The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 12.07.21

Posted on | December 8, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.07.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Today is the 80th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Arizona, we remember you.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

USS Arizona after the attack

357 Magnum: LA’s Liberal Elite Is Getting Mugged
EBL: RIP Marcus Tullius Cicero
Twitchy: “Sir, Do You Even Remember What My Question Was?”, also, Bye Bye, Comrade
Louder With Crowder: Mike Rowe Sounds Off On What The “Let’s Go Brandon” Chant Means, also, Kyle Rittenhouse Has Two Words For LeBron James
Vox Popoli: In Which Scott Adams Is Ripped A New One, A Shocking Failure To Roll Over & Die, and The Fifth Communism

Adam Piggott: Practice Saying No To The Beast
American Conservative: America Must Stop Enabling The Saudi War In Yemen, also, Goodbye Gotham
American Greatness: A Typology Of Trumpism, also, Congressional Report Details Inhumane Treatment Of 1/6 Inmates
American Power: Democrats Plot Escape From Biden’s Poll Woes, also, Melting Away The Symbols Of The CSA’s Capitol – And Our History
American Thinker: You Heard It Here First – The Old CNN Is Dead, also, The Left-Wing Legacy Of The Mainstream Media
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Lockdown News
Babalu Blog: After A Massive Wave Of Arrests, The Cuban Dictatorship Hires More Prison Guards, also, The Paris Club Must Stop Funding The Repressive Cuban Regime
BattleSwarm: Crime Is Rising In America Because That’s What George Soros Wants, also, DeBlasio Imposes New Jab Mandate And New Yorkers Scream “Enough!”
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, ULA & Red China Complete Launches, and Five Things You Don’t Know About Pearl Harbor
Cafe Hayek: Quotation Of The Day
CDR Salamander: Keeping An Eye On The Long Game, Part XCI, also, “A Day Which Will Live In Infamy”
Da Tech Guy: Report From Louisiana – Stop The Panic!, Why Glenn Reynolds Has Credibility & The MSM Doesn’t, and  A Weird Turn Of Events Concerning The Old Blog
Don Surber: Omicron May Cure COVID, Why Cuomo’s Ratings Didn’t Save Him, and CNN Can’t Even Fire A Guy Right
First Street Journal: For The NYT, Some News Just Isn’t Fit To Print! also, Some (Mostly) Good News
Gates Of Vienna: The Iron Fist Discards The Velvet Glove, Another One Rides The Bus, and Avast Ye Swabs!
The Geller Report: Sen. Cotton – The Only Good Soros Prosecutor Is A Defeated Soros Prosecutor, also, Did CNN’s Don Lemon Obstruct Justice In The Smollett Case?
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, Is This Why Democrats Hate Ron DeSantis? and More Dust Biting
Hollywood In Toto: How Hollywood’s Glaring Blind Spot Doomed King Richard, also, Sex & The City Reboot – It’s A Trap!
The Lid: Polling Shows Abysmal Democrat Support For Biden Reelection
Legal Insurrection: Environmental Studies Prof Refutes Students’ Protest For Green New DealCollege Bars Anti-CRT Speaker While Holding Segregated Events, and Biden Commission Punts On Supreme Court Packing
Nebraska Energy Observer: Counterattack Of Personal Responsibility
Outkick: Marshawn Lynch Gets Two FCC Complaints For Cussing On MNF, Kyle Rittenhouse – “F*** You, LeBron”, and ‘Bama On Verge Of Historic First Heisman For QB
Power Line: Our Underincarceration Problem, Beverly Hills Edition, Desperately Seeking White Supremacists, and The Gins Testimonial
Shark Tank: DeSantis Says He’ll Sign Open Carry Bill
Shot In The Dark: “Gosh, Why Do People Distrust Our Public Health Messaging?”, also, To The Shiny Happies
The Political Hat: The Rise Of The New Communist Menace, also, Social-Emotional Learning
This Ain’t Hell: WaPo Says Intel Agencies Think Russia Will Invade Ukraine With 175,000 Troops, December 7, 1941 – 80 Years Ago Today, and Red China’s Pressure On Taiwan’s Airspace Could Be A Rehearsal
Transterrestrial Musings: Humanity’s Second Parting
Victory Girls: Bad Orange Woman Ignores Science, Snarks About Home Tests, also, Pearl Harbor Remembered
Volokh Conspiracy: What Do Hispanics Prefer To Be Called? Not “Latinx”
Weasel Zippers: Woman Who Dragged Kyle Rittenhouse’s Parents Murdered By Own Son, Bad Orange Woman Doubles Down On Blaming COVID For Organized Smash & Grabs, and Chris Cuomo Prepares To Sue CNN
The Federalist: Fairfax County Residents Oppose Renaming Lee Highway But Bureaucrats Are Doing It Anyway, also, We Need A More Forceful Pushback To A Hostile Media
Mark Steyn: Learn To Uncode, also, Bring On The Next War!

