The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Nancy Pelosi’s Jan. 6 Witch-Hunt Committee Burns Its First Witch

Posted on | November 12, 2021 | Comments Off on Nancy Pelosi’s Jan. 6 Witch-Hunt Committee Burns Its First Witch

Today, I watched MSNBC (so you don’t have to) and you would have thought it was the biggest thing since VJ Day, the way they were celebrating the federal grand jury indictment of Steve Bannon:

A federal grand jury on Friday indicted Steve Bannon, a former adviser to former President Donald Trump, on two counts of contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena to testify.
The Justice Department said Bannon faces one count for refusing to appear for an Oct. 14 deposition and a second count for refusing to provide documents related to the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol.
Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson and ranking member Liz Cheney have accused Bannon of knowing about the Jan. 6 attack at the U.S. Capitol before it happened. They seek to question him about discussions he had with Trump in the days before the violent insurrection in which radical Trump supporters stormed the Capitol as lawmakers were voting to certify the 2020 election.
If convicted, Bannon faces between 30 days and one year in prison and up to a $1,000 fine.
“Since my first day in office, I have promised Justice Department employees that together we would show the American people by word and deed that the department adheres to the rule of law, follows the facts and the law and pursues equal justice under the law,” Attorney General Merrick Garland said. “Today’s charges reflect the department’s steadfast commitment to these principles.”
Bannon is one of multiple Trump associates whom the Jan. 6 committee has subpoenaed, including former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, who was supposed to appear for a deposition Friday.
Earlier this week, the committee also subpoenaed former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany; senior adviser Stephen Miller; Nicholas Luna, Trump’s former personal assistant; Molly Michael, special assistant to the president and oval office operations coordinator; Benjamin Williamson, deputy assistant to the president and senior adviser to Meadows; Christopher Liddell, former White House deputy chief of staff; John McEntee, former White House personnel director; Keith Kellogg, national security adviser to former Vice President Mike Pence; Cassidy Hutchinson, special assistant for legislative affairs to Trump; and Kenneth Klukowski, former senior counsel to Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Clark.

We’re back to “The Walls Are Closing In,” you see — party like it’s 2018!

As I said earlier this week, a source with direct knowledge of these subpoenas described it to me as “the fishing expedition from hell” — basically, the Select Committee is demanding every email, text message, etc., in any way related to Jan. 6. But the people being subpoenaed have not been accused of any crime in this matter, because there was no crime except for the 600 or so people charged with storming the Capitol. What, pray tell, do Steve Bannon’s emails have to with that? If the FBI had any reason to believe that Bannon “conspired” with the militia kooks and QAnon crazies who breached the Capitol barricades, don’t you think he would have been charged by now? But wait a minute . . .

There were other people who were much more involved in planning the “Stop the Steal” rally than Bannon, and who have also been subpoenaed by the Committee. Why haven’t they been indicted?

Oh, you’re figuring this out now, aren’t you?

It’s a fucking publicity stunt, and Bannon is the Big Name to help hype up the MSNBC audience and generate New York Times headlines.

The whole agenda here is to keep the “insurrection” in the news until November 2022, the same way they kept “Russian collusion” alive all the way to the 2018 midterms. It’s a hoax of a sham of a farce.


Brooke Litchfield Is a Dangerous Whore

Posted on | November 12, 2021 | Comments Off on Brooke Litchfield Is a Dangerous Whore

Two years ago, police arrested 19-year-old Brooke Litchfield in Kentucky after she and a boyfriend were accused of brutally robbing a man who had posted on social media about receiving an inheritance:

Jefferstontown Police say Litchfield, [22-year-old James] Rice and another man went to HomeTowne Studios Louisville — an extended stay hotel — to hang out with a friend over the weekend.
That friend had recently inherited money and had posted about it on social media.
While the four were in the hotel, court documents say Litchfield asked the victim to take a selfie with her.
That’s when police say one of the men who came with her hit the victim in the back of the head and beat his face, knocking out his teeth and damaging his eye socket.
Officers say the hotel room was covered with blood.
They then took off with $3,500 in cash and a $1,300 necklace.

