The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 09.03.21

Posted on | September 3, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.03.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Red Pilled Jew: Hat Trick
357 Magnum: COVID Can’t Get You If You’re Traveling To A Climate Summit
EBL: American Flag First Flies In Battle
Twitchy: Ted Cruz Slams Administration Over Reports Of Child Brides Among Afghan Refugees, also, Babylon Bee Has To Explain Its Ivermectin Joke About Democrats Refusing To Drink Water
Louder With Crowder: Women Dress As Boobs, Parade Outside Facebook In Protest Of Algorithm Only Showing Male Nipples
According To Hoyt: Goodbye, My Friend, also, We’re Living In The Stupidest Plot
Monster Hunter Nation: Where Have All The Biden Voters Gone? also, WriterDojo Episode 3 – The Basics Of Business

American Conservative: The Supreme Court’s Historical Forgetfulness
American Greatness: Jacob Chansley Pleads Guilty, Remains In Jail, also, Colorado High School Students Walk Out To Protest Mask Mandates
American Power: GOP Blames Pentagon Planner Colin Kahl For Bungled Afghanistan Strategy, also, “We Can Never Fight Another War Like Afghanistan Ever Again”
American Thinker: Biden’s Other Military Collapse, also, Why All The Fuss About Ivermectin?
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Fossil Fuels Friday, Part 1
Babalu Blog: Another Beautiful Morning In Socialist Cuba, also, Over 5,000 Cubans Arrested For Protesting On July 11
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For September 3
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, The Problem Starship Poses To NASA & Congress
Cafe Hayek: A Simple Truth
Da Tech Guy: Reminder – They Don’t Believe This “Birthing Person” Stuff Either
Don Surber: What Do You Do With A Woken Military? also, Math Explains Why Vaccinated People Spread COVID
First Street Journal: I Completely Support This Minneapolis Measure, also, Lies, Damned Lies, & Statistics
Fred On Everything:
The Geller Report: Wisconsin To Begin Audit Of 2020 Election Results, also, President Trump – “The Only Reason You Have A Republican Party Is Because The Democrats Have Horrible Policies”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, The Bullet Cluster
Hollywood In Toto: Woke Cinderella Trashed By Progressive Critics, also, Even More Alarming Proof Of Hollywood’s Blacklist 2.0
The Lid: The Lid On The Schaftlein Report – Afghan Debacle Fallout Grows
Legal Insurrection: California Pro-Antifa Teacher To Be Fired By District, Valparaiso U. Closes Confucius Center As Attorney General Begins Investigation, and Why Parental Pushback Against CRT Scares Democrats
Nebraska Energy Observer: Ashamed & Furious
Outkick: Dan Woke’n Thinks Climate Change Will Make Football Impossible In The Fall, also, Colts LB Leonard Not Getting Jab Until he Gets More Info
Power Line: Thanks, Kamala, also, Stranded (Not Stranded) Continued
Shark Tank: Rubio Ad Outlines Demings’ Support For Green New Deal, Progressive Voting Record
Shot In The Dark: Surprising Nobody, also, Immolation
The Political Hat: Pledging Allegiance To The Queers, also, Firing Line Friday – How The Vietnam War Was Lost
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, Female Draft Added To Senate Defense Bill, and Another Fundraiser
Transterrestrial Musings: 
Victory Girls: Occasional Cortex Explains War is Not A Cakewalk
Volokh Conspiracy: Four Things Opponents Of SB 8 Shouldn’t Say
Weasel Zippers: Biden On Horrible August Jobs Report – “The Biden Plan Is Working”, also, Biden Again Refuses To Answer Questions About Americans Abandoned In Afghanistan
The Federalist: Suddenly, The Left Remembers Men & Women Are Different, also, New Michelob Ad Campaign Says Women Should Be Seen Not Heard
Mark Steyn: We Have Met The Enemy Part XVIII, also, The Great Complacency

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Why Do Democrats (and Rick Wilson) Want to Kill Texas Babies So Much?

Posted on | September 3, 2021 | Comments Off on Why Do Democrats (and Rick Wilson) Want to Kill Texas Babies So Much?

