The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

SJW Tumblrinas: The Root of All Evil

Posted on | April 30, 2022 | Comments Off on SJW Tumblrinas: The Root of All Evil

Back in 2014, when I started researching radical feminism, one of the first things I discovered was the phenomenon of Tumblr, a toxic cesspool that began as a blogging platform with an interface that allowed it to also function as a social-networking site. Tumblr users could “follow” each other, exchange DMs and, most importantly, “reblog” each other’s content. Feminist Tumblr was a notorious bedlam of craziness, where The Discourse™ spiraled into long threads of young women practicing “call-out culture,” i.e., accusing each other of transgressions against intersectional social justice. Whoever your favorite celebrity, whatever your favorite movie or TV show, it was sure to be denounced as “problematic” at some level by the social justice totalitarians of feminist Tumblr — all of whom proclaimed their mental illnesses in their profiles, and none of whom were heterosexual. Tumblrinas were always somewhere in the LGBTQ spectrum, and all of them were suffering from depression, anxiety, ADD, OCD, autism, bipolar disorder and/or PTSD.

What made Tumblr such a natural habitat for this insanity? Wombat explained to me that Tumblr was blogging for stupid people — no skill was required to participate in the discussion, because the “reblog” function made it possible to create a blog composed entirely of other people’s content, so Tumblr naturally attracted a core audience of low-functioning people. A fat bisexual teenage girl with purple hair and a cluster of mental illnesses, too unstable to hold down a part-time job at Burger King, could nevertheless be a fairly popular blogger on Tumblr, and these were the types of people who came to define the platform.

The World’s Worst Web Site™ “was considered a ‘hot’ online property in 2013, when Yahoo paid $1.1 billion for it”:

Three years later, however, Yahoo was forced to declare that Tumblr was “effectively worthless” — a net drain on revenue, with no prospect of future profitability — and in 2017, Yahoo was sold to Verizon for less than 1/10th of what Microsoft had offered for Yahoo in 2008.

In 2019, Verizon offloaded Tumblr for a nominal price, and everybody forgot about the site that once had seemed a potential rival to Twitter and Facebook. Except that what happened on Tumblr during the years when it was a “hot” site turns out to have played perhaps a pivotal role in contemporary culture. Bill Hurrell at American Greatness has a brilliant analysis of how Tumblr fans of the TV show “Glee” were the online laboratory from which “cancel culture” emerged.

(Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.)


In The Mailbox: 04.29.22 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | April 30, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.29.22 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Smert’ DGB!

357 Magnum: When Seconds Count, The Police Are An Hour Away
EBL: Baldilocks & The Two Bears [N.B. no, not that Baldilocks], also, The Liberation Of Dachau
Twitchy: Elon Musk’s Response To Occasional Cortex Is “LOL Of The Century”, also, @Jack Lies About His Mistakes Leading Twitter
Louder With Crowder: Highway Patrolman Shot, Heroic Bystanders Swarm The Scene To Subdue Perp And Help Officer
Vox Popoli: No Unity With The Devil, also, Congress Goes To War
According To Hoyt: Principles Are A Grand Thing [John Ringo], also, You Go To War With The Underwear You Got On
Monster Hunter Nation: We Knew The Twitter Game Was Rigged, But Damn…, also, Capitol Punishment – The Movie
Stoic Observations: On Slow Horses

