The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Omicron Panic Porn

Posted on | December 5, 2021 | Comments Off on Omicron Panic Porn

Show of hands: Who’s worried about the COVID-19 Omicron variant? Not me, and probably not you, either, because you’re not watching CNN, MSNBC or any of the other liberal media outlets that are pumping out pandemic panic porn. Having spent months hyping the virus in 2020 as a weapon to damage Trump, the liberal media cannot switch messages now that Joe Biden is president. The fear narrative must continue, even while the media expect their audience to forget why it began:

We are less than a month away from entering 2022 — so why does it feel like March 2020 all over again?
Cable news networks are obsessively covering the new Omicron variant of Covid-19. They are hellbent on scaring the daylights out of any unsuspecting viewer who accidentally flips onto their programs. To be fair, the media is taking cues from the president. According to the Washington Post, the Biden administration is reportedly weighing up a seven-day self-quarantine for all travelers arriving on our shores, regardless of vaccination status, including US citizens and permanent residents. Travel bans, which fell out of fashion in the Trump years because they were “xenophobic”, are suddenly back in vogue.
It all begs the question: didn’t Joe Biden promise to shut down the virus?
Back in October 2020, then-candidate Biden — or whoever was running his Twitter account at the time — proudly tweeted, “I’m not going to shut down the country. I’m not going to shut down the economy. I’m going to shut down the virus.” That’s right. Joe was going to shut down the virus all while eating ice cream, wearing aviators and saying things like “God love ya.”
Unfortunately that tweet has aged about as well as the president. The only thing Biden has shut down since taking over in January is the Keystone XL Pipeline.

(Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll.) The narrative was supposed to be how Biden had “shut down” the virus for which Trump was blamed, but now that Biden has failed, the media can’t figure out how to change the subject.


FMJRA 2.0: Radar Gun

Posted on | December 5, 2021 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Radar Gun

— compiled by Wombat-socho

SOTD (actually not baseball related)
This was a better week in Da Tech Guy’s 1969 league for me; despite getting screwed by the robot and losing two straight to the Dodgers, I won two out of three against the ChiSox, the one loss coming at the hands of Phil Niekro, whose flutterball flummoxed my lineup of sluggers. On to St. Louis!
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Ted is less cranky today now that the Senators have actually won a couple of games.

Rule 5 Sunday: Scarlett JohanssonIrina Shumskaya 
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

‘Killadelphia’ D.A. Turned Loose Teen Carjacker Who Murdered Marxist Student
First Street Journal
The Pirate’s Cove
357 Magnum
Proof Positive


Darrell Brooks: Menace to Society
Living In Anglo-America

‘Mac Jones Can’t Throw Deep’?

FMJRA 2.0: No Joy In Mudville
A View From The Beach

Confirmed: CNN Is Garbage
357 Magnum

Instapundit Goes Socialist?

In The Mailbox: 11.30.21 (Afternoon Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 11.30.21 (Evening Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 12.01.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 12.02.21
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 12.03.21
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending December 3:

  1.  EBL (12)
  2.  Proof Positive (7)
  3.  357 Magnum (6)
  4.  A View From The Beach (5)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

Amazon Warehouse Deals

The Dumbest ‘Hate Crime’ Hoax Ever: Courtroom Sequel for Jussie Smollett

Posted on | December 4, 2021 | Comments Off on The Dumbest ‘Hate Crime’ Hoax Ever: Courtroom Sequel for Jussie Smollett


You’ll recall that front page from February 2019, and the truly shocking thing about this case is that Jussie Smollett would dare go to trial claiming innocence, when his guilt has always been beyond question.

Glenn Reynolds links a story with evidence that, contrary to what Smollett’s defense has claimed, his Nigerian accomplices are not homophobes, but why is that even relevant? They are not on trial, and their motives don’t matter in determining whether Smollett lied to police (spoiler alert: he did). From the moment Smollett’s tale of being assaulted by two MAGA-hat-wearing white men made headlines, every intelligent person knew it was a lie. Two Trump supporters prowling around downtown Chicago at 2:30 a.m. in below-zero weather?

Nope. Never happened. Beyond the range of human possibility.

