they view unrestricted immigration as a means of rapidly growing the Hispanic which, in turn, they expect will ultimately provide Democrats with an insuperable electoral majority. This is not a “conspiracy theory”; it’s a synopsis of what has happened to California over the past 30 years, for example.

Democrats view illegal aliens as part of their party’s constituency, because of what we may dub The Future Democratic Voters Project, and as a consequence, will do anything necessary to prevent these law-breaking foreigners from being deported or otherwise inconvenienced. This is why, for example, Joe Biden has insisted that Border Patrol agents must be punished despite the fact that an investigation cleared them of wrongdoing — it’s a symbolic gesture of anti-Trump solidarity. And it’s also a major contributing factor to Trump Derangement Syndrome quite generally. Of all the things Trump did, what was really unforgivable from a Democratic (and establishment GOP) point of view was that he threatened to break up the Bipartisan Open Borders Consensus of which the late John McCain was a leader. Meanwhile, in Ohio . . .

Maria Vargas-Pion, a reporter for Spanish-language TV channel Telemundo, somehow found the home address of the mother of the 10-year-old girl whose abortion made national headlines, and scored a brief interview in which the woman appeared to defend the 27-year-old illegal immigrant who impregnated her daughter:

Journalists asking the important questions? Wow, what a concept!

Bonilla’s belief that (a) the mother of the girl is also an illegal alien, (b) the child rapist Gershon Fuentes is the family’s primary breadwinner, and therefore (c) the mother didn’t want Fuentes arrested for raping the girl, because (d) the whole family might get deported back to the sh**hole country they came from — probably explains a lot about how this story played out. The Indiana abortionist Dr. Caitlin Bernard apparently violated patient privacy laws by telling the media about this case, which she spun as proving why Ohio’s “extreme” abortion law was wrong. However, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost says the law has a “medical emergency” provision that would have permitted the girl to get an abortion (presumably because she is so young that pregnancy and childbirth would be traumatic). Is it possible that the girl was referred to an out-of-state clinic because Dr. Bernard was known to be “cooperative” in such situations? According to Fox News, in her paperwork on the case, Dr. Bernard claimed that the 10-year-old had been impregnated by another minor, i.e., she wasn’t really a victim of rape, so no criminal investigation, please? Selling this tale as a moral defense of unlimited abortion “rights” would have been more complicated if all the facts of the case were known, so in talking to reporters Dr. Bernard didn’t mention anything that would lead readers to suspect that the “Ohio girl” was actually a Mexican girl, probably in the country illegally, who was raped by her mother’s 27-year-old illegal alien boyfriend from Guatemala.

This explains the vagueness of the original story, which caused many of us to suspect it was a hoax: If a 10-year-old girl is pregnant, a crime has been committed, but the story said nothing about whether the child rapist had been arrested. And then, eventually, we learned that it was not until Tuesday — the day after PJM’s Megan Fox and Ohio Attorney General Yost appeared on Fox News — that cops arrested the rapist:

A detective testified Wednesday at an initial court appearance for the 27-year-old suspect that Columbus police learned about the girl’s pregnancy after her mother alerted Franklin County Children Services on June 22, The Columbus Dispatch reported.

Look at the calendar: Police were informed on Wednesday, June 22, but it was not until Tuesday, July 12, nearly three weeks later, that Fuentes was arrested. This raises more questions, including whether it was coincidental that Fuentes wasn’t arrested until after Megan Fox and Dave Yost went on Fox News to raise hell about this story.


Despite everything going on here — the one-source story based on the word of an Indiana abortionist, the delay in arresting the perpetrator, the role of Biden’s open-border policy in enabling this criminal atrocity — still the media continue to act as if it’s a “gotcha” for Republicans:

‘Oh, God, no’: Republicans fear
voter backlash after Indiana child rape case


Republicans shocked a 10-year-old
can get pregnant after Ohio rape victim
abortion story proves true

NBC News

10-Year-Old Ohio Girl Became
Flash Point in Abortion Debate

New York Times

All of these takes are so wrong that one supposes there must be a central campaign to organize this deliberate wrongness. Are Republicans “shocked a 10-year-old can get pregnant,” as NBC News claims? As if pregnant 10-year-olds are so ordinary — so commonplace — that we should not be shocked? Oh, by the way, while I’m at it, I should mention that this girl just turned 10, so it’s likely that her mother’s Guatemalan boyfriend got her pregnant when she was only nine, and may have been abusing the girl for who knows how long before the pregnancy occurred. And, as I said in my first post on this subject (“A Story Too Good to Check?” July 4), I actually did some research:

