The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Pics or It Didn’t Happen, Sophie

Posted on | June 6, 2021 | Comments Off on Pics or It Didn’t Happen, Sophie

What is the point of “coming out” as bisexual? For a long time I’ve been asking this question because, on closer examination, the word “bisexual” turns out to be endlessly elastic and is nowadays claimed by many young women who just want to be trendy by showing LGBTQ solidarity. Sort of the way young Democrats call themselves “progressive” or “socialist” rather than merely liberal — it’s about branding and image, really.

So the latest example of this trend is British actress Sophie Turner, who rose to stardom playing Sansa Stark on HBO’s series Game of Thrones. Two years ago, she married singer Joe Jonas and last year gave birth to their first child, a daughter. Thus, as far as any actual proof of her sexual preference exists, Turner is . . . heterosexual. But that would be too ordinary. too boring, insufficiently progressive for a 21st-century starlet:

Did Sophie Turner just come out as bisexual? That’s what many of her fans online seem to think, at least! . . .
[S]he posted a message on her Story earlier this week celebrating the start of Pride Month. . . .
[Her Instagram post] included a heart with the words “bi pride” on it that featured the colors of the bisexual flag!
She also included a GIF that says the phrase “time isn’t straight and neither am I,” and because of that, many [Gamer of Thrones] fans are freaking out at the prospect of Turner possibly coming out of the closet publicly.
This isn’t the first time Sophie has opened up about her sexuality, though.
In a 2019 cover story for Rolling Stone (an honor she shared with fellow Game of Thrones cast member Maisie Williams), the Dark Phoenix star talked about how she knew she was ready to marry her husband, Jonas Brothers heartthrob Joe Jonas, and she had this to say:
“I was fully preparing myself to be single for the rest of my life. I think once you’ve found the right person, you just know. I feel like I’m much older a soul than I am in age. I feel like I’ve lived enough life to know. I’ve met enough guys to know — I’ve met enough girls to know.”
And when asked further about the girls she’s met in her life, Turner then said:
“Everyone experiments. It’s part of growing up. I love a soul, not a gender.”

“Everyone experiments” — I’ve always been amused by this use of the word “experiment” to describe behaviors as if they’re being conducted in a scientific laboratory. In the 1970s, I was “experimenting” with drugs, like Oppenheimer building the first atomic bomb or whatever.

Never do psilocybin mushroom tea and Bolivian flake cocaine together — such is my immortal contribution to pharmacological science, so that spending a month in the psych ward at age 19 wasn’t a complete waste of time, I guess. Having earned my credentials as an expert on crazy (just ask around), it would perhaps be too much to claim scientific expertise in the field of sexuality, but I know a little and, baby, I can guess the rest.

Let me throw some logic at you, Sophie Turner. If we stipulate it is true, as you say, that “everyone experiments,” then what exactly distinguishes the self-declared “bisexual” from . . . well, everyone?


This whole rainbow-flag alphabet-soup 21st-century trend where practically everyone can claim to be part of the acronym has the effect of making it impossible to know what is meant by the word “bisexual,” when a woman with a husband and a baby, who has never been publicly involved in a homosexual relationship, decides to celebrate her “bi pride.”

On the one hand, I could see Sophie Turner’s statements — “Everyone experiments. It’s part of growing up.” — as intended to reassure young people experiencing confusion: “Hey, don’t sweat it. Look at me — I’m kind of a weirdo, too, but everything turned out all right.”

On the other hand, however, it’s kind of like my psilocybin “experiment” back in 1979: “Hey, kids, don’t even think about it. Just say no.”

That is to say, if the end result of your experimentation with “bisexuality” is to discover that you’re straight — ordinary, boring, vanilla — then what’s the point? Instead of wandering through the marketplace of “sexualities,” you can just skip all that and be normal.

To quote a legendary philosopher: “There is no bisexual. You either [perform fellatio], or you do not [perform fellatio].”

Let’s assume that we know where Sophie Turner stands on that issue. What we need to know (and I mention this only because she herself has made it a matter of public knowledge) is the extent of her own “bisexual” experimentation. How old was she? Who were her partners? Exactly what did they do? Was it her and Maisie Williams? Because I think I speak for millions of guys who could imagine that scenario in cinematic detail.