You might think that this would have landed Litchfield in prison for a long time, but instead she is now back in the news:

A woman is in jail after she was allegedly hired as a prostitute on Saturday along with another woman, whom she reportedly shot on accident when she was aiming at the client.
Police received a call around 6:30 p.m. about a man who had been robbed, and another call a few minutes later about woman who had been shot. They discovered that the calls were related.
Investigators say the man hired the two female prostitutes to come to his apartment.
An altercation apparently broke out between them inside the apartment, and one of the women allegedly pulled a gun and shot at the man.
However, police say, she missed and hit the other woman instead.
She then left to drive the injured woman to the hospital, who is said to have non-life-threatening injuries.
Officers arrested 21-year-old Brooke Litchfield in connection to the shooting.
She is being charged with robbery, assault, and wanton endangerment.
The other woman and the man are facing prostitution charges.

Beware of this whore. She’s dangerous.


Let’s Discuss the Media’s Shameless Dishonesty in the Kyle Rittenhouse Case

Posted on | November 11, 2021 | Comments Off on Let’s Discuss the Media’s Shameless Dishonesty in the Kyle Rittenhouse Case

Everybody is now talking about the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, and the judge’s “don’t get brazen with me” eruption at the prosecutor, but there is a larger story that is being overlooked — namely, the media’s role in bringing about this politically motivated prosecution which they are now misreporting to their audiences. After watching CNN (so you don’t have to) on Tuesday, I turned the TV Wednesday to MSNBC and was struck by the fact that nowhere in their commentary did they mention that Joseph “JoJo” Rosenbaum was a convicted child rapist who had just been released from a psychiatric ward the day he was killed in the Kenosha riot.

This is the most important fact in the whole case.

Rosenbaum was a hardened criminal who spent more than a decade in Arizona prisons. He was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and after he showed up on the third night of rioting in downtown Kenosha, immediately confronted the armed men guarding the used car lot.

Readers of this blog are familiar with these facts, because I reported them within a week of the shootings in Kenosha:

Sex Offender Joseph Rosenbaum Taunted
Armed Civilians: ‘Shoot Me, N–r!’

Aug. 28, 2020


Kenosha: Anthony Huber Was a Felon,
and Jacob Blake Was Dangerous

Aug. 30, 2020

As I summarized it at the time:

It was, of course, Andy Ngo who first reported Rosenbaum’s sex offender status, and Ngo further reported that both of the other two rioters shot by Kyle Rittenhouse also had criminal records. Anthony Huber, 26, who attacked Rittenhouse with a skateboard and was fatally shot, “has a criminal history that includes charges of battery & repeat domestic abuse,” Ngo reported. Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, who was seen on video pointing a pistol at Rittenhouse before being wounded in the arm, is “a member of the People’s Revolution Movement,” Ngo reported, and “has a criminal record that includes being intoxicated & armed w/a gun.”
Now, let’s ask what should be an obvious question: What are the odds that a guy opens fire at a mass gathering and all three of the people he shoots turn out to have criminal records? Doesn’t this tell you something about who is engaging in these “mostly peaceful” protests?

These facts were known, and widely reported in local media, in addition to conservative web sites. But if all you know about the news is what you get from CNN and MSNBC, you don’t know these things.

Perhaps the media think they are justified in ignoring Rosenbaum’s heinous criminal history because they don’t want to “blame the victim” — but JoJo Rosenbaum was the aggressor in this incident.

That’s crucial to understanding what Kyle Rittenhouse did, but social media companies have joined the effort to suppress this crucial fact, banning anyone who defends Rittenhouse. In a now-banned YouTube video from August 2020, analyzing the then-available evidence, one commentator explained how Rosenbaum got himself shot to death:

“That’s the ultimate ‘play a stupid game, win a stupid prize.’ You’re running, chasing somebody down. The person you’re chasing has a rifle. What did you expect?”