The extreme youth of the alleged victim is what made the headline so shocking, and I actually checked the National Institutes of Health to make sure I wasn’t alone in finding this highly unusual. The median age of menarche (i.e., onset of menstruation, generally taken as meaning when a female becomes physically capable of pregnancy) in the United States is 11.9, about three months earlier than in the 1990s. About 10% of females reach menarche by age 10. Precocious puberty is slightly correlated with earlier sexual activity — the median age of first intercourse is 15.4 for girls reaching menache by age 10, compared to 16.6 for girls reaching menarche at age 14 or older. In general, blacks and Hispanics reach menarche earlier than white girls, but the differences are not dramatic.
Still, a 10-year-old girl getting pregnant is rare enough in the United States that I had difficulty finding any statistical data on the phenomenon. When you’re talking about something with far less than a 1% probability, good luck finding reliable data.

And last Friday (“HOAX? Biden Repeats Unverified Story About 10-Year-Old Ohio Girl’s Abortion”), I offered still more relevant research:

How rare is a pregnant 10-year-old? Rare enough that there is a listing of every 10-year-old known to have given birth, and it has happened just three times in the United States since 2000:

* March 2009: A 10-year-old Haitian girl in Lantana, Florida, became pregnant after a 33-year-old man [Fede Datilus] raped her when she was 9. Her father learned of her pregnancy only when he took her to the clinic when she suffered labor contractions on March 18, 2009. The same day, she gave birth naturally to a full-term boy. . . . She confided that she had been afraid that she and her father would be deported to Haiti — a threat the rapist had used against her. Datilus was sentenced to life imprisonment for raping a minor under 12 years, to which 5 years for impregnating her was added.
* April 2008: Isabel Chasearez’s 10-year-old daughter, from St. Anthony, Idaho, gave birth by cesarean section to a girl weighing approximately 6 lb (2.7 kg) at Madison Memorial Hospital in Rexburg after her mother’s boyfriend [Guadalupe Gutierrez-Juarez] raped her. The man, an undocumented immigrant from Mexico, was jailed on one felony count of rape with impregnation; Chasearez was jailed as well for failing to provide proper prenatal care. Juarez was sentenced to 5 years to life.
* April 2006: A young girl in Abbeville, South Carolina, gave birth by cesarean section. Her 26-year-old stepfather, William Edward Ronca, raped her. The baby was placed up for adoption. Ronca admitted to having molested the girl over a two-year period and was sentenced to 25 years in prison and is currently incarcerated in the Allendale Correctional Institution.

Three times in more than 20 years. If you went all the way back to 1969 (i.e, more than 50 years), you’d only add five more cases to the list.

Pregnant 10-year-olds are very, very rare in the United States, but somewhat more common in Latin America and, while it would obviously be unfair to impugn the culture of an entire continent based on a relative handful of cases, a few examples will perhaps suffice to make the point:

  • BOLIVIA, 2010 — A 10-year-old girl from El Torno gave birth by cesarean section to a girl weighing 2.3 kg (5.1 lb) at the Instituto Maternológico Percy Boland in Santa Cruz de la Sierra. Three of the girl’s brothers raped her. They were 15, 17, and 19. The youngest one was her child’s biological father.
  • BRAZIL, 2012 — In late December 2011, Antônio Lisboa Filho, age 28, discovered that his ten-and-a-half-year-old daughter, whom he had been raping regularly since she was eight, was 4 months pregnant. He fled from Coroatá, Maranhão with his wife Maria Alves Conceição and their other children, abandoning the girl with her maternal grandmother, Francisca Maria Conceição. Conceição alerted authorities of the rape and the parents’ subsequent escape. As the pregnancy had advanced past the legal cut-off date for abortions, the girl delivered the baby via cesarean section in early May 2012, a month before term. Police also suspected the man of raping the girl’s 8-year-old sister.
  • PERU, 2012 — Laura Marina Villanueva’s older sister’s 45-year-old companion, Gaudencio Castañeda Pulido, a former soldier and her neighbor, raped the girl three times, just before her birthday on June 24; he had previously impregnated the girl’s then-15-year-old sister. Her pregnancy was discovered in late September, at 19 weeks, by chance after she was admitted for a snake bite. Castañeda Pulido went on the run when the discovery was reported in the media and continued threatening to kill the girl and her mother, Nidia Villanueva Tolentino. On January 24, 2012, she delivered a 2.21 kilograms (4.9 lb) boy by cesarean section, whom she named Justin, after singer Justin Bieber. Castañeda Pulido was sentenced to 35 years in jail.
  • PARAGUAY, 2015 — The 10-year-old girl was brought to an Asunción hospital by her mother, who believed that she had a tumor, where doctors discovered that she was five months pregnant and alerted authorities. They told the mother that her daughter’s life was at risk and she requested permission from the Paraguayan government for an abortion, which was denied. The case caused debate nationally and abroad about Paraguay’s strict anti-abortion laws. The stepfather fled, but was arrested in Boquerón, Caazapá Department. He denied paternity but a DNA test came out positive. Mainumby’s mother had denounced Benítez for sexual abuse of her daughter four times in the previous year, yet authorities never intervened. After the pregnancy’s discovery, she was herself arrested and charged with negligence and sexual abuse of a child, and sentenced to two months in prison for the former.

This list could be extended quite a bit, because 10-year-old girls in Latin America have given birth to more than 20 babies since 2004. As I say, one can’t condemn an entire continent’s population based on a few extreme cases, but my point is that when I saw a story about a pregnant 10-year-old in Ohio, I assumed either (a) the story was phony or (b) this case involved immigrants, probably from Latin America.

So, what was presented by the media as a morality tale about the importance of abortion “rights” turns out to be, instead, a story about social problems caused by illegal immigration. Ace of Spades offers some enlightened legal commentary:

Question: If this mother had some kind of deal permitting this man sexual access to her nine year old child, and then couldn’t decide if she wanted to abort his baby or not… is this really the kind of thing we have to contort ourselves writing exceptions and corner-cases in the law to cover?
Does the law have to take into consideration every single monstrous perversion the human mind can contemplate?
And note that the Attorney General already stated he believes that this was all a lie from the start — that Ohio’s abortion law contains an “emergency medical exception” clause that would cover this case.
A thread collected at Twichy notes that we are discovering that there are quite a few r@pes of both the forcible and statutory kind which are never detected or punished — because Planned Parenthood dodges its reporting requirements and, of course, “disposes of the evidence.”

There are no “winners” in these stories, you see. The tribalism of identity politics inspired the media to try to score points at the expense of Republicans for outlawing abortion, to which we naturally objected and, once the facts were known, it seemed it might more appropriately be scored a loss for Democrats, as it is their open-borders policy that permitted this to happen in Ohio (instead of Mexico or Guatemala or some other miserable sh**thole country where such atrocities seem to be more common). It does no good for us to clutch our pearls and bemoan the media’s politically motivated promotion of misleading narratives, when the real problem is that the Democratic Party has irreversibly committed itself to every evil thing imaginable — from transgender toddlers to taxpayer-funded late-term abortion to transforming the country by importing millions of impoverished foreigners (who, of course, are expected to vote Democrat). They are the Party of Evil, the Party of Crime, the Party of Perversion. And our so-called “mainstream” media are merely Democratic operatives with bylines.


In The Mailbox: 07.14.22

Posted on | July 14, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.14.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

EBL: Is Ukraine about to go on the counter offensive?, also, Ivana Trump, RIP
Twitchy: Don Lemon says journalists aren’t doing their jobs if they don’t portray Republicans as dangerous to society
Louder With Crowder: Enes Freedom Dunks on LeBron James After Latter’s Idiotic Comments About America, also, Twitter Includes Poop Emoji Tweet as Legal Evidence Against Elon Musk, So Elon Responds With More Poop
Vox Popoli: Russia Won the Oil War, The Unvaxxed Shall Inherit the Earth, and Backings Old and New

