The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 10.08.20

Posted on | October 9, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.08.20

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Red Pilled Jew: Wednesday Whittle
357 Magnum: The Greatest American Hero Of WW1
EBL: New Debate Rules – Biden Stays In The Basement
Twitchy: Reality Checks Trip Up Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s Attempt To Tie Trump To Thwarted Whitmer Kidnap Plot
Louder With Crowder: Idiot Actor Mark Ruffalo Accuses VP Pence Of “White Male Supremacy” For Debating Kamala Harris
Vox Popoli: Bye, Gamma, also, World War P Continues

American Conservative: The Coming Conservative Counterrevolution?
American Greatness: Trump Refuses To Do Virtual Town Hall – “They’re Trying To Protect Biden”
American Power: Viral Ocean Spray “Dreams” Star Nathan Apodaca
American Thinker: When Fear Rules, also, The Left’s “Mostly Peaceful” Revolution/Coup
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Court Packing News
Babalu Blog: The Failures Of Socialism Offer Lessons To Latin America – Will They Learn?
BattleSwarm: King Abbott Deems Some Of His Subjects May Be Allowed To Quaff A Flagon Of Ale…
Cafe Hayek: Quotation Of The Day
CDR Salamander: Not Our War, Not Our Problem, also, Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: Governments Cannot Eliminate Risk Without Eliminating Freedom
Don Surber: 56% Say We Are Better Off Now Than Four Years Ago, also, Andrea Mitchell Redefines Stupid
First Street Journal: Andy Beshear’s Toothless Order
The Geller Report: Joe Biden is The Subject Of Federal Criminal Investigations Into His Role In Spygate And Activities In Ukraine, also, Catholic League Decries Gov. Cuomo’s “Tyrannical Edict” Targeting Jews
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, My Take On The VP Debate
Hollywood In Toto: Kerry Washington Claims Blacks Seduced By Conservatism To Oppose Gay Marriage, also, Why Bill Murray Makes On The Rocks Tolerable
JustOneMinute: Who Won & Who Cares?
The Lid: 2020 VP Debate – Lies, Headshakes, & An Arrogant Smirk
Legal Insurrection: Biden – “Voters Will Know My Opinion On Court Packing When The Election’s Over”, also,  Dishonest Kamala Lied About Abe Lincoln
Power Line: It’s Easier Being A Bin Laden Than A Conservative, also,  Turn This Page
Shark Tank: Loomer Disgusted Over Rehiring Of Holocaust-Denying Principal
Shot In The Dark: “Mitch, What Does Urban Progressive Privilege Look Like?”
The Political Hat: Systemic Madness
This Ain’t Hell: California Trucking School Owner Jailed For His Part In $4.1 Million GI Bill Scam, also, Mitigating The Red China Threat
Victory Girls: Whitmer, Tlaib Blame Trump For Thwarted Kidnap Plot
Volokh Conspiracy: Understanding Gov. Cuomo’s Antisemitism
Weasel Zippers: MI “Republican Militia” Planned To Kidnap Gov. Whitmer, But Organizer’s Facebook Videos Tell A Different Story, also,  Rioters In Wauwatosa Attacked Homes, Cars, &
The Federalist: FBI Is Stonewalling Congressional Oversight On Hunter Biden, also, Poorly Catechized Catholics Complain About Amy Coney Barrett’s Authentic Catholicism
Mark Steyn: MAGAdittoes!

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An Important Anniversary

Posted on | October 8, 2020 | 3 Comments

On this date — Oct. 8 — four years ago, in wake of the Access Hollywood tape release (“grab ’em by the p***y”), I pronounced this an “unrecoverable error.” The election was effectively over, and there was no way that Donald Trump could be elected president.

Never have I been so confident of any prediction, and never have I been so happy to be proven wrong. Just when you think all is lost, in other words, you have to realize there is always hope.

This is important to remember, at a time when the Real Clear Politics average of national polls show Joe Biden nearly 10 points ahead. This engenders feeling of utter hopelessness — are Americans really stupid enough to elect that doddering old fraud? — but I think back to how certain I was four years ago that Trump would lose, and I feel better.


The Idiot Caucus Weighs In

Posted on | October 8, 2020 | Comments Off on The Idiot Caucus Weighs In


Say hello to Adam Fox, who was busted by the feds as part of a terrorist conspiracy.  Is that the face of an intelligent constitutional scholar? Does this man look like an argument for racial superiority? The dude was homeless, living in the basement of a vacuum cleaner shop.

