The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 10.12.21 (Afternoon Edition)

Posted on | October 12, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.12.21 (Afternoon Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Remember, despair is a sin.

Red Pilled Jew: Quick Takes
357 Magnum: The Passing Of A Hero – JStark
EBL: Fun History – Che Guevara Becomes A Good Commie
Twitchy: Terry McAuliffe Bringing In Stacey Abrams, Obama & Jill Biden To Help His Stumbling, Crumbling Campaign For Va. Gov
Louder With Crowder: F*** Joe Biden Week 6 In College Football And Elsewhere – Now We’re Renting Planes 
Vox Popoli: “Reunification Must be Realized”, The Monks Of The Next Dark Age, and Programming Is Not Communication

Adam Piggott: Taiwan & Data Point Analysis, also, Pushing Rubber Podcast Returns
American Conservative: Red China Is Not Yesterday’s Enemies
American Greatness: An SWA Pilot Explains What Happened Over The Weekend, also, Merrick Garland Just Tipped Over The Dominos
American Power: When Fourth-Graders Can’t Read, also, 69% Of Hispanics Don’t Like Biden’s Handling Of Immigration
American Thinker: Premature Premonitions Of Civil War? also, Green Policies Return The World To Coal
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Death Of An Evil Doofus, also, The Victims Of Che Guevara
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For October 9, also, 
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, Washington Post Slams Blue Origin, and SpaceX Now Valued At $100 Billion, The World’s Second Most Valuable Private Company
Cafe Hayek: Quotation Of The Day
CDR Salamander: October NatSec Free-For-All – On Midrats, also, Sea Power Is American Power, And We’re Throwing It Away
Da Tech Guy: Has The Military Become A Cult?, Some Data From The Present & A Prediction For The Future, and The Answer To Durbin’s Favorite Question For SCOTUS Nominees Is In
Don Surber: CNN Reports On Red Chinese Torture As The Rest of The Media Looks Away, Jacksonville Shutdown Shows The Rebellion Has Begun, and Lose The War, Lose The Presidency
First Street Journal: Oh, It Sends A Message, All Right!, #TransActivism & Freedom Of Speech, and Killadelphia
Gates Of Vienna: Swedish Politician Convicted Of Wrongthink, also, Compulsory Vax In France?
The Geller Report: SWA Pilots Walk Out Because Of Jab Mandates, Over 1000 Flights Cancelled, also, Massive Crowds Lined Up For Trump’s Iowa Rally Two Hours Before Its Start
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, Everything Is Proceeding As I Have Foreseen, and Wokeness Vs. Economics
Hollywood In Toto: It’s Official – Woke Marketing Broke Bond, Why The Atrocious Shout Couldn’t Derail John Travolta’s Career, and Sorry, Jon Stewart, Cancel Culture Is Definitely Not A Myth
The Lid: NYT Gets It Wrong Again, also, Capitol Police Whistleblower Says Leadership Botched 1/6 & Lied To Congress About It
Legal Insurrection: Creeping Authoritarianism Week In Higher Education, Oklahoma State Student Journalist Fired By Newspaper For Column Opposing Mask Mandates, and Two School Board Associations Denounce NSBA, Reject Garland’s Threats Against Parents
Nebraska Energy Observer: Random Observations, also, Random Music
Outkick: “I’m A College Football Freak, Especially Because I Hate The NFL”, Texas A&M Shocks The World, and SEC Fines Texas A&M $100,000 For Storming Kyle Field After Alabama Upset
Power Line: Happy Indigenous Peoples’ Day?, Taiwan – How Red China Would Attack, and The Claremont Statement
Protein Wisdom: Arsehole Technica, Acquired Robust Immunity Is No Defense…, and VAERS-Extrapolated Death Rate Seven Times Higher Than Maine’s Monthly COVID Death Rate
Shark Tank: Crist Unveils “Justice For All” Reform Agenda
Shot In The Dark: They Told Me…, A Little Good News, and Vibrant
The Political Hat: Attorney General Garland Mobilizes To Protect Wokeness
This Ain’t Hell: Stupid People Of The Week, LTC Mansir Relieved Of Command, and Coast Guard Vaccine Woes
Transterrestrial Musings: A Long Reflection, Atlas Is Starting To Shrug, and “Moms Like Me”
Victory Girls: Fifth Circuit Reinstates Texas Heartbeat Law, also, RIP General Odierno
Volokh Conspiracy: MIT “Could Not Tolerate That A Scientist Be Permitted To Speak About His Uncontroversial Research” 
Weasel Zippers: Shortages Of Essential Food Items Across NJ Prompts Skyrocketing Prices, Google Blocking Ads Skeptical Of Climate Change, Vaccines, and Border Czar Kamala Skips Meeting With Mexican President On Cartels To Visit NJ Bakery
The Federalist: Pushing Gender Dysphoria On Kids Is Child Abuse, Twelve Pro-Life Truths To Counter Every Abortion Myth, and After Keystone Pipeline Cancellation, Oil Begins To Flow Through New Route On Line 3
Mark Steyn: Chock Full O’Nuts – Preston Sturges & Easy Living, They All Laughed, and A Blaize of Excitement

