The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 12.16.21

Posted on | December 17, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.16.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Florence Nightingale is not totally on board with this Santa business, but it seems to be her fate.

EBL: Trying To Explain Socialism, also, Christmas Is Coming, CNN
Twitchy: Peter Doocy Asks Why Biden Is Still Saying You Can’t Spread COVID If You’ve Been Vaccinated
Louder With Crowder: Joe Rogan Defends Chris Pratt Against Liberal Trolls
Vox Popoli: Blue Cross Doubles Down, also, The Party Of Lincoln

Adam Piggott: Formula 1 2021 – The Defeat Of Woke
American Conservative: Elon Musk Contra The Demographic Collapse
American Greatness: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Demands Firing Of Sadistic D.C. Jail Official, also, Kevin McCarthy Under Pressure To Boot Liz Cheney & Adam Kinzinger From The GOP
American Power: Big California Storm Unleashes Flooding & Mudslides, also, Why Democrats Self-Destruct On Crime
American Thinker: To Fix A Cratering Birthrate, Stop Killing Your Children
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Migration News
Babalu Blog: Child Baseball Prodigy Escapes Communist Cuba To Seek MLB Career, also, EU Parliament Condemns Cuba’s Human Rights Abuses, But Not By Much
Baldilocks: A Californian’s Day
BattleSwarm: Log4J & Internet Castles Made Of Sand
Behind The Black: Pushback Against The Blacklists, Red Chinese Rocket Fails During Launch, also, Cracking Glaciers On Mars
Cafe Hayek: Well, Computers ARE Known For Carrying Viruses
CDR Salamander: What Does Anti-Laser Flash Gear Look Like? also, Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: The Ivermectin Of The Salvation Army, also, Happy 230th Birthday To The Bill Of Rights
Don Surber: WaPo Blames Manchin For Biden’s Disastrous Year, also, Slave Owners Rent A Senator
First Street Journal: We Bought A House! also, You Don’t Have To Be A Conspiracy Theorist…
Gates Of Vienna: Boosters Today, Boosters Tomorrow, Boosters Forever!, It’s Time To Quarantine The Vaxed, and Nationalism
The Geller Report: Democrat Ron Wyden Kills Ban On Slave-Made Red Chinese Products, also, Harris Mocked For “Legitimately Stupid” Demo Of Electric Car Recharging
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, Stars Near The Center Of Our Galaxy, and Another Preliminary Injunction 
Hollywood In Toto: Nightmare Alley Tops Del Toro’s Oscar-Winning Shape of Water, also, Here’s How Comedian Tim Slagle Stares Down Cancel Culture
The Lid: Biden Accidentally Reveals Democrats’ Scheme To Steal The Vote
Legal Insurrection: Oberlin Student Op-Ed Urges White People To Attend Fewer Concerts, Major California School Districts Adopt Senseless “Equity” Grading System, and Prosecutors Say Sailor Accused Of USS Bonhomme Richard Fire Was “Disgruntled”
Nebraska Energy Observer: Sounds Of Satan
Outkick: Jaguars Fire Urban Meyer, Penn Swim Parents Send Letter To NCAA Demanding Rules Change, and ESPN Refuses To Correct Or Comment On Bubba Wallace Noose Lie
Power Line: The Real War On Women Is from The Left, The Limits Of Corporate Wokeness, and Twitter Has Gone Nuts
Shark Tank: Florida Sends Team To Aid Kentucky Recovery
Shot In The Dark: When Making your Christmas Shopping Plans, also, Debased
The Political Hat: Twelve Posts Of Christmas, Day 4
This Ain’t Hell: Joe Biden Flying Illegals Back To The U.S., DOD “Workplace & Gender Relations” Survey Of Troops Has Misogyny Gauge, and First It Was Oklahoma…
Transterrestrial Musings: Elon Musk
Victory Girls: Midwest Storms & The Weaponization Of Weather
Volokh Conspiracy: On The Biology Of Sex, Sex Determination, & The Performance Gap
Weasel Zippers: Bidenflation Will Cost American Families $3500, Bad Orange Woman Confirms Biden Left Almost 500 Americans Behind In Afghanistan, and Clinton/Trump Rematch In 2024?
The Federalist: New York City Council Bans Natural Gas From New Buildings, IRS Filings Confirm Left-Wing Zuck Bucks Funneled Millions Into Effort To Elect Biden, and Christopher Bedford Starts Festivus Early With Airing Of Grievances
Mark Steyn: Riding The Authoritarian Wave