Terrorism is bad. How many different ways do I need to say this? It’s like telling kids, “Hey, stay away from heroin. It’s addictive.” But the members of the Idiot Caucus never seem to learn:

Agents foiled a stunning plot to kidnap Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, authorities said Thursday in announcing charges in an alleged scheme that involved months of planning and even rehearsals to snatch Whitmer at her vacation home.
Six men were charged in federal court, while seven others accused of trying to target police and the state Capitol were charged in state court.
“All of us in Michigan can disagree about politics, but those disagreements should never, ever amount to violence. Violence has been prevented today,” Detroit U.S. Attorney Matthew Schneider told reporters.
The six men charged in federal court plotted for months, consulting and training with members of a group that federal authorities described as a militia, and undertaking rehearsals in August and September, according to an FBI affidavit.
Four planned to meet Wednesday to “make a payment on explosives and exchange tactical gear,” the FBI said in the court filing.
The FBI quoted one of the accused as saying Whitmer “has no checks and balances at all. She has uncontrolled power right now. All good things must come to an end.”
The six men charged in federal court were arrested Wednesday night and face up to life in prison if convicted. They were due in court Thursday. Andrew Birge, the U.S. attorney in western Michigan, called them “violent extremists.”
Whitmer has been praised but also deeply criticized for the state’s response to the coronavirus. She put major restrictions on personal movement throughout the state and on the economy, although many of those limits have been lifted. The Michigan Supreme Court last week said a 1945 law used as the foundation for many of the governor’s orders is unconstitutional.
The government said the plot against Whitmer was stopped with the work of undercover agents and informants.
Through electronic communications, two of the alleged conspirators “agreed to unite others in their cause and take violent action against multiple state governments that they believe are violating the U.S. Constitution,” the FBI said.
The criminal complaint identified the six as Adam Fox, Ty Garbin, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris, Brandon Caserta, all of Michigan, and Barry Croft of Delaware.
Fox said he needed 200 men to storm the Capitol building in Lansing and take hostages, including the governor, according to the FBI. He said he wanted to try Whitmer for “treason” and would execute the plan before the Nov. 3 election, the government said. The group later shifted to targeting the governor’s vacation home, the FBI said.
The government said the scheme appeared to have roots in a June gathering in Dublin, Ohio, attended by more than a dozen people from several states, including Croft and Fox.
“The group talked about creating a society that followed the U.S. Bill of Rights and where they could be self-sufficient,” the FBI affidavit said. “They discussed different ways of achieving this goal from peaceful endeavors to violent actions. … Several members talked about murdering ‘tyrants’ or ‘taking’ a sitting governor.”

In case any idiots are reading this — taking a break from your “dark web” fantasies of revolution, perhaps — let me explain something that you don’t seem to understand: Not everyone who says he’s your friend is your friend. Guarantee you that this little “cell” was penetrated by undercover FBI men, or else that one of their buddies got busted and became an informant. There is no such thing as a terrorist conspiracy that is not subject to infiltration, especially “right-wing extremists” like this Michigan crew. For decades, the FBI has developed tactics to deal with this kind of threat, so that whenever you see such a “right-wing” attack actually happen, it’s almost always a “lone wolf.”

Any attempt to organize a violent right-wing group larger than two or three people will almost certainly be detected by federal agents. Alas, there is never any shortage of idiots in the world.

Why have I never been a “white supremacist”? Because the kind of white people involved in that stuff are always so inferior.


Pence Trounces Harris in VP Debate; Commission Wants ‘Virtual’ Debate Next?

Posted on | October 8, 2020 | Comments Off on Pence Trounces Harris in VP Debate; Commission Wants ‘Virtual’ Debate Next?


The highlight in Wednesday’s debate, of course, was when a fly landed on Vice President Mike Pence’s head. I had turned the sound down low on my office TV, because I was working on an American Spectator column on a different topic, but I’d occasionally check the Twitter reactions and glance over at the TV, where the closed-caption conveyed the words. So about two-thirds of the way into the event, I looked and saw a dark spot on Pence’s snowy-white hair. “What is that? A fly?”