There were so many things wrong with this story — how many Trump supporters ever heard of this guy? how did they know what hotel he was staying in? — that one wonders how Smollett didn’t see the obvious flaws in his absurd hoax scheme. But he’s a Democrat, and Democrats have been getting away with telling blatant lies for so long that Smollett probably figured, “Why not me?” His story of being attacked by Republican haters “yelling out racial and homophobic slurs” in the wee hours of an arctic-cold Chicago night was only slightly less plausible than the Steele Dossier, and nobody’s gone to prison for that hoax yet.

Probably what Jussie Smollett is counting on is that this Chicago jury will tacitly endorse his bogus “hate crime” by voting to acquit him, because they’re Democrats, and have no regard for truth anyway.

Which is always the way to bet, in Chicago.

Probably the best chance that Smollett could be convicted is if the jury had been watching Dave Chappelle.


“Find out where Kanye West was last night.”


The Savage Young

Posted on | December 4, 2021 | Comments Off on The Savage Young

Dave Reaboi is a hater.

The Southern Poverty Law Center doesn’t have a “Beatlephobia” category on their Hate Map, but if they did, Dave would be a dot on it.

Like a lot of Beatle haters — and I could also name Ace of Spades in this category — Dave Reaboi is a Gen Xer, and one suspects that there is some sort of intergenerational Boomer envy involved in his irrational hatred of the Four Lovable Mop Tops from Liverpool. Coming of age in the blighted MTV era, when Michael Jackson and Madonna were The Big Thing, it’s difficult for Gen Xers to relate to the cheerful Good Old Days of 45 rpm singles, AM Top 40 radio and Ed Sullivan. Like all prejudices, Beatlephobia is rooted in ignorance and misunderstanding that expresses itself in slurs like “overrated” and “hippies.” The new documentary Get Back, focused as it is on the way the Beatles ended — drugs and Yoko and “peace” — is unlikely to bridge this generational gap. If you want to love the Beatles, you must start at the beginning.

Because I was just 4 years old when the Beatles arrived in America, I missed the initial wave of Beatlemania, although my older cousins Deborah and Trish were caught up in it. It wasn’t until I was a teenager myself that I got into the Beatles, listening to their first Greatest Hits double album (the red one) which I’d gotten from my brother Kirby after he went to college and the Army. Listening to those early tracks — “Love Me Do,” “Please Please Me,” “From Me to You,” etc. — was an excellent introduction, and I also began rooting around in the trivia of the band’s origins. There was a copy of the 1968 Authorized Biography by Hunter Davies in our high school library, and I also listened to the crude early recordings that the Beatles made with Tony Sheridan in Germany in 1961, later released as The Savage Young Beatles.

In my mind, this is who the Beatles really were — rock-and-rollers in leather jackets and greased-back ducktail haircuts, playing Chuck Berry tunes for drunken crowds in Hamburg dive bars, popping amphetamines to make it through their eight-hour nightly sets. As Malcolm Gladwell observed in Outliers, it was in Hamburg that the Beatles did their “10,000 hours,” returning to Liverpool with a tighter sound that set them apart from the dozens of other rock groups in England. On their way to fame, they lost John’s buddy Stu Sutcliffe to a brain hemorrhage and replaced drummer Pete Best with Ringo Starr (who had played the Hamburg clubs with Rory Storm and the Hurricanes). They got cleaned up by manager Brian Epstein, a gay Jewish record store proprietor with a background in theater and, after having been turned down by several record labels (“groups of guitars are on the way out,” as one label executive remarked), caught the ear of EMI’s George Martin.

While the songwriting duo of Lennon and McCartney would eventually emerge as the greatest hitmakers of the decade, six of the 14 tracks on the Beatles’ first album were cover tunes, the most memorable of them being “Twist and Shout,” originally an R&B hit for the Isley Brothers. I don’t care how much Dave Reaboi or another Beatlephobe hates them, it is impossible to deny that this is one of the greatest rock-and-roll recordings of all time. Every serious Beatles fan knows the story of how this classic was recorded at the end of a 12-hour session at EMI’s Abbey Road studio. It was past 10 p.m. on Feb. 11, 1963, and John Lennon had been struggling with a chest cold. Because “Twist and Shout” required an all-out screaming vocal performance, they decided to record it last, knowing that John couldn’t get through it more than once. So what went onto the tape was a straight-up live recording, done in one take with no overdubbing, and it is absolutely perfect. If you want to know what had throngs of teenage British girls screaming their heads off in 1963, this track is the essence of it — wild and raw, that Savage Young Beatles sound cooked up during those long nights playing for crowds of gangsters and prostitutes in Hamburg’s notorious Reeperbahn district.


