The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 11.19.21 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | November 20, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 11.19.21 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho
Thought I was going to be able to catch up today, but I thought wrong. 
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.


Red Pilled Jew: Normalizing Heart Attacks, also, Jab Judo – The Pharmacist Gambit
357 Magnum: Neighbor Stops Home Invasion – International Edition, also, How Is That Bail Reform Working Out?
EBL: Blondie – “Detroit 442”, also, Rep. Gosar [The Destroyer] Censured For Mean Tweet – Some Democrats Unavailable For Comment
Twitchy: In Shock Over The Rittenhouse Verdict? Julio Rosas Has Advice For You, also, Drew Holden’s Thread Revisiting Rittenhouse Trial Coverage Doubles As “A List Of Potential Defendants In Upcoming Defamation Lawsuits”
Louder With Crowder: NBC News Says The Quiet Part Out Loud, also, Top Five Angry Leftist Reactions To The Rittenhouse Verdict
Vox Popoli: That Failed Fast, Safe. And Effective, and A Verdict Is In
According To Hoyt: A Not So New Form Of War, also, Spit Out That Black Pill
Monster Hunter Nation: WriterDojo Double Feature, also, Current Events – November 2021
Stoic Observations: St. George Vs. St. Kyle

Adam Piggott: The Strange Rittenhouse Trial, also, Endless Replies
American Conservative: The 1619 Project – Yes, Clear Away The Spin, also, Are Democrats Looking To The Lifeboats?
American Greatness: America At The Intersection Of Woke & Incompetent, also, Can The FBI Be Salvaged?
American Power: Democrats Should Go Into Shock, also, Sen. Manchin Could Singlehandedly Kill Build Back Better
American Thinker: Nikole Hannah-Jones’ Broken Moral Compass, also, Joe Biden’s Political Obituary
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News, Animal’s Daily Alien Search News, and Rule Five Linguistics Friday
Babalu Blog: “Here, Today, Even The Street Sweeper Belongs To The Political Police”, “Patria Y Vida” Wins Song Of The Year At The Latin Grammys, and Yunior Garcia – Regime Setup Or False Prophet?
BattleSwarm: Is La Joya The New Illegal Crossing Hotspot?, Is Austin Community College Violating Federal Law By Discriminating Based On Race?, and LinkSwarm For November 19
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, Musk Lays Out Starship Testing Plan, and Court Says Blue Origin’s Bid For Lunar Lander Contract A Failure On All Counts
Cafe Hayek: The Unicorn Of Predatory Pricing, Making Visible The Invisible Damage Done By Minimum Wages, and Nancy McLean Continues To Baselessly Smear Milton Friedman
CDR Salamander: McMaster To Everyone – We Lack Basic Competence, Diversity Thursday, and Fullbore Friday
Don Surber: President Oddfather, Manchin Sells Out, and Rittenhouse Acquitted. Media Mad.
First Street Journal: Is Our Bishop Catholic?, Lock Him Up!, and Hold Them Accountable
Gates Of Vienna: Austria Goes Full Retard, Stonewall, and Canada’s Hateful “Anti-Hate” Network
The Geller Report: Woke Professor Whines That Pedophile Is Offensive Term, also, Piles Of Bricks Randomly Started Appearing In Kenosha Yesterday
Hogewash: Journalism Or Jury Tampering?, I’m Not Making This Up, You Know, and Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Joe Rogan – It’s Universally Accepted That The Mainstream Media Is Full of S***, Ghostbusters: Afterlife – A Safe, Sweet Trip Down Memory Lane, and Emma Watson Thanks Everyone (Except J.K. Rowling) For “Harry Potter” Fame
The Lid: The Real Democratic Resistance, also, Hell Hath No Fury Like An Angry Rep. Boebert
Legal Insurrection: NH Parents Group Offers Bounties On Teachers Violating State’s CRT Ban, Rep. Nadler Calls For DOJ To Consider Charges Against Rittenhouse, and  GoFundMe To Allow Rittenhouse To Raise Money For Defense Now That He Doesn’t Need One
Michelle Malkin: Church Militants, Not Church Milquetoasts
Nebraska Energy Observer: Lupus Tenebrosus, Chapter 15, Now I Know, and Scattershot Friday – The Legend & The Dream
Outkick: NBA On TNT Says It Only Wants Black Applicants For New On-Air Gig, Ric Flair Says He’d Rather Die In The Wrestling Ring Than The ICU, and ESPN Declines Comment On Jalen Rose’s On-Air Lies About Jacob Blake
Power Line: Last Refuge Of A Senile Scoundrel, A Hypothetical Bridge Too Far, and Media Convicted (With Bee Update)
Shark Tank: Rubio Slams Demings For Voting In Favor Of Socialist Build Back Better Bill, also, Waltz – Build Back Better Is “Irresponsible”
Shot In The Dark: Trial & Error, The Inmates Are Running The Asylum – And The Schools, and Drunk Teenagers With Keys To Dad’s Bulldozer
STUMP: Movember – The Improvement In Prostate Cancer Mortality
The Political Hat: All Your Bank (Accounts) Are Belong To U.S., ND Vs. Critical Race Theory, and Firing Line Friday – Presidential Hopeful Ronald Reagan
This Ain’t Hell: Vietnam Veteran Brothers Facing Deportation, Oklahoma-Pentagon Jab Standoff, and Valor Friday
Transterrestrial Musings: It Just Got A Lot More Crowded In LEO, also, The FBI
Victory Girls: Nick Sandmann Tells Kyle Rittenhouse “I Am Here For You”, also, Tom Cotton Wants Complete Olympic Boycott In 2022
Volokh Conspiracy: A Reality Check For Progressives On The Rittenhouse Trial, “Yes, This Is A Witch Hunt”, and Conservative & Libertarian Students At Yale Law Should Transfer Out En Masse
Weasel Zippers: Occasional Cortex Admits Build Back Better Gives Tax Break To Millionaires, Bad Orange Woman Blames Racism & Sexism For Criticism Of VP Harris, and CAIR Accuses College Democrats Of Islamophobia
The Federalist: Will Legacy Media’s Lying Coverage Of The Rittenhouse Trial Lead To More Riots? also, GoFundMe Denied Rittenhouse Fundraising While Crowdsourcing Funds For #BLM Rioters
Mark Steyn: Howls All Around, Ode To A Firemen Calendar, and Snerdley On Rittenhouse

