The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox 09.15.20 (Afternoon Edition)

Posted on | September 15, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Due to illness and travel this past weekend, this coming Rule 5 Sunday will be a fully loaded Double Scoop Special.
There won’t be a catch-up FMJRA. Sorry.

Red Pilled Jew: A Petition For Fair & Verifiable Elections
357 Magnum: Climate Change? Try Environmental Insanity
Bacon Time: Wanna See My Big One?
EBL: #BLM Starts Riots In Lancaster PA Over Officer-Involved Shooting
Twitchy: Vox Attacks Ludwig Van’s Glorious Fifth, Demonstrating Their Complete Lack Of Yarbles*
Louder With Crowder: BLM Rioter Attacks Police Car, Gets Tossed Like Noodle Salad
Vox Popoli: Learn To Spot The Lie, also, Facebook Is Color Revolution Confirmed

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – The Mystery Edition
American Conservative: In Turkey, Even Dead Christians Aren’t Safe
American Greatness: The Great & Powerful Biden
American Power: California Is Toast
American Thinker: How Cultural Marxism Is Grinding Christianity Down, also, How Detroit’s Police Chief Saved His City From #BLM
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Joe Biden Looks The Other Way, Ignores Racism Of Cuba’s Socialist Regime
BattleSwarm: Image Search At The Ministry Of Truth, also, BidenWatch For September 14
Cafe Hayek: Heaven Protect Us From The Muscular
CDR Salamander: Shipyards & The Maritime Industrial Base, also, Keeping An Eye On The Long Game, Part LXXXVI
Da Tech Guy: Quick Under The Fedora Thoughts, also, Update On The Continuing Illinois Exodus
Don Surber: How Trump Brought Peace, also, Taking Back The House With A Glock & Stilettos
First Street Journal: ME Public School Teacher Uses Class For Blatantly Political Message, School Says Reaction Is Unfair
The Geller Report: Massive Latinos For Trump Caravan In Miami – Media Blackout, also, Portland Jail Releases Arsonist Who Set Fire With Molotov Cocktail – He Sets Six More
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, NGC 1805
Hollywood In Toto: Broken Hearts Gallery Proves Rom-Coms Aren’t Dead Yet, also, MovieMaker Says The Quiet Part Out Loud About Cuties
JustOneMinute: Kind Of A Big Deal – One
The Lid: The Oslo Accords – A Peace Deal That Never Was, also, Slow Joe Forgets Norks Have Nukes
Legal Insurrection: Two LA County Deputies Shot, #BLM Chants “We Hope They Die” Outside Hospital, also, Mike Bloomberg Wants To Buy Florida For Biden For $100 Million
Michelle Malkin: Americans Against Unconstitutional Mask Mandates
The PanAm Post: Why Are The Traditional Political Class & Mainstream Media Attacking Trump?
Power Line: A City In Decline, also, Fire Fanaticism
Shark Tank: Cammack Scores Trump Endorsement In FL-3, Democrat Opponent Calls Her A Liar
Shot In The Dark: Exuberance, Rational Or Otherwise
STUMP: Mortality With Meep – Were COVID-19 Deaths Grossly Overcounted?
The Political Hat: RIP Henry G. Stern, also, Not The People’s Revolution Against The State, But The State’s Revolution Against The People
This Ain’t Hell: Trump Presents SGM Thomas Payne With His Medal Of Honor, also, Coup Porn
Victory Girls: Pence Dumps QAnon Fundraiser Hosts
Volokh Conspiracy: Federal Court Finds PA’s Shutdown Order Unconstitutional
Weasel Zippers: Pelosi Says Trump’s Peace Deals Are Just “Distractions” From Coronavirus, also, Data Reveals Where Majority Of Biden’s Donations Came From, And It’s Bad News For Dems
The Federalist: Michelle Obama Is Complicit In Netflix Child Porn Film Cuties, also, Fauci Spills The Beans – A Vaccine Won’t End COVID-19 Restrictions
Mark Steyn: The Eyes Of Orson Welles, also, Body & Soul

*Not the original post title. Unfortunately.

