The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Crazy People Are Dangerous

Posted on | July 19, 2022 | Comments Off on Crazy People Are Dangerous

Minneapolis has proved itself a lucrative source of income for Ben Crump, who got his share of a $27 million settlement on a wrongful death claim in the George Floyd case, so now he’s back for another bite with the case of 20-year-old Andrew “Tekie” Sundberg. It is unknown what led to Sundberg’s mental health crisis prior to the six-hour armed standoff that began about 9:30 p.m. when a neighbor (about whom, more in a minute) called 911 to report that Sundberg had fired a gun through the walls of her apartment. Sundberg then holed up in his third-floor apartment while police evacuated the building, set up a perimeter and tried to negotiate his surrender. This continued until about 4:30 a.m. Thursday, when two SWAT team snipers posted on a nearby roof shot Sundberg.

“Tekie” was 4 years old when he was adopted from Ethiopia by Mark and Cindy Sundberg, who said in a statement:

Like millions in America and worldwide, Tekle struggled with his mental health. While we have received very little information thus far, by all accounts, it sounds like our Tekle was suffering from a mental health crisis. . . . The family has been given very little information about why Tekle’s mental health crisis became a death sentence.

Was this basically a “suicide by cop” situation? Trust me, it’s not just black people that get shot by cops in such situations. How many YouTube videos have I watched of bodycam footage where the cops are trying to “de-escalate,” pleading with the suspect — “Just drop the knife, man, so we can talk” — before he finally charges at them and gets shot? This kind of scenario is common enough that I’ve seen it play out dozens of times on YouTube, and involves crazy people of all races and ethnicities, so I can definitely say Cindy Sundberg is wrong about this:

Cindy Sundberg, who is white, said she believes her son would still be alive if he was white like her biological children.
“Everyone knows had it been a white person in that building, they would have talked him out, they would have waited,” she said.

Not true, but so far, we don’t know what it was that prompted the SWAT team snipers to shoot, and it would be irresponsible to speculate. But what went wrong with Tekie?

Steve Scofield coached Sundberg for two years when he was in 7th and 8th grade, and remembered him as a “sweet” kid. Tekle and Scofield’s son were friends.
“He had a big heart, really sweet kid,” Scofield said. “When I saw him a couple years ago when he was an adult, we hugged. He always struck me as a really sweet, misunderstood kid.” . . .
“I just feel like he didn’t get the support he needed, because the Tekle that I knew was just the sweetest kid,” Scofield said. “Every time I saw him, we hugged and we just exchanged kind words. He seemed like a really sweet person to me.”
He last saw Sundberg a few years ago.
“A few years ago my wife and I were out eating and he just happened to work at the restaurant,” Scofield said. “As usual, I gave him a big hug. We talked for a few minutes, and just asked how he was doing. That was the last I saw him.”

His parents said he “struggled with mental health” without getting more specific, and Tekie’s former soccer coach said that Tekie was working at a restaurant “a couple years ago,” so what can explain this descent into deadly madness? When protesters held a “Justice for Tekie” rally outside the apartment building where he was killed, they were interrupted by the woman whose 911 call led to the SWAT standoff:

A Minneapolis mother of two was seen on video confronting protesters who gathered outside of an apartment building where a Black man, Andrew “Teckle” Sundberg, was shot and killed by police last Thursday.
“This is not a George Floyd situation. George Floyd was unarmed. This is not okay,” the mother, identified as Arabella Foss-Yarbrough, was seen on video yelling at a group of protesters on Saturday.
Foss-Yarbrough was the neighbor of Sundberg, and said he shot up her apartment Wednesday evening while she was cooking for her 2- and 4-year-old sons, Fox 9 reported. She said the bullets ripped through her apartment, and nearly left her family dead or injured. . . .
“My kids have to deal with this and probably have a mental illness now because they almost lost their lives. There’s bullet holes in my kitchen because he sat in the f–ing hallway watching me move,” she said while confronting the protesters. “He tried to kill me in front of my kids.” . . .
Foss-Yarbrough called police during the shooting on Wednesday, who helped the family escape. As police responded to evacuate the building, “officers started taking fire,” according to a search warrant. The incident led to a six-hour standoff between police and Sundberg, which ended when two Minneapolis snipers shot the 20-year-old.
“I have Black children; I am a woman of color!” Foss-Yarbrough, who is of Black, white and Native descent according to the star Tribune, yelled at the demonstrators. “If I would have lost my life, would you guys do this for me?”