In case you missed it this week, the Supreme Court refused to grant an injunction against a new so-called “heartbeat” law in Texas. The law prohibits abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detectable, basically six weeks into gestation — which is only about a month after a pregnant woman would have missed her period. Most abortions are performed later than this, and therefore this new law very nearly outlaws abortion. Democrats are having a complete meltdown over the Texas law, with Joe Biden promising a “whole-of-government effort” to ensure that . . .

Well, those Texas babies must die. It’s imperative, for some reason.

This takes us back to the original problem with Roe v. Wade. What had happened, in the few years before that 1973 Supreme Court decision, was that some states had liberalized their abortion laws, while other states hadn’t. Prior to the mid-1960s, it was very difficult to get an abortion in the United States not just because of state laws, but also because the Hippocratic Oath forbids it, and reputable doctors would have nothing to do with such an immoral and unethical practice. In 1970, New York legalized abortions in nearly all cases, up until 24 weeks (i.e., six months) of pregnancy. This created a situation in which pregnant women from other states seeking abortions flocked to New York, where abortionists were very busy for the next few years while the Roe v. Wade (and lesser-known Doe v. Bolton) cases made their way to the Supreme Court, which voted 7-2 to, in effect, apply the New York law nationwide.

As Ronald Reagan said, what the Supreme Court did in this case was to declare the laws of 49 states null and void — based on what? There was nothing at all in the Constitution about abortion, and the 10th Amendment certainly would protect the right of states to legislate in such matters, as in fact they had done for more than 150 years. In his dissent, Justice Byron White described the majority’s ruling in Roe v. Wade as “an exercise of raw judicial power”:

I find nothing in the language or history of the Constitution to support the Court’s judgment. The Court simply fashions and announces a new constitutional right . . . and, with scarcely any reason or authority for its action, invests that right with sufficient substance to override most existing state abortion statutes.

Why did this happen? Well, I could write a book on the subject, but such a book has already been written, Intended Consequences: Birth Control, Abortion, and the Federal Government in Modern America by Donald T. Critchlow. Basically, a bunch of wealthy proponents of eugenics (among them an heir to the Rockefeller fortune) were obsessed with what Lothrop Stoddard called The Rising Tide of Color. There were too many brown babies being born, and from this fear emerged the “population control” movement, which advocated “family planning” as the solution.

It was this billionaire-funded movement, with its alarmist rhetoric about the dangers of “overpopulation,” that was the real driving power behind the Roe v. Wade decision, and talk about “women’s rights” was just camouflage for the population control agenda. People let themselves be deceived about this not only because they bought into phony propaganda about the alleged constitutional “right” involved, but also because they didn’t want to deal with the uncomfortable truth.

So now, after nearly half-a-century of conservative promises to do something about the abortion issue, Texas Republicans have finally gone far enough to directly challenge Roe v. Wade, and guess what? The alleged Principled Conservatives™ are against it:

Political commentator Bill Kristol said Friday on CNN’s “Newsroom” that the new Texas abortion law is “extreme” and “un-American.” . . .
Kristol said, “Well, it’s so extreme. Six-week limit, which is actually less than six weeks if you look at the details of the law, six weeks not from the inception of pregnancy, and then this kind of snitch, you know, snitch on your neighbors’ aspect, which seems pretty un-American.”
He added, “So I think it’s a foolish law from the pro-life point of view. It’s not going to advance the cause. I don’t think it’s going to save a lot of unborn babies honestly in Texas, and it’s going to cause a big backlash in Texas and elsewhere.”

Got that? Texans are “un-American,” according to Bill Kristol. He repeats the Left’s distortions about the law which, as Carrie Severino explains, “allows private citizens to file suit against any person who provides an abortion or aids or abets such an abortion.” How that gets twisted into an “un-American snitch-on-your-neighbors” scheme, I don’t know, but CNN isn’t going to ask Kristol any tough questions about it. The Court went out of its way to emphasize that its denial of an injunction against the Texas law was not “substantive,” but rather they ruled that the challenge to the law was procedurally flawed. This won’t stop the hair-on-fire liberals from running around waving coat hangers at protests. What the Texas legislature has done — and quite cleverly — is to set up a scenario in which abortion providers could go bankrupt trying to defend themselves against lawsuits. Awww, wouldn’t that be a shame, if Planned Parenthood were forced to spend money defending its gruesome business in Texas courts, instead of spending money to help elect Democrats?

