The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Lauren Martinchek Nails It

Posted on | August 23, 2020 | Comments Off on Lauren Martinchek Nails It

Wow, I was knocked out by this young radical’s take:

Well, it’s official.
Former Vice President Joe Biden has now officially accepted the nomination of the democratic party to be President of the United States.
You would think that after months of preparation knowing that this would happen, I would be beyond the point where it bothers me. But at this moment in time, I’ve begun to realize my frustration doesn’t come from a place of simply being disappointed. Rather, it stems from the fact that democrats have opted to coalesce around a candidate that they did not even like.
This genuinely doesn’t even have to do with Bernie. Of course, there’s a part of me that will never, ever forget the fact that after the tens of thousands of text messages I sent, the money donated, and the time and effort I and millions of other people contributed in order to help organize the Sanders campaign, Barack Obama was waiting for just the right moment to destroy everything that we had built and worked so hard for. On top of it, we’re told to sit down, shut up, be gracious in our “defeat”, and turn that energy towards electing Biden. Of course, there’s a part of me that will never get over the fact that democrats worked harder to stop a campaign that just wanted everyone to have decent wages and healthcare than they ever have to stop Donald Trump or the republican party, and I genuinely have not been the same since I watched it happen. All that being said however, I can’t help wondering about the consequences of doing all this just to effectively anoint a man who they never even had any confidence in to begin with. . . .

Read the whole thing, and keep in mind that the writer is the real deal — a genuine member of the proletariat, small-town white working class — and the bold clarity of her writing is remarkable.

After reading her take on the Biden nomination (via Instapundit), I immediately began researching Ms. Martinchek, including the old essays she wrote in college (she’s a recent graduate of SUNY-Plattsburgh), and also followed her on Twitter. Damn, she hits hard.

Here’s the thing: Ms. Martinchek’s foreboding of doom about the Biden campaign reminds me very much of how I felt about John McCain 12 years ago, or Mitt Romney eight years ago. You say, “But she’s so far left, Stacy. She’s hopeless.” And perhaps so. However, she seems smart enough to perceive certain basic errors of the command economy.

Anybody who hates Andrew Cuomo that much can’t be all bad.


In The Mailbox: 08.21.20

Posted on | August 22, 2020 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Deadlines for the FMJRA and Rule 5 Sunday: tomorrow at noon and midnight, respectively.

357 Magnum: Antifa Vs. People Willing To Fight Back
EBL: The Bidening
Twitchy: It’s Not Just The NYU Quarantine Food That’s Awful
Louder With Crowder: The #BLM Protester Who Attacked The Driver In Portland? They Got Him!
Vox Popoli: Corporations That Can’t Play By The Rules, also, No Worries, It’s All Fine
According To Hoyt: Individual Lives Matter
Monster Hunter Nation: Destroyer Of Worlds Out September 1
Cobb: Economies Of Seduction

