The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Tucker Carlson Douses Frank Luntz in Gasoline and Lights Him on Fire

Posted on | May 1, 2021 | Comments Off on Tucker Carlson Douses Frank Luntz in Gasoline and Lights Him on Fire

Figuratively speaking, of course:

For quite some time now we’ve wondered what’s going on with congressional Republicans. There are a lot of nice people in the Republican Party, but the point of a political party is not to be nice, it is to represent the interests of its voters. . . .
However, it remains true that the priorities of the people who run the Republican Party are very different — in some cases, completely different — from the priorities of the people who vote Republican. Why is that? Well, there are lots of reasons, probably, but Frank Luntz is definitely one of them. . . .
The problem is that Frank Luntz’s views are very different from those of your average Republican voter. Frank Luntz is a conventional liberal. His main clients are left-wing corporations like Google. When Frank Luntz gives advice to congressional Republicans, he’s got Google’s perspective in mind. That’s a huge problem. . . .
Not long ago, when Donald Trump called for boycotting Coca-Cola and Delta Air Lines after they interfered, in a very shocking way, in Georgia’s political system, Luntz came to their defense. Of course he did. They’re his clients.

Tucker’s immolation of Luntz continued from there. Watch the video:


What inspired this? Earlier this week, Tucker Carlson gave a speech in which he name-checked Luntz as one of the advisers steering congressional Republicans to embrace open borders — which is true — and when the video was posted to Twitter, Luntz lashed out:

Enjoy your bonfire. Did anyone bring marshmallows?


Good-Bye, California

Posted on | May 1, 2021 | Comments Off on Good-Bye, California

If you listen to The Other Podcast (every Saturday night at 7 p.m. ET), you have come to know and love the voice and laughter of the lovely Dianna Deeley. She’s a native Californian who worked for years in San Francisco, but now lives in Valdosta, Georgia. My other podcast partner, John Hoge, is a native Tennessean, but for years he also lived in California. So whenever the subject of California comes up on the podcast, I have to sit there and shut up while these two bemoan the tarnished condition of the erstwhile Golden State. John frequently congratulates himself on getting out earlybefore the L.A. riots — while Dianna gloats of her good fortune in selling a home for hyperinflated Bay-Area prices which gave her enough money to buy a historic Victorian home beneath live oaks draped in Spanish moss at the intersection of Toombs and Gordon.

The tide of refugees from California has increased steadily over the past decade, to such an extent that after the latest census, the state will lose a seat in Congress for the first time in history:

Slow-growing California is losing a House seat for the first time, setting off an unprecedented political reshuffle that will ripple through every level of government.
California’s elected officials and prospective challengers have spent months in a campaign holding pattern, waiting to see how U.S. Census Bureau data would reshape the state legislature and congressional seats. The announcement Monday was expected after trickling growth in a state with a severe housing shortage and high costs. . . .
While California remains America’s most populous state, its growth has steadily slowed as more people move elsewhere. One critical factor is the high cost of living — particularly exorbitant housing costs, which adults consistently cite as a major problem. Many Californians have shifted to lower-cost areas within the state, but some have chosen to depart: a third of adults told a recent Public Policy Institute of California that housing costs had prompted them to consider relocating beyond state borders.
“It’s largely a story of domestic outmigration, with some slight decline in immigration as well,” said PPIC Senior Fellow Eric McGhee. . . .
The state has undergone dramatic demographic change in recent decades. The shares of Latino and Asian American residents have grown as its white population has declined, reshaping the electorate and yielding an evermore diverse body of elected officials.

When Tucker Carlson talks about “replacement,” every liberal jumps up and starts screaming about a white supremacist conspiracy theory. But in California, “replacement” is not a theory, it’s a fact. Southern California is now just the northernmost province of Latin America. Only 14% of students in L.A. public schools are white. Sixty-six percent are Hispanic. To the south, in Orange County — which 40 years ago was the setting for Fast Times at Ridgemont High — half the public-school students are Hispanic and just 25% are white. There is no future for white people in California. They are persona non grata — an unwelcome presence in a state steadily taken over by Mexicans.