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In The Mailbox: 11.19.21 (Morning Edition)

Posted on | November 19, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 11.19.21 (Morning Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Been away from the keyboard for a couple of days thanks to a nasty case of the flu. At least it wasn’t Corona-chan. This edition is going to be truncated since I got a lot of stuff e-mailed to me on Wednesday and I don’t really feel up to plowing through Feedly looking for two-day-old links.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

Things that make you go hmmmm…


Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1539
McG’s Tally Book: Jack Of Diamonds, Jack Of Diamonds, I’ve Known You Of Old
357 Magnum: Because Keeping Violent Offenders In Jail is Just Unfair
EBL: Vancouver BC Cut Off From The World? [with an excellent reading recommendation]
Twitchy: “They Think They OWN Your Kids”, also, Florida Donks’ Attempt To Blame DeSantis For Rising Gas Prices Goes Up In Flames
Louder With Crowder: “This Is A Left-Wing Cult” – Joe Rogan Unloads On Dishonest Media Coverage Of Rittenhouse Trial
Vox Popoli: You Survived The Psyop, The Temptation Of Empire, and Gatekeeper U
Gab News: Why Christians Must Prepare For The Metaverse
Stoic Observations: The Satisfaction Of Piety vs. The Concentration Of Force

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Posted on | November 19, 2021 | Comments Off on KYLE RITTENHOUSE ACQUITTED ON ALL COUNTS IN KENOSHA

BREAKING NOW! Kenosha jury finds Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty.