Adam Piggott: To The Mountains
American Conservative: President Trump Should Pardon Edward Snowden
American Greatness: Biden Repeats Charlottesville Lie In Divisive, Dishonest Speech, also, Mayor Groot Defends Ban On Protests In Her Neighborhood, Cites “Right To Safety”
American Thinker: Democrats Have Proven They’re Unworthy Of Power, also, Dissecting Obama’s Delusional DNC Speech
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five The More Things Change Friday
Babalu Blog: Ass’t Secretary Of State Kozak – Vacationing In Cuba Funds The Repressive Castro Regime
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For August 21
Cafe Hayek: When Are We Free To Choose?
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Five Under The Fedora Thoughts, also, Da Tech Guy Off Da Radio Podcast
Don Surber: The Smug Left – Why Democrats Don’t Discuss Policy, also, America Needs Another Mount Rushmore Speech
First Street Journal: The Left Sees Landlords As All Being Wealthy
The Geller Report: Seven Year Old Boy Reportedly Attacked BY Biden Supporters For Wearing MAGA Hat, also, President’s Approval Ratings Soar During Bleak DNC
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Themes & Memes
Hollywood In Toto: Unhinged Is The Perfect Movie For Our Disturbed Times
The Lid: Professors Demand End To Standard English
Legal Insurrection: Postmaster General Testimony Punctures Democrat/Media USPS Conspiracy Theories, also, #BLM Mob Terrorizes Portland Residential Areas
Power Line: “Unity” Event Canceled Due To Threats Of Violence, also, Translate This
Shark Tank: Roger Stone Warns Of Extensive Voter Fraud, Praises Laura Loomer
Shot In The Dark: East Side PrideShame
The Political Hat: Fighting Racism In Academia With Witchcraft, also, Equity & Marxism Explained In Cartoon Form
This Ain’t Hell: Retired Army Generals Pen Letter To CJCS Asking Him To Oust Trump, also,  Marine Given Highest Award For Noncombat Valor
Victory Girls: Joe Biden Delivers His Own Eulogy
Volokh Conspiracy: Short Circuit – A Roundup Of Recent Federal Court Decisions
Weasel Zippers: Joe Biden Accused Of Plagiarism (Again), also, As DeBlasio Spends $2 Million On Wife’s Staff, City Plans To Cut First Responders
The Federalist: No Matter How Much The NYT Pimps Polyamory, It’s Not Good For Kids, also, Biden DNC Speech Suffers Low Ratings Even With Americans Trapped At Home
Mark Steyn: On The Road To Oblivion

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Crazy People Are Dangerous

Posted on | August 21, 2020 | 2 Comments


Say hello to Cecilia Fulbright of Waco, Texas:

Waco police arrested a 30-year-old woman Wednesday morning on driving while intoxicated and aggravated assault charges after she chased at least two cars and intentionally crashed into one, later telling police she thought she was chasing a pedophile who had kidnapped a girl, arrest affidavits state.
Officers arrested Cecilia Celeste Fulbright, of Waco, at about 10 a.m., after she crashed into a barrier near the gas pumps at H-E-B on North 19th Street, police reported.
A driver called police at about 9:20 a.m. to report a small red car had chased them on North 19th Street but that they were able to get away, according to the affidavit.
About 20 minutes later, another driver reported the red car was chasing her and that the driver, Fulbright, was yelling at her and rammed her car multiple times before the caller pulled into the H-E-B parking lot on 19th Street, the affidavit states.
“Ms. Fulbright pursued (the driver) through the parking lot striking her again and an uninvolved Dodge Durango before Ms. Fulbright crashed into a cement pylon at the gas pumps,” police reported.
The other driver was uninjured.
When officers arrived, Fulbright was in her car “crying hysterically” and yelling that the other driver “was a pedophile and had kidnapped a girl for human trafficking.” She said she rammed the other car “because she believed she was saving a child” from a pedophile she followed from Speegleville, but her account “did not match the timeline or any facts or evidence,” the affidavit states.
She appeared to be “delusional” and under the influence of drugs, and a breath test showed her blood alcohol content was between 0.21% and 0.217%, more than double the legal limit of 0.08%, according to the affidavit.

OK, that’s crazy enough, but wait — it gets even better!

On Aug. 6, Fulbright sent [her acquaintance Mark] Mueller an “out of the blue” message containing a link to download the Trump 2020 campaign app. Mueller said he subsequently argued with Fulbright about Trump’s political competency and during the argument?, she claimed that Trump was “literally taking down the cabal and the pedophile ring.”
“One by one,” Fulbright wrote to Mueller. “What President has EVEN TALKED ABOUT IT? It’s been going on for centuries.” . . .
Adherents of the QAnon conspiracy theory imagine Trump as a savior figure and often equate criticism of the president with support for pedophilia and infanticide.
Sydney Molina, a former roommate of Fulbright, said that Fulbright “has a history of mental health issues” that have gone untreated. She added that Fulbright’s family was “super huge” into supporting the president and that Fulbright was “feeding off her own family’s crazy Trump love.” At some point in May, Molina claims to have introduced Fulbright to QAnon.
“I was the one who originally sent her stuff, and her boyfriend sent her stuff, kind of like laughing at how ridiculous it is,” Molina said.
But according to Molina, Fulbrigh began to sincerely follow the conspiracy theory.
“I found out later that she was staying up for days reading this stuff,” Molina told RWW. “She was getting more and more caught up in it and delusional.”
By the time of Fulbright’s arrest, Molina said Fulbright “had been on a three-day bender on this QAnon stuff, and the last thing she said to me was that the aliens gave her free power.” Fulbright claimed to Molina that her red 1984 Pontiac Fiero “was powered with free power from the aliens?.”