Every analysis of California’s demography always cites the high cost of housing as the reason Americans are leaving the state, but they never explain why high housing costs don’t discourage Mexicans from moving into California. About 10 years ago, I visited California a couple of times and resident explained what’s really happening. You see, Mexicans have no problem with moving eight, 10 or 12 people into a suburban three-bedroom, two-bath home. This isn’t “overcrowding” compared to what they left behind south of the border, so the Mexican immigrant can rent a 3BR/2BA house, then sublease space to another half-dozen Mexicans, and that explains something else you’d notice if you spent as much time as I do watching YouTube video of police chases. Every time TV choppers cover these pursuits in Southern California, you’ll notice that the streets in every neighborhood are lined with cars. Why is this? Don’t these houses have garages and driveways? Oh, wait a minute . . .

The garage has been converted to a fourth bedroom (rented out to three Mexicans) and there are six, eight or 10 adults living in that house, which means a lot more cars than you could park in a driveway. This phenomenon has a lot to do with the high cost of housing that Californians keep complaining about, but in a state that’s legalized marijuana, ceased to treat theft as a felony, and turns loose thousands of convicted criminals with barely the proverbial “slap on the wrist,” do you really expect them to enforce zoning laws? Sure, that 3BR/2BA ranch house is zoned as a single-family home, but if a dozen Mexicans want to move in, who’s going to stop them? George Gascón?

The impact of mass Mexican immigration on the housing market in California is not something media or politicians want to talk about, because it’s racist to talk about such things. Even conservatives hesitate to be specific about what has happened to California. Instead, you have a lot of white people speaking in euphemisms, the way they do, about their desire to live in “good neighborhoods” with “good schools,” the word good serving as a synonym for “mostly white.” But in a state rapidly filling up with Mexicans, such schools and neighborhoods are increasingly rare, and increasingly expensive.

Honestly, I’ve thought of becoming sort of a redneck version of Robin DiAngelo, writing a book called, You’re Racist, and That’s OK. Because once you strip away all that “critical theory” nonsense, there really is a point to be made that most people (including black and brown people) are more racist than they’d care to admit. Ethnic chauvinism is sort of wired into our DNA and affects our beliefs and behaviors in ways that may be uncomfortable to acknowledge. Have you ever wondered why, for example, certain European brands are associated with luxury? Like, the NFL first-round pick is not going to spend his signing bonus on an American car, nor is he going to buy a Toyota. Instead, he’s going to plunk down $100,000 for a Maserati or $200,000 for a Bentley.

Why do European products enjoy such prestige? Racism.

While you’re chewing on that idea, I’ll return to the discussion of California, a state run by Democrats who don’t want to admit they’re racist. There was an interesting article in 2019 with the headline, “SoCal’s Latino Kids Are Going To School With Fewer And Fewer White Kids.” If the goal of public education policy is racial integration (or “diversity,” as it is now more commonly called), a shortage of white children to participate in your social-engineering project is a policy problem.

It was Saul Alinsky, of all people, who observed that “integration” describes the time between when the first black family moves into a neighborhood and the last white family moves out. There was more truth in that observation than most Americans would like to admit, and you don’t need to use “critical theory” to see how Alinsky’s observation applies to the current situation in California. Many millions of Mexican immigrants have moved into California over the past three or four decades, and millions of white people have moved out.

Achieving racial “diversity” requires that white people cooperate with the progressive social-engineering agenda, and all you have to do is check the rental prices for U-Haul trucks to see that, in California, white people have “voted with their feet,” fleeing this lab experiment.