So it was, and it stayed there about two minutes, during which Pence didn’t even notice it. The man has no flinch reflex. Cool as a cucumber, and he utterly dismantled Kamala:

Mike Pence dominated in that debate. He was calm and cool. Rock-solid. Kamala Harris’s body language and voice reflected her nervousness—a stark contrast to her previous debate performances during the Democratic primary when she was still in the race. But neither her body language, her failure to answer questions, nor her constant reliance on fake stories as lines of attack were the key tell that she lost.
The liberal media conceded Pence’s victory by describing Pence’s debate performance. And their go-to explanation was to attack the vice president by accusing him of “mansplaining.”
“Pence’s mansplaining, interrupting, condescending and general smarminess is at an 11 tonight,” tweeted faux conservative S.E. Cupp of CNN. “No wonder suburban women have left the Republican Party in droves.” . . .
It is demeaning to women everywhere (not just in politics) when every time a man debates a woman he is inevitably accused of “mansplaining.” It sends the message that women aren’t up to the task of debating with men. And to her credit, ABC News correspondent Martha Raddatz disagreed with Stephanopoulos’s assertion that Pence was “mansplaining.”
“When I hear people … talk about mansplaining and talk about these things with Kamala Harris and [say], ‘A man shouldn’t interrupt her and it’s going to look bad,’ Kamala Harris is a vice-presidential candidate. She should be able to stand up for herself,” Raddatz said. “Yes, it’s history-making. Yes, you can talk about her history and who she is and she’s a woman of color there, but a man can interrupt another vice presidential candidate. It is up to that candidate to talk back, to interrupt themselves, or to hold on to that debate in any way they could.”
And the bottom line is that had Kamala Harris won the debate the liberal media wouldn’t be jumping in and accusing Mike Pence of “mansplaining.”

Now, perhaps not coincidentally, Team Biden wants to change the game:

Citing health concerns, the Commission on Presidential Debates on Thursday said that the second debate between President Trump and Joe Biden would be a virtual one, with the candidates in “separate remote locations.” President Trump quickly announced that he was out.
“I heard that the commission a little while ago changed the debate style, and that’s not acceptable to us,” Trump told Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo Thursday morning. “I’m not going to do a virtual debate.”
“I am not going to waste my time on a virtual debate. That’s not what debating is all about, you sit behind a computer and do a debate. That’s ridiculous, they cut you off whenever they want,” he added.
The debate commission sent out a press release Thursday morning announcing the rule change, citing the need to “protect the health and safety of all involved with the second presidential debate” scheduled for October 15.

This is obviously bullshit, intended to protect Biden’s lead in the polls. Even though I don’t for a minute believe that Biden is on pace for a historic landslide — which is what you’d have to believe if you trust the polls — it is clear that this “virtual debate” idea was suggested by Biden’s campaign with the full knowledge that Trump would reject it.

No more debates, no more chances for a disastrous Biden gaffe. In essence, then, the Biden campaign is trying to “freeze” the race, to prevent any further spontaneous events that might change the campaign trajectory which they believe favors their candidate.

Whether there will be any future debates is now in question, but it appears there definitely won’t be one on Oct. 15.


In The Mailbox: 10.07.20 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | October 8, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.07.20 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1132
Red Pilled Jew: Open Letter To The Mayor Of Nashua And NHS Police How Disciples of Antonio Gramsci Subverted America
357 Magnum: Eddie Van Halen, RIP
EBL: VP Debate – Pence & Harris
Twitchy: “Don’t Make Faces” – Megyn Kelly Tells Kamala Harris To “Take It Like A Woman”
Louder With Crowder: Tucker Carlson Unmasks One Of The Biggest Pandemic Hypocrites Out There – Chris Cuomo
Vox Popoli: The NBA Waves The White Flag, also, By & Large, Billionaires Are Bad

Not a Neanderthal catgirl.