American Conservative: Honoring Cesare Santangelo’s Victims
American Greatness: McConnell’s “Exhilarating” Insurrection, also, Ron DeSantis Leads The Republican Charge Against The DGB
American Power: College Graduates Head For Amazon & Starbucks In Search Of Jobs, also, Kara Swisher On Elon Musk
American Thinker: This Scary Experiment Explains Two Years Of COVID Hell, also, What Would Rush Say?
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Golden Years Friday
Babalu Blog: Dem. Rep Val Demings Holds Town Hall With Cuban-Americans, Praises Castro Supporter, also, Cuban Peso Continues To Lose Value As Inflation Skyrockets
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For April 29
Behind The Black: Red China’s Long March 2C Launches Two Earth Observation Satellites, Surprise! FAA Delays SpaceX Approval At Boca Chica Another Month, and Today’s Blacklisted American (RIP)
Cafe Hayek: Once Again, Effort Is Only Productive If It Enhances Consumption
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Maura Healey’s Climate Plan Will Decimate Massachusetts’ Economy, also, One Thing The Left Should Remember About The DGB
Don Surber: Household Income Dropped 10.9%, also, DeSantis To Fight Biden’s DGB
First Street Journal: The Journolism Of The Philadelphia Inquirer, also, Freedom Of Speech & The Special Snowflakes 
Gates Of Vienna: They Have Plans For Us, also, Palestinian Demo Thwarted In Berlin
The Geller Report: “Nonprofit” Pushing 1/6 Ballot Disqualifications Funded & Led By Democrats, also, Hunter Biden’s Emails Provide Ample Evidence to Warrant Special Counsel
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, I’m Not Making This Up, You Know, and The Storm Around Saturn’s North Pole
Hollywood In Toto: Hollywood’s Franchise Infatuation Hits New Low
The Lid: “The Closet Is Bare”
Legal Insurrection: Derek Chauvin Files Appeal, Catalogues Pervasive Trial Misconduct & Irregularities, Chuck U. Schumer Thinks Higher Taxes Will Solve Inflation, and Biden’s Plans To Cancel Student Loan Debt Will Make Things Worse
Nebraska Energy Observer: Scattershot Friday
Outkick: Danica Patrick Has Tupperware Tits Removed, Says She Feels Healthier, MLB Suspends Trevor Bauer For Two Years For Domestic Violence Allegations, and Mets Hurl Second No-Hitter In Franchise History
Power Line: How Much Longer Can This Go On? also, Speaking Up For The MPD
Shark Tank: Demings Meets With Progressive Supporter Of Convicted Domestic Terrorist
Shot In The Dark: All In The Timing, also, Ignorance Is Strength
STUMP: All Men Must Die, But They Don’t Have To Die In Office
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, Marine Corps Vet Killed In Ukraine, and Biden Complains Textbooks Being Banned, “Burned” For Not fitting Someone’s Political Agenda
Victory Girls: Biden’s “Mary Poppins Of Misinformation”
Volokh Conspiracy: Higher Education Makes People More Libertarian
Watts Up With That: Climate Colonialists Disrupt African Pipeline, Perpetuate Poverty
Weasel Zippers: Growing Number Of Black Republicans Driving “Erosion” In Biden’s Polling, also, Does Being A Lesbian Make You Better At Jeopardy?
The Federalist: What Has Murkowski’s Vote For Deb Haaland Done To Alaska?, Special Forces Vets Rescue Afghan Family Biden Abandoned, and America Isn’t Responsible For My Student Loans – I Am
Mark Steyn: The Clock Just Struck Thirteen

Amazon Warehouse Deals

In The Mailbox: 04.29.22 (Afternoon Edition)

Posted on | April 29, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.29.22 (Afternoon Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

EBL: Fire Twitter’s Trust & Safety Council
Twitchy: Jonathan Turley Shines A Light On Biden’s DGB In Brutal Thread
Louder With Crowder: Elon Musk Mixes It Up On Twitter – Torches WaPo, Pledges To Put Coke Back In Coca-Cola
Vox Popoli: Global NATO Threatens Red China, also, He’s Not American