What has happened to California is not to be blamed on Mexicans, but rather on the white political leaders who supported the open-borders policy (including “sanctuary city” laws) that led to this demographic transformation. Even if the federal government were run by people who wanted to enforce our immigration laws, the politicians in California have done everything possible to hinder enforcement. It evidently never occurred to California’s leaders that the number of white people leaving their state might exceed the arrival of Mexican replacements to such an extend that the state would lose a seat in Congress. Oops.

In fact, if it had not been for the continuing influx of immigrants, California would have lost two seats in Congress. To put it bluntly, foreigners want to live in California; Americans do not.

When Ben Shapiro (born in Burbank) announced he was moving to Tennessee, I repeated what I’d first wrote in 2009, comparing California to the kleptocratic regime of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe:

The thievish, parasitical mentality of liberals, who view taxpayers only a source of plunder, eventually runs head-on into economic reality. Capital is portable, and predatory governments will eventually cause disinvestment, as investors seek opportunities elsewhere. As investment flees, private-sector employment stagnates and declines, and smart young people leave to find someplace where they have a chance to get ahead.

Once this trend reaches a tipping point — and Jerry Brown’s return to the governorship in 2011 seems to have been the straw that broke the camel’s back in California — the collapse accelerates.

The collapse of California is now irreversible, and policy makers must contemplate what this means for America’s future. But such contemplation is above my pay-grade, as I am a mere journalist, so I have the luxury of not thinking about the omens of looming catastrophe. Instead, I’ll be sitting quietly tonight while John Hoge and Dianna Deeley tell their California stories on The Other Podcast. Be sure to tune in.


In The Mailbox: 04.30.21 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | May 1, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.30.21 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual deadlines for the usual weekend posts. Might have a post on some interesting parallels between the Spanish Civil War and (God forbid) a second American Civil War masquerading as a book review.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Instructions unclear, being held with no bail

357 Magnum: NYC Labor Unions Call For More Cops
EBL: Peak Chicken, also, Without Remorse
Twitchy: Glenn Greenwald Drags Corporate Media & Their Brian Sicknick Coverage
Louder With Crowder: Cop At Center Of TikTok Controversy Says “We’re Not Going To Tolerate Being Vilified By The Media Any More”
Vox Popoli: It’s Over. He’s Done. also, Begging For A Coup
Gab News: Arizona Parents Rise Up Against Mask Tyranny
According To Hoyt:  The Junta’s Abolition Of The Constitution, also, Everywhere
Monster Hunter Nation: Swag 2021 Update, also, eARC  For World Breakers Out Now