Everything we’ve learned about the case since then only confirms the verdict I delivered at the time: “Nobody would have gotten shot had it not been for the aggressive stupidity of convicted sex offender JoJo Rosenbaum. Once he had collected his stupid prize, the rest of the rioting mob decided they should join in on the stupid game of chasing the guy with the rifle.” Anthony Huber and Gaige Grosskreutz didn’t know what had happened (i.e., that Rittenhouse had shot Rosenbaum in self-defense) and chased Rittenhouse in the belief that the teenager was attempting to flee, when in fact Rittenhouse was trying to get back to where the police were. This all occurred during a breakdown of law and order, a riot in which Huber and Grosskreutz were participants, which had overwhelmed the ability of police in Kenosha. There were no police in the vicinity of the intersection of Sheridan Road and 63rd Street, where the criminal maniac Rosenbaum attacked Rittenhouse.

This morning, I turned the TV over to MSNBC and Morning Joe is full of hand-wringing about the prosecution’s failure in the case — they are literally trying to play the race card, saying that Rittenhouse would have been treated differently if he were black. But there was no element of race in the case — all three people who got shot by Rittenhouse were white, and in each incident, Rittenhouse fired in self-defense. In America, everybody has the right of armed self-defense; it’s in the Constitution and, while MSNBC audiences may not realize it, black defendants are often acquitted (or never face charges) in similar cases.

If I’ve got a gun, and you get shot after you attack me, it doesn’t matter that you were unarmed in the attack. That’s how the Second Amendment right to bear arms helps to prevent violence. You’re less likely to be assaulted if your would-be attacker has to consider the possibility that his attack may result in his own death. What happened in Kenosha, however, was that JoJo Rosenbaum — who, I remind you, had just gotten out of a psych ward that morning — did not behave as any sane person would behave. Like, if you or I happened to find ourselves in the middle of a riot, our first impulse would be to get someplace safe. If, during this hypothetical scenario, we encountered someone with an AR-15, the last thing we would have done (because were are not crazy) would be to shout obscene threats, charge after them, and try to grab their rifle.

Hey, did I mention that JoJo Rosenbaum was crazy?

Rosenbaum’s fiancée, Kariann Swart, testified Friday that Rosenbaum had been released from a hospital the day of his death, and was dropped off in Downtown Kenosha. Although it is not being shared with the jury, Rosenbaum had been in the hospital for mental health treatment after a suicide attempt. . . .
In her testimony, Swart said Rosenbaum walked to the hotel where she was staying. The couple had been homeless during portions of their relationship, at one point living in a tent, but had recently been staying in a hotel room. She estimated it would have taken Rosenbaum an hour to walk from the transit center where he had been dropped off by hospital personnel to her hotel. . . .
“We were talking about things we needed to work on in our relationship.” She said he seemed excited and happy, and was talking about changes he wanted to make in his life. “When he left he said he would see me in the morning.”
Not shared with the jury was why Rosenbaum, who had bipolar disorder, was not able to stay with Swart. He was out on bond for domestic battery, and had a no contact order with Swart. She told him to stay away from the area where there had been rioting.
“I did explain to him that things had gotten bad the last few days because he had not been in town the last few days and I did tell him explicitly not to go downtown,” Swart said.

“He was out on bond for domestic battery.”

Do you think anyone watching CNN or MSNBC knows any of this? Certainly, they’re not going to get it from CNN or MSNBC. As I have previously said, nobody would have gotten shot that night if not for Rosenbaum’s deranged behavior. Rosenbaum was out on bond for beating his girlfriend, and violated a no-contact order by going to see her after he got out of the psych ward. She “explicitly” warned him to stay away from the riot downtown, but JoJo went there anyway.

How many times have I told you? Crazy People Are Dangerous.

No one watching coverage of the Rittenhouse trial on MSNBC or CNN is going to learn these important facts about Rosenbaum, which are being excluded from the courtroom because they are not directly relevant to the legal question of Rittenhouse’s guilt or innocence. But if the jury is not allowed to hear testimony on these matters — Rittenhouse didn’t know anything about Rosenbaum, and therefore this could not have been a factor in his decision to pull the trigger — it is certainly crucial to understanding the context of what happened that night.