UPDATE: My prediction had been for a hung jury, as I expected there would be two or three holdouts who would insist that Rittenhouse must be found guilty of something. It is therefore a pleasant surprise that the evidence — which clearly showed that Rittenhouse only fired his AR-15 in self-defense when attacked by rioters — was sufficient to overwhelm any such prejudice against the defendant. The acquittal is not necessarily a vindication of the idea that teenagers should be going to riots while armed with rifles, but it is is a triumph of the rule of law, and the constitutional right of trial by jury. Thank God.

UPDATE: Reactions elsewhere:

The important thing here is what was demonstrated, in terms of our constitutional rights as Americans. The Second Amendment exists for a reason, after all — the armed citizen deters aggression. In a situation such as the Kenosha riots, where violent chaos had overwhelmed the ability of police to keep the peace, Rittenhouse was part of a spontaneously organized group of men who showed up to protect life and property. Rittenhouse was attacked by the deranged criminal JoJo Rosenbaum, and shot Rosenbaum in self-defense. Each subsequent shooting was part of a rapid and confusing situation that developed amid the riot. Public authorities in Wisconsin, who failed to maintain order, are the real villains in this story; the attempt by prosecutors to make Rittenhouse a scapegoat was thwarted by a jury of 12. God bless America!



Kenosha: Verdict Today? Or Never?

Posted on | November 18, 2021 | Comments Off on Kenosha: Verdict Today? Or Never?

My prediction of a hung jury in the Kyle Rittenhouse case is looking better after the jury failed to reach a verdict in their second day of deliberations. The jury asked the judge Wednesday to review surveillance drone video of the shooting incident, a request that might be interpreted several different ways. My theory, however, is that a majority of the jurors want to acquit Rittenhouse, but are deadlocked — probably 10-2 or 9-3 — because a few jurors are adamant that Rittenhouse can’t be allowed to get off scot-free. He must be found guilty of something, these holdouts believe, because how is it that a 17-year-old can just walk around with an AR-15 and shoot anybody who causes him trouble?

That’s my theory, anyway, and if I’m right, the reason they wanted to review the drone video was because, according to the prosecution, this video shows that Rittenhouse “provoked” the attacks against him by pointing his rifle at people. The defense denies this, and has moved for a mistrial because the prosecution gave them a low-quality “compressed” version of the video file, rather than the high-resolution version the prosecution showed the jury. While I doubt the judge will declare a mistrial over this issue, the defense is establishing the basis of an appeal, in case the jury returns a guilty verdict — which I think they won’t.

It’s either going to be an acquittal or a hung jury, as I see it, because the evidence so clearly shows Rittenhouse fired in self-defense in each of the three cases — killing the deranged criminal JoJo Rosenbaum, killing skateboard punk Anthony Huber, and wounding Gaige Grosskreutz, who was pointing a Glock pistol at Rittenhouse. By the way, they have identified “Jump Kick Man,” the mystery figure who attacked Rittenhouse right before Huber got shot. “Jump Kick Man” is a convicted felon with a lengthy rap sheet. Rittenhouse fired two shots at him but unfortunately missed, and it was this incident that may have encouraged Huber’s subsequent attack on Rittenhouse. “Jump Kick Man” is reportedly behind bars now, because of a probation violation, but his involvement in the case indicates what I’ve said all along — these rioting mobs weren’t composed of “social justice” idealists, but rather criminal scum looking to engage in mayhem. Democrats, in other words.

So now everybody’s waiting for a verdict, and there may never be a verdict, because some holdout jurors are insisting that Rittenhouse be found guilty of something — anything — rather than be acquitted, and never mind the clear evidence of self-defense.

Dana Loesch spanked David French for his idiotic attack on “open carry” of firearms. I try to ignore French — it’s painful even to acknowledge his existence — but somebody had to school him, so thanks to Dana for doing this job. However, I will cede French’s point that most of Rittenhouse’s defenders would never do what Rittenhouse did, or want their kids to do it. Like, if one of my sons ever called me to ask, “Should I take my AR-15 to the riot?” I’d be like, “Hell, no! Have you lost your mind?”

