The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: Waiting For The Electrician, Or Someone Like Him

Posted on | August 16, 2020 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Waiting For The Electrician, Or Someone Like Him

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Sunday: Anna Kendrick
Animal Magnetism
Proof Positive
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach

A Musical Interlude
Bacon Time

The Other Podcast Rides Again!

FMJRA 2.0: Who’s Gonna Drown In Your Blue Sea?
A View From The Beach

The Centurion, Some Collections, & A Fistful Of Manga

Probably Not Trump Voters: 20 Shot When Gunfight Breaks Out at D.C. Party
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach

Probably Not Trump Voters: Looters Smash Stores in Downtown Chicago
357 Magnum
Living In Anglo-America

In The Mailbox: 08.10.20
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Chicago: Crime City, U.S.A.
Dark Brightness
Bacon Time
A View From The Beach

Kamala the Cop Is Biden’s VP Pick

In The Mailbox: 08.11.20
357 Magnum
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

She Ain’t Us’: How the #ADOS Attack Undermines ‘Phony’ Kamala
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 08.12.20
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

New York: ‘I Don’t Want to Leave, But I Don’t Feel Like I Have a Choice Now’
357 Magnum
The Pirate’s Cove
Gregor Mendel Blog

Feminist Marina Watanabe Rejected a Guy and Turned Him Into a Nazi

The Ivy League Is Decadent and Depraved
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 08.13.20
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

Michigan Democrats Nominate Alleged Gay Pedophile for Congress

In The Mailbox: 08.14.20
357 Magnum
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

Top linkers for the week ending August 14:

  1.  EBL (19)
  2.  357 Magnum (9)
  3.  A View From The Beach (7)
  4.  Proof Positive (6)

Thanks to everyone for all the linkagery!

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The ‘Post Office Crisis’ Has Become the New ‘Russian Collusion’ for Democrats

Posted on | August 15, 2020 | Comments Off on The ‘Post Office Crisis’ Has Become the New ‘Russian Collusion’ for Democrats


There is no “crisis.” What there is, apparently, is a paranoid delusion that ORANGE MAN BAD is trying to “steal” the election:

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Democratic leaders are considering cutting short the August recess and bringing the chamber back into session to deal with the unfolding crisis at the U.S. Postal Service, according to Democratic sources.
The House could return to vote with the next two weeks, the Democratic sources suggested. The chamber is currently in recess, with no votes scheduled until the week of Sept. 14.
Pelosi and other top Democrats, including House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.), discussed the possibility of returning early during an emergency leadership call Saturday afternoon.
Democrats are looking to address organizational issues at the Postal Service in the coming weeks, not to provide additional funding at this time, according to sources familiar with the discussion.
One option would be to vote on a modified version of a bill introduced by House Oversight Chair Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) earlier this week that would prohibit USPS from implementing a planned organizational overhaul that critics maintain would handicap mail-in voting.
Other top Democrats also floated addressing other issues, including expired federal unemployment benefits and voting rights. But Democratic sources said the immediate focus — at least for now — is preserving the Postal Service ahead of the election.

(Note the Democrat claim to be “preserving” the Post Office, as if Trump is actually doing something to destroy it. Delusional.)

On Friday, Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) issued a scathing statement accusing President Donald Trump and Republicans of waging an “all-out assault on the Postal Service and its role in ensuring the integrity of the 2020 election.” Their statement came after Trump said he opposes a federal infusion of funds to save the flailing postal service because he doesn’t support mail-in voting.
“The President made plain that he will manipulate the operations of the Post Office to deny eligible voters the ballot in pursuit of his own re-election,” Pelosi and Schumer said. “The President’s own words confirm: he needs to cheat to win.”

The word for this is crazy.