Adam Piggott: Care Factor Zero
American Conservative: More People Should Get Jury Duty
American Greatness: Tearing Down The Silicon Valley Wall, also, Education Dept. Training Session Attempts To Change Biology Facts In Favor Of Transgenderism
American Power: How The Elites Lost The Twitter War, also, Just Keep It Off My Timeline!
American Thinker: Democrats – “It’s Not Us, It’s You!”, also, Mounting Debt & Misguided Foreign Policy Risk A Dollar Doomsday
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Student Loan News
Babalu Blog: “President” Of Cuba Says They’re Ready To Go To War To Protect Castro Family Dictatorship
BattleSwarm: Ukraine Update For April 27, also, Switchbladeapalooza
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, Red China Plans Constellation Of Comsats/GPSsats Around Moon, and Dunes On Io?
Cafe Hayek: Speaking Of Liberal Values
CDR Salamander: Return Of The Black Sea Convoy?
Chicago Boyz: Nuclear Power – Has The Time Finally Come?
Da Tech Guy: Lefties – Let Me Introduce You To Twitter’s “Block” & “Mute” Functions, also, Five Fast Thoughts Under The Fedora
Don Surber: Media Spins Recession, also, Joy Reid Loses Half Her Audience
First Street Journal: The Truth Shall Set You Free – Will LibsOfTikTok Set Some Democrats Free? 
Gates Of Vienna: Does Being Vaxxed Increase The Risk Of Traffic Accidents? also, The Violent Fashion Critics Of The Left
The Geller Report: DGB – Biden’s Ministry Of Truth To Police Internet Speech, also, Biden Admits “We’re Out Of Money” But Wants Another $33 Billion For Ukraine
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, It’s A Bad Idea, But Is It Also Illegal? and The Central Scrutinizer
Hollywood In Toto: How A Healthcare Professional Rediscovered Denver’s Grand Musical Past, also, Bill Burr – Liberals Proved Gina Carano’s Point By Firing Her
The Lid: Orwell Got The Story Right But The Year Wrong
Legal Insurrection: Mich. Mom Sues School District Over Wokeness In Kid’s School, NC Lawmakers Stop CRT Seminar From Returning To UNC Chapel Hill, and Energy Secretary Granholm Struggles With EV Charger
Nebraska Energy Observer: Heads Up!
Outkick: Lawsuit Alleges Ryan Clark Refused To Work With Sage Steele, Eight Times ESPN Allowed Lib Pundits To Do What Sage Steele Wasn’t, and Raiders Owner Open To Enslaving Colin Kaepernick
Power Line: Speaking of “Disinformation”, Sheriffs Protest Biden’s Open Borders Disgrace, and Who Will Speak For The MPD?
Shark Tank: Nikki Fried Fundraises Off Charlie Crist’s “Pro-Life” Flipflopping
Shot In The Dark: The Choppers Are In The Air, also, Civil Rights
The Political Hat: Euthanasia – Kill The Anorexic, Kill The Healthy, Just Kill ‘Em All
This Ain’t Hell: The Death Of SPC Bishop Evans, Clouds On The Horizon, and Biden’s DGB
Transterrestrial Musings: The Next Phase Of The War, also, Is Elon Musk A Racist Who Wants To Restore Apartheid?
Victory Girls: GOP Senators Push Back On Student Loan Freeze, also, Boys, Toxic Tractors, & Masculinity
Volokh Conspiracy: New Textbook – Firearms Law And The Second Amendment
Watts Up With That: Morano Explains How Climate Agenda Is Pushing The “End Of Private Car Ownership” And The End Of Meat-Eating
Weasel Zippers: Sec DHS “Doesn’t Know” If Biden Has Released Terrorists Into The U.S., also, Pelosi Mystified Why Americans Blame Democrats For Gas Prices & Inflation
The Federalist: GOP Jumps To 10-Point Lead In Generic Ballot Test, The WaPo’s Repulsive Defense Of Twitter Execs, and Asian Students Excel Because Of Hard Work, Not Rich Parents
Mark Steyn: Sticking It To The Kids, Make The Internet Fun Again, and The Clock Just Struck Thirteen

Amazon Warehouse Deals

Belichick’s Strange Choice Confounds Critics Who Don’t Understand 4D Chess

Posted on | April 29, 2022 | Comments Off on Belichick’s Strange Choice Confounds Critics Who Don’t Understand 4D Chess

Last night my wife and I had dinner with our 19-year-old daughter and her new boyfriend (he passed muster) at a Mexican restaurant, and there’s nothing like a belly full of Mexican food to put me to sleep, so as soon as we got back to our AirBNB, I crawled into bed and crashed. I’d forgotten that it was NFL Draft night, even though I’ve been following all the pundits’ predictions for weeks. Everybody agreed that the New England Patriots — my team, because Mac Jones, Roll Tide! — should focus on defense, particularly cornerbacks and linebackers, as well as looking for a top wide receiver. So I woke up about 4 a.m. today and checked the headlines and HOLY FREAKING COW!

Belichick did what is called “trading down” in the NFL Draft, exchanging New England’s first-round pick (#21 overall) for the Kansas City Chiefs’ first-round pick (#29 overall), as well as third-round (#94 overall) and fourth-round (#121 overall) picks. The reason the Chiefs were willing to do that is they saw a player they wanted badly (University of Washington cornerback Trend McDuffie) available, while the Patriots — despite their own need at cornerback — apparently weren’t high on McDuffie. So they “traded down” and, in the process, gave themselves 11 picks in the seven-round draft. (The Patriots also have two extra sixth-round picks as a result of previous trades with the Rams and Texans.)