However vivid our imaginations may be (and trust me, I’ve got the whole gauzy, soft-focus Guccione-photographed scene in my mind), it’s really unfair for Sophie Turner to hint vaguely about her “bisexual” experimentation without offering details. And pictures, preferably. It might be too much to expect “SOPHIE TURNER GAY SEX TAPE” headlines from TMZ, but don’t tell me she didn’t at least get some pictures of her sapphic episodes. “Kids these days,” eh?

How many teenage boys have gone to jail because they decided to record cellphone video of their gang-bang? This use of cellphone images as sexual souvenirs, so to speak, is now commonplace, yet you expect me to believe Sophie Turner has no pictures to prove she’s “bisexual”?

No way. Give us details and photos, or we don’t believe you.

Pics or it didn’t happen, Sophie.


Crazy People Are Dangerous

Posted on | June 5, 2021 | Comments Off on Crazy People Are Dangerous

Say hello to Everton Brown, a man from Baltimore, Maryland, seen here in a YouTube video from 2010, protesting at the White House, claiming that he was being targeted for harassment by the FBI.

Brown was not targeted by the FBI. He was crazy.

And what do we know about crazy people, boys and girls? We can leave it to professionals to provide a clinical diagnosis — paranoid schizophrenia, most likely — but when someone organizes their entire life around the delusional belief that they are a victim of persecution, nothing prevents citizens from concluding this person is crazy:

Everton Brown believed that drones were following him. He thought the FBI was breaking into his house to feed his dog and worried the authorities were tampering with his computer.
That’s according to records kept by Baltimore County police, whom Brown called more than 100 times over the past 24 years. Neighbors, too, called police to the Woodlawn neighborhood. They say Brown harassed them and yelled from his porch through a bullhorn.
Despite decades of encounters with local authorities, Brown’s actions continued until they had tragic consequences. Last Saturday morning, police say, Brown, 56, set fire to his home, then shot and killed three neighbors. . . .
Authorities say Brown killed three people: Ismael Quintanilla, 41, Sara Alacote, 37, and Sagar Ghimire, 24. County police officers shot and killed Brown.
Little is publicly known about Brown. He was licensed as a commercial driver in Maryland until 2019 and had owned his home in the Parkview Crossing town house community since 1996, public records show.
County police say Brown had “numerous” contacts with law enforcement, including with the department’s crisis team. Three peace orders had been filed against him since 2008, they said.
The police department did not answer questions from The Baltimore Sun about whether the officers ever took Brown to a hospital for an emergency psychiatric evaluation or how many times he interacted with the crisis team, citing state laws about the confidentiality of health records.

See how this works? The law apparently does nothing to protect you from crazy people, but “the confidentiality of health records” does prevent you from finding out how many times this kook got turned loose.

Would you be surprised to learn that the Maryland legislature this year rejected a bill that would have established clear guidelines for determining if a crazy person is actually dangerous?

Critics of the current law say it often stops people who don’t recognize they are ill from getting timely treatment. Others say making involuntary treatment easier could lead to unnecessary and traumatizing hospitalizations and infringe on patients’ autonomy.
Maryland Del. Nic Kipke, an Anne Arundel County Republican, introduced the unsuccessful 2021 bill. He said current state law offers no guidance on what “danger” means, so it is often interpreted to require overt threats or acts of violence or self-harm.
Under his bill, Kipke said, if Brown’s actions before the shooting showed he was deteriorating mentally, that could have provided a basis for hospitalization.
The bill followed a recommendation from the mental health commission chaired by Rutherford, the lieutenant governor. In a 2020 report, the group said Maryland should “develop a clear and unambiguous standard for determining when individuals in crisis pose a danger to themselves and others.”

See? Making it easier to lock up these kooks would infringe on their autonomy — as if the autonomy of crazy people is a “civil right.”

Video of the May 8 incident where Brown died in a gun battle with cops:


This is the price you pay for the “autonomy” of crazy people — three innocent people killed after years of neighbors complaining about the disturbing behavior of this dangerous kook. Think about the cost, not only in terms of the lives of the people Everton Brown killed, but in the time and money expended to send police out to encounter him, and to dispatch the fire department to extinguish the fire Brown set. Think about all the paperwork that had to be filled out afterwards — a complete waste of time and money that could have been saved by locking up this dangerous kook, the way we locked up kooks back in the Good Old Days.