Yeah, where’s her “social justice”? No matter how much sympathy one might have for “Tekie” Sundberg, the fact remains that he was armed and had fired shots that endangered this woman and her children. However, the incident that precipitated this standoff was not the first time Andrea Foss-Yarbrough had a problem with “Tekie” Sundberg. According to a GoFundMe page set up by her older sister, Sundberg “had been harassing her and stalking [Foss-Yarbrough] for months.” Gosh, isn’t it strange that the media covering this case haven’t followed up on that clue? If I were an editor at a local newspaper in Minneapolis, I’d be expecting my reporters to follow that lead and get to the bottom of it: What was the nature of Sundberg’s “harrassing . . . and stalking behavior” toward this woman? Was it some sort of erotic fixation? Were there other neighbors who felt threatened by Sundberg’s behavior? What about his employment situation? Was he still working? Had he been under psychiatric care? Was there a diagnosis of his mental illness? Was he off his meds?

But we don’t have answers to any of those questions, because apparently the local media in Minneapolis doesn’t know how to follow-up on leads, so all we can say now is what we’ve been saying for years:



In The Mailbox: 07.18.22

Posted on | July 19, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.18.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: What’s The Opposite Of Diversity? University
EBL: The Iranian Bomb, Willis Haviland Carrier Invents Air Conditioning, and How Stable Is Red China Right Now?
Twitchy: Cope – Biden Knows How To Fix Our Problems, It’s Just Out Of His Immediate Control, also, U.S. Attorney’s Office Decides Not To Prosecute Colbert’s Crew
Louder With Crowder: TikToker Virtue Signals Over Pronouns, Gets Slapped By Her Cat , Weird Al Yankovic Gets Canceled by Woke Reviewer Over… January 6?, and Chris Pratt Shares Original Pitch for The Terminal List
Vox Popoli: “All Hell Will Break Loose”, No Gas for Germany, and On the Assassination of Shinzo Abe
Stoic Observations: Full Humanity For All
Gab News: Christians Need To Support Doug Mastriano