Pro tip: Don’t send conspiracy-theory stuff to your crazy friends.

By the way, as a strategy to get crazy people to vote Republican, this QAnon thing is genius. I mean, why should the GOP allow Democrats to have a monopoly on the votes of the mentally ill? Feminists believe the patriarchy is oppressing them, so they vote Democrat. How is that less crazy than believing that aliens are powering your Pontiac?


In The Mailbox: 08.20.20

Posted on | August 20, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.20.20

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Red Pilled Jew: Wednesday Whittle
357 Magnum Escape From LA
EBL: Kim Klacik For Congress In MD-7
Twitchy: Even Tom Nichols Thought The “Julia & Andrew Show” Was Cringeworthy
Louder With Crowder: The Portland Man Assaulted By #BLM Is Speaking Out
Vox Popoli: Facebook Sides With The Satanic Pedo Cult, also, Evil In Plain Sight

Adam Piggott: The Not Good Times Brought To You By Team Woman
American Conservative: The Capitalist Class Is Anything But Conservative
American Greatness: TX Gov Abbott Says He’ll Defund Cities That Defund Police, also, New Poll Shows Trump Tied With Biden In Formerly Deep Blue Minnesota
American Thinker: Kamala’s Lies
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Switching Sides News
Babalu Blog: Fidel’s Old Friend Jimmy Carter Sure Seems A Brilliant Judge Of “Character, Decency, Honesty, & Integrity”
BattleSwarm: Austin Police Defunding/Homeless Update
Cafe Hayek: Quotation Of The Day
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday, also, The Army Is Doing The Navy’s Job…Sort Of
Da Tech Guy: Why POTUS’ Fight With Goodyear Matters, also, Everything Fun Has Been Canceled And It’s Getting Everyone Down
Don Surber: Obama Panics
First Street Journal: Not Just No But Hell No!
Fred On Everything:
The Geller Report: Revenge Of A Bitter, Failed Obama, also, Taliban IED Experts Blow Themselves Up In North Afghanistan Mosque
Hogewash: Watching A Supernova Remnant
Hollywood In Toto: Jimmy Fallon’s Re-Education Wraps In Time For Election Day
JustOneMinute: Geez, Trump & The Media
The Lid: DNC Caught Duplicating Livestreams For Harris Speech Applause
Legal Insurrection: Kamala Harris’ Virtual Cheering Section Included Duplicates, also, Goodyear Tire Partially Backs Down, Revises Policy Against “Blue Lives Matter”
Michelle Malkin:
The PanAm Post: Historic U.S.-Taiwan Arms Deal Scares Red China
Power Line: Hatred, Prejudice, & Rage, also, The Great Implosion
Shark Tank: Soros-Linked Everglades Trust Endorsements Prove To Be Kiss Of Death In GOP Primaries
Shot In The Dark: Planned Economy
The Political Hat: Yes, It CAN Happen Here, also, Restorative Justice
This Ain’t Hell: More Toxic Leadership, But This One Got A Star For It, also, Army Investigating Uniformed Soldiers Who Appeared In DNC Roll Call Vote
Victory Girls: Remote Learning Will Fail Our Children
Volokh Conspiracy: Does The Democratic Platform Endorse Court-Packing?
Weasel Zippers: Priceless – Trump Gets DNC Bump, also, #BLM Speaker Declares War On “Filthy, Disgusting Animal Cops”
The Federalist: Four Years Later, Planned Parenthood Whistleblower Still Trapped In Kamala Harris’ Persecution
Mark Steyn: One Mohammed, Two Mohammeds, Three Mohammeds, More, also, I’ll Be At The Beach, Thanks

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New Joe Biden Campaign Ad Released

Posted on | August 20, 2020 | 3 Comments


Oh, wait . . . that’s not the headline?