You think Democrats are too stupid to see this threat for what it is?

No, Joe Biden and his friends aren’t concerned about the “rights” of Texas women, they’re concerned about the millions of dollars in campaign cash they get from Planned Parenthood. There is a symbiotic relationship between the abortion industry and the Democratic Party, and Texas has put itself in a position to destroy that lucrative nexus.

Meanwhile, Principled Conservative™ Rick Wilson and the Lincoln Project are demanding a business boycott of Texas.

Taking notice of this, RBPundit calls attention to how Rick Wilson used to claim to be against abortion, before Trump broke him.

Ace of Spades really hates these guys, and insists they were always secretly liberals, sabotaging the conservative movement from the inside. Because I’m a cynic, however, I think the correct explanation is that all of these guys were just careerists, in it for the money, and when Trump came along, they saw an opportunity to cash in. That, plus the desire to garner “Strange News Respect” from the liberal media. So by my way of thinking, these guys never really believed in anything but the advancement of their own narrow self-interest, and they don’t believe in anything now. They were, and still are, just political whores.


Jews Died, Biden Lied — Synagogue Says He Never Visited After 2018 Massacre

Posted on | September 3, 2021 | Comments Off on Jews Died, Biden Lied — Synagogue Says He Never Visited After 2018 Massacre

In October 2018, a 46-year-old truck driver named Robert Bowers opened fire at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, reportedly yelling, “All Jews must die!” He killed 11 people and wounded six others, using pistols and an AR-15 rifle. Now Joe Biden is lying about it:

The Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has disputed President Joe Biden’s claim of having visited with Jewish leaders following the horrific massacre in October 2018. . . .
On Thursday, during a virtual address ahead of the Jewish holidays Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, President Biden claimed he also visited the Tree of Life synagogue following the attack — a claim the synagogue now disputes.
“I remember spending time at the, you know, going to the, you know, the Tree of Life synagogue, speaking with them,” Biden said, as reported by the New York Post.
However, the synagogue’s executive director, Barb Feige, says that visit never happened.
“In a phone interview, Feige, executive director since July 2019, said firmly that ‘no’ Biden didn’t visit, even before taking office when he had a lower public profile as a former vice president and then-Democratic presidential candidate,” reported the New York Post.
The White House did not respond to the Post’s request for comment.

Guess who actually did visit the synagogue? President Trump, that’s who.

How many other things does Joe “remember” that aren’t true?



Crazy People Are Dangerous

Posted on | September 3, 2021 | Comments Off on Crazy People Are Dangerous

When Hurricane Ida slammed into Louisiana, everybody was impacted, but the demented and deranged were incapable of coping:

A 65-year-old Kenner resident who had been committed to the hospital more than a dozen times for mental health issues was identified Thursday as the woman shot to death by a Jefferson Parish deputy sheriff after she hurled racist slurs at a water main repair crew in Metairie and twice tried to run over another deputy with her car.
The death of Anne Schilly illustrates how the grueling conditions left behind by Hurricane Ida can strain those who are living with mental illness, said Jefferson’s coroner, Dr. Gerry Cvitanovich.
Jefferson was still saddled with widespread power and water outages on Thursday, four days after a fierce Hurricane Ida roared ashore, exacerbating the extreme temperatures that are typical this time of year. Gasoline was also in precariously short supply, keeping most businesses closed and government services such as garbage collection slow to come online.
“This place right now is not the place for” people with mental health issues, said Cvitanovich, whose office handles mental health commitments along with death examinations. “If you have the opportunity to get these people out, please do so. The resources here are not good for them. It is a dangerous situation.”
Exact details about why Schilly had been involuntarily committed weren’t available Thursday. But Cvitanovich estimated she had been committed 15 to 20 times.
The Sheriff’s Office was also familiar with her, though it wasn’t immediately clear how many times deputies had encountered her and what the outcomes of those interactions were.
A woman identifying herself as Schilly’s daugther said that in addition to mental illness, her mother had long struggled with alcohol addiction and the death of her husband.
Schilly drove up to parish workers repairing a damaged water main in the 6400 block of Park Manor Drive on Wednesday. She began yelling that they were “f—-g n—-s” who needed to go back to their countries, according to video recorded by an eyewitness and shared with The Times-Picayune.
The workers flagged down deputies and reported the harassment. The deputies spoke with Schilly while she was still in her BMW sport-utility vehicle. . . .