Amazon Warehouse Deals

Sorority Sister Turned BLM Radical? Kappa Delta Arrested in Lancaster Riot

Posted on | September 15, 2020 | 5 Comments


During the anti-police riots Sunday in Lancaster, Pennsylvania (“Cop Shoots Knife-Wielding Maniac, Lancaster Riots After BLM Lies”), police arrested eight people, including Kathryn Patterson, 20, who was “charged with felony arson, felony vandalism, felony riot, failure to disperse and other protest-related charges.” It turns out that Patterson is a junior at Franklin and Marshall College, a private liberal arts college in Lancaster where the annual cost of attendance is $75,801, including room and board. She’s also a Kappa Delta sorority member and an “ally” (whatever that means) of the college Black Student Union:

On Sunday 09/13/2020 Lancaster PD shot and killed Ricardo Munoz. During the protest that evening Lancaster PD detained Kathryn Patterson. Kat is a student at Franklin and Marshall College where she is an ally of BSU, a medic for Green Dreamz and a member of Kappa Delta Sorority.
Kat was providing medical attention to injured demonstrators and has now been wrongfully accused of crimes she could not possibly commit.
We as members of the Black Student Union and Kappa Delta Sorority, have created this fund to raise money for Kat’s bail and any legal fees that she may have incurred while being wrongfully detained.

The Kappa Delta chapter page says this:

Monday morning, our Eta Lambda sister Kat Patterson was protesting the wrongful murder of Ricardo Munoz in downtown Lancaster. Kat was working as a medic to help protestors, and was wrongfully arrested on excessive charges. The Black Student Union of Franklin & Marshall College has set up a Go Fund Me page that will go solely to Kat’s bail.

The idea that a Kappa Delta sorority girl at a pricey liberal-arts college would be running around with BLM and Antifa, rioting because cops shot a knife-wielding lunatic, rather boggles my mind. Just last week, Kat Patterson was profiled on her sorority’s Instagram page:

I decided to join KD because I wanted to surround myself with strong, passionate, like-minded women. Not only have I met some of the most supportive and intelligent people in my life, but I have also had the opportunity to grow exponentially as a person because of what KD has pushed me to accomplish. Every day, the women in KD inspire me to pursue my dreams and change the world, and I love them for that.

Kappa Delta: “Pursue your dreams! Change the world! Go to prison!”

UPDATE: According to police, Patterson is currently being “held at Lancaster County Prison in lieu of $1,000,000 bail.” This tactic of imposing a million-dollar bail was credited with preventing a repeat of the riot Monday night — this ain’t Portland, where they turn the rioters loose as soon as they get arrested. Of course, once they go in front of a judge, their lawyers will get their bail reduced, but at least they’ll spend a couple of nights in jail. Oh, by the way, here’s her mug shot:


Photographing a sorority girl without her makeup — what a crime!

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers! Our favorite Kappa Delta sister and most of her Communist comrades were released from jail Thursday after the judge reduced their bail. Lesson learned?


Biden Voter Enacts Democrat Agenda

Posted on | September 15, 2020 | 2 Comments


Defund the police because “social justice”:

A gunman killed two people and wounded three others in a series of shootings and carjackings that ended with a high-speed chase as he fled police. He ultimately wrecked the car he stole and killed himself, while his remaining hostage survived, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation said.
The string of crimes began Sunday morning along Interstate 24 near Beechgrove when Dangelo Dorsey, 29, opened fire inside a moving vehicle, killing one person and wounding another, TBI Director David Rausch said in a news release.
Dorsey, of St. Louis, Missouri, got out of the vehicle as traffic came to a halt on the interstate, shooting a driver in the hand as he attempted to carjack her vehicle, and shooting a nearby truck driver in the face, Rausch said.
Dorsey then carjacked a man and woman, forcing them to drive him to their home in Morrison, Rausch said. While there, Dorsey allegedly stole two of their guns, swapped vehicles and forced the man and woman to go with him.
At some point, authorities said, Dorsey fatally shot the man and forced his body out of the vehicle along I-24 near Manchester, then drove off with the woman still inside the car.
Officials then located the SUV and a chase ensued, reaching speeds over 100 mph (161 kph). The SUV crashed and flipped, Rausch said.
“At that point, Dorsey took his own life,” Rausch stated. “The female hostage was safely recovered.”