Adam Piggott: Across the Rhine and into the Alps
American Conservative: The Battle Ahead, also, Worshipping Dead Horses
American Greatness: Regime Propaganda, Ray Epps, and the New York Times , also, Blame it on the Rain
American Thinker: Don’t Bang on My Teakettle, also, How the NAACP Lets Down American Blacks
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Cuban dictatorship tries to hide the reasons behind the massive protest in Los Palacios Thursday night, Pregnant woman loses baby after she’s injured in assault by Cuban police on residents standing in line for food, and The disgrace that is Pope Francis’ close relationship with Cuba’s murderous dictator
BattleSwarm: Nepotism And Official Oppression in Neches ISD, also, HIMARS vs. Russian Logistics
Behind The Black: SpaceX completes 31st launch in 2022, matching its entire output in 2021, Red Chinese university tests hypersonic space plane, and Pushback: PA school board settles lawsuit and will pay $300K for censoring critics
Cafe Hayek: About Climate-Change’s Economic Cost, also, Retailing Nonsense
CDR Salamander: It’s a Mid-Summer Midrats Melee!!, also, On D+0 on the Opening of the Next Pacific War – we Will Regret not Having This
Chicago Boyz: Starvation and Centralization, also, How to turn a recession into a Depression
Da Tech Guy: The Navy’s “punishments” for the Bonhomme Richard fire explained, Review: Season 2 of Capitani, and Virtue Signaling and Victim Envy
Don Surber: Why we don’t like Fox, also, 14 years after Obama won, Iran gets a nuke
First Street Journal: “She snuck out that night and been with some bad friends.”, also, Hold them accountable!
Gates Of Vienna: Ve Haf Vays of Making You Comply, The Boy Rapist of Skellefteå, and Tough Luck for the Potatoes
The Geller Report: Leaked Audio: Biden Threatened Ex-Ukraine President Poroshenko With Assassination If He Cooperated With Trump, Starbucks CEO Blames Woke Elected Officials For 16 Store Closures In Dangerous Cities, and Hate Group Southern Poverty Law Center Helping Out with the J6 Witch Hunt
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, M33 in Infrared and Radio, and Dealing with Incompetence
Hollywood In Toto: 35 Years Later RoboCop Is as Fresh, Raw and Relevant as Ever, Andrew Schulz: “The Future is Ownership, Not Censorship”, and Woke Is Just Part of the Problem Plaguing the MCU Now
The Lid: More Kamala Harris Staff Escapes Abusive Boss
Legal Insurrection: Elon Musk Lawsuit Response, The Woke Left is Destroying American History at Founders’ Homes, and Liz Cheney Trailing Harriet Hageman By 22 Points In Poll of Wyoming House Primary
Nebraska Energy Observer: Change is good, also, Reflections on a Train Trip
Outkick: Suspected Murderer of Former NASCAR Driver Bobby East Shot and Killed By Police, Former WWE Ring Girl Set to Challenge Longtime Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), and Deshaun Watson Reportedly Intends To Sue NFL If He’s Suspended The Full Season
Power Line: Breaking Free From China?, Sympathy for Ray Epps, and Guest Post: Welcome to Soviet America
Protein Wisdom: Patrick J. Carroll Might Be A Psychopath
Shark Tank: Jake Hoffman Crushes “Fake News” Blog & Gonzalez-Pittman’s Bogus Attacks
Shot In The Dark: Had Enough Of WOMPWAs, also, Just The News!
STUMP: The Death of Ivana Trump: Falls are Dangerous for Seniors
The Political Hat: There Is Nothing More Discriminatory Than “Anti-Discrimination Laws”
This Ain’t Hell: Left-wing group lands big $$$ to help illegals avoid deportation, Culpability Found in USS Bonhomme Richard Fire, and Thomas Wayne Hudson – Even After Death, The Hits Just Keep on Comin’
Transterrestrial Musings: Filling A Vacuum, My Groucho Moment, and Rebooting The Moon
Victory Girls: Fauxcahontas Claims Pregnancy Centers Torture Women
Volokh Conspiracy: New Wave of Russian Emigration is an Opportunity for the West – but one we Seem Likely to Flub
Watts Up With That: John Christy Debunks Climate Models and Extreme Weather Hysteria With Laura Ingraham on FOX News, also, Germany’s Running Out Of Energy: Wind Turbine Construction Stalls, Firewood Becoming Scarce!
Weasel Zippers: Joe Biden Demonstrates Why He’s Totally Fit To Be President, U Mad, Bowser?, and Hunter’s Laptop Shows Dozens Of Meetings With Dad, Business Partners
The Federalist: MSNBC Regular Malcolm Nance Wants You To Kill Your Neighbor, Sri Lanka Is Just The First To Topple In Globalists’ Green Energy House Of Cards, and Fake News Board (Commonly Known As Pulitzer Prize) Defends Award To 2018 Russia Hoaxers
Mark Steyn: The More You Drive: Repo Man and Punk Cinema, Hard to Get Through on the Phone, and (Ah, the Apple Trees) When the World Was Young

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Biden Just Had Such Bad Luck, Y’all

Posted on | July 18, 2022 | Comments Off on Biden Just Had Such Bad Luck, Y’all

As usual, Ace of Spades had the best headline for this:

“Doctor” Jill Biden: Joe Biden Had
Such Wonderful Plans For the Presidency
He Usurped But Darnit, The Actual Task
of Governing Keeps Getting In The Way!

The First Lady was speaking at a gathering of wealthy Democratic donors at a private mansion on Nantucket Island in Massachusetts. Some of my readers may be asking, “Gee, Stacy, how much does a mansion on Nantucket cost?” If you have to ask, you can’t afford it. On the other hand, if you can afford a mansion on Nantucket, why the heck haven’t you hit my tip jar lately? But I digress . . .

What Jill Biden told these rich Democrat megadonors:

“[The President] had so many hopes and plans for things he wanted to do, but every time you turned around, he had to address the problems of the moment . . .
“He’s just had so many things thrown his way,” she said. “Who would have ever thought about what happened [with the Supreme Court overturning] Roe v Wade? Well, maybe we saw it coming, but still we didn’t believe it. The gun violence in this country is absolutely appalling. We didn’t see the war in Ukraine coming.” . . .
“I know there are so many nay-sayers who say we’ll get slammed in the midterms. Okay. The Republicans are working hard, they stick together, for good or evil. So, we just have to work harder,” she said.