American Conservative: FISA & The Still Too Secret Police
American Greatness: Biden’s Shameful “Attack On Our Democracy” Rhetoric, also, Iranian Foreign Minister Says He Had No Knowledge Of Israeli Strikes Until Kerry Tipped Him Off
American Power: Pippa Norris & Ronald Inglehart, Cultural Backlash
American Thinker: No, Joe, You’re Not A Nice Guy, also, Project Veritas Pulled Some Stunning Admissions From The New York Times
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Failure Of The Law Friday
Babalu Blog: Self-Employed Snow Cone Vendor Fined $200 After Senseless Police Beating
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For April 30
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, Today’s Blacklisted Americans, and NASA Suspends Starship Lunar Lander Contract Due To Whining
Cafe Hayek: Quotation Of The Day
Da Tech Guy: Texas & Florida Prove Lockdowns & Mask Mandates About Forced Obedience, Not Public Health, also, Quick Thoughts Under The Fedora
Don Surber: Hey, Nancy Pelosi, I Have A Real Hero For You
First Street Journal: Philly Police Arrest 16-Year-Old Tied To Four Murders, also, Hold Them Accountable! 
The Geller Report: $TWTR Plummets, Fewer Users Than Expected, also, Senile “President” Struggles To Find Mask, Finally Finds It In His Pocket
Hogewash: Peace Order Petition Denied, The Return Of Blognet, and Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: The Resort Has Only One Redeeming Feature
The Lid: The War Between New York’s Leftists
Legal Insurrection: Joe Manchin Just Says No To DC Statehood, also, Twitter Allows Racist #UncleTim To Trend For Eleven Hours After Senator Scott’s Speech
Michelle Malkin: Anti-Censorship Legislation – Get It Right
Nebraska Energy Observer: SOTU & The Resistance Continues
Outkick: Steve Kerr Says NBA Players Lacking In The Very Basics Of The Game, also, Kentucky Derby Fends Off Leftists, Will Play “My Old Kentucky Home”
Power Line: Who’s The Biggest Terrorist Threat? also, Will France Save Western Civilization?
Shark Tank: Nikki Fried – The GOP Has Descended Into Fascism
Shot In The Dark: Urban Progressive Privilege Means Never Needing A Moral Compass
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday – What Is Liberal Education?
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, also, Army SFC Charged In Relation To Syrian Firefight
Transterrestrial Musings: Kerry Vs. Giuliani, also, Project Veritas
Victory Girls: Giuliani Investigation Regards Ukraine Ambassador
Volokh Conspiracy: What Happens If The Biden Administration Prosecutes & Convicts Donald Trump Under The Insurrection Act?
Weasel Zippers: Snopes Tags Democrat Claim That 85% Of Americans Liked BIden’s Speech As FALSE
The Federalist: Biden Orders India Travel Ban One Year After Calling Trump’s China Ban Xenophobic, also, Idaho Cop Suspended For Viral TikTok Video Mocking LeBron James’ Police Threat Tweet
Mark Steyn: Insufficiently Urgent

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In The Mailbox: 04.30.21 (Morning Edition)

Posted on | April 30, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.30.21 (Morning Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: How Is That Free Bail Working Out?
EBL: Biden – For A Good Time, Spend Other Peoples’ Money
Twitchy: Joy Behar Says Tim Scott “And A Lot Of Them” Don’t Understand “Systemic Racism”
Louder With Crowder: Kamala Harris & Nancy Pelosi Compared To Dumb & Dumber
Vox Popoli: The Ineptitude Of Imaginary Politics, also, Excising Social Justice At Basecamp
Gab News: Laura Loomer Speaks At America First Big Tech Conference

American Conservative: The Answer Is The Coming Small-Town Revival
American Greatness: Coca-Cola Faces Challenge To Illegal Race-Based Hiring Quota, also, NY State Legislature Begins Process Of Repealing Cuomo’s Executive Orders
American Thinker: Kamala’s Not Looking So Good Lately, also, Biden’s Tax Cuts Won’t Hurt The Rich, But They Will Hurt You
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Government Theft News
Babalu Blog: Cuban State Security Arrests Women Artists Carrying Out Peaceful Protest
BattleSwarm: Austin T-2 Update
Behind The Black: SpaceX Launches 60 More Starlink Satellites, While Chicoms Launch Tianhe Station Module
Cafe Hayek: Some COVID Links, and Some Non-COVID Links
CDR Salamander: When You Fool Yourself, You Are One
Da Tech Guy: A Really Funny Biden Admin Thought, also, No Comment
Don Surber: A Nation So Racist, Africans Move Here
First Street Journal: British Writer Worries About Having A Son Who Will Grow Up With Running Water & Electricity
The Geller Report: Rigged CBS “Poll” Claims 85% Approved Of Biden’s Speech, also, Idaho State House Passes Bill Banning Critical Race Theory In Schools
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Racism In America
Hollywood In Toto: How Cumia Finally Lapped Stern In Shock Jock Wars Where It Counts
The Lid: Cuomo Claims It’s Trump’s Fault He Blocked Nursing Home Death Count
Legal Insurrection: Tim Scott Slams Biden For Breaking Bipartisan Promises, Using Race As Political Weapon, also, U Of M Student Government Demands Resignation Of Campus Police Chief
Michelle Malkin: Michelle Malkin Speaks At America First Big Tech Conference
Nebraska Energy Observer: Crazy
Outkick: Conor McGregor Buys Pub Where He Was Accused Of Assault, also, Border Restrictions May Affect NHL Playoffs
Power Line: Uncle Tim? also, The Lies Of Joe Biden
Shark Tank: DeSantis Threatens To Sue Biden If He Tries To Implement HB-1 In Florida
Shot In The Dark: One Law, One Aphorism, also, In Which I Defend A Cake-Eating Private School
The Political Hat: The Incurable Wokeness Of Biden – Critical Race Theory, Sociologist As Scientist, & College Kangaroo Courts
This Ain’t Hell: Thursday FGS, also, Kerry Grabs Attention Again
Transterrestrial Musings: Gwynne Shotwell, also, American Universities
Victory Girls: Tim Scott Attacked By Racist Thought Mob Again
Volokh Conspiracy: The Legal Profession & The Efficacy Of Microeconomic Policy
Weasel Zippers: Occasional Cortex Praises Biden For “Exceeding Expectations”, also, Far-Left Pramila Jayapal Thrilled With Biden’s First 100 Days
The Federalist: Ten Racist Attacks On Tim Scott From So-Called Progressives, also, CNN’s Left-Wing Viewers Give Biden’s Speech Worse Marks Than Trump’s First Speech In 2017
Mark Steyn: Writing It Down, also, Securing The Bureaucracy