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Never Text Your Ex

Posted on | December 16, 2021 | Comments Off on Never Text Your Ex

Say hello to Holly Williams and her boyfriend William Lanway and, while you’re at it, go ahead and say good-bye, because they’re both dead. The couple lived in Nashville, and died there after they attempted an extortion scheme that backfired in the worst possible way. You see, it all started when Holly’s ex-boyfriend, a successful Texas businessman named Erik Maund, decided to get in touch with her:

Mr. Maund, a 46-year-old married auto dealer from Austin, Texas, traveled to Nashville a few times a year to visit a relative, prosecutors said. As he prepared for his trip in early February 2020, Mr. Maund reached out to Ms. Williams, an old romantic acquaintance, asking her to meet up while he was in town, according to the indictment.
On Feb. 5, Mr. Maund allegedly texted Ms. Williams, 33, again, noting he was looking forward to being with her that night.
“Good day beautiful! … I’m in Nashville,” he said, according to court documents. “I’ll meet you in the bar like last time. Text me when you arrive.”
On March 1, Mr. Maund began receiving threatening text messages. Mr. Lanway, 36, was in a romantic relationship with Ms. Williams and wanted Mr. Maund to pay him not to expose the affair, prosecutors said.


Nothing good ever happens as a consequence. Time moves in one direction, and going backward — attempting to rekindle the old flame — is a formula for heartache. And also, perhaps, murder:

On Friday, Mr. Maund and the three men he allegedly paid $750,000 to kill the Nashville couple were arrested on kidnapping, murder and gun charges. . . .
Mr. Maund “communicated multiple times” with Gilad Peled, the owner of Austin-based firm Speartip Security. According to the indictment, the company advertised “responding to extortion demands” on its website. Mr. Peled, 47, said he was a former member of the Israeli Defense Forces and the Mossad.
On March 5, an unnamed accomplice gave Mr. Peled an “Intelligence Report” on Ms. Williams, the indictment said. That same day, Mr. Maund allegedly withdrew $15,000 from his Bank of America account. The money eventually made its way into Mr. Peled’s personal and business bank accounts, according to prosecutors.
Mr. Peled allegedly sent Adam Carey, 30, of Richlands, N.C., who served in the United States Marine Corps’ Special Operations group, to Nashville on March 7 to surveil Ms. Williams and Mr. Lanway.
Mr. Carey sent a report two days later. It included Ms. Williams’ address and vehicle information and confirmed that Mr. Lanway had been staying in her apartment.
“[The report] advised that Adam Carey and others would use ‘everything at our disposal to include, intimidation … ’ to stop the attempted extortion,” the indictment says.
Mr. Carey and other unnamed accomplices tried to contact Ms. Williams and Mr. Lanway on March 10, prosecutors said. They showed up at Ms. Williams’ apartment, but the attempt to speak with her was “unsuccessful,” according to court documents. That day they also allegedly tailed Mr. Lanway in a grocery store but did not approach him directly.
Mr. Carey received additional help the following day when Bryon Brockway, 46, arrived from Austin. According to the indictment, Mr. Brockway owns a security company and served in the United States Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance, a Special Operations intelligence unit.
On March 12, Mr. Carey and Mr. Brockway allegedly confronted Ms. Williams and Mr. Lanway in the parking lot of Ms. Williams’ apartment complex. Prosecutors said they shot Mr. Lanway multiple times, including twice in the head.
They then allegedly forced Ms. Williams into her 2005 Acura sedan and drove her to a construction site while Mr. Lanway’s body was in the car. Once they arrived, Mr. Carey and Mr. Brockway shot Ms. Williams “multiple times including a shot to the head near her right temple,” the indictment says.
The next day, Mr. Carey and Mr. Brockway drove to Memphis, Tenn., where Mr. Brockway got on a flight to Austin, the lawsuit says. Mr. Carey then drove to Austin.
The Metropolitan Nashville Police Department found Ms. Williams and Mr. Lanway’s bodies on April 10, 2020, police Chief John Drake said in a news release — nearly a month after Mr. Carey and Mr. Brockway allegedly killed them.
Since March 11, 2020, Mr. Maund paid “in excess of $750,000” to Mr. Peled, Mr. Brockway and Mr. Carey for “the kidnapping and murder” of Ms. Williams and Mr. Lanway, the indictment says.