American Conservative: Anti-Gay Telescope Tyranny!
American Greatness: Federal Judge Sentences 69-Year-Old Grandmother With Cancer to 2 Months in Jail For ‘Parading’ in the Capitol on January 6, also, Judge Grants Missouri & Louisiana AGs Discovery in Collusion Case Against Top Biden Officials & Social Media Companies
American Power: Inflation’s Still Screaming
American Thinker: Snack and Die Early, Where the Rednecks Roam, and The Party of Violence
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Underground Bunker News
Babalu Blog: Cuban dictatorship pays prison guards nearly 50% more than they pay doctors, also, Reports from Cuba – Havana, a dead city with ‘more police than people on the street’ and no lines
Baldilocks: My Free Substack Content, also, My Paywall Content at Substack
BattleSwarm: Two Doses of Neil Oliver, also, SIR! You have CROSSED THE LINE!
Behind The Black: New Hawaiian law takes control of Mauna Kea away from astronomers, Today’s blacklisted Americans, and Falcon 9 launches cargo Dragon to ISS
Cafe Hayek: Some Links
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: The Supreme Court finally strikes a blow against the Administrative State, also, Why the Democrat Left in General and Elizabeth Warren in Particular hate Pregnancy Centers in five words: No opportunity for Government Graft
Don Surber: Don’t bail out Ukraine
First Street Journal: Bidenflation!, also, I wonder how many Philadelphia workers used this to get around the city’s #VaccineMandate?
Gates Of Vienna: Marx and the Banning of Elements in the Periodic Table, Ukrainians Say – Germans Must Freeze to Death For Our Sake!, and Cultural Enrichment Among the Homeless in Austria
The Geller Report: Democrats Unanimously REJECTED Amendment to Increase Penalties For All Child Sex Trafficking offenses, also, “Too obscene to describe”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, The Southern Ring Nebula, and Not Everything Is About Your Sexual Orientation
Hollywood In Toto: Bill Burr: Live at Red Rocks Wobbles on Woke Humor, Shreds Feminism, also, Will She Said Include ‘They Knew?’
The Lid: Biden Appointee Resigns for Unethically Making $1 Million with University During White House Stint
Legal Insurrection: LA County DA Gascón Closing Unit That Tells Victims of Assailant’s Parole Hearings, The Great Realignment, and After Sri Lanka, Globalist Green Agenda Pushes Ghana To Brink of Collapse
Nebraska Energy Observer: Clarity
Outkick: Deion Sanders Shares Why He Thinks There Are So Few Black Players In The MLB Today, White Sox Fans are Desperate to Get Tony La Russa Fired, and Freddie Freeman’s Former Agent Casey Close Files Libel Suit Against Doug Gottlieb
Power Line: What Did Socialists Use For Lighting Before Candles?, also, Fact-checking: The final frontier
Shark Tank: Florida GOP Poll Shows Mills Leading Sabatini
Shot In The Dark: Recruitment, also, WaPo – “Poor Poor Pitiful We”
The Political Hat: Killing Babies: Leviathan Takes Baby From Parents To Kill; Flanders Kills 10% Of Its Babies; Euthanasia Saved Babies?
This Ain’t Hell: Military Times Foundation’s Soldier of the Year is a Stud, Fake Marine Pleads Guilty in Stolen Valor Case, and Aftermath of the Good Idea Fairy
Transterrestrial Musings: The Bar Exam
Victory Girls: Roundup Time: Desperate Times, More Desperate Democrats
Volokh Conspiracy: It Must Be Nice To Have John Marshall On Your Side, Except for Indian Law
Watts Up With That: Aussie PM Faces Defeat on First Major Climate Bill
Weasel Zippers: Man Accused Of Plotting To Kill Progressive House Chair Pramila Jayapal, Dazed And Confused: Joe Biden Is Led Off Stage Following His Speech In Israel, and Biden Backs Canada Restarting Russian Pipeline After Killing US-Based One
The Federalist: Even Occasional Cortex Is Doing A Better Job Questioning Capitol Security Features Than The Theatrical J6 Committee, American Press Is Ignoring The Dutch Farmer Protests Because They Hurt Its Climate Fearmongering Campaign, and Courts Squash Democrats’ ‘Most Secure Election’ Lie
Mark Steyn: Victims of the Vaccine, Orange in the Age of Protocol, and Partying in the Palace Pool

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Darwin Smiles

Posted on | July 14, 2022 | Comments Off on Darwin Smiles

Extinction occurs when a species fails to adapt to its environment, and feminists are not very adaptable:

From the day she got her first period, Olivia Downs has known that she does not want children.
And so, when the 22-year-old visited a new OB-GYN in June, she brought up the possibility of getting her tubes tied, also known as tubal ligation. Downs expected to be questioned about pursuing sterilization at such a young age but she did not anticipate a lecture about how she might “meet Mr. Right” and change her mind.
Her sardonic retelling of the appointment went viral on TikTok last month, amassing 3.4 million views. Thousands of people — including many like-minded women — flooded the comments to weigh in on whether 20-somethings should be eligible for the procedure.
“A lot of women are frustrated because they can’t seem to make decisions for themselves,” Downs told The Post.
Young women who declare they don’t want children have always faced pushback, but the US Supreme Court’s recent decision to overturn the landmark abortion decision Roe v. Wade, has forced Americans — and particularly women of childbearing age — to seriously consider how to manage their bodies as their reproductive rights and choices diminish.

(Actually, you idiot, women’s “reproductive rights,” to use your phrase, are not likely to be restricted in any Northeastern state, since all the Supreme Court did was to return authority to the states in terms of the legality of abortion.)

For Downs, who attends college in Massachusetts and is wary of taking hormonal birth control due to the possible side effects, the Supreme Court’s decision has created additional urgency around getting the procedure done.
“It does kind of scare me a little bit,” she said of Justice Clarence Thomas’s majority opinion. “This is definitely something that I would want to get done sooner rather than later, considering the way this country is moving right now.”

(Actually, you idiot, Alito wrote the decision and, does Olivia Downs seriously think her “right to choose” is at risk in Massachusetts?)

Tubal ligation — in which the fallopian tubes are cut or tied — is one of several surgical sterilization procedures, including salpingectomy (removal of the fallopian tubes) and hysterectomy (removal of the uterus), that women can undergo for a multitude of health reasons and as a form of permanent birth control.
Janessa Puckett has been inquiring about a tubal ligation since she was 23 years old.
Now nearly 30, and living in Louisville, Kentucky — a state with an abortion trigger law — Puckett told The Post that she is angling to get the procedure done as soon as possible.

(Post the GoFundMe and we’ll all pitch in to pay for it.)

“I’m just one of many people for which the fire under our collective a– has been fanned in such a violent, visceral way,” she said.
Puckett works as a middle school English teacher and loves children but has never wanted her own. In fact, she said giving birth and being forced to be a parent are her biggest fears.

(This demented woman should never be allowed near children.)

Zaria Grey, 28, wants to get sterilized even though their partner already has had a vasectomy.
Grey (who uses they/them pronouns) lives in Columbus, Ohio with Lukas Killian, 27. Growing up as the eldest of five siblings living below the poverty line, Grey knew they did not want children from an early age.
The pharmacy technician told The Post that reading the Roe draft leak in May, and then hearing the official court decision “definitely added more pressure” on getting sterilized, as Ohio had a trigger law in place.
“I want to take care of my own birth control,” Grey said. “It’s definitely put a lot of fear in my heart that I have absolutely no control over my future. Even less on my body, especially being a Black woman living in America.”

Sterilization should be mandatory for everybody who uses “they/them” pronouns. Mentally defective people should not be reproducing. If anyone expected conservatives to object to these freaks, fanatics and weirdos subtracting their DNA from the gene pool, you’re wrong. We applaud this and wish to do all we can to encourage it. Gosh, if only we could round up all these feminist freaks in camps, and use them as test subjects for medical experiments . . . Lebensunwertes Leben!

Fortunately, none of that Third Reich stuff will be necessary because these “undesirables” have chosen self-inflicted genocide. “Survival of the fittest” is so much easier when the unfit, recognizing their own genetic inferiority, decide for themselves that it’s wrong for them to reproduce.