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In The Mailbox: 04.28.21

Posted on | April 29, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.28.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

From Director Michael Bay

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1336
Red Pilled Jew: It Ain’t Paranoia When They’re Out To Rule The World
357 Magnum: The Destruction Of Justice In America
EBL: Elon Musk – Bezos Can’t Get It Up
Twitchy: Janice Dean Pulls The Receipts On Jennifer Rubin’s Fawning Over Andrew Cuomo
Louder With Crowder: Border Patrol Chief Explains Why He Won’t Comply With Biden’s Orders
Vox Popoli: The Death Of The Hellmouth, also, The Asteroid Has Landed!
Monster Hunter Nation: Monster Hunter Bloodlines eARC Out Now!
Gab News: Gab Samizdat

American Conservative: The Gaetz Scandal Isn’t About Matt Gaetz
American Greatness: Barnard College Instructor Discusses Locking Up & Gassing White People In Hypothetical Race War, also, No One Should Be A Career Politician
American Power: Dodgers Blow Six-Run Lead, Fall To Padres – First Time In 50 Years Team Trailing By Six In Seventh Inning Wins
American Thinker: Woke Democrats Broke American Cities, also, The Democratic Party Is Now America’s Extremist Party
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: How Long Will The “Transfer Of Power” In Communist Cuba Take?
BattleSwarm: James Carville Vs. Wokeness
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, RIP Michael Collins, Apollo 11 Astronaut
Cafe Hayek: Some COVID Links, and Some Non-COVID Links
CDR Salamander: What If We Had Full Control Of Our #1 National Security Threat
Da Tech Guy: Powerline On Green Energy – Unclear On The Concept, also, Report From Louisiana – Loose Thoughts
Don Surber: Tucker Carlson Is Saving Journalism, also, Republicans Tell The Rich “You’re On Your Own”
First Street Journal: Elect #SocialJustice Public Officials & Watch Crime Soar
The Geller Report: Trump Planning On Bringing Back MAGA Rallies, also, NYC Judge Says Muslim Who Rammed Jews Made “Mistake In Driving”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, I’m Not Making This Up, You Know
Hollywood In Toto: Entourage Director Shares Why “Righteous PC Culture” Is A Fraud, also, Here Are The Young Men To Avoid At All Costs
The Lid: HEY JOE – Red China’s Making A Bold Military Statement – Are You Going To Answer It?
Legal Insurrection: Federal Agents Search Rudy Giuliani’s NYC Apartment, also, GMU President Cites Diversity To Justify Illegal Goal Of Race-Based Hiring
Nebraska Energy Observer: The Old Mill Part 5
Outkick: Bucs Getting The Band Back Together, also, NCAA President Does Crappy Job, Gets Extension
Power Line: The Latest Foolishness From CDC, also, The War On Standards – Knife Fight Edition
Shark Tank: FL House Passes Election Integrity Bill
Shot In The Dark: Perspective
The Political Hat: Artificial Wombs & Chimera Embryos Mean One Thing – Test-Tube Catgirls
This Ain’t Hell: Private “Chipp” Reid – Bassackwards Phony Marine, also, More Budget Cuts 
Transterrestrial Musings: The Latest January 6 BS, also, Michael Collins RIP
Victory Girls: Biden Big Daddy Government Promises Everything
Volokh Conspiracy: The Legal Profession & The Case For Fundamental Reform
Weasel Zippers: Soyboy Rioters In Florida Meet Their Match, also, Palestinian President Goes On Insane Rant
The Federalist: Hunter Biden To Tach “Fake News” Class At Tulane, also, US Catholic Bishops Voting On Whether Pro-Abortion Biden Should Be Urged To Stop Taking Communion
Mark Steyn: We’ll Gather Lilacs, also, Van Is The Man