Adam Piggott: “All Children Need Their Mother & Their Father”
American Conservative: Amy Barrett’s Husband Is The Real Hero Here
American Greatness: Brennan Personally Briefed Obama On Hillary’s Russia Collusion Op In 2016
American Power: Celebrities Strip Down For Voter Registration Campaign
American Thinker: The Fascist America That Kamala Promises
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Imprisoned Lady In White Hasn’t Seen Her Family In Six Months
BattleSwarm: Cuties Brings Indictments
Cafe Hayek: Adam Smith On Retaliatory Tariffs
CDR Salamander: The Islamic State Was Defeated, Long Live The Islamic State
Da Tech Guy: Clock’s Running Out On Media’s Albert Sidney Johnston Strategy, also, Whose Side Red China Is On In Election 2020 Explained In One Tweet
Don Surber: Ruining Kids To Get Trump
First Street Journal: Philadelphia Tried “Social Justice” Law Enforcement. It Failed Miserably.
The Geller Report: Trump Authorizes Declassification Of All Russia Collusion & Hillary E-Mail Probe Documents, also, Salvini Ally Threatened With Rape After Opposing Italian Mosque
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, What Did The President Know, And When Did He Know It?
Hollywood In Toto: Eddie Van Halen’s Influence & Genius Changed Music & The Possibilities Of Art
JustOneMinute: Debate Night!
The Lid: #BLM Founder Says Biden Part Of The “White Supremacist” System
Legal Insurrection: Jane Fonda Says What Democrats Are Thinking About COVID, also, Over Four Thousand Doctors And Public Health Professionals Sign “Great Barrington Declaration” Urging End To COVID Restrictions
Power Line: Reductio Ad Californium, also, Biden At Gettysburg
Shark Tank: Lt. Gov. Nunez Highlights “33 Conservative Women On The Ballot”
Shot In The Dark: “It’s An Ideology!”
The Political Hat: Neanderthal Girlfriends & Prehistoric Catgirls
This Ain’t Hell: US Troops’ Iraq Drawdown Complete, also, More On LTC Jody
Victory Girls: Pence Slams Harris For Anti-Vax Panic
Volokh Conspiracy: NY Gov Cuomo Announces Jewish Redlining Policy
Weasel Zippers: NBC News’ “Undecided” Voters Previously Featured As Biden Supporters On MSNBC, also, NJ Postal Worker Dumped 1800 Pieces Of Mail (Including Ballots) In Garbage
The Federalist: California Bureaucrats Knock Down Giant Trump Sign On Private Property, also, Flynn Defense Team Moves To Disqualify, Remove Judge Sullivan For Prejudice, Unethical Behavior
Mark Steyn: Renormalizing The Old Normal, also, “The Harris Administration”

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In The Mailbox: 10.07.20 (Afternoon Edition)

Posted on | October 7, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

357 Magnum: On The Arrogance Of WordPress Developers
EBL: John Brennan Deserves To Be In Prison
Twitchy: Democrats & Media Are Due For A Reckoning Over The Russia Collusion Narrative – And Drew Holden’s Just The Man To Deliver It
Louder With Crowder: Michelle Obama Accuses Trump Of Racism For Saying #BLM Is Violent
Vox Popoli: Another Church Damns Itself, also, TOTAL DECLAS

Adam Piggott: Book ReviewBelieve! Real Christianity Taking Christendom Back
American Conservative: What Affirmative Action Should Look Like
American Greatness: Why Doesn’t It Feel Like Biden Is Winning? also, Joe Biden Tells Underage Girls “I Want To See You Dance When You’re Four Years Older”
American Power: Michael Anton, The Stakes
American Thinker: Comey & Mueller Have Massive Clinton Foundation Problems
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily California’s Example News
Babalu Blog: Biden Comes To Miami, Lies About Standing Up To Castro Regime
BattleSwarm: Observations From The San Antonio Gun Show, also, Austin Hires Thief For Library, Shocked He Keeps Stealing
Cafe Hayek: Talking Sense About The Senseless Tyrannical Overreaction To COVID-19
CDR Salamander: The Market Will Tell You What You’re Short Of
Da Tech Guy: The Easy Trump/COVID Piece vs. The Accurate One, also, Tommy’s Meltdown
Don Surber: Dowd Spikes Ball, Which Hits Her In The Face, also, Overtesting & Useless Masks Work In Mysterious Ways
First Street Journal: The Coronavirus College Scam, also, Killadelphia
Fred On Everything: Stephen C. Meyer, Douglas Axe, Chuck Darwin, & Me
The Geller Report: Democrat Party Official Pulls Knife On “Women For Trump” In Portland OR, also, NY Synagogues Attacked After Cuomo & De Blasio Whip Up Jew-Hatred
Hogewash: Named Sources, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Tosh.0 Mocks McCloskeys, Parrots #BLM Talking Points, also, Small Group Squeezes Too Many Genres Into Its Faith-Based Package
JustOneMinute: He’s Back!
The Lid: Creepy Joe BIden Fantasizes About Trump Being Given Coup De Grace On Eve Of Election
Legal Insurrection: Trump Breaks Off Stimulus Negotiations After Pelosi Demands $2.4 Billion In Blue State Pork, also, Chicago’s First October Weekend Body Count – 37 Shot, Five Dead After Deadliest September Since 1993
Michelle Malkin:
The PanAm Post: Ante ONU, Naciones Occidentales Condenan Abusos De DDHH En China, tambien, Juez Hispano Pide Al Supremo Investigar A Pablo Iglesias Por Delitos En “Caso Dina”
Power Line: A Pulitzer Prize That Should Be Revoked, also, Remembering Winston Groom
Shark Tank: Rubio Says Biden Trying To Co-Opt Trump’s Venezuela Strategy
Shot In The Dark: Virtue Confectioning
The Political Hat: Bad Biologist
This Ain’t Hell: Doom On You…Or Something, also, First, It’s Palau
Victory Girls: Cuomo, COVID, And Those Problematic Religious Institutions
Volokh Conspiracy: NY Gov Cuomo – “I’m Going To Say To The Orthodox Community Tomorrow If You Don’t Agree We’ll Have To Close Down Your Religious Institutions”
Weasel Zippers: Biden Thanks Black Women Stocking Grocery Shelves For Making It Possible For Him To Stay Home During Pandemic, also, NYPD Reports “24 Brats” Arrested At Protest In The City
The Federalist: We All Know Why Corporate Media Is Avoiding Hunter Biden’s Corruption, also, Texas Grand Jury Indicts Netflix For Child Porn Depicted In Cuties
Mark Steyn: The St. Louis Blues, also, Energy In The Executive