Still, the experts were befuddled by Belichick’s choice of University of Tennessee-Chattanooga offensive guard in the first round, because everybody figured Strange for a second- or even third-round pick. Ah, but they don’t understand four-dimensional chess! The players that Belichick might have picked at #21 (including offensive lineman Zion Johnson of Boston College, Alabama wide receiver Jameson Williams and LSU defensive back Derek Stingley Jr.) got taken earlier in the draft and, as I say, they obviously didn’t like McDuffie as much as the Chiefs did. However, there were other cornerbacks still available, including Florida’s Kaiir Elam, who got snapped up by the Buffalo Bills at #23, not to mention Georgia linebacker Quay Walker, who went at #22 to the Packers. But the Patriots definitely needed a real stud on the offensive line, and of the first 20 players picked this year, six of them were offensive lineman. In other words, Belichick could see that there was an unusually high demand for quality linemen in this year’s draft, and if he didn’t get one he liked in the first round, the choices available in the second round (where the Patriots have the #54 overall pick) might not be to his liking. Cole Strange is a genuine beast, 6-foot-5, 307 pounds and incredibly athletic, with the best broad jump performance of any offensive guard at this year’s NFL combine. He’s also smart, with good technique, played in every game for his entire four-year career at UTC, and is exactly the kind of rookie who should be ready to be a starter for the Patriots on Day One in September. Even if nobody else projected him as a first-round pick, think about the psychological factor of Belichick’s choice. It sends a message to Strange: “We believe in you. The team is counting on you. Give us 110%. Don’t let us down.”

Two words: Logan Mankin. A tackle from Fresno State, Mankin wasn’t projected as a first-round pick, but Belichick picked him and switched him to guard, where he became a seven-time Pro Bowl selection, anchoring an offensive line that twice took the Patriots to the Super Bowl. So don’t tell me Belichick can’t pick em.

Something else to think about: Over the past 10 years, no team has gotten higher CAVOE (Career Average Value Over Expectation) from the draft than the Patriots, and Belichick is especially good with late-round picks. Last year, they took running back Rhamondre Stevenson from Oklahoma in the fourth round and, as a rookie, Stevenson was good enough to rival veteran RB Damien Harris (who was himself a third-round choice in 2019). The other starting guard for the Patriots, Mike Onewenu, was a sixth-round pick in 2020, so it’s not as if the extra draft picks that New England got from Kansas City in Thursday’s trade might not produce a starter, or perhaps even a star. You see, back in 2000, Belichick took a player in the sixth round who turned out to be pretty good.

Kid from Michigan. Maybe you’ve heard of him.


Spring Means It’s Time for the Joyous Return of the Big Yellow Button

Posted on | April 28, 2022 | Comments Off on Spring Means It’s Time for the Joyous Return of the Big Yellow Button


As every regular reader of this blog knows, the yellow “donate” button takes you to my PayPal account, where you can contribute dollars, pounds, Euros, shekels, pesos or whatever to support the blog. (We used to accept rubles, but Putin ruined that recently.)

My wife and I are in Ohio en route to Michigan, where our 19-year-old daughter is a college freshman and wants us to meet her new boyfriend. We spent Thursday night at my mother-in-law’s home here in the rustic woodland where I saw bunnies playing in the backyard this morning. While we were driving through Youngstown, I dialed up my old friend Dave Weigel, who’s here in Ohio covering the GOP primary campaign. Weigel, like pretty much every other observer of this campaign, thinks J.D. Vance is the likely winner of Tuesday’s primary.

Trump’s endorsement has Vance attracting capacity crowds in his final campaign stops. There is a weird report today from Rolling Stone that Tucker Carlson swayed Trump toward Vance by repeating some kind of sexual gossip about “David McIntosh, the president of the conservative Club for Growth and a top backer of Vance’s rival Josh Mandel.” The report is deliberately vague about what McIntosh is accused of, and I don’t know why this would be relevant to the Ohio GOP primary. It’s unfortunate this primary has become so contentious. Both Vance and Mandel are Marine Corps veterans, and I think it’s very encouraging for Republicans to be attracting young military veterans as candidates.

That’s my Army son and me at the awards ceremony for the Best Ranger Competition earlier this month at Fort Benning. Everyone on Facebook has made their comments on that photo, and I thought blog commenters might want to have their say. That road trip and this one have disrupted my work schedule this month, and you don’t even want to know about the finances (but just hit the tip jar). What aggravates me about road trips like this is spending hours away from my laptop, so I kill the time as a passenger by scrolling news on my phone, and yesterday I found something that brings me to this unpleasant topic:

Have we all forgotten about notorious grifter Brianna Wu? She inserted herself into #GamerGate as a competitor in the Harassment Victimhood Derby, ultimately seizing the prize from contenders Anita Sarkeesian and the Tattoo-Covered, Mentally Ill Ex-Stripper Whose Real Name Is Chelsea Van Valkenburg. Oh, what a feminist heroine “Brianna” is!

John Walker Flynt as a failed male (left) and after becoming ‘Brianna Wu’ (right).