“When I said that the mentally ill should be in institutions, public universities weren’t the kind of institutions I had in mind.”
Robert Stacy McCain, Dec. 20, 2012

That blast from the past came to mind this morning when Instapundit called attention to the latest symptom of Ivy League insanity:

‘The Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind:’
A psychiatrist lecturing at Yale’s Child Study Center
spoke about ‘unloading a revolver into the head
of any white person that got in my way.’

This story involves a psychiatrist who is a danger to herself and others. Imagine if a white person had publicly fantasized about “unloading a revolver into the head” of black people — they’d be raided by the FBI and an ATF task force quicker than you can say “hate crime.” Gosh, if only Yale University had hired Everton Brown as a lecturer . . .


Can you tell me the difference between Everton Brown’s delusional rants and the ranting of Dr. Aruna Khilanani at Yale University?

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


In the Mailbox: 06.04.21 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | June 4, 2021 | Comments Off on In the Mailbox: 06.04.21 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.


357 Magnum: HeyJackass Has The May Wrapup For Chicago
EBL: Is Parler Dead Or Just On Life Support? also, RIP F. Lee Bailey
Twitchy: Matt Walsh Sets Up GoFundMe To Save The Home Of Occasional Cortex’ Abuela
Louder With Crowder: World’s Greatest Former President Takes Victory Lap Over Fauci’s Emails
Vox Popoli: Crowdsourcing Investigative Journalism, also, The Punisher Meets Little Women
According To Hoyt: A Cabal Of Our Enemies, also, Where We Are Now
Monster Hunter Nation: No Game For Knights, also, Book Bomb! Responsibility Of The Crown
Stoic Observations: The Misunderstood Quiet of Programmers
Gab News: No, President Trump Is Not Back On Facebook

American Conservative: The Sea Change That Is The Fall of Netanyahu
American Greatness: Peter Daszak Orchestrated Bullying Campaign To Make Sure COVID Outbreak Wasn’t Linked To The Wuhan Lab
American Power: Critical Race Theory Is Rapidly Destroying American Healthcare
American Thinker: The Great Conservative Migration
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Street Violence Friday
Babalu Blog: Another Player Defects From Cuban National Baseball Team
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For June 4
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, Curiosity’s Dramatic Path Forward
Cafe Hayek: A Note On Some Irritating Spam “Comments”
CDR Salamander: To Win The 72-Month, Or 72-Week War, And Not The 72-Hour War
Don Surber: Republicans Must Campaign On Making Red China Pay
First Street Journal: Fear Is The Mind-Killer, also, Resistance Is Not Futile. I Will Not Be Assimilated
The Geller Report: “We Shall Shatter The Heads Of America & The Infidels”, also, Ohio Football Coach Forces Kosher-Observant Teen To Eat Pork As Punishment
Hogewash: Twitter & Nigeria, also, I’m Not Making This Up, You Know
Hollywood In Toto: Ryan Long – Washington Post “Gets To The Truth Eventually”, also, Babylon Bee Battles Fake News, Demands NYT Retract Defamatory Attack
The Lid: Young Black Father & His Precious Daughter Warn America Of Critical Race Theory’s Evils
Legal Insurrection: Virginia Teacher Sues Over Suspension For Publicly Opposing Proposed “Preferred Pronoun” Policy, also, Majority Of Democrats Running For NYC Mayor Don’t Want De Blasio’s Endorsement
Nebraska Energy Observer: The Rant – Hillbillies Led By Idiots
Outkick: Occasional Cortex Gets Roasted For Not Helping Her Abuela, also, Cowardly ESPN Fires Kelly Stewart Over Old Tweets
Power Line: Looking For Winston Smith Or Someone Like Him, also, Are Democrats Against Voter Fraud? It All Depends
Shark Tank: Rick Scott To Donate Half His Senate Salary To Charity
Shot In The Dark: Conspiracy!
STUMP: PSERS Update – What It’s Just Sloppy Practices?
The Political Hat: Critical Race Theory Litigation Tracker, also, Firing Line Friday – The Implication of The Manson Phenonmenon
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, also, The Stupid Is Strong With This One
Transterrestrial Musings: Scamocracy In America
Victory Girls: Tiananmen Square And Tank Man, Thirty Years Later
Volokh Conspiracy: A Badly Flawed DC Circuit Decision In Favor Of The CDC Eviction Moratorium
Weasel Zippers: California’s Going To Have A Dry, Awful Summer, also, Five Days After Trying To Infiltrate Antifa Protest, Andy Ngo Confirms He Was Beaten By Them
The Federalist: “We Chose Freedom Over Fauci-ism”, also, Florida & Alaska Join Keystone XL Pipeline Suit Against Biden
Mark Steyn: Game Of Function, also, Tal Bachman – We Have Met The Enemy, Part VI