The same authorities who allowed “mostly peaceful protesters” to take over the streets of Kenosha — the shootings happened on the third night of riots in the city — were also responsible for a criminal justice system that failed to keep Joseph Rosenbaum behind bars. For that matter, the pretext for this riot, the Kenosha police shooting of Jacob Blake, was further evidence of systemic failure by the authorities:

The cops involved in the shooting of Jacob Blake — which touched off a fresh wave of angry, anti-police sentiment across the country — were attempting to arrest him for violating a restraining order stemming from an alleged sexual assault, The Post has learned.
Blake, 29, was forbidden from going to the Kenosha home of his alleged victim from the May 3 incident, and police were dispatched Sunday following a 911 call saying he was there.
The responding officers were aware he had an open warrant for felony sexual assault, according to dispatch records and the Kenosha Professional Police Association, which released a statement on the incident on Friday.

Why wasn’t Jacob Blake already behind bars? If we are to take liberals seriously when they talk about “violence against women,” shouldn’t something be done about the way perpetrators like Jacob Blake are being turned loose to terrorize their victims? But instead, now we have liberals implicitly arguing for a catch-and-release policy for domestic abusers, and demonizing cops as “racist” because one of the perps got shot.

The reason liberals are able to engage in such self-contradictory beliefs — violence against women must be punished, but don’t keep domesetic abusers in jail or send cops after them, if they happen to be black — is because the mainstream media won’t point out the contradictions and, in many cases, the media refuse to even acknowledge the relevant facts.

Viewers of CNN and MSNBC are never confronted with evidence or logic that would contradict the preferred liberal narrative of events. Joe Scarborough this morning was ranting about Rittenhouse being “aggressive,” simply because the kid was carrying a rifle, as if firearms possession does not deter aggression. The entire rationale of the Second Amendment — the ability of armed citizens to preserve the peace — was central to the events in Kenosha. The armed citizen not only is able to defend himself as an individual, but this ability also extends protection to others, by deterring would-be aggressors. Why do you think burglars and thieves generally avoid rural areas of “red” America?

In rural America, nearly every homeowner has firearms, and the thief from Baltimore would be a fool to seek victims in Carroll County. The violent crime rate in Baltimore is 18.76 (per thousand residents) compared to 3.76 in Westminster, the Carroll County seat.

The deterrence effect of firearms possession is very easy to understand — criminals prefer unarmed victims — which is why JoJo Rosenbaum’s mental health issues and criminal record are crucial to explaining what happened in Kenosha. Rosenbaum clearly saw Rittenhouse was armed, but evidently underestimated Rittenhouse’s ability to use his weapon effectively. Oops! Too bad for you, JoJo. You guessed wrong.

CNN and MSNBC viewers will not be informed about this essential context, because the Democrats who run those networks don’t want their audiences to be fully informed. Whenever facts contradict the liberal narrative, the facts will be ignored. Sic semper hoc.

Is it any wonder that CNN and MSNBC are losing the ratings contest?


“A convicted child rapist called Joseph Rosenbaum was released from a mental hospital, then went directly to join the mob that was burning downtown Kenosha. Once he got to the riot, Rosenbaum saw Kyle Rittenhouse and immediately threatened to kill him. Rosenbaum then chased Rittenhouse and tried to pull the gun from his hands. When he did that, Kyle Rittenhouse shot him. So Joseph Rosenbaum died as he had lived, trying to touch an unwilling minor.”

I believe the appropriate word for this is, “Heh.”


In The Mailbox: 11.10.21

Posted on | November 10, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 11.10.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Great Moments from the Rittenhouse trial – Judge Schroeder counsels DA Binger

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1532 Louis L’Amour
357 Magnum: F*c*book Rules – Don’t Mention Certain Atrocities
EBL: Who Put The Klan In The Ku Klux Klan
Twitchy: Tucker Carlson Goes There – “Kyle Rittenhouse’s First Victim Died As He Had Lived”
Louder With Crowder: “I Call That Dude Throwsa Parks”
Vox Popoli: And Now We Know Why, When “Refugees” Become “Invaders”, and The All-Seeing Eyes
Surak Blog: Relative Adverse Events By Year
Gab News: How God’s Grace Saved Gab