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Florida Woman Was in a Big Hurry to Reach Her Destination: Prison

Posted on | April 28, 2021 | Comments Off on Florida Woman Was in a Big Hurry to Reach Her Destination: Prison

Jennifer Carvajal was behind the wheel of a Hyundai Elantra clocked on radar at 111 mph headed west on I-4 by a Florida Highway Patrol trooper. It was 1:30 a.m., and three passengers were in the car with Carvajal, who did not have a driver’s license, because she had violated her probation.

What was she on probation for? DUI manslaughter in 2014.

Yeah, that’s right — apparently you can kill somebody while driving drunk in Florida and you’re back on the streets in just a few years.

In 2016, Carvajal was sentenced to five years in prison, but was released in 2019. “According to Hillsborough Circuit Court Clerk records, she was then arrested in May [2020] for violating her probation with a drug-related charge and was sentenced to five more years probation.”

Did you get that? After killing somebody, then serving only three years in prison, she was arrested for drugs, a probation violation that could have sent her back to prison. But it’s Tampa, where all the judges are Democrats, so they just gave her more probation. Less than a year later, she was doing 111 mph on I-4 at 1:30 in the morning when the trooper caught her on radar. And when the trooper managed to catch up with her, Carvajal had a truly genius idea — right turn!

The result — don’t worry, you’ll see the video in a minute — looked like something your 4-year-would do with one of his Matchbox cars. The Hyundai went down the shoulder of the freeway, then ricocheted up the embankment on the other side of the ditch, crashed through a fence and went airborne into the lot of a car dealership, where it bounced off a truck, smashed through a concrete light pole and a palm tree, and then catapulted end over end before finally crashing into the pavement.

Jennifer Carvajal survived the crash because, despite her many errors of judgment, she was wearing a seatbelt. Her passengers, alas, were less fortunate. Two of them were seriously injured, and one of them was ejected from the car and fatally smashed to a bloody pulp.


My guess is that even the liberal Democrat judges in Tampa won’t be so lenient with Carvajal this time. It’s easy to laugh at “Florida woman,” until she makes a right turn at 111 mph and kills somebody.


In The Mailbox: 04.27.21 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | April 27, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.27.21 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Some things never change.