Netflix accused of promoting pedophilia
with ‘Cuties’ film about children ‘twerking’

Who owns Netflix? Who are the executives at Netflix? Can somebody check and see whether these executives have donated to Democrats? Because I’m pretty sure Republicans are against this slime show:

Netflix recently released the trailer for an upcoming film called Cuties — a French film that hyper-sexualizes 11-year-old girls as they form a twerking dance crew. A petition was kicked off shortly after the trailer was released that has, at the time of this writing, reeled in just shy of 28,000 signatures.
The trailer shows an 11-year-old protagonist grappling with wanting to join a twerking crew while balancing what appears to be a culturally conservative home life. The film seems to depict the protagonist stealing money, sneaking around, and experiencing the faux fame that comes with girls exposing their bodies on social media.
The film was initially released on January 23 at the Sundance Film Festival, competing in the World Cinema Dramatic Competition sector, and winning the Dramatic Jury Award.

Oh, it’s a French film? Of course, “French” and “pedophile” are more or less synonymous. The French can’t imagine why puritanical Americans have a problem with Roman Polanski raping a 13-year-old.

In 1977, a petition was addressed to the French parliament calling for the abrogation of several articles of the age of consent law and the decriminalization of all consensual relations between adults and minors below the age of fifteen (the age of consent in France). A number of French intellectuals — including such prominent names as Louis Aragon, Michel Foucault, Jean-Paul Sartre, Jacques Derrida, Louis Althusser, Roland Barthes, Simone de Beauvoir, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Michel Leiris, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Philippe Sollers, Jacques Rancière, Jean-François Lyotard, Francis Ponge, Bernard Besret and various prominent doctors and psychologists — signed the petition. In 1979 two open letters were published in French newspapers defending individuals arrested under charges of statutory rape, in the context of abolition of age of consent laws.
Michel Foucault argued that children are able to give consent to sexual relations, saying that assuming “that a child is incapable of explaining what happened and was incapable of giving his consent are two abuses that are intolerable, quite unacceptable.”

The age of consent in France is 15, but “French intellectuals” wanted to abolish this law as “quite unacceptable,” quoth Professor Foucault. It is therefore no surprise that this perverse film originated in France, and that it is being promoted by the Democrat operatives at Netflix.


However, Republicans pounced and seized, causing an apology:

Netflix has issued a swift mea culpa after a strong backlash today around the marketing of its forthcoming release Cuties.
The largely well-received French-language pic won the World Cinema Dramatic Directing Award at Sundance this year. It follows Amy, an 11-year-old girl who joins a group of dancers named “The Cuties” at school and rapidly grows aware of her burgeoning femininity — upsetting her mother and her values. The film is rated 82% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes, and critics generally praised it for its handling of sensitive topics.
Netflix recently began promoting the movie ahead of its September 9 release on the platform. However, the accompany artwork has provoked a storm of online criticism, with many saying the poster sexualizes children. . . .
Netflix . . . apologized in a statement to Deadline: “We’re deeply sorry for the inappropriate artwork that we used for Cuties. It was not OK, nor was it representative of this French film which premiered at Sundance. We’ve now updated the pictures and description.”


Notice the spin here: Netflix is OK with 11-year-old French girls shaking their rumps as an expression of “burgeoning femininity” (praised by critics for “its handling of sensitive topics”), but what they apologized for is the “inappropriate artwork” of the preteen rump-shakers. So they’ll stream this perverted freak show to promote the Democratic agenda of prepubescent twerking, but they don’t want to offend anyone with the marketing of the “forthcoming release.” Excuse me while I vomit.

Ace asks the obvious question: “If that art isn’t representative of the film, where did it come from? Is it all just a pure photoshop?”

Oh, I decided to check — Netflix founder and CEO Reed Hastings is indeed a Democratic donor who, among his other contributions, gave $50,000 to the 2016 Hillary Clinton Victory Fund and is now helping Joe Biden, by promoting the 2020 Democrat agenda of sexy 11-year-olds.

