The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: Ricochet

Posted on | August 29, 2021 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Ricochet

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Some women are never happy.

Rule 5 Sunday: One From The Vaults
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

‘Gosh, I Wonder Why Hunter Biden Is Such a Hopeless Basket Case of Failure?’
Bacon Time
Dark Brightness
357 Magnum

FMJRA 2.0: Welcome To Planet Motherf***er
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 08.23.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Biden Turns His Back on America
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 08.24.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

R.I.P., Charlie Watts
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 08.25.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

The Woman Who Killed #NeverTrump

Coming This Fall: ‘That 70s Show 2.0’
357 Magnum

357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 08.26.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Biden’s Bagram Bungle
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 08.27.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending August 27:

  1.  EBL (14)
  2.  347 Magnum (11)
  3.  A View From The Beach (8)
  4.  Proof Positive (7)

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College Softball Lesbian Sex Scandal!

Posted on | August 28, 2021 | Comments Off on College Softball Lesbian Sex Scandal!

C.J. Browder and Katie Rietkovich were softball teammates in college, and also teammates off the field, as the two lesbian softball players got married in December 2019. C.J. had been an assistant coach at Louisiana Tech, while Katie got a job as assistant coach at Ole Miss.

This was not a scandal. Everybody in college sports knows that “varsity softball” is a synonym for lesbian. There may be heterosexual women playing Division I softball somewhere, but I’ve never heard of one. Despite the notorious prevalence of homosexuality in women’s varsity athletics, however, you don’t expect to see this kind of story:

Members from Ole Miss’ softball coaching staff are under a Title IX investigation after complaints were filed against assistant Katie Rietkovich Browder for her involvement in a sexual misconduct case involving two players from the team. The team’s head coach, Jamie Trachsel, has also been cited in the report for knowing of the situation, but remaining silent on the misconduct from Browder. . . .
Browder’s sexual misconduct was detailed as the assistant coach being romantically involved with a student-athlete on the team, who was concurrently dating a teammate on the Rebels’ softball squad. Texts sent by Browder were discovered by the partner, alerting her of the affair going on between her girlfriend and coach. The events took place in July.
Once coaches got involved in the case, the two student-athletes were reportedly bribed with “scholarship money” to keep the story under wraps.
“Based on these new allegations, Head Coach Jamie Trachsel has now violated NCAA Bylaw for Unethical Conduct and the Conduct of Athletic Personal Responsibility of the Head Coach,” states the letter to [Ole Miss athletic director Keith] Carter. . . .
The two coaches under investigation were also cited for strange declarations in their time at Ole Miss after making subtle political commentary regarding conservative-minded players on the team.
“If my wife or other people in my family voted for Trump then all they would be doing is hurting me,” said asst. coach Browder, during a Zoom call with Ole Miss officials.

The lesbian coach who molested one of her players hates Trump? I’m shocked, but what’s even more shocking is the suggestion that there could be “conservative-minded players” — Trump voters? perhaps even heterosexuals? — on a Division I varsity softball team.

But of course, it’s impossible to confirm such a far-fetched rumor.

UPDATE: Of course, the Daily Mail is on the story — the British press loves lesbian sex scandals as much as I do — but still no confirmation that there may be heterosexual players on the Ole Miss team.


Atrocity Narrative in Action, or Why Is @BenMakuch Obsessed With Neo-Nazis?

Posted on | August 28, 2021 | Comments Off on Atrocity Narrative in Action, or Why Is @BenMakuch Obsessed With Neo-Nazis?

Everybody was enraged Thursday when Vice published an article by Ben Makuch entitled “Why Are So Many Marines Neo-Nazis?” This on the same day 12 Marines and a Navy corpsman were killed in Kabul.

The outpouring of indignation from conservatives overlooked the really important issue: Why is Ben Makuch obsessed with neo-Nazis?