American Greatness: Rittenhouse Defense Team Calls For Mistrial With Prejudice Due To DA’s Misconduct, also, Citizenship & Courage
American Thinker: My Ringside Seat On A Crooked NJ Election
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: The International Community Must Hold Cuba’s Dictatorship Responsible For Any Violence on 11/15
BattleSwarm: Supply Chain Update For November 10
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, SpaceX Successfully Launches Four Astronauts To ISS, and Spinlaunch Conducts First Prototype Test Launch 
Cafe Hayek: COVID Is Indeed More Dangerous To The Old Than The Young
CDR Salamander: What Has Not Been Sold To Red China?
Don Surber: Liz Cheney Is The New Evan McMullin, also, Democrats Want Empty Shelves & High Prices
First Street Journal: Fear Is The Mind-Killer! also, How Gun Control Works
Gates Of Vienna: Syrian Culture-Enricher Runs Amok On Bavarian Train, also, Austria Is The Model For Sharia In Algeria
The Geller Report: Biden Treasury Nominee Calls For Bankrupting Oil, Coal, & Gas Industries, also, Trial Halted After Kyle Rittenhouse Breaks Down On The Stand – “I Was Defending Myself”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, DaVinci & Venus, and Binger Vis-A-Vis Kimberlin
Hollywood In Toto: Patriot Purge Is Hands Down The Year’s Most Shocking Documentary, also, Daily Show Ratings Plummet To Shocking New Lows
The Lid: Exposing The Democrats’ Plan To Spy On Your Bank Account
Legal Insurrection: The Media Is Lying About The Battle Over CRT, Some California Schools Ditching Grading Because Students Are Failing, and Texas Requiring CRT Education For State Employees?
Michelle Malkin: Our Children Are Not Chattel
Nebraska Energy Observer: Lupus Tenebrosus, Chapter 14
Outkick: Terror In Tuscaloosa?, Navy Stuns Virginia As College Hoops Begins Again, and CNN Jerkoff – Kyle Rittenhouse Is Lucky It Isn’t Illegal To Be An Idiot
Power Line: Inflation Spikes “Unexpectedly”, Saudis Tilt Toward Chicoms, and In The Matter Of Nicole Malliotakis
Shark Tank: Val Demings Hit With FEC Complaint
Shot In The Dark: In The Bag, When Progressives Ask Me, and Scabrous
The Political Hat: The Punishment Of Unwoke Realtors, also, When Concerned Parents Are Terrorists But Murder Is Free Speech 
This Ain’t Hell: Happy Birthday Devil Dogs!, MDMA Therapy For PTSD? and City Of Austin Cancels Veterans Day Parade Due To COVID
Transterrestrial Musings: A New University
Victory Girls: Treasury Nominee Omarova – Government Must Bankrupt Oil, Coal, & Gas Companies 
Volokh Conspiracy: Police Officers’ Libel Lawsuit Against Seattle Councilwoman Kshama Sawant Can Go Forward
Weasel Zippers: Transportation Secretary – Roads Are Racist, also, Maine Residents Can Look Forward To 60% Jump In Electric Prices Thanks To Joe Biden
The Federalist: Lawmakers Demand U.S. Punish Finland For Criminalizing Christianity, also, October Prices Jump 6.2% – Biggest Inflation Increase In 30 Years
Mark Steyn: Tsunamis Of Evil

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CNN: Failure, Denial and Nostalgia

Posted on | November 10, 2021 | Comments Off on CNN: Failure, Denial and Nostalgia

John Nolte ripped CNN a new one Tuesday, pointing out the laughable bogusness of the failing network’s recent polls, and Ace of Spades did a happy dance over CNN’s abysmal ratings — they don’t even reach a million viewers for most of their primetime shows. There are YouTube podcasters and teenagers on TikTok with bigger audiences than CNN.

Why hasn’t Jeff Zucker been fired yet? Is there any realistic possibility that CNN will get better under Zucker’s continued leadership? If they’ve just decided to accept permanent residence in the cable-ratings basement — literally, CNN is losing to Paw Patrol reruns on Nick Jr. — it probably doesn’t matter who’s running the show, but what’s the point of airing “news” that nobody watches? And what kind of “news” is it?

Yesterday was one of those days when I decided to watch CNN (so you don’t have to) and their Big Story — leading every hour, the subject of breathless “reporting” and multiple discussions with Trump-hating panelists — was that Nancy Pelosi’s special January 6th committee had issued subpoenas to 10 former Trump administration officials.

Very simple question: Who cares?