Of course, Brianna’s transgender identity was never a secret — I mentioned it here in December 2014 — but one of the accusations against Milo Yiannopoulos was that he subjected John/“Brianna” to harassment by writing a February 2015 article “exposing” this status. How do you “expose” something that is already well-known? Never mind that, how about this: Where is the evidence that “Brianna” was harassed? This was one of the things that #GamerGate supporters kept pointing out during the drama of 2014, namely that while “Brianna” claimed to be the victim of terrorizing death threats, not once was a suspect ever identified or arrested by law enforcement. Sure, there were plenty of people on Twitter who said rude things about “Brianna,” but mean tweets are not a crime, or else everyone who ever said mean things about me would be in prison.

The Heroic Victimhood Narrative at the heart of the liberal media’s coverage of #GamerGate could be seen, objectively, as a warm-up for how the media portrayed Hillary Clinton as a heroic victim during and after the 2016 presidential campaign. The idea that it is “unsafe” to be a woman on the Internet — that all women suffer humiliating or terroristic abuse from men in their online interactions — is quite a popular theme among young feminists. Actually, I could tell you some stories about how women online suffer abuse from other women, but I am not at liberty to discuss that time enraged Harry Styles fans on TikTok went beserk after a certain teenage girl mentioned the singer’s receding hairline.

Crazy People Are Dangerous, as I have often reminded you, and there are obviously some kooks out there who need to be banned from the Internet completely, but why bring up Bill Schmalfeldt at this late date? The prevailing narrative is that women and members of “marginalized communities” have a monopoly of victimhood in terms of online harassment. Grifters gotta grift, and the grifter known as “Brianna Wu” parlayed her victimhood into two failed congressional campaigns in the 8th District of Massachusetts. In 2018, she got about 17,000 votes in a primary challenge to incumbent Democrat Rep. Stephen Lynch, then was trying again two years later, but quit in April 2020, blaming COVID-19.

That was so disappointing to me. Nothing would have made me happier than seeing a moderate Democrat like Lynch lose a primary to this kooky fringe candidate, which might actually make it possible for a Republican to win that otherwise safely blue district, but alas, grifters gotta grift and failures gotta fail and, as her critics have pointed out, “Brianna Wu” has always failed at everything, except grifting. If you know anything about Wu, you have to know this, that her claim to be a “game developer” rests entirely on “Revolution 60,” which was the subject of a lot of pre-release hype and subsequent fawning reviews from the “games journalism” community whose biases were the original cause of #GamerGate. To put it bluntly, “Revolution 60” sucked, and there was never any possibility of it becoming popular. The only reason anyone (other than the readers of Kotaku) ever heard of “Revolution 60″ was because Brianna Wu got a certain level of notoriety by piggybacking onto #GamerGate as an alleged victim of harassment. He/“she” was a failure as a game developer, just like he/“she” was a failure as a congressional candidate, and yet the media continue to pretend that he/“she” is a legitimate spokesperson, a credible source on the subject of online harassment.

Yes, NBC News cites Brianna Wu as a credible source, and Wu is also cited as a source in an incredibly one-sided Associated Press story about Elon Musk’s buyout of Twitter. This is why, incidentally, I was on the phone with Dave Weigel yesterday. Whatever his faults, Dave is an actual reporter — someone who goes out on the road and writes about what he personally witnesses, rather than just blabbering on Twitter all day, as so many young “journalists” now do — and I wanted to see how much he remembered about Wu’s #GamerGate drama. He has clear memories of the infamous “Wu-pocalypse” incident, where a comedian pretended to be a psychopath obsessed with Wu, an absurd “threat” that Wu took seriously. Dave’s busy covering the Ohio primary campaign now, but he might get around to taking a look at the whole Twitter “harassment” saga later. In the meantime, I’ve got to pack up and get back on the road for Michigan, to meet my daughter’s new boyfriend, but I might also spend some time this weekend working on an American Spectator column on the subject of “Brianna Wu,” whose KiwiFarms file is more than 3,000 pages long. Lots of research to be done there, IYKWIMAITYD.

Well, on the road again, and with gas over $4 a gallon, I urge readers to recall the Five Most Important Words in the English Language:



In The Mailbox: 04.27.22

Posted on | April 27, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.27.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

The beatings will continue until freedom is restored.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1700
357 Magnum: Seattle City Council Shocked By Police Shortages
EBL: Billy The Kid
Twitchy: Senators Cruz & Hawley Destroy Biden Judicial Nominee Over SPLC Connection, also, Cenk Uygur Barfs Up More Stupidity
Louder With Crowder: Twitter Employee Whines That It’s Like “Working In Ukraine” Now That Musk Owns Him
Vox Popoli: Russia Cuts Off Bulgaria & Poland
Stoic Observations: First World Black Problems
Gab News: Gab Responds – Elon Buys Twitter, So Now What?