A sampling of Makuch’s recent articles at Vice illustrates the point:

Neo-Nazi Leader Gets Prison
for Disturbing Threats Against Journalists

— Aug. 25

Infamous Capitol Hill Attacker Was Allegedly
Posting Inside Neo-Nazi Chatroom

— Aug. 24

Unmasking ‘Dark Foreigner’: The Artist
Who Fueled a Neo-Nazi Terror Movement

— July 8

Ex-Marine and Neo-Nazi Told Followers How
to Shoot Truckers to Dismantle Supply Chain

— June 22

Ex-Canadian Soldier Linked to Neo-Nazi
Terror Plot Pleads Guilty in US

— June 10

Mass Shooting Plotter Is Allegedly
Sending Prison Letters to Influential
Neo-Nazi and Is Calling for Violence

— May 26

Neo-Nazi Group The Base Is Recruiting
Again, Despite FBI Takedown

— May 20

This list could be extended almost indefinitely, but you see the point — Ben Makuch is basically a one-man SPLC on the Vice payroll, writing multiple articles monthly about the neo-Nazi menace. Let us stipulate (a) all of the people Makuch is writing about are reprehensible, and (b) their activities are newsworthy. But how much of a menace are they, actually?

In terms of statistical probability, are your chances of being killed by a neo-Nazi greater than being hit by a bolt of lightning? According to the National Weather Service, “Lightning kills an average of 49 people each year in the United States and hundreds more are injured.”

In other words, if neo-Nazis aren’t killing 50 people a year, you’re more likely to be killed by a lightning strike, but the relative rarity of murders committed by neo-Nazis is irrelevant to Ben Makuch’s purpose in publicizing the activities of such people, namely politics.

Saturation coverage of neo-Nazis functions as a guilt-by-association smear against right-wingers in general. This guy over here with the Nazi tattoos, spewing hate against Jews in some Internet forum? Why, he’s just like you, the suburban Republican voter. Both of you are “right wing” and therefore, dangerous. Such is the underlying theme developed by Ben Makuch and others like him who spend their time “unmasking” or “exposing” various “right-wing extremists” on the Internet. Let there be no doubt, of course, that some of these characters are actually dangerous, and the online audience for neo-Nazi sentiments is almost certainly numbered in the hundreds of thousands, at least.

So while I would not wish to dismiss the real danger posed by violent extremists, or deny the possibility that online forums could have a radicalizing effect, it is nevertheless the case that the actual threat is not as great as Ben Makuch’s reporting would imply. Permit me here to quote a CNN report from May:

A newly released government report on domestic violent extremism warns lone wolf attackers with easily accessible weapons present the greatest terrorism threat to the U.S. and the number of people dying at the hands of racially motivated extremists every year is on the rise since 2017.
The joint report from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Homeland Security shows 2019 was “the most lethal year” for domestic violent extremist attacks since 1995 — with 32 people killed, 24 of them by white supremacists. The report focuses on data from 2017-2019.
“In 2019, the FBI and DHS assessed RMVEs (Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists), primarily those advocating for the superiority of the white race, likely would continue to be the most lethal DVE threat to the Homeland,” the report said. “Our agencies had high confidence in this assessment based on the demonstrated capability of RMVEs in 2019 to select weapons and targets to conduct attacks, and the effectiveness of online RMVE messaging calling for increased violence.”
There were 57 domestic terrorism-related deaths between 2017 and 2019, the data shows, 47 of them racially motivated, mostly by white supremacists.

You can read the full FBI/DHS report and see for yourself. The point is that in “the most lethal year” of 2019, the number of people killed by white supremacists in the United States was 24 — about half the number of Americans killed by lightning strikes in an average year.

In other words, neo-Nazi violence is statistically rare, and Ben Makuch’s obsessive coverage of neo-Nazis is therefore an example of what I have called the “Atrocity Narrative” method of propaganda:

Find some particularly heinous type of crime, which is actually rare, then call attention to it as a trend — a “growing problem,” an “epidemic”!
People having sex with dogs, for example. If the producers at CNN decided to report every time someone in America was arrested on bestiality charges, we’d probably have a federal dog-sex prevention task force by now. . . .
In a nation of more than 320 million people, incidents that are statistically rare (i.e., less than 1% frequency) will occur quite commonly. For example, there are about 250 million adults (18 and older) in America and, if lesbians are 2% of the population, that means there are 5 million lesbians. If only 1% of those lesbians are pedophiles, that means there are 50,000 lesbian pedophiles in America. Well, if some national news organization decided to carefully scrutinize reports from around the country, compiling a list of every case in which a woman is arrested for molesting a girl, how easily could a daily drumbeat of media coverage generate a climate of paranoid witch-hunt hysteria?
Keep in mind, as you contemplate this hypothetical, that an irresponsible tabloid editor could gin up such a frenzy despite the fact that (a) far more than 90% of women are heterosexual, and (b) only a tiny minority of lesbians are pedophiles. Yet it would still be possible to generate lurid headlines on an almost daily basis, thus making these highly anomalous crimes seem as if they were commonplace.