Why is her husband such a helpless victim of bad luck? Why do these “problems of the moment” keep happening? Why are “so many things thrown his way”? Well, of course, it’s not as if the Leader of the Free World is actually powerless to influence events. Consider, for example, the Ukraine war. Robert Spencer notes that Jill Biden “did not address the likelihood that Putin invaded Ukraine because he saw with the withdrawal from Afghanistan that America’s political and military leadership was weak, distracted with wokeness, and both unable and unwilling to challenge him in any significant way.” Exactly — we don’t know when Putin decided to invade Ukraine, but a good guess would be last August, when the disastrously bungled Afghanistan withdrawal demonstrated Biden’s weakness and incompetence.

The things that have been “thrown at” Joe Biden are mostly the direct consequences of his own bungling and bad policy choices, not to mention the fact that the Democratic majority in Congress is controlled by its most extreme fringe, so that Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer keep stumbling over themselves in a futile effort to appease AOC and her “Squad.”

And I also have to thank Ace for this relevant meme:

Yes, we all remember what Hunter Biden said about his stepmother.


Rule 5 Sunday: Archer/Summer Illya

Posted on | July 18, 2022 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: Archer/Summer Illya

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Most weeks we go for sexy over cute here on Rule 5 Sunday, but this week we’re going with cute. Illyasviel von Einzbern is the star character of Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya, a magical girl manga & anime that’s part of the ginormous Fate universe. Normally Illya is a Caster, as befits a magical girl, but this is summer, so she gets to dress down in a swimsuit and squirt people with her magic wand transformed into a garden hose, which by Fate logic makes her an archer*. Unfortunately, the summer event is a horror movie, but as Summer BB explains to our heroine, she has nothing to worry about…or does she? Muahahahaha!
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Cartoon by u/Rednal291 on Reddit, part of an ongoing series. Often funny, occasionally somber.

NINETY MILES FROM TYRANNY: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1778, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns.

ANIMAL MAGNETISM: Rule Five Regulatory Friday, and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL: MAGA Miss Me Yet?, The Killers, Linda Ronstadt & Johnny Cash, Ivana Trump RIP, Ukraine Ready To Counterattack?, Bastille Day, Ghislaine Maxwell, Bogoda Breakfast Taco  Tuesday, Trans Tuesday, The Terminal List, Did 4chan Really Hack Hunter’s iCloud? and Stephanie Sansoni

A VIEW FROM THE BEACH: Corrie YeeSalisbury U to Hold Snakehead, Blue Catfish DerbyFish Pic Friday – Jordan WhiteThursday TanlinesWednesday WetnessKeep ‘Em WetTattoo TuesdayGone Fishin’The Monday Morning StimulusPalm Sunday;Do Chesapeake Crabs Suffer from Low Sperm Count?

*Not to be confused with her “twin sister” Kuro, who is an Archer but generally uses knives. Big ones.

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Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

Posted on | July 17, 2022 | Comments Off on Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

Care to guess who was causing problems?

A California amusement park was forced to close early after multiple fights broke out, causing panic.
Buena Park police also said numerous 911 callers also reported shots fired at Knott’s Berry Farm, though investigators determined no shooting occurred at the amusement park.
“We’re currently working an incident at Knott’s Berry Farm involving multiple fights in the park,” the Buena Park Police Department said. “A report of shots fired was reported with numerous 911 callers. Officers were on scene during the calls and determined there was no shooting.”
“Knotts Berry Farm has closed for the night, and we ask you avoid the area until further notice,” the department added in its public advisory published Saturday evening. . . .
Social media video showed park security tackling groups of young people to break up a fight. Additional footage showed a young male being punched multiple times by another park-goer on the pavement.
Orange County Fire Authority said three people were injured in the fights. Two people were transported to area hospitals, while the third declined to be brought in for additional medical treatment.

Gosh, I wonder who these “groups of young people” were?


If you’re looking for family entertainment, skip the amusement park and just go to the zoo, where at least the dangerous animals are inside cages.


FMJRA 2.0: Floating

Posted on | July 17, 2022 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Floating

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I was going to knock this out yesterday, but I kept waiting for links from a usually reliable supplier, but they never showed…anyway, it was an okay week for my Senators. True, we got blown out by the Phillies in two games to start the week (the only win was from Jim Kaat, who went the distance for a 2-hit shutout against Dick Drago) but then took two out of three from the Cardinals at RFK, so we finished the week at .500. True, we’re 16-27 and still in the bottom of the AL East in Pete Da Tech Guy’s draft league, but it’s early in the season.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

No broken coolers this week.