Has anyone ever gotten away with a murder-for-hire plot?

OK, Hillary Clinton, maybe, but in other cases, the feds are actually going to try to catch the killers, rather than deliberately covering it up with some “suicide” nonsense, but I digress . . .

My point is that I’ve seen enough true-crime shows on TV to understand how difficult it is to get away with murder-for-hire. Once the cops figure out who had a motive to kill the deceased victims, the rest of it is just a matter of getting warrants to seize your phone, your computer, etc. But that’s assuming that you can actually find an authentic hit man to do the job. Most of the time, when someone tries to hire a hit man to murder their wife or husband or whatever, they end up talking to an undercover cop wearing a wire pretending to be a hit man.

Stupid is as stupid does, however, and a guy that’s dumb enough to text his ex is dumb enough to think he can get away with murder. On the other hand, the two extortionists are dead, so that’s a bit of a silver lining to this dark cloud of stupidity. Also, Hillary Clinton may have gotten away with murder, but at least she never became president.


Speaker Pelosi Denounces ‘Outrageous Lawlessness’ of Her Own Constituents

Posted on | December 16, 2021 | Comments Off on Speaker Pelosi Denounces ‘Outrageous Lawlessness’ of Her Own Constituents

The advocate of “social justice” is shocked — shocked! — that Democratic voters are acting on her party’s anti-capitalist rhetoric:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi blasted an “attitude of lawlessness” across the country Wednesday, decrying a recent surge in smash-and-grab crimes – particularly in her hometown of San Francisco – but refusing to admit it stems from police funding cuts and bail reform measures pushed by left-wing lawmakers.
“It’s absolutely outrageous,” Pelosi (D-Calif.) said when asked about the crime spike. “Obviously, it cannot continue. But the fact [is] that there is an attitude of lawlessness in our country that springs from I don’t know where … and we cannot have that lawlessness become the norm.”
“It must be stopped, and it’s not just San Francisco,” Pelosi emphasized. “It’s in our entire country.”
The brazen group robberies have made national headlines for weeks. Last month, for example, around 80 people raided a San Francisco-area Nordstrom department store and drove off in two dozen cars with up to $200,000 in goods, police said.
Similar thefts have been reported across California, as well as in Chicago. On Tuesday, a visibly frustrated San Francisco Mayor London Breed announced plans to crack down on retail thefts, home break-ins and other criminal behavior that has flourished during the tenure of progressive District Attorney Chesa Boudin. . . .

Chesa Boudin’s parents are terrorist murderers. His mother Kathy Boudin (who had been valedictorian at elite Bryn Mawr College) became a fugitive after she survived the 1970 explosion that destroyed a Weather Underground bomb factory in a Greenwich Village townhouse. By 1981, she had joined fellow radical David Gilbert, Chesa Boudin’s father, in the May 19th Communist Organization, which helped perpetrate the infamous Nyack, N.Y., Brink’s armored car robbery in which a guard and two police officers were murdered. These killers are treated as heroes by the radical Left, of which Chesa Boudin is an unapologetic member. The people who elected Chesa Boudin as district attorney — that is to say, Democrats — knew damned well what they were thereby endorsing.

Or should have known, anyway. Attributing Boudin’s election to voter ignorance is only slightly more plausible than attributing it to deliberate malice. Really, what excuse can there be? “Oops, we accidentally elected a Marxist”? As a parent, one hears all kinds of flimsy alibis from children — who ate all the Oreos? — but people old enough to vote ought to be held to a higher standard of accountability. But even the Speaker of the House is playing the same childish game of pretending to be shocked by the entirely predictable consequences of her own party’s policies.