Murder, carjacking, kidnapping — that’s what Democrats want. That’s their policy platform in a nutshell. Criminals support Joe Biden.


Cop Shoots Knife-Wielding Maniac, Lancaster Riots After BLM Lies

Posted on | September 14, 2020 | 4 Comments


Riots erupted in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, after #BlackLivesMatter activists lied about the police shooting of a criminal. Officials released police bodycam video that shows Ricardo Miguel Munoz, 27, charging a cop with a knife. Munoz had recently been released from prison on an aggravated assault charge for a 2019 incident in which he stabbed four people. Police were called to the scene for a domestic disturbance where Munoz was reportedly threatening his mother. As soon as the first cop arrived on the scene, Munoz came charging out of the house with a large knife. The officer retreated before firing his weapon. From the time Munoz came out the door until the officer shot, only four seconds elapsed. Clearly this shooting was justified. Watch the video:


Why would people protest such an incident? Because they’re Democrats — stupid ehough to believe BLM’s deliberate lies.

Democrats love criminals. Democrats hate police. The riot in Lancaster was, to all intents and purposes, a Joe Biden campaign rally.

UPDATE: This is from the front page of the local newspaper:


“Shooting Rouses City,” as if the entire city was part of the anarchist mob that rioted. Because they’re pro-knife-wielding maniac?


The Death of ‘Quono’

Posted on | September 13, 2020 | Comments Off on The Death of ‘Quono’


Say hello to Aquoness “Quono” Cathery, who was an “aspiring rapper” according to an obituary in the Revolutionary Communist Party press. Basically every time cops shoot a criminal, the Commies confer sainthood on the departed hoodlum, and this was the case with Quono:

Aquoness Cathery was murdered by the police on Wednesday, November 29 [2017], on the South Side of Chicago. He was 24 years old and the father of a young daughter. He was known as “Quono” and was an aspiring rapper. The pigs responded to a “shots fired” call and claimed Quono had a gun, which they don’t even claim he fired. Multiple witnesses, including family members, say he was shot in the back while he was running away. . . .
Like too many young people born with darker skin are treated in this country, Quono’s humanity meant nothing to the system that kills people like him every day and lets its murderous cops walk free.

You must believe in extraordinary malice by the “pigs,” or perhaps unusual coincidence, that when there was a 911 call for “shots fired” in this neighborhood, police found themselves chasing Quono. Did the cops just randomly decide this “aspiring rapper” was their suspect?

Here is the police officer’s bodycam of the incident:


Apologies for the poor quality of that video, what with the running and everything, but here’s a still shot at the 15-second mark:


That’s a 9mm Glock in his right hand — or at least, that’s what the police said, whereas his mother filed a lawsuit against the city saying her son didn’t even have a pistol, and claiming the cops planted the gun found at the scene where “Quono” was shot by the cop.

Far be it from me to pass judgment, but you see that if this wrongful death lawsuit ever makes it to trial, the jury will be required to wonder why the cop was chasing Quono in the first place. After all, if the cops are responding to a 911 call of “shots fired,” why would they be chasing an unarmed man? And if Aquoness Cathery had nothing to do with the reported shooting, why would he be running from the cops?

Oh, but I guess I forgot to tell you this part of the story:

Court records show that in the six years before his death, Cathery was arrested several times, mostly on charges related to guns and drugs. In 2014, he was sentenced to 3 1/2 years in prison after he was charged with aggravated unlawful use of a weapon and being a felon in possession of a firearm.

So from the time he was old enough to be charged as an adult, Quono was more or less a full-time felon — a gangbanging dope dealer — and at the time of his 2017 death, he’d just finished a prison sentence for gun-related crimes. Are we supposed to believe it was a coincidence Quono was in the vicinity when this “shots fired” report was called into 911?

As might be expected, after the George Floyd case revived the Black Lives Matter movement this summer, Quono’s mother was a speaker at a rally that “highlighted patterns of ‘systemic racism’ by many members of the law enforcement community against Black and Hispanic minorities.”

Oh, the cop who shot Quono? Officer Julio Garcia.