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In The Mailbox: 06.04.21 (Afternoon Edition)

Posted on | June 4, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.04.21 (Afternoon Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

The Other McCain continues its celebration of Pride Month.

357 Magnum: You Are Not Protected By Your Zip Code
Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1372
EBL: The Kominsky Method Season 3
Twitchy: “Child Abuse Of The Highest Order”, also, “You Work For ME!”
Louder With Crowder: Occasional Cortex’ Genius Plan To Keep People Out Of Jail
Vox Popoli: The Anti-Semitism Is Out Of Control, also, Anticipating The Unthinkable
Stoic Observations: A Devil’s Dictionary Of Lies

Adam Piggott: Identifying Vaxxers In The Dating Market
American Conservative: The High Stakes Of Biden’s Presidency For Republicans
American Greatness: Never Let a Plague Go To Waste
American Power: Andy Ngo Needs A Bodyguard
American Thinker: It’s Getting Creepily Nazi-Like In Here
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Infrastructure News
Babalu Blog: Communist Regime To Put Dissident Rapper El Osorbo On Trial For Assault & Contempt
BattleSwarm: George P. Bush Running Against Paxton For AG
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, SpaceX Successfully Launches Cargo Dragon To ISS
Cafe Hayek: The Ultimate Political Insiders
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: Ragnarok Season Two, also, Wuhan Lab Leak, When Everybody Finds Out What Everybody Knows
Don Surber: Is Manchin Replacing Trump On Democrats’ Hate List? also, Republicans Give Debate Commission An Ultimatum
First Street Journal: We Told You So! also, There’s That McClatchy Policy Again
The Geller Report: Seattle Muslim Plots To Drive Semi Through Gay Pride Parade, Then Open Fire, also, National Black Power Convention Leader – Time To Kill “Everything White In Sight” Will Soon Come
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Going Back To Venus
Hollywood In Toto: Sharpened Iron Studios Finds Faith Far From The Coastal Elites, also, Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It Isn’t Worthy Of Its Stars
The Lid: The Anniversary The Chinese Communists Want You To Forget (Or Else)
Legal Insurrection: Former VA Gov McAuliffe Reminds Us Some “Big Lies” Are More Equal Than Others, also,  Princeton Drops Latin & Greek Requirements For Classics Majors, Because Systemic Racism
Nebraska Energy Observer: U.S. Congress Directory
Outkick: Is This The End For LeBron? also,  What Are The Chances Tebow Makes Jaguars’ Final Roster?
Power Line: The Democrats’ Lies of Texas, also, Diversity Google Style
Shark Tank: Anderson Announces State House Run To Replace Sprowls
Shot In The Dark: Pop Life, also, Green Ideas & Word Salads
The Political Hat: Euthanasia – Killing The Handicapped, Killing The Mentally Ill, & Killing By An Order Of Magnitude
This Ain’t Hell: Gadsden Flag Triggers People, also, A Different Kind Of Feel Good Story
Transterrestrial Musings: Destroying Democracy, also, The Hammer & The Sickle
Victory Girls: Fauci Book Disappears From Online Pre-Orders
Volokh Conspiracy: Congratulations To Orin Kerr
Weasel Zippers: Pentagon Defends Its Woke Diversity Efforts Under Biden, also, TX Dem Henry Cuellar – Biden Needs To “Listen To The People That Live On The Border”
The Federalist: Occasional Cortex – We Can Reduce Violent Crime & Lower Incarceration Rates If We Stop Building Jails, also, Gov. Greg Abbott – We’re Going To Start Jailing Border Crossers
Mark Steyn: Down For The Count