“Netflix and ill.”

UPDATE: Ed Driscoll — who has the greatest memory of anyone in the blog racket — reminds us of France’s sordid history of high-culture pedophilia. Gabriel Matzneff was “a French literary darling” who openly boasted of having sex with minors. He wrote books on the subject, went from one 14-year-old girlfriend to another, and found time in between these liasons to have sex with young boys while on “sex tourism” journeys to the Philippines. Then last year one of Matzneff’s ex-girlfriends, Vanessa Springora, published a memoir detailing his abuse of her, and Matzneff was “cancelled,” as they say.

Thanks also to the commenter who called my attention to the 2007 French film Naissance des Pieuvres (“birth of the octopuses,” released as The Water Lilies in English), a creepy lesbian coming-of-age story. The director of that film, Céline Sciamma, is a feminist who evidently seduced the teenage star, Adèle Haenel. It was not until 2014 that Haenel “came out” as a lesbian in an award acceptance speech, thus making public her relationship with Sciamma, who is more than 10 years her senior. Then last year, Haenel accused director Christophe Ruggia of sexually harassing her from the ages of 12 to 15. Ruggia, who directed Haenel in her first film in 2002, was arrested earlier this year.

So apparently it is customary for film directors in France to have sex with the stars of their movies, no matter what age or gender, and I can hardly wait for the stories of behind-the-scene scandals about this new preteen twerking movie. Every adult involved should probably go to jail.


The War Against Judgment

Posted on | August 20, 2020 | 4 Comments


Something that has been turning over in my mind lately is the way some people reject the entire idea of judgment — or, rather, they say they are against judging people. In reality, such people are often extremely judgmental. “Don’t judge me!” they angrily exclaim, but if you pay attention, you’ll notice these people never hesitate to judge you.

What is involved here is a combinary of hypocrisy and projection. The advocates of non-judgmentalism are hypocrites, in that they fail to live up to the standard they so ardently advocate, and at the same time, they project onto others their own particular failings. What they suffer from, really, is a lack of self-awareness that prevents them from being objective about their own attitudes, opinions, beliefs and preferences.

We see this phenomenon everywhere in our society now. Years ago, a pastor pointed out to me a very common trend in bible study classes. People would sit around in a circle, discussing the assigned scriptural text, and typically you’d hear, “Well, what this means to me is . . .” Everyone would then take turns sharing their own personal interpretation of the Bible passage, as if the text had no inherent meaning. That is to say, people want to put their own meaning into the Bible, rather than seeking God’s meaning.

The belief that words in the Bible have no objective meaning — true for everyone, everywhere, at all times, eternally — is part of what has undermined institutional authority in the church. And once this pastor pointed out to me this “what it means to me” intepretation (which was already widespread 30 years ago) as symptomatic of a spiritual disorder, I began to notice similar tendencies in other areas of life. Eventually, after reading Christopher Lasch’s landmark book The Culture of Narcissism, I recognized that what some would call “moral relativism” was a consequence of the Cult of the Self that emerged clearly as a social phenomenon in the 1970s. This was a result, as Lasch said, of the way major institutions of social authority had been discredited by the cultural and political upheavals of the 1960s. By the time President Nixon was hounded out of the White House, a crisis in our system of moral values had been raging for a dozen year, dating back at least as far as the assassination of John F. Kennedy. What had been celebrated as “The American Way of Life” was in tatters, and one symptom of this was the rise of religious cults. Americans in the 1970s embraced a variety of weird beliefs, including imported Eastern religions (Buddhism, Hare Krishna, etc.), revivals of ancient mysticism (Wicca, Kabbalah, astrology, etc.), and newfangled beliefs like Scientology. The suicide cult at Jonestown was just the extreme end of a vast spectrum of kookiness that erupted during that depressing decade. One reaction to this confusion was, obviously, a surge toward conservative Evangelical churches. While liberal “mainstream” denominations (Episcopalians, Methodists, etc.) dwindled, the back-to-the-Bible churches flourished, a trend that reshaped religion in America for decades to come. Yet here we are now . . .