OK, stop right there! How the heck is this deranged woman driving a BMW? There is something deeply wrong in this world, when I’m driving a battered old Nissan while a dangerous lunatic who ought to be in a mental institution is driving a luxury SUV. But never mind that . . .

A video recorded by the witness showed Schilly pointing at the workers, again calling them racist names and demanding that deputies arrest them.
One of the deputies was wearing street clothes, while another wore a uniform. Both seemed to try to get her to calm down and leave, but she ultimately rolled her window up and sped off, hitting and dragging the plainclothes deputy down the street while he had a hand on her car.
The deputies chased her by car for almost a mile to Veterans Memorial Boulevard and Lisa Drive, where she encountered a traffic jam. She hit the same deputy a second time after he stepped in front of her vehicle. At that point, the other deputy fired his duty pistol several times, striking and killing her.
Sheriff Joe Lopinto said it’s always difficult when deputies must fire their weapons to protect their own lives. But he said his officer acted justifiably, and there was no excuse for Schilly to behave the way she did.

It’s probably wrong for me to say I’m glad they shot her, but it’s very important, from a “social justice” perspective, that cops kill white people when they do things that they’d get shot for if they were black. We can’t have “white privilege” protecting crazy people, especially the ones who try to run over cops while driving BMWs.



In The Mailbox: 09.02.21

Posted on | September 3, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.02.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

The Last Emperor

357 Magnum: Isn’t It A Bit Dangerous To Be Underground In A Flash Flood?
EBL: Post-Hurricane Ida – Where’s Biden’s Recovery? also, SCOTUS Votes 5-4 To Leave Texas Heartbeat Abortion Ban In Place
Twitchy: Keyboard Warrior Unprotects His Account, Is Tempted To Pistol-whip Any Texan He Sees Open Carrying Around Families
Louder With Crowder: Black Mom Goes Off On School Board Over Antifa Teacher
Vox Popoli: 30% Of Nurses Will Quit
Stoic Observations: The New Jazz Exploration