Late Night With Rule 5 Sunday: Hailey Outland
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe Assassinated With ‘Improvised Firearm’

Steve Bannon Gets SWATted
A View From The Beach

Red Sox Win in 10

The Role of Controlled Opposition in Manufacturing Phony ‘Consensus’

FMJRA 2.0: Shamanic Tales
A View From The Beach

Cartel Suspect in Richmond Arrest

Orange Jumpsuit for Hunter Biden?
A View From The Mailbox

In The Mailbox: 07.11.22
A View From The Mailbox
Proof Positive

Not a Whisper Anywhere’: Abortion Story About 10-Year-Old Ohio Girl Looking More and More Like a Complete Hoax
A View From The Mailbox
Proof Positive

Her EBT Card Got Declined
Proof Positive

Illegal Alien Charged With Raping and Impregnating 10-Year-Old in Ohio
The DaleyGator

In The Mailbox: 7.13.22 (Afternoon Edition)
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Late Night With In The Mailbox: 07.13.22
Proof Positive

Darwin Smiles
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 07.14.22
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

The Future Democratic Voters Project and the 10-Year-Old Ohio Rape Victim
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 07.15.22
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending July 15:

  1.  EBL (18)
  2.  A View From The Beach (10)
  3.  Proof Positive (8)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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‘White People Don’t Ride the Bus’

Posted on | July 17, 2022 | Comments Off on ‘White People Don’t Ride the Bus’

When I got hired by The Washington Times in 1997, we moved from small-town Georgia to the D.C. suburbs in Montgomery, Maryland. I found an apartment in Gaithersburg, and told my old college buddy Patrick Carter — who grew up in the suburbs of Washington — how pleased I was with the location: Our apartment was just three miles from the northwest terminus of the Metro rail Red Line at Shady Grove Station, and there was a bus stop right next to the apartment complex, which would make my commute to D.C. much easier.

Patrick’s response was memorable: “White people don’t ride the bus.”

It was one thing to ride the Metro train — everybody did that — but riding the bus? Not something white people did in the D.C. area.

Now, as it happened, on most days either I drove to the Shady Grove Station or my wife dropped me off (“Kiss Ride,” as the sign said), but on days when my commute did involve riding the bus to or from the station, I could vouch for the truth of Patrick’s observation.

Often, I was the only white person on the bus, but if there was another white person on the bus, he usually had the unmistakable look of Got My License Suspended After My Third DUI. Bus-riding was a shameful necessity, a socially stigmatized lower-class phenomenon and, once I perceived this, the fact that I was on the bus — because we only had one car, and my wife couldn’t pick me up that evening for whatever reason — felt like a sort of humiliation: The Downscale Ghetto Cracker.

If bus-riding had such sociological implications in leafy green suburban Gaithersburg, what must be the situation in Queens, N.Y.?

Police are looking for three suspects accused of beating a woman on public transport in what is being described as a racially-motivated attack.
New York City investigators say the three suspects, all women, got into an argument with a 57-year-old MTA bus passenger.
The interaction escalated, and the three suspects allegedly began hitting the unnamed victim over the head with an unidentified object.
The assailants reportedly made aggressive racial remarks to the victim, and said that they “hate white people” and “hate the way they talk.”
“The New York City Police Department is asking for the public’s assistance in ascertaining the whereabouts and identity of three individuals depicted in the attached photo and video in connection to an assault that occurred within the confines of the 102nd Precinct,” the New York Police Department said in a press release.
The suspects disembarked at Woodhaven Boulevard and Jamaica Avenue and fled the scene. The woman is in stable condition, but suffered lacerations and bleeding from the attack and needed three staples to close her head wound.
The authorities are investigating the incident as a hate crime.
“The individuals fled on foot and the victim was removed to Jamaica Hospital in stable condition where she received 3 staples on her head as a result of her injuries. NYPD’s Hate Crime Task Force is investigating this incident,” the report added.

Probably my old buddy Patrick would say, “See? Didn’t I tell ya?” But just try to imagine the media reaction if the roles were reversed in this Queens case, and three white people had beaten up a black person while making hateful comments like that. CNN would be leading with the story every hour, all week long. As it is, they’re ignoring it.