Maybe CNN’s 600,000 or so hardcore viewers are permanently fascinated with the Capitol “insurrection,” but how is it top-of-the-hour news that Pelosi is continuing her pointless witch hunt into something that happened 10 months ago? I say this witch hunt is pointless because the Justice Department has already investigated and is prosecuting more than 600 people who were involved in the “insurrection.” So what exactly is Pelosi’s handpicked committee investigating? What is the rationale of this inquiry that justifies issuing all these subpoenas? What do Democrats (and their pals at CNN) expect to find?

It’s not my habit to boast about sources, but a person with direct knowledge described it to me as the “fishing expedition from hell.”

Pelosi’s committee is asking all these people to turn over every email, text message and whatever else might relate to the “Stop the Steal” rally despite the fact that none of the people being subpoenaed had anything to do with the crowd rampaging through the Capitol on Jan. 6.

If you are inside the echo chamber where CNN viewers dwell, you know that their fear and loathing of Trump is obsessive, and that they (at least claim to) believe that the “Big Lie” — the belief that Biden didn’t really win the 2020 election — is a Threat to Our Democracy. From their (objectively deranged) perspective, getting to the bottom of Jan. 6 is necessary to driving a stake through the heart of this threat.

But it’s all a snipe hunt, a pursuit of imaginary phantoms. While it may be true that some kooks (including Trump himself, apparently) believed Vice President Mike Pence could thwart congressional ratification of the Electoral College vote, that is a separate matter from the gut-hunch suspicion of many voters — myself included — that Democrat shenanigans of one sort or another tipped the 2020 election to Biden. In other words, even if we don’t believe Biden was really elected president, we have to accept that it was not possible to prove massive voter fraud in a timeframe that could prevent him from being inaugurated.

We don’t want to overthrow the U.S. government for this. We’re not a bunch of wacky conspiracy theorists; we continue our lives as law-abiding citizen, despite our beliefs about cheating in 2020.

Most Republican voters are unhappy with this situation, but we’re not crazy — and that’s something CNN doesn’t want to admit. They want their audience to believe that every GOP voter is a fringe character like that bare-chested QAnon shaman or the militia wackos. As evidenced by CNN dwindling audience, there’s not much market demand for this kind of “news,” but Jake Tapper, Brian Stelter and the rest of their crew are committed to promulgating this paranoid worldview, where the “Big Lie” is an existential Threat to Our Democracy.

What CNN can’t accept — the reason they keep up this mindless Trump Derangement Syndrome drumbeat, despite ratings that indicate everybody’s sick and tired of it — is that Biden’s presidency is a failure of world-historic proportions. No matter how much they hate Trump, that doesn’t change the fact that Biden is demonstrably incompetent (and perhaps, also, incontinent). What they’re doing is a sort of Cargo Cult ritual, an attempt to bring about a return of the Nielsen magic by doing what they did during the Trump years. It’s a nostalgia trip, really, a yearning for a lost Golden Age, when CNN took pride in being leaders of the #Resistance: “Old times there are not forgotten.”

Alas for Jake Tapper, Brian Stelter and their friends, the world has moved on, and CNN’s Golden Age ain’t coming back. Yet they remain huddled inside their cocoon, telling each other how relevant they are, how they’re Making a Difference and Defending Our Democracy.

Their response to cognitive dissonance is denial, which is understandable from a psychiatric perspective, but isn’t much of a business strategy.

But is CNN really in the “news” business anymore? Don’t they function as a sort of ongoing contribution-in-kind to the Democratic Party, proving them with 24/7 free advertising to promote (what they conceive to be) narratives favorable to the party’s political interests?

And one other thing: Remember how CNN (and the rest of the liberal media) kept riding the “Russian collusion” hoax all the way through the 2018 midterm elections? Do they imagine that they can use the January 6 “insurrection” the same way, keeping up the hysteria into 2022?

“Insurrection now! Insurrection tomorrow! Insurrection forever!”

Yeah, well, good luck with that. Nobody’s watching this sad carnival.


In The Mailbox: 11.09.21

Posted on | November 10, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 11.09.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

From the Kekistani Meme Market on MeWe.