Adam Piggott: Filotto Nukes Milo
American Conservative: Past Success, Present Delusions – The Future Of New Urbanism
American Greatness: Joe Rogan Vs. Corona-Chan, also, California Pro-Antifa Teacher To Be Fired After Project Veritas Video
American Power: Massive Financial Aid Scam Hits California Community Colleges, also, The Democratic Norm Breakers
American Thinker: Joe Biden Is Our Waterloo, also, Good Leaders Lead By Example, Not Coercion
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Zero COVID News
Babalu Blog: Rep. Maria Salazar Proposes Plan To Provide Cuban People With Internet Access, also, America’s Ministry Of Truth Hard at Work
BattleSwarm: Red China Tries To Limit Video Games
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, Firefly First Launch Attempt Fails After Liftoff
Cafe Hayek: On Milton Friedman’s Economics & Motives
Da Tech Guy: More “Unexpected” Economic News, also, The Biden Regime Is Far More Sympathetic To The Taliban Than To The TEA Party
Don Surber: Ignore The Media – We Are Winning, also, White House Official Blasts Biden
First Street Journal: Mask & Vax Mandates Are Causing More Problems Than They Would Ever Solve, also, U. Cincinnati Medical Center (Already 11% Understaffed) Could Lose 30% Of Its Nurses To Jab Mandate
The Geller Report: Democrats Block Vote To Require Rescue Of Americans Abandoned In Afghanistan & Equipment Left Behind, also, President Trump Suggests All States Should Go To Paper Ballots, Same-Day In-Person Voting, & Voter ID
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, Unsettled Or Unsettling Science, and Today’s Text Is From The Book Of Second Opinions
Hollywood In Toto: Eastwood’s Cry Macho Leads HBO Max September Slate, also, Kanye West’s God-Fearing DONDA Preaches To Global Choir
The Lid: School District Asks Teachers If Brushing Teeth Is Racist
Legal Insurrection: Calls Grow To Impeach Biden Over Phone Call To Then-President Ashraf Ghani, also, Virginia Tech & Xavier Disenroll Students For Not Getting The Jab
Michelle Malkin: Ivermectin – Horse Hockey Vs. Truth
Nebraska Energy Observer: How Is It Done?
Outkick: Social Justice Decals Returning To NFL Helmets, also, Nationals Exec Bob Boone Resigns Over Team’s Vax Mandate
Power Line: An Update On LTC Scheller, also, Manchin Calls Time Out On Reconciliation
Shark Tank: Byron Donalds Encourages Afghanistan Withdrawal Whistleblowers, also, Fried Slams Crist For  Politically Motivated Abortion Flip-Flop 
Shot In The Dark: The Midway – Nothing Here But Us Hipsters, also, “Protection”
The Political Hat: Racial Segregation In Academia – Parent-Teacher Dialogue Sessions, Racial Affinity Housing, & Internships
This Ain’t Hell: Bradley White, Phony Ranger W/Fake Purple Hearts, Among Those Biden Abandoned Was The Man Who Helped Rescue Him From The Taliban, and Lists Of Equipment Left For Taliban Removed From Internet
Transterrestrial Musings: Well, Yes, also, Virgin Galactic
Victory Girls: Activist Teachers & Unions Indoctrination Push Exposed, also, Transgender In LA Spa Exposed As Sex Offender
Volokh Conspiracy: President Biden Threatens To Sue Over SB 8
Weasel Zippers: State Department Can’t Articulate Plan To Help Americans Biden Abandoned In Afghanistan, also, Candace Owens Claims COVID Test Site Refused To Test Her Because Of Her Politics
The Federalist: 20 States Sue Administration For Corrupting Title IX With Gender Equity Mumbo-Jumbo, also, Our Defeat In Afghanistan Is Only The Beginning
Mark Steyn: On The Road Again, also, Death By Entourage

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In The Mailbox: 09.01.21 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | September 2, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.01.21 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

An ongoing irritation.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1462
357 Magnum: Floridians Almost As Heavily Armed As Texans
Red Pilled Jew: A Needle In Every Arm
EBL: The Defeated
Twitchy: Corporate Media, Administration Concerned White Supremacists Cheering Taliban Victory In Afghanistan
Louder With Crowder: Antifa Teacher Caught On Video Bragging About Indoctrinating Kids
Vox Popoli: Not All Employers Are Idiots, Rule By Ontology, and The Broken Window School Of Medicine
Gab News: Gab’s Response To Congress