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What ‘Settler Colonialism’ Is About

Posted on | June 3, 2021 | Comments Off on What ‘Settler Colonialism’ Is About

About six or seven years ago, while I was researching radical feminism, I began encountering the phrase “settler colonialism,” e.g., “Why Racial Justice Work Needs to Address Settler Colonialism and Native Rights,” a 2015 article at Everyday Feminism by Rachel Kuo.

Why would Kuo, the daughter of Taiwanese immigrants, who was at that time a Ph.D. student at New York University, be so worked up about “settler colonialism”? And what the heck does this have to do with feminism, “Everyday” or otherwise? Is the “Native Rights” movement a big thing in Manhattan nowadays? Like, you’re going to sell New York back to descendants of the original inhabitants for $24 in beads?

The United States government has an entire bureau within the Interior Department devoted to “Native Rights,” funded to the tune of a couple billion dollars a year, and while I don’t have a clue what they’re doing with all that money, I haven’t noticed any tribes on the warpath lately, scalping white settlers in Arizona or whatever, so I reckon there is no real crisis amongst the natives. And yet there was Rachel Kuo, whose parents came to America so their daughter could get a Ph.D. at an elite private university, working herself into a tizzy over the realization that she is on “occupied Indigenous land” — currently that would be Chapel Hill, North Carolina, where she is now a “postdoctoral research fellow” — and pleading about the need to “move from acknowledging settler privilege towards challenging and dismantling colonialist thought and behavior.”

White Guilt: Now for Asians, Too!

What kind of wacky thinking is this? My own ancestors were amongst the immediate perpetrators and beneficiaries of “settler colonialism” — they arrived here more than two centuries before Kuo’s parents did — but what did they get from it? Some farmland in Alabama, eventually. Oh, how privileged they were, living in their log cabin, harnessing up the mules to plow those red clay fields near the banks of the Little Tallapoosa River, where legend had it Andy Jackson fought the Battle of Horseshoe Bend. (The battle was quite real, of course, but its exact location was the “legendary” part, since the geography of Alabama was rather obscure at the time.) Knowing something about the kind of hardscrabble life my ancestors lived on that “occupied Indigenous land,” I am devoid of any feelings of guilt as to how it became “occupied” in the first place.

If I, the descendant of actual colonial settlers, feel no remorse about the circumstances by which my ancestors obtained their Alabama farmland, why is Rachel Kuo wringing her hands about “settler colonialism”?

This question didn’t occur to me, and the answer was of little interest to me, when I was busy researching radical feminism, which is such a frothing cauldron of craziness that it was all I could do to retain my own sanity while studying it. But over the years since, while the various fringes of the Left were ratcheting up their radical rhetoric as the “resistance” against Donald Trump, I kept encountering that weirdly puzzling phrase “settler colonialism,” until it finally hit me:


Or, as the leftists would say, “Occupied Palestine.”

You see, nobody is really planning to return Randolph County, Alabama, to the descendants of the Creek Indians, no more so than Manhattan will be sold back to the “Indigenous Peoples” for $24 in beads. All this rhetoric about “settler colonialism” emanating from the radical Left is actually aimed at delegitimizing the nation of Israel.

Look at what a 501(c)3 published on its Instagram account last month:



Those are two of eight slides on this anti-Israel propaganda project which I encountered — surprise! surprise!on a Tumblr blog.

Do not let yourself be deceived by the Left’s rhetoric. Their ambitions are global in scale, and the destruction of Israel is very near the top of their list of objectives. Genesis 12:3 tells us that there is curse upon the Left’s wicked project. We are approaching the prophetic Last Days, and every man must decide whom he will serve. Selah.


In The Mailbox: 06.02.21

Posted on | June 2, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.02.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.