What is being called a “crisis” is, to the extent that it exists at all, caused by the fact that Democrats refused to negotiate a new spending bill. This has resulted in a shortfall of operational funds, because the Postal Service is a money-losing operation that requires taxpayer subsidies. It’s not as if mail isn’t still being delivered, but in the paranoid minds of Democrats, this budget issue (which they in fact caused) has gotten wrapped around their frantic drive for universal mail-in voting which, of course, would mean vote fraud on a massive scale. So when they claim Trump is trying to “cheat,” what Democrats actually mean is that Trump is not cooperating with their scheme to cheat. Anyway . . .

It’s all fake news, another phony “scandal” — Russia! Russia! Russia! — manufactured by Democrats and their media enablers. Keep in mind that the reason Democrats say mail-in voting is necessary is because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Let the reader think about what the scene was like at your local polling place on Election Day 2016. My wife and I voted at an elementary-school gym. The lines weren’t long. It wasn’t crowded. So I could easily see how in-person voting could be conducted with proper “social distancing” measures, even if the pandemic continues to rage unabated for the next 11 weeks. That’s my precinct, in a rural area.

Guess where Democratic voters live? In big cities, run by Democrats, where the lines always stretch around the block on Election Day.

So, yeah, “social distancing” might be problematic for Democratic voters, but guess whose problem that is? Not mine.

Screw you, Nancy. Screw you, Chuck.

You wanted to play games with the spending bill, and this “crisis” is one consequence of your game. Choke on it, losers.


Once More Into the Breach: We Return Again to the Podcast Airwaves

Posted on | August 15, 2020 | Comments Off on Once More Into the Breach: We Return Again to the Podcast Airwaves

At our usual time — 7 p.m. ET — John Hoge and I will be bringing you our weekly rundown of the headlines at The Other Podcast.


If you miss the live show, the Podbeam archive is here.


‘ The Battle for the Survival of the United States of America Is Upon Us’

Posted on | August 15, 2020 | 2 Comments

Let’s face it — Abe Greenwald knows how to start an essay. His opening sentence is a blunt declaration of a startling thesis which, nonetheless, Greenwald is able to sustain by evidence:

The police are indeed being defunded. The statues are coming down. The heretics are being outed. The dissenters are being silenced. The buildings are burning, and the demands are ever growing. . . .
As of this writing, Portland, Oregon, has endured more than two months straight of anarchist violence directed at federal buildings and employees. In other cities—New York, Los Angeles, Richmond, Omaha, and Austin, to name a few—mob violence continues to erupt regularly, always connected to cries for justice and sometimes resulting in death. Accelerating the general dissolution, police forces have been successfully hobbled in response to the killing of George Floyd, and the resulting spike in murder and violent crime shows no sign of abating. All the while, armchair lynch mobs have continued to claim the scalps of those who veer from or merely stumble on the path to social-justice enlightenment. It is the full-time job of any American with a public presence to bow down before the identity cult. Professional athletes have mutated overnight into a congeries of Kaepernicks. As for the public, 62 percent of all Americans, according to a poll by the CATO Institute, now say they’re afraid to voice their political views lest they be punished professionally.
Leading media organizations, as they did from the start, lend their approval to all of it. After months of defending chaos in the streets as “mostly peaceful,” the media elite is openly covering for a movement whose defining features are intimidation and mass violence. And having completed their Internet-assigned reading in black–white relations, a majority of Americans (56 percent, according to a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll) now find the United States guilty as charged of systemic racism. . . .

Keep in mind that this isn’t coming from some fringe right-wing character with a conspiracy theory podcast. Greenwald is executive editor of Commnetary, the leading publication of Jewish conservatism. He is the right-hand man to Jon Podhoretz, whose father was a protégé of Lionel Trilling, who persuaded Norman Podhoretz to take over Commentary after the death of founding editor Elliot Cohen. Given this pedigree — dating back to an era when the magazine sought to save America from Soviet-backed “progressivism” in the person of Henry Wallace — certainly Greenwald must be cognizant of Commentary‘s intellectual seriousness. We must understand that Jon Podhoretz would not permit Greenwald to publish anything that would jeopardize Commentary’s reputation, and if Podhoretz signed off on this column declaring that we are in “the battle for the survival of the United States of America” . . . Well, we are at the last ditch, my friends.