Adam Piggott: Killing Australia Lie By Lie
American Conservative: Au Naturel – Israel’s Immunity Study
American Greatness: “We Are F***ing Abandoning American Civilians”, also, McCarthy Warns Telcos – “GOP Will Not Forget” If They Hand Over Phone Records To 1/6 Committee
American Power: A Dishonest Afghanistan Accounting, also, Majority Of Terps & Other US Visa Applicants Left Behind In Afghanistan
American Thinker: Biden’s Unspoken Aim, also, Critical Race Theory On The Ropes
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Thirteen Cuban Refugees Make It To Key West In Small Boat, Are Arrested On Arrival, also, Red China To Continue Backing Repressive Cuban Regime
BattleSwarm: Has Austin Started Enforcing The Homeless Camping Ban?
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, A Martian Sunset In Jezero Crater
Cafe Hayek: Quotation Of The Day
CDR Salamander: What Can A Navy Take From The Fall Of Kabul?
Da Tech Guy: Post-Christian Indifference, Milo In The Breach, & Generating Site Revenue, also, Five Cam Newton Release & Mac Jones Thoughts
Don Surber: The Afghanistan Biden Wanted, also, Court Won’t Block Texas Abortion Law
First Street Journal: Reminder – You Cannot Trust Democrat Governors
The Geller Report: Taliban Gives US Tanks & Other Military Equipment To Iran, also, GOP Rep Who Went Missing Trying To Save Americans In Afghanistan Surfaces, Says Embassy REFUSED To Help 
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, A Phone Call With A Foreign Leader
Hollywood In Toto: Yes, The Counterculture Revolution Has Begun, also, Adam Carolla & Dr. Drew Shred Comey & Corporate Media On “Insurrection” Lies
The Lid: Pelosi Milked Officer Sicknick’s Death For Political Points, But The 13 Slain In Afghanistan Can’t Be Mentioned On The House Floor
Legal Insurrection: CA Teacher Who Bragged About Having Kids Pledge Allegiance To Pride Flag Removed From Classroom, also, Notre Dame Rejects Criticism Of Leprechaun Mascot From Cancel Culture Mob
Nebraska Energy Observer: Lupus Tenebrosus, Chapter 4
Outkick: Stephen A. Smith Says Goodbye To Max Kellerman After Getting Him Kicked Off First Take, also, Smoltz, Leiter Banned From MLB Studios For Refusing Jab 
Power Line: Biden Tried To Fake It And Failed, also, 52% Polled Say Biden Should Resign Over Afghanistan 
Shark Tank: Pushaw Attacks Miami Herald For “Cherry-Picked” Quotes
Shot In The Dark: The Math, also, Reports From The State Fair
The Political Hat: Equity & Political Correctness Come To The CDC
This Ain’t Hell: Flag Officers 4 America Demand Resignations, Pelosi Blocks Names Of 13 Slain In Afghanistan From Being Read, and “We Are F***ing Abandoning American Citizens”
Transterrestrial Musings: Inside The New Underground Railroad, also, The Real Jim Crow 2.0
Victory Girls: Fat Communist Michael Moore Says We Are Blessed To Have Joe Biden In The White House, also, Ann Coulter Finally Achieves Ignominy
Volokh Conspiracy: Don Blankenship’s Libel Lawsuit Against Donald Trump Jr. Cleared To Proceed
Weasel Zippers: WH Chief Of Staff Claims Biden Managed The Withdrawal As Well As It Could Be Managed, also, US Knew About Kabul Bomber, Had Drone Lock On Him – Didn’t Take The Shot
The Federalist: Why Won’t The Pentagon Name The “High Value Targets” Allegedly Killed In The U.S. Drone Strikes? also, Dr. Scott Atlas – Science Killed Itself Over COVID-19
Mark Steyn: Passports To Tyranny, also, Biden – Defund The Global Police!

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In The Mailbox: 09.01.21 (Afternoon Edition)

Posted on | September 1, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.01.21 (Afternoon Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Thanks to everyone who bought stuff through my Amazon links in August.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

Every socialist and tankie in America. No exceptions.

Red Pilled Jew: Aid & Comfort
357 Magnum: Power In New Orleans Area Will Be Out For Weeks
EBL: Does Joe Biden Really Know What Time It Is? [Does Joe Biden really care?]
Twitchy: Ric Grenell Suggests NYT’s Maggie Haberman Learn To Code If She Won’t Cover Biden’s Phone Call
Louder With Crowder: Gold Star Mother Shares Her Unfiltered Experience With Biden At Dover AFB – “You Rolled Your F***ing Eyes”
Vox Popoli: First They Shut Down Big Tech, also, The Imperial USA Retreats