Late Night With In The Mailbox: 07.13.22

Posted on | July 14, 2022 | Comments Off on Late Night With In The Mailbox: 07.13.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1777
357 Magnum: Carjackings In Chicago Set Six-Month Record
EBL: Bogoda Breakfast Taco Tuesday with Doctor Jill Biden, also, Monty Norman, RIP
Twitchy: Rep. Schiff Claims DOJ Has “More Than Enough” Evidence To Investigate Trump, also, New Yorkers! Fight Inflation By Spending $10 On A Popsicle!
Louder With Crowder “I Feel Sad for What Happened”, also, “Laws Prevent Reading This Material to Children”
Vox Popoli: 48 Facts Against the Vaxx, Evil Always Inverts, and Evolutionary Epicycles and Episyntheses

American Conservative: Boris Johnson Missed His Churchill Moment, also, A Military At War With Americans
American Greatness: John Durham Asks Federal Court to Issue 30 Subpoenas For Steele Dossier Source Igor Danchenko’s Trial, also, Biden Insists Democrats “Want Me to Run”
American Power: “I Made A Huge Mistake Voting For Biden”, also, Social Justice Warriors Turn Victims Into Killers
American Thinker: Republicans Must Listen to Voters, Not the Media, also, Who Runs the USA?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Two more Radio Mambi hosts quit, refuse to work for Soros-funded leftist group, also, The 13 de Marzo Tugboat Massacre
BattleSwarm: Threaten To Kill Ted Cruz? Enjoy Your Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free Card
Behind The Black: Pushback: Doctor blacklisted by Twitter for citing peer-reviewed research threatens lawsuit, Icy scarps in the high southern latitudes of Mars, also How the localized nature of Democrat vote tampering will influence the 2022 election
Cafe Hayek: Milton Friedman on Inflation
CDR Salamander: Ukrainian Lessons as Old as Time: Logistics-Auxiliaries-Prizes
Chicago Boyz: Screen Size and Depth of Dialogue, also, Heatwave
Da Tech Guy: The Biden Administration Should Thank God for the Job Ron DeSantis is doing in Florida
Don Surber: Support for transgenders falls, Why Dems don’t care about inflation, and Democrats will kill small business with a $250 billion tax
First Street Journal: Why should we trust the credentialed media if they won’t check their own stories?, also, 73-year-old man murdered by teens in Philly
Gates Of Vienna: Some Like It Hot, The Grassy Knoll of the Lars Vilks Case, and The Third Boer War
The Geller Report: Trump coming to Arizona for rally in support of Kari Lake and other GOP candidates, also, Will The U.S. Fall Just As Rome Did?
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, Stephen’s Quintet in a New Light, and Don’t Know Much Biology
Hollywood In Toto: How Warhol and Chappelle Approached Art, Truth and Beauty, Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris Bakes a Class Conflict Soufflé, and Avatar Baddie Stephen Lang Makes Mid-Century Worth a Look
The Lid: How Biden Blew The Chance For Middle East Peace
Legal Insurrection: Looming Rail Labor Strike To Further Stress America’s Reeling Supply Chain, Inflation is Heating Up – CPI Hit 9.1% in June, Highest Rate in 41 Years, and CNN Columnist Says Republican Latina Candidates “Not Real Deal”
Michelle Malkin: Why Some of Us Can’t Dine in Peace
Nebraska Energy Observer: Will the Centre Hold?
Outkick: Enes Kanter Freedom To LeBron James On USA, Brittney Griner – “Feel Free To Leave, Buddy”, Kansas City Royals Will Be Missing 10 Players in Toronto Due to Vaccination Status, LeBron James Fails Miserably In Attempt To Clarify Asinine Brittney Griner Comments, and ESPN Gets Duped By “Ballsack Sports”
Power Line: Who In His Right Mind, Guest Post: EVs Are Not the Future, and Inflation hits 9.1 percent
Shark Tank: Donalds Says Republicans Couldn’t Get Away With Making ‘Breakfast Tacos’ Remark
Shot In The Dark: The War On The Good Guys, Cancel Culture Keeps Banking Hours, and When I Fight Authority Authority Always Wins
This Ain’t Hell: Strategic Petroleum Reserve oil diverted to other countries, A pro-abortion group offers to pay people to harass justices, and Bidenomics – Recession checklist
Transterrestrial Musings:  Jeff Goldstein, also, Return Of The Jedi
Victory Girls: Inflation Is Why No One Cares About January 6th
Volokh Conspiracy: Stephen Carter Makes the Case for Barring the Bar Exam
Watts Up With That: Let the Litigation Flow!, also, Federalism Is the Key to Demonstrating the Disaster of Green Central Planning
Weasel Zippers: Several Babies Reportedly Left To Die In Minnesota After Failed Abortions, Sen. Hazy Moron (D-HI) Claims It’s Ridiculous To Refer To Founding Fathers When Interpreting Constitution, and A Very Confused Joe Biden Lands In Israel, Immediately Asks “What Am I Doing Now?”
The Federalist: Democrats’ Abortion Witness Further Proves Higher Education Is A Den Of Leftist Nutjobs, Senate Trotskyite Has No Idea How Mutual Funds Work, and How Vax Mandates And Regulatory Red Tape Created A Critical Airline Pilot Shortage
Mark Steyn:

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In The Mailbox: 7.13.22 (Afternoon Edition)

Posted on | July 13, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 7.13.22 (Afternoon Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

While you’re out saving a bunch on Prime Day, remember who died to make this possible.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

“Does this smell like chloroform to you?”

357 Magnum: Don’t Defend Yourself In Manhattan
EBL: Help Save Jeff Goldstein’s Home, also, The Terminal List
Twitchy: NYT Wants You To Sympathize With Poor Fedboi Ray Epps
Louder With Crowder: Author of The Terminal List Laughs Off Leftist Critics: “They Don’t Like American Flags”, also, Dave Chappelle’s “Transphobic” Netflix Special Gets Nominated for an Emmy Award
Vox Popoli: Human Fertility Fall, Fighting on Two Fronts, and The West’s Fatal Flaw
Stoic Observations: Hometown Memories

Adam Piggott: Greasy Pole #22 – The Big Black C*** Episode
American Conservative: The Dutch Farmers’ Uprising
American Greatness: In Leaked DOJ Docs, FBI Informant Says Proud Boys Didn’t Intend To Enter Capitol, Were Only There To Protect Trump Supporters, also, Majority Of Democrats & Young Voters Polled Want To Abolish SCOTUS
American Thinker: Hopelessness is all the Democrats have left
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Faster Than Light News
Babalu Blog:  The ‘bodega’ case will hurt Democrats, also, Over 100 acts of repression in Cuba on the anniversary of July 11 protests
BattleSwarm: An End To The German Economic Engine?
Behind The Black: Red China launches another comsat for its space program, Today’s blacklisted Americans, and Superheavy prototype #7 explodes during tanking test
Cafe Hayek: And Student-Loan Forgiveness Didn’t Help, also, More on BA.5 and Media Histrionics
CDR Salamander: Check Your Magazine Inventory Recently? missile>bomb>shell>bullet>blade>club>fist>teeth
Chicago Boyz: ChicagoBoyz KC Meetup, 10/7-9
Da Tech Guy: Ask Yourself These Questions, Neurotic Liberals Explained in One Sentence, and Democrat angst in Pennsylvania
Don Surber: They reversed Roe. Sullivan should be next, Transgendering? It’s butchery, and Biden’s landslide areas turning red
First Street Journal: Will the next set of #COVID19 restrictions come on November 9th?, also, Irresponsible journolism from the Lexington Herald-Leader
Gates Of Vienna: The Wonderful Land of OddThe Cedar-Riverside Explosion, Eight Years On, and We Can Get It For You Wholesale
The Geller Report: FBI Confidential Human Source INFILTRATED Proud Boys, Ran FBI Operation on J-6, Reported They Were INNOCENT, also, Liz Cheney Epitomizes Never Trumpers’ Betrayal Of Our Nation
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, Ripping, and A Blogger Could Use Some Help
Hollywood In Toto: More Proof We Crave Uncensored Comedy, Did Delays Do Stallone’s Samaritan a Massive Favor?, and Is This Why Chappelle, Louis CK Are Snagging Awards Season Love?
The Lid: Jill Biden’s Joe-Type Blunder And Apology, also, How Bad Will Joe Biden’s Recession Be? Try This
Legal Insurrection: Court Orders U. Delaware to Explain Refusal to Release Biden Senate Papers, Georgetown Law Prof Slammed for Calling Supreme Court ‘Actively Rogue’, and Pro-Abortion Law Prof Says Hawley is Transphobic Because He Said Only Women Can Get Pregnant
Nebraska Energy Observer: Monday History and Current Events, also, You MUST
Outkick: Simone Biles Mistaken For Child On Plane, Offered Coloring Book, Bill Burr Rips Feminists For Not Supporting WNBA, ‘None Of You Went To The F***ing Games’, and Even by NFL Standards, the List of Player Arrests This Offseason is Ridiculously Long
Power Line: Power Line’s Lexicon of Leftist Locutions—Updated, also, The taco apology
Protein Wisdom: God Bless Stephen Green and Instapundit
Shark Tank: DeSantis Spokeswoman Backs Parent Who Challenged School Board Over ‘Pornographic’ Books
Shot In The Dark: The Fickle Girls Of Rock, In Black & White, and, Oh By The Way
The Political Hat: School Smut Hypocrisy, Florida Edition
This Ain’t Hell: Ron Fernandez – The Green Beret that Wasn’t, Michael Moore proposes amendment to repeal the 2nd Amendment, and USS Carl Vinson Sailor found dead
Transterrestrial Musings: Reducing Heart-Attack Risk, also, Moving Fast And Breaking Things
Victory Girls: The Feral Children of America
Volokh Conspiracy: “So No Damages for Past Injury, Due to Immunity—and no Injunction to Stop Future Injury, Due to Mootness”
Watts Up With That: James Webb Space Telescope vs. Hubble, also, Be Proud that we Excel
Weasel Zippers: Millions From Biden’s $1.9 Trillion Covid “Stimulus” Bill Used For Programs To Indoctrinate Children, also, Democrats Have Called Every Election They Lose “Illegitimate” Since George W. Bush
The Federalist: Watch Democrats’ Abortion Witness Insist Men Can Get Pregnant, As Democrats And The Press Turn On Biden, Remember: They Are The Regime That Empowered Him, and Will The U.S. Fall Just As Rome Did?