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What Counts as a ‘Tragedy’?

Posted on | October 7, 2020 | 1 Comment

Did I mention that I’ve been watching a lot of police chase videos lately? It’s my way of relaxing, tuning out for a moment the continuous drumbeat of political “crisis” messages from the media. There is not an actual crisis in America, but ever since Donald Trump was elected, the media have gone into such a complete panic — “Democracy Dies in Darkness”! — as to agitate their audience into a state of helpless fear.

The only way to avoid being sucked into this vortex of madness is to tune out these messages, and focus your mind on something — anything — that will absorb your attention. You need a hobby, something to distract you from the non-stop insanity on cable TV news.

For me, this is police pursuit videos. As I explained in the case of Mitch Taebel, after watching a few hours of these videos on YouTube “you find yourself developing a thorough hatred of these lunatics . . . and find yourself hoping that the driver either dies in a disastrous crash or is shot to death by cops.” Really, these are bad people, and if they die as a consequence of their evil actions? Well, that’s OK with me.

So it was a happy ending in February 2018, when a convicted felon named Billy Frazier decided to run from Douglas County sheriff’s deputies in my hometown of Lithia Springs, Georgia:


Frazier, 30, was doing 69 mph in a 45 mph zone when the deputy first pulled him over. Why did Frazier then try to escape in a high-speed chase? Well, he was on probation, having previously been convicted of possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. Frazier had a stolen pistol in the car, as well as what police called “a large quantity of prescription medications, MDMA (Ecstasy), cocaine and crack cocaine, methamphetamine and marijuana that he intended to distribute.”


In other words, Frazier was a career criminal and drug dealer, and he knew that if cops caught him again, he was going to prison. That’s why he tried to get away and accidentally killed himself in a fiery crash.

So why is that video titled “Georgia police chase ends in tragedy”?

How is it a “tragedy” that a criminal got decapitated by T-boning into a semi trailer rig at high speed? This puzzled me enough that I decided to research the February 2018 incident, which is why I know so much about Frazier’s criminal history. Alas, he was not alone in the car:

A 10-year-old and a man were killed in a car crash that ended a police chase on the evening of February 3.
On Tuesday, Douglas County Sheriff’s officials released details regarding the fatal wreck resulting from a police chase on Thornton Road last Saturday night.
Here is what they say happened:
At 7:45 Saturday evening, Douglas County Sheriff’s deputies noted a gray 2006 Infiniti M35 headed southbound on Thornton Road near Westfork Boulevard doing 69 mph in a 45 mph zone.
The deputy initially pulled the Infiniti over, with both cars pulling into the Quik Trip gas station at the intersection of Thornton and Maxham roads. As the deputy began to get out of his car, the Infiniti sped off, pulling recklessly back onto southbound Thornton Road. The deputy took off in pursuit.
Officials said the pursuit was allowed to continue for about three miles because the Infiniti was driving in a reckless and dangerous manner and because the deputy said the driver was the only person in the car.
The Infiniti continued to weave in and out of traffic on Thornton Road aggressively and at a high rate of speed. After it passed Interstate 20, the Infiniti lost one of its rear wheels.
Officials said the deputy was authorized at that point to use a PIT maneuver to end the pursuit. Before the deputy could do this, however, the Infiniti went through a red light and hit a semi that was crossing the roadway at the intersection of Thornton Road and Riverside Parkway. As it struck the semi, the Infiniti went underneath the semi and caught fire as it came to rest on the other side.
At that point, pursuing deputies realized that there were four other people in the car — all children under the age of 16. The driver, identified as 30-year-old Billy Frazier of Atlanta, and the front seat passenger, 10-year-old Quemontae Frazier, were killed in the wreck. Deputies were able to remove the other three children — ages 6, 5 and 3 — from the burning car and put out the fire. None of the kids were wearing seatbelts.
That is the Douglas County Sheriff’s version of events.
“The car literally went underneath the trailer and then came out the other side,” said Douglas County Sheriff Jesse Hambrick. “It was a very bad accident.”
Frazier was driving on a suspended license and was on active probation at the time of the wreck.

It’s been years since I studied dramatic theory, but as I recall, tragedy was the downfall of a heroic figure as a result of fate. From the standpoint of the Greek classics, then, the basic aspects of the Billy Frazier saga don’t fit the definition. In the vernacular sense, of course, tragedy just means “something bad happened,” and certainly the death of a child is bad.

So the moral of the story, I guess, is that if you’re a convicted felon on probation with illegal drugs and a stolen handgun in your car, you should probably avoid speeding in Douglas County if you’ve also got four kids in the car, including a 3-year-old, not wearing seat belts.

A grim tale? Yes, but less depressing than what’s on cable TV news.


Michelle Obama Race-Shames America

Posted on | October 6, 2020 | 1 Comment


This video from Michelle Obama26 minutes long — is so crammed full of nonsense that it’s difficult to know where to begin debunking it.

She begins by declaring that “our country is in chaos” because of President Trump, and the only way “to regain any kind of stability” is, of course, to vote Democrat. Who caused the “chaos”? Could it be the people who invented a phony “Russian collusion” scandal? Could it be the Democrats in Congress who tried to impeach the president in February? Could it be the Democrat mobs rioting in the streets of major cities?


No, no, no, says Mrs. Obama: The problem is you, cracker.

White people are racist, and that’s why Donald Trump is president.

Everything is whitey’s fault, see? Unless you vote Democrat.

Vote Democrat, and all your sins are forgiven. That’s the Gospel of Michelle Obama. She praises Joe Biden as “a trustworthy, honest, stable leader . . . a leader who has the character and the experience to put an end to this chaos . . . the kind of leader our nation deserves.” Well, yes, if we’re foolish enough to elect that doddering old fraud, we deserve him.

Michelle Obama’s political belief system can be summarized as a simple formula: Democrats, good; Republicans, racist.

And that’s really what her video is all about. Except that she blabbers on rather emotionally for 26 minutes on this theme:

Former First Lady Michelle Obama claimed in a Joe Biden campaign video released Tuesday that protests across the U.S. are largely peaceful and “only a tiny fraction of demonstrations have had any violence at all.”
Obama says to differ with that conclusion is “racist.”
“It’s true,” Obama said about the protests. “Research backs it up. Only a tiny fraction of demonstrations have had any violence at all. So what the president is doing is once again patently false, it’s morally wrong, and yes, it is racist.”
Obama suggested that Trump is only using his emphasis on law and order as a diversion to “distract from his breathtaking failures” and to scapegoat racial minorities.
“They’re stoking fears about black and brown Americans, lying about how minorities will destroy the suburbs, whipping up violence and intimidation and they’re pinning it all on what’s been an overwhelmingly peaceful movement for racial solidarity,” she said.


“Overwhelmingly peaceful,” except for all the vandalism, arson and looting. “Overwhelmingly peaceful,” except for the crime wave caused by the “movement for racial solidarity” that murders police officers, assassinates opponents, and demands police departments be “defunded.”

Cook County, Illinois — Chicago, Obama’s hometown — “has recorded more homicides this year than in all of 2019, the majority of which — 95% — were people of color.” Perhaps Michelle Obama could explain to us why those murders are the fault of Trump-supporting white racists.


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