Adam Piggott: Red Meat & Rosaries, also, United Australia & Australia One Nowhere On The Vax
American Conservative: Making Vote By Mail Permanent
American Greatness: Nazis In Ukraine, also, DeSantis Signs Bill Creating Election Police 
American Power: A Tyranny Of Moral Minorities, also, MSNBC’s Joy Reid Completely Tanks In April
American Thinker: Don’t Be Afraid To Call It Grooming, also, You Can’t Have A Functioning Nation Without Free Speech
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: DeSantis Rips Administration For Meetings With Cuba’s Dictatorship, also, Lions In Cuban Zoo Dying Of Starvation
Behind The Black: Pushback – Three Idaho U. Students Sue School For Punishing Them Over Opinions, SpaceX Successfully Launches Four Astronauts Into Orbit, and Ingenuity Photographs Perseverance’s Abandoned Parachute
Cafe Hayek: People Don’t Understand Prices
CDR Salamander: Marine View From Down Under
Da Tech Guy: Why Doesn’t The Left Just Make Their Own Twitter? also, The Perfect Expression Of Being What An American Is
Don Surber: What LGBT Rights Really Are, FJB Chants Sink Democrats, and DC Doughnuts Are $57 A Dozen
First Street Journal: Joe Manchin’s Popularity Soars In WV, also, The NYT Really Hates (Other Peoples’) Freedom Of Speech
Gates Of Vienna: Sicilian Court Rules Mandatory Jab Unconstitutional
The Geller Report: DeSantis Bans Zuckerbucks, Creates Election Police Unit, also, John Durham Has Hundreds Of Emails Between Fusion GPS & Reporters
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, A Bright Pearl
Hollywood In Toto: The Elon Musk Effect, also, David Spade’s Cancel Culture Fears Will Make You Scream
The Lid: Joe Biden Failed To Report Over $5.2 Million In Income Used To Pay Hunter’s Legal Fees
Legal Insurrection: Brown U. President Looking For Ways To Cut Ties With “Science Disinformation” Spreaders, Biden Tells Congressional Hispanic Caucus He’s Open To Cancelling “Substantial Amount” Of Student Loan Debt, and NY Supremes Throw Out Democrats’ Gerrymandered Redistricting Map
Michelle Malkin: Orrin Hatch’s Beltway Barnacle Legacy
Nebraska Energy Observer: The War On Western Culture
Outkick: Former NFL Player Suing Joy Reid For Defamation, NASCAR Orders Denny Hamlin To Complete Sensitivity Training, and Deshaun Watson Can Play, But Trevor Bauer Still Suspended
Power Line: The China Syndrome, also, Censoring Johnny The Walrus?
Shark Tank: Nikki Fried Asks – Where Is Charlie Crist?
Shot In The Dark: The Empire Strikes Back, also, The Catholic Vote
The Political Hat: Pre-School Gender Indoctrination
This Ain’t Hell: AF General Convicted Of Sexual Assault Given Stern Talking To, Some Updates, and String Of Suicides On The George Washington
Transterrestrial Musings: If Biden Pays Off Student Loans
Victory Girls: America – The Nameless, The Shameless, & The Soulless
Volokh Conspiracy: A Glossary of Militia Law Terms
Watts Up With That: The Annual Disaster Fake News Story, also, John Kerry – Old-School Playground Bully On Climate
Weasel Zippers: Biden’s DHS Creating An Actual Ministry Of Truth, also, Kevin McCarthy Told Liz Cheney He’s Like To See More Conservatives Banned From Twitter
The Federalist: New Credit Card Will Allow You To Avoid Financing Woke Banks, Leftists Claim Everything Is Racist Except Actual Race Hatred, and Linktree Deplatforms Libs Of Tiktok Without Warning
Mark Steyn: Too Spirited, also, Return Of The Leech

Amazon Warehouse Deals

In The Mailbox: 04.26.22

Posted on | April 27, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.26.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Day 2 of the ongoing Leftist meltdown over Elon Musk’s Twitter buyout.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

More of the current “wisdom”.