Anyway, I have noticed the “non-judgmental” phenomenon become increasingly incoherent and self-contradictatory. People are using what is transparently a double-standard in declaring their devotion to “social justice” — which, among other things, involves ignoring or defending the faults of designated victim groups — while demanding the abolition of police and releasing criminals from prison. It is obvious that this kind of “social justice” policy will result (and has already resulted) in the deaths of innocent people, including many members of minority communities, and yet the advocates of non-judgmentalism don’t seem to care.

A related issue: “Arguing by exceptions,” as I call it. If you ever try to describe some general rule or principle, or to make some general observation about patterns of human behavior, someone will interrupt to insist on an exception: “Yeah, but what about . . .?”

For example, everybody knows that the Democrats are the Abortion Party. They enthusiastically celebrate the murder of babies, and oppose every restriction on this bloody homicidal practice. Yet as soon as you make this point, someone will surely object, calling attention to some governor or congressman who is a “pro-life” Democrat. As if the existence of this one official (or whatever handful of officials can be called a “pro-life” caucus within the Democratic Party) somehow negates everything in the party’s platform and policies regarding abortion.

It goes on and on, in so many different ways. The erosion of clear standards — the loss of a shared value system — produces confusion, and makes what was once called “common sense” a scarce commodity.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


In The Mailbox: 08.19.20

Posted on | August 20, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1083
357 Magnum: Can A Black Republican Win In Baltimore?
EBL: Anna Paulina Luna Is Running For FL-13
Twitchy: Asked About QAnon, President Trump Says “We’re Saving The World From A Radical Left Philosophy”
Louder With Crowder: The Hodge Twins Pick Apart Joe Biden’s “Interview” With Cardi B
Vox Popoli: As If They Were Ever On Our Side, also, “We Are Saving The World”

Adam Piggott: The Greasy Pole #14 – The Flabby Arms & So Many Morons Episode
American Conservative: How The UAE Found A Friend In Israel
American Greatness: Trump Calls For Goodyear Boycott After Company Bans MAGA Attire While Promoting #BLM
American Thinker: Andrew Cuomo, Serial Killer
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Cuban Police Arrest Dissident’s Mom, Steal Her Belongings & Medicine For Her Cancer-Stricken Son
BattleSwarm: How Democrats Abandoned The Working Class To Embrace The Technocratic Elite
Cafe Hayek: “They Blinded Us From Science”
CDR Salamander: LUSV Is Looking Like A Mating Of Jeffboats & Auxiliary Cruisers
Da Tech Guy: Woke, Woker, & Wokest, also, The Goodyear Disaster
Don Surber: Kasich Hurt Biden, also, How To Attract Women & Minorities – Be Republican
First Street Journal: Philly DA Larry Krasner Has Done What He Set Out To Do
The Geller Report: Goodyear Bans Blue Lives Matter & MAGA Shirts, Approves #BLM & LGBT, also, DNC Hosts Racist Imam Who Advocates For Use Of Female Sex Slaves
Hogewash: The Future In Films, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: No Safe Spaces, Conservative Documentaries Crushing Amazon DVD Sales, also, What Does The Chosen Have Planned For Season 2 And Beyond?
The Lid: Fed-Up Cali Businessman Warns County Of Unrest Over Oppressive Lockdowns, COVID Orders
Legal Insurrection: Oregon Dem Rep Chains Self To Mailbox To Save It From Trump, also, AP Fact-Checks Michelle Obama’s Swipe At Trump
The PanAm Post: Venezuelan Oil Production Drops To Zero
Power Line: More Evidence That Shutdowns Are Useless, also, Walzing With #BLM
Shark Tank: Florida Primary Summary
Shot In The Dark: Karma’s A Mo********er
The Political Hat: Paladins Of Wokeness, also, Explanation Of Racism (Woke Definition)
This Ain’t Hell: Interview With Dan Crenshaw, also, New Tool For Devil Docs
Victory Girls: #BLM Speaker Incited Crowd Before Adam Haner’s Beating
Volokh Conspiracy: The Case For Paying People To Take A Coronavirus Vaccine
Weasel Zippers: 22,000 NYC Workers Face Cuts While De Blasio’s Wife Has Staff Of 14, also, Marine MP Arrested At Portland Riot, Charged With 11 Offenses Including Felony Assault
The Federalist: Goodyear Stock Price Nosedives After Woke Idiocy, also, Twitter Bans Babylon Bee, Claims It Was Innocent Mistake
Mark Steyn: Now Entirely Un-Asterisked! also, Subjugation Over Health