Red Pilled Jew: Potassium Metathorinate
357 Magnum: How’s That Affordable Bail Working Out?
EBL: So How is The Rittenhouse Trial Going?
Twitchy: Biden Treasury Nominee Says We Want The Oil, Coal, & Gas Industries To Go Bankrupt
Louder With Crowder: Gov. Attacks GOP Truck Driver As “Dangerous Man”; Senator-Elect Durr Hits Back Hard
Vox Popoli: Perhaps God Will Show Them Mercy, Did You Get A Hot Shot?, and Why They Didn’t Stop The Trials
Gab News: Craving The Cup – Logos Reignited 


Adam Piggott: Hotel Australia
American Conservative: How Did Armenia Lose Nagorno-Karabakh?
American Greatness: Dozens Of SEALS File Suit Against DOD For Denying Religious Exemptions To The Jab, also, Where Are The Neon-Hatted Proud Boys?
American Thinker: In Defense Of The Bourgeoisie
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Robot Ants News
Babalu Blog: Cuban Dissidents Not Backing Down In Face Of Regime’s Historic Oppression
BattleSwarm: The Mainstream Media Are Lying Liars Who Win Pulitzers For Their Lies As Long As Their Lies Help Democrats, also, Anti-Woke Academics Found New University Of Austin
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, NASA Admits Manned Lunar Landing Can’t Happen Before 2025, also, Japan’s Epsilon Rocket Launches Nine Smallsats
Cafe Hayek: Quotation Of The Day
Da Tech Guy: Dumb Energy Policy? That Depends On Their Goal, also, Pork, Pork, & More Pork
Don Surber: Bob Woodward Missed The Scoop Of His Life, also, Trump’s Support Grows
First Street Journal: Gov. Beshear Hurts The Poor In Ky., also, Gov. Tom Wolf Dances To Avoid Court Ruling
Gates Of Vienna: Life In The Corona GULAG, It’s Time For Millstones, and Oceania Has Always Been At War With Eastasia
The Geller Report: Calif. Gov. Newsome Missing For 12 Days After Booster Jab, also, Powerful Democrat Senator’s Son Says Dad “Hates The American Dream”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, Stars & Teeth, and This Too Shall Pass
Hollywood In Toto: Confessions Of A Burned-Out Film Critic, William Shatner Calls Former  Fellow Star Trek Alumnus George Takei “Unsettled Individual”, and Defending Nothing But Trouble…Really
The Lid: Democrat-Led Michigan Refuses To Remove 25,000 Dead People From Voter Rolls
Legal Insurrection: MIT Alumni Withdrawing Financial Support Over School’s Drift Into Wokeness, SC & MT School Board Associations Withdraw From NSBA Over “Domestic Terrorist” Letter, and Recall Petition For LA DA Chesa Boudin Certified 
Nebraska Energy Observer: Fuido & Brandon, also, Done Right
Outkick: Charles Barkley Tells KD “I’m Anti-Social Media”, Idea Of Odell Beckham Jr. Landing In Seattle Gathering Steam, and ESPN’s Monday Night Football Lies That Najee Harris Slept On Floor At Alabama
Power Line: James O’Keefe Speaks, Pete Buttigieg’s Slush Fund, and Climate Of Dystopia
Shark Tank: In-N-Out Burger Heading For Florida?
Shot In The Dark: So Then This Happened, Weird, and There Was A Time
STUMP: A Deeper Dive Into Increased Deaths By Race/Ethnicity and Geographic Patterns, U.S. 2020-2021
The Political Hat: Yes, Critical Race Theory IS Taught In Schools
This Ain’t Hell: Now This Is The Army We All Know & Love, The Transportation Secretary & America’s “Racist Roads”, and Metallurgist Who Falsified Navy Sub Steel Tests Pleads Guilty
Transterrestrial Musings: Durham’s Investigation, Begun, The Woke Wars Have, and Pr0n
Victory Girls: Pentagon Memo Says Military Family Members Left Behind In Afghanistan
Volokh Conspiracy: Theater Prof Facing Possible Firing For Being Insufficiently Outraged
Weasel Zippers: Biden Flack On Jab Requirement For Domestic Travel – “Everything’s On The Table”, also, “Meatflation” To Ruin Thanksgiving & Christmas
The Federalist: How Kyle Rittenhouse’s Persecutors Destroyed Their Own Case With Their Own Star Witness, also, Top Spygate Hoaxer Adam Schiff Squirms Under First Tough Questions In Five Years On The View
Mark Steyn: Steyn In For Farage, also, Poets Cornered