357 Magnum: Not Quite Summer In Chicago
EBL: The Elon Musk Song
Twitchy: Twitter Engineer Insists Suppression Of Hunter Biden Laptop Story Wasn’t Targeted Censorship
Louder With Crowder: @Jack Completes Selling Out The Left
Vox Popoli: NATO Is Already At War, also, Good Thing He Doesn’t Fly Planes For A Living

Adam Piggott: The Russians Wear Ties, also, The Queering Of Male Friendship
American Conservative: The Rising Storm Disney Can’t Wish Away
American Greatness: Google Launches New “Inclusive Language” Feature, also, The Ruling Class’ Pantheon Of Lies
American Power: Why I Love Watching The Meltdown Over Musk & Twitter, also, Amazon Employees Melt Down Over Matt Walsh’s Best-Selling Kids’ Book Johnny The Walrus
American Thinker: Fraud Is The Only Issue, also, The War America Should Be Fighting
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Twitter News
Babalu Blog: Are We Cubans As Alone As We Think? also, SIGN THE PETITION: Expel Cuba From The UN Human Rights Council
BattleSwarm: Disney Fallout Roundup, also, Musk Twitter Fallout Roundup
Behind The Black: Pushback – Judge Rules Lawsuit From Professor Suspended For Refusing To Favor Black Students Can Proceed, SLS Rocket Rolls Back To VAB, and SpaceX Signs Up Another Airline For Starlink’s In-Flight Internet
Cafe Hayek: Crowding Out Private-Sector Success
CDR Salamander: Have The Russians Restarted The Odessa Offensive?
Chicago Boyz: What Would YOU Do With Twitter?
Da Tech Guy: The Conservatives At Disney, Dynasty 1970 League Expansion Draft, and I Like Ike!
Don Surber: Biden Heads For The Bunker And Democrats Scramble, The First 2024 Primary, and Only 3% Of Its Subscribers Actually Watched CNN+
First Street Journal: A “Solution” From A Democrat Stuck In The 1930s, also, Killadelphia
Gates Of Vienna: The Struggle Against The Deep State In Slovenia, also, We Want More Administrative Bloat!
The Geller Report: Jeff Bezos Prods Red China To Exert “Leverage” Over Elon Musk At Twitter, also, Federal Judge Blocks Biden From Ending Title 42 At Border
Hogewash: Much Is Proceeding As I Have Foreseen, I Haven’t Changed My Twitter Avatar Yet, and An Irregular Dwarf
Hollywood In Toto: Mark Twain Prize Honors Propagandist Jon Stewart, also, Hatching Brings Body Horror To A New, Disturbing Level
The Lid: Libs Pooping Their Pants Because Musk Bought Twitter
Legal Insurrection: Bama Conservative Students Discuss Wokeness On Campus, MSNBC’s Ari Melber Frets Musk Will Target Democrats On Twitter, and Bad Orange Woman Blames Texas For Guardsman’s Death On Border
Nebraska Energy Observer: Ukraine, also, It’s Too Much
Outkick: After Postseason Disaster, Nets Keeping Steve Nash As Coach, Don’t @Me – What’s The Difference Between Ben Simmons & Simone Biles? Novak Djokovic Eligible To Play At Wimbledon Without Jab
Power Line: The Melber Foresight, also, More Evidence That Masks Don’t Work
Shark Tank: Gov. DeSantis Signs Election Integrity Bill Into Law
Shot In The Dark: Where Will You Be In Nine Years? also, Chilling Effect?
The Political Hat: Neural Implants Mean One Thing – Cyborg Catgirls With Brain Modems
This Ain’t Hell: How To Successfully Pull Off Stolen Valor, MCPON Tells Sailors To Lower Their Standards, and GOP Rep Madison Cawthorn Accused Of Stolen Valor
Transterrestrial Musings: Is Ukraine Our Spanish Civil War?What Elon Should Do About Twitter, and Zero Tolerance For Tolerance
Victory Girls: Taylor Lorenz Whines About Her Own Consequences
Volokh Conspiracy: Why Does Google Hate Mothers? also, What Is Church Autonomy?
Watts Up With That: Comedy Gold – How To Cope With Your “Climate Anxiety”, also, Earth Day Protest A Bust
Weasel Zippers: Slow Joe Has $5 Million In Unexplained Income, also, Fauxcahontas Claims Musk Buying Twitter Is “Dangerous For Our Democracy”
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Killadelphia Update

Posted on | April 26, 2022 | Comments Off on Killadelphia Update

Say hello to Rahajahi Taylor Batchelor, 19, who pleaded guilty earlier this month to gun trafficking charges in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Batchelor was only 17 when he was arrested in September 2020 and, despite his youth, prosecutors said he was one of the “masterminds” of a major illegal firearms trafficking operation:

A Norristown man who as a teenager was accused of being one of the ringleaders of a multi-county gun trafficking network that illegally obtained and sold 44 firearms using straw purchase schemes has admitted to his role in the organization.
Rahajahi Taylor Batchelor, now 19, of the 1100 block of Green Street, pleaded guilty in Montgomery County Court to charges of corrupt organizations, dealing in proceeds of unlawful activities, illegal sale or transfer of firearms, criminal use of a communication facility, possession of a firearm by a minor and conspiracy in connection with incidents that occurred between March and August of 2020.
Judge Thomas C. Branca deferred sentencing so that court officials can complete a background investigation report about Batchelor. Branca said Batchelor will remain in the county jail without bail while awaiting his sentencing hearing, tentatively set for June.
The open guilty plea means Batchelor has no deals with prosecutors regarding his potential sentence. Batchelor potentially faces more than a decade in prison on the charges. . . .
“This 17-year-old was one of the ringleaders that orchestrated the straw purchases of 44 firearms by three adults and then illegally sold those firearms to people who could not legally buy firearms for themselves,” District Attorney Kevin R. Steele said in November 2020 when Batchelor was ordered to stand trial as an adult. “This defendant, along with his co-conspirators, has done a tremendous amount of damage to the safety of our community here in Montgomery County and in the greater southeastern Pennsylvania region.”
At the time of the arrests in September 2020, Steele alleged the organization’s “sole purpose is to make money by putting firearms in the hands of people who cannot lawfully buy and possess guns.”
Authorities alleged the gun trafficking organization was led by Batchelor, Terrence Barker, 21, of Philadelphia, and Mikal Scott, 19, of the 7900 block of Rolling Green Road, Cheltenham. Barker and Scott are still awaiting trial on corrupt organization and related charges.
Earlier this year, Anthony Jamaris McCrary, 26, of Philadelphia, pleaded guilty to charges he purchased 35 firearms via straw purchases at federally licensed gun dealers in the three counties between July and August 2020 on behalf of the gun trafficking network led by Batchelor, Barker and Scott. McCrary is awaiting sentencing.
A straw purchase occurs when a person with a clean background purchases firearms on behalf of another person to conceal the true ownership of the firearm. Those who are unable to legally purchase firearms include convicted felons, domestic violence offenders, juveniles and mentally ill individuals.

It was big news when the bust went down in September 2020:

Authorities dismantled a gun trafficking network operating in Montgomery, Bucks and Philadelphia counties, alleging nine adults and five juveniles, including some from Norristown and Cheltenham, illegally obtained and sold 44 firearms using a straw purchase scheme. . . .
Ashon Jared Pearson, 23, of the 1400 block of Arch Street, Norristown, Jamil Brown, 19, of Philadelphia, John McDonald, 21, of Philadelphia, and Clarence Codada, 18, of Philadelphia, also were charged with allegedly participating in the gun trafficking network. Four other juvenile males who ranged in age from 14 to 17 also face charges. . . .
“Oftentimes, some of the members of the gun trafficking organization accompanied the straw purchasers to the gun stores and helped choose the weapons,” Steele said.
“After the straw purchasers filled out the federal and state paperwork and lied on it, vowing that this gun was for their own use, they walk out of the gun store, they hand over the gun or guns to other members of the gun trafficking organization who immediately sold it, arming the people the law says cannot have a gun,” Steele added..
The charges lodged against all or some of the alleged participants include corrupt organizations, conspiracy, dealing in proceeds of unlawful activities and illegal sale or transfer of firearms. Bail was set for those charged and their preliminary hearings are pending.
“We may never know the true extent of the damage from these 44 illegal guns since guns obtained using a straw purchaser are typically immediately resold to people who can’t legally buy a gun for themselves. Then after an illegal firearm is used in a crime, it’s resold to other felons and the damage grows. It’s a domino effect,” Steele said.
Steele revealed only six of the 44 firearms have been recovered, including one that was linked to a shooting incident in Cheltenham and another seized during a traffic stop of a juvenile in Abington.
Thirty-eight of the guns remain on the streets.

Hey, did I mention that Philadelphia had a record 561 homicides last year? And that Joe Biden got 81% of the vote in Philadelphia? As our friend Dana Pico has frequently pointed out, the per capita homicide rate in Philadelphia is actually higher than Chicago’s. Dana recently did some more arithmetic and figured out that this year’s pace of murders in “Killadelphia” is lagging slightly behind 2021, so that there would be only 537 murders in the city, at the current pace — about 10 murders per week, on average. If any of the perpetrators are Trump voters or NRA members, this hasn’t been mentioned in the news coverage.


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