But whether an activity is advisable is a different question than whether it’s legal, and there are a lot of things that are legal to do which I avoid and would also advise my children to avoid. So while I try to stay away from riots, and have never brandished a carbine at anyone, that doesn’t mean it should be illegal to brandish a carbine during a riot. And when we consider the result of Rittenhouse’s (arguably foolish) decision, it’s not as if it were entirely bad. At the very least, we should all be grateful that convicted child rapist JoJo Rosenbaum is dead.


Killer Lesbians: Pennsylvania Couple Investigated in Homicide of Two Girls

Posted on | November 17, 2021 | Comments Off on Killer Lesbians: Pennsylvania Couple Investigated in Homicide of Two Girls

Don’t expect feminists to notice this case:

COGAN STATION, Pa. — The discovery of the bodies of two girls missing for years and buried in the backyard of a Pennsylvania home has led to the arrest of two women.
Authorities identified the bodies of 6-year-old Nicole Snyder and 4-year-old Jasmine Snyder on Monday. Authorities say the older girl was buried in 2016, and the younger one was buried in 2017.
The girls’ mother, 32-year-old Marie Snyder, and her partner Echo Butler, 26, have been charged with child endangerment and obstruction in Lycoming County, and authorities have opened a homicide investigation, the Williamsport Sun-Gazette reported.
The girls’ bodies were transported Monday to Erie for examination by a forensic anthropologist, officials said. Chief Chris Kriner of the Old Lycoming Township police department said an investigation continues “into the manner of death, motive and the timeline of events.”
The Children and Youth Services department earlier took custody of a son for care. In early September, the agency began investigating after reports of concerns about “educational issues” involving the 7-year-old son, Kriner said. Officials then learned that Marie Snyder had two other children who were unaccounted for and last month sought help from police, he said.
Authorities said the father of the girls reported last having seen them in 2015, the same year as their last contact with medical, court or other personnel. Robert Mausteller of the township police department said officials were allegedly told in September the girls were staying with a friend, but they never got a name.
Marie Snyder was arrested at her Clinton County workplace Nov. 4 and refused to provide information about the whereabouts of the missing girls, Kriner said. The property was searched several times over the next few days, and the remains were found over the weekend.
Kriner said he and the county district attorney consider it “a terrible, horrific situation” and vowed that their investigation will not conclude until “justice is brought on behalf of these two young girls.” He said other agencies including state police and the FBI assisted in the search.
Both women were ordered held without bail pending a Nov. 17 preliminary hearing.

They have not yet been charged with murder, but when you bury two bodies in your backyard, that’s pretty heavy circumstantial evidence. I mean, one body, you could perhaps come up with some plausible explanation, but two bodies? No, you’re not going to explain that away.

The father of the children, Joshua Snyder, 31, was prohibited from seeing them under a “Protection from Abuse” (PFA) order issued in 2015, after he was evicted from the mobile home where Snyder, Butler and Butler’s mother lived. Exactly what he knew about his ex-wife’s domestic situation is unclear, but this is definitely a strange case. You might suppose that, in such a case, there would have been some sort of follow-up to check on the well-being of the children, but it appears that in this quiet part of Pennsylvania (about 5 miles north of Williamsport) nobody paid much attention. Once you legally prevent the father from being involved, children are at the mercy of their mother — and, in this case, their mother’s lesbian girlfriend and the girlfriend’s mother.

You’re not allowed to voice concerns about such an arrangement. It’s practically a hate crime even to use the words “lesbian” and “homicide” in the same headline, unless of course a lesbian is the victim of homicide. These are the unwritten rules of modern journalism, which is all about “social justice” and “diversity,” so don’t expect CNN to notice that two lesbians are suspects in the homicide of two little girls. This is not a crime deserving of national attention, but strictly local news.


In The Mailbox: 11.16.21

Posted on | November 17, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 11.16.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

…and that’s the way it was.