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Miss Knoxville and ‘White Privilege’

Posted on | November 9, 2021 | Comments Off on Miss Knoxville and ‘White Privilege’

One of the most toxic phrases of left-wing social-justice rhetoric is “white privilege,” which serves to demonize white people as beneficiaries of unfair advantages. This phrase originated in elite academia, where many white people do, in fact, come from privileged backgrounds. But the vast majority of white people in America are working class or lower-middle class, working hard just to pay their bills. To accuse such people of benefitting from “privilege” is an insult, but this rhetoric is necessary to the “social justice” calculus of the Left who, in search of a scapegoat to blame for hardships experienced by racial minorities, stigmatize white people — all white people — as malevolent perpetrators of oppression.

J.D. Vance’s Hillbilly Elegy was an effort to correct this record, to make clear that minorities do not have a monopoly on poverty, and to portray lower-class whites as deserving of sympathy.

Thinking of people as collective groups, and then presenting group averages (income, etc.) as evidence of injustice, is a dishonest endeavor, but whatever lies are necessary to help elect Democrats, their media allies will enthusiastically promote. Don’t expect anyone at CNN or the New York Times to point out how deceptive group averages can be, when discussing complex social phenomena. The fact that both Bill Gates and I are white males — members of the same group — illustrates what’s wrong with this group average way of talking about “social justice.” If you combined my annual income with Bill Gates’s annual income, then divided by 2, our “average” income is pretty high, but I don’t actually have any access to Gates’s wealth, so being part of the same identity-politics category doesn’t benefit me at all.

Glenn Reynolds calls attention to a local news story in Knoxville:

East Tennessee Children’s Hospital nurse Paige Clark is one of the hardest workers that WATE’s Lori Tucker says she has ever met. At one point during undergrad studies at the University of Tennessee, Clark was working 60 hours a week clogging at Pigeon Forge musical theaters just to help keep her grandmother from losing her home.
And she’s also Miss Knoxville.
Clark has been clogging for most of her young life. She turned her talent into a full-time job at the Comedy Barn and The Hatfield and McCoy show just a few years ago at the age of 19. It was a gift of love for her grandmother.
“She was no longer able to afford her mortgage,” Clark said. “No one else in my family could get a loan to help her out. My parents, they have their own bills. My aunts and uncles also do, too.
“So I took it upon myself, and I actually signed my name to a mortgage just after I turned 19 years old and I currently still own the house.”
Paige admitted she had no idea what she was getting into, but she took it upon herself to do whatever she could to help her grandmother.
“Some days, I would be doing one to two shows and some days I’d be doing four shows,” Paige said. “There were weeks where I’d put in sixty-plus hours into performing while also going to school and doing clinicals.
“So I lived out of my car. All my clothes were in my car, and I was just driving back and forth from Knoxville to Pigeon Forge; barely saw my parents, but I just knew that in the end, I had the strength to make it work.”

The key point I’ve highlighted here is that no one else in Miss Clark’s family — her parents, her aunts and uncles — had sufficient income, assets or credit to be able to help her grandmother. What does that tell you about the socioeconomic strata to which Miss Clark belongs?

As far as the national media or the Democratic Party are concerned, however, Paige Clark represents a non-existent category.

There is no such thing, according to the liberal elite, as a white person whose life is not defined by unearned “privilege.” There are no white people working 60-hour weeks just trying to get by as best they can. No, according to our media overlords, white people are oppressors — guilty beneficiaries of “systemic racism,” endowed from birth with unfair “white privilege” — and therefore deserve to be insulted.

And, of course, if any white person dares object to being routinely insulted this way, well, that just proves how racist they are.


In The Mailbox: 11.08.21

Posted on | November 9, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 11.08.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Off to Las Vegas tomorrow for medical stuff and Veterans Day pillaging. Posting may be intermittent.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

After four kids? This is de wae.

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