357 Magnum: Australian Cops On A Power Trip Pat Buchanan
EBL: Lou Gehrig Day
Twitchy: Wealthy Socialist Occasional Cortex Passionately Defends Her Decision To Let Her Poor, Sick, Puerto Rican Abuela To Live In Squalor
Louder With Crowder: Five Fauci Emails Exposing Truth On Masks, Lab Leaks, & Trump Being Right
Vox Popoli: The Effectiveness Of Rhetoric, also, A Clear & Present Danger
Stoic Observations: The Misunderstood Quiet Of Programmers

Adam Piggott: Strange Goings-n In The Netherlands
American Conservative: The Outsourcing Of American Food
American Greatness: The New Secession Crisis, also, Biden’s Interior Department Suspends Oil & Gas Leases In Alaska’s Arctic Refuge
American Power: Republicans Fight Back Against Critical Race Theory
American Thinker: To Save The Republican Party, The GOP Must Die
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: The Dominican Republic Got Rid Of A Bloody Dictator Sixty Years Ago, But Cuba’s Still Stuck With Theirs
BattleSwarm: They’re Not Going Back
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, also, Inexplicable Ridges North Of Red China’s Mars Rover
Cafe Hayek: Don’t Be A Sap By Falling For This Tax Cartel Scheme
Da Tech Guy: The Indulgence Calendar, also, Humor & Politics
Don Surber: Why The Media Was Quick To Defend Red China & Its Virus, also, Anti-Coal Credit Suisse Lawsuit May Bring Down WV Governor
First Street Journal: Is It Possible To Support The Palestinians & Not Be Anti-Semitic? also, And There They Go Again!
The Geller Report: Biden Insists White Supremacists More Of A Threat Than Islamic State, also, Google’s Diversity Head – “Jews Have An Insatiable Appetite For War & Killing”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Facebook, Hogewash, & Spam
Hollywood In Toto: Reuters Beclowns Itself, Fact Checks Babylon Bee, also, Did Gwen Stefani Put A Cancel Culture Target On Her Back?
The Lid: CCP State Propaganda – Red China Must Prepare For Nuclear War With U.S. 
Legal Insurrection: Democrats Hold NM-01, also, Fauci Emails Reveal Career Bureaucrat Who Followed Political, Not Medical Science
Michelle Malkin: Family Sovereignty Under Siege
Nebraska Energy Observer: The Old Mill, Part Eight
Outkick: California Is Getting Ready To Pay Reparations, also, Mets Lose Game In Brutal Fashion
Power Line: Willful Blindness About America’s Crime Wave, also, About Those Fauci Emails
Shark Tank: Fried Responds To DeSantis Saying “She Does Nothing”
Shot In The Dark: New Wrinkle, also, Because I’m A Gentleman
STUMP: An Elegy For The “Experts” & For Memory
The Political Hat: A Deficiency Of Healthcare Is A Problem, also, Ohio Vs. Critical Race Theory
This Ain’t Hell: Oregon, RI War Memorials Vandalized Over Memorial Day Weekend, also, PETA To Protest Marines Eating Snakes
Transterrestrial Musings: Race Preferences, also, Biden Failing
Victory Girls: Dear Ellie Kemper – Kick The Woke Mob To The Curb
Volokh Conspiracy: Publishing Guidebook Describing Illegal Activity In Yellowstone Isn’t Criminal Aiding & Abetting
Weasel Zippers: Biden Swipes At Machin & Sinema During Presser, also, Prosecutors Drop Case Against Man In “Capitol Riot”
The Federalist: House GOP Launches First Probe Into HHS Failure To Review Grant To Wuhan Lab, also, Texas Gov. Abbott Declares State Of Emergency Over Biden Border Crisis
Mark Steyn: The Swallows Skim, And All Is Hushed, also, Ain’t No Cancel Culture Girl

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Google ‘Diversity Strategist’ Accused Jews of ‘Insatiable Appetite for War’

Posted on | June 2, 2021 | Comments Off on Google ‘Diversity Strategist’ Accused Jews of ‘Insatiable Appetite for War’

He got hired to fill a quota for Jew-haters, I guess:

Google’s global diversity leader apologized privately on Tuesday night to the company’s Jewish employees for a blog post in which he argued that Jews have an “insatiable appetite for war,” but the tech company remains mum on the controversy.
Kamau Bobb, Google’s global lead for diversity strategy and research, sent an email apology to a listserv of Jewish Google employees — known within the company as the “Jewglers” — and said his “hurtful” statements about Jews were part of a ham-handed attempt to criticize Israel’s military action. . . .
Google itself has yet to offer any official comment on the dust-up, nor has the tech giant, whose CEO Sundar Pinchai issued a lengthy note last summer detailing his commitment to “racial equity,” made any public remarks on the recent spate of anti-Semitic attacks.
Bobb told Google’s Jewish employees that his anti-Semitic tirade was “intended as a critique of particular military action” and apologized for “crudely” characterizing all Jews.
“[T]he world is leaving us all feeling unsafe and unsettled right now. i certainly don’t want to contribute to that,” he added. “[N]one of this changes or excuses the words i wrote – but i am deeply sorry for them.”
Bobb’s 2007 blog post, titled “If I were a Jew,” was reported by the Washington Free Beacon on Tuesday. In the post, Bobb offered his thoughts on how Jews should view the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
“If I were a Jew I would be concerned about my insatiable appetite for war and killing in defense of myself,” he wrote in the Nov. 30, 2007, post on his personal blog, where he was still actively publishing as recently as April 2021.

He won’t be fired. No major corporation ever fires a “diversity” hire. You may think that’s sarcasm, but ask around. Any honest corporate lawyer will tell you what “diversity” means in practice. It is essentially a code-word for a preemptive defense against discrimination claims. The function of “diversity” is to enable the executives to claim that, because the company has a certain percentage of women and minorities in their workforce, therefore can’t be guilty of illegal discrimination. So if a disgruntled female or minority employee files a discrimination lawsuit, the bosses point to the numbers — tabulated on a spreadsheet by the HR department — as proof of their innocence. It’s the same reason you see all these corporations acting “woke.” You think these million-dollar-a-year corporate executive types really give a crap about LGBTQ rights or BLM or “climate change”? Bullshit. They’re all about the Benjamins, baby. They just have to talk “progressive” to keep their money-machine rolling.

Y’all just ain’t cynical enough to understand the hustle.

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.)


If You’re Worried About That Creepy Old Guy, It’s WHITE SUPREMACY!

Posted on | June 2, 2021 | Comments Off on If You’re Worried About That Creepy Old Guy, It’s WHITE SUPREMACY!

When last we glimpsed Joe Biden, he was celebrating Memorial Day weekend by flirting with a little girl whose daddy is in Afghanistan.

Ace has dubbed Biden “Grandpa Sundown Diddlefingers” — double-dog dare Tucker Carlson to put that on a chyron — while calling our attention to the president’s speech Moday in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in which he warned about the need to beware of WHITE SUPREMACY!

“According to the intelligence community, terrorism from white supremacy is the most lethal threat to the homeland today.”

What does Joe mean by “white supremacy”? People who didn’t vote for him — it’s really that simple. Thirty-seven people were shot in Chicago over the weekend, but Biden has no plan or policy to solve that problem because (a) Illinois isn’t a “swing state” and (b) the people doing the shooting in Chicago are not Trump voters, IYKWIMAITYD.

Carjackers and gang-bangers doing drive-by shootings in a city controlled by Democrats? No, ignore that — it’s WHITE SUPREMACY that’s a “lethal threat,” according to “the intelligence community.”

How many black people have been killed by white supremacists so far this year? Certainly fewer than got killed in Baltimore last weekend, and the suspects there probably weren’t Trump voters, either.

Gosh, it’s almost as if all this hype about white supremacy — LETHAL TERRORISM! — were a political distraction from Biden’s failure.

Also it may be a distraction from the fact that “Grandpa Sundown Diddlefingers” can’t conceal his interest in little girls:

President Joe Biden interrupted a speech in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on Tuesday to speak to two young girls in the audience.
Biden made a face and pointed at the two young girls and said, “I have got to make one check here” and left the stage to walk into the crowd.
When he returned to the podium, Biden continued, “I just had to make sure that two girls got ice cream when this was over.” . . .
After the speech, Biden again walked over to the two girls and spoke briefly with them and their mother before exiting the room.

Get in the van, kids — Uncle Joe’s buying ice cream!


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