357 Magnum: Felony Murder On The Left Coast?
EBL: Land, also, Schrödinger’s Kyle
Twitchy: Max Boot Is Terrified “We’ll” Lose “Our Democracy” When The GOP Wins In 2022 & 2024, also, Jen Rubin Endorses Beta O’Rourke & It Promptly Backfires
Louder With Crowder: Hero Cabbie Stops Terror Attack By Locking Jihadi In His Taxi Seconds Before The Bomb Went Off
Vox Popoli: Hundreds Of Troops, Desperate For War, and Was Kenosha A Failed Hit?
Gab News: Former West Point Cadet Speaks Out – Booted From USMA For Refusing Jab

Adam Piggott: Comments On The Podcast, also, No, The Bible Is Not An Israeli Book
American Conservative: Why I Joined The U. Austin Advisory Board, also, SCOTUS Should End “State Secrets” Shield
American Greatness: Retract Every Russian Collusion Story & Fire Everyone Who Wrote One, also, Why The Rittenhouse Case Has Changed Everything
American Thinker: A Word About Democracy From A Man Brought Up In A Dictatorship
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Charlie Fox News
Babalu Blog: 15-N In Cuba – The Dictatorship Exposes Its Fear Of The Cuban People, also, Dissidents Call For An Extension Of Protests For Twelve More Days
BattleSwarm: Beto III – The Betoing Officially Greenlit, also, Anti-CRT/SJW Roundup
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, Branson Sells Another $300 Million In Virgin Galactic Stock, and Arianespace Launches Three French Milsats
Cafe Hayek: The World Is Not Right, also, Thoughts On Democratic Choice
CDR Salamander: LCS – History’s Judgment Looms
Don Surber: EU Wants Americans To Die Defending Europe Again, NYT – Maybe We Shouldn’t Have Published Those Lies, and Libs Realize Biden Is Now A Problem
First Street Journal: Weathering The Storm, also, #MaskMandates And Fewer Fans In The Stands
Gates Of Vienna: Migrants In France Offer Their Thoughts On The Great Replacement, Death By Vax – A Numbers Game, and Ho! Ho! Ho!
The Geller Report: Two Jurors Holding Up Rittenhouse Verdict, Citing Backlash, Per U.S. Marshals In Kenosha, also, Ukraine Says Russia Massed 100,000 Troops On Border – Blinken Raises “Real Concerns” About Invasion
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, A Meme, and I’m Not Making This Up, You Know
Hollywood In Toto: Twitter Schools Matthew Modine On His Absurd Rittenhouse Slam, also, Bruce Willis’ Films Now Border On Fan Abuse
The Lid: Former Chicom Political Prisoner Schools PBS Host On Trump & Authoritarianism
Legal Insurrection: Student Leaders At Syracuse U. Want Rudy Giuliani’s Honorary Degree Rescinded, also, Leftist Student Groups To Protest Ben Shapiro Speech At FSU
Nebraska Energy Observer: FIDO, The American Way, also, Call It By Its Name
Outkick: Cleveland Wimps Settle Suit With Roller Derby Team, Both Will Be Called Guardians, also, Enes Kanter Suggests He’s Not Playing Because Of His Red China Stance, And He May Be Right
Power Line: Inflation – Stages Of Disbelief, also, Wyoming GOP Gives Liz Cheney The Boot
Shark Tank: Diaz-Balart Slams Biden For Making The Situation In Cuba Worse
Shot In The Dark: Faith Noah More, The Shorter Rittenhouse Prosecution Summation, and Something Tells Me…
The Political Hat: When Public Schools Are Objectively Pro-Rape
This Ain’t Hell: Vietnam Vet Reflects On His Time There Through Letters Home, also, Racist Idiot Claims Hiroshima Bombing Was To Show Return On Investment
Transterrestrial Musings: The NASA OIG Audit, The Russian ASAT Test, and Plant-Based “Meat”
Victory Girls: Cori Bush Claims White Supremacists Shot At Ferguson Marchers
Volokh Conspiracy: Sixth Circuit To Hear Challenges To OSHA Jab Or Test Mandate
Weasel Zippers: State Dept. Flack Insists Withdrawal From Afghanistan Was “Extraordinary”, DHS Head Mayorkas Gives Himself An “A”, Claims Biden Border Policies “On The Road To Success”, and GOP Could Pick Up 70 House Seats Next Year
The Federalist: Whistleblower’s Documents Suggest Garland Lied About Targeting Concerned Parents, also, DOD Flack Says Climate Change As Big A Threat As Red China
Mark Steyn: Together Wherever We Go, also, A Bridge Too Farcical

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Kenosha: Media-Induced Mistrial?