Democrats are playing the same make-believe games at the White House:

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on [Dec. 2] said the COVID-19 pandemic is “a root cause” of recent organized looting incidents across the country.
Psaki gave the surprising remark when asked at her daily briefing about large groups that have for weeks been descending upon San Francisco, Los Angeles and Chicago-area shops.
“Big cities are dealing with smash-and-grab robberies, a record number of police officers have been shot and killed this year. What is President Biden going to do about all this lawlessness?” asked Fox News reporter Peter Doocy.
Psaki at first pinned the blame on former President Donald Trump for not offering more funding to local police before turning the blame on the pandemic.
“Well, Peter, I would say that when the president proposed additional funding in his budget over the funding that had been proposed by the prior president to increase in support local police departments, make sure we keep cops on the beat,” she said.
“Does the president still think that crime is up because of the pandemic?” Doocy further asked.
“I think many people have conveyed that and also one of the … root causes of crime in communities is guns and gun violence. And we’ve seen that statistically around the country,” Psaki answered.
“So when a huge group of criminals organizes themselves and they want to go loot a store — a CVS, a Nordstrom, a Home Depot until the shelves are clean — do you think that’s because of the pandemic?” Doocy pressed.
“I think a root cause in a lot of communities is the pandemic, yes,” Psaki said.

Why is it that these “root causes” affect only certain “communities”? Why is it always Democratic constituencies perpetrating these crimes?

Don’t expect Nancy Pelosi to answer that, but she has plenty of time to launch a Select Committee to endlessly investigate January 6, because a bunch of people wandering around the Capitol taking selfies is a dangerous “insurrection.” It cannot be said that Democrats have no standards; they actually have two standards — one for them, and one for everybody else. Democrats want to put you in prison if you say they stole the election (friends of mine have been subpoenaed), but meanwhile their own voters are looting Nordstrom and Democrats pretend to be shocked.


In The Mailbox: 12.15.21

Posted on | December 16, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.15.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Mike at Cold Fury needs your help. If you can’t kick in -and I know many of us are in straitened circumstances this year-  at least boost the signal. 

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Komi in a Santa suit, from @PurposefullyArt on Instagram.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1567
357 Magnum: The Progressives’ Destruction Of Large Cities
EBL: Elon Musk Pwns Fauxcahontas On Twitter
Twitchy: Blue Check Shocked That People Don’t Know Racism Against White People “Is NOT A Thing”
Louder With Crowder: Chicago Dad Beaten To Death While Hanging Christmas Lights With His Daughter
Vox Popoli: $40 Million To Kill Ivermectin, A Report From Austria, and We’re Not Locked Out, You’re Locked Out

Adam Piggott: The Last Slaves
American Conservative: How Amazon Crushes Small Business
American Greatness: Comfortable Tyranny, also, The Logic Of California Leftists Will Keep Us All Children Forever 
American Power: Five-Star Emporium Of Ambition In Kinshasa, also, Democrats Legalized Crime And Thousands Died
American Thinker: Joe Biden Vs. The Tornadoes
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: U.S. Food Exports To Cuba Up 91%, also, France Gives $43 Million Gift To Cuban Dictatorship
Baldilocks: Nothing Better To Do
BattleSwarm: Cuomo Casho Nomo
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, Visible Clean Water Ice On Mars, and Webb Launch Delayed Two Days Due To Ground Equipment Issue
Cafe Hayek: Kinds Of Order In Society Part II, also, Hung Up On Individual Rights
CDR Salamander: The Terrible 20s With A British Accent
Da Tech Guy: Sicilian Thoughts Under The Fedora, also, More Proof That Men Won The Sexual Revolution Hands (And Pants) Down
Don Surber: 65% Aren’t Very Worried About COVID, also, CAIR-Ohio Fires Director For Being Anti-Terrorist Mole
Gates Of Vienna: Be Careful Not To Insult Politicians, The Diocese Of Perpetual Fear, and “Israel Has Transformed Into A Dictatorship”
The Geller Report: 1/6 Committee Admits Altering Text Message Between Jim Jordan & Mark Meadows, also, Tensions Rise In Judea & Samaria As Hamas Pushes For War
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, Touching The Sun, and Off-The-Shelf Solutions For A High-Class Problem
Hollywood In Toto: Hollywood Ignores Woke Bombs, Keeps Pushing Activist Agenda, also, How American Underdog Will Surprise Even Diehard Kurt Warner Fans
The Lid: Happy 230th Birthday, Bill Of Rights!
Legal Insurrection: Mark Meadows Lawsuit – 1/6 Committee Subpoenas Invalid Because Pelosi Violated House Rules, BoJo Faces Rebellion As 101 Tory MPs Vote Against New COVID Restrictions, and Administration Not Extending Student Loan Relief And Leftists Are Unhappy 
Michelle Malkin: Where In The World Is Hoax Enabler Tina Tchen?
Nebraska Energy Observer: The Martyrdom Of Polycarp
Outkick: NFL Funnels Money To “Defund The Police” Groups, MSESPN Gonna MSESPN, Y’all, and NBC Joins Fox As Official USFL Broadcast Partner
Power Line: Elon Musk FTW, Jay Rosen’s Dishonest Double Game, and At The Chauvin Plea Hearing
Shark Tank: From “Chain Gang Charlie” Crist To Woke Supporter Of Critical Race Theory
Shot In The Dark: Hypothetically Speaking, Holiday Mirth, and Gurgitation On Cue
The Political Hat: Twelve Posts Of Christmas (Day 3), also, Happy Bill Of Rights Day!
This Ain’t Hell: We Must Be Patient, also, SFC Alwyn Cashe, Medal of Honor Recipient 
Victory Girls: Are Democrats Desperate Enough For Hillary 2024? 
Volokh Conspiracy: Fund The Police, also, 6th Circuit Splits 8-8 On Initial En Banc In OSHA Vax Cases
Weasel Zippers: Biden Laughs That “Christmas Gifts Will Cost You Money”, NYT Columnist Begs Biden Not To Run Again, and Biden Heckled While Touring Kentucky Storm Damage
The Federalist: Biden Left Behind A Humanitarian Crisis In Afghanistan, New Brunswick Demands Jab For Churchgoers & Grocery Buyers, and LA. Schools Host LGBT Club For Four-Year-Olds
Mark Steyn: Cat On A No-Tin Shelf