A lot of my conservative friends enjoy sneering at “neocons” (and certainly Commentary can claim to be neoconservativism’s original voice), because of the advocacy of open borders and endless overseas aggression that have in the past been so closely allied with that faction. However, the Trump era has had a clarifying effects that cuts both ways. “Progressives” have dropped their mask, and come out as the destructive radicals they really are, while the fainthearts and phonies in the ranks of conservatism — Rick Wilson, Max Boot, Charlie Sykes, Bill Kristol, et al. — are now openly on the side of the radicals. So very convenient for the friends of America’s enemies to identify themselves.


In The Mailbox: 08.14.20

Posted on | August 15, 2020 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Red Pilled Jew: Texas Boy Once Thought Safe From Forced Transitioning In Danger Again Joe Biden On Gun Control
357 Magnum: Because Keeping Criminals In Jail Is Unfair
EBL: Bill & Ted Face The Music
Twitchy: Director Of Sports Journalism At Northwestern’s Medill School Needs 2A Refresher
Louder With Crowder: #BlackLivesMatter Says They’re Coming For Your Homes Now. How About No?
Vox Popoli: The Sino-Jewish War, also, Score One for The Concerned Consumers
According To Hoyt: Colorado’s Paste-Eating Governor Polis
Director Blue: Six Reasons To Vote Democrat This November

American Conservative: Black Wall Street Was A Model For Building Strong Black Towns
American Greatness: Biden’s Ukraine Problem Isn’t Going Away, also, Trump – Clinesmith Guilty Plea “Just The Beginning”
American Power: Professors Fear COVID-19 As Colleges Reopen
American Thinker: Kamala Has Already Struck Out, also, Democrats Dance With The Devil
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Enthusiasm Gap Friday
Babalu Blog: Cuban-American Yo-Yo Arrested In Cuba For Buying Some Soap
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For August 14
Cafe Hayek: Will The Beirut Boom Cause A Beirut Boom?
CDR Salamander: France Returns Contra Ottoman – I Mean, Turkish Aggression, also, Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Gov. Charlie Baker Is Placing Massachusetts Under Double Secret Probation, also, I Wonder Where The Kids Of Fleeing New Yorkers Will Flee To?
Don Surber: Finally, An Obamagate Scalp, also, Riots Should Re-Elect Trump
First Street Journal: The Elites Do So Despise Populism
The Geller Report: Nevada’s Democrat Governor Fines Church For Holding Service In Open Casino, also, Turkey’s Erdogan Threatens To Suspend Diplomatic Ties With UAE Over Israel Treaty
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, A Basic Principle Of Hiring
Hollywood In Toto: Boys State Shows Perils Of Modern Democracy, also, Joe Rogan Shades “Activist” Alyssa Milano – Her Phone Stopped Ringing
JustOneMinute: It’s Happening!
The Lid: Four Tankers Containing Iranian Oil “Confiscated” By Justice Department
Legal Insurrection: Mika’s Meltdown, also, Former FBI Lawyer Pleads Guilty To Falsifying Carter Page FISA Document
The PanAm Post: Maduro Frontman Tries To Bribe Cape Verde, also, U.S. Sanctions Break Red China/Chavez Company
Power Line: The College Death Spiral, Chapter II, also, Reliance On Wind & Solar Leads To Blackouts
Shark Tank: Annie Marie Delgado Puts Out Misleading “Trump Team 2020” Voter Guide
Shot In The Dark: Convenient Justice
The Political Hat: Revolution By Proxy, also, Joe Friday Predicted CHAZ/CHOD
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, also, A Friendly Gesture Would Be Nice…
Victory Girls: More Nasty Toys – LOL Surprise Dolls
Volokh Conspiracy: 9th Circuit Rules CA Ban On “High Capacity” Magazines Violates Second Amendment
Weasel Zippers: Paterson NJ To Hold “Do-Over” Election Due To Massive Fraud In First Vote, also, Oregon State Cops Leaving Portland Since DA Won’t Prosecute Rioters
The Federalist: Crowd Boos MLS Players Kneeling For National Anthem, also, Austin City Council Defunds Police & 911 While Increasing Taxpayer Funds For Abortion
Mark Steyn: You Say Kamala, I Say Kamala