Posted on | November 16, 2021 | Comments Off on Kenosha: Media-Induced Mistrial?

This disturbing report from Jack Posobiec (via Legal Insurrection, tipped from a commenter in today’s earlier post) shows exactly what can be expected when the media engages in deliberate misrepresentation of criminal cases. We live in an era of neo-Stalinism, where The Party organizes show trials preceded by propaganda that demonizes the accused as an “enemy of the people” (vrag naroda).

People can be taught to hate a person they never met if, as in the case of Kyle Rittenhouse, they are fed a controlled diet of lies and distortions, intended to portray someone in the worst possible light. There are people on the Left, cocooned inside the media echo chamber of hate propaganda, who sincerely believe that Rittenhouse is a sort of right-wing assassin, who went to Kenosha to kill “racial justice” protesters. This is the narrative of the Rittenhouse case created by CNN and MNSBC, and amplified by every propaganda organ of The Party.

Did I mention that actual Communists are in Kenosha?

In a sane world, killing Communists would not only be legal, it would be encouraged as a patriotic duty. Pray for America.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


Kenosha: Expect a Hung Jury

Posted on | November 16, 2021 | Comments Off on Kenosha: Expect a Hung Jury

Kyle Rittenhouse should be acquitted, but he won’t be, because there are almost certainly two or three jury members in Kenosha who will vote for conviction no matter what the law or the evidence may be. Recall that it was Democratic voters who rioted in Kenosha, unleashing three nights of vandalism and arson because domestic abuser Jacob Blake got shot by a cop while violently resisting arrest. If you think it’s a bad thing for cops to shoot violent criminals, and if you think torching a used-car lot is an appropriate form of “peaceful protest,” you’re obviously a Democratic voter — the Kenosha riot was a Joe Biden campaign rally.

“This is case-closed self-defense. Democrats allow mob violence to rule the streets. Americans have the right to defend themselves.”

That’s what I said the day after the shooting, and I haven’t changed my mind, but the pro-riot/anti-police Democrats haven’t changed their minds either and, if there are just two or three Democrats on the Rittenhouse jury, that will be enough to block a “not guilty” verdict.

No Democrat cares about facts or the law:

“Why did President Biden suggest that Kyle Rittenhouse on trial in Kenosha is a white supremacist?” Fox News’s Peter Doocey asked the press secretary this week during a news conference.
Psaki let out a loud, long sigh, as if it’s tiresome to be asked about an issue the Biden team previously was very eager to discuss.
“What I’m not going to speak to right now is anything about an ongoing trial, nor the president’s past comments,” responded Psaki. “What I can reiterate for you is the president’s view that we shouldn’t have, broadly speaking, vigilantes patrolling our communities with assault weapons. We shouldn’t have opportunists corrupting peaceful protests by rioting and burning down the communities they claim to represent anywhere in the country.”
The Biden campaign tweeted a video on Sept. 30, 2020, with the accompanying caption, “There’s no other way to put it: the President of the United States refused to disavow white supremacists on the debate stage last night.” The video includes images of Rittenhouse taken on the night of the riots.

(Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.) The prosecution of this case was a circus sideshow from start to finish, and if you wonder why crime is rampant in America’s cities, just think of how much effort went into prosecuting Kyle Rittenhouse, and how little effort — in fact, no effort at all — Kenosha devoted to keeping the dangerous criminal JoJo Rosenbaum behind bars. If Rosenbaum had been in jail, where he belonged, nobody would have gotten shot that night, but Kenosha turned Rosenbaum loose and, as Tucker Carlson said, JoJo “died as he had lived, trying to touch an unwilling minor.” I’m glad he’s dead.


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