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In The Mailbox: 12.14.21 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | December 15, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.14.21 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Kiyohime has had enough of this padoru nonsense.

357 Magnum: How’s That Bail Reform Working Out?
EBL: Democrats Are So Obsessed With Fake Hate They Ignore The Real Deal In Waukesha, also, Denmark’s Inger Støjberg Gets Jail For Separating Muslim Men From Their Child Brides
Twitchy: Elon Musk Returns Fire On Fauxcahontas, also, The Iowahawk Solution To The Student Loan Crisis
Louder With Crowder: Ron DeSantis Unleashed – “Democrats Must Be Punished At The Ballot Box”
Vox Popoli: The Tide Is Turning, Good Thing They’re Vaccinated, and Pureblood Actor Sues ABC
Gab News: Rumble Once Again Shows Their True Colors

American Conservative: Bishop Barron & His Bible
American Greatness: Sen. Richard “Da Nang Dick” Blumenthal (D-CT) Helps Conn. Commies Celebrate 102nd Anniversary Of CPUSA, also, Justice Department Moves to Conceal 1/6 Police Misconduct
American Power: For Taliban-Ruled Afghanistan And The World, A Crisis Looms
American Thinker: The Medical Profession Implodes, also, Donald Trump – The Right President At The Right Time
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Otterific News
Babalu Blog: 700+ Cubans Arrested On 7/11 Still In Prison On Human Rights Day, also, After Huge Losses In Hispanic Support, Florida Democrats Want To Censor Conservative Spanish Radio
BattleSwarm: Paul Krugman Is Always Wrong – Inflation Edition, also, A Rant On The Biden Economy
Behind The Black: Red China Launches Second Comsat For Its Manned Space Missions, Superheavy Prototype #4 Installed On Orbital Launchpad, and More Delays For Blue Origin’s BE-4 Engine
Cafe Hayek: More Panic Porn Reporting
CDR Salamander: A Lithuanian Test Case For NATO
Da Tech Guy: Schadenfreude Alert, Or, Getting What You Vote For, Seven “Let’s Go Brandon” Stores In NEW ENGLAND?, and The Best Advice/Warning You’ll Ever Get From A Priest
Don Surber: What Hillary Meant By Democracy, Rittenhouse Prosecutor Flips His Lid, and Elon Musk May Be Jack Ma-ed
First Street Journal: Girls Can’t Be Boys & Boys Can’t Be Girls
Gates Of Vienna: “I’ll Bust Your Head, Grandpa!”, Quiz IV – Eighteen Clues, and New Chancellor’s Pal Gets Slap On Wrist
The Geller Report: Sen. Chuck U. Schumer (D-NY), Who Accused President Trump Of Collusion With Russia, Is On Putin’s Payroll, also, Pedo CNN Producer Bought Vermont Ski House To Abuse Children There
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, Eyes On Asteroids, and COVID Unmasked
Hollywood In Toto: Meet The Untouchables – The Public Figures Mainstream Comic Won’t Mock, Is Don’t Look Up Proof  That Politics Trumps All During Awards Season? and Spiderman – No Way Home Is The Anti-Woke Blockbuster We Crave
The Lid: CNN’s Don Lemon Trashes Fox While Ignoring His Network’s – And His Own – Unprofessional Reporting