Amazon Warehouse Deals

In The Mailbox: 08.18.20 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | August 19, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.18.20 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

357 Magnum: Bad Guy With A Gun, Good Guy With A Gun
EBL: The Democrat Convention Is Happening
Twitchy: Dana Loesch Lights Up Coward Scott Israel, Who Just Lost His Primary
Louder With Crowder: Because 2020 Isn’t Awful Enough – Lena Dunham Filmed Herself Dancing To Cardi B’s “WAP”
Vox Popoli: Obviously It Works, also, Scalzi Explains The Sad State Of Science Fiction

Adam Piggott: Australia Is The World’s Leader In Being A Nanny State
American Conservative: When Half Of NYC’s Tax Base Leaves & Never Comes Back
American Greatness: The Permanent Coup Plotters Take The Virtual Stage, also, InfoWars Correspondent Millie Weaver Arrested Just Before Releasing ShadowGate Documentary
American Power: Sleepwalking Into Secession
American Thinker: Donald Trump & The Tide Of History
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Urban Flight News
Babalu Blog: Ex-Wife Of Cuban Spy Files Suit Against Wasp Network Producers For Defamation
BattleSwarm: Scenes From The Destruction Of NYC, also, Republican Kim Klacik Slams The Democrats Running Baltimore
Cafe Hayek: Panic Is Imprudent
CDR Salamander: Communism Kills – Estonia Remembers
Da Tech Guy: Statues Of Heroes, also, Another “Beware October” Piece
Don Surber: Trump Navy Will Sink Democrats, also, The Best 100 Days In Stock History
First Street Journal: Democrat Policies Have Enabled The Philadelphia Drug Trade
The Geller Report: Red Chinese Hire Pro-Biden Online Troll Army, also, Jewish Students Forced Out Of USC Student Government For Pro-Israel Views
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Political News
Hollywood In Toto: Comics Suspended By Twitter – Timed To Prevent DNC Jokes? also, Chilling Chaos By The Bay Connects The Progressive Dots In San Francisco
JustOneMinute: Can’t Fight The Establishment
The Lid: Iowa Stste Prof – If You Don’t Support BLM/Abortion/Etc. You’re Out
Legal Insurrection: Fauxcahontas Speaks At DNC Native American Caucus Meeting, also, Does Anybody Really Believe The Trump Vs. USPS Hoax?
Michelle Malkin: Give Them Hugs & Let Them Play
The PanAm Post: The Fearsome Factories Of Single Thought In The West
Power Line: Antifa Is Evil, also, From The Intel Committee Report
Shot In The Dark: Unreported
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday – California Nuts & New York – Whatever We’ve Got
The Political Hat: The Revolution Is Coming From The Inside
This Ain’t Hell: SecDef Eyeing $2.2 Billion Cut To Military Health? also, Another Hard Shutdown Suggested
Victory Girls: Squad Member Ayanna Pressley Applauds Rioting Thugs For “Rising Up”
Volokh Conspiracy: How Many Universities Built COVID Potemkin Villages To Lure Students Back To Campus?
Weasel Zippers: VA State Senator, Public Defender, NAACP Members Charged With Felonies For Taking Down Confederate Monument, also, Black GOP Candidate Shows What Life In Baltimore Is Really Like
The Federalist: Terrorist Fundraiser Linda Sarsour Featured As DNC 2020 Speaker, also, Top DNC Speaker Susan Molinari Made Millions Lobbying For Russia
Mark Steyn: Chicago, also, The Reset Jet Set

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