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Patriots Win Smash-Mouth Football

Posted on | December 7, 2021 | Comments Off on Patriots Win Smash-Mouth Football

Damien Harris tramples the Buffalo Bills.

Let’s not mince words about what we witnessed Monday night. What the New England Patriots inflicted on the Buffalo Bills was not merely a defeat, but soul-destroying humiliation. The Bills were emasculated on prime time TV, as the Patriots ran the ball straight down their throats.

It was a brutal spectacle to behold. Over the weekend, I’d published a column at The American Spectator hyping up the game with the expectation that this key AFC game would be the occasion when New England’s rookie quarterback Mac Jones finally silenced the skeptics and haters who have underestimated him. Sure, I’d seen the forecasts for a blustery night in Buffalo, but I had no idea how bad it would actually be — flurries of snow blowing sideways with gusts up to 45 mph.

The goal posts were waggling in the wind like they were made of cheap plastic, and it was obvious that there would be difficulty attempting to pass the ball in such conditions. But the Greatest NFL Coach of the Century, the man with six Super Bowl rings, had a plan — run the ball, then run it some more, followed by run,run, run, ad infinitum.

In the end, New England ran the ball 46 times for 222 and only threw three passes — the fewest passes in a game by an NFL team in more than 40 years. As someone who loves the running game, and often shouts “run the damn ball” at the TV whenever my team is passing too much for my taste, this was like being force-fed a diet of my favorite food.

“No more, please,” I found myself begging, collateral damage in Belichick’s sadistic plot to psychologically destroy the Bills.

So here’s how it went: New England won the coin toss and chose field position that would put the wind at their backs in the second and fourth quarters. That meant they would be playing into the wind — almost impossible to pass, or even to kick a short field goal — during the first and third quarters. The Patriots took the kick off, then run, run, run, punt — three and out. Buffalo ran twice, then tried a third-down pass that fell incomplete, and punted. Then the Patriots — run, run, run, punt — another three and out, except the wind blew the punt sideways and it only went 15 yards, so that Buffalo took over at the New England 40. This looked like trouble, but the Patriots’ defense backed the Bills up to a third-and-nine before disaster struck: New England’s star outside linebacker Matthew Judon jumped offside, giving Buffalo a first down at the Patriot 29 with seven minutes left in the first quarter.

Buffalo’s threat was short-lived, however, as Bills quarterback Josh Allen’s handoff to running back Matt Breida was fumbled, and recovered for the Patriots by defensive end Lawrence Guy. And guess what New England did then? If you guessed “run, run, run,” you’re correct, but on third-and-five, Damien Harris broke through for a 64-yard touchdown.

It was the longest rushing touchdown for the Patriots since 1997, and it seemed to prove something I’ve always felt about the running game. If you keep pounding away — three yards here, five yards there, run, run, run — the defense will start “packing the box” at the line of scrimmage, so that when you finally break through, there’s nobody in the secondary to stop you. Once Harris found an opening, he was gone.

Because the wind made a point-after kick a doubtful proposition, New England went for the two-point conversion, and succeeded with a run by Brandon Bolden, taking an 8-0 lead. On the next Buffalo possession, the Bills got a first down but then stalled — a holding penalty on third down backed them up to fourth-and-17 — before disaster struck again for the Patriots. At no previous time in the season had tight end N’Keal Harry been used to return punts, and no one has yet explained why he was back deep for New England, when he let the ball bounce off his helmet, a fumble that was recovered by Buffalo at the Patriot 14.

On the very next play, Bills QB Josh Allen threw a TD, and with the extra point, the score was New England 8, Buffalo 7. The Patriots immediately answered, driving down to the Buffalo 23 where Nick Folk kicked a field goal to make it 11-7. It was during this drive that Mac Jones attempted his first pass of the game, a short flare to tight end Jonnu Smith which, under normal conditions, would have been a “gimme.” But these were not normal conditions, and the wind caused the pass to sail high so that Smith only caught it with a tremendous one-handed effort.

After that one pass, New England’s next 32 plays were runs. It wasn’t until the fourth quarter that Jones threw the ball again, ultimately finishing 2-for-3 for 19 yards. In the third quarter, Buffalo drove down to the New England 20 before stalling and settling for a field goal that cut the Patriots’ lead down to a single point. But on their next possession, the Patriots ran the ball 14 times, chewing up more than eight minutes on the clock before stalling at the Buffalo 16, where Nick Folks’ second field goal made it Patriots 14, Bills 10, with 13 minutes left to play.