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Michigan Democrats Nominate Alleged Gay Pedophile for Congress

Posted on | August 14, 2020 | 1 Comment


That headline might be misleading. Jon Hoadley’s homosexuality is not “alleged.” He is definitely gay. It’s the pedophile part of the phrase that is unproven and, I mean, nobody knows if Jon Hoadley lusts for boy flesh. Not for certain, anyway. But I’m sure many Michigan Democrats would trust him to have a sleepover with their boys, because they’re tolerant and progressive like that:

A Michigan lawmaker and rising star in the Democratic Party who is running for Congress in one of the nation’s most contested seats discussed drug use and sex in a now-deleted blog where he also published derogatory comments about women and creepy remarks about children in underwear.

It was just college humor, Democrats say in defense of Hoadley’s blog, in which he referred to women as “breeders” and made comments about 4-year-olds wearing thongs. Not evidence of pedophilia, just “college humor,” and only a right-wing extremist would harbor any suspicions about this “rising star” of the Democratic Party.

Hoadley’s rival in the Democratic primary, Jen Richardson, had some jabs in her concession statement after losing by 3,000 votes:

In her concession statement, she said she would not be issuing an endorsement for Hoadley at this time, saying, “I am also very concerned by the alleged behaviors of Rep. Hoadley exposed yesterday and do not find acceptable the casual dismissal of misogyny, use of meth, and potential pedophilia as “bad poetry.” We must hold our elected officials accountable for their actions and to the highest standards of integrity.”

Nice phrase, “potential pedophilia.” But of course, we don’t actiually know anything about Jon Hoadley’s sexual preferences, except that he is gay — hugely, definitely, proudly and unequivocally gay. Is he also into meth and little boys? We don’t know. “Potentially.”


In The Mailbox: 08.13.20

Posted on | August 13, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.13.20

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Bacon Time: Oddball Record Find Of The Year
Red Pilled Jew: Wednesday Whittle
357 Magnum: Will The Last Person To Leave New York City…
EBL: Trump Helps Israel & UAE On Peace Deal
Twitchy: Clay Travis Triggers Mark Cuban By Noting Fox News Is Crushing NBA In TV Ratings
Louder With Crowder: YouTube Remonetized Our Channel, And The Left Isn’t Happy
Vox Popoli: 1950s America Survives…In Japan, also, This Is What They Really Fear

American Greatness: Biden & Harris Attack Trump With Lies At First Joint Event
American Power: Online Learning Cheats Poor Students
American Thinker: The Tides Foundation & #BLM
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Crazy Eyes News
Babalu Blog: Cuban Farmers Warn UN That Stalinist Holodomor Is Coming To Cuba
BattleSwarm: M1A2C Abrams Hits The Field
Cafe Hayek: Protectionism Is Malignant
Camp of the Saints: The Times They Have Been Changing – #Election2020
CDR Salamander: The Millington Diktat Is Immortal
Da Tech Guy: I Think Jazz Shaw Has Nailed It On Seattle, also, Pro-Forma Policing
Don Surber: National Review Ignores Obama Spying To Take On The Right-Wing Fringe, also, Why Does Government Regulate Showers?
First Street Journal: Philadelphia’s City Council Is Baffled – Why Is Violence On The Rise?
The Geller Report: Mitt Romney Blocking Subpoenas Of Comey & Brennan, also, ME Democrat Sara Gideon Killed Bills Outlawing Female Genital Mutilation
Hogewash: Rehearsing An Asteroid Landing, also, Recycling Campaign Slogans
Hollywood In Toto: Shock! Trevor Noah Mocks Biden For Latest (Racial) Gaffe, also, Late Night Propaganda – Noah, Fallon, & Colbert Hail Harris
The Lid: Retail Chains Abandon Manhattan Because It’s Unsustainable
Legal Insurrection: Biden Calls For Nationwide Mask Mandate, also, Trump Announces Historic Peace Deal Between Israel, UAE
The PanAm Post: UBS Avoids Sanctions, Cuts Ties With Millionaire Chavista Clients, also, Bolivia Investigates Evo Morales’ Affair With A Child
Power Line: Who Killed George Floyd? (Continued), also, Two Cheers For Major League Baseball
Shark Tank: Wassermann Schultz Facing Tough Primary Challenge From The Left
Shot In The Dark: A Commie On The Trail, A Monarchist In The Courtroom
The Political Hat: History As Myth, Narrative As Truth
This Ain’t Hell: Coasties Awarded For Saving Firefighters, also, Queen Approves VC For WW2 Hero
Victory Girls: Sarah Palin, Kamala Harris, & Swagger
Volokh Conspiracy: Yes, Kamala Harris Is Eligible To Be Vice President
Weasel Zippers: Dem Operatives Send Memo To Media – Criticism Of Kamala Is Racist & Sexist, also, PA School District Mandates White Supremacy Lessons For Kindergartners
The Federalist: Churches Aren’t Avoiding Death By Keeping Their Doors Closed, They’re Ensuring It, also, LeBron James, Say Her Name – It’s Agnes Chow
Mark Steyn: Mr. Bean To The Rescue, also, Saying No To The Puppet Show