Amazon Warehouse Deals

Illegal Alien Charged With Raping and Impregnating 10-Year-Old in Ohio

Posted on | July 13, 2022 | Comments Off on Illegal Alien Charged With Raping and Impregnating 10-Year-Old in Ohio

Ann Coulter remarks that now we know why the media weren’t identifying the predator involved in this headline-making atrocity:

A Columbus man has been charged with impregnating a 10-year-old Ohio girl, whose travel to Indiana to seek an abortion led to international attention following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade and activation of Ohio’s abortion law.

(“A Columbus man.” Gotcha.)

Gershon Fuentes, 27, whose last known address was an apartment on Columbus’ Northwest Side, was arrested Tuesday after police say he confessed to raping the child on at least two occasions. He’s since been charged with rape, a felony of the first degree in Ohio.
Columbus police were made aware of the girl’s pregnancy through a referral by Franklin County Children Services that was made by her mother on June 22, Det. Jeffrey Huhn testified Wednesday morning at Fuentes’ arraignment. On June 30, the girl underwent a medical abortion in Indianapolis, Huhn said.

(My apologies for suspecting that this story was entirely made-up, but pregnant 10-year-olds are very rare in the United States, and the lack of corroborating detail in the media accounts led me to think this was like the “hate crime” hoax perpetrated by Jussie Smollett.)

Huhn also testified that DNA from the clinic in Indianapolis is being tested against samples from Fuentes, as well as the child’s siblings, to confirm contribution to the aborted fetus.
Franklin County Municipal Court Judge Cynthia Ebner said the case did not warrant Fuentes — who is believed to be undocumented — to be held without bond.

(Don’t you love the euphemism “believed to be undocumented” as a substitute for the plain English phrase “illegal alien”?)

Ebner said a high bond was necessary, however, due to Fuentes being a possible flight risk and for the safety of the child involved. Before being arrested, Huhn and Det. David Phillips collected a saliva sample from Fuentes, according to a probable cause statement.
Ebner set a $2 million bond for Fuentes, who is being held in the Franklin County jail.

So now the liberals who elected Joe Biden, to support a policy of open borders, will raise money to bail out the child rapist Fuentes, who will then flee back to his miserable Third World homeland where pregnant 10-year-olds are significantly more common for obvious reasons. And the only “moral of the story” that the media will allow us to conclude is that ABORTION SHOULD ALWAYS BE LEGAL BECAUSE ZOMG! A WOMAN’S RIGHT TO CHOOSE! NO UTERUS, NO OPINION!

UPDATE: An Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) source has confirmed to Fox News that Fuentes is an illegal alien from Guatemala.


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