Josh Allen and the Bills weren’t ready to quit, though. They drove all the way down to get first-and-goal at the New England 6, but then Judon sacked Allen on second down, Allen’s third down pass fell incomplete, and Buffalo went for a field goal. Hey, did I mention the wind was a factor in this game? The 33-yarder should have been a chip shot for Buffalo’s Tyler Bass, but a gust blew it wide right, and New England took over with a little more than seven minutes left to play. Three plays later, they punted, and Allen brought the Bills back driving down the field. On third-and-14 at the Patriot 18, Allen aimed for the end zone, but what would have been a touchdown pass was broken up by veteran safety Adrian Phillips. Then on fourth down, Allen’s final attempt at a touchdown pass was batted away by cornerback Myles Bryant.

A hard-fought and memorable game, and one that left Buffalo feeling bitter and embarrassed. There is something about getting pounded in the running game — when you’re stacking up eight, nine, even 10 guys at the line trying to stop it, and you can’t — that is just about the most demoralizing thing in the world. The Patriots imposed their will on the Bills, dominated and humiliated them on national television.

The Patriots were laughing when it was over.

ZING! You know you’re winning when you’re ragging on your quarterback like that. Having won seven in a row to run their record to 9-4, first in the AFC, the Patriots now have an 11-day bye week before their Dec. 18 game at Indianapolis. The Titans, Ravens and Chiefs are all 8-4, but even if all three of them win next weekend, New England would still be the top seed in the AFC by virtue of their 7-1 record against conference opponents. As for Buffalo, well, they’ve got to play Tom Brady and the Buccaneers at Tampa next, and it’s unlikely the Bills will be recovered by then from the psychological damage they suffered Monday.

Buffalo is done, finished, broken, and I doubt anyone now would bet against the Patriots taking the AFC East title.


California School District: ‘Write Your Own Hex Poem, Cursing That Person’

Posted on | December 7, 2021 | Comments Off on California School District: ‘Write Your Own Hex Poem, Cursing That Person’

In the name of “social justice,” California students are now studying witchcraft. Spencer Lindquist of the Federalist explores the “equity” resource page for Campbell Union High School District in San Jose:

One section titled “Hex” tells the reader, “Hexing people is an important way to get out anger and frustration.” It becomes increasingly deranged, suggesting that those who say “all lives matter” or commit “microaggressions,” should be targeted. “Write your own hex poem, cursing that person,” it instructs.
When asked her thoughts on the document that instructed K-12 students to use witchcraft on political opponents, Branham [High School] teacher Meredith Allen told The Federalist she hasn’t read the documents her district recommends, so she “can’t comment,” but that she is generally “opposed to the ‘all lives matter’ message.”

Now go do that voodoo that you do so well . . .

(Hat-tip: Stephen Green at Instapundit.)


In The Mailbox: 12.06.21

Posted on | December 7, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.06.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Want zero carbon? Better start building more nukes.

357 Magnum: Waukesha DA Is NOT Responsible
EBL: Fredo Cuomo Fired, also, Bob Dole, RIP
Twitchy: NSBA Risks Losing Millions In Revenue As State Affiliates Sever Ties, also, Econ Prof Notes Ohio State Has 132 On Its Diversity, Inclusion & Equity Staff – Costing $13 Million
Louder With Crowder: Joe Rogan Unloads On CNN – “Their Ratings Are Dogshit”, also, Hispanics Don’t Just Hate The Word “Latinx”, We Also Hate The People Who Use It
Vox Popoli: Literal Government By Pedos, A Lesson From Comics History, and Red China Claims The Moral High Ground
Gab News: Gab Is [Still] Not For Sale