I first became aware of this phenomenon — excessive coverage of unusual crimes — during the 2014 “campus rape epidemic” hysteria that inspired the gang-rape hoax at the University of Virginia. Data demonstrated that, contrary to the media hype, female college students were less likely to be raped than women in the same age group who did not attend college. Campus activists, however, were engaged in a propaganda campaign to make it seem as if sexual assault had reached “epidemic” proportions among students, and the media engaged in uncritical hype of these claims, which led directly to the Rolling Stone article about an alleged gang rape at a UVA fraternity which turned out to be entirely fictitious.

Returning to Ben Makuch’s hype of the neo-Nazi threat in the Marine Corps, what are we looking at? Well, there are about 180,000 active-duty Marines, and if only 1% are neo-Nazis, that would translate to 1,800 neo-Nazis in the ranks. Out of such a number, it would probably not be difficult for a diligent investigator to identify three or four Marines engaged in online neo-Nazi activity every month. So that’s three stories about neo-Nazi Marines in May, four stories in June, three stories in July, and so forth. This means that a journalist like Ben Makuch, who has devoted himself to “exposing” such cases, is never going to run out of material for articles about the “extremist” threat in the U.S. armed forces, even if 99% of the troops have no involvement in neo-Nazi activity.

Ben Makuch takes advantage of a readership that is not willing to do the kind of critical thinking necessary to put this in perspective. In 2019, there were about 19,000 homicides in the United States. According to the FBI/DHS report, 24 of those were committed by white supremacists, or barely 1/8th of 1% (0.126%, to be more exact). Or to put it another way, if you got murdered in 2019, there was a 99.8% chance that the person who killed you was not a white supremacist, which perhaps will be of some comfort to your family. So far in Chicago this year — as of 10 a.m. ET Saturday — 518 people had been shot to death. That’s more than 20 times larger than the total number of people killed by white supremacist violence in 2019. Which is more dangerous: Chicago or neo-Nazis? The answer is obvious, unless you’re Ben Makuch.

And why is he ignoring the really important news?

Florida veterinarian, 40, pleads guilty
to sexually abusing dogs in his care,
possession of more than 1,600 files
of child porn and making
‘crush videos’ where he tortured
and trampled small animals to death

Is the dog-rape epidemic being covered up by the media? Somewhere on the Internet, a conspiracy theorist is probably blaming the Jews.


In The Mailbox: 08.27.21

Posted on | August 28, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.27.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual weekend deadlines for the usual weekend posts.

Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

357 Magnum: How’s That Affordable Bail Working Out?
Doug Ross: Why Are They Hiding These Key COVID Stats From Us?
EBL: Remember The American Heroes Killed In Kabul Yesterday
Twitchy: “Time Is Not On Our Side”, also, Brit Hume Shares Gen. Milley’s 8/18 Transcript Explaining Why We REALLY Left Afghanistan The Way We Did 
Louder With Crowder: Bill & Hill In The Hamptons – Old Age Has Not Been Kind To Them
Vox Popoli: Boost, Dammit, Boost!
According To Hoyt: Refugees, also, A Snapshot
Monster Hunter Nation: Target Rich Environment 2 Is On Audible, also, WriterDojo Episode 2 – Hobby Vs. Business
Gab News: Gab Receives A Letter From Congress