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‘Let’s Go Brandon!’

Posted on | October 12, 2021 | Comments Off on ‘Let’s Go Brandon!’

Everybody knows what it means:

Supporters of former President Trump and Americans dissatisfied with Joe Biden have turned the chant “Let’s Go Brandon!” into a massive social media viral trend that has shown up at sporting events, airports, memes, all the way to the former president’s Saturday rally in Iowa.
It started as a profane anti-Biden chant at college football games but went to a new level last Saturday when NBC reporter Kelli Stavast interviewed NASCAR Xfinity Series driver Brandon Brown after he captured his first race victory at Alabama’s Talladega Superspeedway.
During the interview, Trump supporters and Biden critics took a page out of the book of other sports fans across the country by chanting “F*** Joe Biden” which could clearly be heard by NBC’s cameras.
Stavast, in an apparent attempt to steer the interview away from politics, reported that the crowd was really chanting, “Let’s Go Brandon!”
At that moment, the new viral sensation was born.

Not to be pedantic, but the F-word is not “profane,” it’s obscene.

Anyway, click here to order your “Let’s Go Brandon!” T-shirt.


Terry Wary
Sig is Scary
Next Month’s Vote
Might Not Carry

Posted on | October 11, 2021 | Comments Off on Terry Wary
Sig is Scary
Next Month’s Vote
Might Not Carry

by Smitty

Only Pat Herrity stood firm. The rest of the Fairfax County Board of Brandons and Karens voted to assume the position, and request that the box be stuffed next month for the gubernatorial election. And if anyone is equipped, it’s Greasy Terry:

The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors is asking Gov. Ralph Northam to waive the witness signature requirement for absentee ballots cast by mail in this fall’s election.
The board voted 9-1 for the proposal by Chair Jeffrey McKay to send a letter to Northam, with Springfield District Supervisor Pat Herrity, the board’s only Republican, casting the only vote against the motion.
McKay said that waiving the witness signature requirement – as was done during the 2020 election – is necessary due to the continued threat of COVID-19. He said several Fairfax residents had shared concerns with him about obtaining witness signatures – arguing they could be exposed to COVID-19 in the process.

No one believes you, Demsheviks. With every day, with ever liberty that you brutally devour like it was some fat-dripping slice of baked flatbread smothered in toppings, your butt just gets bigger. The good nature of Americans has been stressed the last twenty months by the “two weeks to flatten the curve”. However, a line as been crossed when parental input into what is taught in schools is casually rejected:

In [his] last debate with Youngkin, however, McAuliffe opined that parents shouldn’t be telling schools what to teach their children. This statement may have shifted the race in Youngkin’s favor, and I no longer assume McAuliffe will win.
Last night two smart, politically knowledgeable Virginia residents told me they believe Youngkin will win. I’m on the fence, but find it interesting that McAuliffe is now complaining that Joe Biden is dragging him down. He’s probably right, but it occurs to me that candidates who think they will win don’t start blaming their party’s president for their woes.