Adam Piggott: Believe All Women, The Alice Seybold Edition
American Conservative: The Fifth-Generation War On Christmas
American Greatness: 2021 – The Year Of Trump’s Vindication, also, Misremembering Pearl Harbor
American Power: Democrats Have Problems In Rural America, also, White “Antiracist” Teacher Fired In Tennessee
American Thinker: Nothing Is Anybody’s Fault, also, The Counterrevolution & The GOP
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Cuba’s Black November – 1,130+ Repressive Acts, 200 Arbitrary Arrests, 500 Homes Besieged, also, Take A Video Tour Of Cuba’s Obscene New Multi-Million Dollar Fidel Castro Center
BattleSwarm: .50 BMG Bullpup Vs. Walmart Safety Glasses, also, Bob Dole RIP
Behind The Black: BE-4 Engine Delayed Until 2022, SpaceX Begins Construction On Starship Launchpad In Florida, and Stop Being Afraid!
Cafe Hayek: A New COVID Variant Is Discovered In South Park, “Don’t Bank On An Infrastructure Bank”, and On Hayek’s “Kinds Of Order In Society”
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday, also, Presence & Command Of The Seas – On Midrats
Da Tech Guy: The Military Never Cared About Religion, also, The Place To Be Is Now
Don Surber: Democrats Stopped Trump, But They Can’t Stop Us, You Called Trump Hitler, We’ll Call Fauci Mengele, and NYT Publishes A Racist Screed
First Street Journal: Being Taught About White Privilege By The Philadelphia Inquirer, also, The Patriot Front Marches
Gates Of Vienna: Normalizing Mass Murder, Yet Another Islamist Terror Attack In Mali, and From Berlin With Hate
The Geller Report: Congressional Candidate Robby Starbuck Says Soros Has Blood On HIs Hands For The Nationwide Rise In Killings, also, Occasional Cortex Insists Smash & Grab Robberies Not Really Happening
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, Uranus & Moons, and Neutrinos & Messier 5
Hollywood In Toto: How Christmas With The Chosen Rocked The Box Office, also, What Happened To Seth Rogen?
The Lid: Former DC Guard Officers Say Generals Lied About 1/6, also, Pelosi Wants To Punish Boebert For Islamophobia While Ignoring Antisemitism
Legal Insurrection: Former Illinois State Coach Fired For Removing #BLM Flag Sues For Violation Of Free Speech, Big Tech Censors Science [Again], and Dem Pollster Says Party’s Use Of “Latinx” Hurting Because Latinos Hate It
Nebraska Energy Observer: Random Observations, also, Second Sunday Of Advent
Outkick: Baylor Stops Oklahoma State On 4th Down To Win Big 12 Championship, Wolverines Stomp Buckeyes 42-3 To Win Big Ten, and Alabama Exposes Georgia’s Kryptonite, Leaves Atlanta With Respect & A Trophy
Power Line: How Cities Die, It’s Official – GOP Will Control Virginia House, and Bob Dole At War
Shark Tank: Murphy Insists Florida Turning Red Is BS, also, Nikki Fried Running A Losing Campaign For The Hispanic Vote
Shot In The Dark: Tony O & Kitty, also, Just Another Night In Uptown
STUMP: Movember 2021 Wrapup & Working With WONDER
The Political Hat: Take The Cold Shower & Be Happy
This Ain’t Hell: Wehrmacht Corporal Dreyss – Valor Thief, Last Easy Company (Band Of Brothers) Officer Dies, also, Final Accounting For The USS Oklahoma
Victory Girls: Roundup – The Rush For Lamest Leftist Of 2021, also, Klobuchar Pushes Abortion Law – Democrats May Regret It
Volokh Conspiracy: TN Court Holds Black Defendant Didn’t Get Fair Trial Because Of Confederate Flag, Jeff Davis Portrait, also, If Roe v. Wade Is Overruled, Abortion May Not Be “Left To The States”
Weasel Zippers: 80 GOP Congressmen Vote To Create & Fund Federal Vaccine Database, also, Trump Calls Gen. Mark Milley “A F***ing Idiot”
The Federalist: The CIA Caught Employees Molesting Children & Did Nothing, also, Military Officers Think Big Tech & Big Government Should Tell You What To Think To Fight “Disinformation”
Mark Steyn: Not All Right – The Ice Storm and The 70s, “All The World Is Wandering In The Wood”, and A Winter’s Tale

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Unreasonable Doubt

Posted on | December 6, 2021 | Comments Off on Unreasonable Doubt

Jussie Smollett is a malignant narcissist, but that’s not a crime. However, his defense in Chicago seems to reflect his psychiatric flaws, as he is smearing the men he paid to stage a fake “hate crime” while trying to portray himself as a some of kind heroic civil rights martyr. The trial is a waste of taxpayer resources, because everybody already knows that Smollett is guilty, but he apparently thinks he can exploit a sympathetic jury, get a mistrial, and then claim vindication.

Meanwhile, having hyped the alleged “attack” on Smollett as an authentic crime by right-wingers, the networks are ignoring Jussie’s trial.


Roll Tide!

Posted on | December 6, 2021 | Comments Off on Roll Tide!