What you have to realize, if you want to understand how revolutionary the Beatles were at the time, was the difference between their sound and what was on the radio before they scored their big breakthrough. Go back and dig up some of the Top 10 hits of 1962-63 and see if you can find anything — anything — with a sound comparable to what the Beatles made. For example, contrast the Beatles’ version of “Twist and Shout” to the Isley Brothers’ original, and the difference is unmistakable.

Is it possible to make someone like Dave Reaboi understand this? Probably not. Love and hate are fundamentally irrational, and Dave’s anti-Beatles prejudice is unlikely to be overcome by any evidence or argument I could produce. My love of the Beatles is, of course, equally irrational, involving fond memories like the time I was bopping around my $1.80-an-hour job at Six Flags over Georgia when I was 16. Working the front line at the Plantation House restaurant, I was singing “From Me to You” when I heard a vocal harmony and found the buck-toothed girl at the cash register singing along. Ah, sweet memories!

Talk about doomed teen romance — Kathy’s favorite Beatle was George, while mine was John — and I could narrate the sequel, which involved Kathy’s younger sister (similarly buck-toothed, though more buxom) but why bother? Dave Reaboi could never relate. It’s so sad . . .

Dave doesn’t want to hear these stories from a gray-bearded old grandpa, but trust me: The Savage Young Stacy McCain was a wild man.


In The Mailbox: 12.03.21

Posted on | December 4, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.03.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

You are here.

357 Magnum: Are You Expecting “The System” To Guarantee Your Personal Safety?
EBL: The Last Man To Walk On The Moon, also, The Truffle Hunters
Twitchy: “The Truth Has To Matter”, also, “No, It Just SUCKS”
Louder With Crowder: Occasional Cortex – I Have Student Loan Debt. That’s Not Fair! The Government Should Cancel My Debt!
Vox Popoli: Vaccine Mandates Are War Crimes, also, Boosters Are Forever
According To Hoyt: Words Of Power, also, The Feral Modern’s Guide To Beginning Homemaking
Monster Hunter Nation: WriterDojo S1E15 – Supporter Spectacular Round 2
Stoic Observations: Stoic Racelessness

American Conservative: Before Russiagate There Was Watergate
American Greatness: Rand Paul – Fauci Should Get Five Years In Prison For Lying To Congress
American Power: Alec Baldwin  – I Feel No Guilt For Shooting My Cinematographer Because It Was Really Someone Else Who Did It
American Thinker: The Job Market’s Booming Demand For “Diversity Specialists”, also, Smashing & Grabbing Blue America Into Ruin
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Who Is John Galt Friday
Babalu Blog: GOP Congressmen Propose Requirement To Teach The History Of Communism, also, Cuba’s Communist Pressure Cooker
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For December 3
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, More Delays For SLS? and SpaceX Completes 9th Falcon Launch With Starlink & BlackSky Satellites 
Cafe Hayek: Spent Theory, Neil Oliver On Omicron & Modernity’s Plunge Into Dark Ages Superstition, and On The Advisability Of A Policy Of Unilateral Free Trade
Don Surber: Red China Wants Us To Fight Russia In Ukraine, also, Give Babies The Rights Murderers Have
Gates Of Vienna: The Mysterious Death Of Dr. Andreas Noack, I Plead Not Guilty Because I Was High, and Lynched For Blasphemy In Pakistan
The Geller Report: DeSantis – Big Tech Has Become The Censorship Arm Of The Democrat Party, also, Biden Lies About Being Liaison During Six-Day War – When He Was In Law School
Hogewash: The Second Buchanan Administration, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, Orwellian Censorship, and The Year Of The Jackpot
Hollywood In Toto: Encounter Takes Big Risks (How Refreshing!), also, Does Who Is Amos Otis Argue For Trump’s Assassination?
The Lid: UN Votes Against Christian, Jewish, & Muslim Faiths
Legal Insurrection: U. Akron To Close Campus Confucius Center, Florida & Tennessee SBAs Withdraw From NSBA, and Court Denies Injunction Sought By Native Americans Against Colorado Mascot Ban
Nebraska Energy Observer: Scattershot Friday
Outkick: Warning To The Woke – The Sad Case Of Keith Olbermann Is How It Ends, Brian Kelly Apparently Developed New Accent After Landing LSU Job, and Former Roethlisberger Teammate Calls For Big Ben To Take A Seat
Power Line: Thoughts From The Ammo Line, Aussies Gone Mad, and Biden Bunk Brigade At It Again Today
Shark Tank: Plot To Extort Rep. Lauren Book Leads To Arrest
Shot In The Dark: Spoils, also, The Real Usurper
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday – The Problems Of A Conservative Legislator
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, The Army Is Racist, The Marines Hate The Government, And The Air Force Are Just Extremists, and DeSantis Plans To Reinstate The Florida State Guard And Liberal Heads Explode
Transterrestrial Musings: The New Space Race
Victory Girls: Alec Baldwin & Elitist Whitewash, also, One Key Item Missing From Biden’s Winter Plan
Volokh Conspiracy: Yes, The Supreme Court Has Reversed A Precedent Based Entirely On Its Wrongness
Weasel Zippers: EU’s LGBT Ambassador Poses For Photo Op As Trans Virgin Mary, also, $87 Billion In COVID Unemployment Paid To Fraudsters, Nearly 10% Of All Benefits Lost To Fraud/Waste
The Federalist: Living With COVID Requires Confronting Obesity, My Twitter Ban Proves Twitter Manipulates The Platform To Silence Conservatives, and Is Homer Hickam The Most Interesting Man In The World?
Mark Steyn: “Wrongful Conception” Is A Wrongful Concept