There is no way that any rational, well-informed, patriotic voter would ever cast a ballot for the godless Commies that the Demsheviks have degenerated into. The willingness of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors to sacrifice election security to allow stuffing the ballot box seems a tacit recognition of this reality.
Virginia conservatives broke my heart when they were too lame to support Ken Cuccinelli eight years ago. The more GOPe Ed Gillespie had no joy in 2017. So, despite the fact that Glenn Youngkin is running a smart campaign against a buffoonish candidate with President Potted Plant for a backdrop, it’s best to focus on getting everyone voting and keep the hopes in check.


via Red State

The Annual Admiral Of The Ocean Sea Appreciation Post

Posted on | October 11, 2021 | Comments Off on The Annual Admiral Of The Ocean Sea Appreciation Post

— compiled by Wombat-socho

As usual, the senile fool in the Oval Office tried to have it both ways, issuing proclamations celebrating both Columbus Day (yay) and Indigenous Peoples Day (F*** Joe Biden) and inevitably annoying just about everybody.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

Makes you think.

Meanwhile at Instapundit, the Blogfather links to and quotes from Rear Admiral Samuel Eliot Morison’s epic biography of Columbus, Admiral of the Ocean Sea, which sadly is not available on Kindle – but you should really get the dead tree edition anyway, because the maps are a lot easier to read that way. To satisfy the people who are always yapping about that loser short-timer Leif Ericsson, I also recommend Morison’s The European Discovery Of America: The Northern Voyages 500-1600 A.D.,  which is a delightful book that includes not only accounts of the aforementioned Norseman’s voyages but also Henry Hudson, Amerigo Vespucci, and dozens of others. But wait! There’s more! As if that wasn’t enough, Morison also includes chapters on apocryphal/mythical voyages by St. Brendan and Prince Madoc of Wales, the Kensington Runestone, and imaginary islands of the Atlantic that appeared on many maps during the Age of Exploration and in some cases persisted into the 20th century.  

In addition to his discovery of IndiaNew Spain, Columbus and his Spanish employers also gave rise to one of the wilder and most memorable episodes of history, to say nothing of dozens of movies and novels – the infamous Pirates of the Caribbean, which people have come to associate more with Johnny Depp’s rum-addled Captain jack Sparrow than, say, Sabatini’s Captain Blood, so memorably portrayed on film by Errol Flynn. But list now – what if I were to advert to you that there existed a book that told all the wild tales of buccaneering rolled into one with music by Korngold, villains more villainous than anything Sabatini or Farnol could have dreamed of, bodacious babes (some of them in quite fetching leopard-skin tracksuits) and insane acts of bravery all turned up to 11? Who, you ask, could possibly have the chops to carry off something so incredibly larger than life? None other than the creator of Harry Flashman himself, George Macdonald Fraser! The Pyrates is a ripping yarn, full of sly digs at English society (17th and 20th century), Hollywood, trade unions, and the whole genre of pirate tales & movies as well. If this book can’t cheer you up, consult a physician to see if you are already dead. 