Adam Piggott: Waking up The Normies – Give It 100 Years
American Conservative: It’s Institutions, Not Individuals
American Greatness: Marine Commander Relieved Of Duty After Demanding Accountability From Military Leaders In Viral Video, also, Give Them Freedom Or Give Them Primaries
American Power: Dumping The Browser Tabs
American Thinker: Did The FDA Pull A Bait & Switch? also, How “Informed Consent” Became “Coercion Of The Uninformed”
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Freedom Of Association Friday
Babalu Blog: Dissident Pablo Moya Dela Dies From Abuse In Prison, also, Despite Its Collapsing Medical System, Cuba Continues To Export Medical Slave Brigades
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm for August 28
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, ULA Stops Selling Atlas V Launches, and Amazon Protests SpaceX’s Starlink Plan To The FCC
Cafe Hayek: Who’s (Ir)Responsible?
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: The Confirmation Of The Price of Cowardice For Those Who Allowed The Steal, also, Unfiltered Afghan Trips, Masks In Massachusetts, & Kamala Harris Under The Fedora
Don Surber: Will Biden Still Be President In October? also, DC Turned Afghanistan Into Vietnam
First Street Journal: Lies, Damned Lies, & Statistics, also, Tying Things Together
The Geller Report: RFK’s Assassin Sirhan Sirhan Released On Parole, also, Vast Majority Of 100,000 Incoming Afghans Rendered No Meaningful Assistance To US Forces
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, The Next Few Years
Hollywood In Toto: Candyman – BLM & Horror Forge Uneasy Alliance, also, Healing Garden Grows Passionate Fanbase
The Lid: Biden’s Dog Major Constantly Bit Secret Service Agents
Legal Insurrection: Leftists Trash SCOTUS As “Right Wing Extremists” After Eviction Moratorium Struck Down, also, Virginia GOP Sues To Remove McAuliffe From Ballot Over Failure To Sign Candidacy Declaration
Michelle Malkin:
Nebraska Energy Observer: Libertine Coxservatism
Outkick: Aaron Rodgers Sticks Up For Unvaxxed Teammates, also, Phil Rivers Wins First Game As Head Coach
Power Line: A Cry From The Heart, Update On LTC Scheller, and  Disney’s Shame
Shark Tank: Spalding Repeats Call For Wasserman-Schultz To Take “Cognitive Examination”
Shot In The Dark: Our New New Normal, also, I Get My Back Into My Living
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday – The Fall Of Saigon And How It Might Have Been
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, A Marine Has Questions, and “Pineapple Express” Does What The Active Military Is Unable/Unwilling To Do
Transterrestrial Musings: Why Jews Vote Left, also, Biden’s Bagram Blunder
Victory Girls: Vice Magazine Asks Why So Many Marines Are Neo-Nazis
Volokh Conspiracy: Supremes Rule Against Revised CDC Eviction Moratorium
Weasel Zippers: Deadbeats Rejoice! Education Dept. Cancels Debt For 115,000 Students, also, Dem Rep Smith – All The Americans Who Want To Get Out Of Afghanistan Aren’t Getting Out
The Federalist: Israeli Study Shows Natural Immunity 13x Stronger Than Pfizer Jab, also, Joe Biden Has Been Derelict In His Duty, Is Unfit To Lead, And Should Be Impeached
Mark Steyn: Performance Art With No Performers

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Biden’s Bagram Bungle

Posted on | August 27, 2021 | Comments Off on Biden’s Bagram Bungle

During yesterday’s press conference, Our Alleged President tried to argue with Peter Doocy. Biden wanted to argue that, because Trump negotiated a deal last year with the Taliban, everything currently going wrong in Afghanistan is Trump’s fault. Doocy wasn’t buying any of that, and in response, Biden seemed to collapse. As Jim Treacher says, “It would be funny if people weren’t dying.” But people are dying, and yet Biden’s “friends” in the Democrat/Media Complex seem to think this is just a regular political issue. What really counts, in their minds, is to prevent Republicans from “pouncing” and “seizing” on the issue; never mind 13 Marines getting blown up because of Biden’s incompetence.

John Sexton examines a typical example, Ezra Klein, who promoted the “inevitable collapse” narrative in the New York Times. The idea is that, whatever the U.S. had done, or whoever was in the White House, the withdrawal from Afghanistan would have been chaotic and messy.

Klein perfectly illustrates a little-appreciated problem in politics, namely the fact that clever people can always come up with persuasive arguments in favor of bad policies. This is how scholastic debate competition works — a yes-or-no proposal is presented, and the two teams basically flip a coin to decide who’s going to argue for “yes” and who will argue for “no.” It doesn’t actually matter what the issue is, the point is to display one’s cleverness in the persuasive arts. After I first came to Washington almost 25 years ago, I quickly realized how foolish it was to confuse such cleverness with actual wisdom. Just because someone is highly articulate does not mean they are right. Anyone can read Andrea Dworkin, for example, and see that she is a very skillful writer, in the same way one must acknowledge that Adolf Hitler was a stirring orator. Both of them, however, were deranged hatemongers. Just because someone writes eloquent prose or is a mesmerizing public speaker, this does not make their ideas any better than if they were illiterate or tongue-tied.