Amazon Warehouse Deals

In The Mailbox: 12.02.21

Posted on | December 2, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.02.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

If they’re dying because I didn’t get the jab, why aren’t they dead yet?

357 Magnum: Tate Myre – Hero
Twitchy: “Troll Level: Master”, also, Liberal White Woman Finds White Supremacy In Farmers’ Markets, Food Charities
Louder With Crowder: Racist Scum Who Killed Six With His SUV At Waukesha Christmas Parade Whines That He Feels “Dehumanized”
Vox Popoli: The Convergence Of Medicine, What VEI Looks Like, and The Tide Is Turning
Gab News: Gab Is Not For Sale

American Conservative: The Taliban’s War On Drugs
American Greatness: DeSantis Proposes Pay Increase For Florida Police
American Thinker: The Frogs Have Begun Fleeing The Government’s Boiling Pot
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Automotive News
Babalu Blog: Over 350 Protests In Cuba During November Despite Repression, also, Artists In Cuba Expose The Communist State’s Repression
BattleSwarm: Foreign Follies – A Roundup Of Things We Might Want To Pay Attention To
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, Russia Threatens To Destroy U.S. GPS Satellites, and NASA Awards Contracts To Three Private Space Station Projects
Cafe Hayek: The Precautionary Principle Is Poison
CDR Salamander: What Happens When The SAPR Knob Goes To 11?
Don Surber: The War On Christmas Gets Physical, also, Cuomo – I Did Not Pull The Trigger
First Street Journal: Hold Them Accountable!, also, As People Get Tired Of Living In Fear…
The Geller Report: Minnesota Greets Biden With “FJB” And “You Suck” Signs, also, Dying COVID Patient Recovers After Court Orders Hospital To Use Ivermectin
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Some Nebulae
Hollywood In Toto: How Watcher In The Woods Shattered The G-Rated Disney Mold, also, HBO Max’s YouTube Channel Silences Woke Santa Inc. Critics
The Lid: Remain In Mexico Program Coming Back On Monday
Legal Insurrection: No Charges For Students Who Put Up Fake KKK Flyers At FSU, Judicial Watch Suing On Behalf Of Teacher Who Claims She Was Fired For Social Media Posts About CRT, and DOJ Investigating Andrew Cuomo And His Executive Chamber 
Nebraska Energy Observer: All I Want…
Outkick: Crazed Keith Olbermann Attempts Dunk On Portnoy & Barstool Sports, Fails Miserably, Alabama Considered Underdog Against Georgia?, and MLB In Deep Freeze As Lockout Is Official
Power Line: Believe All Women?, Not Just The NBA, and Another House Democrat Abandoning The Sinking Ship
Shark Tank: Longest Serving Florida AG Endorses Crist
Shot In The Dark: Hard To Believe, also, The Odds
STUMP: Quick Take – Gasoline Prices & Petroleum Production
The Political Hat: Deathmongers – One-Stop Euthanasia/Mortuary Centers, Killing The Disabled In Portugal, and Dutch Doctors Death Double-Down
This Ain’t Hell: Army & FAA Investigating Epic Flyover At Titans Game Last Month, also, Alec Baldwin’s Magic Revolver
Transterrestrial Musings: Aquatic Disaster, also, A Space Station Gap?
Victory Girls: The Process Is The Punishment
Volokh Conspiracy: Law Review Editors Behaving Badly, also, The Stench of Justice Sotomayor’s Putrid Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Weasel Zippers: If You Plead The Fifth You’re Guilty, #BLM’s Corporate Donors Silent On Group’s Call To Boycott “White Companies”, and Crew Cut has Left The Building
The Federalist: Pennsylvania Unions Ignore SCOTUS, Force Teachers To Continue Paying Dues, also, YouTube Meddles In French Election
Mark Steyn: Lighting Candles & Banishing Darkness, also, Return Of The Pre-Rudy New York