It’s been a long time since I read Jack Campbell’s Lost Fleet series, so I downloaded Dauntless and Fearless this weekend and got stuck in. En route to a peace conference in Syndic space, an Alliance fleet finds a survival pod holding an officer thought dead for a century – Commander John Geary, whose sacrifice in an early battle led to his being posthumously promoted to Captain and turned into a legend – “Black Jack Geary”. While Geary slept, the war has eroded the Alliance fleet and its members – tactics and skills have been forgotten, ships built cheaply and quickly out of desperation, morals abandoned – and he finds himself very much out of place and very disturbed that everyone seems to regard him as a legendary savior. It’s not Geary’s fate to be allowed to adapt in his own good time, though – before departing for the peace conference, the fleet’s admiral puts Geary in charge in case something goes awry. Needless to say, it does – the conference was a trap, and the Admiral is shot down in cold blood, as the Syndics expect a decapitating strike will paralyze the Alliance fleet. Not with “Black Jack” in charge, though. The series recounts Geary’s journey back to Alliance space with his fleet, evading superior numbers of Syndic warships while wreaking havoc in their rear areas and bringing his subordinates and education in tactics and strategy to match their unquestionable (if occasionally excessive) courage. High-quality space opera with solid characters. Highly recommended. 

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Patriots Win Ugly

Posted on | October 11, 2021 | Comments Off on Patriots Win Ugly

When the New England Patriots drafted Alabama quarterback Mac Jones, they also drafted me as a fan — Go Patriots, because Roll Tide! So I was pleased that the team came away with a victory Sunday over the Houston Texans. It was an ugly win, but a win is a win, and after the previous week’s heartbreaking loss to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, I’m sure the Patriots are happy to have it. Being 2-3 is better than being 1-4, and New England was playing with an offensive line devastated by injuries and COVID-19 protocols. Apparently, two of their linemen haven’t been vaccinated, and I suppose liberals will blame Trump for that. One of the backup linemen brought in as a replacement has a familiar name, Ted Karras III. His father was an NFL lineman, as was his grandfather, and two of his grandfather’s brothers, including the famous Alex Karras, who starred in Blazing Saddles. Meanwhile . . .

Mac Jones completed 23 of 30 passes for 231 yards, with one touchdown and one interception as he “delivered his first comeback victory,” leading two fourth-quarter scoring drives in the 25-22 Patriots win. His fellow Alabama rookie, defensive lineman Christian Barmore, also contributed to the win by drawing two holding penalties against the Texans. Another former Tide star, running back Damien Harris, was almost the scapegoat, after a goal-line fumble on what would have been New England’s second TD drive. As it was, Harris finished with 58 yards and a touchdown on 14 carries before leaving the game early in the fourth quarter with an injury to his ribs. After winning on the road against Houston, the Patriots return home next Sunday against the Dallas Cowboys, who at 4-1 are the leaders of the NFC East. Thanks to their ugly win Sunday, New England is now in second place in the AFC East behind the Buffalo Bills.


Rule 5 Sunday: Carol Cleveland

Posted on | October 11, 2021 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: Carol Cleveland

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Carol Cleveland was a comedy actress before getting involved with the guys who invented Monty Python’s Flying Circus, but most of us remember her as the smashing blonde on the show, and in fact she was worried that it might keep her from getting other work. Guess not. Here’s a shot of her from 1965.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

1965 (colourized)

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1498, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. 

Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Six Decades Friday and a Supersized Saturday Gingermageddon

EBL: MAGA – Let’s Go Brandon!, Tove Lo, Hymn To Red October, Maid, Malignant, The Squid Game, Monty Python’s Flying Circus, Escondido, and Julie London

A View From The Beach: Croatian Cutie – Natalija UgrinaDutch Beauty Dodges the NeedleGood News for Chesapeake EelsFish Pic Friday – Brooke VictoriaA Real ‘Come to Jesus’ MomentDemon Dreams#HerToo, Except When Her Career is at StakeMore Wednesday WetnessTuesday TanlinesMonday Morning Stimulus, and Palm Sunday

Brian J. Noggle: Diamante

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious links!