Tell me more about this “systemic racism” in Chicago, please.


Armed and Dangerous

Posted on | September 13, 2020 | 1 Comment


Say hello to Antonio Davis. In September 2017, he was a fugitive when he was shot by police in Spokane, Washington:

Police have identified and arrested a man who fled from a car early Monday after the car’s driver was shot and wounded by law enforcement.
Jake Torlone, 29, was wanted on a warrant from Reno, Nevada. He was located and booked into the Spokane County Jail on Tuesday.
Driver Antonio Davis, 25, was wanted on warrants from Reno for felony possession of a firearm, discharging a firearm into a vehicle and assault with bodily harm. The Washington State Patrol said Wednesday that Davis is also a suspect in a Reno homicide.
Spokane police had received a notification from Reno police indicating that Davis may be living or visiting the Spokane area and warned that he should be considered armed and dangerous, according to the WSP.
Officers Chris McMurtrey and Tucker Seitz spotted Davis driving in north Spokane around 2:30 a.m. Monday and attempted to pull him over. Davis fled, but crashed his car on Sinto Avenue just west of Monroe. Court documents released Tuesday indicate that one of the two officers fired at Davis after he turned toward them after trying and failing to climb over a fence. The documents do not indicate which officer fired.
Davis was wounded in the arm and was treated at a local hospital before being booked into jail on suspicion of unlawful possession of a firearm and attempting to elude police. His bond has been set at $75,000.
Investigators found a handgun and ammunition inside a driver’s side door pocket in Davis’ car and another handgun was found in a nearby alley where Torlone had been last seen.

Here is the video of that shooting incident:


One might think that Davis, having skipped out of Reno and then fled police as a fugitive in Spokane, would have spent some time in the Washington State prison system, but it seems that officials there instead returned him to Nevada, where he was arrested in June 2018:

A man sought after skipping a court hearing Tuesday has surrendered after a brief standoff in Reno.
25-year-old Antonio Davis was seen the afternoon of June 6, 2018, in the area of Oddie and Montello by a Washoe County Sheriff’s deputy. Davis was in a car with another man, Terrell Lopp, who then led the deputy on a short car chase through town, according to investigators.
The chase ended near an apartment at 6th and Spokane in Reno, where the car stalled. Lopp was arrested shortly after that, but Davis, who was armed, broke into the apartment, leading Reno Police and Sheriff’s deputies to negotiate for his surrender. He walked out and was taken into custody about an hour after the standoff began. He does not live in that apartment; nor does anyone he knows. It’s not clear whether anyone was home in the apartment when he broke in, but there were no hostages.
The Washoe County Sheriff’s Office says Davis had run from deputies after failing a mandatory drug test before a scheduled court appearance June 5, and had been on the run since.
Davis was already facing a Reno charge of battery with a deadly weapon; he is now charged with battery by prisoner, resisting a public officer, escape by felony prisoner, driver disobeying a peace officer and parole violation. Lopp is charged with disobeying a peace officer and driving on a revoked license.

Simple question: What does it take to get somebody locked up? A murder suspect flees the state, “armed and dangerous,” runs from the cops, gets shot and arrested, then for some unknown reason is turned loose, so that he can perpetrate still more felonies? Everybody keeps telling me that we’ve got a “mass incarceration” problem in America, but if that is so, why was it so difficult to keep Antonio Davis behind bars?

Well, it’s been more than two years since Antonio Davis made headlines, so I’m assuming he finally went to prison. God knows, if he was still out on the streets, he’d be perpetrating more mayhem.


Biden Voter Update

Posted on | September 12, 2020 | 2 Comments


Two weeks ago, we brought you the story of Jayvon Hatchett, a social-justice activist who had “endorsed the Democratic Party agenda of stabbing white people.” Unfortunately for Mr. Hatchett, Georgia law does not recognize stabbing white people as a civil right, and so they put him in jail, where he continued his social-justice activism:

Nineteen-year-old inmate Jayvon Hatchett, the suspect in a racially-charged stabbing last month, is now the suspect in the brutal beating death of Eddie Nelson Jr., the teen’s cellmate.
On August 25, Hatchett allegedly stabbed a 51-year-old white male in an unprovoked attack at an AutoZone in Columbus, Georgia. Hatchett, who is black, targeted the victim, a store employee, because of his white skin, WRBL reported, telling police he “felt the need to find a white male to kill” after watching videos of “police brutality” on social media.
Eddie Nelson Jr., 39, was pronounced dead early Saturday morning after he was allegedly beaten to death at the Muscogee County Jail by Hatchett. According to WTVM, Nelson had been in jail since August 26, after he was charged with violating probation and failing to register as a sex offender.
“I have a question for the Sheriff. Why?” Nelson’s mother told WLTZ First News. “Why did you put my son and that other man in there together? Why? Can you answer me that? I lost a son because of y’all’s negligence.”
“If this mentally imbalanced individual had been a member of the Ku Klux Klan, they would not have put him in a cell with a black person,” said attorney Craig Jones, who is representing the family, the news station reported.
“If he was a rapist, they wouldn’t have put him in a cell with a woman,” Jones added.

Eddie was a sex offender? Well, this social-justice activism sure does have some ironic consequences: Jayvon, who might have done only a few months behind bars for stabbing a white man — because white lives don’t matter, and who cares about some “mostly peaceful” stabbing? — is now going down for a murder rap that’s likely to keep him off the streets for the next 30 or 40 years. Because he killed a sex offender.

So that makes two fewer Democrats to vote for Biden in November.


Trump Is Right: No, It’s Not Crazy to Suspect Biden Is Being Medicated

Posted on | September 12, 2020 | 1 Comment


Allahpundit mocks this as a sort of new “birtherism,” but what President Trump is saying here is entirely realistic:

President Trump has once again implied that former Vice President Joe Biden used drugs to sharpen his performance during the Democratic primary debates.
“I think there’s probably — possibly — drugs involved,” Trump told Fox News host Jeanine Pirro in an interview airing Saturday night. “That’s what I hear. I mean, there’s possibly drugs. I don’t know how you can go from being so bad where you can’t even get out a sentence …” he trailed off.
The president offered no evidence to support his claims nor did he say what drug he thought Biden was taking, but stated that his theory was based on his own observations.
“I mean, you saw some of those debates with the large number of people on the stage,” Trump added. “He was — I mean, I used to say, ‘How is it possible that he can even go forward?'”
Trump went on to claim Biden only won the Democratic nomination “because Elizabeth Warren didn’t drop out. Had she dropped out, Bernie would have won Super Tuesday, every state and you would have had Bernie instead of Biden.”
Trump first made the allegation during an interview with the Washington Examiner’s Byron York last month, where he called for a mandatory drug testing of both nominees before the first presidential debate Sept. 29.

Now, which specific debate performance is Trump talking about? I think it was the Feb. 25 debate in South Carolina. I remember watching that and wondering, “Why is Biden shouting?” There was this weird intensity and aggressiveness to Biden’s performance, and he was shouting rather than talking. It seemed to me at the time that Biden had been told he had to be “Fighting Joe,” and he seemed very angry about something.

The thought also occurred to me, at the time, that Joe must have changed his pre-debate routine. Like, maybe a couple of double-shot mochas. And while Allah mocks Trump for suggesting that Biden has “gotten hold of some secret ‘Flowers for Algernon’ sauce that turns him from a stammering imbecile into Pericles overnight,” there is nothing secret about the most likely drug involved — Adderall.

Adderall abuse is rather widespread among college kids these days. The notorious “influencer” Caroline Calloway was an Adderall addict. So if the young staffers on Biden’s campaign were looking for a way to get him hyped up for the debates, it’s entirely reasonable to suspect they’d be giving the old man Adderall. Notice how they say Trump “offered no evidence to support” his speculation, but anyone who watched Biden in that South Carolina debate could see a remarkable difference in his performance, so that the “evidence” was right there in plain sight.

As I say, this difference could be explained innocently — a nice afternoon nap, followed by a couple of pre-debate double-shot mochas — but it’s not crazy to suspect Biden was popping Adderall.

Or could it be that Biden resorted to Ed Muskie’s favorite drug? After all, nobody ever proved Big Ed was not addicted to Ibogaine.


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