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‘Killadelphia’ D.A. Turned Loose Teen Carjacker Who Murdered Marxist Student

Posted on | December 2, 2021 | Comments Off on ‘Killadelphia’ D.A. Turned Loose Teen Carjacker Who Murdered Marxist Student

Latif Williams is only 17 years old, but he already racked up an impressive criminal record before he was arrested this week for murder. And let’s face it — if you’re an ambitious young criminal, there’s no better place to commit crime than “Killadelphia,” which has already eclipsed its all-time record annual murder total this year. Last year, Philadelphia saw an 80% increase in carjackings, and Latif Williams got in on that action this year when he “was arrested on Aug. 14th and charged with eight crimes in connection with an armed carjacking, including aggravated assault, robbery, conspiracy and possession of an unlicensed gun.”

Considering his prior record — Williams was first arrested at age 13 for “robbing a college student on the Temple [University] campus of a cell phone” — you might think this carjacking would have put him behind bars for a long time. Ah, but need I remind you that this is Killadelphia, where Joe Biden got 81% of the vote? The city’s “progressive” District Attorney Larry Krasner has a policy of turning loose criminals, and on Sept. 30, “Judge Martin Coleman granted the D.A.’s motion to withdraw all eight charges against Williams, and he was a free man.”

Didn’t take him long to return to his life of crime:

Williams is accused of fatally shooting 21-year-old Samuel Collington of Prospect Park, Delaware County on Sunday during an apparent robbery near the North Philadelphia campus. . . .
According to police, Collington had just parked his mother’s SUV on Sunday afternoon near the 2200 block of N. Park Avenue after returning from Thanksgiving at his family’s home.
Authorities said while he was unloading his things, a suspected robber snuck up on him and a struggle ensued.
According to police, Collington was shot in the chest and back. He was taken to Temple University Hospital where he died of his injuries. . . .
The 21-year-old was a political science major who was set to graduate from Temple in just weeks.

Here’s a little dash of irony: “Collington . . . was passionate about social justice issues and racial and income equality, friends said. He was the president of the Political Science Society for the last year and an officer of the College Democrats. . . . [I]n the past, he had canvassed for Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.” A friend of Collington’s, Douglas Leake “described his friend . . . as a ‘devout Marxist’ who ‘would not want his death to be used to push any sort of right-wing pro-police agenda such as stop and frisk’:

“We must not let this travesty spawn oppression of any kind,” Leake wrote. “I will never stop defending his legacy of radical justice, peace and equality.”

“Radical justice”? Progressives turn loose the criminals who kill them.

Hard not to view this as a win-win. Way to go, Killadelphia.


In The Mailbox: 12.01.21

Posted on | December 2, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.01.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Thanks to everyone who bought stuff or signed up with one of Amazon’s various services through my links last month. It’s very much appreciated!
Silicon Valley delenda est.