Adam Piggott: A Lunch In Amsterdam, also, The Fake Nitrogen Crisis & Stealing Land
American Conservative: Woke Bacha Bazi
American Greatness: Retired Generals & Admirals Sign Letter Demanding Austin & Milley Resign, also, Gold Star Parents Lash Out At Biden After Meeting At Dover AFB
American Power: Afghan Interpreter Who Helped Rescue Biden In 2008 Left Behind By American Forces
American Thinker: Neither Honor Nor Shame, also, High Crimes & Misdemeanors In 1787
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Signs & Portents News
Babalu Blog: Even Cuban Police Dogs Are Uncomfortable With Regime’s Extreme Violence, also, Communist Cuba Premieres New Fragrance – Canel No.5, Eau De Singao
BattleSwarm: Vice Media Lays Off Writers, also, Coal Power Vs. Wind Power
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, ROK To Launch Own Rocket In October
Cafe Hayek: Government Officials Are Not Prone To Admit Their Errors, also, Unholy Politics
CDR Salamander: Kabul’s Child Sacrifice
Da Tech Guy: It’s A Crazy World When The Radical Feminists Act Saner Than Our Government, More Friends Gone Too Soon, and Report From Louisiana – Hurricane Ida
Don Surber: Back To Killing Babies In Afghanistan, The Harvey Weinstein-ed News, and The Winner & Champion Is Red China
First Street Journal: It’s A Good Thing The Government Doesn’t Have All Your Health Records, also, Jill Filipovic Is Just Hopping Mad!
The Geller Report: Twitter & Facebook Suspend Account Of Grieving Gold Star Mother, also, NOT ONE SINGLE DEMOCRAT Joined Moment Of Silence For Our Slaughtered Troops
Hogewash: The Demise Of Certain Yard Signs, also, Joe Xiden Gave Another Speech Today
Hollywood In Toto: Gary Sinise Is Having A Quiet Comeback We Should All Celebrate, also, Hollywood Silent As Cancel Culture Crushes Comedy – Again
The Lid: Biden Screwed Up The Afghanistan Withdrawal Because He Used Politics To Make Military Decisions
Legal Insurrection: Pacific U Fires Tenured Prof For “Insensitive” Statements Like “Every Person Has A Gender” , also, School Board Members Quitting Over Hostile Meetings With Parents About CRT, Masks
Nebraska Energy Observer: Remembrance & Sedition, also, How Things Become Clear
Outkick: VA School Board Falls Victim To Simpsons-Inspired Prank, also, SC Promotes Graduate Assistant To Starting QB
Power Line: How Many Stranded Americans? also, No Blinken Way
Shark Tank: Clowdus Makes Big Promises Amid Tense Primary Battle
Shot In The Dark: Unexpected Consequences, also, Armageddon Deferred, Karens Hardest Hit
The Political Hat: Tyger Tyger Raping Bright, also, When Your Gender Is A Pizza
This Ain’t Hell: General Reportedly Cancels Marines’ Flight Out Of Kabul So They Can “Clean The Base For The Taliban” First, Joey Galindo – Green Beret Fake, and We’re Leaving, Mmmkay?
Transterrestrial Musings: Austin & Milley Must Resign, also, SLS
Victory Girls: Biden Speech – Recycled Lines With Increased Volume, also, SOS Blinken – U.S. Military Left Kabul, Managing To Utter One Fact
Volokh Conspiracy: Lawsuit Over Fox News Supposed Coronavirus Misrepresentations Rejected
Weasel Zippers: Looting Happens Across New Orleans As Dimwit Mayor Insists It’s Not Happening, also, GOP Vet Predicts Pelosi Won’t All Afghanistan Probe
The Federalist: VA Supremes Affirm Reinstatement Of Loudon Co. Teacher Fired For Not Using Anti-Science Pronouns, also, Watch As Hundreds Give Rylee McCollum’s Family A Somber Welcome Home
Mark Steyn: Do You Know What It Means To Miss Being Way Down Yonder In New Orleans? also, Going With The Flow

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In The Mailbox: 08.31.21

Posted on | September 1, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.31.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

The Emerald Robinson piece was linked at Instapundit, but since not everyone reads Instapundit* I figured I better link it here. She takes NO prisoners.

Silicon Valley delenda est.