357 Magnum: Black Coed Accused Of White Supremacy Nationalism Vs. Patriotism
EBL: Mad Max
Twitchy: “Open WAR Is Upon Us”, also, Gannett Is Sorry They Got Caught Stealth-Editing Stacey Abrams USA TODAY Op-Ed
Louder With Crowder: Man Hits Pink-Masked Antifa So Hard With Frying Pan, It Bongs
Vox Popoli: Red China Attacks Feminism, also, The Hour Is Grave
Stoic Observations: Peasant Morality

American Conservative: America’s New Justice System, Funded BY Soros & Zuckerberg
American Greatness: Why The MAGA Movement Needs Matt Gaetz In Congress, also, California Gubernatorial Recall Is On For 2021
American Power: Substack! Holy Crap!
American Thinker: Black Rage – It’s All About The Humiliation, also,  A New Level Of Depravity & Corruption For NYC
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Second Amendment News
Babalu Blog: Even Cuban Stores That Only Accept Dollars Have Nothing To Sell
BattleSwarm: Austin City Council Continues Its Assault On The APD, also, Texas Gains Two House Seats, CA & NY Lose One Each – With Some Thoughts On Texas Redistricting
Behind The Black: There Are So Many Blacklisted Americans That A Database Exists, also, Dynetics Joins Blue Origin In Whining To NASA About SpaceX Contract
Cafe Hayek: In Appreciation – James M. Buchanan
CDR Salamander: Want To Benchmark Best Tech Practices?
Da Tech Guy: The Post Office Again Shows Why You Shouldn’t Be On Facebook, also, Equity Is Mediocrity
Don Surber: Democrats Worry That Their Steal Won’t Hold
First Street Journal: Black Lives Don’t Matter To The Philadelphia Inquirer Unless They’re Ended By A White Cop
The Geller Report: Almost 50% Of Federal Cases Against Portland Rioters Have Been Dismissed, also, Sky News – “Joe Biden’s Stupidity Is Now A Threat To The West”
Hogewash: Yours Truly, Johnny Atsign, Moar Johnny Atsign, and I’ll Just Leave This Right Here
Hollywood In Toto: Beatty’s Town & Country Is Even Worse Than You Remember, also, Adam Carolla Says Hollywood Nutjobs Are Ruining The Oscar Franchise
The Lid: John Kerry Has Made A Career Of Violating The Logan Act
Legal Insurrection: “Cancel Culture As It Now Exists…[Is] The Warfare Of Personal Destruction”, also, Law Prof Facing Investigation For Criticizing Chicom Government On His Own Blog
Nebraska Energy Observer: There May Well Be
Outkick: ESPN Lies Again About Black Quarterbacks, also, LeBron Groupies Bombard Cincinnati Bar With Bad Reviews After Owner Drops NBA Games
Power Line: Desolation Row, also, Critical Race Theory Hauled Into Court
Shot In The Dark: The Case We’ve Been Waiting For?
STUMP: Geeking Out – Census Numbers For Reapportionment Released, Let’s Visualize!
The Political Hat: New England Journal Of Medicine Endorses Racial Discrimination In Medicine
This Ain’t Hell: No Means No (Bangs Gavel), also, Indonesian Sub Wreckage Found In 2,750 Feet Of Water, All Hands Lost
Transterrestrial Musings: A Multi-Cultural Approach To Space, also, You Don’t Say
Victory Girls:  John Kerry – Once A Traitor, Always A Traitor
Volokh Conspiracy: “The Common Objects Of Their Love”
Weasel Zippers: CDC Says Fully Vaccinated People Don’t Need Masks Outside, also, Border Patrol Union Prez – “Nobody Has Done Worse On Border Security Than Biden”
The Federalist: Parents Rebel After Texas’ #1 School System Tries To Institutionalize Racism, also, 50% Of American Voters Think Kamala Harris Is Unqualified To Be President
Mark Steyn: Beyond Politics, also, The Hundred Years Ago Show

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In The Mailbox: 04.27.21

Posted on | April 27, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.27.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Your daily pet hygiene advice.