Legal Insurrection: SCOTUS Refuses To Halt NY Healthcare Worker Jab Mandate Lacking Religious Exemption, Texas School Board Attempts To Censure Conservative Members, and Democrats Resolve To Beat Big Meat
Nebraska Energy Observer: The Eternal Battle, also, Start “Small”
Outkick: ESPN Lies Again About “Noose” In Bubba Wallace’s Stall, Michelle Tafoya Mysteriously Disappears From NFL On NBC Weeks After Blasting Kaepernick, and After Losing $41 Million Last Year The Athetic Reportedly Reopens Desperate Talks With NYT
Power Line: A Politicized Tornado, Harris In Paris – Under Her Skin, and On Crime, Liberals Still Don’t Get It
Shark Tank: Demings Supports Fake “Whistleblower” Rebekah Jones
Shot In The Dark: And We Shall Call It “Minneapolis Syndrome”, The New Normal, and Travesty
STUMP: Old Politicians – Trump Vs. Biden Vs. Clinton
The Political Hat: Twelve Posts Of Christmas, Day 2
This Ain’t Hell: Air Force Makes First Discharges For Jab Refusal, Ex-Army Officer Strips In Anti-War Burlesque Show, and Da Nang Dick Helps Commies Celebrate Centenary
Transterrestrial Musings: The Select Committee Hoax, Homer Hickam, and The Supply Chain
Victory Girls: SCOTUS Discards Religious Exemptions, Afghanistan – Thousands Abandoned, Intelligence Gone, and Nominee For Vice Chair Of JCOS Cool With Gender Advisors
Volokh Conspiracy: Fifth Circuit Denies Injunction Pending Appeal In Jab Mandate Case
Weasel Zippers: Biden Promised To “Shut Down The Virus”; His CDC Director Says That Won’t Happen, Democratic Mayors Under Fire Over Rising Crime, and Bad Orange Woman Dodges Question On Why Biden Is Restarting Student Loan Payments
The Federalist: Bezos Parties After Leaving Trapped Amazon Workers To Die In Warehouse, Senate Drops Bipartisan Plan To Draft Women After Constituent Outrage, and Billie Eilish Calls Porn “Disgrace To Women”, Claims It “Destroyed” Her Brain
Mark Steyn: Rockin’ Around The Holly Jolly Christmas Tree, Web-Slinger, But No Friendly Neighborhood, and Christmas Crackers

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In The Mailbox: 12.14.21 (Afternoon Edition)

Posted on | December 14, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.14.21 (Afternoon Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Things were a tad exciting here in Tonopah last night; we had high winds and the power kept flickering off & on along with the Internet, so instead of putting myself through a bunch of frustration I punted until today. It’s snowing heavily, but the power is steady.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

Cosplayers doing Overwatch characters in Christmas finery.

357 Magnum: Don’t Bring A Knife To A Gunfight
EBL: RIP Anne Rice
Twitchy: David Frum Very Angry Tucker Carlson Called Him “Evil” For Wanting The Unjabbed To Suffer, also, Rep. Cori Bush Preemptively Blames Sleepy Joe & Moderate Dems For Defeat In 2022
Louder With Crowder: Hero Drives BBQ Rig To Kentucky, Sets Up In The Middle Of Tornado Damage, & Just Starts Feeding People
Vox Popoli: The One They Serve, Bait-Mute-Block, and Imagine My Surprise
Gab News: Joe Rogan Gets On Gab