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The Ivy League Is Decadent and Depraved

Posted on | August 13, 2020 | 1 Comment


“Diversity” is just elite code-speak for quotas:

A two-year long Justice Department investigation has found that Yale University illegally discriminated against Asian American and white applicants in violation of federal civil rights law.
In a letter to the college’s attorneys Thursday, the department said that Yale “rejects scores of Asian American and white applicants each year based on their race, whom it otherwise would admit.”
“Yale’s race discrimination imposes undue and unlawful penalties on racially-disfavored applicants, including in particular Asian American and White applicants,” Assistant Attorney General Eric Dreiband, the head of the department’s civil rights division, wrote.
The investigation found that Asian American and white students have “only one-tenth to one-fourth of the likelihood of admission as African American applicants with comparable academic credentials,” the Justice Department said.
Yale uses race as a factor in multiple steps of its admissions process and also “racially balances its classes,” the department said.

(Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.)

While I haven’t examined the actual data from Yale, when Asian students sued Harvard for discrimination, the material obtained in discovery showed that year after year, black students were 14% of Harvard’s freshman class. Never 11% or 17%, but always exactly 14%. The fact that this number never changed from year to year tells you that Harvard had established a target number — a racial quota, by any other name — and was ignoring every other possible factor in order to meet that target. And what made this so heinous was that (a) Harvard repeatedly denied that any such quota existed and (b) officials did everything in their power to conceal the admissions data which proved they were lying.

The word for this is corruption. It is manifestly dishonest for schools like Harvard and Yale to pretend that admission is based on merit while secretly imposing discriminatory racial quotas. The Ivy League was actually better when it was just a place for the wealthy New England elite to send their children, without any pretension to being an academic meritocracy, falsely claiming to be equally open to all, while in fact secretively engaging in discrimination. But just look at how smugly Yale rationalizes its quota system:

In 2018, in response to the announcement of the investigation, Yale’s president Peter Salovey denied that its admissions process was discriminatory, saying, “Yale College could fill its entire entering class several times over with applicants who reach the 99th percentile in standardized testing and who have perfect high school grade point averages, but we do not base admission on such numbers alone. Rather, we look at the whole person when selecting whom to admit among the many thousands of highly qualified applicants.”

Oh, they “look at the whole person,” by which they mean . . . quotas.

So if you’re 99th percentile and a white boy from West Virginia, Yale is going to “look at the whole person” and say, “Go away, cracker.”

By God, I would never want any of my children to apply to Yale, because I wouldn’t want my kids to be invovled in such a corrupt racket.

Fuck Yale. Fuck Harvard. Fuck the entire “elite” education establishment.


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