When Biden took office, he had about 100 days before the May 1 date for U.S. withdrawal established by the Doha Agreement. But that ceasefire agreement was contingent on “the Taliban keep[ing] its commitments”:

In January 2021, there were 2,500 US soldiers still in Afghanistan. US President Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, said that the administration would review the withdrawal agreement. On April 14, 2021, the Biden administration said the US would not withdraw the remaining soldiers by 1 May, but would withdraw them by 11 September. On 8 July, Biden specified a US withdrawal date of 31 August. Other Western forces set their own withdrawal timetables.

In other words, Biden rejected the terms of the agreement that Trump had negotiated, and instead set his own timetable — September 11, a date chosen for its symbolic value. What Biden obviously had in mind was a speech on the 20th anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks declaring the success of the U.S. withdrawal. Biden believed that the U.S.-friendly Afghan government would still be in power when this withdrawal took place but — surprise! — the Afghan National Army (ANA) collapsed rapidly after the U.S. shut down its operations at Bagram Air Base:

Retiring General Scott Miller is to blame for the bungled US exit from Afghanistan, a military expert who predicted the fall of the nation’s capital months ago has claimed.
Bill Roggio, a senior fellow at think tank the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, slammed military leadership, telling [the U.K. Daily Mail] he tried to warn the Pentagon of the swift advance of the Taliban towards Kabul in the weeks before they took the city but was ‘ignored’.
Roggio said President Joe Biden insisted on a reduced force of just 700 troops to both keep the US embassy in Kabul open and secure an airport to evacuate the rest of the 3,500 US soldiers, thousands of other Americans and Afghan allies.
As the US commander on the ground and facing the tight constraint, Miller chose Hamid Karzai International Airport in the middle of Kabul for the evacuation, telling US forces to abandon the nearby military airbase of Bagram outside the city.
Miller left Afghanistan in July and is due to retire from the military.
But his fateful decision came back to bite him when the Taliban swarmed into the capital within days, surrounding the airport and frustrating the evacuation of both Americans and allied Afghans, leaving many stranded and at risk of attack.
Roggio is livid that none of the US’s top generals, including Centcom commander General Kenneth McKenzie, appear to have questioned Miller’s plan, which he says was doomed to end in catastrophe.
‘Ultimately it’s Generals Miller and McKenzie to blame for the decision over Bagram,’ Roggio told
‘Miller was the ground commander at the time and proposed the plan, worked on it with Mackenzie, then they pushed it up.
‘The problem here is that no one stood up and said “this is insane.” No one had the vision to say if the Taliban is able to run through Kabul before we execute our withdrawal we’re going to be in a world of hurt.’
Roggio, who was embedded with Marines in Iraq and the Canadian armed forces in Afghanistan from 2005 to 2008, pointed the finger at Miller and his senior colleagues McKenzie, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley, and defense secretary and former four star general Lloyd Austin, saying they all prioritized politics and fail to stand up to Biden.
‘Generals ultimately take orders. But at some point a general needs to stand up and say, “Sir, I can’t in good conscience execute that order because I believe it will put American lives at risk”,’ said Roggio. . . .
‘They never believed that Kabul was going to fall. They thought there would be time to get Americans out.
‘Because of that they piled on bad decision after bad decision: how they announced the withdrawal, how they limited themselves to Kabul airport and the embassy, closing Bagram. It all flowed from a complete failure to understand what was happening, while it was happening.
‘But just look at how quickly those estimates changed on the viability of the Afghan government. It went from 1-2 years to six months to weeks, all in the span of a month.’ . . .
Roggio estimated that in order to use the more secure Bagram airbase for evacuations rather than the metropolitan civil airport, Biden would have needed to commit at least 1,000 troops – an idea he said was dismissed as ‘dead on arrival’. . . .
In a press briefing last week Milley revealed the plan to abandon Bagram and use Kabul International for evacuations was devised by Miller – and let slip that the generals were acting on orders to reduce forces down to 700 troops.
‘If we were to keep both Bagram and the embassy going, that would be a significant number of military forces… that may have exceeded what we had, or stayed the same as what we had,’ the Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman told reporters.
‘So you had to collapse one or the other. And the decision was made, the proposal was made, from CENTCOM commander [McKenzie] and the commander on the ground, Scottie Miller, to go ahead and collapse Bagram.
‘That was all briefed and approved and we estimated that the risk of going out of KIA [Karzai International Airport, Kabul], or the risk of going out of Bagram, were about the same, so going out of KIA was the better tactical solution… in accordance with getting the troops down to a 600, 700 number.’
Roggio said Milley’s statement was revealing – and was part of an effort to avoid blame for the bungled evacuation.