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FMJRA 2.0: Mindphaser

Posted on | October 10, 2021 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Mindphaser

— compiled by Wombat-socho

There is joy in Washington tonight as my Senators took two of three from the O’s and then the Yankees. Next up, the 2-4 Indians. 
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

My field of dreams – RFK Stadium in Washington DC

Don’t Question ‘The Science’?
Bacon Time

FMJRA 2.0: Positive Bleeding
A View From The Beach

Tide Rolls, Dawgs Dominate, Ducks Lose, Cincinnati Defeats Notre Dame

Rule 5 Sunday: Gwen Stefani & The Harajuku Girls
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach

$3.5 Trillion = Zero-Point-Zero Dollars?
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 10.04.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 10.05.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

FBI Now Targeting Parents as Terrorists
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 10.06.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

Milwaukee Teen Killed by Racist System and High-Speed Head-On Collision, But…
First Street Journal
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 10.07.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

Congress Subpoenas Ali
A View From The Beach


In The Mailbox: 10.08.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

Amazon Warehouse Deals

Alabama … LOST?

Posted on | October 10, 2021 | Comments Off on Alabama … LOST?

After last night’s heartbreaking loss at Texas A&M, I texted my sons, “Y’all boys have been spoiled by Saban.” Over the past 13 seasons, dating back to 2008, Alabama has lost only 17 games, while recording two undefeated seasons (2009 and 2020) and winning six national championships. Under Saban, the Crimson Tide has won so often that a defeat seems unthinkable; going into Saturday’s A&M game, ’Bama had won 19 consecutive games dating back to a 2019 loss to Auburn.

We must not lose perspective. Only once under Saban has Alabama recorded back-to-back national championships, in the 2011 and 2012 seasons, with A.J. McCarron at quarterback, and a powerful running game led by Trent Richardson (2011) and the one-two combination of Eddie Lacy and T.J. Yeldon in 2012. But what distinguished those teams was defense — the Tide was at or near No. 1 in every defensive category.

It would perhaps be too much to hope that Alabama could repeat that feat of back-to-back national titles, especially after sending so many players from last year’s team to the NFL, including six first-round draft picks — Jaylen Waddle, Patrick Surtain, DeVonta Smith, Mac Jones, Alex Leatherwood and Najee Harris. As folks say, Alabama doesn’t “rebuild,” they reload, but that’s an awful lot of talent to replace in a year and, due to injuries, the Crimson Tide was actually starting a true freshmen on defense Saturday. True, Dallas Turner is a five-star recruit, but it doesn’t change the fact that a year ago he was playing high-school ball.

Being an Alabama fan means there are no excuses for losing, however. We actually expect to win every game — Saban has spoiled us, as I say — and so the occasional defeat is traumatic. I remember the 2015 loss to Ole Miss the way some people remember where they were on 9/11.

Speaking of the 24 points Alabama gave up to A&M in the first half Saturday, Saban said tersely: “There were a lot of issues.”

That’s a succinct understatement. Much of the problem is with the Crimson Tide’s offense, which was inconsistent — at times brilliant, but at other times hapless. My brother Kirby focused his blame on our “midget quarterback” Bryce Young, who is listed on the roster at 6 feet tall, but whom Kirby insists is no taller than 5-foot-10. However tall he is, Young is shorter than Mac Jones (6-3), and as a sophomore, does not yet have the steadiness that Jones showed as a senior in last year’s national championship season. My grievance, however, is that Alabama was throwing the ball too much. Our star running back, Brian Robinson Jr., had 24 carries for 147 yards — more than six yards per carry — and yet the coaches would not commit to the running game as the key to their offense. Call me old-fashioned, if you will, but if the running game’s going good — and 6 yards a carry is very good — why even pass the ball at all? Robinson left, Robinson right, Robinson up the middle — that would have been my game plan, at least until Texas A&M was forced to stack the box against him, and then we’d kill them with the pass.

Details, details. No doubt the coaches and players reviewing video of the game will have many post-game critiques of their decisions, but the season goes forward, and there is no time for regrets. The joy of cheering America’s greatest college football program comes weighted with a burden of sorrow, the death-like pangs of misery whenever Alabama loses. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it really hurts.


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