Adam Piggott: “I Will Draw All Men To Myself” – Jn. 12:32
American Conservative: Is Wokeness Almost Over? also, SCOTUS Sotomayor Problem
American Greatness: Cracked Icons, also, Reject John Brown – Embrace Abe Lincoln
American Power: Fauci Strikes Again, also, Grim Scale Of Destruction In Kentucky
American Thinker: The Great Reset Crowd’s Overreach Will Come Back To Bite Them, also, We Have Very Little Time To Act To Save American Elections
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Now They Can Really Construct Socialism, Chilean Presidential Candidate Threatens Heavy Sanctions On Cuba & Venezuela, and Official Press Invents Storm To Explain Loss Of Shrimp At Tunas de Zaza
Baldilocks: Missionary
BattleSwarm: A Triple Shot Of Joe Rogan, also, Why Does CNN Exist?
Behind The Black: FAA To Discontinue Astronaut Wing Program For Passengers, Mexico Signs Artemis Accords, and New Shepard Completes Another Suborbital Flight
Cafe Hayek: Do Pro-Lockdowners Accost Neil Ferguson With This Same Question?, also, Mindless & Mortifying COVID Theater
CDR Salamander: Making The Case For Maritime Power With Adm. Jamie Foggo (USN, Ret.)
Da Tech Guy: The Biggest Messaging Problem For Democrats, Cause & Effect Still Lives & Other Matters Under The Fedora, and Report From Louisiana – All Politics Are Local
Don Surber: Justice Roberts Has The Sadz, The War On Rudolph, and Biden Makes The Shipping Crisis Worse
First Street Journal: Lexington Breaks The Record! 
Gates Of Vienna: A Plagiarist As Minister Of Defense, Immigrants Are “Future Voting Cattle & Profiteers”, and Jair Bolsonaro – “We Shall Respect Each Person’s Rights”
The Geller Report: Soros Bankrolls Dark Money Hub For Extremist Police Defunding Groups, Facebook Finally Admits Its “Fact Checks” Are Just Opinion, and Israel’s Beauty On Full Display As India Takes Miss Universe Crown
Hogewash: Fiat Penuria, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, and Dione
Hollywood In Toto: How West Side Story Caught Up With Modern Times, The Best TV Shows Of 2021 – And One To Avoid At All Costs, and Being the Ricardos Gets Shown Up By The Second Bananas
The Lid: Climate Change Theorists Exploit Deadly Tornados To Sell Their Unproven Hypothesis
Legal Insurrection: Talk By Conservative Journalist At Princeton Held In Secret Location, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) Hates Dark Money Except When It Goes To Democrats Like Sheldon Whitehouse, and R.I. Schools Are Failing But Progressive Coalition Wants $2.5 Billion To “Decarbonize” Education
Nebraska Energy Observer: Random Observations, also, Third Sunday Of Advent – Gaudete Sunday
Outkick: ‘Bama’s Bryce Young Wins Heisman In Landslide, Titleist Tells Golfers What They Can’t Put On Their Balls, and Why Mike Leach Is So Right About NCAA Transfer Portal
Power Line: DeSantis Strikes Back, A Modest Proposal For The Penn Womens’ Swim Team, and Talking Back To Fauxcahontas
Shark Tank: Brian Mast Counters Ilhan Omar’s “Islamophobia” Bill
Shot In The Dark: The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves, Berg’s 7th & 20th Laws Never Need To Fabricate Any Truths, and It’s Not Us. It’s You.
The Political Hat: The Rise Of The New Communist Menace, Redux, also, The Twelve Posts Of Christmas, Day 1
This Ain’t Hell: Stupid People Of The Week, A Little Rebellion Now & Then, and Army Sergeant Indicted For Murder Pleads Self-Defense
Transterrestrial Musings: A New Record, Senolytics Breakthrough, and Seeing The Potential
Victory Girls: Peggy Noonan Tells Kamala to “Get Serious”, also, Elon Musk Named TIME‘s Person Of The Year, Left Sets Hair On Fire
Volokh Conspiracy: Justice Sotomayor’s Flawed History Promoting The Myth Of Judicial Supremacy
Weasel Zippers: Media Begins Trying To Rehab Biden Presidency, Electronic Arts Suspends Kyle Rittenhouse For Using His Real Name, and Putin Adds 10,000 More Troops To Ukraine Border After Phone Call With Biden
The Federalist: Why Did The IRS Audit Donald Trump But Not Joe Biden?, Defending Pedophilia Is The Logical Conclusion Of Queer Theory, and How The Moms & Dads Of Loudoun County Took Back Virginia
Mark Steyn: You Have To Be Crazy – Carole Lombard & True Confessions, also, The Anticipation of Pleasure

Amazon Warehouse Deals

Mystery Surrounds Perpetrator of ‘Deplorable Acts of Anti-Black Hatred’

Posted on | December 13, 2021 | Comments Off on Mystery Surrounds Perpetrator of ‘Deplorable Acts of Anti-Black Hatred’