Go away, Corona-chan. Bored now.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1553
Doug Ross: A Chart Of Human Conditions Over The Centuries
EBL: Big Supreme Court Case Argued Today
Twitchy: Jussie Smollett’s Trial Might Not Be Going His Way, also, Occasional Cortex Can’t Believe “Credibly Accused” Rapist Kavanaugh Weighing In On Abortion
Louder With Crowder: Elon Musk Mocks New Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal With Stalin Meme, also, Police Release Bodycam Video Of MSNBC Reporter Following Rittenhouse Jury Bus
Vox Popoli: Hiding The Science, EU Lobbies For Forced Vax, and Vax-Enhanced Infection

Adam Piggott: Omicron Is Their Get Out Of Jail Free Card
American Conservative: Why Beto Might Win, also, America Without Abortion
American Greatness: Biden Approval Rating Still An Abysmal 36%
American Thinker: The COVID Vaccine Failure
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Feature Documentary To Be Made On “Patria Y Vida” Freedom Anthem, also, A Vision Of Communist Cuba, Now & In The Future
BattleSwarm: WW2 Tanks & Planes Still In Active Service
Behind The Black: Sculptured Lava South Of Olympus Mons?
Cafe Hayek: Sound & Fury, Signifying Pandering, Fauci’s Laboratory – Blinding Us With Science, and Clear Eyes On Government
CDR Salamander: No, You Wouldn’t Want China’s Strategic Position
Don Surber: The Four Pillars Of Biden’s Failure, also, Media Laughs At Christian Leader’s Death But Silent On Vax Deaths
First Street Journal: A Few Items About Excess Government Power, also, Were They Not Paying Attention?
Gates Of Vienna: Is Islam A Threat?, Lies of Omission 2021, and After Tav, We’ll Have To Use Chinese Ideograms
The Geller Report: CNN Suspends Chris Cuomo “Indefinitely”, also, 5000-Strong Muslim Mob Torches Pakistani Police Station, Demands Blasphemy Suspect For Burning
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, Zooming In On A Pair Of Black Holes, and Listening To The Supremes
Hollywood In Toto: Andrew Schulz Shreds WHO, Media For Protecting Red China, also, Colbert Denies Cancel Culture Exists – But Thinks It Should
The Lid: Federal Critical Race Theory Program Drops “Critical Race Theory” Pretending It’s Not CRT
Legal Insurrection: Smollett Jury Views Video Of Dry Run For Alleged Hate Crime, Alumni Starting To Withhold Donations From Colleges That Don’t Defend Free Speech, and Judge In Solas Anti-SLAPP Hearing Doubts NEA-RI Had Claim To Prevent Records Release
Michelle Malkin: There Is No Vetting
Nebraska Energy Observer: The Book Of ConcordTreatise On The Primacy & Power Of The Pope
Outkick: Penn Swimmer Who Was Male For Three Seasons Now Dominating Womens’ Swimming, Video Leaks Of Brian Kelly’s Final Meeting With Notre Dame Players, and WTA Boss Stands Up To Red China Over Peng Shuai, Cancels Tournaments
Power Line: Confirmed – Academic Paper a Deliberate Hoax, Temple Student Killed By Criminal Philly DA Krasner Let Walk, and Biden’s Pandemic History
Shark Tank: Rubio – Demings Has Commitment To Opening Our Borders
Shot In The Dark: Wag The Dog, Today’s Joke Is Tomorrow’s Pitched Battle?, and Not For Turning
The Political Hat: Inter-Species Organ Transplants – One Step Closer To Catgirls
This Ain’t Hell: AF Civilian Steals $1.1 Million With Travel Card, Gets Probation, Space Force General Details How Space Assets Are Under Constant Attack, and Putin Continues Testing Biden
Transterrestrial Musings: The War On Tesla
Victory Girls: Teachers Want To Teach Less, Though Students Need More
Volokh Conspiracy: Abortion, Marbury v. Madison, And “What’s Written In The Constitution”
Weasel Zippers: Sen. Cruz Slams Biden’s “Pattern Of Appeasement” After FARC Taken Off Terror List, Obese Deadbeat Running For Ga. Governor Again, and Biden Whips Off Three Lies On Inflation, Debt, & Taxes In 30 Seconds 
The Federalist: The Fifth Circuit Has Harsh Words For Biden’s Vax Mandate, also, Google’s YouTube Threatens To Ban Users Who Question Mask Effectiveness
Mark Steyn: Live Around The Planet, also, Courting Controversy

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