Bacon Time: Something I Do Now
357 Magnum: Too Little, Too Late – Portland Mayor Wants Order
EBL: Never Forget The Armenian Genocide, also, April Pink Moon Rising
Twitchy: Keith Olbermann Flips Out Over Rose McGowan’s Fox News Appearance
Louder With Crowder: Cop Gives Amazing Response To Moron Asking “Are You Gonna Kill Me Like Ma’Khia Bryant?”
Vox Popoli: The Silence Of The Anklebiters, also, The Shilling Of Superstonk
Gab News: Facebook Deletes 120,000-Member Group Where People Posted Stories Of Alleged Adverse Vaccine Reactions

Adam Piggott: France Vs. ANZACs
American Conservative: Polyamory’s Bourgeois War On Normality
American Greatness: Kerry Tipped Off Iran About Covert Israeli Ops In Syria, also, The New Anti-Racism Is The Old Racism
American Power: Alan Dershowitz, Case Against The New Censorship
American Thinker: Bush Republicanism Must Go Away, also, How To Starve Big Tech
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Was Jaime Cardinal Ortega An Agent Of Castro’s Interior Ministry?
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For April 23, also, NC Lieutenant Governor Isn’t Having Any Of This Voter Suppression Nonsense
Behind The Black: Bill Nelson Now An Advocate Of Private Commercial Space? also, Red China, Russia Sign Agreement To Build Moon Base
Cafe Hayek: The Age Profile Of COVID’s Victims Is Indeed Relevant
CDR Salamander: The Lessons Of Service Squadron 10 On Midrats, also, The Spy In Your Pocket
Da Tech Guy: To Reign, Divide – This Is The Goal Of Critical Race Theory, also, Race, Race, & More Race To The Bottom Under The Fedora
Don Surber: Why The Oscars Lost Half Their Audience
First Street Journal: The Lexington Herald-Leader Finally Publishes A Picture Of A Criminal Suspect, also, The Credentialed Media Are The Ones Telling Us Black Lives Don’t Matter
The Geller Report: German-Egyptian Scholar Says Arabs Enslaved Africans More Than Anyone Else, also, Hollywood Elite Turns Oscars Into Far-Left Hate Rally Against Cops
Hogewash: An Interesting Connection, The Return Of Johnny Atsign, and Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day 
Hollywood In Toto: Mortal Kombat Delivers Exactly What Gamers Want, also, Pandemic Oscars – One Big Yawn
The Lid: Woke Levi Strauss CEO Condemns Georgia Voter Law But Can’t Explain Why It’s Racist
Legal Insurrection: UC Berkeley Seeks Employee To Run “Climate Healing Circles” With “BIPOC” Activists, also, Howard U Students Protest Cutting Of Classics Department
Nebraska Energy Observer: Random Observations, also, Happy ANZAC Day!
Outkick: 24-Year LAPD Vet Deon Joseph Asks For Meeting With LeBron James, also, Newspaper Leads With COVID Fear Porn About UFC Event
Power Line: Joe Biden’s Anti-American Foreign Policy, also, The Friends Of John Kerry
Shark Tank: FL Redistricting Will Help GOP, But Not Much
Shot In The Dark: Pondering, also, A Little Concerning
STUMP: Weekend Videos
The Political Hat: Woke Political Propaganda In Santa Clara
This Ain’t Hell: Six More Return, also, Why Look For Work When Uncle Sam Pays Me Not To Work?
Transterrestrial Musings: Connecting The Dots, also, NASA’s Starship Award
Victory Girls: Salon Strikes Again
Volokh Conspiracy: A Sanctuary State Of The Right
Weasel Zippers: Meanwhile In Miami, also, When Kamala Asked Why She’s Not Going To The Border She Says “I’m Not Going To Play Political Games” 
The Federalist: Increasingly Woke Oscars Hit All-Time Ratings Low, Lose Half Of Last Year’s Audience, also, Top Ten Sickening Details About How Federal Emplyees Trafficked In Baby Body Parts
Mark Steyn: Gentlemen & Bicyclists, also, Spectre

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