In September, the Chief Diversity at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Dr. Nefertiti Walker, sent a campus-wide email warning of a “disturbing increase in anti-Black racist incidents,” saying the content of the messages was “vile” and “violently offensive”:

Over the course of several weeks dating back to late August, Black student groups at the University of Massachusetts Amherst have received offensive, blatantly racist emails and online messages.
In their inboxes, Black UMass students have been told by an anonymous person or group that they did not arrive at the commonwealth’s flagship campus on merit, that they are of substandard intelligence, and that they should consider sterilization.
The messages, at least one of which was signed “UMass Coalition for a Better Society,” have been sent to multiple Black student organizations in the first month of school.

Copies of the messages circulated on social media:

University President Marty Meehan vowed swift action:

“The blatantly racist e-mails recently sent to Black student organizations at UMass Amherst and other deplorable acts of anti-Black hatred are appalling and disgusting,” Meehan said in a statement. “While UMass Amherst is still trying to identify the source of these messages, we do know that the messages in no way reflect the true character of the UMass community and we have zero tolerance for such behavior.”
UMass IT and campus police are investigating the identity of the email sender.
“My team in the Office of the President is working with UMass Amherst to investigate and to identify the individuals and/or organizations responsible for these hate-ridden messages, and hold them accountable wherever they are,” Meehan said. “As the campus aggressively pursues the source of these vile messages, we must all join in active support of our students, and re-double our commitment to providing a safe, welcoming community for all students.”

The university doubled-down on the investigation:

UMass Amherst Chancellor Kumble Subbaswamy announced that the campus will launch a full-scale investigation into the source of the emails and that the university has secured the services of Stroz Friedberg Digital Forensics, a leading national firm in cyber security.
“While we are mindful of the challenges in determining the source of anonymous emails such as these, we are confident that Stroz Friedberg, with its extensive expertise and technical capacity, will methodically follow every lead in pursuit of the contemptible individual or individuals responsible,” Subbaswamy said in a message to the campus community. . . .
“When the perpetrator of any of these acts is identified, the full weight of the university’s disciplinary and legal apparatus will be brought to bear,” Subbaswamy said in the campus message.

That was September, and now it’s December and yet, despite the services of “a leading national firm in cyber security,” UMass still has not identified the “contemptible” perpetrators, a mystery that inspires Boston Herald columnist Howie Carr’s sarcasm:

Like O.J., they pledge to spend eternity chasing down the real killers. But so far, apparently, not a single MAGA hat or Let’s Go Brandon! T-shirt has turned up at the scene of the crime. Not even a discarded pay stub from a real job.
The snowflakes of Amherst are, as you might expect, baffled.
It’s certainly discouraging, isn’t it, how few of these campus white supremacists are ever brought to justice. In fact, usually they’re never even found. They seldom leave behind a single clue.

Yes, white supremacists are fiendish criminal masterminds, like those Chicago guys in MAGA hats who attacked Jussie Smollett and got away with it because . . . well, white supremacy.

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.)


Rule 5 Sunday: Polyana Viana

Posted on | December 12, 2021 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: Polyana Viana

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I have been browsing RedState on the regular of late, which is probably not good for my blood pressure, but it’s not all about politics. Just mostly. Anyhow, in one of the posts there was a link to a story about a UFC fighter in Brazil who surprised a would-be mugger by beating the crap out of him and putting him in a headlock until the police showed up. Not all that remarkable, except the fighter was female straw-weight contender Polyana Viana, who is the first legitimate cutie I’ve seen in the UFC since Ronda Rousey hung it up.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1561, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns

Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Climate Model Friday, and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL: MAGA Smollett Schadenfreude, The Monkees, Don’t Deny The Science, Jussie SmollettMariah Carey, Edie Brickell & The New Bohemians, Finnish Exceptionalism, Sammy Kaye & Sundry WAVES, Condor, Altamont, Demi Lovato, and Line Of Duty.

A View From The Beach: Paola RighettiCrabs In Trouble Again, Climate Change Not To BlameFish Pic Friday – Mia DiazElectric Cars Causing Decline of the Rain ForestMaryland, My MarylandThursday TanlinesThe Wednesday WetnessI Fail To See the ProblemTattoo TuesdayThe Monday Morning StimulusOregon, My Oregon and Palm Sunday

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious links!

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