Red Pilled Jew: A Curious Incuriosity 
357 Magnum: The Police State Down Under
EBL: Ed Asner, RIP
Twitchy: “It’s A Defamatory Lie”, also, “Sit This One OUT, Sparky”
Louder With Crowder: Biden Offends Pregnant Widow Of Marine Killed In Kabul By Making It About His Son Beau
Vox Popoli: Rumors Of Invasion, Why Parler Failed, and Neoclown World Is Not Our Culture
Stoic Observations: An Appeal For Unity
Gab News: How To Survive In A Post-Truth World Of Chaos
Emerald Robinson: How The National Review Sold Its Soul To Google

Adam Piggott: Philia Is Not Gay
American Conservative: Say No To Vaccine Passports, also, Unworthy Of The Sacrifice
American Greatness: Biden Officials At Kabul Airport Warned American Rescue Plane To Turn back or Be Shot Down, also, Afghanistan – The Big Con
American Power: It Wasn’t a Choice – Biden Just Abandoned Americans To The Barbarity Of Jihad
American Thinker: The Surprising Origins Of Critical Race Theory, also, We Could Have Dodged The COVID Delta Bullet In The U.S.
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Venezuelan Chavistas Flood Social Media To Defend Cuba’s Communist Regime, also, Another Cuban General Is Dead, The Ninth Since Massive Protests Began
BattleSwarm: One Day To Flatten The Curve, also, Taliban Blocks Dog Rescue
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, SpaceX Successfully Launches Cargo Dragon To ISS
Cafe Hayek: The Risk Is That Civilization Will Be Destroyed Under The Pretense Of Protecting Public Health, also, Hidden Inflation?
CDR Salamander: The Navy’s Unmanned Programs On Midrats, also, Pentagon Leaders Need To Define Their Pronouns
Da Tech Guy: The Coming Extremist Tsunami In The Navy, The Incomplete List of People To Blame For The Biden Debacle, and Assert Your Freedom With The Handshake Challenge
Don Surber: To Survive, We Must Fire Them All, Biden Did Worse Than The Soviets, and No, Media, The War Is Far From Over
First Street Journal: Some Central Bucks Karens Want To Force Others Into Masks – Anonymously, also, Ignoring A Very, Very Large Elephant In The Room
The Geller Report: Trump Declares “Georgia Has Been Caught”, also, Seven Busloads Of American Women Seized By Taliban – NO COVERAGE By Corporate Media
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Everything Is Proceeding As I Have Foreseen
Hollywood In Toto: War Widow Gets To Bitter Truth Behind Husband’s Death, also, The One Amazing Thing About The Mediocre Vacation Friends
The Lid: Team Of Radical Feminists Rescues Thirty Afghani Feminists, also, Norks Move To Resuming Nuke Work
Legal Insurrection: St. Joseph’s U. Alumni Withholding Donations Over School’s Drift To Far Left, also, Jonathan Turley – Statements By Lt. Byrd Demolish The Two Official Reviews That Cleared Him Of Killing Ashli Babbitt
Michelle Malkin: Coward Cuomo’s Last Act Of Treachery
Nebraska Energy Observer: Old Testament Historical Content
Outkick: Jerry Jones Continues His Love Affair With Tony Romo, also, Even In Moments Of Crisis, Nobody Wants To Buy Anthony Davis’ Chips
Power Line: What We Left Behind, also, Loose Ends
Shark Tank: Three FL Dem Reps Become Apologists For Biden’s Disastrous Bugout
Shot In The Dark: Turnabout, also, The Drones Of August
The Political Hat: Scottish Rape Crisis Center Tells Rape Victims The Real Evil Is Their Transphobia
This Ain’t Hell: Unrest In Canuckistan, also, Active Duty & Retired ONI Members Being Told They Can’t “Disrespect” Leadership
Transterrestrial Musings: Automakers, also, Hey, Biden Voters!
Victory Girls: LTC Scheller Got Fired, But LTC Vindman Was Praised, also, Honor Them & Say Their Names
Volokh Conspiracy: Mother’s Contact With Child Restricted Because She’s Unvaccinated
Weasel Zippers: Biden Calls Black Senator “Boy”, also, Nearly 90 Retired Admirals & Generals Call On Austin & Milley To Resign
The Federalist: Pretending COVID Is An Emergency Is Killing America, also, Joe Biden’s Presidency Has Gone Off The Rails And The Democratic Party Will Pay
Mark Steyn: A Shine On Your Shoes, Trapped In A Corner, and A Great Voice Stilled
*I don’t know why, but they don’t.

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