Bryan Preston has more on the Bagram bungle. This didn’t have to happen, certainly not the way it happened, but Biden wanted the symbolism of that 9/11 speech so badly, you see, that when the conditions on the ground in Afghanistan changed, he refused to accept the reality that our plans needed to change, too.

Now try to think ahead two weeks, and imagine what the situation in Afghanistan will be on Sept. 11. Gonna be a great speech, eh?


In The Mailbox: 08.26.21

Posted on | August 26, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.26.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1455
357 Magnum: So How IS The Neocon Ideal Different From Colonialism?
EBL: ISIS Kills Over A Dozen Marines, Service Members, & Afghans In Terror Bombing
Twitchy: Cop Who Murdered Ashli Babbitt Claims He “Saved Countless Lives”, also, SMA Tweets About Diversity & Inclusion On This #WomensEqualityDay
Louder With Crowder: Reporter Bombs Bad Orange Woman Over Biden Laughing Off Americans Trapped In Kabul – “What’s So Funny?”
Vox Popoli: The Science Lied, also, When Gammas Rage

Adam Piggott: Philia
American Conservative: Animal Farm Turns 75
American Greatness: It’s Time To Cut The Lame Woke Soldier Act, also, Afghan Christians Turn To Glenn Beck For Help After Being Snubbed By Boden’s State Department
American Thinker: Is Apple Gearing Up For Internet Control Red Chinese Style?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Biden Voters News
Babalu Blog: Cuban State Security Threatens To “Intercept Laritza Diversent In The US To Try Her In Cuba”, also, Havana Dictatorship Enacts Harsh New Regulations To Keep Slave Doctors From Defecting
BattleSwarm: Lawsuit Filed Over Austin’s Refusal To Enforce Homeless Camping Ban
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, Blue Origin Successfully Completes Another Unmanned Suborbital Flight With New Shepard
Cafe Hayek: Infant-Industry Protection Infantilizes
CDR Salamander: Kabul 2×2 Shotgun Wargaming
Da Tech Guy: Five Reasons Why Jersey Jack’s Next Machine Should Be The Chosen, also, The More Progressive The President, The Quicker & More Thoroughly The Military Gets Destroyed
Don Surber: Take Away Our Cars, You Take Away Our Liberty, also, NYT – Don’t Blame Biden For Biden’s Mess
First Street Journal: I Point At The Moon, They Stare At My Finger, also, Impeach Franklin Circuit Judge Phillip Shepherd!
Fred On Everything: Do Jews Contain Microchips?
The Geller Report: Administration Officials Gave Taliban List Of American Citizens, Green Card Holders, & Afghan Allies, also, Hungarian General – Afghan Evacuee Caught Assembling Bomb On NATO Evacuation Flight
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, I Watched Joe Xiden Speak This Afternoon, and Not Just Clueless But Lawless Too
Hollywood In Toto: Spike Lee – Oscar Winner, #FakeNews Spreader, also, Can JP Sears Really Say That?
The Lid: Rasmussen Poll – Most Americans Don’t Believe The Biden Administration On Afghanistan
Legal Insurrection: Supremes Halt CDC’s Eviction Moratorium, also, New Michigan State Diversity Plan Requires Two “Equity & Inclusion” Classes To Graduate
Nebraska Energy Observer: I Know The Difference
Outkick: Rachel Nichols Tried To Keep Up With Wokeism & Still Got Canceled, also, UFC Champ Khabib Nurmagomedov Not A Big Fan Of MMA Ring Girls
Power Line: The Disaster Of Joe Biden In 90 Seconds, also, The Winkin’ Of Blinken
Shark Tank: Crist Accuses GOP Of Attacking The Right To Vote
Shot In The Dark: Open Letter To The “Withhold Treatment From The Unvaccinated” Crowd, also, Hear Me Out
The Political Hat: Quick Takes – Educational Equity In Action
This Ain’t Hell: Trapped In Afghanistan – Please Send Money, also, Four Marines Confirmed KIA In Kabul, Three WIA
Transterrestrial Musings: California Models To The Rescue!
Victory Girls: Kabul Bombings – Biden & Harris Have Blood On Their Hands
Volokh Conspiracy: Heckler’s Veto At SUNY Binghamton May Have Violated First Amendment
Weasel Zippers: CENTCOM Commander Accidentally Reveals U.S. Intel Is Sharing Information With The Taliban, also, Preachy Diner In Texas Forced To Close Three Weeks After Trolling Customers With Pro-Mask Sign
The Federalist: NM Governor Demands Average Mileage of 52 MPG – Her Car Gets 13, also, House Democrats Pass Bill To Steal Elections The Old-Fashioned Way
Mark Steyn: The Sound Of White Hands Clapping, also, Countdown In Kabul

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Posted on | August 26, 2021 | Comments Off on BIDEN LIED, AMERICANS DIED

Wonder how his media sycophants will spin this?