Transgender ‘Rights’ vs. Common Sense

Posted on | July 17, 2022 | Comments Off on Transgender ‘Rights’ vs. Common Sense

Say hello to Demetrius Minor, who was 16 when he was sentenced to 30 years in prison after a plea bargain on manslaughter and carjacking charges in 2011 in Camden County, New Jersey:

A Gloucester Township teenager has admitted to killing his foster father in July.
Demetrius Minor, 16, pleaded guilty Friday to aggravated manslaughter in the July 11 death of Theotis Butts. Minor also pleaded guilty to carjacking in connection with a May 29 incident in which he ordered a couple out of their Pontiac Grand Prix at gunpoint and drove away with their vehicle . . .
The May carjacking incident began shortly before 5 p.m. when Minor approached a couple as they entered their vehicle near their Gloucester Township home. Minor approached the couple and pointed a Glock .45 in the face of the woman. The couple’s infant child was in the car at the time of the incident, and they were able to get the baby out of the car before Minor sped away in their car. The woman’s husband tried to chase Minor in another vehicle but lost track of him. About two hours later in Bridgeton, local police officers who had been alerted to the car theft spotted the Grand Prix and pursued. That pursuit ended when Minor jumped out of the vehicle and escaped.
A warrant had been issued for Minor’s arrest in connection with the carjacking when he broke into Butts’ home on the first block of Hemlock Drive in Gloucester Township on July 11. Butts, a 67-year-old retiree, had taken Minor in from the foster system, though Minor was no longer living there. According to township police records, Minor had burglarized the home numerous times after moving out. Minor stabbed Butts several times and fled to New York City.

These are truly heinous crimes, and this background should be kept in mind when you read about the self-declared “transgender” inmate now calling himself “Demi” Minor:

A transgender woman behind bars at a New Jersey women’s prison impregnated two fellow inmates, prompting officials to move her to a different facility, a report revealed Saturday.
Demi Minor, 27, was moved last month from the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women to the Garden State Youth Correctional Facility — a prison for young adults in Burlington County, a New Jersey Department of Corrections spokesman told
Minor, who is serving a 30-year sentence for manslaughter, is in a vulnerable unit in the new facility where she is the only woman, the spokesman said.
Minor wrote in a blog post on the website Justice 4 Demi on July 15 that she was placed on suicide watch at the new facility “due to the fact that I had hung myself in the van.” She claimed guards denied her request to be strip-searched by a female DOC officer.
“[NJDOC] have violated my right to be safe and free from sexual harassment, by putting me in one of the most violent youth Correctional facilities,” Minor wrote. “While living here at GYSC, I have found my self (sic) under attack by young inmates who are immature and just plain ignorant towards a person like me.”
She said she was briefly transferred to New Jersey State Prison, where she “was called he and him well over 30 times,” adding, “this has not happened to me in years being referred to primarily as a man.”
An earlier post stated that Minor was forcibly removed from the female prison and beaten during the transfer. The DOC declined to comment on the accusations but told it was investigating.
“NJDOC cannot comment on any active investigations,” the agency said. “The Department has zero tolerance for abuse, and the safety and security of the incarcerated population and staff are of critical importance.”
Minor’s move comes months after it was revealed that she had impregnated two inmates while locked up at the female prison after engaging in “consensual sexual relationships with another incarcerated person.”
In 2021, New Jersey enacted a policy to allow prisoners to be housed in accordance with their preferred gender identity. The policy, which must be in place for at least a year, was part of a settlement from a civil rights suit brought by a woman forced to live in men’s prisons for 18 months.
The DOC told it still operates under the policy but “the department is currently reviewing the policy for housing transgender incarcerated persons with the intention of implementing minor modifications.”
Housing decisions, the spokesman said, “are made within the parameters of the settlement agreement which requires consideration of gender identity and the health and safety of the individual.”
Minor will be eligible for parole in 2037, according to the outlet.

Notice that New Jersey did not defend the “civil rights” lawsuit in court, but rather reached an out-of-court settlement, so that the prison policy is not guided by any actual court ruling. There is no judge’s decision we can cite as responsible for this lunacy. Instead, it seems, New Jersey officials simply outsourced their prison policy to the ACLU and, gosh, who could have foreseen that this would produce bad results? Unexpectedly!


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