In case you weren’t watching Saturday, there is no longer any doubt who’s going to win the Heisman Trophy this year. Alabama’s sophomore quarterback Bryce Young put an end to the debate as he completed 26 of 44 passes for 421 yards and three touchdowns, while adding another 40 yards and a TD rushing, as the Crimson Tide beat previously undefeated Georgia 41-24. Beyond the individual honors for Young — trust me, he’s got the Heisman locked up now — the victory Saturday put Alabama in the No. 1 spot for the college football playoffs. The Tide will meet No. 4 Cincinnati in the Cotton Bowl on Dec. 31, while No. 3 Georgia will take on No. 2 Michigan in the Orange Bowl. My expectation is that the championship game on Jan. 10 will be ’Bama versus Michigan.

My brother Kirby has been ragging Bryce Young all season as our “midget quarterback.” Young is listed as 6 feet tall on the roster, but Kirby’s convinced he’s no taller than 5-10 and, until he thoroughly whupped Georgia, the sophomore hadn’t been very impressive by Alabama standards, losing to Texas A&M, and struggling against both Arkansas and Auburn. After the Auburn game — where we basically had no offense until the last two minutes of the fourth quarter — I was convinced the Tide was doomed to defeat against the vaunted Georgia defense.

Well, the kid proved us wrong and, as I told Kirby this morning, it’s going to be an interesting scene to watch when they give the Heisman Trophy to Bryce Young, and the trophy is taller than he is.


CNN: Zucker Going Down Next?

Posted on | December 6, 2021 | Comments Off on CNN: Zucker Going Down Next?

Over the weekend, CNN announced that Chris “Fredo” Cuomo was being terminated “effective immediately,” and rumors immediately began to swirl about the nature of the “additional information” which the network said had “come to light” during their review of Cuomo’s case. Julia Marsh of the New York Post says her sources tell her it’s about “an alleged Chris Cuomo sexual harassment victim represented by a high profile attorney” — I’m guessing Gloria Allred, who always shows up at a sex scandal the way vultures show up for a dead carcass.

Now, the headline at Twitchy:

With next to nothing left to lose,
Chris Cuomo is apparently trying to take
CNN head Jeff Zucker down with him

That item links to a New York Post story:

In a new statement, a spokesman for the fallen TV star threw his longtime ally CNN President Jeff Zucker under the bus, while insisting the journalist “has the highest level of admiration and respect” for him.
“They were widely known to be extremely close and in regular contact, including about the details of Mr. Cuomo’s support for his brother,” the spokesman told the Wall Street Journal Sunday of Chris Cuomo’s shady support for his big brother as the governor’s sex scandal unfolded. . . .
The statement, however, prompted CNN to slam Chris Cuomo for peddling more alleged lies.
“He has made a number of accusations that are patently false,” the network told the WSJ. “This reinforces why he was terminated for violating our standards and practices, as well as his lack of candor.”

Here’s the the thing: It doesn’t matter if Cuomo is lying. Zucker was responsible for hiring Cuomo, and was therefore responsible for, at a minimum, tolerating an apparent conflict of interest. It would be difficult for Zucker to shield himself from blame even if CNN had good ratings, but their ratings are in the toilet, and the network recently changed owners, with David Zaslav now the de facto boss. If Zaslav needed an excuse to clean house, the Cuomo scandal is a gift-wrapped Christmas present, and this could be the end of Zucker’s tenure at CNN.


Rule 5 Sunday: McKenna Grace

Posted on | December 5, 2021 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: McKenna Grace

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Normally, it would not be a compliment to a young woman to tell her that she favors Dr. Egon Spengler* from Ghostbusters. When that young woman is McKenna Grace, who’s playing Spengler’s granddaughter in Ghostbusters: Afterlife, though, it sounds quite a bit different. Here we see her as Phoebe Spengler, aboard the restored ECTO-1, ready to whup some ghost butt.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

She ain’t afraid of no ghosts!

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1554, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns

Animal Magnetism: Rule Five John Galt Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon

EBL: COVID Crumbley Debate, The Service Station, Patty Smyth, Hanna & The CIA, The Sex Lives Of College Girls, Badehotellet, Idina Menzel, Mikhaila Peterson, Kylie Minogue, Mia Mastroianni, Laura Nyro, Stolen Jars, Ghislaine Maxwell, Julianna Hatfield, Eight Nights Of Scarlett Johansson, Caroline Manning, and South Park Post-COVID.

A View From The Beach: Stuck on the Wheel of Time – Rosamund PikeFish Pic Friday – Jess BraendelNow That’s a NutCracker!Under the Midnight SunI Blame Brandon!The Wednesday WetnessTuesday TanlinesOr They Could Just Leave Them in the Bay for a Year or TwoThe Monday Morning StimulusWell, It Does Make a Weird Kind of Sense and Palm Sunday.

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious links!

*Played by the late Harold Ramis.

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