At least 12 U.S. troops were killed Thursday in Kabul, marking the largest single-day loss of life for American soldiers in Afghanistan in ten years.
“Two US officials say 11 Marines and a Navy medic were killed in the Afghanistan attacks,” the Associated Press reported Thursday afternoon.
Previously, the largest single-day loss of U.S. servicemen occurred while Joe Biden was Vice President under Barack Obama. On August 6, 2011, a CH-47 Chinook helicopter carrying 30 American servicemen, including 22 Navy SEALs, was shot down by Taliban fighters with a rocket-propelled grenade.
The suicide bombings on Thursday occurred outside of Kabul’s Hamid Karzai International Airport and the Baron Hotel attack. More than 60 Afghan civilians were also killed. Prior to the explosions, the Kabul Airport was in complete chaos as thousands of Americans, Afghans, and foreign nationals were attempting to flee the Taliban government.

Our Alleged President is expected to give a speech at 5 p.m. ET about this disaster. Don’t expect him to answer questions from the media. Instead he’ll walk out while Peter Doocy shouts questions at his back.

UPDATE: The doddering old fool actually did take questions, including one from Peter Doocy. Biden’s answer was basically to blame Trump.


Coming This Fall: ‘That 70s Show 2.0’

Posted on | August 26, 2021 | Comments Off on Coming This Fall: ‘That 70s Show 2.0’

The Biden administration is desperately trying to spin its bug-out in Afghanistan as a “success,” or as Jim Treacher says, “Biden Sank the Ship and Now He’s Bragging About the Number of Lifeboats.” That is to say, the scramble to get Americans and their Afghan allies out of the country in the aftermath of the Taliban takeover is “successful” in terms of the total number of those evacuated, but this doesn’t change the underlying fact that Biden’s misguided policy has produced an utter catastrophe.

Despite such “success,” the situation is going from bad to worse.

U.S. Tells Stranded Americans
in Afghanistan to Avoid Airport

UK Warns of ‘Very Credible’ Intelligence
on ‘Imminent’ Kabul Attack

Those are a couple of Breitbart headlines and, just since I started writing this, news has broken of a “large explosion” near one of the gates at the airport in Kabul, so who knows what comes next?

One thing seems obvious: Dozens of Americans, and perhaps hundreds, will not be able to escape Afghanistan before next Tuesday’s deadline, and nearly all of those Americans are likely to be captured and held as hostages by the Taliban. There will then ensue an ordeal in which the Biden administration attempts to negotiate the release of American hostages in Afghanistan — a repeat of the 1979 Iran Hostage Crisis, except that it’s likely to be much worse, and last much longer.

You think Biden’s poll numbers are bad now? Just wait until the Taliban starts beheading American hostages on livestream videos.

Of course, it’s wrong to view a crisis like this from a perspective of partisan political advantage — but that is exactly what Biden and the Democrats have been doing all along. The reason Biden announced a total pullout by the end of August was that he envisioned a White House speech on 9/11 declaring a successful withdrawal from Afghanistan — a nice “optic” for the 20th anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks, with the friendly Kabul regime in power, and all U.S. troops out.

In other words, Biden and his advisers saw the Afghanistan withdrawal as an opportunity for a political “win,” but in planning for this, he and his aides failed to anticipate how quickly the Kabul regime would collapse, once they lost the assistance of U.S. military forces. So instead of keeping Bagram Air Base in operation — as a source of air support for the government — until the withdrawal was completed, instead they shut down Bagram early, thinking that the Kabul government would at least be able to hold back the Taliban until after Biden gave his big 9/11 speech. In the immortal words of Homer Simpson, “DOH!”

As bad as the situation has been so far in Afghanistan, it is a pale shadow of the monstrous situation that looms over the horizon. A month from now, Biden’s going to be face-to-face with a dark nightmare.


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